AG :: Volume #6

#512: Li Residence protects the institute

In arriving forests when Bei Qi Huan, Liu Zandai dozens people of threatening, actually sees only that Men in Black to raise a handle not to leave long sword of sheath to stand there, night does not have the light, cannot see his look, that faint can feel the expert aura that on him lends. 北齐桓、刘赞带着数十人气势汹汹的来到林间的时候,却只见那黑衣人提着一柄尚未出鞘的长剑就站在那里,夜晚无光,看不到他的神色,那隐隐的能够感觉到他身上散发出的强者气息。 Who are you?” “你到底是谁?” Bei Qi Huan sneers, referred to one stroke drawing out the dagger of waist, on that dagger flood light ashen gloss, was a low grade book embryo! 北齐桓冷笑一声,指间一划就拔出了腰间的匕首,那匕首上泛着淡淡的土色光泽,又是一把下品地书的器胚! Liu Zanmi the eye, hand according to the sword hilt, was saying: Boy, who no matter you are, but you today the provocative Bei Qi mansion is the mistake that your life should not make, hey......” 刘赞眯着眼睛,手按在剑柄上,说:“小子,不管你是谁,但你今天来挑衅北齐府是你一生不该犯的错误,嘿……” The Men in Black grasp the sword hilt gently, on face full is the look of being filled with righteous indignation, said: You have killed my family young master Li Zhuo, this blood debt must the blood recompense, you know that Master Li Zhuo usually does protect the institute to our these? He is a very heavy loyalty person, that year, when we climbed mountains to hunt had been grasped by the cateran, the cateran compelled us to drink the urine, did you know? Master Li Zhuo to protect us, a person drinking has gotten down all urines, entire one barrel, after drinking up, how you guess, he wipes the mouth to ask that the cateran can continue the cup? Once, we climb mountains, had been grasped by the cateran, that group of caterans have the special hobby, the young master to save us, oneself endure humiliation, the chrysanthemum goes , the sunflower comes out, god knows that painful. The good young master who such is loyal to be given to kill by you unexpectedly, who no matter I you are, you must die in this grove today!” 黑衣人轻轻一握剑柄,脸上满是义愤填膺的神色,道:“你们杀了我家少爷李琢,这血债必须血偿,你们知道李琢少爷平时对我们这些护院有多好吗?他是一个非常重义气的人,那一年,我们上山狩猎时被山贼抓了,山贼逼我们喝尿,你知道吗?李琢少爷为了保护我们,一个人咣咣的喝下了所有的尿,整整一桶啊,喝完之后你猜怎么着,他抹抹嘴问山贼能续杯吗?还有一次,我们又上山,又被山贼抓了,那群山贼有特殊嗜好,少爷为了救我们,自己一个人忍辱负重,菊花进去,葵花出来,天知道那有多痛。这么讲义气的好少爷居然被你给杀了,我不管你是谁,你今天必须死在这个林子里!” A Bei Qi Huan face is vexed and ashamed: Unexpectedly is Li Zhuo protecting institute, hey...... trifling protects the institute also to dare with this Young Master to speak the last words unexpectedly, come, this Young Master looked, in you have in the courage and wisdom share, uses this local book to deliver you to return to the western paradise!” 北齐桓一脸恼羞:“居然是李琢的护院,嘿……区区一个护院居然还敢跟本公子叫板,来啊,本公子看在你有胆识的份上,就用这本地书送你归西!” Yeah( third tone)!” Liu Zan according to the Bei Qi Huan's dagger, said: Kills the chicken to use the oxen knife, this boy gives the subordinate, just...... The quick sword of subordinate has not drunk the blood for a long time.” “哎(第三声)!”刘赞一手按在北齐桓的匕首上,道:“杀鸡焉用牛刀,这小子就交给属下吧,刚好……属下的快剑也好久没有饮血了。” „?” Bei Qi Huan smiled: Since General Liu has this interest, that this boy gave you.” “哦?”