AG :: Volume #5

#488: Four respected families

At that time, seven sea provinces, fell Yangcheng Ji Residence. 彼时,七海行省,落阳城姬府。 Brushes!” “刷!” The earth yellow color ray shoots up to the sky together, caused that the horizon is faintly thunderous, the strength of world was inspired in this flash unexpectedly, the innumerable rays land in the Ji Residence backyard garden slowly, but place that all ray accumulations are, unexpectedly is a light cyan shield, above the shield the faint several lines obscurely the writing that is difficult to understand, flood light ray. 一道土黄颜色的光芒冲天而起,引得天际隐隐雷动,天地之力在这一瞬间居然都被引动了,无数光芒缓缓降落在姬府后院的花园之中,而所有的光芒聚集所在的地方,居然是一枚淡青色的盾牌,盾牌之上隐隐几行晦涩难懂的文字,泛着淡淡光芒。 Has succeeded, yes...... Is high-grade book!” A middle-aged man cheers: Father, after day imperial gate opens, you should be the person who first writes the high-grade book, the empire first person!” “成功了,是……是上品地书!”一名中年男子欢呼雀跃:“父亲,天御之门打开之后,您应该是第一个写出上品地书的人,帝国第一人啊!” The one side is grasping the old man of shield about 70 allow, white beard of face, satisfaction said with a smile: Day imperial gate reopens, the spirit strength between world also gathered, our Ji Residence waited for several thousand years to have this opportunity finally, rallies the family property only in the present, immediately writes the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency to send out Orchid Goose City, opened reports empress Your Highness, said that Ji has written the high-grade book.” 一旁握着盾牌的老者大约70许,一脸的白须,满意笑道:“天御之门重开,天地之间的灵力也重新汇聚了,我们姬府等了几千年终于得到了这个机会,重振家业只在今朝,立刻书写羽书发往兰雁城,启禀女帝殿下,就说姬某人已经写出上品地书了。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Next day, Orchid Goose City, Ze Tian Palace. 次日,兰雁城,泽天殿 A Qin Yin dark blue long skirt, above long skirt is embellishing the gem of fish scale shape, the twinkle star is very gorgeous, makes the empress light shining in all directions of this outstandingly beautiful woman get up, even if not wear the empress long gown, actually as before dignified myriad, making the whole body of ministers feel a heartfelt admiration, but today, the mood of whole body of ministers as if also very indignant. 秦茵一袭深蓝色长裙,长裙之上点缀着鱼鳞状的宝石,星星点点十分华美,也让这位天姿国色的女帝更加的光芒四射起来,纵然不穿着女帝长袍,却依旧威严万千,让群臣为之心悦诚服,但今天,群臣的情绪似乎也十分的激愤。 Feng Ji Xing grasps a paper reel, said: Your Highness, day imperial gate reopens less than seven days, the victory report again and again, Prince Qin in Yong province Zhongwang Residence wrote the low grade book in the clouds, Cangnan Province some Liu Residence people have written the best quality goods spirit book, Lingbei Ouyang family|home the Ouyang Ping heads of household has also written the high-grade spirit book, several days received newest Xiaoxi, Ji Residence head of household Ji Lin of seven sea provinces have written the high-grade book, might be called unparalleled.” 风继行手握一纸卷轴,道:“殿下,天御之门重开不到七天内,捷报连连,云中行省忠王府的秦雍王爷写出了下品地书,苍南行省的柳府有人写出了极品灵书,岭北欧阳家的欧阳平家主也写出了上品灵书,几天收到最新小汐,七海行省的姬府家主姬林写出了上品地书,堪称无双。” Qin Yin nods with a smile: Un.” 秦茵笑着点头:“嗯。” A Jinghaihou Yao Yuan white robe, cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, day imperial gate reopens, the strength of world gathers, will certainly cause the huge change, the old minister believes that the person book and spirit book, the book or is Heavenly Book and god book, might huge, can change the pattern of war in the future fully, Your Highness must make first move and get control, broad is capable, reopens the Heavenly Book pavilion, can write the spirit book above talented person to gather in Orchid Goose City, for empire potency.” 