AG :: Volume #5

#490: Spirit book might

Time day-by-day past, in Orchid Goose City the hearsay about Heavenly Book were getting more and more, the book and spirit book description must just like these person of books has the exceedingly high penetrating place to be ordinary, the influences of four respected families formally entered Orchid Goose City, to gather the will of the people, Qin Yin issued the imperial order, the heads of household of four respected families may wear weapons to enter Ze Tian Palace, can be inferred to their favor. 时间一天天的过去,兰雁城里关于天书的传闻越来越多,直把那些人书、地书、灵书描绘得犹如拥有通天彻地之能一般,四大家族的势力正式进入了兰雁城,为了招揽人心,秦茵发布诏令,四大家族的家主可佩带兵刃进入泽天殿,对他们的恩宠可见一斑。 ...... …… In an instant seven days pass by, Lin Muyu has immersed during the engraving practice of Fu Xi Heavenly Book. 转眼七天过去,林沐雨一直沉浸在伏羲天书的刻印修炼之中。 Engraving of Fu Xi Heavenly Book, spoke the centripetal law, reaching of step by step to the stage of perfection. 伏羲天书的刻印,更讲求心法,一步步的臻至化境。 The burin like the pen, unites from the initial person pen, unites to the later heart pen again, leaves when until forest Mu Yuke 6 levels of imperial gods print, finally has breakthrough! 刻刀如笔,从起初的人笔合一,再到之后的心笔合一,直到林沐雨刻出6级的御神印时,终于有所突破了! Late at night, in temple Great Deacon office. 深夜,圣殿大执事办公室内。 Lin Muyu the whole body lingers the light King to fight the flame ray, carves pen brushes on the side shield to wave, that is a complex imperial god prints the design, while brandishing carves the pen, in Lin Muyu's consciousness the mighty waves ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the innumerable sea water shoot up to the sky, just likes the curtain of rain is ordinary, in dreadful rough sea waves, huge carves to stand rock-firm in consciousness gold. 林沐雨周身萦绕着淡淡的王者斗焰光芒,刻笔“刷刷刷”的一面盾牌上舞动着,那是一枚复杂的御神印图案,就在挥舞刻笔的同时,林沐雨的意海中波涛万丈,无数海水冲天而起,犹如雨幕一般,就在滔天巨浪之中,一根巨大的金质刻笔在意海中巍然屹立。 Heart pen. 心笔。 The second boundary that Fu Xi Heavenly Book always records, only has the comprehension pencil lead person to carve 6 levels to engrave! 伏羲天书总所记载的第二境界,唯有领悟笔心的人才能雕刻出6级刻印! Fu Xi Heavenly Book four heavy boundaries: The tip floats the blade edge and heart pen to go to sea, the Saint pen day to illuminate, the magical brush stage of perfection, present forest Mu Yu already self-torture to double boundary, because this can carve 6 levels to engrave. 伏羲天书四重境界:笔锋浮刃、心笔出海、圣笔天照、神笔化境,如今的林沐雨已经苦修到了第二重境界了,也正是因为这样才能雕刻出6级刻印。 Cautiously took Jin Xiaotang to send Asura stone that this blood red gem value 5000 Gold Yin Coin, it is said were expert(s) ascends from the purgatory edge, to trigger the imperial god to print must be Asura stone and blood ghost gem mounts together! 小心翼翼的取过了一枚金小棠送来的修罗石,这颗血红色的宝石足足值5000金茵币,据说是高手从炼狱边缘拾回来的,而要想触发御神印就必须是修罗石、血煞宝石一起镶嵌! When Lin Muyu inserts two eyes Asura stone and blood ghost gem separately, immediately the positive shield forever glorious gets up, blood red flowing light law float in the shield surface, Yingying lives the splendor together. 当林沐雨将修罗石、血煞宝石分别嵌入两个阵眼的时候,顿时正面盾牌都光芒万丈起来,一道血红色流光法阵悬浮在盾牌表面,莹莹生辉。 „Is this slaughter god seal?” “这就是屠神印吗?” Lin Muyu is excited, turns over shield buckles above the arm , after an honest strength has seeped the body, the effect that the imperial god prints resists the pressure, in other words, if are wearing such at the same time the shield and Saint Realm above expert fight time, will seize the absolute opportunity in the imposing manner and domain general! 林沐雨兴奋不已,将盾牌翻转扣在手臂之上,果然,一股敦厚的力量沁入了身躯之后,御神印的效果就是抵抗威压,也就是说,如果自己佩戴着这么一面盾牌与圣域以上的强者战斗的时候,在气势和领域上将会取得绝对的先机! Has taken Test Crystal, lays aside above shield, the crystal the ray greatly is immediately abundant, the Daoist believers light gather in the digit of beat together, finally stays in one in a big way 93 on, 93% perfect! 取过测试水晶,放置在盾牌之上,水晶马上光芒大盛起来,一道道流光汇聚在跳动的数字,最终停留在一个大大的“93”上,93%的完美度! Does not know is sending to Purple Yin Flower Auction House really with such shield, Wei Miao, Zhang Zhao these people will be what Xiang. 真不知道拿着这样的盾牌送去紫茵花拍卖行,魏渺、张钊这些人会作何想。 At this moment, outside has heard Bai Yin the knock: Commander, the Heavenly Book pavilion manages affairs, Sir Ji in Lin Ji Residence will send for inviting you to attend Heavenly Book pavilion noon tomorrow midday feast, consented?” 就在这时,外面传来了白隐的敲门声:“统领,天书阁掌事,姬府的姬林大人派人来邀请您去参加天书阁明天中午的午宴,是否应允?” Ji Forest?” “姬林?” Lin Muyu hesitates, Ji Residence was the Heavenly Book aristocratic family, the day imperial gate reopens Ji Lin to write a high-grade book not long, has shocked the entire Qin empire, because of this high-grade book, therefore Ji Lincai was selected to become the first person of Heavenly Book pavilion by Qin Yin, now the prestige of Heavenly Book pavilion already faint has surpassed the temple, therefore Ji Lin the face must give. 林沐雨沉吟一声,姬府是天书世家,天御之门重开没有多久姬林就写出了一本上品地书,震惊了整个大秦帝国,也正是因为这本上品地书,所以姬林才被秦茵选中当上了天书阁的第一人,如今天书阁的威望已经隐隐的超出了圣殿,所以姬林的这个面子还是要给的。 Knew, wants ahead of time told me.” “知道了,要出发的时候提前告诉我。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… At noon next day, ahead of time, Lin Mu the rain belt several engrave the good shield to arrive at the Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce, when he lays aside the shield on the table, Jin Xiaotang had already been shocked, has opened the small mouth: Imperial...... Imperial god seal? My God, how A'Yu Elder Brother do you achieve?” 次日中午,提前出发,林沐雨带着几个刻印好的盾牌来到了紫茵花商会,当他将盾牌放置在桌案上的时候,金小棠已然惊呆了,张大了小嘴:“御……御神印?我的天,阿雨哥哥你是怎么做到的?” Lin Muyu has made breathing out the expression, said with a smile: Keeps secret for me, said that is a work of mysterious recluse, I do not think, because engraves to bring in too many troubles, has sufficed troublesome many.” 林沐雨作了个“嘘”的表情,笑道:“替我保密,就说是一个神秘隐士的作品,我不想因为刻印引来太多的麻烦,麻烦已经够多了。” Yes, young Tang knows!” “是,小棠知道啦!” Jin Xiaotang strenuous holds this heavy shield, said with a smile: „The selling price of this side shield at least above ten ten thousand Gold Yin Coin.” 金小棠吃力的捧起这面沉重的盾牌,笑道:“这一面盾牌的售价至少在十万金茵币之上了。” Un, you look at the office.” “嗯,你自己看着办。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, afterward goes out, went to the Heavenly Book pavilion along with Bai Yin. 