北齐桓笑了:“既然刘将军有这个兴致,那这小子就让给你了。” Good!” “好!” Liu Zan laughs, draws out saber slowly, that is a handle flood green ray long sword, should be weapons of profound seven steps, rare Liu Zan this mercenary chief can also have this grade long sword unexpectedly, after he draws a sword, on the face full is the fierce smiling face, said: trifling protects the institute to dare to challenge, the boy, you plants very much, tells me your name, under the father sword does not die the nameless ghost.” 刘赞哈哈大笑,缓缓拔出佩剑,那是一柄泛着青色光芒的长剑,应该是玄品七阶的兵刃,难得刘赞这种佣兵头子居然也能拥有这种品级的长剑,他拔剑之后,脸上满是狰狞笑容,道:“区区一个护院敢来挑战,小子,你很有种,告诉我你的名字吧,老子剑下不死无名之鬼。” The Men in Black naturally are Lin Muyu, smiles: Does not need, in any case you also to be a deceased person.” 黑衣人自然就是林沐雨,不禁一笑:“不必了,反正你也已经是个死人了。” Dissolute!” “放肆!” Liu Zan no longer asked the name, fought the boots to tread the wet soft snowy area to overrun, the body week flew upwards together roaring flame True Qi, Fiery Wolf Martial Spirit reappeared in the chest, cultivating of this person for was too not low, unexpectedly also had the Earth Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer boundary, but was a pity very much that washed in front of the rain in the forest, such cultivating for was really too not worthy of mentioning. 刘赞不再问姓名,战靴踏着湿软的雪地就冲了过去,身周飞扬起一道烈焰真气,一个火狼武魂浮现在胸口,这个人的修为不算太低,居然也有地境二重天的境界了,只是很可惜,在林沐雨面前,这样的修为实在是太微不足道了。 Even the stars sword absolutely does not have a sheath, the sharp sword when Liu approves is away from Lin Muyu the front less than two meters remote, he gained ground suddenly, on a face of outstanding ability passed killing intent, the Saint King boundary domain is condensing to cover Liu Zan for the storm of small range suddenly! 甚至星辰剑根本就没有出鞘,就在刘赞的利剑距离林沐雨胸前不足两米之遥的时候,他忽然抬起头来,一张俊逸的脸庞上透着杀意,圣王境领域骤然凝聚为小范围的风暴笼罩住了刘赞! Buzz!” “嗡!” In Liu Zan mind a blank, the intelligence of whole person in the flash has almost not been able automatic control, the surroundings have transmitted certainly the strong constriction, lets his whole person such as the falling ice hole, right, this moment feeling looked like has fallen into the purgatory, observed the situation general by the group ghost, the feeling average man who that type absolutely terrified, was in the hopeless situation is unable to endure. 刘赞的脑海里一片空白,整个人的神智在一刹那几乎已经无法自控了,周围传来了绝强的压迫感,让他整个人如坠冰窟,没错,这一刻的感觉就像是掉进了炼狱之中,被群鬼环视一般,那种毛骨悚然、身临绝境的感觉常人根本无法忍受。 Ha......” “呜啊……” Liu Zan puts out a blood suddenly, the pupil increases rapidly, whole body ice-cold pouring in snowy area, the body twitches to shiver slightly. 刘赞猛然吐出一口鲜血,瞳孔飞速变大,浑身冰冷的倒在了雪地之中,身体微微抽搐颤抖。 He, unexpectedly death stiffly under domain pressure! 他,居然硬生生的死在了领域威压之下! Lin Muyu the vision is startled, has not thought that Liu Zan this mercenary Captain that delicate, unexpectedly by the illusion that the domain pressure brought scaring to death, this balls mouse class does not know how really to become mercenary even to become mercenary Captain. 林沐雨目光一怔,也没有想到刘赞这个佣兵团长会那么的弱不禁风,居然被领域威压带来的幻境给吓死了,这种胆小鼠类真不知道是怎么当上佣兵甚至是当上佣兵团长的。 General Liu?” “刘将军?” Bei Qi Huan stares, hurried look hints: Has a look quickly.” 北齐桓一愣,急忙眼神示意:“快去看看。” mercenary walked to go forward, probes the Liu Zan breath, can"t help it, has drawn back several steps continually, the face whiten said: Captain he...... He died, day, what's the matter?” 