AG :: Volume #6

#501: Best quality goods person book!

Good, writes writes!” Lin Muyu light say|way. “好,写就写!”林沐雨淡淡道。 Liu Feng laughs, contemptuous in eye not minces matter, said: Rain Commander as the empire military officer really real personality, is only...... Do you know the god article? Wants Liu to pass to reflect with a god article translation to you?” 柳枫哈哈大笑,眼中的轻蔑毫不掩饰,道:“雨统领身为帝国将领果然真性情,只是……你认识神文吗?要不要柳某人给你拿一本神文翻译通鉴来?” No need.” “不必。” Lin Muyu stands up slowly. 林沐雨缓缓站起身。 At this time, a youth in Zhongwang Residence also stood up, was Qin Jiu, the loyal king's son, after all he was the Qin family, but Lin Muyu was the Qin Jin adopted son, once fought, he stood this side forest Mu Yu on the contrary, Qin Jiu took out a spirit pen, then took out a small wooden box, said: Rain Commander, this is the spirit pens and 22 profound aluminum dusting powder, if you don't mind, lent you to use.” 这时,忠王府的一名青年也站起身来,是秦灸,忠王之子,毕竟他是秦家人,而林沐雨又是秦靳的义子,所以一旦争锋起来,他反倒是站在林沐雨这一边了,秦灸取出一支灵笔,然后又取出一个小木盒,道:“雨统领,这是灵笔和22中品玄银粉,如果不介意的话,就借给你一用了。” Many thanks Qin Jiuxiao Your Highness.” Lin Muyu cup one fist in the other hand smiles. “多谢秦灸小殿下。”林沐雨抱拳一笑。 Feng Ji Xing stares: A'Yu, can you a Heavenly Book quarter article? No...... Do not brace oneself......” 风继行则瞪着眼睛:“阿雨,你会不会天书刻文啊?别……别硬着头皮上啊……” Tang Xiaoxi also dug the small mouth saying: „Hasn't Mu Mu started to study? This...... This must lose mostly!” 唐小汐也撅着小嘴说:“沐沐不是还没开始学习吗?这……这多半是要输啊!” Lin Muyu is grasping spirit pen, fills slowly the profound aluminum dusting powder, then looked at to one crowd of Heavenly Book pavilions scholar, said with a smile: Who has the blank embryo, uses taking advantage of me, but is good?” 林沐雨握着灵笔,将玄银粉缓缓灌进去,然后又看向了一群天书阁的文士,笑道:“谁有空白的器胚,借我用一下,可好?” The people are silent, actually only Liu Residence sits a beautiful young girl nearby Liu Feng stands up, she wears the attractive broken flowers skirt, the whole body youth aura, holds a round sickle that the waist wears in the hand, said with a smile: Rain Commander, this is my personal wearing a sword, is in a handle Pin Qipei, if you do not shut out......” 众人默然,却唯独柳府坐在柳枫一旁的一个美丽少女站起身,她身穿好看的碎花裙子,满身的青春气息,将腰间佩戴的一轮弯刀捧在手里,笑着说道:“雨统领,这是我的贴身佩刀,也算是一柄中品器胚,如果您不嫌弃的话……” Ying!” Some Liu Feng vitalities. “滢儿!”柳枫不禁有些生气。 This young girl is not others, is young lady Liu Ying of Liu Residence, is 18, is long very delicately, at least also nine points of face values, moreover she as if there is favorable impression appearance to forest Mu Yu, a pair of wonderful eye straightly looks at Lin Muyu, full admires, said with a smile: Second Brother, rain Commander defeats the hero of demon clan, has anything taking advantage of his embryo, left is so mean-spirited.” 这少女不是别人,正是柳府的大小姐柳滢,年方18,长得十分清秀,至少也有九分的颜值,而且她似乎对林沐雨非常有好感的样子,一双妙目就那么笔直的看着林沐雨,满满的都是爱慕,笑着说道:“二哥,雨统领可是击败魔族的英雄,借他一把器胚有什么嘛,别那么小气了。” Liu Feng sighed, can"t help it, somewhat speechless, as the saying goes the beautiful woman loved the hero, Liu Ying was young, the nature washed rain type to the forest looks like of outstanding ability uncommon, actually another remarkably cultivated for the youth admired especially. 柳枫叹息一声,禁不住的有些无语,有道是美女爱英雄,柳滢年纪还小,自然对林沐雨这种看起来俊逸不凡,却又一身卓然修为的青年格外爱慕了。 