AG :: Volume #5

#484: Controlling corpse person

The gloomy cold wind hangs the person skin fresh pain, Lin Muyu proposes the stars sword is entering into bosom mausoleum most deep layer slowly the time the Battle Qi dense condensation has fought the armor, the stars has lit the both sides paths, is similar to the above layer is the same, on the wall has covered entirely the ancient portray, in addition soul flower growth here. 阴森的寒风挂得人皮肤生痛,林沐雨提着星辰剑缓缓迈入怀王陵最深层的时候就已经斗气氤氲的凝聚出了斗铠,星辰照亮了两侧的道路,如同上面的层数一样,墙壁上已经布满了古老的刻画,另外还有一株株的魂花生长在这里。 However this forest Mu Yu has not gone to pick the soul to be colored, the vision actually went to above a not far away row of inner and outer coffin, right, is placing the Large expanse of inner and outer coffin in the corner of aisle, each inner and outer coffin rear also the bodyguard of brass casting in the protection there, in the hand is raising weapons experiences for several thousand years unexpectedly prolonged immortal. 不过这次林沐雨没有去采摘魂花,目光却投向了不远处的一排棺椁之上,没错,就在走道的拐角处摆放着成片的棺椁,每一尊棺椁的后方还有一个铜铸的侍卫在守护在那里,手里提着的兵刃经历数千年居然经久不朽。 Cannot...... Is the corpses?” Tang Xiaoxi is narrowing the beautiful eye, asking of some worries. “不会……都是僵尸吧?”唐小汐眯着美目,有些担心的问道。 Cannot.” Lin Muyu shakes the head: „It is not the corpse.” “不会。”林沐雨摇摇头:“都不是僵尸。” He cannot induce any aura, but must confirm some, who these inner and outer coffins are, otherwise the words of real sudden rising, launch the attack from the rear area accidentally, that was not quite good to deal with. 他感应不到任何的气息,不过还是要确认一些,这些棺椁到底是什么人,不然万一真的尸变的话,从后方发动进攻,那就不太好应付了。 Rustle......” “沙沙……” When Lin Muyu shoves open a coffin of inner and outer coffin covers, Tang Xiaoxi does not dare toward to look that but Lin Muyu one looked to inside taking advantage of the ray of stars sword that inside corpse decayed completely melted, is only bones of the dead, but from putting on the clothes should be a woman, moreover is the status very honored woman, in the inner and outer coffin except the clothing and corpse beside has also chocked up the jade, jewelry wait / etc.. 当林沐雨推开一具棺椁的棺盖时,唐小汐根本就不敢往里看,而林沐雨则借着星辰剑的光芒向里面一看,里面的尸体已经完全朽化了,只是一具白骨而已,不过从穿着的衣服来看应该是个女人,而且是身份十分尊贵的女人,棺椁里除去衣物、尸体之外还摆满了玉石、珠宝等等。 After turning on another inner and outer coffin, as before is a woman, in the first successive 12 inner and outer coffins is the women! 打开另一个棺椁之后依旧还是一个女人,一连12尊棺椁里都是女人! Is the waiting on concubines of bosom king?” Tang Xiaoxi asked. “难道都是怀王的侍妾?”唐小汐问道。 Should.” “应该是了。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, have a strong sense of righteousness saying: Cherishes King Ke really to enjoy, 12 Fang wives, owe he to bear.” 林沐雨点点头,大义凛然的说道:“怀王可真是会享受,12房媳妇,亏他受得了。” Tang Xiaoxi has smiled, teased: Really said with, if after you, same conferred the title of prince upon, I will not believe you only to defend a person not to take a concubine, snort|hum, the men will be are different.” 唐小汐不禁笑了,戏谑道:“说得跟真的似的,如果你以后也一样被封王,我就不信你会只守着一个人而不纳妾,哼,男人都是不一样的。” Right?” “是吗?” Lin Muyu looks straightly to Tang Xiaoxi, said: If a person woman can this deeply to love him, loves her reckless, the world of that this man could not go in his her woman, looked that the issue cannot be too one-sided.” 