AG :: Volume #5

#494: Saint pen day photo

25 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin!” “25万金茵币!” In crowd, a person of high holding up arm, is Ministry of War Shangshu Xue Ling son, Ten Thousand-Man Commander of current Seven Seas City army, assistant general post, is a senior general. 人群中,一人高高的举起手臂来,是兵部尚书薛翎的儿子,现任七海城军队的一名万夫长,偏将职衔,也算是一个高级将领。 28 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin!” “28万金茵币!” Also is a sound takes turn, that is mercenary of person of whole face beard, does not know that is any origin, his cultivating not to be high, wants this shield not to be useful. 又是一个声音交替,那是一人满脸胡子的佣兵,也不知道是什么由来,不过他的修为并不算高,要了这面盾牌也没有什么用。 50 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin!” “50万金茵币!” , In the crowd a person shouted to make noise suddenly, immediately made all people look, the person of frontline propaganda impressively was Young Master Ji Shang of Heavenly Book pavilion Ji Residence, but nearby old man, the person of understanding met one to recognize, the Heavenly Book pavilion managed affairs Ji Lin, one of the people who currently the empire most has the influence. 忽地,人群中一人喊出声来,顿时让所有人都看了过去,喊话的人赫然就是天书阁姬府的少主姬熵,而一旁的老者,认识的人会一眼认出,正是天书阁掌事姬林,目前帝国最有势力的人之一。 Jin Xiaotang also recognized Ji Shang to come, said with a smile: Good, Master Ji Shang bids 50 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin, higher?” 金小棠也认出姬熵来了,笑道:“好,姬熵少爷出价50万金茵币,还有更高的吗?” 60 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin!” “60万金茵币!” The sound wears the young Young Master elder brother of brocade clothes from one, is Ouyang Bao, three Young Master of Heavenly Book aristocratic family Ouyang family|home. 声音来自一个身穿锦衣的年轻公子哥,正是欧阳豹,天书世家欧阳家的三公子 Ouyang Bao?” Ji Lin knitting the brows head, in a low voice said: It seems like Ouyang family|home also prints to this imperial god is interested very much...... Entropy , to continue to increase price, do not lose to them, this shield, we exert its utmost!” 欧阳豹?”姬林不禁皱了皱眉头,低声道:“看来欧阳家也对这个御神印很感兴趣啊……熵儿,继续加价,不要输给他们,这面盾牌,我们势在必得!” Yes, Grandpa!” “是,爷爷!” Ji Shang enhances the sound immediately, said loudly: 70 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin!” 姬熵马上提高声音,大声道:“70万金茵币!” Two big rich and powerful families start to speak the last words, immediately let other people only to be silent, after all Ji Residence and Ouyang Shijia were the empress spend the large sum of money welcome to come to Orchid Goose City, even solely allocated from the household unit to the family settlement fee of Ji Residence has 800 W Gold Yin Coin, but Ouyang Shijia was 400 W Gold Yin Coin, Qin Yin to boss around these Heavenly Book aristocratic families used for oneself, it may be said that has spent a lot of money, and to money, was to seal|confer Jue, was a cinch. 两大豪门开始叫板起来,顿时让其余的人只能缄默不语了,毕竟姬府、欧阳世家都是女帝花了重金请到兰雁城来的,甚至单单从户部拨出给姬府的安家费就足足有800W金茵币,而欧阳世家则是400W金茵币,秦茵为了笼络这些天书世家为己用,可谓是花了不少钱,并且又是给钱,又是封爵,都不在话下。 Ouyang Bao is narrowing the eye, nearby servant look at him, as if also thought that the price was too high, but Ouyang Bao has disregarded the vision of servant , to continue to raise the arm, said: Million Gold Yin Coin!” 