When Liu Ying embrionic sickle will hand in Lin Muyu the hand, said with a smile gracefully: Rain Commander refuels, strives to write Heavenly Book to come, come on!” 当柳滢将器胚弯刀递到林沐雨手中的时候,盈盈一笑道:“雨统领加油哦,争取写出一本天书来,加油!” Many thanks three young ladies.” The forest washes the raindrop to nod. “多谢三小姐。”林沐雨点点头。 ...... …… Not far away, Tang Xiaoxi kneels to sit near table, body week Battle Qi is dense, the light flame lingers around her flame formal clothes long skirt, soon nine changed the bodies, distant looks that Liu Ying to the appearance that forest Mu Yu flirted with the eyes, aerobic, this young seductress! 不远处,唐小汐跪坐在桌案边,身周斗气氤氲,淡淡的火焰萦绕在她火红色的礼服长裙周围,就快要九尾变身了,远远的看着那柳滢对林沐雨眉目传情的样子,好气啊,这个小狐狸精! ...... …… Which Qin Yin also very to goes, the vision has stayed on Liu Ying's body, a pair curved such as month's delicate eyebrows are lightly pressed, equally aerobic, that young seductress, thought to take off the formal clothes to rush to Kings command really to go with her now to fight it out! Nearby, Shangguan Jing moon/month looks clearly, can"t help it, smiles, said in a low voice: Your Highness, you are Monarch of the country, cannot lower oneself to the same level with a young miss, is enduring......” 秦茵也好不到哪儿去,目光一直停留在柳滢的身上,一双弯弯如月的秀眉轻蹙着,一样好气啊,那个小狐狸精,真想现在就脱了礼服冲下王阶去跟她一决胜负啊!一旁,上官静月看得真切,禁不住的一笑,低声道:“殿下,你可是一国之君,不能跟一个小姑娘一般见识哦,忍着点啦……” ...... …… The Heavenly Book pavilion manages affairs, Ji Lin has stood tremblingly, on the face is having the light happy expression, said: Lan who the first emperor confers of rain Commander wild goose four carve Heavenly Book personally, obsolete from, when lifts for rain Commander personally.” 天书阁掌事,姬林颤巍巍的站了起来,脸上带着淡淡笑意,道:“先帝册封的兰雁四杰之一的雨统领亲自刻写天书,老朽自当亲自为雨统领托举。” At this time, Imperial Guards held the tray to walk to go forward, Ji Lin and on the side of him was towing the tray, making the Lin Muyu's embryo have the place to put. 这时,一名御林卫捧着托盘走上前,姬林与他一人一边的拖着托盘,让林沐雨的器胚有地方可放。 But Lin Muyu many somewhat is disturbed, the short of breath said a moment ago for a while must carve Heavenly Book, now regretted also without enough time, what if now thinks was what to do accidentally the non- book in circulation, that lost face, not only will harm the military expenses of empire major regiments to reduce, even also directly threw the person of empress, what to do this may! 而林沐雨心里多少还是有些忐忑的,刚才一时气急说出来要刻写天书,如今后悔也来不及了,现在要想想的是万一不成书怎么办,那多丢人啊,不但会害得帝国各大军团的军费缩减,甚至还直接丢了女帝的人,这可怎么办! When he places on Liu Ying's wearing a sword the tray, in the mind has flown the innumerable years, complained constantly, this has been unable to back down truly, oneself have not started to study Heavenly Book to be good from the start, but Heavenly Book quarter article that in the brain remembered also only then, was that carving article about Frost, does not know that can become. 当他把柳滢的佩刀放在托盘上的时候,脑海里飞过了无数年头,叫苦不迭,这是真正的骑虎难下了,自己压根还没有开始学习天书好不好,而脑子里记得的天书刻文也只有一条,就是那条关于冰霜的刻文,也不知道能不能成啊。 Rain does Commander, start?” Ji Lin said with a smile slightly. “雨统领,开始吧?”姬林微微笑道。 Lin Muyu the courtesy returns to smile, afterward has lifted the spirit pen, the strength spits gently, immediately the pen tip upper reaches overflow profound aluminum dusting powder, the profound aluminum dusting powder falls on the knife, immediately seeps in the steel and iron, becomes the mark, but writes under along with forest Mu Yu carefully, two God's Language eyes appeared on the knife Frost! 