AG :: Volume #5

#487: Above the price in value

Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” When Lin Muyu, Tang Xiaoxi, the white hidden three people run out of the tomb chamber, under has heard a series of explosive sounds, moreover outside the tomb chamber Purple Yin Flower totem pole also in shivering to rock, the avalanche in mountain massif is also sooner or later matter, three person rushing Tanshui fast, the skin-dive will leave this soon to say goodbye to the domain of world together. 当林沐雨、唐小汐、白隐三人冲出墓室的时候,下方传来了一连串的爆响声,而且墓室外面的紫茵花图腾柱也已经在颤抖晃动了,山体内的崩塌也是迟早的事情,三个人一起飞快的冲下潭水,潜泳离开这个即将告别世界的领域。 The ice-cold lake water soaked the clothing, Lin Muyu could not mention too many King to fight the flame to provide to fighting the armor, had Tang Xiaoxi to look after luckily, therefore did not have the too big matter. 冰冷的湖水浸湿了衣衫,林沐雨提不起太多的王者斗焰来提供给斗铠,幸好有唐小汐照顾着,所以也没有太大的事情。 When three people appear in the puddle in canyon, is the next day daybreak, the time in bosom mausoleum as if crossed wants quickly, very profound strange compared with outside. 当三人浮现在峡谷内的水潭中的时候,已经是次日黎明了,在怀王陵中的时光似乎都过得比外面要快了许多,十分玄奇。 ...... …… Not far away shore, the stone scale sickness patient who enters the petrified condition to exude the low whinning sound, is staring at Lin Muyu, Tang Xiaoxi and Bai Yin looks, in the eye full is the delay and ominous severe. 不远处的岸边,一个个正在进入石化状态的石鳞病患者发出低低的哀嚎声,一个个盯着林沐雨、唐小汐和白隐看着,眼中满是呆滞与凶厉。 Walks reverse, avoids them.” Lin Muyu said. “反向走,避开他们。”林沐雨道。 Un.” “嗯。” Tang Xiaoxi put up his arm, with the current is swimming in the past, but Bai Yin also together clumsy hovering, after as if this, Bai Yin can also master the basic skill of swimming. 唐小汐架着他的手臂,顺水游了过去,而白隐也跟着一起笨拙的游动,似乎这一次之后白隐也就能掌握游泳的基本技巧了。 After coming ashore, Bai Yin cup one fist in the other hand said immediately: Commander, here is not the long-erm place, since we had found the thing of wish, then on fast hurries back to Orchid Goose City!” 上岸之后,白隐立刻抱拳道:“统领,这里并非久留之地,我们既然已经找到了想要的东西,那就速速赶回兰雁城吧!” No, not anxious......” forest Mu Yu beckons with the hand, said: Here looks, has a look to have Seven Star Flower.” “不,不急……”林沐雨一摆手,说:“在这里找一找,看看有没有七星花。” Seven Star Flower?” Bai Yin stares. 七星花?”白隐一愣。 Un.” Lin Muyu said: Soul flower and Seven Star Flower Medicine Essence is promiscuous after boils out together can form the loose medicament, hoping can give these stone scale patients to detoxify with the wind.” “嗯。”林沐雨说:“魂花和七星花药元混杂在一起熬煮之后就能形成随风而散的药剂,但愿能够给这些石鳞病者解毒。” Bai Yinmi the eye, was saying: Commander, do not blame Bai Yin to talk too much, before these stone scale patients, wants to injure us, do we why waste soul flower that good medicinal ingredients to save them now?” 白隐眯着眼睛,道:“统领,不要怪白隐多嘴,这些石鳞病者之前还想加害我们,我们现在又何必浪费魂花那么好的药材来救他们?” Lin Muyu smiled: That is only the behavior under their unconsciousness, moreover does not have to injure us, white hidden do not blame me to talk too much, Fragmented Cauldron follower millions , but why can step into Saint Realm and even steps into the God Realm person to be few, to put it bluntly, is the people only cultivates Martial arts, actually the Military Soldier virtue, the mood does not decide to cultivate is, if everybody can read and common people, perhaps Fragmented Cauldron Saint Realm expert already over hundred people.” 