靖海侯尧渊一袭白袍,抱拳道:“殿下,天御之门重开,天地之力重新汇聚,也必将引起巨大变动,老臣认为,不论是人书、灵书、地书又或者是天书、神书,威力巨大,足可以改变未来战争的格局,殿下应当先发制人,广纳贤能,重开天书阁,将能够写出灵书以上的人才聚于兰雁城,为帝国效力。” Good, Jinghaihou stands to reason.” Charming smiling face that a Qin Yin face gladdens the heart as before. “好,靖海侯言之有理。”秦茵依旧一脸沁人心脾的迷人笑容。 The Su herd clouds that cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, the old minister thought...... If the Heavenly Book pavilion reopens, must search the talented person who a virtue can have both to hold the post of managing affairs of Heavenly Book pavilion.” 苏牧云抱拳道:“殿下,老臣觉得……天书阁如果重开的话,一定要寻觅一位德能兼备的人才担任天书阁的掌事。” Tang Lan same nod: Old minister also so believes that first appoints to manage affairs, then reconstructs the Heavenly Book pavilion. Once the Heavenly Book pavilion reconstructs, when its status from dominates above Spirit Medicine Department, are treated equally with the temple.” 唐澜一样点头:“老臣也如此认为,先任命掌事,再重建天书阁。天书阁一旦重建,其地位自当凌驾于灵药司之上,与圣殿平起平坐。” Immediately, wears Chu Yao of court lady long gown to be somewhat disgruntled, the delicate eyebrows are light, without speech, but in fact is the empire is in in time of war, truly must exceed to the demand of military force by far to the need of medicine. But Heavenly Book can inspire the strength of world, is effective, the status of Heavenly Book pavilion was also indisputable above Spirit Medicine Department. 顿时,身披女官长袍的楚瑶有些不悦,秀眉轻蹙,没有说话,而事实上就是帝国正处于战争时期,对武力的需求确实要远远胜过于对药物的需要。而天书能够引动天地之力,威力不凡,天书阁的地位在灵药司之上也就无可厚非了。 A Qin Yin pair of intelligent pupil sweeps to sweep off on the whole body of ministers, said: Household unit Shangshu, reconstructs the Ji Ning Wang palace, its reconstruction is the mansion in Heavenly Book pavilion, one should probably provide by the household unit . Moreover, sends the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency to Zhongwang Residence, Liu Residence and Ouyang Shijia, Ji Residence, invited in his head of household and family|home the juniors comes Orchid Goose City to settle down, Imperial Capital will certainly favor them, as for the position of Heavenly Book pavilion managing affairs, when the people of four respected families came to decide again.” 秦茵一双聪慧的眸子在群臣身上扫来扫去,道:“户部尚书,重建迹宁王的王府,将其改建为天书阁的府邸,一应所需都由户部提供,另外,给忠王府、柳府、欧阳世家、姬府发去羽书,邀请其家主与家中子弟来兰雁城定居,帝都必将厚待他们,至于天书阁掌事之位,等到四大家族的人来了再定吧。” Yes!” People simultaneously salutes. “是!”众人齐齐施礼。 The Su herd cloud also said: Your Highness, since has decided to reconstruct the Heavenly Book pavilion, the old minister thinks to strike while the iron is hot, after reconstructing the Heavenly Book pavilion, immediately starts to select the talented person, convenes the Heavenly Book screening test, gathers the talented person for the empire.” 苏牧云又道:“殿下,既然已经决定重建天书阁,那老臣认为应当趁热打铁,重建天书阁之后就马上开始选拔人才,召开天书选拔考试,为帝国招揽人才。” Un.” A Qin Yin gently nod: „, Arranged Heavenly Book screening test the matter to have full authority and responsibility by the grandfather on the junction.” “嗯。”秦茵轻轻一点头:“那么,筹备天书选拔考试的事情就交由外公全权负责了。” The Su herd cloud cups one hand in the other across the chest: Many thanks Your Highness.” 苏牧云拱手:“多谢殿下。” Nearby, Tang Lan is somewhat disgruntled, but has not said anything. 一旁,唐澜有些不悦,但也没有多说什么。 ...... …… After three day, Imperial Capital Orchid Goose City as if became extremely busier, the innumerable families and aristocratic families converged to come from continent, the major inn were full, even many decline families planned closed right up against Heavenly Book to rally the family several thousand years ago prestige one after another has moved into Orchid Goose City, bought the car(riage) to purchase homes to buy the horse, the Orchid Goose City population and trade and economy quickly restored much. 三日后,帝都兰雁城似乎变得更加热闹非凡了,无数家族、世家从大陆各地云集而来,各大客栈爆满,甚至不少没落家族打算靠着天书重振家族几千年前声威的都已经纷纷入驻兰雁城,买车买房买马,兰雁城的人口与商业、经济迅速恢复了不少。 The blue seven ancient roads, are away from Orchid Goose City on about hundred inside and outside main roads, three people three ride leisurely is marching forward, the traveling schedule of return trip did not need to be too anxious actually, because Lin Muyu received Little Bai military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency, Chu Yao informed his Orchid Goose City all. 兰七古道,距离兰雁城大约百里外的大道上,三人三骑慢悠悠的行进着,返程的行程倒是不用太急了,因为林沐雨已经收到了小白的羽书,楚瑶告知他兰雁城的一切了。 Shouted......” “呼……” Lin Muyu rides in strolling in the snow warhorse carries on the back, expiration and inspiration slowly leaves a muddy breath, the Battle Qi operation in within the body is more powerful and calm, this is cultivates the diamond to protect the merit of body, entire three days, the diamond protects body Heaven, Lin Muyu refine the tertiary day as before, single layer boundary dead wood packing, the strength from the place, was the diamond protects the building base basis of body, takes the Lin Muyu's Martial arts perception and present Martial arts cultivates for the short several double-hour grasped, but 2nd Heavenly Layer penetration sea of qi difficult not to arrive at him, calcined Dragon-forged Bone Tome to make Battle Qi link up. Sea of qi, therefore Lin Muyu meditated several diamond to protect the heart law mnemonics of body to complete. 林沐雨骑乘在踏雪战马背上,缓缓的吐纳出一口浊息,体内的斗气运行的更加有力而沉稳,这是修炼金刚护体的功劳,整整三天,金刚护体九重天,林沐雨依旧炼到了三重天,第一重境界“枯木盘根”,力从地起,算是金刚护体的筑基根本,以林沐雨的武学悟性和如今的武学修为短短几个时辰就已经掌握,而第二重天的“贯通气海”也根本难不到他,煅龙骨残卷原本就已经让斗气贯通了。气海,所以林沐雨只是默念了几次金刚护体的心法口诀就已经完成了。 Actually Third Layer day in bosom hugged moon/month perplexing forest Mu Yu, requesting Battle Qi to link up whole body all veins, looked like washes the marrow to cut down the muscle to be ordinary, spent two days of time practice not to see the achievement. 倒是第三重天的“怀中抱月”把林沐雨给难住了,要求斗气贯通全身所有筋脉,就像是洗髓伐筋一般,足足花了两天时间修炼还未见成果。 But at this moment, Lin Muyu the both arms surround slightly in the front, the whole body King fight the flame to be dense, in his bosom flood together the bright ray, just likes the bright moonlight is suddenly common! 但就在这时,林沐雨双臂微微环抱在胸前,浑身王者斗焰氤氲,忽地,他的怀中泛起一道皎洁的光芒,犹如明月一般! Tang Xiaoxi is joyful: „Did Mu Mu, in your bosom hug the moon/month to refine?” 唐小汐不禁欣喜道:“沐沐,你的怀中抱月炼成了?” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu is feeling the steady feeling that the body surface honest air current and body transmit in all directions, can"t help it, somewhat joyful: I as if truly was refine the diamond to protect the Third Layer day of body!” 林沐雨感受着体表敦厚的气流与身体四处传来的稳重感,禁不住的有些欣喜:“我似乎确实是已经炼成金刚护体的第三重天了!” Bai Yin knits the brows: My 2nd Heavenly Layer did not have breakthrough, Commander you to teach my mnemonics not to be right.” 