AG :: Volume #5

#500: The provocation of talent

Night, on Ze Tian Palace brilliantly illuminated, several hundred Manchurian crane palace lanterns flood the light gloss, has been illuminating this resplendent in gold and jade green palace, when Lin Muyu arrives, discovered that many high-ranking court officials arrived, Tang Lan and Su Muyun these two princes arrived, although not of the same surname does not confer the title of prince upon, but the influence of these two was really too big, the custom that not of the same surname did not confer the title of prince upon as if for them was exists in name only, moreover Commander of some attending minister also major regiments, as well as six Shangshu, besides various important people of these tops, was some new faces. 夜晚,泽天殿上灯火通明,数百盏仙鹤宫灯泛着淡淡的光泽,照亮了这座金碧辉煌的殿堂,当林沐雨到达的时候,发现不少重臣已经到了,唐澜、苏牧云这两位王爷都到了,虽说外姓不封王,但这两人的势力实在是太大了,外姓不封王的规矩似乎对他们来说是形同虚设的,另外与会的大臣还有各大军团的统领,以及六部尚书,除了这些顶级的各部要员之外,则都是一些生面孔。 Some person Lin Muyu are the understanding, for example Ji Lin, Ouyang Ping and the others, are the people of Heavenly Book four big aristocratic families, the person who tonight attended the banquet majority is the person in Heavenly Book pavilion, has been able to foresee to have anything faintly. 有的人林沐雨是认识的,譬如姬林、欧阳平等人,是天书四大世家的人,今晚参加酒宴的人大部分都是天书阁的人,已经能让人隐隐预见到要发生什么了。 ...... …… Mu Mu......” 沐沐……” Tang Xiaoxi welcomed by far, she wears one flame formal clothes, on the formal clothes is embellishing fine gems and gold pattern, serves as contrast beautifully the beautiful young girl who this physique grows into gradually peerless, a long skirt is binding her exquisite Qu Zhi graceful body, will fill with the youth aura the perfect curve to outline, can be called splendid light four to shoot simply. 唐小汐远远的迎了上来,她身穿一套火红色礼服,礼服上点缀着一颗颗精致的宝石与金纹,将这位身姿渐渐长成的美丽少女衬托得更加美艳绝伦,一袭长裙裹着她玲珑曲致的曼妙身躯,将充满青春气息的完美曲线勾勒了出来,简直可以称为华光四射了。 Lin Muyu eyes one bright, said with a smile: Xiaoxi is really attractive tonight!” 林沐雨不禁眼睛一亮,笑道:“小汐今晚真漂亮啊!” The Tang Xiaoxi small mouth, said with a smile: You came luckily today, otherwise I have dressed up white that for a long time......” 唐小汐努努小嘴,笑道:“幸好你今天来了,不然我岂不是白打扮了那么久……” Saying, her seemed feeling that these words the suggestibility was too rich, can"t help it, small cheek one red, transfers the elegant face not to look at Lin Muyu, appearance when my anything has not said. 说着,她似乎感觉这句话的暗示性太浓郁了,禁不住小脸蛋一红,转过俏脸不看林沐雨,一副当我什么都没说的样子。 Good, we take a seat......” “好啦,我们入席吧……” Imperial Guards Commander Qin Yan already an armor walked, with several look tranquil Imperial Guards, respectful cup one fist in the other hand, said with a smile: Big brother, you come...... You and Princess Xi seat arranges to be away from the Your Highness recent place, comes with me.” 御林军统领秦岩已然一身铠甲的走了过来,身后跟着几名神色平静的御林卫,恭敬一抱拳,笑道:“大哥,你来啦……你和汐郡主的坐席就安排在距离殿下最近的地方,跟我来吧。” Good.” “好。” ...... …… After the people 11 take a seat, Qin Yin came finally, tall and pleasing to the eye dark blue formal clothes bind the beautiful figure, above the long gown are falling to play the part of a design of Divine Dragon by deep blue color spirit strength gem, is beautiful and dignified, in the hand is grasping faint flood light town Sky Sword, sits above the throne gently, looks at the whole body of ministers with a smile, does not get angry, but prestige. 众人11入席之后,秦茵终于来了,一袭美轮美奂的深蓝色礼服裹着姣好的身段,长袍之上以湛蓝色灵力宝石坠饰出一条神龙的图案,美丽而威严,手中握着隐隐泛光的镇天剑,轻轻坐在王座之上,笑着看着群臣,不怒而威。 The empresses harness, the people naturally also rapidly calmed down. 女帝驾到,众人自然也迅速静了下来。 