AG :: Volume #5

#499: Dazzles the gold/metal dagger

Ohohoho......” “Ohohoho……” Dusk, in the back room of Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce transmits queen three of Jin Xiaotang empty boasting to smile, in the hand is holding big pile of gold banknotes, was glad soon to grin with ear to ear, was placed one pile of gold banknotes on the table all, said with a smile: A'Yu Elder Brother, sees not to have...... Entire surely Gold Yin Coin! A Slaughter God Seal embryo can sell such a sky-high price unexpectedly, is entire Lingbei province one month of income, too exaggerated!” 黄昏时,紫茵花商会的后堂内传来金小棠浮夸的女王三节笑,手里捧着一大堆金票,乐得快要合不拢嘴了,将一堆金票尽数摆在桌案上,笑道:“阿雨哥哥,看到没……整整一千万金茵币啊!一个弑神印器胚居然能卖出这么一个天价,可是整个岭北行省一个月的收入啊,太夸张了!” Lin Muyu takes up a gold banknote, above is printing 10 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin inscriptions, subordinates in Lingbei gold/metal pledge gold banknote, this Lingbei gold/metal pledge also belongs to the gold/metal pledge of household of unit, the status is equal to the People's Bank of China, therefore these gold banknotes will be will unable to exchange Gold Yin Coin to come absolutely, only if were the empire falls from power. 林沐雨拿起一张金票,上面印着10万金茵币的字样,是隶属于岭北金盟的金票,这岭北金盟又是直属于户部的金盟,身份地位相当于中国人民银行,所以这些金票是绝对不会兑换不出金茵币来的,除非是帝国倒台了。 Altogether 100, took inventory completely, Lin Muyu said with a smile: Then this 1000 W Gold Yin Coin entirely turned over to me, in my purse that has not been full for a long time, Ok?” 一共100张,全部清点了一下,林沐雨笑道:“那么这1000W金茵币就全部归我了,我的钱袋里也好久没有那么充盈了,可以吗?” Jin Xiaotang nods with a smile, said refreshedly: Can, now the operation fund in chamber of commerce be in any case enough, a afternoon, is only Auction House on the income 5 million, hee hee, had been lucky influence that this Slaughter God Seal embryo brings...... A'Yu Elder Brother, you, if has free time again to cause several imperial god seal and Slaughter God Seal and so on embryo, for the status of my Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce consolidated Orchid Goose City first chamber of commerce.” 金小棠笑着点头,爽快道:“可以可以,反正现在商会里的运营资金已经足够了,一个下午,光是一个拍卖行就收入5000000,嘻嘻,多亏了这个弑神印器胚所带来的影响呢……阿雨哥哥,你要是有空就再弄出几个御神印、弑神印之类的器胚,为我紫茵花商会巩固兰雁城第一商会的地位。” Jin Xiaotang not being able to close up small mouth, said with joy: Now conceivable Pan Dingtian, Liu Xin, the faces of Zhao Xu several bosses this ugly became any appearances, Ohohoho......” 金小棠合不拢小嘴,喜滋滋的说:“现在可以想象一下潘定天、刘歆、赵序几个老板的脸该难看成什么样子了,Ohohoho……” Imperial god seal and Slaughter God Seal are high-level engrave, does not want to engrave to engrave, must watch the chance and technique agreeing with, I engraved to say in any case again.” Lin Muyu tidies up the gold banknote, while said: Young Tang, you did not say that can boss around one batch to carve the Heavenly Book person? How?” “御神印、弑神印都是高级刻印,可不是想刻印出来就能刻印出来的,要看机缘和手法契合度,反正等我刻印出来再说啦。”林沐雨一边收拾金票,一边说:“小棠,你不是说要笼络一批能够刻写天书的人吗?怎么样了?” Does not have the result.” “没有结果。” The Jin Xiaotang small mouth, did not say happily: As long as can carve the Heavenly Book person basically to go to the Heavenly Book pavilion to enter to arrange, it is said in the Heavenly Book pavilion writes the book, Heavenly Book and person of god book to appoint to a high official post to bestow the nobility, this is not the gold coin can trade.” 