欧阳豹眯着眼睛,一旁的下人看了看他,似乎也觉得价格太高了,但欧阳豹无视了下人的目光,继续扬起手臂,道:“一百万金茵币!” Continues to increase price.” Ji Linmi the eye, fist was gripping tightened, continued to say lightly. “继续加价。”姬林眯着眼睛,拳头攥紧了,继续淡淡说道。 Yes.” “是。” Ji Shang shouts to continue saying: 150 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin!” 姬熵扯着嗓子继续道:“150万金茵币!” This really has spelled, added 50 ten thousand Gold Yin Coin directly, which aspect regardless of analyzes Ji Shang is a black sheep of the family, but Ji Lin actually narrows the eye not to speak, this price also in his withstanding range, if prints to understand some ways from the imperial god, can perhaps surmount the book, wrote Heavenly Book to come, by that time, let alone was 1.5 million, was 3 million also flowers results in the value! 这真是拼了,直接加了50万金茵币,无论从哪个方面分析姬熵都是个败家子啊,不过姬林却只是眯着眼睛没有说话,这个价格还在他的承受范围之内,如果从御神印里参透出一些门道的话,或许自己就能超越地书,写出天书来了,到那时,别说是1500000,就是3000000也花得值了! Finally, 1.5 million shouted, Ouyang Bao somewhat was afraid, on the face full was the sweating, after the sleeve has scratched, clenching jaws said loudly: 1.6 million!” 结果,1500000喊出来的时候,欧阳豹就有些心虚了,脸上满是虚汗,袖子擦了擦之后,咬牙切齿的大声道:“1600000!” He that much money, this had not shouted that is also only the strong imposing manner. 他已经没有那么多的钱了,这一喊也只是壮壮气势罢了。 Ji Shang sneers, lifts arm: Two million Gold Yin Coin!” 姬熵冷笑一声,抬起手臂:“二百万金茵币!” A scene dreariness, all people were scared, the value that a 6 levels of imperial god prints again high also high is less than this situation, after is only engraving of passive ability, can sell 100 W is the real price, sold 200 W to have generally is the price that the equivalent height came out. 现场一片沉寂,所有人都被吓坏了,一个6级御神印的价值再高也高不到这个地步吧,毕竟只是一个被动能力的刻印罢了,能卖到100W就已经是真实价格,卖到200W就已经有一般是虚高出来的价格了。 This Ouyang Bao has not spoken again, dejected sat. 这次欧阳豹没有再说话,颓然的坐了下来。 Jin Xiaotang waited for a meeting, on face full is the happy smiling face: Has made a final decision, Master Ji Shang in Ji Residence finalized by 200 W, please come the backstage transaction along with me!” 金小棠等待了一会,脸上满是开心的笑容:“敲定了,姬府的姬熵少爷以200W成交,请随我来后台交易吧!” Ji Shang nods, high-spirited along with Jin Xiaotang. 姬熵点点头,兴致高昂的随着金小棠去了。 But in Auction House is actually a hiss 拍卖行里却是一片嘘声 Spends 200 W to buy a broken shield, I look am not rich am silly!” The person of some being jealous said. “花200W买个破盾牌,我看不是有钱就是傻!”某个眼红的人说道。 Worthily is the Ji Residence in Tianxinge, filthy rich, it is said a head of household Ji Linxie local area book can obtain the rewards of tens of thousands Gold Yin Coin from empress Your Highness there, that Ji Shang Young Master person is young and charming, unexpectedly can also write the spirit book, if can marry him is really good.” From some sexual preoccupation. “不愧是天心阁的姬府,财大气粗啊,据说家主姬林写一本地书就能从女帝殿下那里获得几万金茵币的奖赏,那个姬熵公子人年轻又帅气,居然也能写出灵书来,要是能嫁给他就实在是太好了。”来自某个花痴。 „The Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce is really fierce, the work can do to obtain including this King engraves, it seems like seeks the dragon chamber of commerce to be inferior, oh...... The chest of Jin Xiaotang was getting more and more mature, really makes the person want to touch one very much......” from some salty wet man. 