AG :: Volume #5

#497: Fu Xi Divine Power

Brushes!” “刷!” Spiritual Sense changes into the body to appear in the Heavenly Book domain, Battle Qi of whole body gushed out to form gold/metal Chi rapidly, the key of that Heavenly Book also slowly reappeared, in distant place revolving slowly, as before was taunting the loser of Lin Muyu this fighting on despite repeated setbacks. 灵觉化为身躯出现在天书领域之中,周身的斗气迅速涌出形成了金池,那天书之钥也缓缓浮现出来,就在远方缓缓的旋转,依旧在嘲讽着林沐雨这个屡败屡战的失败者。 Comes again one time, should not be anxious.” “再来一次,不要急。” Lin Muyu has comforted the repeatedly injured mind, starts to promote the aura, sought for the feeling, promoted the Battle Qi strength about 31.8%, jumped to leap to go suddenly! 林沐雨安慰了一下自己屡屡受伤的心灵,开始提升气息,寻找刚才的感觉,将斗气力量提升到了31.8%左右,猛然纵身一跃而去! Crash-bang......” “哗啦……” Flying shuttle of strong gale near ear, but the key of that Heavenly Book was also getting more and more near! 烈风在耳边飞梭而过,而那天书之钥也越来越近了! Wants the tentacle to be possible shortly and time, suddenly the present thing stretched instantaneously, but as before also in control range, when forest Mu Yu will soon put out a hand, the surrounding scenery stretched once again one time, immediately the key of Heavenly Book presented about 50 meters away, immediately Lin Muyu 1 million damn dashed about wildly, this setting was also too abnormal! 眼看就要触手可及的时候,忽然眼前的事物瞬间拉伸了许多,但依旧还在掌控范围之内,就在林沐雨即将伸手的时候,周围的景物再度拉伸了一次,顿时天书之钥足足出现在近50米外了,顿时林沐雨心里1000000头草泥马狂奔而过,这设定也太变态了吧! Dejected withdrew from the Heavenly Book domain, his can takes a deep breath, be able to attain the key of Heavenly Book to latter two of decimal point really precisely? 颓然的退出了天书领域,他深吸一口气,难道真的要精确到小数点的后两位才能拿到天书之钥吗? Frustration extremely serious lingering in his heart, does not want to try hard actually, but is present cultivating is, to strength grasps truly has not entered the stage of perfection, is unable to catch 0.01% strength sensitively! 挫败感极其严重的萦绕在他的心头,倒不是自己不想努力,而是如今的修为,对力量的掌握确实没有进入化境,无法敏感的捕捉0.01%的力量啊! At this moment, Lulu in consciousness spoke suddenly: Elder Brother, you still remember that Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor does present as a gift to your 0.5% Divine Power? Lulu remembers, Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor to strength grasps, let alone was 0.1%, even if were 0.001 he is also same can achieve, therefore Lulu judgment, God Realm expert to strength grasped the exquisite degree definitely above 0.01%, but Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor the 0.5% Divine Power was too small and weak, being insufficient made you achieve all these, was inferior...... A refining godship fragment, can trying fuse many Divine Power to go in?” 就在这时,意海中的璐璐忽地说话了:“哥哥,你还记得七曜魔帝赠给你的0.5%的神力吗?璐璐记得,七曜魔帝对力量的掌握别说是0.1%了,就算是0.001他也一样能做到,所以璐璐判断,神境强者对力量的掌握细腻程度肯定在0.01%之上,但七曜魔帝的这0.5%的神力太弱小了,不足以让你做到这一切,不如……炼化一枚神格碎片,试试能不能融合更多的神力进去?” „?” “哦?” Lin Muyu heart one bright, Lulu this reminder simply was too prompt! Said wild with joy: Good, I try!” 林沐雨心头一亮,璐璐这个提醒简直是太及时了!狂喜不已道:“好,那我试试!” Oh!” “嗯嗯!” ...... …… Takes out one in two godship fragments from Cosmos Bag, this fragment flood fire red ray, looks like a gem is the same, but can the strength can it be that mortal of implication completely understand? 