AG :: Volume #5

#491: I will not compensate

Buzz!” “嗡!” The roaring flame lingers around both feet together, good Tang Lu, to jump to jump, both feet series kicks to trample to the Ji Shang appearance, the Fire Fox seal ray in palm even more is simultaneously strong, after this is plans the foot to trample, uses the Fire Fox seal again, a tactic of being in an impregnable position. 一道烈焰萦绕在双足周围,好一个唐庐,纵身跃起,双足连环踢踹向姬熵的面目,同时掌心里的火狐印光芒愈发浓烈,这是打算脚踹之后再用火狐印,一个立于不败之地的战术。 However, on the face of Ji Shang actually full is the contemptuous smiling face, turns over in the hand suddenly long sword, immediately silver rune/symbol writing above long sword shoots up to the sky, above the vault of heaven has the response faintly, started the strength of world, the surrounding innumerable ice is the principle strength wells up to long sword above rapidly, Ji Shang drinks lowly: Strength of frost shield spirit book!” 然而,姬熵的脸上却满是轻蔑的笑容,忽地翻转手中长剑,顿时长剑之上的银色符文冲天而起,天穹之上隐隐有回应,已经发动天地之力了,周围的无数冰系法则力量急速涌至长剑之上,姬熵一声低喝:“灵书之力霜盾!” A huge Frost air/Qi shield lingers in the long sword front, bang bang bang shaking drew back the Tang Lu airborne third successive to kick, Tang Lu falling in an extremely difficult situation returned, is actually not simultaneously willing to accept this shame, vertical leapt in the airborne body suddenly again, the Fire Fox seal howled, my goodness, this colored Young Master breakthrough, has used unexpectedly also impressively was Fire Fox seal sevenfold day 5 bad attitudes seal! 一个巨大冰霜气盾萦绕在长剑前方,“嘭嘭嘭”的震退了唐庐的空中三连踢,唐庐狼狈不堪的跌回,同时却又不愿意接受这种羞辱,猛然在空中身体再一次纵跃,火狐印呼啸而出,好家伙,这个花花公子居然也突破了,用的赫然是火狐印第七重天五气印! Bang!” “轰!” The flame rises suddenly, the 5 bad attitudes seal bang above the frost shield, actually cannot rumble broken, is Ji Shang is in power does not forgive the person lifts long sword to wallop on the contrary forward, directly with the frost shield hit that the spirit book had on Tang Lu face, bang, Tang Young Master whole face Frost and black and blue backlash several steps, a complexion piece blushed immediately, he lost. 火焰暴涨,五气印轰在了霜盾之上,竟然没有能够轰碎,反倒是姬熵得势不饶人的举着长剑向前猛冲,直接用灵书产生的霜盾撞击在了唐庐的脸上,“嘭”一声,唐少主满脸冰霜、鼻青脸肿的后退数步,顿时脸色一片羞红,他输了。 Tang Lu!” Tang Lan is leaning on the walking stick, berated in a low voice: Lost do not show off ability.” “唐庐!”唐澜拄着拐杖,低声喝斥道:“输了就不要逞能了。” Yes, Grandpa......” Tang Luzhi can be built on nearby Tang Lan respectfully. “是,爷爷……”唐庐只能恭敬立于唐澜一旁。 Ji Shang raises long sword, the spirit book strength on sword blade is dissipating slowly, his cup one fist in the other hand smiles: This is only the strength of high-grade spirit book, inscribes the high-grade spirit book the embrionic life can start the strength of 7 times spirit book, spirit book might, in addition so, it can be imagined stronger place book and Heavenly Book, and even god book might big to any situation.” 姬熵则提着长剑,剑刃上的灵书力量缓缓消逝掉,他抱拳一笑:“这只是上品灵书的力量,一个写上上品灵书的器胚一生能发动7次灵书之力,诸位,灵书威力尚且如此,可想而知更强的地书、天书,乃至神书的威力会大到什么地步。” Tang Lan cup one fist in the other hand, said: „The prestige of Heavenly Book truly makes the will of the people submit to pleased.” 唐澜抱拳,道:“天书之威确实让人心悦臣服。” Ji Forest lightly smiled: Billows Duke erroneous approved.” 姬林微微一笑:“澜公谬赞了。” Saying, Ji Forest took out an aquamarine jade flute from the robe sleeve, said: Above this jade flute has the low grade book profound strength that obsolete engraves personally, has not started, which general wants to feel the book the might? Also makes Sir on the scene open mind, on this piece of continent, the ray of too long book had not bloomed.” 