AG :: Volume #5

#496: Girth quotient

„The ampleness of moon/month, if the strength of person, by getting it done in one action other shore, is for the Lord of Heavenly Book.” “月之盈满,若人之力,以一蹴而就彼岸者,乃为天书之主。” The moon/month band of light the chill in the air is sprinkling in courtyard, Lin Muyu stands near the big grinding pan, but golden Fu Xi Heavenly Book places in the place above, on Heavenly Book a blank, the latter three volumes are only non- character Heavenly Book, Lin Muyu talked over Divine Emperor Fu Xi to leave his these words repeatedly, actually throughout did not understand profound and abstruse principles. 月光带着寒意洒落在院落里,林沐雨站在大大的磨盘边,而金色的伏羲天书就摆放在上方,天书上一片空白,后三卷只是无字天书而已,林沐雨心里反复念叨着神帝伏羲留给他的这句话,却始终参不透其中的玄机。 Learned from Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi there, although more than 4000 years ago cherishing King Qinbing were a god prints the master, but did not have a higher achievement, this proved Qin Bing sufficiently, although had Fu Xi Heavenly Book, but has not actually understood following three volumes of non- character Heavenly Book. 秦茵唐小汐那里得知,4000多年前的怀王秦炳虽然是一位神印师,但却没有更高的成就,这足以证明秦炳虽然拥有伏羲天书,但却并没有参透后面三卷的无字天书 Covers the palm slowly above Heavenly Book, Spiritual Sense lingers, in the King fights around the flame, seeps in Heavenly Book slowly. 将手掌缓缓覆盖在天书之上,灵觉萦绕在王者斗焰周围,缓缓沁入天书之中。 Suddenly, in Heavenly Book as if had a huge suction to be ordinary, suddenly Lin Muyu's Spiritual Sense and strength together to absorb! 忽然之间,天书中仿佛产生了一股巨大吸力一般,骤然之间将林沐雨的灵觉与力量一起吸纳了进去! Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” At present suddenly one bright, he entered Heavenly Book to form in a mysterious domain, seems built on during the star eon general, under foot void, the top of the head is myriad stars, these stars flood the dazzling ray, the combustion life is volatilizing the formidable energy, in the top of the head is a round flash is more positive, at the height of power. 眼前猛然一亮,他已经进入天书所形成了一个玄妙领域之中,仿佛立于星宙之中一般,脚下一片虚空,头顶则是万千星辰,那些恒星泛着耀眼的光芒,正在燃烧生命挥发着强大的能量,头顶上更是一轮耀阳,如日中天。 This?” Lin Muyu is confused looks at surroundings. “这是哪儿?”林沐雨一头雾水的看着周围。 But at this moment, the sole appeared suddenly has wiped the golden ray, fought flame to absorb to go in own King all, no matter how what he struggled unable to struggle, the flame King fought the flame to flow rapidly, but left the body, dissolved with that golden ray in one, formed golden size to flow, during was void as if has an invisible circular drainage ditch to be ordinary, gathers the Lin Muyu's King to fight the flame to flow to extremely the distant place. 但就在这时,忽然脚底出现了一抹金色光芒,将自己的王者斗焰尽数吸纳进去,任他如何挣扎也挣扎不开,火红色的王者斗焰奔流而去离开了身躯,与那金色光芒溶于一处,形成了一道金色浆液流淌开去,虚空之中仿佛拥有一道无形的圆形沟渠一般,汇聚着林沐雨的王者斗焰流淌向极远处。 Soon, these golden energy thick liquid gather in together, ascends the roaring flame of flaming combustion. 不久之后,这些金色的能量浆汇聚在一起,升腾起熊熊燃烧的烈焰。