乾坤袋里取出两枚神格碎片中的一枚,这枚碎片泛着火红色光芒,就像是一颗宝石一样,但其中蕴含的力量又岂是凡人能够看透的? Whish!” “哗!” Offers a sacrifice to Alchemy Cauldron, the spark lingers in the surroundings, Lin Muyu ejects the godship fragment slowly, immediately this flame fragment exudes humming sound the sound under the spark package, seems resisting general! 祭出炼器宝鼎,星火萦绕在周围,林沐雨缓缓抛出神格碎片,顿时这枚火红色碎片在星火的包裹下发出“嗡嗡”之声,仿佛在抵挡一般! Lin Muyu double is hand-held the stars sword, is built on Alchemy Cauldron, eyes shuts tightly, under the cape in the strong gale sways to fly upwards unceasingly, is not good, the revolt strength of godship fragment was getting stronger and stronger, as if Alchemy Cauldron is unable to control this Divine Power! 林沐雨双手扶着星辰剑,立于炼器宝鼎之中,双眸紧闭,身后斗篷在烈风吹拂下不断飞扬起来,不行,来自神格碎片的反抗之力越来越强了,似乎炼器宝鼎根本就无法驾驭这种神力 Mother!” “妈的!” Lin Muyu clenches teeth, body leans God Binding Lock and Seven Luminaries immortal hu to offer a sacrifice to together, Martial Spirit profound strength rapid in addition holds to enter in Alchemy Cauldron, suppresses the strength that in the godship fragment contains together! 林沐雨一咬牙,身侧缚神锁七曜仙葫一起祭出,武魂玄力飞速加持进入炼器宝鼎中,一起来镇压神格碎片中蕴含的力量! Buzz humming sound......” “嗡嗡嗡……” The flame is even more strong, entire Alchemy Cauldron also in shivering, Lin Muyu is closing one's eyes tightly, continuation of not saying a word urges the round of King to fight the flame to add holds the strength in Alchemy Cauldron , to promote the temperature diligently, thinks that refining flame is the godship fragment, must compare it higher temperature, stronger strength! After all in world principle is to rely on bullies the weak, if to Fang Qiang, has not discussed refining. 火焰越发的浓烈起来,整个炼器宝鼎也在颤抖着,林沐雨紧闭着眼睛,一言不发的继续催发王者斗焰来加持炼器宝鼎内的力量,努力提升温度,想炼化一枚火焰系神格碎片,就必须要拥有比它更高的温度,更强的力量!毕竟世间法则就是倚强凌弱,如果没有对方强,就不谈炼化了。 But the strength in this godship fragment is very enormous and powerful, unfailing is contending with Alchemy Cauldron, passed about three double-hour, the day has gotten dark by refining, surface layer a fragment spirit strength had not been flaked as before actually slowly, immediately Lin Muyu is secret, can succeed? 但这枚神格碎片内的力量十分浩荡,经久不衰的与炼器宝鼎抗衡着,足足过了近三个时辰,天都已经黑下来的时候也依旧没有被炼化,倒是碎片表层的一层灵力正在缓缓的剥落,顿时林沐雨暗暗欣喜,要成功了吗? But at this moment, in the flame the person's shadow gathers suddenly together slowly, is a white beard old man, cruel of face, the anger shouted to clear the way: „Does little animal, depend on you also to usurp this Divine King strength?” 但就在这时,忽然火焰中一道人影缓缓汇聚起来,是一个白须老者,一脸的暴戾,怒喝道:“小畜生,就凭你还想篡夺本神王的力量吗?” Saying, the old man was brandishing palm strength to rumble, the roaring flame was dreadful! 说着,老者挥舞掌力就轰了过来,烈焰滔天! The day, this also unexpectedly is a Divine King fragment, the Middle God godship! 天,这也居然是一个神王的碎片,中位神的神格啊! Lin Muyu complained of hardship secretly, was unable to back down also can only spell hardly, arm horizontal, has promoted the Sixth Luminary, Universe Calamity enormous and powerful strength without demur directly! 