林沐雨点点头,随后出门,随着白隐前往天书阁去了。 ...... …… The address of Heavenly Book pavilion is the Ji Ning Wang mansion, but after Ji Ning Wang is missing, Qin Lei died in battle, Qin Yan has moved into the temple and gentian camp, therefore also gave up this mansion, contributes voluntarily to the empire as the headquarters in Heavenly Book pavilion, but now, the inscribed horizontal tablet of Ji Ning Wang mansion had cast off, has exchanged the Heavenly Book pavilion three fine gold gold/metal large characters, outside the mansion, the guards of 12 whole body mail-armor and helmets are watching the front door, this defense degree even compared with the temple must stern. 天书阁的住址原本是迹宁王府,但迹宁王失踪、秦雷战死之后,秦岩入驻了圣殿、龙胆营,所以也就放弃了这一片府邸,自愿贡献给帝国作为天书阁的总部,而如今,迹宁王府的匾额已经被摘掉,换上了天书阁三个鎏金大字,府邸外,12名全身甲胄的守卫守着大门,这种守备程度甚至比圣殿还要更加的森严。 Two warhorses stop slowly, Lin Muyu stands up from failure to discontinue, was saying to guard cup one fist in the other hand: Temple Lin Muyu, comes to keep an appointment!” 两匹战马缓缓停下,林沐雨翻身下马,对着一名守卫抱拳道:“圣殿林沐雨,前来赴约!” That guard stares, immediately straight good emperor ** the ritual, said: Originally was rain Commander came, please enter, the fellow Sirs in Heavenly Book pavilion waited there for some time!” 那守卫一愣,马上笔直的行了个帝**礼,道:“原来是雨统领来了,请进吧,天书阁的各位大人已经等候多时了!” Lin Muyu nodded smiles, leading Bai Yin to enter the front door. 林沐雨点头致意一笑,带着白隐进入了大门。 The Ji Ning Wang mansion inherits for a lot of years, very dignified grand, an ancient road went nonstop to the front main hall, by the ancient road the type has filled the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, in the open area of main hall front has been standing by far many people, majority was the highly placed people in empire, but causes is actually in the square that Lin Muyu paid attention was setting upright rows of huge steles. 迹宁王的府邸传承千百年,十分威严雄伟,一条古道直通前方的大殿,古道两旁种满了桂花树,远远的,大殿前方的空地上已经站立着不少人了,大部分都是帝国的达官贵人,而引起林沐雨注意的却是广场上竖着的一排排巨大石碑。 Quick, wears the person of white brocade clothes to walk to go forward, about 25 years old high and low, is similar to the Lin Muyu's age, on the face full is the spring scenery is self-satisfied, in the hand is grasping a handle thin sword, said with a smile: This Sir thinks that is temple Great Deacon, Sir Lin Muyu?” 很快的,一名身穿白色锦衣的人走上前,大约25岁上下,与林沐雨的年龄相仿,脸上满是春光得意,手中握着一柄细剑,笑着说道:“这位大人想必就是圣殿大执事,林沐雨大人?” „, Are you?” Lin Muyu looks that his attire some are uncomfortable, was really too expensive Young Master model|pattern Er. “正是,请问你是?”林沐雨看着他的一身装束就有些不舒服,实在是太贵公子范儿了。 Comes person cup one fist in the other hand to smile: „Below is Ouyang Shijia head of household three, Ouyang Bao, has seen rain Commander.” 来人抱拳一笑:“在下是欧阳世家的家主三子,欧阳豹,见过雨统领。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod: Young Master was too polite.” 林沐雨点点头:“少主太客气了。” Saying, Lin Muyu went to the vision nearby stele as before, actually sees only on this stele to carve shining characters, continually becomes one string, has profound strength dense unexpectedly. 说着,林沐雨依旧把目光投向了一旁的石碑上,却只见这石碑上刻写着一个个金灿灿的字符,连成一串,竟有一股玄力氤氲其中。 