But the Qin Yin vision actually fell to Lin Muyu, because many days had not seen him. 秦茵的目光却落向了林沐雨身上,因为已经好多天没有看到他了。 Lin Muyu the vision and Qin Yin are looking at each other, read out missing from the Qin Yin vision, can"t help it, practical joke pursed the lips gently, has given the empress a thrown kiss, immediately Qin Yin cheek red piece, but the whole body of ministers were away from are too far, the angle was not right, does not know that had anything, stood in Qin Yin nearby court lady Shangguan Jing moon/month actually throws smiles. 林沐雨目光与秦茵对视着,从秦茵的目光中读出思念,禁不住恶作剧的轻轻一撅嘴,给了女帝一个飞吻,顿时秦茵脸蛋通红一片,但群臣距离太远,角度也不对,都不知道发生了什么,倒是站在秦茵一旁的女官上官静月扑哧一笑。 Was good, the banquet starts.” Qin Yin said. “好了,宴会开始吧。”秦茵道。 Yes!” “是!” Shangguan Jing moon/month walks to go forward, announced banquet to start, on the liquor served food. 上官静月走上前,宣布宴会开始,上酒上菜了。 Since Imperial Guards reorganizes, Eagle Nest Camp has also reconstructed, is supervised to construct by Qin Yan personally, quick had 700-800 people of establishments, and many expert, therefore the food in Ze Tian Palace did not need to worry, the game and precious fruit in Seeking Dragon Forest were many are, has chocked up one table quickly, a fragrance of gladdening the heart raided. 自从御林卫重组之后,鹰巢营也重建了,由秦岩亲自督建,很快的重新拥有了七八百人的编制,并且不乏强者,所以泽天殿里的食物再也不用愁了,寻龙林里的野味、珍奇果实多得是,很快的摆满了一桌,一股沁人心脾的香味袭来。 The Lin Muyu's vision has been staring at a front fish, heard that is very fragrant, is the dragon fish in legend, the flavor is quite tasty, has made his index finger move greatly. 林沐雨的目光一直盯着面前的一盘鱼,闻起来很香,是传说中的龙鱼,味道极为鲜美,已经让他食指大动了。 Qin Yin handful of the wine glass, stands up gently, said: Sir, invited to this joyful reunion tonight, but also looked at everybody should not be constrained, was not drunk does not turn over, come, we drank this cup completely, hoping the Qin empire prosperous peace, always lively!” 秦茵捧起酒杯,轻轻站起身,道:“诸位大人,今夜请诸位到此欢聚,还望大家不要拘束,不醉不归,来,我们满饮此杯,愿大秦帝国昌盛太平、永世繁华!” Prosperous is always peacefully and lively!” “昌盛太平、永世繁华!” People simultaneously raises glass, tosses down this glass of liquor, the empress proposes a toast, no one dares not to accept this invite. 众人齐齐举杯,将这杯酒一饮而尽,女帝敬酒,谁也不敢不赏脸。 ...... …… After drinking up the liquor, in a fragrant and mellow and pungent inflow throat, Lin Muyu on the delicacy to front table has carried on round sweeping immediately, made chewing motions greatly when quickly, a at the session person stood up, was Ji Lin. 喝完酒之后,一股醇香、辛辣流入喉咙之中,林沐雨马上对面前桌案上的美味进行了一轮扫荡,大快朵颐之时,席间的一人站起身来,是姬林。 „Does Ji Forest manage affairs, has matter?” Qin Yin asked. “姬林掌事,有事吗?”秦茵笑问。 Ji Forest cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, the old minister has drawn up the rank and treatment of person of Heavenly Book pavilion taking place in order, but also asked Your Highness to glance.” 姬林抱拳道:“殿下,老臣已经拟出了天书阁入列之人的等级与待遇,还请殿下过目。” Qin Yin beckons with the hand, said: Manages affairs the Sir to read to be able directly, makes Sir listen.” 秦茵一摆手,道:“掌事大人直接读出来便可,也让诸位大人听听。” Yes!” “是!” Ji Lin took out has hidden the dossier in sleeve, opened the later bright sound track: Heavenly Book pavilion, by article governing slightly, as long as a Heavenly Book quarter article can the person of book in circulation all be possible to include Heavenly Book pavilion literary arena, wrote person book, confers a title upon public figure, monthly salary two hundred Gold Yin Coin \; Wrote spirit book, conferred a title upon spirit gentleman, monthly salary Thousand Gold Yin Coins, granted hundred households \; Wrote book, conferred a title upon gentleman, monthly salary three Thousand Gold Yin Coins, granted 500 households \; Wrote Heavenly Book, conferred a title upon day gentleman, monthly salary ten thousand Gold Yin Coin, granted thousand households, the title marquis \; Wrote god book, monthly salary ten ten thousand Gold Yin Coin, granted ten thousand households, the title duke, the title generation inheritance, this was the Heavenly Book pavilion title rank that the old minister drew up is then detailed, asking Your Highness to glance.” 