AG :: Volume #5

#489: The demon prints certainly

Returns to Ze Tian Palace, after having seen Qin Yin, Chu Yao, Feng Ji Xing and the others, Lin Muyu returns to the temple immediately, the thoughts of whole person completely in Fu Xi Heavenly Book engraving skill. 回到泽天殿,见过秦茵楚瑶风继行等人之后,林沐雨马上返回圣殿,整个人的心思都完全在伏羲天书的刻印技巧上,一刻都等不了了。 ...... …… According to his order, the temple has prepared big pile of shields to place in the Great Deacon office. 按照他的命令,圣殿已经准备了一大堆盾牌放在大执事办公室里了。 Lin Muyu does not think weary, after sitting down, took out the burin, opens Fu Xi Heavenly Book, Heavenly Book that immediately this builds gold flood dazzling brilliance, even is brighter than nearby candlelight. 林沐雨也不觉得疲倦,坐下之后就取出了刻刀,打开伏羲天书,顿时这本金质打造的天书泛起耀眼的光辉,甚至比一旁的烛火更加明亮。 In the palm transports the vigor gently, immediately the careful King fights the flame to circle together above the fine burin blade, this is in Fu Xi Heavenly Book records one engraves the technique, uses own True Qi and Battle Qi to concentrate in the burin, in fact cuts the utensil was not the burin, but was engraving own strength, such came to promote to engrave with own conjunction. 手掌中轻轻运劲,顿时一道细细的王者斗焰盘旋在精致的刻刀刀刃之上,这是伏羲天书里记载着的一个刻印手法,利用自身的真气斗气贯注在刻刀上,事实上切割器物的就不是刻刀了,而是刻印者自身的力量,这么一来就能更加的提升刻印与自身的契合度。 But knows Yi Hangnan, the Lin Muyu's King fought the flame extremely in the overbearing vigorous, short half double-hour continuously carves badly three shields. 只不过知易行难,林沐雨的王者斗焰太过于霸道雄浑,短短半个时辰内就连续刻坏了三个盾牌了。 Is good is rich because of the temple and Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce, this investment can also invest. 好在圣殿和紫茵花商会有钱,这点投入还能投入得起。 Takes your time, should not be anxious.” “慢慢来,不要急。” His silently said to oneself, on the forehead full is the sweat, in the heart meditates the transporting vigor heart law in Fu Xi Heavenly Book recording, speed that immediately on the blade of burin that flame Battle Qi circles also along with his mood slowly reduces, rustle is carving on the shield unceasingly together, piles of iron filings one after another fall in the place. 他默默的对自己说了一句,额头上满是汗水,心中默念着伏羲天书内记载的运劲心法,顿时刻刀的刀刃上那火红色的斗气盘旋的速度也随着他的心境缓缓的降低下来,“沙沙”的不断在一块盾牌上刻写着,一堆堆的铁屑纷纷掉落在地。 But this time, failed as before. 但这一次,依旧失败了。 The trace of rock seal extremely in complex, the little errors has caused the failure of engraving. Looks at gloomy rock seal, Lin Muyu somewhat is desolate, but has not been discouraged , to continue to try hard. 磐石印的纹路太过于复杂,一点点错漏就导致了刻印的失败。看着黯淡无光的磐石印,林沐雨不禁有些落寞,但并未气馁,继续努力。 When the rooster announces the dawn in the morning, finally brushing a ray on some lucky shield flood, these time engraved successfully, has engraved fully for night, unexpectedly had engraving of shield to be successful! 直到清晨雄鸡报晓之时,终于“刷”的一道光芒在某一张幸运的盾牌上泛起,这一次刻印成功了,整整刻印了一夜,居然只有一个盾牌的刻印是成功的! But when forest Mu Yu tests perfect with Test Crystal, actually had a scare, in the crystal the caper figure, stays in one on unceasingly finally unexpectedly 94, the day, first time engraves successful 2 levels of rock seal unexpectedly is 94% perfect, this rather extremely in shocking? 