金小棠努努小嘴,不开心的说:“但凡能够刻写出天书的人基本上都去天书阁入编了,据说天书阁里写出地书、天书、神书的人都会封官赐爵,这可不是金币就能换来的。” Good......” “好吧……” Lin Muyu hesitates, said: Did not say these, the Heavenly Book quarter article material in our chamber of commerce was what kind, prepared a point to me, I must study am carving a Heavenly Book quarter article.” 林沐雨沉吟一声,说:“不说这些了,我们商会里的天书刻文材料怎么样,给我准备一点,我也要学着刻写天书刻文了。” „?” Jin Xiaotang eye one bright, the unhappy cheek started the smiling face that appears to gladden the heart, is pulling the Lin Muyu's arm, said: A'Yu can Elder Brother study a Heavenly Book quarter article?” “哦?”金小棠眼睛一亮,原本不开心的脸蛋上马上浮现出沁人心脾的笑容,挽着林沐雨的手臂,说:“阿雨哥哥要学天书刻文?” Yes, no?” “是啊,不行吗?” Ok, Ok!” Jin Xiaotang as if saw has the spirit book, the book and Heavenly Book embrionic weapons, equipment maintenance flew to the chamber of commerce, from experience looks like, Lin Muyu this freak goes to school anything to be able basically anything, and quick can have the peak level, it can be said that the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce achieved the Orchid Goose City first status, half merit came from the operation of Jin Xiaotang, the other half merit was the high-quality weapon that Lin Muyu provided repeatedly and engraves to wait. “可以,可以!”金小棠仿佛已经看到一个个拥有灵书、地书、天书的器胚兵刃、护具等飞向商会了,从经验上看来,林沐雨这个怪胎基本上学什么会什么,并且很快的就能拥有巅峰水平,可以这么说,紫茵花商会做到兰雁城第一的地位,一半功劳来自于金小棠的运作,另一半功劳就是林沐雨屡屡提供的高级兵器和刻印等等了。 ...... …… First went to the material shop, sees only in this big material shop to place the boxes of spirit strength stone powder everywhere, has ground completely, wears the young girl of beautiful clothes to stand in great numbers in the shop front attracts the attention, looks at these young girls, each is very attractive, the strength of Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce can thus be inferred. 先去了材料铺,只见这偌大的材料铺里到处都摆放着一盒盒的灵力石粉,全部都已经碾碎了,并且,一个个身穿美丽衣服的少女林立在店面里吸引眼球,看这些少女,每一个都很漂亮,紫茵花商会的实力由此可见一斑。 A fat boss welcomed goes forward, he knew saying that Lin Muyu, a face wore a smile: Young Miss Tang, what bringing rain Commander to take?” 一个胖老板迎上前,他认识林沐雨,一脸堆笑的说道:“小棠大小姐,带雨统领来拿点什么啊?” What he said is takes, but is not buying, this is a smart person, knows that the entire chamber of commerce is Lin Muyu's, he comes to here not to need to buy, only needs to take and that's the end. 他说的是“拿”,而不是“买”,这是个聪明人,知道整个商会都是林沐雨的,他来这里根本就不需要买,只需要拿就是了。 Jin Xiaotang is pulling the Lin Muyu's wrist|skill as before, said with a smile: My brother must buy the spirit powder to learn a Heavenly Book quarter article, Xu Zhanggui, you look at the office!” 金小棠依旧挽着林沐雨的手腕,笑道:“我哥要买一点灵粉来学习天书刻文,徐掌柜,你看着办吧!” „? Learned a Heavenly Book quarter article......” the fat on Xu Zhanggui face to shiver, saying that afterward smiled: The spirit powder grade that rain Commander, a Heavenly Book quarter article needs is divided into four, in turn is the profound powdered iron, the profound copper powder, the profound aluminum dusting powder and profound diamond dust, each spirit powder defers to the purity and spirit strength strong and weak is divided into the low grade, high-grade and best quality goods, if rain Commander is the beginner, that...... Can go back with some best quality goods profound powdered iron actually, although the profound powdered iron the spirit strength is weak, so long as bold handwriting vigorous style and mood is enough, can write the person book even is the spirit book.” “啊?