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Battle Qi of Lin Muyu Within the body starts to be full rapidly, but the under foot is weak, both feet steps on unable to pull out in the golden energy thick liquid, he can only reach as high as following this radius over a hundred meters circle marches forward, but at this moment, in the entire circle is away from a he farthest point ray to rise sharply suddenly, a golden key energy ray ascension, slowly rotation. 林沐雨体内的斗气迅速开始充盈起来,但脚下非常无力,双足踩在金色能量浆中根本就拔不出来,他只能循着这半径高达上百米的圆圈行进,而就在这时,整个圆圈上距离他最远的一个点忽然光芒大涨起来,一把金色的钥匙能量光芒升腾而起,缓缓转动。 Key?” “钥匙?” He is suddenly enlighted, this key unties the method of Fu Xi Heavenly Book seal? 他恍然大悟,难道说,这钥匙就是解开伏羲天书封印的方法? At this moment, the airborne skylight releases to fall together, slowly the condensation for full is the impressive and dignified manner Divine Emperor Fu Xi's idol, is built on among the stars gorgeously, Fu Xi whole face saying with a smile: Forest Mu Yu, my posterity, has not thought that you entered gold/metal pond quickly ‚’, it seems like you and Heavenly Book truly are predestined friends, ‚the key of Heavenly Book came, so long as you can obtain the key of Heavenly Book, you can untie the Heavenly Book seal, but you must remember, enters Heavenly Book gold/metal Chi each time, you have a time opportunity leaves the under foot gold/metal pond, if unable to obtain the key of Heavenly Book, your Spiritual Sense will be sent out Heavenly Book.” 就在这时,空中一道天光泄落,缓缓凝聚为满是威仪的神帝伏羲的神像,巍然立于星辰之间,伏羲满脸含笑的说道:“林沐雨,我的后人,没有想到你那么快就进入了‘金池’之中,看来你与天书确实有缘,‘天书之钥’已经现身,只要你能取得天书之钥,你就能解开天书的封印,但是你要记住,每次进入天书金池,你只有一次机会离开脚下的‘金池’,如果无法取得天书之钥,你的灵觉就会被送出天书。” After saying, no matter also Lin Muyu did have the words to say that the Divine Emperor Fu Xi's god body rapid dissipation was golden brilliance rain falls in the stars. 说完之后,也不管林沐雨有没有话要说,神帝伏羲的神体迅速消散为一朵朵金色光华雨落在星辰之间。 This anything ghost......” “这什么鬼……” Lin Muyu knitting the brows head, then got off the subject not far the key of Heavenly Book, should be able to attain very much easily is right! 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,那把天书之钥说远不远,应该很容易就能拿到才对! Therefore, has no more to do with walk, along gold/metal pond line, but after walking for a half minute, actually discovered that the key of Heavenly Book is moving unexpectedly, that golden key unexpectedly with oneself by center of circle direction parallel migration! 于是,拔腿就走,沿着金池而行,但走了半分钟后,却发现天书之钥居然也在移动,那一把金色的钥匙居然跟自己以圆心方向平行移动! By......” “靠……” Lin Muyu is somewhat vexed and ashamed, this is clearly making fun of people! 林沐雨有些恼羞,这分明是在耍人嘛! Then wants to obtain the key of Heavenly Book only then a method, jumped over! 那么想要获得天书之钥就只有一种方法了,跳过去! The vision surveyed to be away from, gold/metal Chi was enlarging slowly, the key of Heavenly Book was distanced oneself probably to have 200 meters distance, drank lowly, the flame King fought the flame to revolve in the whole body rapidly, the under foot step on trod gold/metal Chi, whiz soared to the heavens to go, has used about 80% strength high and low, but was leaving gold/metal Chi instantaneous Lin Muyu who to yell that is not wonderful, airborne vertical leapt speed to be too quick, oneself almost moved sideways to leave gold/metal Chi the range, the key of Heavenly Book slid in the eyelid bottom shortly in the past. 