紫茵花商会果然厉害,连这种王者刻印师的作品都能搞得到,看来寻龙商会要被比下去咯,唉……金小棠的胸脯越来越成熟了,真是让人很想摸一把啊……”来自某个咸湿佬。 ...... …… In the afternoon, entered the Lin Muyu's room that one row of chamber of commerce members rode the fast horse to enter the gentian camp rapidly, after Jin Xiaotang stand up from failure discontinued, joyously jumps for joy, the euphonious laughter bloomed: A'Yu Elder Brother, you guess how much money the imperial god did print the shield to sell?” 午后,一列商会成员骑乘快马急速进入龙胆营,金小棠翻身下马之后欢悦雀跃的进了林沐雨的房间,银铃般的笑声绽放开来:“阿雨哥哥,你猜御神印盾牌卖了多少钱?” How many?” Lin Muyu asked. “多少啊?”林沐雨笑问。 You guess!” “你猜嘛!” 500,000?” “500000?” Lowered!” “低了!” 1 million!?” “1000000!?” Lowered!” “还是低了!” 1.5 million?” Lin Muyu has soon grinned with ear to ear. “1500000?”林沐雨已经快要合不拢嘴了。 Again high spot.” Jin Xiaotang smiling say|way. “再高点。”金小棠笑盈盈道。 Isn't 2 million?” Lin Muyu pleasantly surprised say|way. “不会是2000000吧?”林沐雨惊喜道。 Has guessed right, is 2 million!” Jin Xiaotang throws smiles. “猜对了,就是2000000!”金小棠扑哧一笑。 Lin Muyu joyful stands directly from the seat, hugged to throw in the bosom Jin Xiaotang, frightened the young girl heart chaos, but Lin Muyu caught her time smoothly, she was the heart deer has hit, fast washed the rain bosom to jump down from the forest, says with a smile: A'Yu Elder Brother, today Auction House fought us definitely to win, it is said today's seeking dragon chamber of commerce Auction House is infrequently visited, radically few individuals!” 林沐雨欣喜的直接从座位上站起来,一把将金小棠抱在怀里抛了起来,吓得少女芳心大乱,而林沐雨顺利接住她的时候,她则是心头鹿撞了,飞快的从林沐雨怀里跳了下来,笑道:“阿雨哥哥,今天拍卖行的一战我们肯定赢定了,据说今天的寻龙商会拍卖行门可罗雀,根本就没有几个人哩!” That naturally is best.” Lin Muyu is narrowing the eye, said: „The present issue is...... Ji Lin is managing affairs of Heavenly Book pavilion, but Ji Residence is the famous government offices of seven sea provinces, Ji Lin and Tang Lan also walks very nearly, by Tang Lan and friendship of Ji Forest, again shortly afterward will perhaps seek the dragon chamber of commerce will possibly sell a Heavenly Book quarter article the embryo.” “那自然是最好的。”林沐雨眯着眼睛,说道:“现在的问题是……姬林是天书阁的掌事,而姬府又是七海行省的名府,姬林和唐澜也走得很近,以唐澜和姬林的交情,说不定再过不久寻龙商会可能会出售天书刻文的器胚了。” Un, I am also worried about this issue.” “嗯,我也在担心这个问题。” Jin Xiaotang sits in nearby seat, turned upwards has become known the leg, said: Day imperial gate reopens, the strength of world also re-enters Fragmented Cauldron this plane to come up, but these Heavenly Book aristocratic families are dry several thousand years of seedling have been longing for likely generally the rain and dew of empress, is longing for rising, therefore carved Heavenly Book these days the embryo definitely met the price empty to rise, we must store up some cargos to be able to keep up with the change as soon as possible, the profound diamond dust, the profound aluminum dusting powder, the profound powdered iron and profound copper powder that the Heavenly Book material used I entered a big large stock of goods, but Heavenly Book needed the embryo, from the low grade embryo to the best quality goods embryo, I also entered a large stock of goods, the only Heavenly Book end product did not have the means. The inventory, these people in Heavenly Book pavilion do not sell. Perhaps, A'Yu Elder Brother......” 