学习天书刻文……”徐掌柜脸上的肥肉颤抖了一下,随后满脸笑容的说道:“雨统领,天书刻文所需要的灵粉品级分为四等,依次为玄铁粉、玄铜粉、玄银粉和玄金粉,每一种灵粉又依照纯度和灵力强弱分为下品、中品、上品和极品,如果雨统领是初学者的话,那么……倒是可以拿一些极品玄铁粉回去,玄铁粉虽然灵力较弱,但只要笔力和心境足够,也能写出人书甚至是灵书来。” Immediately Jin Xiaotang is not glad, wrinkles the delicate eyebrows saying: Bah, my A'Yu does Elder Brother learn a Heavenly Book quarter article to use the material of profound powdered iron low? First said five jin (0.5 kg) best quality goods profound aluminum dusting powder was used to practice to say again!” 顿时金小棠不乐意了,皱着秀眉道:“呸,我阿雨哥哥学习天书刻文能用玄铁粉这种下三滥的材料吗?先称五斤极品玄银粉用来练习再说!” Xu Zhanggui the whole body trembles immediately, said: Young lady...... The best quality goods profound aluminum dusting powder is five ten Gold Yin Coin money, one jin (0.5 kg) best quality goods profound aluminum dusting powder was 5000, five jin (0.5 kg) is 20,000 five Thousand Gold Yin Coins, was used to practice the technique completely the words, rather too has wasted......” 徐掌柜顿时浑身一颤,道:“大小姐……极品玄银粉可是五十金茵币一钱的,一斤极品玄银粉就是5000,五斤就是20000五千金茵币了,全部用来练习手法的话,未免太浪费了……” The Jin Xiaotang powder toot toot the small mouth rises, a face was not happy: What's wrong, my A'Yu Elder Brother is gentian regiment Commander, is on First Rank the general, is Yun Linghou who Your Highness confers, you should politely call Monarch Hou Cai to be right, unexpectedly...... Unexpectedly thought that he can't be joined to 25000 Gold Yin Coin?” 金小棠粉嘟嘟的小嘴上扬起来,一脸的不高兴:“怎么,我的阿雨哥哥是龙胆军团统领,又是一品上将军,更是殿下册封的云翎侯,你应该尊称君侯才对,居然……居然觉得他配不上25000金茵币吗?” Xu Zhanggui cold sweat, which this crime his can take on immediately, reason that said that these words are also only because he is a businessman, is based on the frugal cost will therefore say that is suddenly helpless, hurried kneeling evil ways: Rain Commander forgives, the villain is not this meaning......” 徐掌柜顿时一头的冷汗,这罪过他哪儿担待得起,之所以说这些话也只是因为他是一个生意人,以节约成本为本所以才会这么说,一时间手足无措,急忙跪下道:“雨统领恕罪,小人不是这个意思……” Lin Muyu has smiled, the palm raises, invisible Saint Realm pressure storekeeper holds, said: vital part did not fear that I do not have this meaning, since such as you said like this, then to me said that five jin (0.5 kg) low grade profound copper powder was good, cannot write the spirit book in any case, a book like this high-level Heavenly Book quarter article, I practice first well.” 林沐雨不禁笑了,手掌一扬,无形的圣域威压将掌柜的扶起来,道:“不要害怕,我没有这个意思,既然如你这样说,那给我称五斤下品玄铜粉好了,反正也写不出灵书、地书这样的高级天书刻文,我先练练也好。” Good...... Xu Zhanggui to have wiped the sweat on forehead well, surprisedly in that type profound strange who separates the bareness shape strength, while under instruction humanity: Comes the person, called five jin (0.5 kg) low grade profound copper powder to rain Commander.” “好好好……”徐掌柜擦了擦额头上的汗水,一边惊奇于那种隔空无形力量的玄奇,一边吩咐下人道:“来人,给雨统领称五斤下品玄铜粉。” Yes, storekeeper.” “是,掌柜的。” But Jin Xiaotang is not glad as before, said: That...... The young waiter, gives A'Yu Elder Brother saying that in again two jin (0.5 kg) best quality goods profound aluminum dusting powder and two jin (0.5 kg) profound diamond dust, after the practice, acted seriously to use point spirit powder, these directly in the account of chamber of commerce.” 金小棠依旧不乐意,道:“那个……小伙计,再给阿雨哥哥称两斤极品玄银粉和两斤中品玄金粉,练习之后,动真格的就一定要用好一点的灵粉了,这些直接记在商会的账上好了。” Good!” The waiters said joyfully the spirit powder. “好嘞!”伙计欣然去称灵粉去了。 