目光测量了一下距离,金池正在缓缓的放大,天书之钥相距自己大约已经有200米的距离,一声低喝,火红色王者斗焰在周身飞速旋转着,脚下蹬踏金池,“嗖”一声冲天而去,用了大约八成力上下,但就在离开金池的瞬间林沐雨就大叫不妙了,空中纵跃速度太快,自己几乎一闪身就已经离开了金池的范围,眼看着天书之钥在眼皮底下滑过去了。 Failure! 失败! The surrounding space reverses suddenly, myriad stars ray greatly Sheng Yongzhi, rumbling hitting above the Lin Muyu's Spiritual Sense body, the severe pain is incomparable, has sent out the Heavenly Book domain him directly. 周围的空间猛然扭转起来,万千星辰光芒大盛涌至,轰轰轰的打在林沐雨的灵觉身躯之上,剧痛无比,直接将他送出了天书领域。 „......” “啊……” He opens the eye suddenly, has a look at hands and feet, all right, but Spiritual Sense has transmitted a very weary feeling, it seems like enters the Heavenly Book domain to consume the spirit soul strength, but at least also strength of the 60% spirit souls can use, Lin Muyu takes a deep breath, calculated carefully had been using 80% strength too fierce matters a moment ago, perhaps, can obtain the key of Heavenly Book with 40% strengths! 他猛然睁开眼睛,看看手脚,没事,只是灵觉传来了一种非常疲倦的感觉,看来进入天书领域是十分耗费灵魄力量的,不过至少还有60%的灵魄之力可以用,林沐雨深吸一口气,仔细盘算着刚才用了八成力太猛的事情,或许,用四成力量就能取得天书之钥了! Therefore, the palm covers once more above Heavenly Book, the centralized spirit, probably passed nearly ten minutes, finally entered the Heavenly Book domain once more, the King in within the body has fought in flame entry Heavenly Book continuously, the gathering was the gold/metal pond, but the key of Heavenly Book also in the distant place reappeared, flood the dazzling ray, seemed ridiculing that Lin Muyu was ordinary. 于是,手掌再次覆盖在天书之上,集中精神,大约过了近十分钟之久,终于再次进入了天书领域,体内的王者斗焰源源不绝的进入天书之中,汇聚为金池,而天书之钥也在远方浮现出来,泛着耀眼的光芒,仿佛在嘲笑林沐雨一般。 Come on...... Lin Zhi!” “加油啊……林炙!” Lin Muyu silently inflates for oneself, the body sinks slowly, the King of body week fights the flame to revolve rapidly, this time has used about 40% strengths, jumps to leap to go, directly soars the key of Heavenly Book! 林沐雨默默的为自己打气,身体缓缓下沉,身周的王者斗焰急速回旋起来,这次用了大约四成力量,纵身一跃而去,直奔天书之钥! The cool breeze strokes, the key of Heavenly Book was getting more and more near, but when forest Mu Yu will be soon at arm's length, suddenly the present scene was stretched, right, from the distance of key of rice Heavenly Book, stretched about hundred meters remote most mostly instantaneously, can only look from afar the key of Heavenly Book to him! 清风微拂中,天书之钥越来越近了,但就在林沐雨即将伸手可及的时候,忽然眼前的场面被拉伸了,没错,原本距离天书之钥最多半米的距离,瞬间拉伸到了近百米之遥,只能远远的看着天书之钥离他而去了! I depend! day X!!” Lin Muyu cursed angrily one, nine days of stars have delivered him once more. “我靠!日了X了!!”林沐雨怒骂一声,九天星辰再次把他送了出来。 ...... …… Second time enters the Heavenly Book domain, this time has soon consumed light own spirit soul strength, Lin Muyu somewhat is dejected, the key of extremely easy to obtain Heavenly Book, actually soon will have been succeeding obviously in obtaining flies to be so far instantaneously, looked like the map proportion reduced instantaneously generally, what is this? 