AG :: Volume #5

#482: The diamond protect the body marvelous ability

Puts out a hand to stroke, the insect that the half coffin covers all flew, but stone door of coffin bottom also automatically opened, pitch-dark one piece, leads to the bosom mausoleum three channels. 伸手一拂,半截棺盖上的虫子悉数飞了出去,而棺底的石门也自动开启了,黑洞洞的一片,是通往怀王陵三层的通道。 And other.” “等一下。” Tang Xiaoxi has held on Lin Muyu suddenly, afterward the palm raises, the flame strength sweeps in the coffin bottom moss and dust, immediately plain books appear there. 唐小汐忽然拉住了林沐雨,随后掌心一扬,炎力在棺材底部的青苔、灰尘中一扫而过,顿时一本古朴的书籍出现在那里。 Lin Muyu picked up hurriedly, using oneself pitiful Fragmented Cauldron writing general knowledge to identify, said: „Does diamond protect the body?” 林沐雨急忙拾起,用自己可怜的碎鼎界文字常识辨认了一下,道:“金刚护体?” Yes!” “是啊!” Tang Xiaoxi said joyfully: Is the giving up study diamond who nine big Divine Emperor profound border Buddha spread protects the body, good, has looked like probably is the appearance of unabridged book, really good......” 唐小汐满心欢喜的说:“是九大神帝玄际佛流传下来的绝学金刚护体,太好了,看起来好像是全本的样子,真好……” „Is unabridged book, what meaning?” Lin Muyu is puzzled. “全本,是什么意思?”林沐雨一脸不解。 Tang Xiaoxi said on and on: On continent spreads several thousand years of diamond to protect the body majority is the incomplete book, the diamond protects body altogether Heaven, the single layer defends the single layer strongly, the diamond but who on continent these book collection collect protects the body mostly only then 1-3 heavy days, moreover sells dies expensively dies expensively, did Mu Mu, how many heavy days have a look at this diamond to protect the body altogether to record quickly?” 唐小汐娓娓道:“大陆上流传数万年的金刚护体大部分都是残本,金刚护体一共九重天,一重防御强过一重,但大陆上那些藏书者所收藏的金刚护体大多只有1-3重天,而且卖得死贵死贵,沐沐,快看看这本金刚护体一共记载了多少重天?” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu opens the books, the paper unexpectedly millenniums of discovery this book are immortal, should be . Moreover the above handwriting that the special material quality makes is very clear, has turned finally, impressively obviously the handwriting of Heaven, said with a smile: Really was developed, altogether Heaven, was the unabridged book!” 林沐雨翻开书籍,却发现这本书的纸张居然千年不朽,应该是特殊材质所制成的,而且上面的字迹十分清晰,一直翻到最后,赫然可见第九重天的字迹,不禁笑道:“果然是发达了,一共九重天,是全本!” Tang Xiaoxi is jubilant, delighted saying with a smile: Mu Mu, protects the body we white not to come to this diamond...... But was a pity very much that the diamond protects the practice request of body is the body of male, the daughter body cannot withstand that enormous and powerful profound strength, therefore, this diamond protects the body you to keep the practice, do not look down on it, on continent for several thousand years are spreading, the diamond protects the body is one of the in world strongest defense Martial arts, perhaps, is first!” 唐小汐兴高采烈,眉飞色舞的笑道:“沐沐,就冲着这本金刚护体我们就没有白来啦……只不过很可惜,金刚护体的修炼要求是男性之躯,女儿身承受不了那么浩荡的玄力,所以,这本金刚护体你留着修炼吧,别小瞧了它,大陆上数万年来都流传着,金刚护体是世间最强的防御武学之一,或许,就是第一吧!” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, although oneself were known as that the defensive power is very strong, but depends upon Martial Spirit and defense of Martial Spirit ability eventually, true defense Martial arts has Verdant Shell this type third-class...... It is not disrespects to Qu Chu, the Verdant Shell defensive power is truly limited, now obtains this diamond to protect the body is gives opportune help simply! 林沐雨点点头,自己虽然号称防御力很强,但终究只是依靠武魂武魂能力的防御,真正的防御武学却只有青岩铠这种三流……咳咳,不是对屈楚不敬,青岩铠的防御力确实非常有限,现在得到这本金刚护体简直就是雪中送炭啊! A nearby Bai Yin face resentful appearance. 一旁的白隐一脸悻悻的样子。 Lin Muyu watches, said with a smile: Bai Yin, does not need to be sad, after returning to the temple, I will make the person transcribe that this diamond protects the body, Feng Ji Xing, Qin Yan and Wei Chou as well as you, every book, several of us advance the practice, then teaches to the person of enough trust personally, I am not the person of that type of a poor thing but mine own, relax.” 林沐雨看在眼里,不禁笑道:“白隐,不必难过,回到圣殿之后我会让人抄录这本金刚护体,风继行秦岩卫仇以及你,人手一本,我们几个先行修炼,然后亲自传授给足够信任的人,我不是那种敝帚自珍的人,放心吧。” Bai Yin has a big shock: Sir Commander...... Are you willing to share this diamond to protect the body really?” 白隐大惊失色:“统领大人……您真的愿意分享这本金刚护体?” Why not?” Lin Muyu smiled: You have stiffened, empire is the strengthen.” “为什么不呢?”林沐雨笑了:“你们都变强了,帝国才算变强。” Respect on Bai Yin the face is thicker, cup one fist in the other hand said: Sir, on continent always the quite fierce followers are Martial arts do not pass on the bystander, accepts the disciple is also many requests, will not teach the unabridged book Martial arts, but the Sir obtains this type unrivalled absolute technique to be willing to take the share unexpectedly...... Bai Yin admires!” 白隐脸上的敬意更浓,抱拳道:“大人,大陆上历来比较厉害的修炼者都是武学不传外人的,收徒也是诸多要求,更不会传授全本的武学,而大人得到这种旷世绝学居然愿意拿出来分享……白隐佩服!” Little has flattered, walks, goes to three.” “少拍马屁了,走,去三层。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… After stepping into three, in tomb chamber aisle as before a gloomy piece, and on stone wall also grew many souls to be colored, Lin Muyu naturally cannot let off this type the good opportunity of as Alchemist of Alchemy God rank collecting 10 levels of herbal medicines, every grain to the granary did not let off, admitted in Cosmos Bag completely. 踏入三层之后,墓室走道里依旧阴森森的一片,并且石壁上也长出了不少魂花,林沐雨作为一个药神级别的炼药师自然不会放过这种采集10级草药的好机会,颗粒归仓的一朵都不放过,一株株的全部放进乾坤袋里。 Tang Xiaoxi somewhat is astonished however, asks with a smile: Although said that the soul flower is very precious, but here gloomy frightening, thanks to you have not let off, on the other hand, collects that many soul flowers, makes anything.” 唐小汐有些讶然,笑着问道:“虽然说魂花很珍贵,但这里阴森恐怖,也亏你还一朵都没放过,话说回来,采集那么多的魂花,做什么。” Xiaoxi do you still remember these stone scale patients in bosom mausoleum surrounding?” 