In Xu Zhanggui mouth mumbled: My God, profound diamond dust is in our chamber of commerce the best carving article material, money five hundred Gold Yin Coin, two jin (0.5 kg) are ten ten thousand Gold Yin Coin... Young Miss Tang, we altogether also only then less than ten jin (0.5 kg) profound diamond dust, was inferior...... Selects the low grade profound diamond dust to rain Commander?” 徐掌柜则口中嘟囔道:“我的天,中品玄金粉已经是我们商会里最好的刻文材料了,一钱五百金茵币,两斤就是十万金茵币啊…小棠大小姐,我们总共也就只有十斤不到的中品玄金粉而已,不如……给雨统领来点下品玄金粉吧?” Lin Muyu can"t help it, laughs. 林沐雨禁不住大笑起来。 Immediately Jin Xiaotang got angry: Xu Zhanggui, you like this are how chatty, you looked that A'Yu Elder Brother was mad by you smiles! Hurry up, the profound diamond dust, leaves is so petty!” 顿时金小棠怒了:“徐掌柜,你怎么这样唧唧歪歪,你看,阿雨哥哥被你气得都笑了!快点,中品玄金粉,别这么小家子气!” Lin Muyu puts out a hand to clap on the fragrant shoulder of Jin Xiaotang, said with a smile: Young Tang who being all right, gave me to come two jin (0.5 kg) low grade profound diamond dust to be good, I was not angry, in the chamber of commerce had the merchant who Xu Zhanggui was calculating like this, what worried that the chamber of commerce was not prosperous!” 林沐雨伸手一拍金小棠的香肩,笑道:“没事的小棠,就给我来两斤下品玄金粉好了,我不生气,商会里有徐掌柜这样斤斤计较的商人,何愁商会不繁盛啊!” Jin Xiaotang also smiles: Good, listens to A'Yu Elder Brother was good.” 金小棠不禁也是一笑:“那好吧,就听阿雨哥哥的好了。” Un!” “嗯!” ...... …… Buys the spirit powder, then must buy carves the pen, all Heavenly Book quarter articles wrote with the pen, the common people called spirit pen, actually the so-called spirit pen was fake, but a midheaven was similar to the ball pen same thing, filled to write from the pen tip the spirit powder, the spirit powder naturally seeped in the embryo, once bold handwriting vigorous style arrived with the mood, can inspire the strength of book in circulation world. 买完灵粉,接下来要买的就是刻笔了,所有的天书刻文都是用笔写出来的,世人称之为“灵笔”,其实所谓的灵笔都是假的,只是一个中空类似于圆珠笔一样的东西,把灵粉灌进去从笔尖写出来,灵粉自然沁入器胚之中,一旦笔力与心境到了,就能引动天地之力成书了。 Therefore Lin Muyu has bought several spirit pens casually, forces in Cosmos Bag, continued to seek for the third institute to need the material with Jin Xiaotang the embryo, a request of Heavenly Book quarter article to the carrier engraving to be stricter, requesting the embryo also to have certain spirit strength, therefore these profound iron and profound copper forging weapons and shield, against will have to be easier to inspire the strength of world, because of this, the major chambers of commerce was newly-opened embrionic shop, sold some easy books in circulation embryo. 于是林沐雨随便买了几只灵笔,塞进乾坤袋里,继续和金小棠去寻找第三种所需材料了器胚,天书刻文对载体的要求要比刻印要严格多了,要求器胚也必须拥有一定的灵力,所以那些玄铁、玄铜铸造兵刃、盾牌、防具等会更容易引动天地之力,也正是因为这样,各大商会都已经新开了“器胚店”,出售一些容易成书的器胚。 The scale of embrionic shop also wanted compared with the spirit powder shop in a big way, brilliantly illuminated, all embryos deposited in the glass cabinet, was reflecting the brilliance of difference under the ray of candlelight. 器胚店的规模比灵粉店还要大了许多,灯火辉煌,所有的器胚都存放在玻璃柜之中,在烛火的光芒下折射着异样的光彩。 Jin Xiaotang introduced with a smile: „The embryo is divided into the low grade embryo in turn, Pin Qipei, the high-quality goods embryo and high-grade embryo and best quality goods embryo five types, the price is also getting more and more expensive, the cheapest low grade embryo about one Gold Yin Coin can buy, but the price of good best quality goods embryo can actually fry to ten thousand Gold Yin Coin above, actually A'Yu Elder Brother forging many profound and spirit weapons are very good embryos, if begins studies a Heavenly Book quarter article, young Tang suggested to take some low grade, and high-quality goods embryo in the shop to be quite good.” 