林沐雨笔直的看向唐小汐,说:“如果一个人女人能让这个人深爱他,不顾一切的爱她,那这个男人的世界也就进不去其她的女人了,看问题不能太片面。” Good, you can say, I said you, in this place discussed that this issue is some are not quite appropriate.” “好啦,你太会说了,我说不过你,不过在这种地方讨论这个问题是不是有些不太妥当。” Yes!” “是!” Lin Muyu lifts the stars sword, has illuminated the distant place, simultaneously in Spiritual Pulse Technique has transmitted the extremely intense fluctuation, that direction was the main hall of grave occupant, this line is not absolutely simple. 林沐雨抬起星辰剑,照亮了远方,同时灵脉术中传来了极为强烈的波动,那个方向就是墓主人的大殿了,果然,这一行绝对没有那么简单。 Fights boots stepping on gradually in the ice-cold flagstone ground, Lin Muyu walks in the front, the aura caper in Spiritual Pulse Technique is getting stronger and stronger, even is more intense than that 15500 years of king hou, may show that fully here match also strengthen compared with king hou, therefore Lin Muyu without hesitation fought the flame to promote in peak condition the King. 战靴一步一步的踩在冰冷的石板地面上,林沐雨走在前方,灵脉术中的气息跳跃越来越浓烈,甚至比那个15500年的帝王犼还要强烈,足可证明这里的对手也要比帝王犼更加强,于是林沐雨毫不犹豫的把王者斗焰提升到了巅峰状态。 Under stars sword ray illumination, by aisle great column suddenly brushing a ray glitters, seemed one is mounted the luminous gem in stone column to be activated, the gems on recent two pillar also together glittered, looked like the ripples same spreads, in an instant dozens pillars in tomb chamber main hall were blooming all the ray, this place bottom world according to well-illuminated! 星辰剑光芒照射下,走道两侧的巨柱忽然“刷”的一道光芒闪烁起来,似乎是一块被镶嵌在石柱中的夜明宝石被激活了,紧接着最近的两根柱子上的宝石也一起闪烁起来,就像是涟漪一样蔓延开去,转眼之间墓室大殿里的数十根柱子尽数绽放着光芒,将这个地底世界照得一片通明! Look, there!” Tang Xiaoxi puts out a hand a finger. “看,在那里!”唐小汐伸手一指。 The distant place, the center of main hall is placing a very fine and dignified inner and outer coffin, probably builds with the pure gold, the side of inner and outer coffin full is obscure abstruse writing, does not look completely clearly . Moreover, the inner and outer coffin two huge pinchbeck ring-like decorations, look like the suspension link are tandem common, does not know that is any thing. 远方,大殿的中心处摆放着一尊十分精致而威严的棺椁,大约是用纯金打造的,棺椁的侧面满是一个个晦涩深奥的文字,完全看不明白,而且,棺椁一前一后两个巨大的金色铜环状饰物,就像是拉环一般,不知道是什么东西。 But most makes forest Mu Yu panic-strickenly be the place above of inner and outer coffin also sits a person unexpectedly, a hoary-headed old man, sits cross-legged to sit there, is lowering the head, anything did not say, on leg horizontally a jade flute. 但最让林沐雨惊骇的莫过于棺椁的上方居然还坐着一个人,一个白发苍苍的老者,盘膝坐在那里,低着头颅,什么都不说,腿上横着一根玉箫。 Buzz humming sound......” “嗡嗡嗡……” The appearance that Tang Xiaoxi, the nine whips in hand also flood flame Battle Qi, momentarily must launch an attack anxiously, Lin Muyu also induces to in within the body of this old man has the life aura and strength fluctuates, although this life aura appears very frail, but has after all. 唐小汐紧张不已,手中的九节鞭也泛起了一道道火红色斗气,随时都要发难的样子,林沐雨也感应到这个老者的体内有生命气息和力量波动,虽然这生命气息显得十分的脆弱,但毕竟是有的。 Live person or deceased person?” The Tang Xiaoxi sound somewhat shivers. “活人还是死人?”唐小汐的声音有些颤抖。 Lin Muyu sword edge points, double Martial Spirit surges together, the rapid maneuver decomposition fusion is the big treasured sword, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Who you are, why will occupy in the bosom mausoleum?” 