AG :: Volume #5

#495: Slaughter God Seal embryo

In the mind Divine Emperor, Divine King and Divine Venerate silhouette just likes the billowing wind-drift sand general has flown, Lin Muyu also likely underwent a huge tribulation to be ordinary, the cold sweat continued, the clothing of whole body soaked in an instant, process that entire engraved as if uncontrolled, the instance when an seal carving completed, his Spiritual Sense cannot help but flew suddenly, directly entered in seal! 脑海中一位位神帝神王神尊身影犹如滚滚流沙一般的飞过,林沐雨也像是经历了一次巨大磨难一般,冷汗不止,全身的衣衫转眼湿透,整个刻印的过程都仿佛在不受控制了,当印阵雕刻完成的瞬间,忽然他的灵觉不由自主的飞了出来,直接进入了印阵之中! ...... …… Brushes!” “刷!” The Spiritual Sense condensation physique, as before is he who wears White-Robe Imperial Forest clothes armor, stands in an seal position, the strategy of under foot flood light ray. 灵觉凝聚形体,依旧是身穿白袍御林衣甲的他,就站在印阵的一个阵脚之中,脚下的阵法正在泛着淡淡的光芒。 Where is this?” Thinking aloud that he is confused. “这是哪里?”他一头雾水的自言自语道。 At this moment, in void that an seal institute is located in has broadcast a light sound: Forest Mu Yu...... Lin Muyu......” 就在这时,印阵所位于的虚空之中传来了一个淡淡的声音:“林沐雨……林沐雨……” „Am I, who you?” Lin Muyu lifts the hand has drawn out the stars sword, the alert looks at the pitch-dark chaos space. “我在,你是谁?”林沐雨抬手拔出了星辰剑,戒备的看着黑漆漆的混沌空间。 All around is vast, or anything cannot see, has a darkness, as well as profound of under foot, Lin Muyu immediately a boundless boundless house arrest feeling, the spiritual also speedy approach of whole person brink of collapse. 四周一望无际,或者说,根本就什么都看不到,只有一片黑暗,以及脚下的玄阵,林沐雨顿时有一种茫茫无际的幽闭感,整个人的精神也迅速接近了崩溃的边缘。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦……” , Profound ray rises suddenly suddenly, golden brilliance shoot up to the sky, but when the forest washes rain rise looks, actually discovered that wears the old man of azure robe to drop from the clouds, personal appearance unceasing fluctuation huge, blocked from the sky to be ordinary in an instant, behind the body had lingering of green Divine Dragon in 'to swallow clouds and blow out fog' faintly, was self-contained, but in this old man pair of black pupil projected god of journeys light, the feeling that making the forest wash rain can"t help it, has to plant must submit. 忽地,玄阵的光芒暴涨起来,一道道金色光华冲天而起,而就在林沐雨抬头看去的时候,却发现一个身穿青袍的老者从天而降,身形不断的变幻巨大,转眼之间遮住了天空一般,身体后方隐隐有一条青色神龙在吞云吐雾的萦绕,自成一体,而这位老者一双黑色的眸子中射出一道神光,让林沐雨禁不住的有种无法不臣服的感觉。 But Lin Muyu does not know that who he is, is not willing to kneel down, stands one's ground steadfastly under his Divine Power pressure, the whole body King fights the flame turbulent maneuver, the stars sword „, when arrives on the ground, is maintaining the station posture of body, double Martial Spirit was oppressed, in the howling sound decomposes the fusion, changes into a handle Seven Luminaries immortal sword to reappear around the body. 但林沐雨并不知道他是谁,绝不愿意下跪,在他的神力威压下岿然不动,周身王者斗焰汹涌回旋,星辰剑“当”一声抵在地上,保持着身体的站姿,双武魂更是被压迫了出来,呼啸声中分解融合,化为一柄七曜仙剑浮现在身体周围。 