一名佣兵走上前,试探了一下刘赞的鼻息,禁不住连退数步,脸色苍白道:“团长他……他已经死了,天啊,怎么回事?” Bei Qi Huan is dumbfounded, raises dagger hurriedly, vexed and ashamed low shouted to clear the way: „Who you are, what dirty trick using to kill Liu Zan?” 北齐桓目瞪口呆,急忙将匕首扬起,恼羞的低喝道:“你到底是什么人,用了什么样的卑鄙手段杀死了刘赞?” Lin Muyu has not spoken, but visits him lightly. 林沐雨没有说话,只是淡淡的看着他。 Actually nearby mercenary low voice whisper: Two Young Master, Captain bleeds profusely from the head dead, I suspected that had been intoxicated, this boy perhaps is an expert of intoxication!” 倒是一旁的佣兵小声耳语道:“二公子,团长七窍流血而死,我怀疑是被人下毒了,这小子说不定是一个下毒的行家!” The Bei Qi Huan that obviously face of outstanding ability instantaneously twists to be fierce slightly, said: Intoxicates? The thing, you dare to kill my person, the young master make you taste the Heavenly Book taste!” 北齐桓那稍显俊逸的脸庞瞬间扭曲狰狞起来,道:“下毒?混账东西,你敢杀我的人,小爷就让你尝尝天书的滋味!” Saying, the Bei Qi Huan wrist|skill was turning gently, the carving article on that dagger reappeared instantaneously, together earth yellow 0 -- The color ray shoots up to the sky, crash-bang one illuminates a piece of horizon. 说着,北齐桓手腕轻轻一翻,那匕首上的刻文瞬间浮现,一道土黄0--色光芒冲天而起,“哗啦”一下照亮一片天际。 But before this low grade book starts, person's shadow to sweep past, the Lin Muyu's stars sword comes out of the sheath, to turn over to entire process not over a half second of sheath together, suddenly returned to the original position. 但就在他这本下品地书发动之前,一道人影掠过,林沐雨的星辰剑出鞘、归鞘的全过程不超过半秒钟,眨眼之间就已经回到了原先的位置。 Bei Qi Huan is startled, the next moment felt in the wrist|skill of right hand to transmit a chill in the air, the next second of severe pain transmitted again, the entire wrist|skill had cut off by a forest Mu Yu sword directly, that may have the dagger of low grade book also to vanish into thin air. 北齐桓只是一怔,下一刻才感受到右手的手腕上传来了一片寒意,再下一秒剧痛传来,整个手腕直接就被林沐雨一剑斩断了,那个可有下品地书的匕首也不翼而飞了。 „............” “啊……啊啊啊……” Bei Qi Huan knees down suddenly, when this aristocratic family Young Master has been seriously injured such, the pain results on the forehead full is the sweat, almost on faint in the past. One crowd of mercenary and protect the institute is dumbfounded, in an instant mercenary ran the larger part, protected institute also few. 北齐桓猛然跪倒在地,这个世家公子什么时候受过这样的重伤,痛得额头上满是汗水,差点就昏厥了过去。一群佣兵和护院更是目瞪口呆,转眼之间佣兵跑了一大半,护院也没有几个了。 The people have not seen clearly the Lin Muyu's movement, but knows that is this Li Zhuojia protecting institute began, otherwise a Bei Qi Huan's hand is impossible to be reduced. 众人都没有看清林沐雨的动作,但知道是这个李琢家的护院动了手,不然北齐桓的一条手不可能就被砍掉。 Do not run!” “别跑!” Bei Qi Huan Gui on ground, on face full is the pain, said loudly: All mercenary halt to me, massacres him, chops the person of his head, grants million Gold Yin Coin!” 北齐桓跪在地上,脸上满是痛苦,大声道:“所有佣兵给我站住,杀掉他,砍下他头颅的人,赏赐一百万金茵币!” One crowd of mercenary are on the cutting edge licks the bravo of blood, hears 1 million, has anchored the footsteps. 一群佣兵都是刀口上舔血的亡命徒,一听说1000000,一个个都停住了脚步。 Lin Muyu is actually holding appreciatively Bei Qi Huan's that handle low grade book embryo dagger, said with a smile: This local book, if starts, killed people...... Should not decide on the nature of the guilt in the righteousness and country? Anyone of you wants to try this wind system low grade book the might, that freely tries, should the pain of Wind Blade incision body too be not big?” 