AG :: Volume #5

#483: Also delivered spirit stone

Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Naked eye obvious domain air/Qi field condensation around the body, probably is 1 meter radius the appearance , can only protect itself approximately not by the attack of ghost tooth fish, but Lin Muyu Tang Xiaoxi also entered nine changed the condition of body, as if will turn into the time bodies of nine monster fox also to have change slightly, for example the chest has stuck out, the slim and graceful young girl left several dividing line beautiful, poured is also more charming. 肉眼可见的领域气场凝聚在身体周围,大约达到1米半径的样子,大约也就只能保护自己不受鬼齿鱼的攻击,而林沐雨身边的唐小汐也进入了九尾变身的状态,似乎变成九尾妖狐的时候身体也会发生些微的变化,譬如胸脯更加隆起了,亭亭玉立的少女多出了几分野性美,倒也更加迷人了。 Lin Muyu reviewed to look at a sclera hidden, said: You here are waiting for us, after I and Xiaoxi found Qin Bing the body and treasure, will come back, understood?” 林沐雨回眸看了一眼白隐,说:“你就在这里等着我们,我和小汐找到秦炳的身躯和宝贝之后就会回来,明白了吗?” Yes, Commander!” “是,统领!” White hidden cup one fist in the other hand said: Commander does not come back, the subordinate cannot leave inevitably!” 白隐抱拳道:“统领不回来,属下必然不离不去!” Good!” “好!” ...... …… Lin Muyu turned around to step into the lake water, the domain pressure came surrounding one meter lake water all crush, immediately these ghost tooth fish are not glad, the outer layers of hit domain pressure, exuded bang bang bang the sound, as if hit on the armored glass general, Lin Muyu's speed was quick, escorts Tang Xiaoxi to fire into the lake bottom deep place rapidly. 林沐雨转身就踏入了湖水之中,领域威压将周围一米的湖水悉数碾压开来,顿时那些鬼齿鱼就不乐意了,一次次的撞击领域威压的外层,发出“嘭嘭嘭”的响声,就仿佛撞击在钢化玻璃上一般,林沐雨的速度很快,护送着唐小汐急速冲向了湖底深处。 The domain pressure contends with the attack of ghost tooth fish, to Battle Qi consumption huge, two people both does not dare to delay, arrives at the lake bottom deep place the time breaks a flagstone, walks rapidly, entered tomb pit fourth, from Qin splendid buried to place also has the one pace. 领域威压抗衡鬼齿鱼的攻击,对斗气的消耗十分巨大,两个人都不敢耽搁,来到湖底深处的时候打破一层石板,飞速走上去,就已经进入了墓穴第四层了,距离秦炳的葬身处也只有一步之遥了。 Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” When two people go out of the lake water that moment, the innumerable ghost tooth fish ran out of the water surface, suddenly the Lin Muyu's obsession once more has violated, turning around excited pulling stars sword, the innumerable sword light erupt, „” good one to divide randomly! 当二人走出湖水的那一刻,身后无数鬼齿鱼跟着冲出了水面,一时间林沐雨的强迫症又再次犯了,转身一脸兴奋的拔出星辰剑,无数剑光爆发出来,“呀呀呀”的好一顿乱劈! ...... …… After solving the ghost tooth fish of jumping up shore, the directly soaring tomb chamber aisle that does not stay goes, in the distant noses can smell the fragrance, here also has the soul to be colored as before, collected the stack all in the Cosmos Bag different space, after this type of good thing, does not know that which can also find . Moreover the soul flower is very valuable, is valuably does not have the city in Orchid Goose City, if who can put out one jin (0.5 kg) soul flower to come out, finalized the value at least is ten thousand Gold Yin Coin above, after building up becomes the liquid medicines, on is the sky-high price, not only after all the disintoxicating god water can detoxify, some doubts or problems can also one. Cure, but various weird diseases that these rich men sybaritism, has all day are many went, the disintoxicating god water to them simply is the life-saving wondrous medicines! 