小汐你还记得怀王陵外围的那些石鳞病人吗?” Remembers.” “记得啊。” They from that day of being sick, body unceasing was substituted by the stone scale, the motion also becomes slow, can only like be the animal survival, changes into the stone until some day the whole body, that day how fresh might as well die, I think that Stone Linbing is an illness, is a toxin, if I can refine 10 levels of disintoxicating god water, should be able to help them reply the human form.” “他们从患病的那一天起,身体会不断的被石头鳞片所取代,行动也变得缓慢起来,只能像是动物一样的生存,直到有一天全身都化为石头,那种日子多么生不如死啊,我想,石鳞病是一种病症,也是一种毒素,如果我能炼制出10级的解毒神水,应该是可以帮他们回复人形的。” Real?” “真的吗?” Should, I try.” “应该可以,我会试试的。” Oh.” Tang Xiaoxi is a good girl, immediately has given Lin Muyu a hug, said with a smile: My family Mu Mu was best......” “嗯嗯。”唐小汐是个善良的女孩,当即给了林沐雨一个拥抱,笑着说道:“我家沐沐最好了……” White hidden touches the nose, felt that at present these two have put on the love show, did not care about the feeling of oneself this unmarried dog completely, was simply inhuman! 白隐摸了摸鼻子,感觉眼前这两人已经把恩爱秀穿,完全不在乎自己这条单身狗的感受了,简直就是毫无人性啊! ...... …… Although in three aisles gloomy lonely, but Lin Muyu's Spiritual Pulse Technique actually as before can induce to very evil aura is lingering in the surroundings, the distance is too near, Spiritual Pulse Technique is unable to distinguish the concrete position. 三层的走道里虽然阴森冷清,但林沐雨的灵脉术却依旧能感应到一股股十分邪恶的气息就在周围萦绕着,距离太近,灵脉术无法判别具体方位了。 Shortly after proceeds again, unexpectedly has heard murmur the underwater sound. 再往前不久,居然传来了潺潺的水声。 Deep layer underground will have water unexpectedly.” Bai Yin knitting the brows head. “深层地下居然会有水。”白隐皱了皱眉头。 Lin Muyu rise looks that stone wall is surfacing the boat a stone carving of leader gluttony, this antiquity unusual animals look was fierce, virulent looks at direction of path leading to a tomb, seemed is guarding the stone grave to be ordinary, but they eventually were only the stone carvings, was used for the ha-ha person, but did not have any material meaning. 林沐雨抬头看去,石壁之上浮着一头头饕餮的石雕,这种上古异兽神色狰狞,充满敌意的看着墓道的方向,仿佛是在镇守着石墓一般,只不过它们终究只是石雕,用来吓吓人还是可以的,但没有任何实质意义。 Has transferred together stone wall, the front presented underground lake water, incessant is flowing. 转过一道石壁,前方出现了一条地下湖水,滔滔不绝的流淌着。 Did not have the road.” Lin Muyu tranquil say|way. “没路了。”林沐雨平静道。 Bai Yin is gripping tightly steel sword, said: Possibly is the tomb pit is destroyed, therefore the ground-water flow has come, finally leading to the fourth channel submerging, what to do?” 白隐紧握着钢剑,道:“可能是墓穴被破坏,所以地下水流进来了,结果就把通往第四层的通道给淹没掉了,怎么办?” Tang Xiaoxi is vacant: How I know what to do.” 唐小汐茫然:“我怎么知道怎么办。” Bai Yindao: That can only You Jin fourth, if we are not willing to give up.” 白隐道:“那就只能游进第四层了,如果我们不愿意放弃的话。” Cannot give up.” Lin Muyu grips tightly the armored hand, said: I print the engraving god book that Master Qinbing left behind to the god, how can obtain a diamond to protect the body to satisfy......” “绝不能放弃。”林沐雨紧握铁拳,道:“我可是冲着神印师秦炳留下的刻印神书来的,怎么能得到一本金刚护体就满足了……” Tang Xiaoxi throws smiles: We continued to dive in the past.” 唐小汐扑哧一笑:“那我们继续潜水过去吧。” „It is not good.” “不行。” Lin Muyu beckons with the hand, narrows the eye to look at the lake bottom, said: Here lake water with surface is different, moreover in the lake water also has the thing to wait for us.” 林沐雨一摆手,眯着眼睛看着湖底,说:“这里的湖水跟地表上的可不一样了,而且湖水里还有东西在等着我们。” What thing is?” The white hidden can"t help it, whole body trembles. “是什么东西?”