AG :: Volume #5

#492: Xuanyuan Hong

Resentful of Ouyang Bao face, sits near the table, but looked that actually shows the envious hatred to the Lin Muyu's eye, obviously, a Princess Xi such perfect woman, should keep his side to be right, finally now...... A Princess Xi pair of pure small hand places on the leg that Lin Muyu sits cross-legged to sit, unexpectedly is acting like a spoiled brat to him! This made Ouyang Bao almost want jealousy flame to launch a psychological attack. 欧阳豹一脸的悻悻,重新坐回桌案边去,而看向林沐雨的眼中却透出浓浓的嫉恨,显然,汐郡主这么一个完美的女人,原本应该留在他身边才对,结果现在……汐郡主的一双素洁的小手就放在林沐雨盘膝而坐的腿上,居然在冲着他撒娇!这让欧阳豹差点就要妒火攻心了。 ...... …… Studies to go to school......” forest Mu Yu to experience the Heavenly Book strength, although is only a spirit book and a low grade book, but said that does not move that to be also false. “学就学吧……”林沐雨见识过天书的力量,尽管只是一本灵书和一本下品地书,但说不动心那也是假的。 Well, that together studies!” Tang Xiaoxi was excited, said: Turns head I to seek in dragon chamber of commerce to take several place books and Heavenly Book, comes back to study together, what kind of?” “好好,那就一起学!”唐小汐兴奋不已,说:“回头我去寻龙商会里要几块地书、天书,回来一起学,怎么样?” Un, first learned god article to say again.” “嗯,先学会神文再说。” Interjection indicating surprise he he, this Princess is so intelligent, the photographic memory, definitely studies quickly!” Blowing own horn of Tang Xiaoxi immensely pleased with oneself. “哦呵呵呵,本郡主那么聪明,过目不忘,肯定学得很快!”唐小汐洋洋自得的自吹自擂。 Lin Muyu shot a look at her one eyes, is unable to refute unexpectedly. 林沐雨瞥了她一眼,竟无从反驳。 But at this moment, Ouyang Bao actually sneers, said: Not to mention the radical of god article is hard to remember, even if has remembered, cannot enter the Heavenly Book mood, same makes a futile effort! Our Ouyang Shijia studied thoroughly Heavenly Book for generations, even if in 4000 is unable to inspire the strength of world not to give up, studies Heavenly Book, is not that simple, I looked that since rain Commander first «Passes Warning from God Article Explanation» starts to study!” 但就在这时,欧阳豹却冷笑一声,说:“姑且不说神文的笔画难以记住,即便是记住了,进入不了天书的心境,一样是徒劳无功!我们欧阳世家世世代代研习天书,即使4000年无法引动天地之力也没有放弃过,学习天书,不是那么简单的,我看,雨统领还是先从《神文解读通鉴》开始学起吧!” Lin Muyu knit the brows, has not responded his provocation , to continue to eat the dish to drink. 林沐雨皱了皱眉,没有搭理他的挑衅,继续吃菜喝酒。 But Tang Xiaoxi interest abundant appearance, vows solemnly must buy dozens Heavenly Book to go back, then shares with Qin Yin together. 唐小汐则兴致盎然的样子,信誓旦旦的要买个几十块天书回去,然后跟秦茵一起分享。 As for forest Mu Yu, his thoughts are very in fact simple, bite off more than one can chew, oneself present is studying the most critical phase of engraving, before carving 7 levels engraves does not have the energy to study the Heavenly Book carve. 至于林沐雨,事实上他的心思很简单,贪多嚼不烂,自己现在正在研究刻印的最关键阶段,在刻出7级刻印之前是没有精力学习天书刻写的。 However changes mind thinks that a Heavenly Book quarter article, carves the writing on the embryo actually, the strength of inspiring world, in some sense with engraving to have something in common, what a carve is the god article, what a carve is the profound graph. 不过转念一想,天书刻文,其实就是在器胚上刻写文字,引动天地之力,在某种意义上与刻印有着共同之处,一个刻写的是神文,一个刻写的是玄阵图形罢了。 ...... …… After the setting sun sets, the teacher and Sparring in master temple is no longer informed and experienced, but the practice mood in the respective residence, only has in the taming division to transmit roaring of fierce tiger and Swift Wolf as before, teaches the taming technique after forest Mu Yu, the wild animal in taming division were getting more and more, but is one crowd is also tamed and recognized the main wild animal, will not injure and other people. 夕阳落山之后,圣殿里的教官、陪练师不再历练,而是在各自的住所里修炼心境,唯有驯兽司里依旧传来一声声猛虎迅狼的吼叫,在林沐雨传授驯兽术之后,驯兽司里的野兽越来越多了,但也都是一群被驯服、认主的野兽罢了,不会伤及他人。 Thump......” “咚咚……” In the temple Great Deacon office, Lin Muyu is familiar with the illustrated handbook portrays of 7 levels of Slaughter God Seal, has actually heard the knock at this time, white hidden lowers the sound saying: Sir, Her Highness Yin and Princess Xi came.” 圣殿大执事的办公室内,林沐雨正在熟悉7级弑神印的图鉴刻画,却在这时传来了敲门声,白隐压低声音道:“大人,茵殿下汐郡主来了。” „? Please enter......” “哦?请进啊……” Yes!” “是!” The gate opened, bringing the winter night cold wind, Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi two MM both to throw over is embroidering the black cape of gold-rimmed, after walking, several Imperial Guards embraced the huge stele to walk respectively together, this stone Lin Muyu has seen, was the Heavenly Book model for painting, itself can initiate existence of strength of world, because just carved in the stone, the embryo chose extremely not well, therefore also can only treat as the model for painting. 门开了,带着冬天夜晚的寒风,秦茵唐小汐两个MM都披着绣着金边的黑色斗篷,走进来之后,身后几名御林卫各自怀抱着一块巨大的石碑走了进来,这种石头林沐雨见过,正是天书的范本,本身就能引发天地之力的存在,只不过因为是刻在石头上,器胚选择得极为不好,所以也只能当做范本罢了。 Xiao Yin and Xiaoxi, your this was......” forest washes the rain somewhat to be dumbfounded. 小茵小汐,你们这是……”林沐雨有些哑口无言了。 Qin Yin throws smiles, in beautiful eye full is moving Xinghua, said: Xiaoxi said that must study Heavenly Book, therefore I together study, borrows your domain, doesn't have the opinion?” 秦茵扑哧一笑,美目之中满是动人星华,笑着说:“小汐说要学习天书,所以我就一起跟着学咯,借用一下你的地盘,没有意见吧?” No, does not have......” “没有,没有……” ...... …… After closing the front door, inside also only then three people, Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi were holding handle fine steel long sword respectively, then took out a pen, this was a specially-made pen, the midheaven, in the increase the material can carve Heavenly Book on the embryo. Lin Muyu looks surprisedly, sees only Tang Xiaoxi to fill to carve in pile of silver powder the pen, asking that cannot bear: What is that?” 关上大门之后,里面也就只有三个人了,秦茵唐小汐各自捧着一柄精钢长剑,然后取出一支笔,这是一种特制的笔,中空,添加上材料才能在器胚上刻写天书。林沐雨看着惊奇,只见唐小汐正在将一堆银色粉末填充到刻笔里,忍不住的问道:“那是什么?” Profound aluminum dusting powder, itself has the spirit strength, the god literary talent that carves can inspire the strength of world.” Qin Yin replied with a smile. “玄银粉,本身拥有灵力,刻写出来的神文才能引动天地之力。”秦茵笑着代为回答。 Is very expensive?” Lin Muyu asked. “很贵吧?”林沐雨问道。 Three hundred Gold Yin Coin one jin (0.5 kg).” “三百金茵币一斤。” That truly is very expensive.” Lin Muyu secretly the tongue, Heavenly Book quarter article type of thing is also the rich man ponders over for the first time, the average person cannot go to school! “那确实是很贵。”