林沐雨暗暗叫苦,骑虎难下也只能硬拼了,手臂横起,二话不说直接推出了六曜天地劫的浩荡力量! Bang!” “轰!” The both sides strength surges to thunder, bang, Alchemy Cauldron cannot withstand the strength of this certainly world finally, explodes suddenly, the flame shock-wave sweeps across the four directions, around garden the pavilion and waterside pavilion easily accomplished bang, the roaring flame has shot up to the sky all together, is very scary. 双方力量涌动轰鸣,“轰”的一声,炼器宝鼎终于承受不了这股强绝天地的力量,骤然爆炸开来,火焰冲击波席卷四方,将庭院周围的亭台、水榭尽数摧枯拉朽的轰掉了,一道烈焰冲天而起,十分骇人。 „......” “啊……” Lin Muyu the mouth spits the backlash several steps of blood, in an extremely difficult situation, had been seriously injured. 林沐雨口吐鲜血的后退数步,狼狈不堪,已经受了重伤了。 Ding, the godship fragment falls in the crushed stone slowly, but the surface strength started to wield has dispersed, ***, it seems like that this Divine King retains the god in godship fragment to read launches attacks the moment, was equal to disintegrating the defense capability of godship fragment, was time again refining one time! “叮”的一声,神格碎片缓缓落在碎石之中,但表层的力量已经开始挥散了,***,看来这个神王保留在神格碎片里的神念发动攻击的一刻,也等于瓦解了神格碎片的防御能力了,是时候再炼化一次了! ...... …… Suppresses the injury, Lin Muyu is standing up, is hand-held the stars sword, the thought moving place, Alchemy Cauldron is condensing, at this time, outside has broadcast the Wei Chou sound: Sir, how?” 强忍着伤势,林沐雨重新站起身,手扶着星辰剑,意念动处,炼器宝鼎重新凝聚起来,也就在这时候,外面传来了卫仇的声音:“大人,怎么了?” All right, is defending outside, do not make anybody approach me.” “没事,在外面守着,不要让任何人接近我。” Yes!” “是!” The godship fragment in Alchemy Cauldron sends out faint trace the sound, was burnt red, but as if as before furiously is actually revolting against refining, the roaring flame of both sides surges unceasingly, is contending mutually. 神格碎片在炼器宝鼎中发出“丝丝”的声音,被烧得通红,但却似乎依旧在奋力反抗着炼化,双方的烈焰涌动不绝,相互抗衡着。 That Divine King fierce appearance appears once more, the complexion is somewhat pale, in both hands is controlling the roaring flame, laughs saying: What's wrong, wants to try your Divine King Grandpa invincible Divine Power? Come comes, the father makes you know how the dead characters write!” 神王的狰狞样子再次浮现出来,脸色有些苍白,双手之中操控着烈焰,哈哈大笑道:“怎么,还是想试试你神王爷爷的无敌神力吗?来吧来吧,老子让你知道死字怎么写!” CNM......” “CNM……” Lin Muyu scolded with the country obloquies to say. 林沐雨用国骂大骂道。 NMB!” Divine King was angrier, cursed angrily, while urged valley Divine Power backlash Lin Muyu furiously. “NMB!”神王更加愤怒了,一边怒骂,一边奋力催谷神力反噬林沐雨。 At this moment, Lin Muyu the Fu Xi Heavenly Book ray on tattered stone block greatly is after death abundant, rustle the change a pages of spirit money, as if are having the appearance of response, is received in this godship fragment the hauling of strength? 就在这时,林沐雨身后破烂石墩上的伏羲天书却光芒大盛起来,“沙沙”的翻动着一页页金纸,似乎是有反应的样子,难道是受到了这枚神格碎片里力量的牵引? Lin Muyu is somewhat stunned, then sets aside the hand, suddenly right hand according to above Fu Xi Heavenly Book in change. 林沐雨有些愕然,便腾出手来,猛然右手按在了翻动中的伏羲天书之上。 Brushes......” “刷……” Wipes cream Divine Power to condense from Heavenly Book unexpectedly, emerges in the Lin Muyu's palm, immediately Lin Muyu the whole body trembles, where the body of mortal can withstand such enormous and powerful Divine Power, he pulls out the hand hurriedly, but in the palm emerged one bunch of Fu Xi Heavenly Book Divine Power, after several seconds, as if the induction to the entering body of Heavenly Book Divine Power, the surging revolt that another Divine Power in within the body refuses to admit being inferior comes, is that wisp of Divine Power that Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor leaves behind! 