解决掉跳上岸的鬼齿鱼之后,毫不停留的直奔墓室走道而去,远远的鼻间就能闻到香气,这里依旧还有魂花,尽数采集了堆放在乾坤袋的异空间内,这种好东西以后就不知道去哪儿还能找到了,而且魂花十分值钱,在兰雁城根本就是有价无市,谁要是能拿出一斤魂花出来,成交价值至少是一万金茵币以上,炼成药水之后就更加是天价了,毕竟解毒神水不但能解毒,有些疑难杂症也能一并。治愈,而那些有钱人整天骄奢淫逸,染上的各种怪病多了去了,解毒神水对他们而言简直就是救命圣药啊! Is collecting in Lin Muyu must be filled with joy, suddenly in Spiritual Pulse Technique suddenly shakes, the greatly strengthened aura are coming in Ben Lve, he calls a halt hurriedly, draws out the stars sword, fought the flame to promote instantaneously the King in peak condition, complexion slightly somewhat pale saying: Xiaoxi was careful, has the thing to come!” 正在林沐雨采集得满心欢喜的时候,忽地灵脉术中猛然震荡起来,有一股极强的气息正在奔掠而来,他急忙停手,拔出星辰剑,将王者斗焰瞬间提升到了巅峰状态,脸色略微有些苍白的说道:“小汐小心,有东西来了!” Although Tang Xiaoxi has not practiced Spiritual Pulse Technique, but also misses to the sensitivity of aura to does not go, enters nine monster fox rapidly changes the body condition, in the palm fire god seal appears, is ready. 唐小汐虽然没有修炼灵脉术,但对气息的敏感度也差不到哪儿去,急速进入九尾妖狐的变身状态,掌心里火神印浮现,蓄势待发。 Roar!” “吼!” On the tomb chamber aisle transmits the scalding hot feeling that the roaring sound of wild animal as well as heads on, is flame is Spirit beast! In an instant, a giant beast almost head top to the tomb chamber top flushed, this is a whole body full arrange the unusual animals of roaring flame, the head is being the camel is likely ordinary, antler that in the top of the head pair of roaring flame lingers, the bow the body, the whole body full is being the hot scale, the four limbs like the tiger, is very dignified, is seeming like to Lin Muyu, Tang Xiaoxi these two tiny humanity is roars, the King impressive and dignified manner completely reveals. 墓室走道上传来野兽的怒吼声以及扑面而来的灼热感,是一头火焰系灵兽!转眼之间,一头巨兽几乎脑袋顶到墓室顶部的冲了过来,这是一头浑身满布着烈焰的异兽,头颅像是骆驼一般,头顶上一双烈焰萦绕的鹿角,躬着身躯,浑身满是火鳞,四肢如虎,十分威严,对着林沐雨、唐小汐这两个看似渺小的人类就是一声怒吼,王者威仪尽显。 Is king hou!” “是帝王犼!” Tang Xiaoxi hurried say|way: 15500 years of king hou, my God, how in this tomb pit to have this antiquity unusual animals!” 唐小汐急忙道:“15500年的帝王犼,我的天,这墓穴里怎么会有这种上古异兽!” Is delivers spirit stone.” “不过是来送灵石的。” Lin Muyu confident smiles, the dragon bloody battle shield and bottle gourd wall start together, afterward Seven Luminaries immortal hu decomposes rapidly, fuses into the big treasured sword to linger with God Binding Lock once again around the stars, long sword raises, Falling Star Steps is much quicker, did not wait for king hou to launch the attack to start the storm, the big treasured sword carried the profound strength that the asterism was peeping to sweep away to the king hou pate. 林沐雨胸有成竹的一笑,龙血战盾和葫芦壁一起发动,随后七曜仙葫急速分解,再度与缚神锁融合成为大宝剑萦绕在星辰周围,长剑一扬,坠星步快得惊人,不等帝王犼发动进攻就开始了强攻,大宝剑携带着星芒初现的玄力横扫向帝王犼的颈部。 Roar!” “吼!” King hou fierce roaring, but does not defend, brandished the sharp claws to welcome the big treasured sword to rumble in the past! 