姬林取出了藏在袖子里的卷宗,打开之后朗声道:“天书阁,以文治国之略,但凡天书刻文能成书之人皆可列入天书阁文坛之列,写成人书者,封号‘人士’,月俸两百金茵币\;写成灵书者,封号‘灵士’,月俸一千金茵币,赏赐百户\;写成地书者,封号‘地士’,月俸三千金茵币,赏赐500户\;写成天书者,封号‘天士’,月俸一万金茵币,赏赐千户,封号侯爵\;写成神书者,月俸十万金茵币,赏赐万户,封号公爵,封号世代传承,这便是老臣拟出的天书阁爵位等级明细,请殿下过目。” After Ji Lin words, immediately invests together thousand jin (0.5 kg) giant stone in light such as the banquet of water likely, has raised laughing big BO! 姬林一席话之后,顿时像是在平淡如水的宴会之中投入一块千斤巨石,掀起了轩然大BO! A person pounds the table, is Commander Su Long of iron blade edge armed forces, his complexion is very unattractive, in the words also completely has the smell of gunpowder, said: I, wrote Heavenly Book to confer nobility upon, were you marquis in Qin empire are the cabbage of rotten avenue? A trifling place gentleman thinks that monthly salary three Thousand Gold Yin Coins, have a dream simply, do you know the empire Commander monthly salary situation? The Commander monthly salary of solemn iron blade edge armed forces only then Thousand Gold Yin Coins, why can a treatment of your place gentleman surpass us?” 一人拍案而起,是铁刃军的统领苏垅,他的脸色十分不好看,话语中也满含着火药味,道:“我呸,写成天书就能封侯了,你当大秦帝国的侯爵是烂大街的白菜吗?区区一个地士就想月俸三千金茵币,简直是做梦,你知道帝国统领的月俸情况吗?堂堂铁刃军的统领月俸只有一千金茵币,凭什么你一个地士的待遇就能远超过我们?” Another Commander also stands up, cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness bright mirror, I and other emperors ** the person risks one's life, instead very repeatedly fights with the demon clan, righteousness and country, trades the tranquility and peace of present empire short time, the officers skeleton that many dying for one's country is not cold, now unexpectedly is conferring these sour so-called scholars, Emperor ** the person refused to accept!” 另外一个统领也站起身来,抱拳道:“殿下明鉴,我等帝**人出生入死,与魔族、义和国反贼屡屡大战,才换来了如今帝国短时间的平静与安宁,多少殉国的将士尸骨未寒,如今居然就在册封这些酸溜溜的所谓文士,帝**人不服!” The person of opposition are getting more and more, even Feng Ji Xing, Xiang Yu and on Su Yu face also somewhat unhappy appearance. 反对的人越来越多,甚至就连风继行项彧、苏妤的脸上也有些不快的样子。 Qin Yin watches, the nod, said silently: „The meaning of Commander, I understand. But a Heavenly Book quarter article can inspire profound of strength of world, the empire has to attach great importance, but rank and monthly salary assignment of Sir Ji Lin...... Also has not been in very situation of exaggeration, after all so far can return nobody to write Heavenly Book, the book is quite scarce.” 秦茵看在眼里,默默点头,道:“诸位统领的意思,我都明白。但天书刻文是能够引动天地之力的玄奇法阵,帝国不得不重视,而姬林大人的等级与月俸分配……也没有到十分夸张的地步,毕竟目前为止能够还没有谁能写出天书,就连地书都极为稀少。” At this time, household unit Shangshu set out to say respectfully: Your Highness, household unit every year income is almost fixed, if...... If such as Sir Ji Lin like this graduation reward, perhaps the expenditure big budget of household unit over, will be really getting more and more along with the scholar of Heavenly Book quarter article, this expenditure will be certainly getting bigger and bigger, eventually goes to the situation that the household of unit institute is unable to withstand.” 这时,户部尚书起身恭敬道:“殿下,户部每年的收入都是差不多固定的,如果……如果真的如姬林大人这样的分级奖赏,恐怕户部的开支会大大的超过预算,随着天书刻文的文士越来越多,这笔开支一定会越来越大,最终达到户部所无法承受的地步。” Your Highness!” 