第二次进入天书领域,这次已经快要耗光自己的灵魄力量了,林沐雨不禁有些颓然,明明已经唾手可得的天书之钥,却在即将到手的瞬间飞去那么远,就像是地图比例瞬间缩小了一般,这是什么意思? „The ampleness of moon/month, if the strength of person, by getting it done in one action other shore, is for the Lord of Heavenly Book.” “月之盈满,若人之力,以一蹴而就彼岸者,乃为天书之主。” „The ampleness of moon/month, if the strength of person, by getting it done in one action other shore, is for the Lord of Heavenly Book......” “月之盈满,若人之力,以一蹴而就彼岸者,乃为天书之主……” He also talked over the words that two Fu Xi has left, suddenly at heart one bright, moon/month ample, if the strength of person, these two were equal to telling itself, gold/metal Chi big, fought the flame to enrich by own King, actually the King fought the flame the total quantity to be stronger, gold/metal Chi was also bigger, should be this meaning, as for getting it done in one action, in other words a caper must arrive at the other shore. 他又念叨了两句伏羲留下的话,忽然心里一亮,月之盈满、若人之力,这两句就等于告诉自己,金池有多大,是靠自己的王者斗焰来充实起来的,其实王者斗焰的总量越强,金池也就越大,应该就是这个意思,至于一蹴而就,也就是说一次跳跃必须到达彼岸。 Ha Ha Ha Ha...... Originally is this...... Ha Ha Ha......” “哈哈哈哈……原来是这样……哈哈哈……” In a flash, Lin Muyu can"t help it, laughs. 一瞬间,林沐雨禁不住的大笑起来。 gold/metal Chiyou own King fights the flame gathering full circle, but the Heavenly Book mystery lies in the appropriateness of strength, gets it done in one action, in other words, oneself this jump to jump out a perfect gold/metal pond diameter, otherwise jumps too repeatedly is the futile effort! 金池由自己的王者斗焰汇聚成圆,而天书的奥秘就在于力量的得当,一蹴而就,也就是说,自己这一跳必须跳出一个完美的金池直径来,否则跳太多次都是徒劳! This means that strength grasps to be precise, is led far astray by a slight error is not good! 这更加意味着,力量的掌握必须精确,差之毫厘都不行! Right, full Zhi of oneself strength was equal to that a circumference of gold/metal pond, but this jumps the strength that uses only to be the diameter, this percentage he too has understood, the girth quotient in legend! This jumps cannot many unable to be few, can only be the diameter divides the perimeter the percentage, is 1 / π = 1 / 3.1415926 = 31.830989% strengths! 没错,自己力量的满值等于是一个金池的圆周,而这一跳所用的力量只能是直径,这个倍率他太了解了,传说中的圆周率啊!这一跳不能多不能少,只能是直径除以圆周长的倍率,也就是1/π=1/3.1415926=31.830989%的力量! In a flash, Lin Muyu is secret, own mathematical studies luckily is good, how otherwise in this is full in the world of profound and abstruse principles to mix! No wonder Qin Bing spent one's last years has not grasped the Fu Xi Heavenly Book genuine profound and abstruse principles, what because he did not understand is the girth quotient! Studies the dregs is not good, falls after the person step by step, fully proves the knowledge the importance! 一瞬间,林沐雨暗暗自得,幸好自己的数学学得还算不错,不然在这个充满玄机的世界里可怎么混下去啊!难怪秦炳终老也没有掌握伏羲天书的真正玄机,只是因为他不懂什么叫圆周率!学渣就是不行,步步落于人后,充分证明知识的重要性! But said easily, does actually difficultly, in 31% was very strong the strength control, how many decimal places let alone can also arrive at the following precisely? 可是说得容易,做起来却难上加难,把力量控制在31%都已经很强了,更何况还要精确到后面的几个小数位? Does not manage, a spirit soul strength void, slept to restore the strength of spirit soul to say first again! 不管了,灵魄力量一片空虚,先睡一觉恢复了灵魄之力再说! ...... …… Next day, to high noon time leisurely wakes up, the strength of full spirit soul is full, can continue to attempt. 次日,一直到正午的时候才悠悠醒来,灵魄之力充盈饱满,可以继续尝试了。 