但就在林沐雨用测试水晶测试完美度的时候,却又被吓了一跳,水晶上不断跳跃数字,最终居然停留在一个94上,天,第一次刻印成功的2级磐石印居然是94%的完美度,这未免太过于骇人听闻了吧? ...... …… In a flash, warm-blooded boiling in heart gets up, could not attend to other matters, continued to carve! 一瞬间,心中的热血沸腾起来,也顾不上其余的事情了,继续刻! Imitates such as steps into a new boundary general, the burin also becomes in the hand handy, Lin Muyu already grasped the engraving technique in Fu Xi Heavenly Book having recorded, for the time being calls Fu Xi technique, the burin in his hands gradually became an art, along with iron filings that rustle falls, soon , the second rock seal engraved successfully! 彷如踏入一个新的境界中一般,刻刀在手中也变得得心应手起来,林沐雨已然掌握了伏羲天书中所记载的这种刻印手法,姑且称之为伏羲手法吧,刻刀在他的手中已经渐渐的成为了一个艺术,随着沙沙掉落的铁屑,不久之后,第二个磐石印刻印成功了! Really has the first time, second time was easy to do! 果然是有第一次,第二次就好办了! After the test, 95% perfect! 测试之后,95%的完美度! Lin Muyu's bottom of one's heart completely warm-blooded boiling, will have any sleepiness at this time! Immediately has taken a new shield, compares on Fu Xi Heavenly Book records 3 levels to engrave the illustrated handbook, starts the carving of soaring seal! 林沐雨的心底完全热血沸腾了,这时候还会有什么睡意呢!马上取过一枚新的盾牌,对照伏羲天书上记载着的3级刻印图鉴,开始飞翔印的雕刻! Finally is as expected, first successive carved badly several shields. 结果不出所料,一连刻坏了十几个盾牌。 To high noon time, to soaring seal keeps abreast in the even more skilled situation, Lin Muyu carved the first soaring seal finally, 92% perfect, was an astonishing success masterpiece! 一直到正午的时候,对飞翔印的掌握愈发熟练的情况下,林沐雨终于刻成了第一个飞翔印,92%完美度,又是一个惊人的成功杰作! Looks at the figure on Test Crystal, he is somewhat unbelievable, the technique that Fu Xi engraves so is really mysterious, uniform over 90% perfect also rather extremely in exaggerating! 看着测试水晶上的数字,他有些难以置信起来,难道伏羲刻印的手法真的那么神奇,清一色90%以上的完美度也未免太过于夸张了! Therefore, engraves three more than 90% soaring seal after continuously, he finally believed firmly, this Fu Xi Heavenly Book truly might be considered as Heavenly Book, simply beyond comparison! 于是,又连续刻印出三个90%以上的飞翔印之后,他终于确信了,这本伏羲天书确实堪称是天书,简直无以伦比! ...... …… Does not eat does not rest, strikes while the iron is hot! Continues to study thoroughly 4 levels to engrave the demon to print certainly! 不吃不睡,趁热打铁!继续研习4级刻印魔绝印! Demon certainly seal is engraving of high-level defensive system, engraves to defend the ordinary attack of sword bow arrow on the shield, but the request mounts the profound crystal stone to start, is good has the profound crystal stone in the temple, several profound crystal stones use for him! 魔绝印是一种高级防御体系的刻印,刻印在盾牌上可以防御住刀剑弓矢的普通攻击,但要求镶嵌玄晶石才能发动,好在圣殿里就有玄晶石,十几个玄晶石供他使用! Moreover, the mark of demon seal comes to compared with soaring seal certainly complex, even might be considered as is changeable, in Fu Xi Heavenly Book engraves the illustrated handbook to demonstrate very fuzzily, higher engraves is the transmutability, by no means is one by one fixed, along with the conjunction of state of mind and mark of engraving, complies with Spiritual Sense of world to engrave successfully. 而且,魔绝印的印记比起飞翔印来要更加的复杂,甚至堪称是多变,就连伏羲天书里的刻印图鉴都显示得十分模糊,高等刻印都是可变化的,一笔一划并非固定,随着刻印者的心绪与印记的契合,顺应天地的灵觉才能刻印成功。 