AG :: Volume #5

#481: diamond corpse

In the dark road full is humming sound the sound, in Spiritual Pulse Technique the dense and numerous formidable aura well , the flash makes forest Mu Yu feel that the scalp somewhat tingled with numbness, raises the sword to retrocede hurriedly several steps Tang Xiaoxi and Bai Yinhu in the back, said: What to do?” 黑暗的甬道内满是“嗡嗡”的声音,灵脉术里密密麻麻的强大气息涌至,一瞬间就让林沐雨感觉到头皮都有些发麻了,急忙提剑后退数步把唐小汐、白隐护在背后,道:“怎么办?” Ghost bee fears the fire!” Tang Xiaoxi said. “鬼蜂怕火!”唐小汐道。 Good!” “好!” Lin Muyu shouted, fought the flame the strength to promote instantaneously the King in peak condition, the palm advanced suddenly, immediately together the golden bottle gourd wall the entire road interrupting, the King in bottle gourd wall surrounding has fought the flame to change into the high-temperature roaring flame, when these ghost bees flew, was only „” hit on bottle gourd wall, subsequently was fought the flame to scorch the wing by the King, psst falling was calling out pitifully on the ground, after all was the millenniums ghost bees, the vitality is tenacious, the King fought the flame only to burn down the wings, is actually not able to kill them. 林沐雨一声断喝,将王者斗焰的力量瞬间提升到巅峰状态,掌心向前猛然一推,顿时一道金色葫芦壁将整个甬道给截断了,葫芦壁外围的王者斗焰悉数化为高温烈焰,当那些鬼蜂飞过来的时候,只是“啪啪啪”的撞击在葫芦壁上,继而被王者斗焰烧焦了翅膀,“吱吱”的落在地上惨叫着,毕竟是千年的鬼蜂,生命力顽强,王者斗焰只能烧掉双翼,却无法杀死它们。 Then, the bottle gourd wall just likes together belt of fire general standing in the road, but surely only ghost bee humming sound proceeds along no particular course, spatters in all directions blood red flame above, splendid sight. 就这样,葫芦壁犹如一道火网一般的立在甬道内,而千万只鬼蜂“嗡嗡”的乱撞过来,在上面迸溅出一道道血红色火苗,蔚为壮观。 Tang Xiaoxi and Bai Yin looked to stay, this was the Saint King boundary expert strength, faced the attacks of over ten thousand ghost bees to be in an impregnable position unexpectedly, if this changed into Saint Realm beforehand forest Mu Yu, perhaps already by hibernation of insects to become pig head. 唐小汐、白隐都看呆了,这就是圣王强者的实力,面对着上万只鬼蜂的攻击居然能够立于不败之地,这要是换成圣域之前的林沐雨,恐怕早就被蛰成猪头了。 ...... …… Several, in the noses full have not been the burnt odor aura, over ten thousand lost the ghost bee of leg and wing to lie down on the ground, looked like silkworm chrysalides lost the mobile capability generally, but made psst the sound as before, body also in painful creeping motion, but waited for their actually only then died. Cherishes these burned black skeletons in mausoleum underground two, should also be the masterpieces of these ghost bees, ghost bee not only hibernation of insects person, but also eats the meat, this does not calculate that also after the flesh eats to eat all one's food, fires the skeleton, stops at no evil simply. 未几,鼻间满是焦臭的气息,上万只失去了腿、翅膀的鬼蜂躺在地上,就像是一只只蚕蛹一般的失去了移动能力,但依旧发出吱吱的声音,身体也在痛苦的蠕动着,但等待它们的却只有死亡。怀王陵地下二层里的那些焦黑骸骨,应该也就是这些鬼蜂的杰作,鬼蜂不但蛰人,而且还吃肉,这都不算,将人肉吃光之后还灼烧骸骨,简直是无恶不作。 We walk.” “我们走吧。” Lin Muyu is raising the stars sword, a foot pedal in the past, fought the boots to step on immediately has broken to pieces the bodies of innumerable ghost bee, puff spatters in all directions the little juice, is very disgusting. 林沐雨提着星辰剑,一脚踏过去,顿时战靴踩碎了无数鬼蜂的身体,“噗噗噗”的迸溅出少许汁液来,十分恶心。 Bai Yin knit the brows, same followed, the sole steps on the feeling of ghost bee even more to be unexpectedly good. 