林沐雨剑锋直指,双武魂一起涌动,飞速回旋分解融合为大宝剑,低喝道:“你是什么人,为什么会盘踞在怀王陵之中?” The old men lift the head slowly, is actually a fierce fearsome face, died the innumerable year of dry corpses to be ordinary likely, Jie Jie was laughing: You have not been under permission of grave occupant to arrive at the bosom mausoleum, unexpectedly also dares so to interrogate me?” 老者缓缓的抬起头颅来,却是一张狰狞可怖的脸庞,像是死了无数年的干尸一般,桀桀的大笑着:“你们没有得到墓主人的允许就来到了怀王陵,居然还敢这般质问我?” You are...... Cherished King Qinbing?” Lin Muyu is stunned. “你是……怀王秦炳?”林沐雨愕然。 The old men laugh: Cherishes the king? This name...... Does he match? Ha Ha Ha Ha, Qin Bing was a skeleton, was not the bosom king, actually your boy!” 老者哈哈大笑:“怀王?这个名字……他配吗?哈哈哈哈,秦炳不过是一具尸骸罢了,再也不是什么怀王了,倒是你小子!” A say|way of old man face alert: You have God Binding Lock Martial Spirit unexpectedly, and also fused God Binding Lock refining, your what person, are you person of Qin?” 老者一脸戒备的道:“你居然拥有缚神锁武魂,并且还将缚神锁炼化融合了,你到底什么人,难道你是秦家的人?” Lin Muyu is the Qin Jin adopted son, naturally is the person of Qin, lightly smiled: „, Has the issue?” 林沐雨是秦靳义子,自然算是秦家的人,微微一笑:“正是,有问题吗?” Since is the Qin family, that remains, died with Qin Bing in the place of this place Jiu You together!” “既然是秦家人,那就留下来,跟秦炳一起长眠在这个地方九幽之地吧!” „Who are you?!” Lin Muyu asked. “你到底是什么人?!”林沐雨质问道。 In old person's eyes full is insolent killing intent, laughs saying: Father is person who controls the life and death, can who you live to might as well die...... Ha, the boy, that beautiful young miss, gave Qin Bing to be buried along with the dead together here!” 老人的眼中满是张狂的杀意,哈哈大笑道:“老子是掌控生死的人,能让你生不如死的人……哈哈哈,小子,还有那个标致的小姑娘,一起在这里给秦炳陪葬吧!” Saying, the old man was jumping to leap to retrocede, was treadonning Saint Realm strengths unexpectedly in the airborne short stay, Saint Heaven Realm! Moreover, he plays that jade flute, the flute sound is fierce, cannot say aesthetically, and in the flute sound is concealing hostility, sound waves sweep across to all around, making the forest wash rain bottom of one's heart not to have the irritation of reason! 说着,老者纵身一跃后退开去,脚踏着一道道圣域力量居然在空中短暂的停留起来,圣天境!不仅如此,他更是吹奏起那一根玉箫,箫声狰狞刺耳,毫无审美可言,并且箫声中暗藏着戾气,一道道音波席卷向四周,让林沐雨心底没来由的一阵烦躁! It is not good, this flute sound can the chaotic person mental, this old fogy is not simple! 不行,这箫声能够乱人心智,这老家伙绝不简单啊! Lin Muyu drinks one lowly, in the heart meditates the purifying the mind incantation, maintains the Spiritual Pulse Technique Pure Brightness, in consciousness is in an instant calm, but Tang Xiaoxi uses expert(s) of purifying the mind incantation, this degree of confusing how her. 林沐雨低喝一声,心中默念清心咒,保持灵脉术的清明,转眼之间意海之中便波澜不惊起来,而唐小汐更是使用清心咒的高手,这种程度的迷惑根本奈何不了她。 But at this moment, in the inner and outer coffin has broadcast the sound of rustling sound suddenly! 但就在这时,忽然棺椁之中传来了悉悉索索的声音! How......” forest has washed the rain vision one coldly, wants the sudden rising? “怎么了……”林沐雨目光一寒,难道要尸变? In Tang Xiaoxi is wielding the town country whip, enters nine monster fox quietly changes the body condition, she also knows that the war has neared, at present that old man definitely is not the good person, pledged that must kill off the person of Qin family to be any good person. 唐小汐手里挥着镇国鞭,悄然进入九尾妖狐的变身状态,她也知道大战在即了,眼前那个老者肯定不是什么好人,发誓要杀光秦家人的人能是什么好人呢。 