白隐皱眉道:“我连第二重天都还没有突破,统领你是不是教给我的口诀不对。” Bah, is you abandons material, how can blame me.” “呸,是你自己废材,怎么能怪我。” Tang Xiaoxi asked: Refining up the diamond protects the body Third Layer day later, there is what to feel and change?” 唐小汐则笑问:“炼成金刚护体第三重天之后,有什么感觉和改变?” Lin Muyu takes a deep breath, said: Aura was more prolonged, moreover felt that the intensity of body has also promoted much, the diamond protects the body truly defends the department not two marvelous abilities.” 林沐雨深吸一口气,说:“气息更加的绵长了,而且感觉身体的强度也提升了不少,金刚护体确实是防御系的不二神功。” Has the effect to be good!” “有效果就好!” Right Xiaoxi.” Lin Muyu said: Elder Sister Chu Yao said that Ze Tian Palace has planned to reconstruct the Heavenly Book pavilion, that...... Is Heavenly Book in legend so really fierce?” “对了小汐。”林沐雨道:“楚瑶姐泽天殿已经打算重建天书阁了,那个……传说中的天书真的有那么厉害吗?” Un, is this.” Tang Xiaoxi nods, said: „Before 4000, status of Heavenly Book on continent with Martial arts any difference, Heavenly Book altogether has not been divided into five ranks, the manner book and spirit book, the book, Heavenly Book and god book, the might also in turn is in turn enhanced, in addition, Heavenly Book is one type carves the carving article on embryo actually, once the existing writing has the strength of certain probability inspiring world, Heavenly Book of strength of inspiring world called Heavenly Book, otherwise was only the waste book, once inspired the strength of world, can bring very formidable strength.” “嗯,是这样的。”唐小汐点点头,说:“4000年以前,天书大陆上的地位跟武学没有任何的差别,天书一共分为五个等级,依次为人书、灵书、地书、天书、神书,威力也依次增强,此外,天书其实是一种刻在器胚上的刻文,一旦成文就有一定几率引动天地之力,引动天地之力的天书才叫天书,不然只是废书,而一旦引动天地之力,就能带来非常强大的力量。” Saying, Tang Xiaoxi somewhat is unexpectedly excited, continued with a smile: In a legend more than 6000 years ago war, empire ancestor Qin Zhang inspired three god books to carve the article continuously, started the strength of world, annihilated more than 50,000 enemies instantaneously, the Heavenly Book might has can be inferred.” 说着,唐小汐居然有些兴奋,笑着继续说:“传说6000多年前的一场战争之中,帝国先祖秦章连续引动三本神书刻文,发动天地之力,瞬间歼灭了50000多敌军,天书的威力可见一斑。” „More than 50,000?” Lin Muyu is dumbfounded: That...... Before that future war perhaps no longer likely is, such......” “50000多?”林沐雨目瞪口呆:“那……那未来的战争恐怕就不再像是以前那样了……” Yes......” “是啊……” Tang Xiaoxi said spookily: Future war, is the contest of strength and Heavenly Book, Heavenly Book that in whose hand grasps are more, who can a Ruler war.” 唐小汐幽幽道:“将来的战争,将会是实力与天书的较量,谁手里掌握的天书更多,谁就更能主宰一场战争。” Saying, Tang Xiaoxi another smiles suddenly: Does not need to think that many, after all can write the lost book the peerless talent absolutely not to have, ten thousand years see one rarely, let alone are now this talented person time on the wane.” 说着,唐小汐忽地又一笑:“不过不必想那么多了,毕竟能写出神书的绝世天才根本就没有,万年难得见到一个,何况是现在这个人才凋零的时代。” Lin Muyu listened to the story to think to have a lingering fear as before, but has not said anything, instead pulled out Fu Xi Heavenly Book precious book to read repeatedly, Fu Xi Heavenly Book was also Heavenly Book, but in Heavenly Book with Tang Xiaoxi mouth seemed to be different, Fu Xi Heavenly Book recorded engraved, the armor and shield engraved, and was the passive abilities, was completely different to Tang Xiaoxi description Heavenly Book of strength of that inspiring world. 林沐雨听着刚才的故事依旧觉得心有余悸,但也没有多说什么,反而是掏出了伏羲天书的宝典来反复研读,伏羲天书也是天书,但似乎跟唐小汐口中的天书不一样,伏羲天书所记载的都是刻印,铠甲、盾牌刻印,并且都是被动的能力,与唐小汐描述的那种引动天地之力的天书完全不一样。 