说着,姬林从袍袖之中取出了一根碧绿色的玉箫,道:“这根玉箫之上拥有老朽亲手刻印的下品地书玄力,尚未发动过,哪位将军想感受一下地书的威力?也让在场的诸位大人开开眼界,这片大陆上,已经太久没有地书的光芒绽放了。” Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head, has not spoken, he can also induce to the place book might, although is insufficient to cause the lethality to threaten to oneself, but does not need to get down the attempt to challenge the book in this situation. 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,没有说话,他也能感应到地书的威力,虽然不至于对自己造成致命性威胁,但没有必要在这种场合下去尝试挑战地书。 Ji Shang received the jade flute from Ji Forest hand, looks one group of empire military officers who on the scene keeps silent, smiling of can"t help it,: „...... Does nobody dare to challenge the book might? It seems like is similar to was really expected that the day imperial gate reopens, must pass at Wu Zhiguo's time, later, this piece of continent was the Heavenly Book world.” 姬熵从姬林手中接过了玉箫,看着在场默不作声的一群帝国将领,禁不住的笑了:“难道说……没有人敢来挑战地书的威力吗?看来果然如同预料中的一样,天御之门重开,以武治国的时代就要过去了,以后,这片大陆就是天书的天下了。” In the crowd, Zhang Wei draws out a section of saber suddenly, said: Puts your mother's smelly P, father Zhang Wei refuses to accept!” 人群中,章炜猛然拔出一截佩剑,道:“放你娘的臭P,老子章炜不服!” Ji Shang laughs: Is imperial guard vice- Commander Sir Zhang Wei, since refuses to accept, that tries.” 姬熵哈哈大笑:“是禁军副统领章炜大人啊,既然不服,那就来试一试好了。” Immediately, the feelings of some scene at daggers drawn, these of Heavenly Book pavilion have carved the Heavenly Book people to want in the empire to obtain the lofty status, this will challenge inevitably grasped the followers of power, among a contest writing Yiwu was imperative. 顿时,场面有些剑拔弩张的感觉了,天书阁的那些刻写天书的人都想在帝国获得崇高的地位,这势必会挑战原本掌握大权的修炼者们,一文一武之间的较量已经是势在必行了。 But, Lin Muyu is extremely worried about the Zhang Wei safety, if the Heavenly Book in Ji Shang is aggressive, perhaps Zhang Wei might assign the mourning under the place book might. 但,林沐雨非常担心章炜的安危,如果姬熵手里的这本天书是进攻型的话,恐怕章炜有可能会命丧于地书威力之下了。 the next moment, Lin Muyu goes down a stair slowly, said: Might as well make me try.” 下一刻,林沐雨缓缓走下一步台阶,道:“不如让我来试试吧。” Wait / Etc., A'Yu.” “等等,阿雨。” Feng Ji Xing holds up is wearing a sword walks to go forward slowly, vision straight looks at Ji Shang, said: Master Ji Shang, my subordinate is the careless person, affronting in words also please excuse me, A'Yu, since Zhang Wei is my subordinate, that by my this Commander over.” 风继行擎着佩刀缓缓走上前,目光笔直的看着姬熵,道:“姬熵少爷,我的属下是粗人,言辞上的冒犯还请见谅,阿雨,既然章炜是我的部下,那就由我这个统领来出头吧。” Saying, Feng Ji Xing draws out to wear a sword, cuts on the wind blade ray greatly Sheng, his lightly smiled said: Master Ji Shang, asked for advice the book might by my Feng Ji Xing, how?” 说着,风继行拔出佩刀,斩风刀上光芒大盛,他微微一笑道:“姬熵少爷,就由我风继行来领教一下地书的威力,如何?” In the Ji Shang vision to sweep past is not quick, afterward said with a smile: Since Commander Feng wants to ask for advice the book might personally, that comes!” 姬熵目光中掠过一丝不快,随后笑道:“既然风统领想亲自领教地书的威力,那就来吧!” ...... …… Feng Ji Xing drinks gently lowly, the White-Robe Imperial Forest cape flies upwards slowly, the body surrounding unceasing derivation flame Battle Qi, are the King fights the flame, he does not know when also stepped into the Saint King boundary unexpectedly, really the honorable person did not reveal the true nature! 风继行轻轻一声低喝,身后的白袍御林斗篷缓缓飞扬起来,身体周围不断的衍生出一道道火红色的斗气,是王者斗焰,他不知何时竟也踏入圣王境了,果然真人不露相! People one after another retrocedes, the might of Saint King boundary expert challenge low grade book, this does not crack a joke. 