帝王犼狰狞的怒吼,但根本就不防御,挥舞利爪就迎着大宝剑轰了过去! Bang!” “嘭!” The flame and star dust ray spatters in all directions, Lin Muyu was shaken again and again retrocedes, distressed stumbling above wall, but above the sharp claws of king hou also presented an obvious sword mark, the collision that the blood crossflow, first strikes generally speaking was Lin Muyu won, 15500 years of Spirit beast was no doubt tyrannical, but...... New Martial Spirit that after Lin Muyu's Martial Spirit was ultra first-grade Martial Spirit and first-grade Martial Spirit fused, produces, the strength had surpassed tyrannicalally already the general knowledge, had the superiority is also the accordance with expectation. 火光与星尘光芒迸溅开来,林沐雨被震得连连后退,狼狈的跌撞在墙壁之上,但帝王犼的利爪之上也出现了一道明显的剑痕,鲜血横流,第一击的碰撞总的说来是林沐雨胜了,15500年的灵兽固然强横,但……林沐雨的武魂是一个超一等武魂和一个一等武魂融合之后产生的新武魂,力量强横早就超出了常识,取得优势也是意料中事了。 Behind, Tang Xiaoxi was shaken while forest Mu Yu flickers, two small hands who draws back raise rapidly, instantaneously the consecutively four mark positive bang the town soul seal + samsara seal + star eon seal + god have printed above the chest of king hou, protecting oneself astral who the straight bang results in king hou gasifies to the energy detritus to spatter in all directions piece by piece, but defends a reduction layer upon layer along with the Spirit beast outer layer, destiny that also inevitably it suffers a defeat and flees. 后方,唐小汐趁着林沐雨被震退的一瞬,两只小手飞速扬起,瞬间连续四道印记正面轰在了帝王犼的胸膛之上镇魂印+轮回印+星宙印+神列印,直轰得帝王犼的护身罡气化为片片能量碎屑迸溅开来,而随着灵兽的外层防御一层层的减少,也注定它败亡的命运了。 Roar!” “吼!” King hou is roaring, the spirit strength in within the body leaks rapidly, the flame rises suddenly suddenly, has formed one unexpectedly time to the non- difference flame impact in all directions! 帝王犼怒吼着,体内的灵力飞速外泄出来,火光猛然暴涨开来,竟形成了一次对四面八方的无差别火焰冲击! Lin Muyu hurried arrived at the Tang Xiaoxi front to the body, the left hand has raised, under the dragon bloody battle shield + bottle gourd wall + the real dragon arm tertiary defensive system, let bear the impact of king hou directly directly, this king hou certainly was insane, launched the so tyrannical attack, burnt red surrounding stone wall, many stone wall had even been torn into shreds, deep layer the entire tomb chamber also creakied, perhaps soon caved. 林沐雨急忙一个冲身来到了唐小汐前方,左手扬起,龙血战盾+葫芦壁+真龙臂三重防御体系,直接让正面承受下帝王犼的冲击,这头帝王犼一定是疯了,发动如此强横的进攻,将周围的石壁烧得通红,不少石壁甚至已经被撕碎了,整个墓室深层也摇摇欲坠起来,恐怕就快要塌陷了。 Awfully, solves it as soon as possible.” “要命,尽快解决掉它。” Lin Muyu jumps, the right hand grasps the sword, on the big treasured sword is lingering the ray of Sacred Mountains of China day falling, dropping from the clouds strikes! 林沐雨纵身而起,右手握剑,大宝剑上萦绕着五岳天降的光芒,从天而降的一击! King hou as if also realized the vigor that this strikes, the raising head fast, flame condense, formed one to be similar to the flame barrier defense of bottle gourd wall unexpectedly! 帝王犼似乎也意识到这一击的雄浑,飞快的昂起头颅,一道道火焰凝聚起来,竟然形成了一道类似于葫芦壁的火焰壁垒防御! Bang!” “嘭!” A sword falls, chops flame to spatter in all directions, but king hou cannot think by far the human merit law the mystery, the golden ray separated to fall from the big treasured sword together directly! 