金小棠坐在一旁的座位里,翘起了大白腿,说:“天御之门重开,天地之力也重回碎鼎界这个位面上来,而那些天书世家一个个像是干涸了几千年的苗子一般渴望着女帝的雨露,渴望着崛起,所以这段时间里刻写天书的器胚肯定会价格虚涨,我们要尽早囤积一些货物才能赶得上变化,天书材料所用的玄金粉、玄银粉、玄铁粉、玄铜粉我都已经进了一大批货,而天书所需的器胚,从下品器胚到极品器胚,我也进了一批货,唯独天书成品没有办法。进货,天书阁里的那些人根本就不卖。或许,阿雨哥哥……” She starts to speak but hesitates. 她欲言又止。 Lin Muyu smiles: You have any idea to speak frankly.” 林沐雨不禁一笑:“你有什么想法就直说吧。” Jin Xiaotang sips the red lip, was getting down huge to be determined likely general, said: Perhaps we can take a big fund, the skilled person who trains a Heavenly Book quarter article, making them provide the Heavenly Book embryo end product for the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce, then bid up the price to sell high, but...... Now as long as can write the person of person book and spirit book to well up but to going to the Heavenly Book pavilion, the folk chamber of commerce is very difficult to boss around the talented person.” 金小棠抿着红唇,像是下了一个巨大决心一般,说:“或许我们可以拿出一大笔的资金来,培养天书刻文的好手,让他们为紫茵花商会提供天书器胚成品,然后炒高了价格在卖,只不过……现在但凡能写出人书、灵书的人都会一涌而至去天书阁了,民间的商会很难笼络到人才。” This...... Does not worry.” “这个……不着急。” Lin Muyu sits down said leisurely: „The fund of Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce grips in any case completely in your hands, I also plenary powers gave you to handle, you look to manage are, I believed your ability.” 林沐雨坐下悠悠道:“反正紫茵花商会的资金全部都攥在你的手里,我也全权交给你打理了,你自己看着办就是,我相信你的能力。” Jin Xiaotang dug the small mouth, like was acts like a spoiled brat, said: But others also less than 20 years old, is a child...... Always needs to depend upon, needs to encourage......” 金小棠撅起了小嘴,像是撒娇一样,说:“可是人家还不满20岁,还是个孩子啊……总是需要依靠,需要鼓励的呀……” Lin Muyu speechless: That...... Refuels to do, performs all means to win over can write the Heavenly Book talented person to join the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce, I believe that Xiao Yin will also approve of us to do.” 林沐雨一阵无语:“那就……加油去做吧,尽一切办法拉拢更多能够写出天书的人才加入紫茵花商会,我相信小茵也会赞同我们那么做的。” Oh, I knew.” Jin Xiaotang fully-confident standing up, said with a smile: I returned to the chamber of commerce to continue to be busy, right A'Yu Elder Brother, was your engraving still continuing? Young Tang knows that you are the wizard...... If you can carve 7 levels of Slaughter God Seal, young Tang ensure can sell the 500 W above sky-high price, therefore...... Come on!” “嗯嗯,我知道了。”金小棠信心百倍的站起身,笑道:“那我回商会继续忙了,对了阿雨哥哥,你的刻印还在继续吗?小棠知道你是鬼才……如果你能刻出7级弑神印的话,小棠保证能卖出500W以上的天价,所以……加油咯!” Un, my meeting, goes.” “嗯,我会的,去吧。” Good.” “好。” Looks silhouette that Jin Xiaotang recedes, Lin Muyu felt that bottom of one's heart is joyous, originally engraves so is really valuable! 