But this forest Mu Yu like has not been a youth enters the Heavenly Book domain hurriedly, but after has had the lunch, makes Wei Chou and the others do not disturb, afterward is built on the courtyard in barrack main hall, decides later calls one lightly: Lulu, comes out.” 但这一次林沐雨没有像是一个愣头青一样匆忙进入天书领域,而是吃了午饭之后让卫仇等人不要打扰,随后立于营盘大殿的院落之中,立定之后轻唤一声:“璐璐,出来。” Brushes!” “刷!” The beautiful fairy court lady departed consciousness, is whipping the clear wing, said with a smile: „Does Elder Brother, what need Lulu have to work for?” 美丽的精灵女官飞出了意海,拍打着晶莹的翅膀,笑着说道:“哥哥,有什么需要璐璐效劳?” Lin Muyu lightly smiled: Can help me survey my strength ratio? I come the lifting capacity size, Lulu you to help me say the promoted strength percentage, precisely to decimal place two, Ok?” 林沐雨微微一笑:“能帮我测量我的力量比率吗?我来提升力量值,璐璐你帮我说出所提升的力量百分比,精确到小数位两位,可以吗?” Un, Ok!” Lulu is a fleeing data, moreover lives in Lin Muyu's consciousness, the nature was clearer to his strength level. “嗯,可以!”璐璐原本就是一窜数据,而且又生活在林沐雨的意海之中,自然对他的力量层次更加的清楚了。 Drinks lightly, the King fights the flame to surge, sways the White-Robe Imperial Forest cape to fly upwards, Lin Muyu just likes in an idol being built on garden, the strength promotes slowly, when achieves about 30% stopped the promotion, asked: Now, how many?” 一声轻喝,王者斗焰涌动起来,吹拂得白袍御林斗篷飞扬起来,林沐雨犹如一尊神像般的立于庭院之中,力量缓缓提升,当达到三成左右的时候就停止了提升,问道:“现在,多少?” Lulu blinked, said: 33.24%!” 璐璐眨了眨眼睛,道:“33.24%!” Good.” “好。” Lin Muyu strength slowly reduced, asked: Now?” 林沐雨缓缓的力量降低了一些,问道:“现在呢?” 28.47%!” Lulu said. “28.47%!”璐璐道。 Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head, raises the air/Qi again slowly, has promoted Battle Qi, asked: Now?” 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,再缓缓提气,将斗气提升了一些,问道:“现在呢?” 31.02%!” Lulu said. “31.02%!”璐璐道。 Lin Muyu transporting vigor silently, fought the flame little to promote King again, asked: Now?” 林沐雨默默的运劲,将王者斗焰再少许提升了一些,又问:“现在?” 32.72%!” “32.72%!” This was too difficult...... 这太难了…… Lin Muyu control to the strength arrived, in addition cannot go to the superb situation, so repeatedly for a long time, after had tossed about two double-hour, the strength has been 31.81% times, precisely to decimal point latter, therefore calls Lulu, stays the strength in this regard, repeatedly is familiar with the feeling of this strength level. 林沐雨对力量的掌控已经十分到位了,只是尚且不能达到出神入化的地步,如此反复了许久,一直折腾了近两个时辰之后,力量达到了31.81%的时候,精确到小数点后一位了,于是唤回璐璐,就把力量停留在这一点上,反复熟悉这个力量层次的感觉。 After ten minutes, calls Lulu once again, mentioned, sought for the feeling of strength level, the whole body King fought the flame to wave a moment ago unceasingly, he asked with a smile: Now, how many?” 十分钟后,再度唤出璐璐,重新提起,寻找刚才力量层次的感觉,浑身王者斗焰舞动不绝,他笑着问道:“现在,多少?” Oh, fierce......” “哇哦,厉害……” Lulu spits the tongue, said: 31.87%!” 璐璐吐了吐舌头,道:“31.87%!” It seems like can only control in decimal point latter, latter two are he is unable to achieve temporarily. 看来只能控制在小数点后一位,后两位暂时是他无法达到的。 Good.” “好了。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, can again attempt! 林沐雨点点头,可以再一次尝试了! !! !!
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