金小棠笑着介绍道:“器胚依次分为下品器胚、中品器胚、精品器胚、上品器胚和极品器胚五种,价格也越来越贵,最便宜的下品器胚大约一个金茵币就能买到了,但上好的极品器胚的价格却能炒到一万金茵币以上,其实阿雨哥哥铸造的不少玄品、灵品兵刃原本就是非常不错的器胚,不过如果是初学天书刻文的话,小棠还是建议在店里拿一些下品、中品、精品器胚比较好。” Un.” “嗯。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, has chosen one pile of daggers, sword blade, the extravagant blade, shield quickly the embryos, majority is Pin Qipei and high-quality goods embryo, but his vision swept has placed in a shop front center handle golden color dagger. 林沐雨点点头,很快的挑选了一堆匕首、剑刃、阔刀、盾牌等器胚,大部分都是中品器胚和精品器胚,而他的目光则扫过了摆放在店面最中心的一柄金色匕首。 Jin Xiaotang throws smiles: Then is called to dazzle the gold/metal dagger the dagger, with profound gold/metal forging, profound Level 1 weapons, the spirit strength is abundant, is a best quality goods embryo, approximately was also in the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce the best embryo, A'Yu did Elder Brother want?” 金小棠扑哧一笑:“那把匕首叫做炫金匕首,是用玄金铸造而成的,玄品一阶兵刃,灵力非常充裕,是一件极品器胚,大约也是紫茵花商会里最好的器胚了,阿雨哥哥要吗?” Does not need, a little waste.” Lin Muyu touches the nose. “不必了,有点浪费。”林沐雨摸摸鼻子。 Jin Xiaotang eats to smile: Good, waits for A'Yu Elder Brother after a Heavenly Book quarter article has acquired achievements from study, we again study this.” 金小棠吃吃笑:“那好吧,等阿雨哥哥天书刻文学有所成之后,我们再研究这个。” Un!” “嗯!” When the forest washes the rain tidies up all, Imperial Guards Thousand-Man Commander has go straight aheaded, respectful cup one fist in the other hand said: Rain Commander, Your Highness gives a banquet in Ze Tian Palace tonight, invited you, but also asked you to rush to Ze Tian Palace before the sunset.” 就在林沐雨收拾好一切的时候,一名御林军千夫长笔直走了过来,恭敬抱拳道:“雨统领,今天晚上殿下泽天殿设宴,邀请了您,还请您在日落之前赶往泽天殿。” „, What important matter has to discuss?” Lin Muyu asked. “哦,有什么大事要商议吗?”林沐雨问。 Subordinate does not know.” “属下不知。” Good, you go.” “好,你去吧。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Qin Yin gives a banquet in Ze Tian Palace, it seems like tonight does not have the means to study a Heavenly Book quarter article immediately, first in the past had a look to say again. 秦茵泽天殿设宴,看来今晚是没有办法立刻研究天书刻文了,先过去看看再说。 Still remembers...... This book left less than 100 chapters of times, many people in the insult leaf, said that my this book writes is not long, will most write about 500 chapters to end this. However now looks like, next chapter was 500, but I was actually writing in the enthusiasm, very ashamed just understands how should write attractively...... This must have everybody's support, I am a young writer of intention dream, only then everybody's support can make me continue to try hard. 还记得……这本书出了不到100章的时候,许多人在辱骂叶子,说我这本书写不长,最多写到500章就会完本了。不过现在看来,下一章就是500了,而我却正写在兴头上,很羞愧的刚刚明白该怎么写才好看……这少不了大家的支持,我是一个心怀梦想的小小写手,只有大家的支持才能让我继续努力下去。 Thanks, thanks person who each looks at to refine the god domain, what no matter you look is the legal copy or pirates, so long as you like this book are to this book biggest affirmation, thank you! 谢谢,谢谢每个看炼神领域的人,不管你看的是正版还是盗版,只要你喜欢这本书就是对这本书最大的肯定,谢谢你们! Continues to try hard, any classics and myth are not get it done in one action, the leaf will try hard, hopes to have you to have me all the way. 继续努力,任何经典和神话都不是一蹴而就的,叶子会努力下去,希望一路上有你有我。 Finally, seeking to subscribe, reads the legal copy unable to spend several money ~~ 最后,求一下订阅,看正版花不了几个钱的~~ !! !!
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