白隐禁不住的浑身一颤。 Does not know that strength aura is not considered as in any case too weak, can probe.” “不知道,反正力量气息不算是太弱,可以试探一下。” Un.” “嗯。” Tang Xiaoxi is worried saying: That Mu Mu you are careful!” 唐小汐则担心道:“那沐沐你要小心啊!” Relax, I have the body of diamond not going bad.” “放心吧,我有金刚不坏之躯。” Bah, you have not practiced the diamond to protect the body to start to boast!” “呸,你还没有修炼金刚护体就开始吹牛!” „......” “……” Lin Muyu is holding long sword, the step by step going down lake water, when lake water moist pants, immediately distant place formidable aura have welled up, on the water surface also carried over the rapid pulsations ripples, under these thing one has not been the good thing! Hurried spin body retrocedes, simultaneously fights the armor and dragon bloody battle shield complete Kai! 林沐雨扶着长剑,一步步的走下湖水,当湖水湿润了裤子的时候,顿时远方一股股强大的气息涌了过来,水面上也被带出了一道道飞速脉动的涟漪,果然,这些水底的东西没一个是好东西!急忙一旋身后退,同时斗铠、龙血战盾齐开! ......” “噗……” In the darkness, about 30 centimeters black ominous fish runs out of the water surface, opened the advantage tooth to nip to Lin Muyu the airborne index finger, but bang, the tooth of this fish was collapsed, but Lin Muyu also faint feeling the light ache, this fish big strength, the tooth also was quite the! 黑暗中,一条大约30公分长的黑色凶鱼冲出水面,张开利齿咬向了林沐雨空中的食指,但“嘭”的一声,这鱼儿的牙齿就被崩坏了,但林沐雨竟然也隐隐的感觉到淡淡的疼痛,这种鱼好大的力量,牙齿也好锋利啊! „......” “咔嚓……” Stars sword to sweep past, divides into two this fish, but its body actually as before flings about on the ground, appearance that for a short time refuses stubbornly. 星辰剑掠过,将这条鱼一分为二,但它的身躯却依旧在地上跳来跳去,一时半刻死不去的样子。 Tang Xiaoxi stares dumbfounded: Good fearful fish......” 唐小汐瞠目结舌:“好可怕的鱼……” Ghost tooth fish!” White hidden vision swift and fierce saying: „The overlord in fish, it is said one flock of ghost tooth fish can gnaw light Black Turtle instantaneously, Black Turtle......” “鬼齿鱼!”白隐目光凌厉的说道:“鱼类之中的霸主,据说一群鬼齿鱼能够在瞬间啃光一头玄龟,玄龟啊……” He looked at ground that to be hewn two sections of ghost tooth fish, on the discovery fish head two gold/metal pigment figure lines, the can"t help it, whole body trembled impressively: Unexpectedly was 2000 Spirit beast, fearful......” 他看了看地上那条被砍成两截的鬼齿鱼,赫然发现鱼头上两条金色纹线,禁不住的浑身一颤:“居然还是2000年的灵兽,可怕……” At this time, ghost tooth fish jumped out the water surface one after another, directly soared Lin Muyu to come, to strike an attitude to gnaw on him each inch body. 这时,一条条的鬼齿鱼接连跳出了水面,直奔林沐雨而来,作势要啃掉他身上的每一寸皮肉。 ...... …… Airborne one flock of flying fish! 空中一群飞鱼! Lin Muyu was suddenly excited, good opportunity, his hurried say|way: Xiaoxi and Bai Yin, you retrocede, making me deal with, was the time performs true Sword Technique!” 林沐雨忽然兴奋了起来,多好的机会啊,他急忙道:“小汐、白隐,你们后退,让我来应付,是时候表演一下真正的剑术了!” The stars sword ray is radiant, the next moment, Lin Muyu entered one enchantedly sword condition, a spin body is dozens swords wields, in the mouth roars to curse, the sword is only swift and fierce chops randomly, immediately at present was colored on only the remaining person's shadows and swords, meanwhile the corpse of ghost tooth fish fragmentarily fell to the ground, looked like strengthens fruit enduring of version to be ordinary simply! 