一剑落下,砍得火焰迸溅,但帝王犼远远想不到人类功法的玄妙,一道金色光芒直接从大宝剑上分离开来落了下去! Tittered......” “噗嗤……” The blood splash, in Lin Muyu's this type surface is the Sacred Mountains of China day falls, but actually concealed a move of dispersion of light to cut, this sword has soon broken out king hou the skull, this has not calculated that the left hand raised, two handle small Devil Sound Blade „” flew, the stealth attack pricked in king hou eyes directly, gave to make into the blind person it directly! 鲜血飞溅,林沐雨的这一式表面上是五岳天降,但却暗藏了一招分光斩,这一剑已经快要劈开帝王犼的头骨了,这还不算,左手一扬,两柄小魔音刀“咻咻”的飞了出去,隐形攻击直接刺入了帝王犼的双眸之中,直接把它给弄成了瞎子! Cloudy move unceasingly, moreover king hou has eaten up these cloudy moves completely! 阴招不断,而且帝王犼是全部吃下了这些阴招! At this time, bottom of one's heart no doubt 1 million of king hou damn launch the war to trample to dash about wildly, but can be what kind, puts down its strength itself to meet head-on two Saint King level expert somewhat reluctantly, let alone these two people are also the different numbers, one is the monster of double Martial Spirit fusion, another beautiful young girl directly is the monster, the nine monster fox in legend, existence of important person short remaining life. 此时,帝王犼的心底固然有1000000头草泥马发动战争践踏狂奔而过,但又能怎么样呢,平它的实力本身迎战两个圣王强者就有些勉强,何况这两个人还都是异数,一个是双武魂融合的怪物,另一个美丽少女直接就是怪物,传说中的九尾妖狐,要人老命的存在。 Finally, several rounds fire god seal rumble one after another, repels king hou. 结果,几轮火神印相继轰出,将帝王犼击退。 Lin Muyu horizontal long sword, was welcoming the flame impact of king hou, rudely has been sweeping away to its nape of the neck, „” cut the broken scale, directly the throat of king hou shutting off, the blood plasma has spattered in all directions, Spirit beast of this king level drew back several steps continually, whinning but actually, has produced Beast Spirit, some whinning sound hidden bitterness, as if in saying definitely in expert of this abnormal rank, this whole life was also the value. 林沐雨横起长剑,迎着帝王犼的火焰冲击,势大力沉的对着它的脖颈就横扫了出去,“咔嚓”一声斩碎鳞片,直接将帝王犼的喉咙给切断了,血浆迸溅而出,这头帝王级的灵兽连退数步,一声哀嚎的倒了下去,产生野兽之灵,哀嚎声有些幽怨,仿佛在说死在这种变态级别的强者手里,这辈子也算是值了。 ...... …… Handles, is really trash!” “搞定,真是一头渣渣!” On the Lin Muyu's face full is calm, this type came from the formidable self-confidence calmly, but this time appearance in the Tang Xiaoxi eye actually likely is the world here general, Tang Xiaoxi static standing there, loves at present this simply was not only not concerned about face, moreover and formidable incomparable fellow. 林沐雨的脸上满是从容,这种从容来自于强大的自信,而他此时的样子在唐小汐的眼里却像是全世界都在这里一般,唐小汐静静的站在那里,简直爱死了眼前这个既不要脸而且又强大无比的家伙了。 Jumped to jump onto above the king hou body, cut open the skull, took out spirit stone to admit in Cosmos Bag, was a big harvest, 15500 years of flame was spirit stone is very valuable, after all the practice flame was the person of principle is not infrequent, and such spirit stone was used for Saint Realm breakthrough to be enough to Tang Xiaoxi. 纵身跃上了帝王犼的身躯之上,切开脑颅,取出了灵石放进乾坤袋里,又是一次大收获,15500年火焰系灵石还是挺值钱的,毕竟修炼火焰系法则的人不在少数,并且这样的灵石唐小汐用来圣域突破都已经足够了。 