林沐雨笑了笑:“那只是他们无意识下的行为罢了,况且又没有真的伤害到我们,白隐你也别怪我多嘴,碎鼎界修炼者千千万万,但为什么能踏入圣域乃至踏入神境的人寥寥无几,说白了,是众人只修武学,却不修武德,心境决定修为,如果人人都能念及苍生,恐怕碎鼎界的圣域强者早就超过百人了。” Bai Yin stares, said respectfully: Subordinate admires.” 白隐一愣,恭敬道:“属下佩服。” ...... …… Soon, Tang Xiaoxi had found piece of Seven Star Flower in valley land of canyon, this made forest Mu Yu joyfully, contributing the pot of preparing food, scooped up a pot pool of water, lit a fire to boil out, but these stone scale patients can only sob in the lake water opposite shore, their vision were very as if bad, could not see Lin Muyu and the others the exact locations. 不久之后,唐小汐在峡谷的一个谷地内找到了一片七星花,这让林沐雨欣喜不已,就把做饭的锅给贡献了出来,舀上一锅池水,生火熬煮,而那些石鳞病者只能在湖水对岸呜咽着,他们的视力似乎十分差,根本看不到林沐雨等人的具体位置。 Took out soul flowers from Cosmos Bag, the arrangement has placed in the same place, Lin Muyu takes a deep breath, palm, the King fights the flame to urge round of Sublimation Hand gently, the soul flower was still shivering immediately, soon after latter cream Medicine Essence left the flower petal, lingered in the Lin Muyu's palm, at the same time, Lin Muyu kept one eye on, another hand tempered Seven Star Flower Medicine Essence, two Medicine Essence promiscuous when the same place, when water boiling in pot invested together, immediately light exotic fragrance fluttered with the wind. 乾坤袋里取出了一株株的魂花,排列摆放在一起,林沐雨深吸一口气,手掌轻轻一张,王者斗焰催发凝华手,顿时魂花兀自颤抖着,不多久后一颗颗乳白色的药元离开了花瓣,萦绕在林沐雨的掌心里,与此同时,林沐雨一心二用,另一只手淬炼七星花药元,两种药元混杂在一起,等到锅里的水沸腾时一起投入,顿时一股淡淡异香随风飘扬起来。 Here is the uptake, Medicine Essence flutters, sweeps across the entire mountain valley rapidly. 这里是上风口,药元飘荡而过,迅速席卷整个山谷。 After more than double-hour, Bai Yinmi the eye is looking at the stone scale patient to distant place, said: Probably...... Does not have what effect, Commander, or we give up......” 一个多时辰之后,白隐眯着眼睛看向远方的石鳞病者,道:“好像……没有什么效果,统领,要不我们放弃吧……” No.” “不。” In Lin Muyu the limpid pupil full is resolute, said: White hidden you look most approach our that young stone scale patient, Stoneskin on her arm started to fall off and bleed slowly......” 林沐雨清澈的眸子里满是果决,道:“白隐你看最靠近我们的那个年轻的石鳞病者,她手臂上的石肤开始缓缓脱落、流血了……” „? Really......” Bai Yin is dumbfounded. “啊?是真的……”白隐目瞪口呆。 Right, the disintoxicating god water was known as that entire world first-class antidote, effective was not the general rapidness, the stone scale getting sick mild patient stone scale of distant place started to fall off, after having flowed out the fresh blood, the skin will start the rebirth, means their lives to be able the rebirth! 没错,解毒神水号称全天下第一流的解毒剂,见效不是一般的快,远方的石鳞病轻度患者身上的石头鳞片已经开始脱落了,流出了新鲜的血液之后,皮肤就会开始重生,同时也意味着他们的生命将会得以重生! Then, Bai Yin ascends the firewood and Tang Xiaoxi boil medicament, three people stay here, the people in consecutively three days of help canyons are treating, although seemed like has wasted three days, but Lin Muyu actually believes that these three days have not wasted, came to save in the canyon at least over a thousand stone scale patients, two came to practice the mood, cultivated the mind for the three people. 就这样,白隐去拾柴、唐小汐熬煮药剂,三个人就留在这里,连续三天的帮助峡谷中的人治疗着,虽然看似浪费了三天的时间,但林沐雨却坚信这三天没有白费,一来能拯救峡谷里至少上千个石鳞病者,二来能修炼心境,为自己三人修心。 