星辰剑光芒璀璨,下一刻,林沐雨进入了一个疯魔的出剑状态,一旋身便是数十剑挥出,口中怒吼咒骂着,剑光凌厉乱砍,顿时眼前就只剩下人影和剑花了,同时还有一条条鬼齿鱼的尸体零碎落地,简直就像是一个加强版的水果忍者一般啊! Tang Xiaoxi started three views to subvert, is holding the forehead: Mu Mu this two goods......” 唐小汐已经开始三观颠覆了,扶着额头:“沐沐这个二货……” A shock of white hidden face, first time saw that Lin Muyu attacks to kill with this type of quick sword, this lethality and magnificent degree are really not lids, simply is the world one certainly! 白隐则一脸的震惊,第一次看到林沐雨用这种快剑攻杀,这杀伤力和华丽程度真不是盖的,简直就是天下一绝啊! ...... …… Several, no longer have ghost tooth fish has not flushed to do, but in the lake water the ocean waves ripple as before, many ghost tooth fish are ready. 未几,不再有鬼齿鱼冲上来作死了,但湖水中依旧碧波荡漾,还有不少鬼齿鱼在蓄势待发。 Lin Muyu the arm inspires, immediately sword blade shakes, shakes the powder the blood of ghost tooth fish all, lifts the hand also sword to turn over to the sheath, charming incomparable. 林沐雨手臂一振,顿时剑刃震荡,将鬼齿鱼的血尽数震散,抬手还剑归鞘,帅气无比。 That, now what to do? We cannot pass......” Tang Xiaoxi to say. “那么,现在怎么办?我们还是过不去啊……”唐小汐道。 Bai Yinmi the eye, was saying: Was inferior...... Adopts the fire attack, fights the flame certainly to evaporate this lake water by the Commander King, when the time comes the ghost tooth fish turned into the non-swimmer, naturally did not have what threat.” 白隐眯着眼睛,说:“不如……采取火攻吧,以统领的王者斗焰一定能蒸发掉这一池的湖水,到时候鬼齿鱼就变成了旱鸭子了,也自然没有什么威胁了。” Ok?” Tang Xiaoxi does not know that this means are reasonable. “可以吗?”唐小汐也不知道这个办法靠谱不靠谱。 Lin Muyu actually shakes the head: „It is not good.” 林沐雨却摇摇头:“不行。” Why?” White hidden somewhat puzzled. “为什么?”白隐有些不解。 Lin Muyu explained: Tomb chamber deep place originally secluded from the world, is not good with the ventilation effect of surface, the oxygen is much lower than the standard in surface, if we ignition baking lake water, first did not say that which here the steam goes, the light is the carbon dioxide that produces can also kill by poison us, therefore do not attempt.” 林沐雨解释道:“墓室深处原本就与世隔绝,与地表的通气效果也不好,氧气远远低于地表上的水准,我们要是在这里点火烧干湖水,先不说水蒸气去哪儿,光是产生的二氧化碳也能毒死我们,所以还是不要尝试了。” Carbon dioxide?” Bai Yin is stunned. “二氧化碳?”白隐愕然。 Lin Muyu pats his shoulder, said: Bai Yin, you studies few, does not understand that this truth, this does not blame you.” 林沐雨拍拍他的肩膀,道:“白隐,你读书少,不明白这种道理,这也不怪你。” Bai Yin accepts good advice readily, cup one fist in the other hand said: Many thanks the Commander direction, I will study well!” 白隐从善如流,抱拳道:“多谢统领指点,我会好好学习的!” Lin Muyu almost blurted out that wished his college entrance examination smooth, but has borne, said: Xiaoxi, ghost tooth fish, although is fierce, but is actually not absolute fierce, this, Bai Yin stays outside, our two start the Saint Realm pressure, separates the lake water, enters fourth, what kind of?” 林沐雨差点脱口而出祝他高考顺利了,不过还是忍住了,道:“小汐,鬼齿鱼虽然厉害,但却并不是绝对的厉害,这样吧,白隐留在外面,我们两个发动圣域威压,把湖水分开,进第四层,怎么样?” Un.” Tang Xiaoxi nods. “嗯。”唐小汐点头。 ...... …… !! !!
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