An old man pair of black pupil like this visits him, said: Forest Mu Yu, was you opened Heavenly Book, reopened the day imperial door, making the world spiritual energy between star eon not be monopolized by heaven all Shen, was three once Ruler, I should thank you, but...... Your cultivating was too low, basic to sustain my strength.” 老者一双黑色眸子就这样的看着他,道:“林沐雨,是你打开了天书,重开了天御之门,使得星宙之间的天地灵气不被天界诸神所独享,身为三界曾经的主宰,我本该感谢你,但是……你的修为太低了,根本承载不了我的力量。” Lin Muyu the vision visits him straightly: Who you are, why delivers to this place me?” 林沐雨目光笔直的看着他:“你到底是谁,为什么把我送到这个地方?” The old men he he smile, said: all Shen once said that I for Taihao, some also called me sovereign Xi, but...... I most initial name must is called Fu Xi, Lin Muyu, you are in the plane Eastern humanity, in some sense, is my posterity.” 老者呵呵一笑,道:“诸神曾经称我为太昊,有的又称我为皇羲,不过……我最初始的名字应当是叫做伏羲吧,林沐雨,你是所在位面东方的人类,从某种意义上,是我的后人。” Fu Xi?” “伏羲?” Lin Muyu the whole body trembles, does not think one can see the mythical characters in legend unexpectedly, at present is the old person of this benign countenance Fu Xi in legend? His can"t help it, knees one soft, kneels on the ground slowly, is holding the sword hilt, said devotionally: Forest Mu Yu sees Fu Xi......” 林沐雨浑身一颤,怎么也不会想到自己居然能见到传说中的神话人物,眼前这个慈眉善目的老人就是传说中的伏羲吗?他禁不住双膝一软,缓缓跪在地上,扶着剑柄,虔诚道:“林沐雨参见伏羲……” Fu Xi lightly smiled: I early flew upwards Heaven Beyond the Heaven, did not ask that three matters, the star eon wars between of various god also already were not the matters that I can inquire about, what you saw was I keeps a god in Fu Xi Heavenly Book to read, child, since you opened Heavenly Book, you were my being predestined friends person, you can see me, explained that you have understood the Saint pen day photo, is rare talent who a talent different reported that this sovereign is only willing you soon to solve the Heavenly Book latter three volumes of mysteries, after obtaining Heavenly Book Divine Power, must record sincerely, kindly treated the common people! Remembers my words, unties the mnemonics of Heavenly Book seal to have one: The ampleness of moon/month, if the strength of person, by getting it done in one action other shore, is for the Lord of Heavenly Book.” 伏羲微微一笑:“我早已经飞升了天外天,不问三界之事,星宙之间的诸神之战也早就不是我能过问的事情了,你所看到的是我留在伏羲天书中的一丝神念,孩子,既然你打开了天书,那你便是我的有缘人,你能见到我,说明你已经参透了圣笔天照,是个天赋异禀的奇才,本皇只愿你早日解开天书后三卷的奥秘,获得天书神力之后,也须谨记,善待苍生!记住我的话,解开天书封印的口诀只有一句:月之盈满,若人之力,以一蹴而就彼岸者,乃为天书之主。” Saying, Fu Xi's image dissipation slowly, but a law ray gradually is also gloomy, Lin Muyu's Spiritual Sense returned to the body swiftly. 说着,伏羲的形象缓缓的消散掉了,而法阵的光芒也渐渐暗淡下来,林沐雨的灵觉倏然回到了身躯之中。 „......” His shouts gently, only thought that the strength in body as if must be drained generally, but these strengths the continuous gathering in this shield, the instantaneous ray is rising suddenly at present. “啊……”他轻轻一声呼喊,只觉得身躯内的力量仿佛要被抽干了一般,而这些力量正源源不断的汇聚在眼前这面盾牌之中,瞬间光芒暴涨起来。 The mosaic gem, was the present! 