Finally has engraved night time, has not succeeded. 结果一直刻印到深夜的时候,一个都没有成功。 Lin Muyu is not mad hungry, Battle Qi in within the body consumed not remaining many, the belly was hungrier beats a drum, but did not carve successful really unable to eat meal. 林沐雨不气不馁,体内的斗气消耗得也不剩下多少了,肚子更是饿得直打鼓,但不刻成一个成功品还真是吃不下饭。 When completes half demon to print certainly, suddenly the strategy has transmitted a response, immediately Lin Muyu bottom of one's heart one happy, this strategy as if had the life to be ordinary, directing the Lin Muyu's next blade to carve to where, soon after, a perfect circular engraved appears above the shield, when mosaic heaven crystal stone, suddenly the ray rose suddenly, the first 4 levels engraved, succeed! 就在完成半个魔绝印的时候,忽然阵法传来了一种回应,顿时林沐雨心底一喜,这阵法仿佛拥有了生命一般,指引着林沐雨的下一刀刻向何处,不多久之后,一个完美的圆形刻印就出现在了盾牌之上,当镶嵌上玄晶石的时候,忽然光芒暴涨起来,第一个4级刻印,成功了! Lin Muyu, the whole person soon was in shock to pass stimulated. 林沐雨亢奋不已,整个人快要休克过去了。 4 levels engrave! 4级刻印啊! The figure on Test Crystal is beating unceasingly, finally stopped has gotten down 97%! 测试水晶上的数字不断跳动着,最终停了下来97%! This time wanted faint to pass , the demons of 97% perfect printed certainly, if this took certainly to be able Wei Miao these exceptional engraving masters scaring to death may not! 这次是真的要昏厥过去了,97%完美度的魔绝印,这要是拿出去一定能把魏渺那些自命不凡的刻印师给吓死不可! According to engraving the graduation, washes rain type to carve the abilities of 97% perfect demon certainly seal by the forest, probably is engraves Grandmaster Rank other to engrave the master, looked like has a dream to be ordinary simply, Fu Xi Heavenly Book can make him engrave master rookie(s) from one to complete unexpectedly in one day to overnight engraving the transformation of grandmaster! 按照刻印师的分级,以林沐雨这种能刻出97%完美度魔绝印的能力,大约已经是刻印宗师级别的刻印师了,简直就像是做了一场梦一般,一本伏羲天书居然能让他从一个刻印师菜鸟在一天一夜之间就完成了到刻印宗师的蜕变! At this moment, suddenly outside has transmitted Feng Ji Xing and Bai Yin talks 就在这时,忽然外面传来了风继行与白隐对话 Feng Ji Xing: A'Yu hasn't one gone out all day?” 风继行:“阿雨一整天都没有出门吗?” Yes, after Commander comes back, has locked on the other side oneself in the office cultivates to engrave, does not know that has starves to death.” Bai Yindao. “是啊,统领回来之后一直把自己反锁在办公室里修炼刻印,不知道有没有被饿死。”白隐道。 Feng Ji Xing is somewhat disgruntled: Good and evil must deliver the meal, how your this near body bodyguard works as, if has starved to death A'Yu this empire Commander while still alive, I immediately you, when very grasped.” 风继行有些不悦:“好歹要把饭菜送进去啊,你这个近身侍卫怎么当的,要是把阿雨这个帝国统领给活活饿死了,我马上把你当贼抓了。” White hidden with amazement: Commander Feng you have no alternative but to divide the good and bad to make an arrest, I am innocent.” 白隐骇然:“风统领你不能不分青红皂白就抓人啊,我是无辜的。” Few idle talk, knock on a door.” “少废话,敲门。” Yes!” “是!” Finally, Bai Yin has not knocked gate time, Lin Muyu opened the door, face weary saying with a smile: Brother Feng, do you come?” 结果,白隐尚未敲开门的时候,林沐雨已经自己打开门了,一脸疲倦的笑道:“风大哥,你来啦?” A'Yu, you......” 阿雨,你……” A Feng Ji Xing face visits him astonished, afterward a fleeing body enters in the office, looks around in all directions, had not actually found the thing that wants to look. 