林沐雨礼节性回以一笑,随后抬起了灵笔,劲力轻轻一吐,顿时笔尖上流溢出一道道的玄银粉来,玄银粉落在刀身上,立刻沁入钢铁之中,成为印记,而随着林沐雨非常仔细的书写之下,两个神文字眼已经出现在刀身上了冰霜 Ji Forest is startled slightly, he only knows that Lin Muyu's cultivated to step into the Saint King boundary, was in the empire territory one of the unusual peak expert, has not actually thought the Commander level general who this Lan wild goose four was listed second outstandingly also really knew the god article, and unexpectedly can also write, even wrote these writing the techniques is very adept. 姬林微微一怔,他只知道林沐雨的修为踏入了圣王境,是帝国版图内少有的巅峰强者之一,却没有想到这个兰雁四杰排名第二的统领级将军还真的认识神文,并且居然还能书写出来,甚至就连书写这些文字的手法都十分娴熟。 All pressures and pain, only then Lin Muyu knows that bottom of one's heart complained constantly, grasped the palm of spirit pen to shiver slightly, in the mind recalled this Duan Shenwen key words penetrating to be cold carefully, chill in the air, froze, snowflake, the key words of eight characters, must have, otherwise is unable to set out the world principle the strength. 所有的压力和痛苦只有林沐雨知道,心底叫苦不迭,握着灵笔的手掌微微颤抖,脑海里仔细回忆着这段神文的关键字彻寒、寒意、冰冻、雪花,八个字的关键字,一定要有,否则就无法出动天地法则的力量了。 Dies dies, writes! 死就死吧,写! He calms down suddenly, in instantaneous consciousness golden light Sheng, a great pen drops from the clouds greatly, brings to be forever glorious, is the boundary of Saint pen day photo! Lin Muyu has been shocked, the boundary of Saint pen day photo with Heavenly Book is common? 他猛然一定神,瞬间意海之中金光大盛,一支巨笔从天而降,带来光芒万丈,是圣笔天照的境界!林沐雨不禁惊呆了,圣笔天照的境界难道跟天书是共通的吗? Thinks of here, the pen walks like dragon, brushes has written second 想到这里,笔走如龙,刷刷刷的写出了第二段 The penetrating from purgatory is cold, the chill in the air has swallowed all, freezes the temporals, the sky inundates to dance the limitless snowflake. 来自炼狱里的彻寒,寒意吞噬了一切,冰冻住世间万物,天空漫舞着无极的雪花。 ...... …… Eight key words all came out! 八个关键字全部都出来了! But...... Entire handle blade unexpectedly quiet incomparable, a sound of strength of inspiring world does not have. 但……整柄刀居然沉寂无比,一点引动天地之力的动静都没有。 Ha Ha Ha Ha......” “哈哈哈哈……” Does at the session, Ouyang Fu three Young Master Ouyang Bao laugh: It seems like has not inspired the strength of world, Liu Ying three young ladies' this was also carves the blade badly, how rain Commander thinks to train, you carved characters on not your Martial arts perception in the god article!” 做席间,欧阳府的三公子欧阳豹哈哈大笑起来:“看来并未引动天地之力啊,柳滢三小姐的这把刀也算是刻坏了,雨统领还是想想怎么练兵吧,你在神文刻字上并没有你的武学悟性啊!” Juniors one after another of other one crowd of Heavenly Book aristocratic families creates a disturbance 另外的一群天书世家的子弟们纷纷起哄起来 Rain Commander, gives up, useless, but a Heavenly Book quarter article in the world is most unreliable the wonderful strength, has not studied many years of person unable to inspire the strength of world!” “雨统领,放弃吧,没用的,天书刻文可是天地间最为玄奇的力量,没有修习多年的人是无法引动天地之力的啊!” Rain Commander, not having the book in circulation not to lose face, your achievement has sufficed high, ha!” “雨统领,没有成书也不丢人,你的成就已经够高了,哈哈哈!” It seems like the Heavenly Book pavilion truly is no one can go, ha ha ha ha, interesting, interesting......” “看来天书阁确实不是什么人都能进得去的啊,哈哈哈哈,有意思,有意思……” ...... …… The sound of ridicule continuously, Qin Yin hears the delicate eyebrows to tighten, the palm also pressed on the sword hilt of town Sky Sword, but Tang Xiaoxi filled with gas, not grasped the flame to linger the town country whip that momentarily wanted getting angry strong drive crowd of souls pale one. 