林沐雨暗暗乍舌,天书刻文这种东西也就是有钱人琢磨出来,普通人根本就学不起啊! Lin Muyu wholly-absorbed engraving, has carved a meeting, felt somewhat wearily, then looked at Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi Heavenly Book. 林沐雨专心的刻印,镂刻了一会,感觉有些疲倦,便看了一眼秦茵唐小汐天书 Finally, their glances through «God Article Translation To pass Warning», above is the tiny character, Heavenly Book must write by god writing to come, but in the Lin Muyu's eye, these god articles is the bone-script in legend, is only some differences, but writes Heavenly Book to follow a principle, first, designated that an attribute, Heavenly Book is divided into eight **, then: The wind, fire, thunder, earth and ice, light, life and space, choice, then described with the writing, so long as the mood and arrived bold handwriting vigorous style, can inspire the strength of world, but this was how difficult. 结果,两人一人一本的翻阅着一本《神文翻译通鉴》,上面都是细小的字符,天书必须以神文来书写,但在林沐雨的眼里,这些神文就是传说中的甲骨文,只是有些许差异罢了,而写出天书都要遵循一个法则,首先,选定一个属性,天书分为八**则:风、火、雷、土、冰、光、生命、空间,选择其中的一个,然后以文字来描述,只要心境与笔力到了,就能引动天地之力,但这何其难。 Shoots a look at Heavenly Book that Qin Yin has written 瞥了一眼秦茵所写的一条天书 Storm, biting blast of stretching as far as eye can see, all of tearing world. 风暴,一望无尽的刺骨寒风,撕裂天地的一切。 ...... …… Probably is also the good appearance, is insufficiently profound. 好像还算是不错的样子,就是不够深刻。 Looked two Heavenly Book that again Tang Xiaoxi writes, Lin Muyu smiled immediately 再看一眼唐小汐所写的两条天书,顿时林沐雨就笑了 The flame, the flaming flame, roasting the string temperature is higher, burns down all fools. 火焰,熊熊的火焰,比烤串的温度还要高,烧光所有的笨蛋。 The startling thunderclap that the thunder and lightning, the sky drops, the thunder and lightning chops a big piece together. 雷电,天空落下的惊雷,一道雷电劈死一大片。 ...... …… ......” forest Mu Yuren Jun has smiled. “噗……”林沐雨忍俊不住笑了出来。 Tang Xiaoxi rise look at him, immediately cheek is red, stares a pair of show pupil saying: Fool, do not peep, this is only my half-finished product......” 唐小汐抬头看他,顿时脸蛋通红,瞪着一双秀眸道:“笨蛋,你不要偷看,这只是我的一个半成品而已……” Lin Muyu bears smile, said: Xiaoxi, I bet ten Gold Yin Coin, your this has definitely failed to study the sword, could not inspire the strength of world. I thought that you illuminate model essay carve......” 林沐雨忍住笑,说:“小汐,我赌十个金茵币,你这把剑肯定学坏了,引动不了天地之力。我看你还是照着范文刻写吧……” Snort, you wait!” “哼,你等着瞧!” Tang Xiaoxi wrote with vigor, carves to leave behind shallow marks on sword blade, these profound aluminum dusting powder permeated inside the sword blade slowly, the water could not wash off, but after Tang Xiaoxi finished the entire sentence, did not have the sound, has not inspired the sign of strength of world completely. 唐小汐奋笔疾书,刻笔在剑身上留下了一道道浅痕,那些玄银粉缓缓渗入剑身内里,水洗不去,但就在唐小汐写完整个句子之后,毫无动静,完全没有引动天地之力的迹象。 She hum digs small mouth, turned around to read the god article of Qin Yin writing, immediately the cheek was redder, Qin Yin wrote earnestly, each mark very straight, was not Tang Xiaoxi writes likely that at sixes and sevens. 她呜呜的撅起小嘴,转身看了看秦茵书写的神文,顿时脸蛋更红了,秦茵写得更加认真,每一个符号都非常的端正,不像是唐小汐写得那么乱七八糟。 Lin Muyu then no longer looks , to continue the selfish research the Slaughter God Seal illustrated handbook. 