As if saw the Lin Muyu's doubts, Ouyang Bao said with a smile: Rain Commander does not need to be surprised, in these stones is carving the person book and spirit book, the book and Heavenly Book, is various respected families contributes, many Heavenly Book that we write also imitate these models for painting write, below suggestion rain Commander do not go to look, the writing on Heavenly Book was the antiquity god article, looked...... Will unable to endure . Moreover, rain Commander should unable to understand from the start.” 似乎看出了林沐雨的疑惑,欧阳豹笑道:“雨统领不必惊奇,这些石头上就雕刻着人书、灵书、地书、天书,都是各大家族贡献出来的,我们所写的许多天书也都只是模仿这些范本写出来的而已,在下建议雨统领不要去多看,天书上的文字都是上古神文,看多了……会吃不消的,况且,雨统领应该压根也就看不懂。” „?” “哦?” Lin Muyu is narrowing the eye, the identifications of character, are astonished in bottom of one's heart, these god article, why looks like such looking familiar, even some writing Lin Muyu can blurt out that for example that is similar to the writing of wave, is water character, but what 1.1 was date character, what curved such as moon/month was moon/month character, just liked the bug character is it character, this god article...... Impressively is the Chinese character bone-script that Chinese high antiquity handed down from generation to generation! 林沐雨眯着眼睛,一个一个字符的辨认,却在心底惊异无比,这些“神文”,为什么看起来那么的眼熟,甚至有的文字林沐雨是能脱口而出的,譬如那个类似于波浪的文字,是“水”字,而1.1圈的是“日”字,弯弯如月的是“月”字,犹如小虫儿的字符是“它”字,这神文……赫然就是中国远古时代传下来的汉字甲骨文啊! The bone-script can be Fragmented Cauldron god article? 甲骨文怎么会是碎鼎界的“神文”呢? Lin Muyu bottom of one's heart is secret , confirmed that certainly is azure emperor Fu Xi, he is one of the Chinese civilization initiators, but now looks like, Fu Xi is also the Heavenly Book founder, the god article that therefore uses is not other, is the bone-script! 林沐雨心底暗暗惊奇,同时也更加确认了,一定是青帝伏羲,他是中华文明的创始者之一,而现在看起来,伏羲也同时是天书的创始人,所以所用的神文不是别的,正是甲骨文! ...... …… Repressed the joy of bottom of one's heart, Lin Muyu the hand moved toward the front according to the sword hilt with Ouyang Bao slowly, immediately the official said loudly: Temple Great Deacon and gentian camp Commander Sir Lin Muyu!” 按捺住心底的欢悦,林沐雨手按剑柄缓缓跟着欧阳豹走向了前方,顿时有一名官员大声道:“圣殿大执事、龙胆营统领林沐雨大人到!” The people with deep veneration, cast the vision, many people had heard of rain Commander wind and rain thunder and lightning, has not actually seen, this time can see finally live. 众人肃然,一个个投来了目光,许多人只是听说过风雨雷电之一的雨统领,却没有见过,这次终于可以看到活的的。 But Lin Muyu also saw participated in the person of this banquet, Feng Ji Xing, Xiang Yu, Wei Chou, Zhang Wei and the others, almost Imperial Capital Ten Thousand-Man Commander rank above Warrior, as well as these board of personnel Shangshu and household unit Shangshu and other civilian officials also, missed empress Qin Yin not to arrive. 而林沐雨也看到了参与这次宴会的人非常之多,风继行项彧卫仇章炜等人都在,几乎帝都万夫长级别以上的武者,以及那些吏部尚书、户部尚书等文职官员也都在,就差女帝秦茵没有亲临了。 In the crowd, a silver-haired old man wore one to embroider the long gown of golden design to walk, cup one fist in the other hand cuped one hand in the other across the chest to salute saying: Obsolete Ji Lin, see rain Commander.” 