一抹乳白色神力竟从天书之上凝聚而起,涌入林沐雨的掌心里,顿时林沐雨浑身一颤,凡人之躯哪儿能承受得了这么浩荡的神力,他急忙抽开手,但掌心里已经涌入一束伏羲天书神力了,几秒钟后,似乎感应到天书神力的入体,体内的另一股神力不甘示弱的涌动反抗而来,是七曜魔帝留下的那一缕神力 My goodness, two Divine Power take the Lin Muyu's body to contend immediately mutually as the battlefield, is without making any mutual concessions! 好家伙,两股神力顿时以林沐雨的身躯为战场相互抗衡起来,互不相让! Suddenly, the heart that Lin Muyu wants dead had, drinks one lowly: Has to make a mistake, had I soon by this godship fragment backlash, you unexpectedly also been fought?!” 一时间,林沐雨想死的心都有了,低喝一声:“有没有搞错,我快要被这枚神格碎片反噬了,你们居然还在内斗?!” Immediately two Divine Power as if guilty, a wisp emerges the left hand, a wisp emerges the right hand , helping in the fighting together! 顿时两股神力似乎“愧疚”了起来,一缕涌入左手,一缕涌入右手,一起助战起来! Lin Muyu the double palm almost promotes together, shouted to clear the way lowly: Gives me to melt!” 林沐雨双掌几乎一起推出,低喝道:“给我化掉!” What?” “什么?” The Divine King whole body trembles, the strength is in inverse proportion, immediately was suppressed, on the face full is the panic-stricken color: Your this boy, who is, I...... I am not willingly......” 神王浑身一颤,力量此消彼长,立刻就被压制了下去,脸上满是惊骇之色:“你这小子,到底是什么人,我……我不甘心啊……” Heavenly Book Divine Power + Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor Divine Power + Seventh Luminary, Star Shift, three wisps of strong strengths fused in this moment certainly unexpectedly in one, was attacking the godship fragment in Alchemy Cauldron loudly unceasingly, immediately that Divine King body disintegration came rapidly, became the king defeated invader, even if he were Divine King, but godship fragment only then he less than 10% Divine Power, but in Lin Muyu's this struck has Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor and Heavenly Book profound strength, how can be trifling broke the godship can contend. 天书神力+七曜魔帝神力+七曜星辰变,三缕绝强的力量在这一刻居然融合在了一起,轰然不断冲击着炼器宝鼎内的神格碎片,顿时那神王的身躯急速崩碎开来,成者王败者寇,纵然他强为神王,但神格碎片只有他不到一成的神力,而林沐雨的这一击里却拥有七曜魔帝天书玄力,怎会是区区一枚破碎了的神格所能抗衡的。 Bang!” “砰!” The godship fragment comes officially shatter, innumerable Divine Power change into the airborne of flame asterism in Alchemy Cauldron to dance in the air, this is the excellent refining opportunity! 神格碎片正式破碎开来,无数神力化为火红色星芒在炼器宝鼎内的空中飞舞着,这是大好的炼化的机会啊! Lin Muyu takes a deep breath, rapid to absorb these rich Divine Power, are seeing only grains of godship Xinghua to seep in his skin, afterward integrates the bloodlines slowly, blends with his own strength in the same place, this is Alchemy Cauldron refining strength the place of profound strange, others' strength assimilation for oneself, exempted directly fused this process. 林沐雨深吸一口气,飞速吸纳着这些丰富的神力,只见一粒粒神格星华沁入他的皮肤之中,随后缓缓融入血脉,与他自身的力量融汇在一起,这就是炼器宝鼎炼化力量的玄奇之处,直接将别人的力量同化为自身,免去了融合这个过程。 Along with the entering body of third Divine Power, Lin Muyu the corners of the mouth raise, Alchemy Cauldron ray Sheng, starts the profound strength in refining sea of qi suddenly greatly! 