林沐雨便不再去看,继续自顾自的研究起弑神印的图鉴来。 ...... …… Also has not known how long, Lin Muyu had gained ground suddenly, bottom of one's heart one thump, in Spiritual Pulse Technique a tyrannical strength is away from itself unexpectedly less than ten meters remote, moreover when the opposite party comes does not know. 也不知道过了多久,忽地林沐雨抬起头来,心底一咯噔,灵脉术中一股强横至极的力量居然距离自己不足十米之遥,而且对方是什么时候来的都不知道。 What person!?” “什么人!?” He stands up suddenly, the King fought flame to gush out the body, Seven Luminaries immortal hu and a God Binding Lock detonation body, but lingered in the surroundings, simultaneously was distant a hand, was hanging the stars in sword already separated to vacate the sheath to grasp in the hand. 他猛然站起身,王者斗焰涌出了身躯,七曜仙葫、缚神锁一起破身而出萦绕在周围,同时遥遥一张手,悬挂在剑架上的星辰已然隔空出鞘抓在手中。 How?” Qin Yin and Tang Xiaoxi open the bright eyes, unconsciously, this can only explain cultivating of person to as ever distantly above their two! “怎么了?”秦茵唐小汐睁大明眸,犹然不觉,这只能说明来人的修为远远的在她们两个之上! Bang!” “嘭!” A bang, nearby window breaks large hole suddenly, sees only one to wear the person of black robe to spin the body to go, palm without demur raises, on the arm is reappearing handle flame fan Martial Spirit, buzzes, in the palm full was the direct bang of roaring flame has approached Lin Muyu. 一声巨响,一旁的窗户猛然破开一个大洞,只见一名身穿黑袍的人旋身而去,二话不说的掌心一扬,手臂上浮现着一柄火红色的扇子武魂,嗡嗡作响,掌心里满是烈焰的直接轰向了林沐雨。 The forest washes calls out one that the fine rain does not let, the strength of Sacred Mountains of China day falling condenses above sword blade, sweeps away! 林沐雨丝毫不让的暴喝一声,五岳天降之力凝聚在剑刃之上,横扫而出! Bang!” “轰!” The energy burst, lifts furniture one after another in office, the document chaotic dance, Lin Muyu holds up long sword to draw back several steps continually, an invisible domain bracing cold drops from the clouds, is Saint Heaven Realm, comes the person unexpectedly is Saint Heaven Realm expert, flies high standing proudly, the both arms hug in the front, the body surroundings appear that flame fan Martial Spirit, the face under cape are not looking clearly, said by the old sound with a smile: „Are you present temple Great Deacon, Lin Muyu?” 能量爆发开来,将办公室里的桌椅纷纷掀开,文件乱舞,林沐雨擎着长剑连退数步,一股无形领域气劲从天而降,是圣天境,来人居然是一个圣天境强者,凌空傲立,双臂抱于胸前,身躯周围浮现着那火红色的扇子武魂,斗篷下的脸庞看不清晰,以苍老的声音笑着说道:“你就是如今的圣殿大执事,林沐雨?” Who are you?” Lin Muyu grasps the stars, the complexion woods are cold. “你是谁?”林沐雨手持星辰,脸色森寒。 Person who wants to try your skill.” The opposite party laughs. “一个想试试你本事的人。”对方哈哈大笑。 Nearby, Tang Xiaoxi entered nine monster fox changes the body condition, discarded has carved the pen, exchanged the town country whip, but Qin Yin same summoned real dragon God Binding Lock, grasped bright town Sky Sword, the offensive is ready to be set off. 一旁,唐小汐已经进入了九尾妖狐的变身状态,扔掉了刻笔,换上镇国鞭,而秦茵一样召唤出真龙缚神锁,手持明亮的镇天剑,攻势一触即发。 Xiao Yin Xiaoxi, do not move, I come.” 小茵小汐,你们别动,我自己来。” Lin Muyu can"t help it, bottom of one's heart is joyous, has such expert to be the match, lets his incomparable excitement unexpectedly, moreover this person frank and upright challenges, but does not get rid secretly, it seems like it is not the mortal enemy. 