众人纷纷后退,圣王强者挑战下品地书的威力,这可不是开玩笑的。 Ji Shang cultivating for obviously distant being inferior to Feng Ji Xing, but on face actually fearless, imitates the place book in finger citron to exceed all general, but, on his face has seeped out sweat of faint trace, obviously starts the Heavenly Book might also to need to consume True Qi and physical strength, he had started a high-grade spirit book, now starts the low grade book continuously again, was somewhat strenuous. 姬熵本身的修为显然远远的不及风继行,但脸上却无所畏惧,就仿佛手中的地书能够胜过一切一般,不过,他的脸上已经渗出了一丝丝的汗水,显然发动天书的威力也是需要消耗真气和体力的,他已经发动过一次上品灵书,现在连续再发动下品地书,已经有些吃力了。 The wrist|skill turns gently, on the jade flute in Ji Shang hand the golden ray erupts, shoots up to the sky, initiates a earth yellow color ray above vault of heaven to release to fall, gathers above the jade flute unceasingly, in an instant the strength of these inspired world changes into roaring flame, turbulent plunged the Feng Ji Xing body. 手腕轻轻一翻,姬熵手中的玉箫上金色光芒爆发出来,冲天而起,引发天穹之上的一道土黄颜色的光芒泄落下来,不断汇聚在玉箫之上,转眼之间这些被引动的天地之力化为一道道烈焰,汹涌的扑向了风继行的身躯。 Strength of fierce flame book!” Ji Shang shouted angrily, the attack started, he knows that the match was Feng Ji Xing, expert of Saint King boundary, therefore this struck has almost exhausted all day of earth deities strength in book. “地书之力烈炎!”姬熵一声怒喝,进攻已经发动了,他知道对手是风继行,一位圣王境的强者,所以这一击几乎是用尽了地书之中的一切天地灵力的。 The fierce flame howls to go, dashes to come, a meaning of Feng Ji Xing avoidance, a body Qu, the King has not fought the flame to howl to emerge in the sword slightly, in the meantime, purple electricity roaring flame wolf Martial Spirit roared unceasingly, was a type demon blade swallows the day directly! 烈炎呼啸而去,直扑而来,风继行没有一丝躲避的意思,身体微微一屈,王者斗焰呼啸涌入战刀之中,同时,紫电烈焰狼武魂咆哮不绝,直接就是一式魔刀吞天! Bang!” “轰!” The fierce flame and strong winds and thunder and lightning hit in together, these civilian officials frighten the escape avoidance immediately again and again, only then Lin Muyu, Xiang Yu, Situ Sen and other expert(s) maintained composure, stands erect such as standing of mountain there. 烈炎与狂风、雷电撞击在一起,顿时那些文职官员吓得连连逃逸躲避,也只有林沐雨、项彧、司徒森等高手不动声色,屹立如山的站在那里。 The strong winds of howling swayed the white robe cape, Lin Muyu was narrowing the eye, before the body , the light dragon bloody battle shield ray are counter-balancing to come from the impact of book might together. 呼啸的狂风吹拂着白袍斗篷,林沐雨眯着眼睛,身前一道淡淡的龙血战盾光芒抵消掉了来自地书威力的冲击。 Fierce flame in field as in continuously surges and is attacking from the jade flute the match, but Feng Ji Xing carries with the hand is cutting the wind blade, the King of body week fights the flame to be even more strong, step by step welcomed the fierce flame to take a step to go forward, under the impact of fierce flame, his complexion was somewhat pale, but insisting on eye has not actually changed, a hand, that powerful left hand held state-of-art of jade flute suddenly, a sound drank under one lowly! 场中的烈炎依旧在源源不绝的从玉箫之中涌动、冲击着对手,而风继行则手提着斩风刀,身周的王者斗焰愈发浓烈,一步步的迎着烈炎迈步走上前,烈炎的冲击下,他的脸色有些苍白,但眼中的执意却一丝没有改变过,猛然一张手,那一只有力的左手抓住了玉箫的尖端,一声低喝一下! Bang!” “嘭!” Jade flute disintegration! 玉箫崩碎! The carrier of book, that jade flute embryo already turned into the smashing, immediately above vault of heaven earth yellow - color ray extinguishes instantaneously invisible, but in Feng Ji Xing is grasping a section of jade flute changed into broken pieces, wind-drift sand of jade powder continuously from referring to of Feng Ji Xing general flies upwards. 地书的载体,那玉箫器胚已然变成了粉碎,顿时天穹之上的土黄-色光芒瞬间消弭无形,而风继行手里握着的一截玉箫已经化为齑粉,一缕缕的玉粉从风继行的指间流沙一般的飞扬起来。 