镶嵌宝石,就是现在了! Slaughter God Seal needs to mount two stones, one is the god crystal stone, another is Asura stone, Asura stone is actually easy to do, 5000 Gold Yin Coin can buy, but the god crystal stone was among In the world the incomparable items, was good has left behind three god crystal stones in the Qin splendid grave, can therefore use one now. 弑神印需要镶嵌两块石头,一个是神晶石,另一个是修罗石,修罗石倒是好办,5000金茵币就能买得到,但神晶石就属于世间绝品了,好在秦炳的墓葬里留下了三枚神晶石,所以现在可以用一枚。 When two gem inserting shields, immediately entire Slaughter God Seal throughly was started, the scarlet air wave covers above the shield surface together, Slaughter God Seal throughly completed! 当两枚宝石嵌入盾牌的时候,顿时整个弑神印彻底被启动了,一道血色气浪笼罩在盾牌表面之上,弑神印彻底完成了! Lin Muyu long sat, the physical strength and Battle Qi at least suction half by this shield, 7 levels engrave are the physical strength live absolutely, need engraving own strength together seal in engraving can to become Zhen. 林沐雨悠悠的坐了下来,体力与斗气至少被这枚盾牌吸走了一半,果然,7级刻印绝对是体力活,需要刻印者自身的力量一起封印在刻印之中才能成阵。 Wei Chou, comes.” Lin Muyu said. 卫仇,进来。”林沐雨道。 Wei Chou pushes the door to enter, said respectfully: „Does Commander, what have to tell?” 卫仇推门而入,恭敬道:“统领,有什么吩咐?” Leads No. dozens person, hands over in this shield the hand of Jin Xiaotang personally.” “带几十号人,把这面盾牌亲自交到金小棠的手里。” Yes!” “是!” Now.” “现在什么时候了。” Probably also has a double-hour from the dawn.” “距离天亮大约还有一个时辰。” Good, I must sleep, any people do not disturb me.” “好,我要睡一觉,什么人都不要打扰我。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… This sleep rests very deeply, in the dreamland is reappearing unceasingly person's shadows, finally, Fu Xi appeared again, but smile looks at Lin Muyu, did not say a word, but in the dreamland, a few words that Lin Muyu twittering Fu Xi was leaving behind in a soft voice „the ampleness of moon/month, if the strength of person, by getting it done in one action other shore, were for the Lord of Heavenly Book, what meaning these words were? It is not completely clear! 这一觉睡得十分深沉,梦境里不断浮现着一个个人影,最终,伏羲再次出现了,只是微笑的看着林沐雨,却一言不发,而就在梦境之中,林沐雨轻声呢喃着伏羲留下的一句话“月之盈满,若人之力,以一蹴而就彼岸者,乃为天书之主”,这句话是什么意思?完全不明白啊! Sleep wakes up is the afternoon, Wei Chou has sent the sumptuous lunch, one about two wild pheasants, this has made Wei Chou laugh in one's heart: „The appetite of Sir Commander was really better and better.” 一觉醒来的时候已经是午后了,卫仇送来了丰盛的午餐,一顿了近两只野雉,这让卫仇不禁暗笑:“统领大人的胃口真是越来越好了。” Lin Muyu carries one glass of liquor to toss down, said: Cultivation consumption physical strength, Wei Chou, how did your diamond protect the body to practice?” 林沐雨端起一杯酒一饮而尽,说:“修炼消耗体力嘛,卫仇,你的金刚护体修炼得怎么样了?” Wei Chou said ashamed: Subordinate is incompetent, the eye only cultivates the double boundary now.” 卫仇羞愧道:“属下无能,目今只修炼到了第二重境界。” Was good, takes your time.” “不错了,慢慢来吧。” Yes!” “是!” At this time, in Orchid Goose City raised startled day raging tide, in the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce has spread the news, will sell a crustification to have 7 levels of Slaughter God Seal shields three days later! 此时,兰雁城里又掀起了一个惊天狂澜,紫茵花商会里放出了消息,将在三天后出售一枚镶嵌有7级弑神印的盾牌! Suddenly, the entire city was shocked. 一时间,全城都震惊了。 ...... …… Heavenly Book pavilion, Ouyang Fu. 天书阁,欧阳府。 Bang!” “嘭!” A Ouyang Bao palm falls on the table, face whiten saying: Mother, which freak is, unexpectedly can engrave Slaughter God Seal? My God, too has exaggerated......” 欧阳豹一掌落在桌案上,脸色苍白的说道:“娘的,到底是哪个怪胎,居然能刻印出弑神印来?我的天,太夸张了……” Nearby Ouyang tiger smiles, said: Third Brother should not be impatient, I suspected that carves the Slaughter God Seal person also certainly carves the person who the imperial god prints, these two goods are the same person carve.” 一旁的欧阳虎不禁一笑,道:“三弟不要心急,我猜想,刻出弑神印的人也一定是刻出御神印的人,这两件物品是同一个人刻出来的。” A white clothing, eldest son Ouyang Dragon of elegant bearing lightly said with a smile: „An imperial god prints the embryo can sell 200 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin sky-high prices, actually does not know that Jin Xiaotang must sell any price this Slaughter God Seal embryo.” 一身白衣,风度翩翩的长子欧阳龙则淡淡笑道:“一个御神印的器胚就能卖出200万金茵币的天价,却又不知道金小棠要把这个弑神印器胚卖到什么价格了。” Ouyang Bao said: Our Ouyang Fu financial resource are unable to compare with Ji Residence and Zhongwang Residence obviously, snort|hum, this imperial god printed the embryo also to fall in the hand of Ji Residence mostly.” 欧阳豹道:“我们欧阳府的财力显然无法与姬府、忠王府相比,哼,这个御神印器胚多半也要落在姬府的手里了。” At this moment, door „” opened, a Ouyang Ping of white clothing walked, in vision splendid, by the air/Qi god, compared with three sons does not know that has striven to excel many times. 就在这时,房门“吱呀”一声开了,一身素衣的欧阳平走了进来,目光中熠熠生辉,论气神,比三个儿子不知道要强了多少倍。 Father!” “爹!” *** Three child simultaneously set out, respectful saluting. ***三子齐齐起身,恭敬的行礼。 Ouyang Ping said: „Did you know?” 欧阳平道:“你们都知道了?” Yes.” Ouyang Longdao: 7 levels of Slaughter God Seal, this news has spread over Orchid Goose City, even can say that spread over the north four big provinces.” “是。”欧阳龙道:“7级弑神印,这个消息已经传遍兰雁城,甚至可以说传遍北方四大行省了。” Yes.” “是啊。” Ouyang Ping vision is dignified, said: Older generations already left behind prophecy word, holds Slaughter God Seal, must hold the god book. Heavenly Book and mystery of god book hides in Slaughter God Seal, if we can obtain this Slaughter God Seal embryo and study thoroughly, perhaps carves Heavenly Book to have the unpredictable help to us, but, by the astuteness of Jin Xiaotang, as well as the Jin Xiaotang back forest washes the strength of rain, perhaps the price of this Slaughter God Seal embryo will be we are unable to withstand, therefore, the father needs to discuss with you.” 欧阳平目光凝重,道:“先辈们早就留下谶言,掌弑神印者,必掌神书。天书、神书的奥秘都藏在弑神印之中,我们如果能获得这个弑神印器胚并加以研习的话,或许对我们刻写天书拥有着难以预料的帮助,只不过,以金小棠的精明,以及金小棠背后的林沐雨之实力,恐怕这个弑神印器胚的价格将会是我们所无法承受的,所以,爹需要跟你们商量一下。” Ouyang Bao said: Father, has any words you to speak frankly!” 欧阳豹道:“爹,有什么话您就直说吧!” Ouyang Ping nods, said: yesterday, in the clouds King Sumu clouds that sends for discussing with me, the palace needs our Ouyang Fu strength in the clouds, so long as we agreed that to the palace potency, can obtain many enough help from King Nali in the clouds in the clouds, I think that two Gold Yin Coin, the king leaves surely in the clouds, after all his ten thousand win the chamber of commerce, but Orchid Goose City row on number firm.” 