林沐雨却把玩着北齐桓的那柄下品地书器胚匕首,笑道:“这本地书如果发动的话,杀了人……在义和国应该是不论罪的吧?你们有谁想试试这本风系下品地书的威力,那就尽管来试试,风刃切开身体的痛楚应该不算太大吧?” You...... You......” “你……你……” mercenary may, no matter anything 1 million, turned around runs, in an instant runs away the none remaining, only remaining several protect institute complexion pale standing there, a middle-aged person protects the institute to cultivate for is about the Earth Boundary First Layer day appearance, is in this group of people only nice point expert, only has his having courage quantity to walk to go forward to hold Bei Qi Huan, said: Two Young Master, we bump into the hard drop today, can only acknowledge that the punishment is deserved, walks, we returned to the relay station to say first again that cannot stay here, your wound needs to wrap up......” 佣兵们可不管什么1000000了,掉头就跑,转眼逃得精光,只剩下几个护院脸色铁青的站在那里,其中一个中年人护院修为大约是地境第一重天的样子,算是这群人里唯一一个像样点的强者,唯有他有这个胆量走上前扶起来北齐桓,道:“二公子,今天我们碰到硬点子了,只能认栽,走,我们先回驿站再说,不能留在这里,你的伤口需要包扎……” Bei Qi Huan has struggled furiously: No, Uncle Zhang, I have a local book embryo, I...... I must kill this to destroy a I scoundrel!” 北齐桓奋力的挣扎了一下:“不,张叔,我还有一本地书器胚,我……我要杀了这个毁我一手的混账!” Embryo?” “还有器胚?” Lin Muyu the vision sweeps, discovers the Bei Qi Huan waist unexpectedly fine exquisite space bag, definitely in this space bag, therefore, before Lin Muyu the personal appearance jumps onto, opened the hand to grasp to this space bag. 林沐雨目光一扫,发现北齐桓腰间居然有一个精致玲珑的空间袋,肯定是在这个空间袋里面,于是,林沐雨身形一跃上前,张手就抓向了这个空间袋。 Do not go too far......” “不要欺人太甚……” Was called is Uncle Zhang the protecting institute to sweep the fist suddenly, the fist lives the prestige tigerishly, Martial arts of this person cultivates for truly is good. 被唤作“张叔”的护院猛然扫拳而过,拳头虎虎生威,这个人的武学修为确实算是不错。 What a pity, his match is Lin Muyu this Saint King boundary expert. 可惜,他的对手是林沐雨这个圣王强者 The five fingers change suddenly palmate, Lin Muyu ample capacity, only with the powerful racket of body stiffly on Uncle Zhang's fist, bang a True Qi cyclone has surged a, Uncle Zhang retrocedes one step, but Lin Muyu made use to hold the space bag of Bei Qi Huan waist to seize it forcefully, lightly smiled: Thanks granting of Bei Qi mansion two Young Master, this was you have killed the compensation of my family Master Li Zhuo!” 五指猛然化作掌状,林沐雨轻轻一运力,只凭着身躯的强悍硬生生的拍在了张叔的拳头上,“嘭”一声真气气旋激荡,张叔后退一步,而林沐雨趁势抓住了北齐桓腰间的空间袋将其强行夺了过来,微微一笑:“谢谢北齐府二公子的赏赐,这是你杀了我家李琢少爷的赔偿!” Saying, Lin Muyu turns around several vertical to leap disappears in the dim light of night. 说着,林沐雨转身几个纵跃就消失在夜色之中。 Do not walk!” Vexed and ashamed of Bei Qi Huan face, bellows was saying. “你别走!”北齐桓一脸的恼羞,大吼着说道。 Two Young Master!” Uncle Zhang distant looks at the Lin Muyu's back, said: Ok...... Repairing of this person for was really too high, perhaps took a broad view at Bailing city not such expert(s)......” “二公子!”张叔遥遥的看着林沐雨的背影,道:“算了吧……这个人的修为实在是太高了,恐怕放眼百岭城都没有这样的高手啊……” How possible?” “怎么可能?” Bei Qi Huan said astonished: „The Bailing city is abundance of capable people, in big commander's office expert(s) like clouds, and...... Moreover Marshal Ji Yao and skill of Marshal Long Qianlin has also been equal, is cultivating of this boy above Ji Yao and Long Qianlin?” 