AG :: Volume #5

#498: 10 million!

31.81%!” “31.81%!” 31.82%!” “31.82%!” 31.83%!” “31.83%!” ...... …… Lulu unceasing was reporting the Lin Muyu's strength coefficient, when registered 31.83% then stopped, said with a smile: Was this strength, Elder Brother felt.” 璐璐不断的报着林沐雨的力量系数,当报到31.83%的时候便停止了,笑道:“就是这个力量了,哥哥感受一下。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu closes one's eyes, after building up Fu Xi Divine Power, consciousness and sea of qi fining and sensitive degree greatly have promoted, now he can induce to the degree of some strength level with ease, grasps the subtle fluctuation of strength with ease, this truly is beforehand cultivating for is unable to compare favorably with, chuckles to oneself at heart secretly, this time, couldn't the key of Heavenly Book escape from the palm finally? 林沐雨闭着眼睛,炼成伏羲神力之后,意海、气海的精炼、敏感程度都大大的提升了,现在他能轻松的感应到某一个力量层次的程度,轻松掌握力量的微妙波动,这确实是之前的修为所无法比得上的,心里暗暗窃喜,这次,天书之钥终于逃不出手掌心了吧? Calls Lulu, starts to attempt! 唤回璐璐,开始尝试! The palm covers above Heavenly Book, in Heavenly Book has transmitted a strength from source unexpectedly, as if the Lin Muyu's strength and Fu Xi Heavenly Book has merged into one organic whole general! 手掌覆盖在天书之上,天书内居然传来了一股来自本源的力量,就仿佛林沐雨的力量与伏羲天书已经融为一体一般! Brushes!” “刷!” Enters the Heavenly Book domain, the strength changes into the gold/metal pond to extend rapidly, when the key of Heavenly Book appears, Lin Muyu also deeply inspired, starts to promote the King to fight the flame slowly the strength, when achieves 31.83% immediately stops continue promote the strength, saw that distant place the key of Heavenly Book, both feet treads gold/metal Chi gently, jumps to go directly! 进入天书领域,力量迅速化为金池延伸开来,当天书之钥浮现而出的时候,林沐雨也深吸了一口气,开始缓缓提升王者斗焰的力量,当达到31.83%的时候马上停止继续提升力量,眼看着远方的天书之钥,双足轻轻一踏金池,直接纵身而去! Near! Near! 近了!近了! The key of Heavenly Book is getting more and more near, the expected scenery suddenly stretches, the key of direction as before Heavenly Book but fly, after all strength already precisely to decimal point second! 天书之钥越来越近,意料之中的猛然景物拉伸开来,但自己飞往的方向依旧还是天书之钥,毕竟力量已经精确到了小数点第二位了! However, when soon the tentacle may , the field of vision stretches rapidly once more! 然而,就在即将触手可及的时候,视野急速再次拉伸了! „ It is not concerned about face! „ “不要脸!“ Lin Muyu almost must shout abuse, after can third even fourth to decimal point be able to obtain the key of Heavenly Book precisely? But this time, Lin Muyu without demur, in instantaneously has lifted the arm that the picture will soon stretch, the bottle gourd cane broken body, twines the Heavenly Book key about 10 meters away directly, catches up suddenly, pulled back the key of Heavenly Book directly! 林沐雨差点就要破口大骂了,难道是要精确到小数点后的第三位甚至第四位才能获得天书之钥吗?但这次,林沐雨二话不说,就在画面即将拉伸的瞬间抬起了手臂,葫芦藤破体而出,直接缠绕住大约10米外的天书之钥,猛然发力,直接将天书之钥拉了回来! „!” “啪!” Key of control Heavenly Book firmly in hand, ahem, copes the setting that is not concerned about face to with the method of not being concerned about face! 天书之钥牢牢的掌控在手中,哼哼,对付不要脸的设定就是要用不要脸的方法! At this moment, the key of Heavenly Book changes into the golden light to seep in the body suddenly, as if turned on some type of seal to be ordinary, but Lin Muyu's Spiritual Sense rapidly was also delivered, returned to the real world, opening eyes pupil time, actually discovered that Fu Xi Heavenly Book was sending out the ray of difference, did not have on Heavenly Book of character to present an all various professions tiny phrase, was the god articles, was the bone-script! 