As long as obtains remarkably achievement in the practice truly, which isn't bemoans the state of the universe? Divine Emperor Fu Xi, Divine Emperor Lady Wa, these ancient times god clans were existences that the intention pitied, said Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor, although he was a demon, in eventually not rotten to the core, in completely is the big brother’s image in front of Lin Muyu's displaying, but Qin Yi, Qin only cultivated into the Divine Emperor person, he chased down the Seven Luminaries Demon Emperor ultimate goal probably also for also a three peace. 但凡真正在修炼上取得卓然成就者,哪一个不是悲天悯人呢?神帝伏羲、神帝女娲,这些远古的神族都是心怀怜悯的存在,就说七曜魔帝,他虽然是一个魔头,在终究没有坏透,在林沐雨的面前表现出的完全是一个大哥的形象,而秦屹,秦家唯一一个修炼成为神帝的人,他追杀七曜魔帝的最终目的大概也是为了还三界一个太平吧。 As for Luo Lan, this God Realm single layer day expert does not have any breakthrough after that many years, thinks that is related with its mood, if Luo Lan cultivated the mood, perhaps that many years already may with cultivating into Divine King go to able to move unhindered heaven. 至于洛岚,这个神境第一重天的强者历经那么多年也没有任何突破,想必与其心境有关,如果洛岚真的修炼心境了,恐怕那么多年早就可与修炼成为一个神王去纵横天界了。 ...... …… Also in two days, altogether five days later, in the canyon these wandering soul flaneried the stone scale sickness patient who walks randomly to gather generally unexpectedly completely in one, many people have exuded the sound of weeping bitterly, before the setting sun sets, one crowd the recover completely most stone scale sickness patient has supported by the arm, to walk around the lake mutually. 又过了两天,一共五天之后,峡谷里那些原本游魂一般漫无目的游走的石鳞病患者居然全部都聚在了一起,不少人发出了痛哭之声,就在夕阳落山之前,一群已经痊愈大半的石鳞病患者相互搀扶、绕着湖泊走了过来。 What do they want to make?” Bai Yin palm according to sword hilt. “他们要做什么?”白隐的手掌按在了剑柄上。 Does not use anxiously.” Lin Muyu puts out a hand to hold down his scabbard, said: „The stone scale sickness of these people had been cured, does not have any threat to us again, do not injure them.” “不用紧张。”林沐雨伸手按住他的剑鞘,说:“这些人身上的石鳞病都已经被治愈了,对我们再也没有任何的威胁,不要伤害他们。” Yes, Commander!” “是,统领!” At this moment, one crowd just the recover completely stone scale sickness patient had been distanced less than ten meters, is hand-held the walking stick, about 60 -year-old high and low old man trembling under supporting by the arm of white clothing young girl, in the eye of muddy was completely grateful, said: Everybody...... Young Hero, was you uses the decoction smell to cure us?” 就在这时,一群刚刚痊愈的石鳞病患者已经相距不到十米了,一名手扶着拐杖,大约60岁上下的老者颤巍巍的在一个素衣少女的搀扶下走了过来,浑浊的眼睛里满是感激,道:“各位……各位少侠,请问是你们用汤药的气味治愈了我们吗?” Lin Muyu walks to go forward, cup one fist in the other hand said respectfully: Yes, did the old person, how long your here stone scales get sick has continued?” 林沐雨走上前,抱拳恭敬道:“是,老人家,你们这里的石鳞病已经持续多久了?” Approximately...... About more than 300 years......” old person instantaneous tears, said: Our person of father's generation and Grandpa generation dies in hand that in the stone scale gets sick, in the village can live rarely the 50-year-old person, Young Hero, was you changed the fates of our village, please receive obsolete does obeisance!” “大约……大约300多年了……”老人瞬间老泪纵横,道:“我们的父辈、爷爷辈都是死在石鳞病的手里,村子里罕有能够活过50岁的人,少侠,是您改变了我们这个村子的命数,请受老朽一拜!” Old person, does not use politely.” “老人家,不用客气。” Lin Muyu with is occupied by him directly hand-held, said: Road sees does not put down lends a hand in emergency, hey......” 