After Ji Shang loses the book, directly faces the Feng Ji Xing pressure, immediately the whole body moves not to fear, on the face full is murmur the sweat. 姬熵失去地书之后,直接面对风继行的威压,顿时浑身动惮不得,脸上满是潺潺汗水。 Feng Ji Xing slowly scatters the powder of jade flute completely, said with a smile: It seems like, Heavenly Book substitutes for the day of temple, but also early......” 风继行缓缓的将玉箫的粉末撒尽,笑道:“看来,天书取代圣殿的日子,还早着呢……” Until after the Feng Ji Xing pressure disseminated, Ji Shang deep inspiration, continually draws back several steps, the face whiten, the situation just liked in 18 hells walked general. 直到风继行的威压弥散了之后,姬熵才深深的吸一口气,连退数步,脸色苍白,刚才的处境犹如在18层地狱走了一遭一般。 The Xiang Yu corners of the mouth rise, smiles lightly, but has not spoken. 项彧嘴角上扬,淡淡一笑,但没有说话。 Lin Muyu's Spiritual Pulse Technique can fight the flame to be at least weaker than before clear induction to the Feng Ji Xing King actually 20%, a trifling low grade book consumed his 20% strength unexpectedly, perhaps if according to this principle, five low grade books on the energy consumption completely Feng Ji Xing strength, it seems like Heavenly Book prevailed for a time on continent is not unfounded. 倒是林沐雨的灵脉术能够清晰的感应到风继行的王者斗焰至少比之前弱了两成,区区一本下品地书居然耗掉了他两成力,如果按照这种法则的话,五本下品地书恐怕就能耗尽风继行的力量了,看来天书大陆上盛极一时也是不无理由的。 When on the Feng Ji Xing face of outstanding ability seeps out the little sweat to stand the forest washes side the rain, he in a low voice said the sentence: obediently, Heavenly Book really fierce...... Awfully!” 风继行俊逸的脸庞上渗出少许汗水站到林沐雨身边的时候,他低声说了句:“乖乖,天书果然厉害……要命!” Lin Muyu nods smiles: Who makes you show off ability.” 林沐雨点头一笑:“谁让你逞能的。” I had not worried that your this does not have the boy of conscience to lose face, you are temple Great Deacon, the god in empire Warrior mind, you naturally cannot defeat under Heavenly Book, but I just am small imperial guard Commander, lost did not lose face!” Feng Ji Xing speaks plausibly. “我还不是担心你这个没良心的小子会丢人,你是圣殿大执事,帝国武者心目中的神,你自然不能败在天书之下了,而我只不过是一个小小的禁军统领,输了也不丢人!”风继行振振有词。 Lin Muyu knows that he is thinking anything, cracks into a smile: Ok, this time calculates my, owes you a favour.” 林沐雨知道他在想什么,咧嘴一笑:“行啦,这次算我的,欠你一个人情。” Hey, this also almost.” “嘿,这还差不多。” ...... …… Book was destroyed, many makes the Heavenly Book pavilion manage affairs in some Ji Forest faces unable to hang, will be good will cultivate the behavior because of Feng Ji Xing will handle matters, distant cup one fist in the other hand will cup one hand in the other across the chest and fill with saying of apology: Sword did not have the eye, Feng Ji Xing has not damaged carefully the book, but also please manage affairs the Sir to excuse me, but I will not compensate, a local book was priceless, my Feng Ji Xing was incorruptible for the officer, may not have that much money to compensate you.” 地书的被毁,多少让天书阁掌事姬林有些面子上挂不住,好在风继行会做人会办事,远远的抱拳拱手、满怀歉意的说道:“刀剑无眼,风继行不小心损毁了地书,还请掌事大人见谅,但我是不会赔的,一本地书价值连城,我风继行为官清廉,可没有那么多的钱赔你。” The people yacket. 众人哄堂大笑。 Ji Lindao also sprinkles however, cup one fist in the other hand said: Where words Commander Feng spoke, contest is the sword did not have the eye, you have not injured and Ji Shang, obsolete have been deeply grateful.” 姬林倒也洒然,抱拳道:“风统领说哪里话,较量本来就是刀剑无眼,您没有伤及姬熵,老朽就已经感激不尽了。” Saying, in Ji Forest vision is passing a wisp of chill in the air, said: But, day imperial gate opens not long, many god articles lost above continent, the strength of world gathers also needs some time, therefore Heavenly Book pavilion also nobody can write Heavenly Book temporarily, if writes Heavenly Book, but also asked Commander Feng to come to try the Heavenly Book point again.” 