As for Beast Spirit, was a pity very much that Lin Muyu and Tang Xiaoxi do not need, only if when soon breakthrough will meet refining Beast Spirit, otherwise, Martial Spirit did not have the opportunity to absorb new ability, then to the follower simply was an extremely tragic treatment. 至于野兽之灵,还是很可惜,林沐雨和唐小汐都不需要,除非在即将突破的时候才会炼化野兽之灵,否则的话,武魂就没有机会吸纳新的能力了,那对修炼者来说简直就是一种惨绝人寰的待遇。 Fifth, cherished King Qinbing to bury to place truly at present, so long as shoved open that say|way stone door to go to five, but Lin Muyu somewhat was disturbed, after all this was equal to that was digging the ancestral grave of Qin, what the Qin Yin not strange own words does not have but actually, but if the real Qin Bing sudden rising, oneself did kill does not kill? Dark, he felt that Qin Jin in the space looks, this is not quite as if good. 第五层,怀王秦炳真正的葬身处就在眼前了,只要推开那道石门就能去往五层,但林沐雨心里却有些忐忑起来,毕竟这趟来等于是在挖秦家的祖坟,秦茵不怪自己的话倒也没什么,但如果真的秦炳尸变了,自己杀还是不杀呢?冥冥中,他都感觉秦靳在天上看着呢,这样似乎不太好。 Ancient book that for higher engraves, can only be thick the facial skin. 但是为了高等刻印的典籍,只能厚着脸皮去了。 Rustle......” “沙沙……” Promotes stone door slowly, the instance of stone door opening, wind of stench has blown extremely, in 4000, but also is so smelly, didn't have rotten ending? Lin Muyu at heart beats a drum, always felt that definitely does not have any good deed. 缓缓推动石门,石门开启的瞬间,一股极其腥臭的风吹了过来,4000年了,还那么臭,难道还没有烂完?林沐雨不禁心里直打鼓,总感觉肯定没什么好事。 ...... …… Tang Xiaoxi is frightens small cheek to be pallid, tight following in forest Mu Yu behind, at heart unceasing was talking over: Cherishes the prince, Xiaoxi intentionally do not affront...... Actually Mu Mu asked me to rob a grave from the beginning together I am the rejection, you had any unhappy time do not look for Xiaoxi and Mu Mu, looks to keep three Bai Yinhao, the fellow looked shifty-eyed is not a good person.” 唐小汐更是吓得小脸蛋煞白,紧紧的跟在林沐雨身后,心里不断的念叨着:“怀王爷,小汐不是故意要冒犯的……其实沐沐一开始叫我一起来盗墓我是拒绝的,您有什么不开心的时候不要找小汐沐沐,去找留在三层的白隐好了,那家伙贼眉鼠眼一看就不是好人。” At this time, Lin Muyu, if knows that Tang Xiaoxi thinks, definitely will smile. 此时,林沐雨要是知道唐小汐这么想,肯定会笑死。 ...... …… Three, woods cold breeze slowly to sweep past, making person bottom of one's heart have the feeling of being afraid. 三层,森寒的微风缓缓掠过,让人心底有种不寒而栗的感觉。 Bai Yinbao the both legs is sitting in the stone wall corner, distant ghost tooth fish that looks at the distant place jubilant caper, the complexion is pale, here is everywhere gloomy, although has massacred the ghost bee, but god knows also had more ghost bees, moreover can two that dry corpses resurrect, thought of here, Bai Yin frightened the tears to be about to fall, Commander and Princess Xi were not good, kept itself such a frightening lonely place. 白隐抱着双腿坐在石壁的角落里,远远的看着远方欢腾跳跃的鬼齿鱼,脸色铁青,这里到处都是阴森森的,虽然已经杀掉了鬼蜂,但天知道还有没有更多的鬼蜂了,而且二层的那个干尸会不会复活啊,一想到这里,白隐吓得眼泪都快掉下来了,统领汐郡主太无良了,就把自己留在这么一个恐怖孤独的地方。 He alone holds the knees to sit there is shivering, is one puts in great inconvenience the booklet ear cat of fear likely. 他独自抱着双膝坐在那里颤抖着,像是一只委屈而害怕的折耳猫。 !! !!
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