林沐雨直接用手扶住他,道:“路见不平拔刀相助嘛,嘿嘿嘿……” The old person stares, may not have anything road to see in Fragmented Cauldron does not put down lends a hand in emergency this saying, this is also one of the Fragmented Cauldron person not Military Soldier virtue reasons, basic goes to the good hero to uphold justice and support all living things on nobody, Valiant House is also only a reputation, true ranger does not have what difference with mercenary actually, is the people of seeking fame and fortune. 老人一愣,在碎鼎界可没有什么“路见不平拔刀相助”这一说,这也是碎鼎界的人不修武德的原因之一,根本就没有谁去行侠仗义、匡扶众生,就连侠客行馆也只是一个名头罢了,真正的游侠其实跟佣兵没有什么区别,都是追名逐利之徒。 Young Hero, we do not have what to be good to bestow your, but...... But the graciousness of life-saving must report, therefore...... We can only collect many years of some treasure to bestow the ancestry to Young Hero.” 少侠,我们也没有什么好赠送你们的,但……但救命之恩必须要报,所以……我们只能把祖辈珍藏多年的一些宝贝赠送给少侠了。” „?” “哦?” Xiaoyan, Xiao Qin, brings thing.” The old person issues an order. “小燕,小芹,把东西拿过来。”老人一声令下。 Immediately, two young girls walk to go forward, they just shortly after recover completely, but in the hand is holding a golden stone. 顿时,两个少女走上前,她们刚刚痊愈不久,但手里都捧着一块金色的石头。 Lin Muyu in consternation: Old person, this is...... Is this gold ore? Aha, I think that you have misunderstood, we boil out decoction to detoxify for you do not repay for you, the gold ore does not need!” 林沐雨不禁愕然:“老人家,这是……这是金矿吗?啊哈,我想您误会了,我们熬煮汤药为你们解毒可不是为了你们报答,金矿就不必啦!” The old person shakes the head, says with a smile: Young Hero you have misunderstood, this is not the gold ore, this is the profound inscription on stone tablet and bronze, after grinding to the powder, can be to write the Heavenly Book consumption raw material, these two profound inscriptions on stone tablet and bronze are containing very rich spirit strength, might be considered as the best quality goods profound inscription on stone tablet and bronze, this was our ancestry passed on several hundred generations of handing down from generation to generation most precious objects, although did not know to be useful, but...... Definitely very much had the value then.” 老人摇摇头,笑道:“少侠你误会了,这不是金矿,这是玄金石,磨成粉末之后是可以作为书写天书的消耗原料的,这两块玄金石蕴含着非常丰富的灵力,堪称是极品玄金石,这是我们祖辈传了数百辈传下来的至宝,虽然不知道有什么用,但……肯定很有价值便是了。” Lin Muyu is somewhat speechless. 林沐雨有些无语。 Tang Xiaoxi gently touches his arm, said with a smile: Since an old person sincerity, that accepts, otherwise others will be guilty.” 唐小汐则轻轻一碰他的胳膊,笑道:“既然老人家一片诚意,那就收下吧,不然人家会愧疚的。” Good......” “那好吧……” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, the result two profound inscriptions on stone tablet and bronze admitted Cosmos Bag, cup one fist in the other hand said: Many thanks you, old person.” 林沐雨点点头,结果两块玄金石放进了乾坤袋,抱拳道:“多谢您,老人家。” Old person lightly smiled: Is I wants many thanks Young Hero you are right, you have rescued our entire village, from now henceforth, we can be finally the normal person such lived likely, does not know Young Hero...... Whether to keep the antidote again to us, some of some of our also clansman scattered distributions in the jungle of Shannan.” 老人微微一笑:“是我要多谢少侠你们才对啊,你们救了我们整个村子,从今以后,我们终于可以像是正常人那样生活了,不知少侠……可否把解毒剂再留一些给我们,我们还有一些族人零散的分布在山南的丛林里。” Ok.” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, said: We camp tonight here for night, tomorrow will embark Imperial Capital, I solved the poison medicinal preparation to leave you spare to be good while the tonight's refinement.” “可以。”林沐雨点点头,说:“我们今天晚上在这里宿营一夜,明天就出发回帝都了,我就趁着今晚炼制一些解毒药剂留给你们备用好了。” Many thanks Young Hero......” old person cups one hand in the other across the chest tremblingly, on the face full is grateful, actually his big age also knows that these solve the poison medicinal preparation very preciously, the average person is not willing to take, but present young fellow actually without hesitation is willing to contribute, this is the big kindness! “多谢少侠……”老人颤巍巍的拱手,脸上满是感激,其实他那么大一把年纪也知道,那些解毒药剂非常的珍贵,一般人根本就不会愿意拿出来,而眼前的小伙子却毫不犹豫的愿意贡献出来,这是多大的恩德啊! ...... …… Night, piles of bonfires raise in the lakeside, this village first time the true life, many villagers probably also first time had seen finally the flame, excited dances with joy by the fire of high-piled firewood, although could not look what jumps is anything dances, but very happy escapes in any case and that's the end. 夜晚,一堆堆篝火在湖边升起,这个村落终于第一次过起了真正的生活,不少村民大约也还是第一次看到火焰,一个个兴奋的在火堆旁边手舞足蹈,虽然看不出来跳的是什么舞蹈,但反正很欢脱就是了。 Lin Muyu has not been idling, in the lakeside refinement medicament, the formula of disintoxicating god water is very simple, the soul flower and Seven Star Flower Medicine Essence proportion 5 : 5, some water configurations were completed in addition have been OK, the only difficulty pulled out to soul colored Medicine Essence, this planted flowers very immaturely, will not be careful the damage textile fiber, moreover Medicine Essence was also fine, not having Alchemist of certain ability unable to achieve tempered Medicine Essence, naturally, freak of Lin Muyu this elixir did not raise, the King fought Sublimation Hand that flame in addition held, even if were makes pinch of wool of laozi to give him tempered Leaves DNA to come. 林沐雨没有闲着,就在湖边炼制药剂,解毒神水的配方很简单,魂花和七星花药元比例5:5,加上一些水配制完成就可以了,唯一的难度就是抽离魂花的药元,这种花十分稚嫩,一个不小心就会损毁纤维,而且药元也非常精细,没有一定能力的炼药师根本无法做到淬炼药元,当然,林沐雨这种炼药界的怪胎就不提了,王者斗焰加持的凝华手,哪怕是弄来太上老君的一撮毛都能给他淬炼出一点DNA来。 Altogether has refined more than 100 bottles of disintoxicating god water, 50 bottles will have given this senior village head, but as the gratitude, the senior village head bestowed a roast lamb to Lin Muyu three people, this was about in history the most cost-effective business, the value of 50 bottles of disintoxicating god water at least in 50 W Gold Yin Coin above, but a roast lamb actually linked 50 Silver Yin Coin to be unworthy! 一共炼制了100多瓶解毒神水,将其中的50瓶给了这位老村长,而作为感激,老村长将一头烤全羊赠送给了林沐雨三人,这大约是史上最划算的生意了,50瓶解毒神水的价值至少在50W金茵币以上,而一头烤全羊却连50银茵币都不值! Naturally, Lin Muyu does not know that the old person gives his two profound inscriptions on stone tablet and bronze both are the carving article material of best quality goods, if he knows, definitely will think that these 50 bottles of disintoxicating god water were the true above the price in value. 当然,林沐雨不知道,老人送给他的两块玄金石都是极品的刻文材料,如果他知道的话,肯定就会觉得这50瓶解毒神水是真正的物超所值了。 ...... …… A night rests, next day, after finding the warhorse embarks, returns to Orchid Goose City, left is too long. 一夜休息,次日,找到战马之后出发,返回兰雁城,离开太久了。 !! !!
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