讥讽的声音此起彼伏,秦茵听得秀眉紧锁,手掌也按在了镇天剑的剑柄上,而唐小汐更加气了,唔唔的握着火焰萦绕的镇国鞭,随时都要发怒猛抽这群魂淡一顿了。 But Lin Muyu actually is maintaining calm, properly speaking triggered the boundary of Saint pen day photo a moment ago, must be insufficient the non- book in circulation is right, is not right, definitely is these god articles has the errors. 但林沐雨却始终保持着冷静,按理说自己刚才已经触发了圣笔天照的境界,应当不至于不成书才对啊,不对,肯定是这些神文有错漏。 Carefully again looks, immediately he is suddenly enlighted, snowflake flower character had problems, according to the bone-script, this flower under of character must be two horizontal lines, but oneself have only written one line, so that's how it is! 仔细再看一遍,顿时他恍然大悟,雪花的“花”字出了问题,按照甲骨文,这个“花”字的下方应当是两条横线,而自己只写了一行,原来如此! The spirit pen wielded gently, has made up a horizontal line! 灵笔轻轻一挥,补上了一条横线! In a flash, Spiritual Sense as if leaves the hole to be ordinary, all around transforms is world of ice and snow, but this handle sickle appears in the world of ice and snow, the chill in the air came, freezes temporals all, was this Heavenly Book mood? 一瞬间,灵觉仿佛出窍一般,四周幻化为一片冰天雪地,而这柄弯刀就浮现在冰天雪地之中,寒意呼啸而来,冰冻住了世间万物的一切,这是天书的心境吗? Also in this moment, suddenly together the green ray shoots up to the sky from the knife, the strength of inspiring world! 也就在这一刻,忽然一道青色光芒从刀身之上冲天而起,引动天地之力了! Book in circulation!” “成书了!” Day...... Is the person book! Lin Muyu wrote the person book really!” “天啊……是人书!林沐雨真的写成人书了!” Wizard...... Does he have to write Heavenly Book? A book in circulation, the day, is really freak......” “鬼才……他不是没有写过天书吗?一次成书,天啊,真是个怪胎啊……” Looks at the ray intensity, should be Pin Renshu, a beginner can write Pin Renshu unexpectedly, is not really simple!” “看光芒强度,应该是中品人书,一个初学者居然能写成中品人书,真是不简单啊!” ...... …… The people have a big shock, Ji Lin also somewhat was panic-stricken, as the head of household of Heavenly Book aristocratic family, Ji Lin has also seen some god article rare talents, but such as Lin Muyu this kind of book in circulation has not seen actually . Moreover the first book in circulation wrote unexpectedly is not the low grade person book, but is Pin Renshu, this was too shocking. 众人大惊失色,就连姬林也有些惊骇了,身为天书世家的家主,姬林也算是见过一些神文奇才,但如林沐雨这样一次成书的倒是从来没有见过,而且第一次成书写成的居然不是下品人书,而是中品人书,这太耸人听闻了。 Liu Ying excited sitting there, in pair of wonderful full is the hope, was almost more excited much to cry: Oh...... Worthily is Lan wild goose four forest Mu Yu, is quite fierce, book in circulation!” 柳滢激动的坐在那里,一双妙目之中满是希冀,差点激动得快哭了:“哇哦……不愧是兰雁四杰之一的林沐雨,好厉害,成书了!” Liu Feng deeps frown, look ugly. 柳枫眉头紧锁,神色难看之极。 A Qin Yin face is joyful, has not thought that Lin Muyu can the book in circulation, she with joy look unexpectedly really to Tang Xiaoxi, two beautiful young girl look connection, um, was the time learns a Heavenly Book quarter article with forest Mu Yu together! 秦茵则一脸欣喜,万万没有想到林沐雨居然真的能成书,她不禁喜滋滋的看向唐小汐,两个美丽少女眼神交汇,嗯,是时候跟林沐雨一起学习天书刻文了! But at this time, Lin Muyu has not stopped as before, on record according to Fu Xi Heavenly Book, then also four characters, is the four characters of topic, for writing of this Heavenly Book quarter article name! 