白隐皱了皱眉,也一样跟了过来,脚底踩着鬼蜂的感觉居然越发的不错起来。 Tang Xiaoxi must act with constraint, recited to summon Fire Fox Martial Spirit lightly, roaring flame lingered in the sole, flew with Lin Muyu hangingly, she is not really willing to deal with these ghost bees. 唐小汐则要矜持多了,一声轻吟召唤出火狐武魂,一道道烈焰萦绕在脚底,悬空跟着林沐雨飞了过去,她实在是不愿意跟这些鬼蜂打交道。 In the aisle of tomb chamber is very gloomy, Lin Muyu lifts the stars sword, condenses the flame strength to cover around sword blade illuminates. 墓室的走道里十分阴暗,林沐雨抬起星辰剑,凝聚炎力笼罩在剑刃周围来照明。 Three people walk very slowly, saw only by the tomb chamber wall to carve completely the character and mural, approached looked that Lin Muyu was reading slowly: Mandate of Heaven your instructions, the good fortune of world was different from person to person, cherishes King Qinbing the honest love people and loyal Monarch to serve the country......” 三人走得很慢,只见墓室两侧的墙壁上刻满了字符和壁画,凑近一看,林沐雨缓缓的念着:“奉天钧旨,人间之造化因人而异,怀王秦炳廉洁爱民、忠君报国……” Do not read.” Tang Xiaoxi is pulling his arm, said: Praises the words of grave occupant, good for nothing.” “别读了。”唐小汐挽着他的手臂,说:“都是夸墓主人的话,毫无价值。” Un.” “嗯。” Bai Yin goes all out smelled the nose, said: Commander, Princess Xi, do you have to smell very strange smell,...... Let person feeling very fresh fragrance......” 白隐则拼命的嗅了嗅鼻子,道:“统领,汐郡主,你们有没有闻到一股非常怪异的气味,一股……让人感觉非常清新的香味……” Lin Muyu also carefully smelled, said: Probably has, in front.” 林沐雨也仔细闻了闻,道:“好像是有,就在前面。” Un, in the past had a look, the ancient book record bosom mausoleum constructed on underground five, we must find the entrance of third tomb chamber.” “嗯,过去看看,典籍记载怀王陵建在地下五层,我们必须找到第三层墓室的入口。” ...... …… Continues to walk forward, at this time, on tomb chamber aisle both sides stone wall the traces of some chaps, if as expected should be the cracks that in several thousand years the earthquake produces, but fortunately these earthquakes have not damaged the entire tomb chamber, otherwise Lin Muyu and the others this time definitely on Bai to come. 继续向前走,这时,墓室走道两侧的石壁上都有些龟裂的痕迹,不出意外的话应该是数千年内地震所产生的裂纹,不过值得庆幸的是这些地震并未损毁整个墓室,不然林沐雨等人这次肯定就白来了。 At this moment, tomb chamber deep place shines upon the little white ray under the brilliance of stars sword, Lin Muyu the quick line of several steps, immediately discovered on the dike grew white florets unexpectedly, a flower is divided into five flower petals, on the flower petal is also reappearing the dew, as well as holy rays, Lin Muyu can"t help it,, said wild with joy: Is soul flower!” 就在这时,墓室深处在星辰剑的光辉下映照出一点点的白色光芒,林沐雨快行几步,立刻发现岩壁上居然长出了一朵朵白色的小花,一朵花分为五枚花瓣,花瓣上还浮现着露水,以及一道道圣洁的光芒,林沐雨禁不住狂喜不已,道:“是魂花!” „Is soul colored?” Tang Xiaoxi asked astonished: Good familiar-sounding name......” “魂花?”唐小汐惊愕问道:“好耳熟的名字……” Nature was familiar-sounding!” Lin Muyu is joyful: Soul flower is 10 levels of herbal medicines, has the record on various Medicinal Law . Moreover the soul flower is also in the world the holiest product...... It is said the dispensing can Xie Baidu, my God...... In the world the holiest flower grows unexpectedly in this contamination place, was too simply inconceivable.” “自然耳熟了!”林沐雨欣喜道:“魂花是10级草药,在各种药典上都是有记载的,而且魂花也是天地间最圣洁的产物……据说配药能够解百毒,我的天……世上最圣洁的花居然生长在这种污秽的地方,简直太不可思议了。” Bai Yindao: Possibly soul flower gives birth here, but to blow the corpse air/Qi of this tomb chamber deep place!” 