殿下!” Feng Ji Xing tranquil say|way: I look...... Might as well reduce the monthly salaries of some scholars slightly, otherwise is really similar to household of unit Shangshu Sir said that the income of entire empire will be been tired by the Heavenly Book pavilion.” 风继行平静道:“我看……不如稍微削减一些文士的月俸吧,不然就真的如同户部尚书大人说的一样,整个帝国的收入都会被天书阁所累了。” However at this moment, Qin Yong of Zhongwang Residence stood up, cup one fist in the other hand said respectfully: Your Highness, in plan of article governing, once formulates cannot leave uncultivated, the old minister thinks Ji Forest manages affairs listed the salary is not excessive.” 然而就在这时,忠王府的秦雍站起身,抱拳恭敬道:“殿下,以文治国的方略一旦制定就绝不能荒废,老臣认为姬林掌事所列出的俸禄并不过分。” Qin Yin nods gently: I knew, under Uncle Wang please sit down.” 秦茵轻轻点头:“我知道了,王叔请坐下吧。” Yes!” “是!” At this time, Xiang Yu stood up slowly, said: Your Highness, the demon clan and righteousness and country instead very are still eying covetously to the empire, if we spend Gold Yin Coin completely in the Heavenly Book pavilion, once the demon clan, righteousness and country launch the war once more, the empire should resist with what?...... Grasps Heavenly Book to guard the territory by the scholar hands of these without the strength to truss a chicken? End does not know...... Can these literature and history Sirs can be frightened the urination pants to righteousness and country oppression of the people sound.” 这时,项彧缓缓站起身,道:“殿下,魔族和义和国反贼都还在对帝国虎视眈眈,如果我们将金茵币全部花在天书阁上,一旦魔族、义和国再次发动战争,帝国该拿什么抵挡?难道……就靠这些手无缚鸡之力的文士手握天书就守卫疆土吗?末将不知道……这些文史大人们能到义和国铁蹄的声音会不会被吓得尿裤子。” Lin Muyu has smiled, Xiang Yu as if could not sit still, once Qin Yin the demand of Heavenly Book pavilion, then was really Wen Qiang wu is weak in the empire. 林沐雨不禁笑了出来,就连项彧似乎都坐不住了,一旦秦茵准了天书阁的诉求,那在帝国内就真的是文强武弱了。 At this moment, heads of household in four big aristocratic family Liu Residence, Liu Flame side, look pretty standing up, brushing one received the paper fan, cup one fist in the other hand said respectfully: Your Highness, I think that Sir Commander has not certainly experienced the Heavenly Book quarter article might, if they have experienced, will approve Ji Forest to manage affairs Sir's demand mostly.” 就在这时,四大世家柳府的家主,柳炎的身边,一个相貌俊秀的站起身来,“刷”的一下收起了纸扇,抱拳恭敬道:“殿下,我想诸位统领大人一定是没有见识过天书刻文的威力,如果他们见识了,多半就会认可姬林掌事大人的诉求了。” Xiang Yu raises the eyebrow saying: Who are you?” 项彧扬眉道:“你是谁?” This youth said respectfully: „Below Liu Residence second son, Liu Feng.” 这青年恭敬道:“在下柳府次子,柳枫。” Qin Yin lightly smiled: Master Liu Feng, you...... What Pin Jie Heavenly Book can you write?” 秦茵微微一笑:“柳枫少爷,你……你能写出什么品阶的天书?” Liu Fengdao: Feudal official no talent, just wrote a low grade book last night, if gives the feudal official again some time, certainly can write candid Heavenly Book to give to Your Highness!” 柳枫道:“臣不才,昨天深夜刚刚写出一本下品地书,若是再给臣一些时间,一定能写出一本真正的天书献给殿下!” Not far away, Ji wood-road: Your Highness, Liu Residence two Young Master Liu Feng truly are the rare rare talents, 27 years old then can write the book, world rare, its intelligence and perception are great.” 不远处,姬林道:“殿下,柳府二公子柳枫确实是难得一见的奇才,27岁便能写出地书,世所罕见,其资质和悟性都是一等一的。” Right?” “是吗?” In the Qin Yin vision is having the applause, said: Empire needs Master Liu Feng such talented person, looks at you to continue to make persistent efforts.” 秦茵目光中带着赞许,道:“帝国需要柳枫少爷这样的人才,望你继续再接再厉。” Liu Feng rise looks to Qin Yin, immediately deeply was subdued by the peerless looks of empress, suddenly the look on face full is the color gives the soul to give, cup one fist in the other hand cups one hand in the other across the chest saying: For Your Highness, the feudal official does not certainly lose Monarch to look!” 