但这时,林沐雨依旧没有停止,按照伏羲天书上的记载,接下来还有四个字,也算是点题的四个字,同时也是为这段天书刻文命名的文字! Thinks that the pen walked You Dragon continuation to inscribe four character everywhere ice cones! 想了想,笔走游龙的继续写上了四个字遍地冰锥! ...... …… Brushes!” “刷!” Also the Heavenly Book ray shoots up to the sky from the knife together, inspires above the sky to be faintly thunderous, this azure light was richer, just likes together the green light beam same direct impact highest heaven! 又一道天书光芒从刀身上冲天而起,引动天空之上隐隐雷动,这一次青光更加的浓郁了,犹如一道青色光柱一样直冲九霄! My God......” “我的天啊……” Ji Lin was dumbfounded, the second book in circulation, and is not Pin Renshu, according to the ray intensity graduation, this handle blade is a handle best quality goods person book embryo! 姬林目瞪口呆了,第二次成书了,并且不是中品人书,按照光芒强度分级,这柄刀已经是一柄极品人书的器胚了! Surroundings, all people have grinned with ear to ear, on faces has written all over unbelievable. 周围,所有人都已经合不拢嘴了,一个个脸上写满了难以置信。 A person writes the person book not to be considered as surprised, after all after the day imperial gate reopens, many people have written the person book and spirit book, but first time carves Heavenly Book to write the best quality goods person book, certainly is a peerless talent! Even such perception, still above being called Liu Residence two Young Master Liu Feng of super talent! 一个人写出人书并不算是惊奇,毕竟天御之门重开之后已经不少人写出人书、灵书了,但第一次刻写天书就能写出极品人书的,一定是个绝世天才!甚至这样的悟性,犹在被称为超级天才的柳府二公子柳枫之上! ...... …… Qin Yin stands up gorgeously, does not get angry, but prestige said with a smile lightly: Ji Forest manages affairs, confirmed?” 秦茵巍然站起身,不怒而威的淡淡笑道:“姬林掌事,确认了没有?” Ji Forest is somewhat dejected: Opens reports Your Highness, rain Commander had written a best quality goods person book, is really the talent......” 姬林有些颓然:“启禀殿下,雨统领写成了一本极品人书,真乃天才……” Qin Yin lightly smiled, the vision looked to Liu Feng, said: „Can Master Liu Feng be sincerely convinced?” 秦茵微微一笑,目光看向了柳枫,道:“柳枫少爷可心服口服?” Liu Feng is rooster that defeats is likely ordinary, cup one fist in the other hand said: Feudal official...... The feudal officials candidly admit defeat, but the feudal official will not concede, will happen one day I will write Heavenly Book and god book, hoping rain Commander also to have such one day.” 柳枫像是斗败的雄鸡一般,抱拳道:“臣……臣甘拜下风,但臣不会服输,终有一天我会写出天书、神书,但愿雨统领也有那么一天。” His is no different is the second challenge. 他这无异于是第二次挑战。 ...... …… Lin Muyu has not responded Liu Feng the provocation, cup one fist in the other hand said: Since links my this third-class scholar to write the person book, this explained the god book has not imagined is so difficult, Your Highness issues an imperial order!” 林沐雨没有搭理柳枫的挑衅,抱拳道:“既然连我这个三流文士都能写出人书来,这说明神书并没有想象中的那么难,殿下下诏吧!” Qin Yin smiles, said: Comes the person, plans the imperial edict, allowing Tianxinge to manage affairs the rank that Sir Ji Lin plans to write to divide the system, but the salary of all rank scholars cut in half, needs expense by household unit disbursement. The empire civil and military and governs, does not favor any side.” 秦茵会心一笑,道:“来人,拟诏,准许天心阁掌事姬林大人所拟写的等级分制,但所有等级文士的俸禄减半,所需费用由户部支出。帝国文武并治,不偏袒任何一方。” Yes!” “是!” !! !!
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