北齐桓惊愕道:“百岭城人才济济,大都统府里高手如云,而且……而且姬耀元帅、龙千林元帅的身手也都相当了得,难道这小子的修为在姬耀龙千林之上吗?” Uncle Zhang shakes the head: Commander Ji and Dragon Shuai are Heaven Realm cultivates is, this person...... The subordinates felt faintly he kept 90% strengths, moreover a moment ago stiffly scares to death Liu Zan, that does not scare to death, but is the pressure lethal, this person at least is Saint Realm cultivates is...... Hears the sound to be so young, how many young Saint Realm expert in do the righteousness and border have? Rapid white province crouching tiger , hidden dragon, two Young Master...... We offended should not the person of offending...... Walks, we go back therapy first.” 张叔摇摇头:“姬帅、龙帅不过是天境修为,这个人……属下隐隐感觉到他留了九成的力量,而且刚才硬生生的把刘赞吓死,那不是吓死,而是威压致死,这个人至少是圣域修为啊……听声音那么年轻,义和国境内又有几个年轻的圣域强者?迅白行省卧虎藏龙,二公子……我们得罪了不该得罪的人了……走,我们先回去疗伤。” A Bei Qi Huan face quite twists, said: Saint Realm expert...... That is also what kind, our Bei Qi by mostly the series favor, I certainly will be assembled the troops to come to the rapid white province, does not eradicate this Li, I vowed am not a person!” 北齐桓一张脸庞颇为扭曲,道:“圣域强者……那又怎样,我们北齐家倍受大都统恩宠,我一定会重新调集人马来迅白行省的,不把这个李家连根拔起,我誓不为人!” Yes, first goes back therapy.” “是,先回去疗伤。” On Uncle Zhang's face cloudy clear uncertain, bottom of one's heart is the mighty waves ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), short fighting, he can feel immeasurably deep of match a moment ago, and felt that the opposite party has not tried, otherwise this group of people perhaps have become the corpse, even the opposite party links a move of Martial arts move to be useless, this explained that he wants to hide the identity, where this „does Li protect institute Men in Black to be sacred? 张叔的脸上阴晴不定,心底更是波澜万丈,刚才短暂的交手,他能感觉到对手的深不可测,并且感觉到对方根本就未尽全力,不然自己这群人恐怕都已经成了尸体,甚至对方连一招武学招数都没有用,这说明他想隐藏身份,这个“李家护院黑衣人”到底会是何方神圣? ...... …… Behind the inn, the room rear windows of two buildings open greatly, brushes two person's shadows to fly into the room, after dropping the window, Lin Muyu soon smiled badly, threw toward the table on the Bei Qi Huan's space bag, Ha Ha said with a smile: This group of idiots, laugh at me simply, their this cultivated to also here well bravely to fight unexpectedly ruthlessly, came Heaven Realm to cultivate for the person can kill off them casually completely!” 客栈后方,二楼的一个房间后窗大开,“刷刷”两道人影飞进房间内,落下窗户之后,林沐雨快要笑坏了,把北齐桓的空间袋往桌上一丢,哈哈笑道:“这群蠢货,简直是笑死我了,就他们这点修为居然还在这里好勇斗狠,随便来个天境修为的人就能把他们全部杀光了!” Qin Yin that has observed is smiling face is also ruddy, said: Li Zhuo this playboys die pity insufficient, but why A'Yu didn't you kill Bei Qi Huan a moment ago?” 一直观战的秦茵也是笑脸红扑扑的,说:“李琢这种纨绔子弟死不足惜,不过阿雨你为什么刚才不杀北齐桓呢?” This idiot is remaining to the righteousness and country, has the advantage to us. Also...... We are the people in Military Soldier virtue, in the situation that does not need to kill people do not kill people.” “这种蠢货给义和国留着吧,对我们有好处。再说了……我们是修武德的人,没有必要杀人的情况下就不要杀人。” Un, Xiao Yin knows that I can also.” “嗯,小茵知道啦,我也会的。” Let alone these, had a look in the Bei Qi Huan's space bag to have any good thing quickly.” “别说这些了,快看看北齐桓的空间袋里都有什么好东西。” !! !!
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