看着金小棠远走的身影,林沐雨不禁感觉心底欢悦起来,原来刻印真的那么值钱啊! Was a pity that own engraving success ratio is very low, success ratio that the imperial god prints only then about 5%, 20 embryos end product, but Slaughter God Seal until now success ratio as before is 0%, does not have an end product, but the good news is to engraving the understanding is getting more and more profound, echoing of own consciousness to engraving strategy also even more intensely, especially over the two days, one very strong premonitions, in engraving the technique must breakthrough! 只是可惜,自己的刻印成功率很低,御神印的成功率只有5%左右,20件器胚才有一个成品,而弑神印迄今为止的成功率依旧是0%,没有一件成品,但好消息则是对刻印的了解越来越深刻,自己的意海对刻印阵法的呼应也愈发的强烈,特别是这两天,有一种很强的预感,在刻印术上又要突破了! ...... …… Late at night, earns a living by pen does not decorate...... 深夜,笔耕不缀…… Rustle......” “沙沙……” Embrionic powder piece by piece falls little in a Lin Muyu's quarter writing, on a he firm and resolute face full is calmly and calmly, is carving Slaughter God Seal on armor meticulously, in the fingers is dense the light King to fight the flame, but in consciousness the huge carving pen in high and low ups and downs, the heart pen goes to sea, this is Fu Xi Heavenly Book heart law in the spirit strength that in his innermost feelings condenses. 一片片的器胚粉末在林沐雨的刻笔下一点点掉落下来,他一张坚毅的脸庞上满是冷静与从容,一丝不苟的雕刻着铠甲上的弑神印,手指之间氤氲着淡淡的王者斗焰,而意海中则有一支巨大的刻笔正在上下沉浮着,心笔出海,这是伏羲天书心法在他的内心里所凝聚出的灵力。 Wisp of sweat falls following the cheeks, spattering in all directions gently above embryo. 一缕汗水顺着脸颊滑落,轻轻的迸溅在器胚之上。 Lin Muyu has anchored the hand suddenly, only thought that a vigorous strength is raising from consciousness, his rise looked to the sky, saw only above the vault of heaven the indigo blue ray to drop from the clouds together! 林沐雨忽地停住了手,只觉得一股雄浑力量正在从意海之中升起,紧接着,他抬头看向了天空,只见天穹之上一道靛青色光芒从天而降! In the skylight, a golden great pen drops from the clouds, has seeped in his consciousness directly, has illuminated the entire consciousness sea. But during this process short several seconds are also completed. 天光之中,一支金色巨笔从天而降,直接沁入了他的意海之中,照亮了整个意海的海洋。而这个过程也只是短短数秒之中完成的。 Sir, all right?” Outside, has broadcast the Wei Chou sound, today is he is on duty, Bai Yin slept. “大人,没事吧?”外面,传来了卫仇的声音,今天是他当值,白隐则去睡觉了。 All right.” Lin Muyu returned to one. “没事。”林沐雨回了一句。 bottom of one's heart can"t help it, is joyous, this sign had indicated own real breakthrough, entered Fu Xi Heavenly Book heart law Saint pen day photo boundary! 心底禁不住的欢悦起来,这个迹象已经表明自己真的突破了,进入伏羲天书心法的“圣笔天照”境界! ...... …… Sits down slowly, took a shield to carve. 缓缓坐下,重新取了一块盾牌雕刻。 Soon, carved badly, has not succeeded. 不久之后,刻坏了,没有成功。 Continue, carves again. 继续,再刻。 Also has gone bad, trades one again. 又坏了,再换一块。 That golden Saint pen in consciousness as if finally was inpelled, condensation slowly in the Lin Muyu's fingers, his whole body trembles suddenly, in consciousness appears phenomenon, innumerable God Rank expert silhouette grazes in the mind, this pen walks such as You Dragon to be common, in an instant a perfect Slaughter God Seal mark appears at present, whish a light ray raised, succeeds! 意海中的那一支金色圣笔似乎终于受到了感召,缓缓的凝聚在林沐雨的指间,忽地,他浑身一颤,意海中浮现出一幕幕异象,无数神级强者身影在脑海中飞掠而过,这一次笔走如游龙一般,转眼之间一个完美的弑神印印记出现在眼前,“哗”的一道淡淡光芒升起,成功了! !! !!
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