欧阳平点点头,道:“就在昨日,云中王苏牧云派人与我商议过,云中王府需要我们欧阳府的力量,只要我们同意为云中王府效力,就能从云中王那里得到足够多的帮助,我想,两千万金茵币,云中王还是出得起的,毕竟他的万胜商会可是兰雁城排的上号的商行。” Ouyang Dragon vision one cold, said: Father,...... Do you want to give loyalty to in the clouds the palace? This...... We come Orchid Goose City, but receives the empress Your Highness imperial order comes, if we give loyalty to in the clouds the palace, perhaps has improper, once empress Your Highness investigates that is not our Ouyang government offices can take on.” 欧阳龙目光一寒,道:“爹,难道说……您想效忠于云中王府?这……我们来兰雁城,可是受到女帝殿下的诏令而来的啊,如果我们效忠于云中王府,恐怕有所不妥吧,一旦女帝殿下追究起来,可不是我们欧阳府能担待得起的。” I know.” Ouyang Ping beckons with the hand, said: I also secretly carry on with the cooperation of king in the clouds, the premise is, the spirit book that later our Ouyang mansion writes, the book, Heavenly Book and even the god book, in which half must sell to the clouds the palace, the price on price and market condition is the same.” “我知道。”欧阳平一摆手,道:“我与云中王的合作也只是秘密进行的,前提则是,以后我们欧阳府写出的灵书、地书、天书乃至神书,其中的一半要出售给云中王府,价格与市面上的价格一样。” „?” “哦?” Ouyang Bao is stunned, said: In the clouds king what is this, he wants...... Stores up the Heavenly Book embryo?” 欧阳豹愕然,道:“云中王这是什么意思,他是要……囤积天书器胚吗?” I want to be this.” “我想是这样。” What does he store up the Heavenly Book embryo to make? Heavenly Book embryo might huge, he......” “他囤积天书器胚做什么?天书器胚威力巨大,难道他……” Leopard!” Ouyang Ping's look one severe, said: „The words that should not speak then do not say, King Ziyou planned in the clouds that is not we can estimate, we only need to record sincerely, in the clouds the king is only a cooperation, what we give loyalty to is empress Your Highness, all that now we make, can rapidly rise for Ouyang family|home.” “豹儿!”欧阳平的神色一厉,道:“不该说的话便不要说出来,云中王自有打算,可不是我们这些人能够揣摩的,我们只需要谨记,与云中王只是一种合作,我们效忠的是女帝殿下,现在我们所做的一切,也不过是为了欧阳家能够迅速崛起罢了。” Yes, father!” “是,爹!” Three sons nod together. 三个儿子一起点头。 Ouyang Ping eyes child in to sweep past was not peaceful, the bottom of one's heart layer upon layer mighty waves, Orchid Goose City seems like uneventful, who knows that conceals many to be turbulent. 欧阳平一双眸子里则掠过了一丝不安宁,心底层层波澜,兰雁城看似风平浪静,但谁知道暗藏着多少汹涌呢。 ...... …… Topic that for these days, entire Orchid Goose City discussed only then two, one was that Slaughter God Seal embryo, does not know the Deity that which came can engrave this god to print the magical instrument that the master can engrave, another topic was Heavenly Book, in the Heavenly Book pavilion the innumerable talents were carving Heavenly Book laboriously, in three days had four local books to produce, in Orchid Goose City was abundance of capable people, as if another prosperous times will soon arrive. 这几天里,整个兰雁城里讨论的话题只有两个,一个是那个弑神印器胚,不知道哪儿来的神人能刻印出这种只有神印师才能刻印出来的神器,另外一个话题就是天书,天书阁内无数天才正在辛苦刻写着天书,三天内已经有四本地书出品了,兰雁城内可谓是人才济济,仿佛又一个盛世即将到来了。 !! !!
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