就在这时,天书之钥忽然化为金光沁入身体之中,仿佛打开了某种封印一般,而林沐雨的灵觉也迅速被送了出去,回到现实世界之中,睁开眼眸的时候,却发现伏羲天书散发着异样的光芒,原本无字的天书上出现了一行行细小的字眼,都是神文,也就是甲骨文! This time forest Mu Yu somewhat thanked the arrangement of Heaven, the average person could not understand the bone-script, but his actually energy, why? 此时的林沐雨不禁有些感谢上苍的安排了,一般人是看不懂甲骨文的,但他却能,为什么? This must trace young time, to soak little girl great ambition, Lin Muyu once got sucked into archaeology in this marvelous discipline, the research bone-script went to a demented situation, said that he is familiar with the animal bones writing not to be considered as excessive, he has almost forgotten the original intention, forgot the archaeologize to soak little girl matter. 这要追溯到年轻的时候,为了泡妞这个伟大志向,林沐雨曾经一度深陷入“考古学”这个奇妙的学科里,以至于研究甲骨文达到了一种癫狂的地步,说他熟读甲骨文字都已经不算是过分了,以至于他差点忘了初衷,忘了研究考古学是为了泡妞这回事了。 Looks on Heavenly Book god article, Lin Muyu is secret, was the time learns a Heavenly Book quarter article! 看着天书上的“神文”,林沐雨暗暗欣喜,是时候学习天书刻文了! ...... …… The Heavenly Book first line, writes one line of ice carves the article 天书第一行,书写着一行冰系刻文 Frost, ××××××××, chill in the air ×××××, freezes ×××××, the ×××××××× snowflake, ××××! 冰霜,××××××××,寒意×××××,冰冻×××××,××××××××雪花,××××! ...... …… Looks at Lin Muyu to be confused, this line carves in the article, only then short how many characters, other is the writing that the circle mark replaces, to fill in? 看得林沐雨一头雾水,这一行刻文上只有短短的几个字,其余的都是圆圈符号代替的文字,难道说,是要自己填写吗? Carefully looks, as if truly should like this, it is said the Heavenly Book carving article not rigidly adhere to the form, has many expert(s) to be able several thousand years ago an innovation Heavenly Book quarter article, must follow nothing but is several key words. 仔细一看,似乎确实是应该这样,据说天书的刻文并不拘泥于格式,早在数千年前是有不少高手能够创新天书刻文的,所要遵循的无非是几个关键字而已。 Lin Muyu feels relaxed, closes Fu Xi Heavenly Book slowly, was tired soon died, moreover does not have the material of any quarter article, even to write Heavenly Book not to have that condition, well slept to say again! 林沐雨释然,缓缓合上伏羲天书,已经累得快要死掉了,况且没有任何刻文的材料,即使是想写天书也没有那个条件,还是好好的睡一觉起来再说吧! At this time, the sky has soon shone, outside the outside garden broadcast the Wei Chou sound: Sir Commander, young Miss Tang had come a moment ago, said that this afternoon Auction House will auction the Slaughter God Seal embryo, asks that you can arrive at Purple Yin Flower Auction House personally?” 这时,天已经快要亮了,外面庭院外传来卫仇的声音:“统领大人,小棠小姐刚才来过了,说今天下午拍卖行将会拍卖弑神印器胚,问问您是不是要亲自降临紫茵花拍卖行?” Un, good.” “嗯,好的。” Lin Muyu opens the door of main hall, said: Sends for telling young Tang, I will be punctual, moreover...... Helps me look for a new bed, I must sleeping well.” 林沐雨推开大殿的门,说道:“派人告诉小棠,我会准时去的,另外……帮我找一张新的床,我要好好的睡一觉。” Yes, Commander.” “是,统领。” Wei Chou nods, simultaneously looked became the main hall inner courtyard in remnants of destroyed buildings, was astonished however, but has not said anything, similarly was the follower naturally knows that this pain, strength will damage the goods carelessly, but strong have no intention to damage hundred meters courtyard wall degree to can the follower, Lin Muyu the strength has almost been able to call freak. 