Lets him do what he pleases, first learned engraving on Fu Xi Heavenly Book to say again that did one line to love one line, cannot look that anything quite strong studied anything, worked importantly a matter completing. 管他呢,先学会伏羲天书上的刻印再说,干一行爱一行嘛,不能看着什么比较强就学习什么,做事最重要的就是把一件事给做好了。 Can engraving to study the pinnacle really the words, actually should not be inferior in carving the Heavenly Book person? 况且,真的能将刻印学习到极致的话,其实应该也不逊色于刻写天书的人吧? ...... …… At dusk, arrives in Orchid Goose City, on road the trade route is unceasing, Lin Muyu, Tang Xiaoxi had a scare, although Orchid Goose City is the commercial center on continent, but vividly becomes this also makes the person somewhat unable to bear, entered outside the time even city of city unexpectedly to form the long line, the trade route from empire city was lining up in all directions into the city, once the darkness closed on Huichengmen, they also can only pass the night outside the Imperial Capital city. 傍晚时分,抵达兰雁城,路上商旅不绝,林沐雨、唐小汐都被吓了一跳,虽然兰雁城大陆上的商贸中心,但繁华成这样也让人有些受不了,入城的时候甚至城外居然排起了长长的队伍,来自帝国四面八方城池的商旅都在排队入城,而一旦天黑就会城门关闭,他们也就只能在帝都城外过夜了。 The meaning that Lin Muyu has not lined up, leading Tang Xiaoxi and Bai Yin to progress to arrive under the city gate directly, said loudly: Zhang Wei, opens the side gate to make us go.” 林沐雨并没有排队的意思,带着唐小汐、白隐直接策马来到城门下,大声道:“章炜,开侧门让我们进去。” Zhang Wei holds a roast chicken to gnaw fiercely, heard the Lin Muyu's sound then to smile: Rain does Commander come back? Comes the person, opens the side gate, lets rain Commander and Princess Xi enters a city.” 章炜抱着一只烧鸡在猛啃着,一听到林沐雨的声音便笑了:“雨统领回来啦?来人,开侧门,让雨统领汐郡主进城。” Yes!” “是!” When Lin Muyu enters the city, sees on the street bustling from the outside person, said with a smile completely: How Orchid Goose City this was, that many people came......” 当林沐雨进入城池的时候,就看到街道上熙熙攘攘的满是来自外地的人,不禁笑道:“兰雁城这是怎么了,那么多人来……” Zhang Wei touches the nose, said with a smile: That is natural, Yun will soon convene the Heavenly Book election test . Moreover the empress has also gotten down the Saint imperial edict, the person who writes the person book rewards the person who hundred Gold Yin Coin, write the spirit book to reward Thousand Gold Yin Coins, to write the person of book to reward ten thousand Gold Yin Coin, writes the Heavenly Book person to reward ten ten thousand Gold Yin Coin, person who writes the lost book...... Directly conferred nobility upon to be appointed prime minister.” 章炜摸摸鼻子,笑道:“那是自然,云公即将召开天书选举考试,而且女帝也已经下了圣诏,写出人书的人奖励一百金茵币、写出灵书的人奖励一千金茵币、写出地书的人奖励一万金茵币,写出天书的人奖励十万金茵币,写出神书的人……就直接封侯拜相了。” Lin Muyu said resentfully: I initially stepped into Saint Realm time also not necessarily confers nobility upon to be appointed prime minister, it seems like that this year the writing a book ratio practiced martial arts to have the future to be many.” 林沐雨悻悻道:“我当初踏入圣域的时候也不见得封侯拜相,看来这年头写书比练武要有前途多了。” Zhang Wei laughs: Commander does not need to be sad, these carve the Heavenly Book person majority are some delicate students, even if they carves the person book and spirit book on weapons, shield and armor, book these gadget, finally has not wanted our these servicemen to dress on has become the equipment of Heavenly Book, goes goes all out with the demon clan and righteousness and country?” 章炜哈哈一笑:“统领不必伤心,这些刻写天书的人大部分都是一些柔弱书生,就算是他们在兵刃、盾牌、铠甲上刻写出人书、灵书、地书这些玩意儿,最终还不是要我们这些军人穿戴上已成天书的装备,去跟魔族和义和国拼命?” Pours is also, Ha Ha......” “倒也是,哈哈……” !! !!
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