柳枫抬头看向秦茵,顿时被女帝的绝世姿容深深折服,一时间脸上的神色满是色授魂予,抱拳拱手道:“为了殿下,臣一定不负君望!” His for Your Highness, made the people somewhat not be feeling well actually, moreover Liu Feng looked that has been short of the awe to the Qin Yin look obviously, were many several points of frivolous meaning. 他一口一个“为了殿下”,倒是让众人都有些不爽了,而且柳枫看向秦茵的眼神明显少了敬畏,却多了几分轻薄之意。 Some Feng Ji Xing spunks, said slightly: Master Liu Feng, you are the official dares so to look straight ahead the Your Highness appearance, extremely was whether frivolous?” 风继行微微有些怒意,道:“柳枫少爷,你身为人臣竟敢如此直视殿下的容颜,是否太过于轻薄了?” Liu Feng lowered the head hurriedly, respectful say|way: Feudal official damn...... The Your Highness appearance just likes beauty looks is common, the so startled dust is certainly colorful, cosmetics to wash, the eternal truth female celestial is born into this world attentively, making the feudal official involuntary watched a meeting, but also looked...... Also looks at Your Highness to forgive......” 柳枫急忙低下头,恭谦道:“臣该死……只是殿下的容颜犹如天人姿容一般,如此惊尘绝艳、铅华洗尽,真如仙女谛临凡间,令臣身不由己的多看了一会,还望……还望殿下恕罪……” Feng Ji Xing grips tightly the fist, in the eye full is the anger. 风继行紧握拳头,眼中满是怒意。 At this time, Lin Muyu stood up, said: Your Highness, end will request that cuts in half the salary demand of Heavenly Book pavilion.” 这时,林沐雨站起身,道:“殿下,末将请求,将天书阁的俸禄诉求减半。” „, A'Yu does Elder Brother also think?” Qin Yin sweet smiles. “哦,阿雨哥哥也那么认为么?”秦茵甜甜一笑。 ...... …… Liu Feng noticed that Qin Yin washes the rain manner to be so affectionate to the forest, bottom of one's heart completely is actually uncomfortable, said: Your Highness, the salary of Heavenly Book pavilion cannot reduce, by the article governing, the scholar is the foundation of empire! Sees according to the feudal official, must reduce the organization and equipment expenditures of empire major regiments, the Gold Yin Coin flower that saving is right in a Heavenly Book quarter article.” 柳枫看到秦茵对林沐雨那么神态亲昵,却心底满不是滋味,道:“殿下,天书阁的俸禄绝不能降低,以文治国,文士才是帝国之本啊!依臣所见,应当缩减帝国各大军团的编制与装备开支,把节约下来的金茵币花在天书刻文上才对。” Puts P!” “放P!” Lin Muyu scolded a bad language, said: Reduces the emperor ** group words can you also say? Demon clan, righteousness and country, once launches the war, the empire does need to protect the border by your such waste?” 林沐雨骂了一句脏话,道:“缩减帝**团这种话你也说得出口?魔族、义和国一旦发动战争,难道帝国要靠你这样的废物去守护边境吗?” Liu Feng the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards raise, said: Scholar is not the waste, in empire everybody can Military Soldier, but is actually not everybody can write a Heavenly Book quarter article, can book in circulation, only then extremely one, rain Commander relies on Martial arts to cultivate for remarkably, but...... You cannot take lightly the Heavenly Book pavilion, because, Heavenly Book is the thing that your this is unable to hope to attain for a lifetime!” 柳枫剑眉一扬,道:“文士不是废物,帝国境内人人都能修武,但却不是人人都能写出天书刻文,能成书者只有万分之一,雨统领自恃武学修为卓然,但……你绝不能看轻天书阁,因为,天书是你这一辈子都无法企及的东西!” Right?” “是吗?” Lin Muyu sneers: If I can write Heavenly Book, the demand monthly salary of Heavenly Book pavilion cuts in half, how?” 林沐雨冷笑一声:“如果我能写成天书,天书阁的诉求月俸减半,如何?” ...... …… „Can you book in circulation?” Liu Feng has smiled, in eye full is rich contemptuous, said: Rain Commander, if can write Heavenly Book, even if only my book, my Liu Fengbian candidly admits defeat!” “你能成书?”柳枫不禁笑了,眼中满是浓郁的轻蔑,道:“雨统领如果能写成天书,哪怕只是一本人书,我柳枫便甘拜下风!” !! !!
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