卫仇点点头,同时看了看已经成为残垣断壁的大殿内院,不禁讶然,但也没有多说什么,同样身为修炼者自然知道这种痛苦,力量一个不慎就会损坏物品,但强到能够修炼者无意损坏掉百米院墙的程度,林沐雨实力之强已经差不多可以称之为“怪胎”了。 ...... …… Opening eyes time is the high noon, Lin Muyu got out of bed to wash hurriedly, Wei Chou prepares the lunch, has eaten several simply, outside, Bai Yinqian strolling in the snow, was saying with a smile: Commander!” 睁眼的时候已经是正午了,林沐雨急忙起床洗漱一番,卫仇准备好了午餐,简单吃了几口,外面,白隐牵着踏雪,笑道:“统领,出发了!” Un.” “嗯。” Stands up from failure to start, leading Bai Yin, Wei Chou to directly soar the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce. 翻身上马,带着白隐、卫仇两人直奔紫茵花商会。 Passes in Tian Street crowded, when arrives at the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce front Lin Muyu had a scare, the person may be really many, a sea of people piece, outside has been full of the carriage, many horse-drawn vehicles with the pattern that the golden embellishment carves, double harnesses, four to harness can only be medium, some horse-drawn vehicles are six horses together are even drawing, explained that at least is the marquis confers a title upon, otherwise does not dare such to make widely known. 通天街上人来人往,当来到紫茵花商会前方的时候林沐雨就被吓了一跳,人可真多啊,人山人海一片,外面停满了马车,不少马车都是用金子点缀镂刻的花纹,双驾、四驾只能算是中等,有些马车甚至是六匹马一起拉着的,说明至少是侯爵封号,不然是不敢这么张扬的。 Lin Muyu is also the marquis, Yun Linghou is the empress personally confers rank and title, but he does not have that many art, at high speed, any carriage does not have the horseback of strolling in the snow warhorse to come comfortably. 林沐雨也是侯爵,云翎侯是女帝亲自册封的,但他没有那么多的讲究,快马加鞭,任何马车都没有踏雪战马的马背来得舒适。 Fortunately Jin Xiaotang sent for greeting, from the side door of chamber of commerce since later, directly soared Auction House. 所幸的是金小棠派人来迎接了,从商会的偏门进入之后,直奔拍卖行 Lin Muyu was arranged in a field of vision very good VIP room, can see clearly all in auction market, and one side two beauty beautiful maidservants are also serving, is pours tea offers the fruit tray, is very warm, as if these maidservants also know at present the status of this young military officer, one of the empire nine big regiments Commander, title Yun Linghou, Lan who the emperor confers first wild goose four one, fought throughly to rout the demon clan Qian Feng regiment in the prairie fire, changes the empire long-time stable person. 林沐雨被安排在一个视野非常不错的贵宾房内,能够看清拍卖场里的一切,并且一旁还有两名姿色姣好的侍女在伺候着,又是倒茶又是献上果盘,十分热情,似乎这些侍女也知道眼前这个年轻将领的身份,帝国九大军团的统领之一,封号云翎侯,还是先帝册封的兰雁四杰之一,在野火原一战彻底击溃魔族浅风军团,换来帝国长久安定的人。 Wei Chou looks at the auction market, can"t help it, exclaims: Person may be really many!” 卫仇看着拍卖场,禁不住的惊叹道:“人可真多啊!” Bai Yin nods: At least over ten thousand people!” 白隐点点头:“至少上万人!” Lin Muyu lightly smiled, this battle formation also only then can Jin Xiaotang make comes out? 林沐雨微微一笑,这种阵势也只有金小棠能够造得出来了吧? Comes in the person many aristocrat nobilities, for example, Tang Tian, Tang Lu these two Lingbei marquises and Lingxi marquises, moreover, Zhongwang Residence prince Qin Yong also, Zhongwang Residence were one of the four big Heavenly Book aristocratic families, because opening of day imperial gate, Heavenly Book had the strength of world, made Zhongwang Residence this decline for several hundred years, almost rapidly to be risen by the palace that the common people forgot, Qin Yin will politely call Qin Yongwei Uncle Wang, the foot obvious empire was attaching great importance to Heavenly Book how. 