Bang!” “嘭!” The cover of inner and outer coffin flutters suddenly, several hundred jin (0.5 kg) gold like this flies high to fly, numerous falling fall on the place, the above pattern somewhat has spent, is really makes the person love dearly. But in the inner and outer coffin, wears the person of king armor and cape to stand up slowly, face already decayed half, an eye roves looks at Lin Muyu, Tang Xiaoxi, making them be afraid. 棺椁的盖子猛然翻飞起来,数百斤重的金子就这样凌空飞起,重重的摔落在地,上面的花纹都有些花掉了,实在是让人心疼。而棺椁之中,身穿君王铠甲、斗篷的人缓缓站起身,脸庞已经朽烂了一半,一双眼睛转来转去的看着林沐雨、唐小汐,让他们两个人不寒而栗。 Cherished King Qinbing, really sudden rising! 怀王秦炳,果然尸变了! This old man, is a controlling corpse person, because his existence made in this grave fill the strange and dead air/Qi! 这老者,是一个驭尸人,也正是因为他的存在才让这个墓葬里充满了诡异与死气! ...... …… The old men are blowing the jade flute, Ha Ha said with a smile: Qin Bing, saw not to have, the boy was the posterity of Qin, perhaps was your direct line descendant, slaughtering heartily, satisfies your to lie undiscovered with the blood of these two people 4000 the aloneness!” 老者吹着玉箫,哈哈笑道:“秦炳,看到没有,那小子是你们秦家的后人,说不定就是你的直系后裔呢,尽情的杀戮吧,用这两个人的鲜血来满足你沉睡4000年的孤寂!” Cherished King to hold up the saber of waist slowly, this handle saber was buried along with the dead for several thousand years along with him, came out of among the sheaths splendid light to rise suddenly unexpectedly, spiritual energy dense around fine sword blade, inevitably was a handle good sword! 怀王缓缓擎出了腰间的佩剑来,这柄佩剑随他陪葬数千年,出鞘之间居然华光暴涨,灵气氤氲在精致的剑刃周围,必然是一柄好剑! Roar!” “吼!” Qin Bing roared, whole body covers entirely has fought the glow, my goodness! This goods before dying unexpectedly are also Saint Heaven Realm expert! 秦炳怒吼一声,全身布满了斗芒,好家伙!这货在死前居然也是圣天境强者 Lin Muyu bottom of one's heart one cold, was not quite then easy to do, two Saint Heaven Realm expert, oneself and can Tang Xiaoxi deal with?...... Can die in this place? 林沐雨心底一寒,这下不太好办了,两个圣天境强者,自己和唐小汐能应付得了吗?难道说……要死在这个地方? In the mind flies instantaneously the to sweep past innumerable thoughts, but is not quite as if practical, poison in Cosmos Bag has used up, the cool breeze was drunk not to have, even if had, perhaps did not have what function to this type of non- person not ghost thing, they were not necessarily able to breathe, but also possibly was poisoned? 脑海中瞬间飞掠过无数个念头,但似乎都不太实用,乾坤袋里的毒药已经用光了,清风醉没有了,而且即便是有,恐怕对这种不人不鬼的东西也没有什么作用,他们都未必会呼吸了,还怎么可能中毒呢? Ancestor, did not do right by!” “先祖,对不住了!” On the stars sword full was Seven Luminaries Mystic Power, Lin Muyu grasps the nettle, stirs the Saint Realm pressure to break through Qin Bing the domain, long sword has the Second Luminary, Demon Dance energy to shake above Qin splendid sword blade. 星辰剑上满是七曜玄力,林沐雨迎难而上,鼓荡圣域威压冲破秦炳的领域,长剑带着二曜妖魔舞的能量就撼动在秦炳的剑刃之上。 Works as!” “当!” Under strikes the fit and unfit quality to stand sentences, even if has Seven Luminaries immortal sword so super Martial Spirit actually as before to be inferior in the strength in Saint Heaven Realm expert one . Moreover, this Qin Bing body week was lingering enough ten together pure God Binding Lock Martial Spirit, he after sudden rising as before was maintaining before death Martial Spirit and strength! 一击之下优劣立判,纵然拥有七曜仙剑这般的超级武魂却依旧在力量上要逊色于圣天境强者一丝,况且,这秦炳身周萦绕着足足十一道精纯的缚神锁武魂,尸变后的他依旧保持着生前的武魂和力量啊! Go away!” “滚开!” In Qin Bing the exploding roar, the ankle area surroundings have covered entirely the Saint Heaven Realm strength, numerous trampling in the Lin Muyu's abdomen, but Lin Muyu's Third Luminary, the Disaster of All Living Beings also fell on the Qin splendid shoulder. 