白隐道:“可能魂花在这里生出,只是为了镇住这墓室深处的尸气吧!” Corpse air/Qi?” Lin Muyu somewhat is absolutely terrified, said: Bai Yin, your this son-of-a-bitch do not frighten me, what corpse air/Qi non- corpse air/Qi, will here have the corpse to be inadequate?” “尸气?”林沐雨不禁有些毛骨悚然起来,道:“白隐,你这浑蛋不要吓我,什么尸气不尸气的,难道这里还会有僵尸不成?” White hidden appearance is fierce smiles: „...... Hasn't Commander in Fragmented Cauldron practice that many years, seen really does not have the person of soul?” 白隐“面目狰狞”的一笑:“难道说……统领碎鼎界修炼那么多年,真的没有见过无魂之人吗?” What doesn't have the person of soul?” Lin Muyu collects the soul to be colored, while asked. “何谓无魂之人?”林沐雨一边采集魂花,一边问道。 Bai Yin explained: Is the corpse, does not have the corpse of soul, but can move, can slurp the human the essence, has the record in the old book, especially in some remote mountain uncared-for tomb pits, the gloom is too heavy, is extremely easy to let the corpse for a very long time not, subsequently slurps the gloom becomes the corpse, as for here......” 白隐解释道:“就是僵尸,没有灵魂的尸体,但是能够移动,能够吸食人类的精气,在古籍上多有记载,特别是一些深山无人照顾的墓穴里,阴气太重,极容易让尸体久久不化,继而吸食阴气而成为僵尸,至于这里……” Bai Yin knitting the brows head, said: To be honest, this tomb pit is in the shady place under puddle, the gloom is not the general heaviness, but before cherishing King Qinbing the body, was the follower, a pursue stepped into God Realm actually not to realize, the resentment certainly was not the general heaviness, the possibility of sudden rising also on very big.” 白隐皱了皱眉头,说:“说实话,这个墓穴处于水潭下的背阴处,阴气不是一般的重,而怀王秦炳身前又是修炼者,一声追求踏入神境却未能如愿,怨气一定不是一般的重,尸变的可能性也就非常之大了。” „......” “啊……” Tang Xiaoxi frightens stares, is entraining the Lin Muyu's white robe, held up the town country whip, on the whip the flame is lingering, has illuminated rear area the pitch-dark road, she was frightened. 唐小汐吓得一愣,一手拽着林沐雨的白袍,一手擎着镇国鞭,鞭子上火光萦绕,照亮了后方黑洞洞的甬道,她被吓到了。 Was good, you shut up.” Lin Muyu stared Bai Yin one eyes, said: You frightened our Princess Xi quickly lose the strength...... One will meet any thing really the words, you are keeping off.” “好了,你闭嘴。”林沐雨瞪了白隐一眼,说:“你快把我们的汐郡主吓得失去战力了……一会真的遇到什么东西的话,你一个人来挡着。” Bai Yin cracks into a smile: Subordinate knows wrong, did not say that did not say......” 白隐咧嘴一笑:“属下知错,不说啦,不说啦……” ...... …… Soon, Lin Muyu collected to integrate in Cosmos Bag the soul flower on this road completely, but when three people arrive at the aisle end, was shocked, on end stone wall set upright a sarcophagus unexpectedly, on the sarcophagus has been being covered with the moss, black insects crawled above, looked that was popular is scared. 不久之后,林沐雨已经将这一段路上的魂花全部采集纳入乾坤袋之中了,但当三人来到走道尽头的时候,又愣住了,尽头的石壁上居然竖着一口石棺,石棺上长满了青苔,还有一条条黑色的虫子在上面爬来爬去,看得人心里直发毛。 Damn......” “见了鬼了……” Bai Yin clenches teeth, said: Sarcophagus town gate, it seems like that this bosom mausoleum deep place really has the fishy, and......” 白隐咬咬牙,道:“石棺镇门,看来这怀王陵深处确实有蹊跷,而且……” He approached to look, said: „The writing of sarcophagus is counter-, this explained that the sarcophagus is puts upside down, the world reversal and universe spin but actually, can the person of useful this curse...... Definitely is not the good person, in this sarcophagus has the person, was one to cherish the person in King Qinbing town grave, and was an evil person, otherwise Qin Bing will not make him bury.” 