来人中不乏贵族王侯,譬如,唐天、唐庐这两位岭北侯、岭西侯就在,另外,忠王府的王爷秦雍也在,忠王府是四大天书世家之一,因为天御之门的开启,天书重新拥有了天地之力,以至于让忠王府这个已经没落数百年、差点就被世人所遗忘的王府迅速崛起了,就连秦茵都会尊称一声秦雍为“王叔”,足可见帝国是多么的重视天书 ...... …… On the auction stage, Jin Xiaotang lust red young girl soft armor, the hand holds a handle dagger to walk to go forward, says with a smile: First, thank today to visit our Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce, young Tang was here courteous! I also know, most people to Slaughter God Seal the embryo comes, but young Tang also wants to remind everybody, besides the Slaughter God Seal embryo, some of our also many good treasure, for example the handle profound Leve 2 dagger in my hand, kills a person and takes his possessions...... Is defends the self-preservation the excellent sharp weapon, starting bid price 8000 Gold Yin Coin!” 拍卖台上,金小棠一身火红色的少女软甲,手捧着一柄匕首走上前,笑道:“首先,感谢诸位今天光临我们紫茵花商会,小棠在这里有礼了!我也知道,大部分人都是冲着弑神印的器胚来的,但是小棠也想提醒大家,除了弑神印器胚之外,我们还有不少好宝贝哦,譬如我手中的这柄玄品二阶匕首,是杀人越货……啊呸,是防卫自保的绝佳利器,起拍价8000金茵币!” Lin Muyu sits in the window smiles to look auction carries on, after two double-hour, throat of Jin Xiaotang quick hoarse, has laid out dozens types of goods, arrived at the climax finally, Jin Xiaotang held one flood the blood red to engrave the ray the shield to arrive on the stage, said with a smile: „, This is has Slaughter God Seal the embryo, Slaughter God Seal, can make the user have certain Divine Power, passes through do not miss, starting bid price 100 W Gold Yin Coin, can shout out the price, but...... Must bring enough gold banknote, otherwise young Tang will deliver to Firebird Division you personally, asking the Firebird Division policeman to entertain your sheet iron well.” 林沐雨坐在窗台边笑看着拍卖的进行,两个时辰之后,金小棠的喉咙都快嘶哑了,拍出了几十样物品,也终于到了重头戏,金小棠捧着一面泛着血红色刻印光芒的盾牌走到了台上,笑着说道:“喏,这便是拥有弑神印的器胚,弑神印,能够让使用者拥有一定的神力,走过不要错过,起拍价100W金茵币,诸位可以叫价了,但是……必须身上带了足够的金票哦,否则的话小棠会亲自把您送到火雀司,请火雀司的巡捕好好的招待您一顿铁板子的。” The people laugh boisterously, afterward, the goods of this next to last act also started to shout out the price. 众人哄然大笑,随后,这压轴的物品也开始叫价了。 150 W!” “150W!” In the bustling crowd, a youth in Zhongwang Residence has raised the arm, was Qin Jiu, the loyal King Qinyong only son, thinks that Zhongwang Residence was proclaimed Ze Tian Palace by the Qin Yin Saint imperial edict, whole family moved to the Orchid Goose City housing, this family settlement fee certainly will not be few, for these Heavenly Book aristocratic families, Qin Yin has spent a lot of money really! 熙熙攘攘的人群中,忠王府的一个青年扬起了手臂,是秦灸,忠王秦雍唯一的儿子,想必忠王府被秦茵圣诏宣进泽天殿,举家迁往兰雁城居住,这安家费也一定不会少,为了这些天书世家,秦茵着实是花了不少钱啊! Now this sum of money, what Lin Muyu is little is the girlfriend receives completely! 如今这笔钱,林沐雨要一点点的为女友全部收回来! A trifling Slaughter God Seal embryo, divulged the day not to have what to use greatly, even if had Slaughter God Seal, was the God Realm expert match? Obviously is not. 区区一个弑神印器胚,说破天也没有什么大用,纵然拥有弑神印,难道就是神境强者的对手吗?显然不是。 