说着,姬林目光中透着一缕寒意,道:“只不过,天御之门重新开启没有多久,不少神文都已经遗失在大陆之上,天地之力重新汇聚也需要一段时间,所以暂时天书阁还没有人能写出天书,如果写出天书的话,还请风统领再来一试天书的锋芒。” This without doubt is a provocation, guards the one way of Heavenly Book pavilion. 这无疑是一种挑衅,同时也是捍卫天书阁的一种方式。 Feng Ji Xing has not spoken, criticizes one at heart: Ji Forest your does this old fox, want to suffer me with Heavenly Book? Makes your unrealistic ideas to go, if in the battlefield, the father already the throwing knife seized your poor life, will also give you to inspire the opportunity of strength of world? Snort, weak...... 风继行没有说话,心里暗骂一声:姬林你这老狐狸,想用天书折磨我?做你的春秋大梦去,若是在战场上,老子早就飞刀夺你小命了,还会给你引动天地之力的机会吗?哼,幼稚…… ...... …… Soon , the midday feast started, the atmosphere at daggers drawn also alleviated. 不久之后,午宴开始了,剑拔弩张的氛围也缓解了许多。 The banquet starts shortly , a familiar delightful sound conveys from outside, was Tang Xiaoxi comes. 宴会开始没多久,一个熟悉悦耳的声音从外面传来,是唐小汐来了。 Princess Xi!” The disciples were shouting loudly. 汐郡主到!”门人大声喊着。 People one after another looks that many people recently arrived at Orchid Goose City, has not seen the world second beautiful woman in this legend, under the vision of people, Tang Xiaoxi wore red down soft armor and lower part of the body white animal skin short skirt, foot pedal golden color Yun Xue walked, in the hand was raising a flame shining town country whip, on a cheek of devastatingly beautiful was having the light happy expression, made this dull banquet instantaneously the light shining in all directions gets up. 众人纷纷看去,许多人都是最近才来到兰雁城,尚未见过这个传说中的天下第二美人,在众人的目光下,唐小汐身穿红色绒毛软甲、下身白色兽皮短裙,脚踏金色云靴走了进来,手里提着一条火光灿灿的镇国鞭,一张倾国倾城的脸蛋上带着淡淡笑意,瞬间就让这个枯燥无味的宴会变得光芒四射起来。 Xiaoxi has seen Grandpa.” Tang Xiaoxi to Tang Lan good virtuous young woman ritual. 小汐见过爷爷。”唐小汐冲着唐澜行了个淑女礼。 On the face of Tang Lan spoils completely: Xiaoxi comes, well, takes a seat.” 唐澜的脸上满是溺爱:“小汐来啦,好好,入座吧。” Un.” “嗯。” Tang Xiaoxi has not actually sat side Tang Lan, but sits nearby the Lin Muyu's table, said: I come late...... The Heavenly Book congress is what kind, has experienced the Heavenly Book might?” 唐小汐却没有坐在唐澜身边,而是席地而坐在林沐雨的桌案一旁,笑着说:“我来晚啦……天书大会怎么样啊,见识过天书的威力没有?” Has experienced...... Really *** fierce......” forest washes the rain to lower the sound to say. “见识过……真***厉害……”林沐雨压低声音道。 Tang Xiaoxi throws smiles: Mu Mu, I must learn a Heavenly Book quarter article!” 唐小汐扑哧一笑:“沐沐,我也要学习天书刻文!” „?” “哦?” Not far away, expensive Young Master gained ground, on the face has piled up with the smiling face: If Princess Xi wants to learn a Heavenly Book quarter article, my Ouyang Bao is willing to overstep one's authority actually, when Princess temporary Teacher.” 不远处,一个贵公子抬起头来,脸上堆满了笑容:“如果汐郡主想学习天书刻文的话,我欧阳豹倒是愿意僭越,当郡主暂时的老师。” Is Ouyang Shijia three Young Master, it is said Ouyang Bao has written two spirit books, is outstanding person in young generation. 是欧阳世家的三公子,据说欧阳豹已经写出了两本灵书了,也算是年轻一辈中的佼佼者。 However Tang Xiaoxi has not shown respect for somebody's ability, the powder toot toot the small mouth rises, said: Mu Mu, you learn a Heavenly Book quarter article from me together, the practice so is in any case arid, is right?” 不过唐小汐没有买账,粉嘟嘟的小嘴上扬起来,说:“沐沐,你跟我一起学天书刻文吧,反正修炼那么枯燥,对不对?” She absolutely does not have one to manage the meaning of Ouyang Bao unexpectedly! 她居然完全没有一丝要理欧阳豹的意思! !! !!
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