风继行一脸惊愕的看着他,随后一窜身进入办公室内,四处张望,却没有找到想找的东西。 What Brother Feng are you looking for?” Lin Muyu is stunned. 风大哥你在找什么?”林沐雨愕然。 Feng Ji Xing said: Looks for the woman.” 风继行道:“找女人。” How in my office to have the woman!” “我的办公室里怎么会有女人!” Snort, if did not raise 78 women to be in the office, how you will turn into such dispirited appearance, felt that your present appearance was the whole person pulls out to empty!” Feng Ji Xing somewhat hates bitterly: Was you have sent off the woman, the good and evil kept one to Brother Feng, really insufficient brothers!” “哼,如果不是养了78个女人在办公室里,你怎么会变成这样颓废的样子,感觉你现在的样子是整个人都被掏空了!”风继行有些痛心疾首:“是不是你已经把女人送走了,好歹给风大哥留一个,真不够兄弟!” Heart that Lin Muyu wants dead had: You think that which went, I continuously engraved was too long, the physical strength and Battle Qi soon used up.” 林沐雨想死的心都有了:“你想哪儿去了,我只是连续刻印太久了,体力和斗气都快要用完了而已。” Your boy, spelled.” “你小子,也太拼了。” Feng Ji Xing looks at a shield of room, can"t help it, sighing with regret of somewhat, the talent is not inborn, although Lin Muyu the talent different reported that the sweat that but pays with diligently also be more than others. 风继行看着一屋子的盾牌,禁不住的有些慨叹,天才并不是天生的,林沐雨虽然天赋异禀,但付出的汗水与努力也要比别人多了许多。 Bai Yin, told that immediately prepares the meal, immediately delivers.” “白隐,吩咐立刻准备饭菜,马上送过来。” Yes, Commander Feng!” “是,风统领!” ...... …… Lin Muyu returns to the seat to sit, said with a smile: Brother Feng, do you come here definitely solely to not to rub the midnight snack?” 林沐雨回到座位上坐下来,笑道:“风大哥,你来我这里肯定不单单是为了蹭夜宵吧?” Naturally is not.” Feng Ji Xing touches the nose, said: A'Yu, the Heavenly Book pavilion will soon have reconstructed, this matter should you also know?” “当然不是。”风继行摸了摸鼻子,笑着说:“阿雨,天书阁即将重建了,这件事你应该也知道了吧?” Un, knows.” “嗯,知道。” „Do the people of four big aristocratic families, you understand?” “四大世家的人,你都了解吗?” Four big aristocratic families?” Lin Muyu stares. “四大世家?”林沐雨一愣。 Feng Ji Xing nods: Right, Zhongwang Residence and Ouyang Shijia, Ji Residence and Liu Residence, these four heads of household can carve on book above Heavenly Book, and is called four big aristocratic families by Orchid Goose City, now the people of these four big aristocratic families have based in Orchid Goose City, Your Highness has granted many gold , silver and jewelries, can be inferred to their thinking highly.” 风继行点头:“没错,忠王府、欧阳世家、姬府、柳府,这四家的家主都能刻出地书以上的天书上,被兰雁城并称为四大世家,如今这四大世家的人都已经在兰雁城立足了,殿下赏赐了许多金银珠宝,对他们的器重可见一斑。” „Is the meaning of Brother Feng?” 风大哥的意思是?” Heavenly Book.” The Feng Ji Xing look sinks, said: Heavenly Book is the carving can initiate Divine Power of strength of world in one on weapons, shield and armor, after the day imperial gate opens, on continent quiet many years of Heavenly Book one after another regained consciousness, the future war pattern will have the enormous transformation, we as armed forces Commander must hit to relate with four big aristocratic families, this can obtain enough many Heavenly Book weapons, shields from their hands, the future war, will perhaps spell incessantly was the strategy, had the Heavenly Book strength.” 天书。”