The one who makes forest Mu Yu regard as important is Heavenly Book, a low grade book can make Feng Ji Xing strenuous, if...... If can gather 100 best quality goods Heavenly Book to use together, that might is unable to imagine, should be similar to end the world catastrophe? 更让林沐雨看重的是天书,一本下品地书就能让风继行为之吃力了,如果……如果能聚集100本极品天书一起使用,那威力将无法想象,应该和末世浩劫差不多了吧? When forest Mu Yuxiang, on the big auction market reserved seats a person has been raising the arm, said: 200 W Gold Yin Coin!” 就在林沐雨想着的时候,偌大的拍卖场贵宾席上一人举起了手臂,道:“200W金茵币!” The person of frontline propaganda is Ouyang Dragon, the eldest son of Heavenly Book four big aristocratic family Ouyang families. 喊话的人是欧阳龙,天书四大世家欧阳家的长子。 Lin Muyu laughs in one's heart, these Heavenly Book aristocratic families are cry out for technical skills to the Slaughter God Seal embryo simply! 林沐雨不禁暗笑,这几个天书世家对弑神印器胚简直是求之若渴啊! ...... …… Finally, the person in Ji Residence also had the sound, Ji Shang held up the palm, said loudly: 300 W Gold Yin Coin.” 终于,姬府的人也有动静了,姬熵举起手掌,大声道:“300W金茵币。” 400 W Gold Yin Coin!” Shouting out the price that Ouyang Dragon refuses to admit being inferior. “400W金茵币!”欧阳龙不甘示弱的叫价。 Immediately Qin Jiu a face of Zhongwang Residence was indignant: Insane...... Ouyang family|home is one group of lunatics!” 顿时忠王府的秦灸一脸忿忿:“疯了……欧阳家都是一群疯子!” Ji Shang also stares, doubt looks to Ji Forest, said: 400 W that Grandpa, which Ouyang family|home comes perhaps, does the empress to their grant completely does not have that many?” 姬熵也是一愣,狐疑的看向身边的姬林,道:“爷爷,欧阳家哪儿来的400W,女帝对他们的全部赏赐恐怕也没有那么多吧?” Ji Lin deeps frown: I do not know that continues to shout out the price, over 8 million.” 姬林眉头紧锁:“我也不知,继续叫价,超过8000000就算了。” Yes!” “是!” Ji Shang lifts the arm once more: 5 million!” 姬熵再次抬起手臂:“5000000!” Ouyang Dragon complexion is pale, clenches teeth saying: Mother, knew cannot friendly......” 欧阳龙脸色铁青,咬牙道:“妈的,就知道不能善了……” Saying, was enhancing the sound, said: 7 million!” 说着,提高了声音,道:“7000000!” The people were scared, a embryo can sell that high price, this was fried virtual height many! 现场的人都被吓坏了,一个器胚能卖出那么高的价格,这到底是被炒得虚高了多少啊! 8 million!” In the Ji Shang sound is bringing shivering, this is most money that Ji Residence can spend, many words...... Perhaps can only sell off the family property. “8000000!”姬熵的声音中带着颤抖,这已经是姬府能拿出的最多的钱了,再多的话……恐怕只能变卖家产了。 Ouyang Dragon stands up directly, shouted to clear the way lowly: Surely Gold Yin Coin! The young master in Ji Residence, do you want to fight with us really?” 欧阳龙直接站起身来,低喝道:“一千万金茵币!姬府的少爷,你真的要跟我们争吗?” Ji Shang over the face bears patiently, cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile: Ji Shang was sincerely convinced, this embryo turned over to Ouyang aristocratic family.” 姬熵满面隐忍,抱拳一笑道:“姬熵心服口服,这器胚归欧阳世家了。” ...... …… Jin Xiaotang was also smiles soon has grinned with ear to ear, „” one has made a final decision, said: Master Ouyang of aristocratic family Ouyang Dragon bids 10 million purchase embryos to be successful, invites the backstage to trade with me!” 金小棠也是笑得快要合不拢嘴了,“啪”的一下敲定了,道:“欧阳世家的欧阳龙少爷出价10000000购买器胚成功,请来后台与我交易吧!” Surely Gold Yin Coin! 一千万金茵币啊! Enough equipped half gentian camp, these people were really the lunatics, drew cash does not work as money. 足够装备半支龙胆营了,这些人果然都是疯子,拿钱不当钱的。 !! !!
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