林沐雨禁不住心底欢悦起来,有这么一个强者做对手,竟让他无比的兴奋,而且此人光明正大的来挑战,而不是暗地里出手,看来并不是死敌。 Ha, good!” “哈哈哈,好!” Old man drinks lowly, the roaring flame in palm is even more rich, both hands lift, that Martial Spirit fan is dancing in the air around the arm, exudes the sharp whining noise. 老者一声低喝,掌心里的烈焰越发浓郁,双手抬起,那武魂扇子在手臂周围飞舞着,发出尖鸣声。 Bai Yin and the others pushed the door to be stylish, has been shocked, but under the Qin Yin vision hints has not gotten rid. 白隐等人推门而入时,惊呆了,但在秦茵的目光示意下并没有出手。 Is Lin Muyu urges valley to leave ten tenths strength on the contrary, the double Martial Spirit rapid decomposition fusion, offered a sacrifice to the Seven Luminaries immortal sword, the imposing manner and strength of whole person had a qualitative leap immediately, that old man also „”, said with a smile: Martial Spirit fusion? A little meaning.” 反倒是林沐雨催谷出十成力量,双武魂迅速分解融合,祭出了七曜仙剑,整个人的气势与力量顿时发生了一个质的飞跃,就连那老者也“哦”了一声,笑道:“武魂融合吗?有点意思。” When his palm falls, Lin Muyu has also wielded the second sword asterism to peep! 当他一掌落下的时候,林沐雨也已经挥出了第二剑星芒初现! Bang!” “轰!” The roaring flame surges to erupt, the impact resulted in the people soon unable to open the eye, but the Great Deacon office was also creakying, the wall started to crack, two people left one move again, perhaps this palace wanted the avalanche! 烈焰涌动爆发开来,冲击得众人快要睁不开眼睛了,而大执事办公室也在摇摇欲坠着,墙体开始崩裂,两个人再出一招,恐怕这栋殿宇就要崩塌了! Sand rustle......” “沙沙沙……” Lin Muyu was compelled to fly to draw back by the opposite party strong Saint Heaven Realm strength, but the old man also retrocedes in the airborne anxious spin several rice, this move has not decided a victory and defeat as before. 林沐雨被对方强劲的圣天境力量逼得飞退,而老者也在空中急旋后退数米,这一招依旧没有分出一个胜负来。 Who are you?” Lin Muyu is cold the face to say. “你到底是谁?”林沐雨寒着脸说道。 The old men have actually smiled, in the laughter has filled gently, said: A'Yu, we do not hit again, perhaps otherwise the temple could not withstand our strengths.” 老者却笑了,笑声中充满了慈祥,道:“阿雨啊,我们不要再打了,不然圣殿恐怕就已经承受不了我们的力量了。” He lifts the cape slowly, the dark green face of over the face, but eyes actually splendid looks at Lin Muyu. 他缓缓掀开斗篷,满面的苍颜,但一双眸子却熠熠生辉的看着林沐雨。 The front door place, Ge Yang staggers suddenly, trembling is holding the walking stick, unbelievable trembling sound track: You...... You are...... You are Xuanyuan Hong Great Deacon, you...... Did you come back?” 大门处,戈羊忽然一个趔趄,颤巍巍的扶着拐杖,难以置信的颤声道:“你……你是……你是轩辕鸿大执事,你……你回来了?” The future unexpectedly is another temple Great Deacon outside Lei Hong!? 来者竟是雷洪之外的另一个圣殿大执事!? Ge Yang Deacon, in a flash 15 years, you fortunately?” Xuanyuan Hong said with a smile. 戈羊执事,一晃15年,你还好吗?”轩辕鸿笑道。 Ge Yang is excited: Good, fortunately......” 戈羊激动不已:“好,还好呢……” Lin Muyu is dumbfounded. 林沐雨目瞪口呆。 A Xuanyuan Hong actually spin body drops the ground, one knee kneels, to Qin Yin good big ritual, said in a low voice: Old minister Xuanyuan Hong travels for 15 years in northern desert, cultivates finally becomes for on, rescues late, asking empress Your Highness to forgive!” 轩辕鸿却一旋身落下地面,单膝跪地,冲着秦茵行了个大礼,低声道:“老臣轩辕鸿在北漠游历15年,修为上终有所成,救驾来迟,请女帝殿下恕罪!” !! !!
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