随着第三股神力的入体,林沐雨嘴角不禁一扬,忽地炼器宝鼎光芒大盛,开始炼化气海内的玄力! This fellow heart is black, Heavenly Book Divine Power and Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor Divine Power just helped probably unload the grinding to kill the donkey! 这家伙心黑着呢,天书神力七曜魔帝神力刚刚帮完自己就要卸磨杀驴了! In a flash, three Divine Power have not revolted against with enough time is washed the rain enormous and powerful strength by the forest to completely refining, Divine Power continuously gathers in the dantian sea of qi, becomes different fights the flame in the King another strength, and this strength takes the Lin Muyu's heart practice as the soul, strength very limpid, very pure! 一瞬间,三股神力还未来得及反抗就被林沐雨浩荡的力量给完全炼化了,一缕缕的神力汇聚在丹田气海之中,成为迥异于王者斗焰的另一股力量,并且这股力量以林沐雨的心地修炼为灵魂,力量十分的清澈,也十分的精纯! Suddenly, in the body transmits an all over the body comfortable feeling, this newborn Divine Power is curing the body backlash injury that Seventh Luminary, Star Shift is bringing fast, this is one is full of the life recovery strength Divine Power! 突然之间,身躯之中传来一种通体舒泰的感觉,这股新生的神力正在快速治愈着七曜星辰变带来的身体反噬伤害,这是一股充满生命复苏力量的神力啊! Lin Muyu is pleasantly surprised, in the meantime, in this Divine Power is also containing the shocking everybody flame crazy vigor as well as the Seven Luminaries vigorous sabotage force, almost gathered in three Divine Power managers together! 林沐雨惊喜不已,同时,这股神力中还蕴含着惊世骇俗的火焰狂劲以及七曜的雄浑破坏力量,几乎将三种神力的所长都汇聚在一起了! Ha Ha Ha Ha...... Ha Ha Ha......” “哈哈哈哈……哈哈哈……” In the nighttime sky, Lin Muyu laughs, this strength progressed by leaps and bounds, thanks to this godship fragment, own King fought the flame the intensity to deepen much, has stepped into the Saint mark boundary small accomplishment boundary! 夜空中,林沐雨开怀大笑,这一次力量真的突飞猛进了,托了这枚神格碎片的福,自己的王者斗焰的烈度加深了不少,已经踏入圣迹境小成的境界了! Meanwhile, Lin Muyu also names as Fu Xi Divine Power this Divine Power, after all was lucky the Divine Power that in Heavenly Book contains can fall godship fragment refining. 同时,林沐雨也将这股神力命名为“伏羲神力”,毕竟多亏天书里蕴含的这股神力才能将神格碎片炼化掉。 Also at this moment, when he air/Qi the sinking dantian, in regards then can see each small mighty waves in sea of qi and consciousness, even a fluctuation in sea of qi also jumps his sensation, this can only prove a point, he to strength grasped deeper one! 也就在这时,当他气沉丹田的时候,内视便能看到气海、意海中的每一道小小波澜,甚至气海中的一丝的波动也跳不过他的感知,这只能证明一点,他对力量的掌握更深一层了! Lulu, comes out.” 璐璐,出来。” The beautiful fairy court lady flew, said with a smile: Congratulates Elder Brother to obtain Fu Xi Divine Power! This wisp of Divine Power may strive to excel compared with 0.5% Divine Power that initially Devil Emperor kept too.” 美丽的精灵女官飞了出来,笑道:“恭喜哥哥获得伏羲神力!这一缕神力可比当初魔帝留下来的0.5%的神力要强太多啦。” Un.” Lin Muyu is well aware, although this Fu Xi Divine Power intensity is inferior to the King to fight powerful that the flame the fundamental force comes, but has been used in the actual combat sufficiently, after all the Divine Power succinct degree is the King fights the flame unable to place on a par. “嗯。”林沐雨心知肚明,这股伏羲神力的强度虽然不及王者斗焰的根本力量来的强悍,但已经足以用于实战了,毕竟神力的精粹程度是王者斗焰无法相提并论的。 Continue, strength test! 继续,力量测试! !! !!
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