风继行神色一沉,道:“天书是雕刻在兵刃、盾牌、铠甲上的一种能引发天地之力的神力,天御之门开启之后,大陆上沉寂多年的天书已经纷纷苏醒,将来的战争格局也会发生极大转变,我们身为一军统领就必须跟四大世家打好关系,这样才能从他们手中获得足够多的天书兵器、盾牌等,将来的战争,恐怕拼的不止是智谋了,还有天书的力量。” Lin Muyu shakes the head: I just returned to Orchid Goose City, temporarily also to Heavenly Book not any understanding.” 林沐雨摇摇头:“我刚刚回到兰雁城,暂时还对天书没有任何的了解。” Feng Ji Xing smiled: You, were too wholly-absorbed in your practice, these four big aristocratic families became Orchid Goose City existences of powerful officials social climbing, although we were insufficient to flatter them, but cannot offend them absolutely, otherwise, their Heavenly Book did not give us, gentian camp and imperial guard strength big was lower than other regiments.” 风继行笑了笑:“你啊,就是太专心于自己的修炼了,这四大世家已经成为兰雁城的权贵们争相攀附的存在,我们虽然不至于一定要巴结他们,但绝对不能得罪他们,否则以后他们的天书不给我们,龙胆营、禁军的战力就会大大的低于其余的军团。” Saying, Feng Ji Xing deep looked at Lin Muyu one eyes, said: Yun, billows Duke vigorously are winning over all talented people, we must deal with carefully, half a month later, was held the first Heavenly Book election test in the Heavenly Book pavilion, if you interested can also study to carve Heavenly Book, Heavenly Book this thing...... The function wants distantly above engraving!” 说着,风继行深深的看了林沐雨一眼,说:“云公、澜公都在极力的拉拢各方人才,我们也要小心应付,还有,半个月后,在天书阁举行第一次天书选举考试,你要是有兴趣的话也可以学习一下刻写天书,天书这个东西……作用要远远的在刻印之上啊!” I know.” “我知道啦。” Lin Muyu smiles brightly, said: Has the opportunity words I to understand that Heavenly Book are how a matter, Brother Feng you felt relieved, after I carve 7 levels engrave, studies Heavenly Book, was right, here has a diamond of transcribing to protect the body marvelous ability, you take away to practice, remembers after knowing by heart, burns down, does not pass to too many bystanders, later only teaches to the person who can trust.” 林沐雨灿烂一笑,说:“有机会的话我会去了解一下天书是怎么一回事,风大哥你就放心吧,等我刻出7级刻印之后,就去学习天书,对了,我这里有一本抄录的金刚护体神功,你拿去修炼一下,记得背熟之后就烧掉,不传给太多外人,以后只传授给可以信任的人。” „, This type of good thing?” Feng Ji Xing lightly smiled. “哦,还有这种好东西?”风继行微微一笑 This does not give for nothing.” “这个不白给。” Lin Muyu smiled: I give you a diamond to protect the body, you owe me five implication book spirit strength the weapon, what kind of?” 林沐雨笑了:“我给你一本金刚护体,你欠我五本蕴含地书灵力的兵器,怎么样?” Feng Ji Xing holds the volume to smile: Young fellow, really does not lift a finger to help! Well good, I promised you then!” 风继行扶额一笑:“好小子,果然一毛不拔啊!好好好,我答应你便是了!” ...... …… Feng Ji Xing Martial arts is the words of driving attack, the Martial Spirit purple electricity roaring flame wolf is also attack class Martial Spirit, in fact he protected the body marvelous ability the demand the forest wash the rain to the diamond too many too to be intensely more , the hand was holding Martial Art, Feng Ji Xing at heart hundred taste mixed Chen, oneself this big brother as if more and more relied on the Lin Muyu's ability, felt sad, can only collect some Heavenly Book to compensate to give Lin Muyu much. 风继行一身的武学都是主动进攻的话,就连武魂紫电烈焰狼也都是进攻类的武魂,事实上他对金刚护体神功的需求要比林沐雨强烈太多太多了,手捧着武诀,风继行心里百味杂陈,自己这个大哥似乎越来越依赖于林沐雨的能力了,情何以堪啊,只能多多搜集一些天书来补偿给林沐雨了。 !! !!
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