人群中,一个满头银发的老者身穿一袭绣着金色图案的长袍走了过来,抱拳拱手施礼道:“老朽姬林,参见雨统领。” According to the government position, Ji Forest Heavenly Book pavilion manages affairs already not under Commander, Lin Muyu does not dare to lose the courtesy, immediately cup one fist in the other hand said: Ji Forest old master folded the ghost I, younger generation Lin Muyu saw the Sir is.” 按照官职,姬林这个天书阁掌事已经不在统领之下,林沐雨也不敢失了礼数,马上抱拳道:“姬林老大人折煞我了,晚辈林沐雨参见大人才是。” Ji Lin laughs, said: Rain Commander truly is a brave and resourceful star!” 姬林哈哈一笑,说:“雨统领真正是一位智勇双全的名将呢!” Lin Muyu does not know that he said this saying is any meaning, but compensates to smile. 林沐雨不知道他说这话是什么意思,只是赔笑一下。 Ji Lin turns around and cups one hand in the other across the chest to look to the people, said: Sir and general, ask everybody to come to the Heavenly Book pavilion today solely are not the banquet are so simple, obsolete also wants to display the Heavenly Book strength taking this opportunity to empire high-ranking court officials, in order to avoid also some people think that Heavenly Book is plays tricks and be unworthy smile poor and pedantic books.” 姬林转身又拱手看向众人,道:“诸位大人、将军,今天请大家来天书阁不单单是宴会那么简单,老朽还想借着这个机会向诸位帝国重臣们展现一下天书的力量,以免还有人认为天书不过是装神弄鬼、不值一哂的穷酸书籍。” Saying, Ji Lin went to youngster vision, said: Entropy, you demonstrate the Heavenly Book strength!” 说着,姬林将目光投向了身边的一个年轻人,道:“熵儿,你来展示天书的力量吧!” Yes, Grandpa!” “是,爷爷!” youngster lavender soft armor, on the face full is self-confident with proud intent, had an imposing appearance has arrived on the central stair, held up a handle extravagant sword in hand, said: I called Ji Shang, Ji Residence the son in second son Ji Yun, Sir, Ji Shang must be disrespectful today, you looked at long sword in my hand, this was a handle was carving the Frost principle high-grade spirit book the embryo, what in this local book wrote defends the frost shield of department, therefore...... General, which general wants to try the spirit book might, please come and Ji Shang one high under.” 年轻人一身的淡紫色软甲,脸上满是自信与傲意,器宇轩昂的走到了中心台阶上,举起手中的一柄阔剑,道:“我叫姬熵,姬府的次子姬允的儿子,诸位大人,姬熵今天要失礼了,你们看我手中的长剑,这是一柄刻写着冰霜法则上品灵书的器胚,不过这一本地书上所写的是防御系的霜盾,所以……诸位将军,哪位将军想一试灵书威力的,请过来与姬熵一较高下。” In the crowd, the people are stunned. 人群中,众人愕然。 Wei Chou and Bai Yin, Situ Sen arrived at side Lin Muyu, under the Lin Muyu's vision hints has not planned to begin. 卫仇、白隐、司徒森都来到了林沐雨身边,在林沐雨的目光示意下没有打算动手。 Tang Family person as if some appearances of not being able to repress, a brocade clothes and waist hang the jadeite Tang Lu brow to raise actually, said: Master Ji Shang, is the spirit book so really strong?” 倒是唐家的人似乎有些按捺不住的样子,一身锦衣、腰悬翠玉的唐庐眉头一扬,道:“姬熵少爷,灵书真有那么强?” Ji Shang smiled: Lingxi Hou Jinke comes to try.” 姬熵笑了:“岭西侯尽可过来一试。” Tries to try!” “试就试!” Tang Lu good and evil is also Heaven Realm expert, jumped to leap falls above the open area, did not draw a sword, lifted the hand to summon Fire Fox Martial Spirit, in the palm the flame mark leaps to want together. 唐庐好歹也是天境强者,纵身一跃就落在了空地之上,也不拔剑,抬手召唤出火狐武魂,掌心里一道火焰印记跃跃欲出。 !! !!
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