秦炳的爆吼声中,脚踝周围布满了圣天境力量,重重的踹在了林沐雨的腹部,而林沐雨的三曜众生厄也同时落在秦炳的肩膀上。 Bang!” “嘭!” In Lin Muyu the abdomen a foot, the dragon bloody battle shield disintegration, has drawn back several steps piece by piece continually, put out a blood in an extremely difficult situation, rise looked that actually discovered on Qin Bing the shoulder was reappearing the Saint Heaven Realm fighting armor energy, tyrannical, the complete ejection opened the three luminaries profound strength, almost an injury has not created, his protecting body bracing cold was really too vigorous. 林沐雨腹部中了一脚,龙血战盾片片崩碎,连退数步,狼狈不堪的吐出了一口鲜血,抬头一看,却发现秦炳的肩膀上浮现着圣天境的斗铠能量,强横至极,完全弹射开了第三曜的玄力,几乎一点伤害都没有造成,他的护体气劲实在是太雄浑了。 Nearby, entered nine monster fox changes Tang Xiaoxi of body could not tolerate, bit the red lip saying: Mu Mu, Qin Bing the corpse was controls by that controlling corpse person, I have killed him.” 一旁,进入九尾妖狐变身的唐小汐看不过去了,咬着红唇道:“沐沐,秦炳的尸体是由那个驭尸人控制的,我去杀了他。” Be careful, he is Saint Heaven Realm.” “小心,他是圣天境。” Un.” “嗯。” Nine whips from the sky exude one swiftly and fiercely „” sound, Tang Xiaoxi flees to go, the flame tail in airborne is having roaring flame rays, is very attractive, preys with the controlling corpse person instantaneously together. 九节鞭在空中发出一声凌厉的“啪”声,唐小汐一窜而去,火焰尾巴在空中带着一道道烈焰光芒,十分好看,瞬间就与驭尸人搏杀在一起。 Lin Muyu takes a deep breath, Qin Bing protecting body astral was mad is really too strong, if used Sixth Luminary, Universe Calamity even is Seventh Luminary, Star Shift hardly spells, can break through his protecting body astral air/Qi good, could not break through must collapse completely, after all the sixth Luminary and Seven Luminaries very consumed Battle Qi and physical strength, once Battle Qi consumption too huge in within the body has not actually defeated the match, will be under the control of others very much easily. 林沐雨深吸一口气,秦炳的护体罡气实在是太强了,如果自己动用六曜天地劫甚至是七曜星辰变硬拼的话,能攻破他的护体罡气还好,攻不破的话恐怕就要一败涂地了,毕竟第六曜和第七曜都十分耗费斗气与体力,一旦体内的斗气消耗太巨大却没有击败对手的话,很容易就会受制于人了。 Has a plan for the present the best method to consume, right, with the smallest strength, consumed Qin Bing Battle Qi, after all he condensed fights the armor to defend also needs the expended energy. 为今之计最好的方法就是消耗,没错,用最小的力量,消耗掉秦炳的斗气,毕竟他凝聚斗铠来防御也是需要消耗能量的。 Raises the stars sword to strike chops to cut swiftly and fiercely, Sword Qi non-stop flies along with the ray of big treasured sword, Saint Heaven Realm astral who loudly the collision in Qin Bing unified was mad on, afterward was the second sword, moreover each sword was simple and swift and violent, did not contain any style, but Qin Bing roared is revolving Battle Qi of whole body, which Lin Muyu toward is dividing to cut, which he fighting the spirit strength of armor toward gathered. 擎起星辰剑就是一击凌厉劈斩,剑气随着大宝剑的光芒直飞出去,轰然碰撞在秦炳所凝聚出的圣天境罡气上,随后便是第二剑,而且每一剑都简单而迅猛,并不蕴含任何招式,而秦炳则怒吼着运转着全身的斗气,林沐雨往哪儿劈斩,他就把斗铠的灵力往哪儿汇聚。 „......” “蓬蓬蓬……” Rays erupt in the tomb chamber, underground deep layer, the fights of two people of two ghosts might be considered as are soul-stirring! 一声声光芒在墓室中爆发开来,地下深层,二人二鬼的战斗堪称是惊心动魄! !! !!
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