他凑近看了看,道:“石棺的文字是反着的,这说明石棺是倒放的,天地逆转、乾坤倒旋,能用得上这种诅咒的人……肯定不是什么好人,这石棺里有人,是一个为怀王秦炳镇墓的人,并且还是一个恶人,不然秦炳不会让他殉葬。” Lin Muyu is narrowing the eye, said: You meant...... Was the person in sarcophagus having possibility is the sudden rising?” 林沐雨眯着眼睛,说:“你的意思是说……着石棺里的人有可能已经是尸变了?” Does not have the possibility......” “不是有可能……” Bai Yin puts out a hand to scratch in the sarcophagus situation gently, immediately in the fingers full is the black bloody water, his can"t help it, knits the brows: Was already the sudden rising, big gloom...... Sir Commander, must execute this corpse, otherwise we are unable to go to third.” 白隐伸手在石棺地步轻轻一擦,顿时手指间满是黑色的血水,他禁不住皱眉道:“是已经尸变了,好大的阴气……统领大人,必须格杀掉这个僵尸,否则我们无法去往第三层。” Kills?” “怎么杀?” Opens the coffin lid, clutched to reduce him then.” “打开棺盖,把他揪出来砍掉便是了。” If he does hit back?” “万一他还手呢?” He will certainly hit back......” “他一定会还手……” Makes way!” “让开!” Yes!” “是!” Bai Yin, Tang Xiaoxi drew back several steps continually, Lin Muyu have actually raised the stars sword, under shouted at two Martial Spirit broken bodies, the decomposition fused into the Seven Luminaries immortal sword rapidly, and under Lin Muyu's strength control, Seven Luminaries immortal sword ultra first-grade Martial Spirit concentration for only then three meters light nature sword blade in addition held on the stars sword, distant raising sword blade, the asterism peeped the energy to seep above sword blade, Lin Muyu drank one lowly: Wins by striking only after the enemy has struck to might as well send in people first, a sword hews both sides, manages his anything corpse non- corpse!” 白隐、唐小汐连退数步,林沐雨却擎起了星辰剑,一声断喝之下两种武魂破体而出,急速分解融合成为七曜仙剑,并且在林沐雨的力量掌控下,七曜仙剑这个超一等武魂浓缩为只有三米长的光质剑刃加持在星辰剑上,遥遥的扬起剑刃,星芒初现能量沁入剑刃之上,林沐雨低喝一声:“后发制人不如先发于人,一剑砍成两端,管他什么僵尸不僵尸的!” Bang!” “嘭!” A sword the sarcophagus has been dividing horizontally, sarcophagus disintegration instance, inside Sword Qi to sweep past thing, but in sarcophagus person unexpectedly the whole body covers during a golden astral air/Qi, blocked Lin Muyu's this to strike stiffly! 一剑横着石棺就劈了过去,石棺崩碎的瞬间,剑气掠过内里的东西,但石棺里的“人”居然周身笼罩在一层金色罡气之中,硬生生的挡住了林沐雨的这一击! Roar......” “吼……” Just likes the wild animal low roar is ordinary, the thing in sarcophagus leaps, the four limbs bend down on the ground, radically likely is not the corpse in movie, is actually more like a wild animal, eyes is scarlet, ancient general who the body puts on fought the armor to be decayed, only the remaining piece by piece armor pieces hung on the body, nondescript appearance, moreover on this person has been covered with the green wool, likely was mildewy general, within the body seeped a tyrannical strength, was not unexpectedly inferior in the imposing manner in forest Mu Yu! 犹如野兽般的低吼一般,石棺里的东西一跃而出,四肢伏在地上,根本就不像是电影里的僵尸,却更像是一头野兽,双眸猩红,身上穿着的古代将军战铠已经朽烂了,只剩下一片片甲片挂在身上,不伦不类的样子,而且这个人身上长满了绿色的毛,像是发霉一般,体内沁出一股强横力量,竟然在气势上丝毫不逊色于林沐雨! Roar......” “吼……” He is a low roar, jumped to leap fires into Lin Muyu the left arm to raise, bringing the blood red trace direct bang to approach the Lin Muyu's shoulder together! 他又是一声低吼,纵身一跃冲向了林沐雨左臂扬起,带着一道血红的痕迹直接轰向了林沐雨的肩膀! Works as!” “当!” The stars sword standard of destroying the hardest defenses keeps off, the arm of this monster had not cut off unexpectedly, but above spatters in all directions some green blood, but golden astral of body week air/Qi richly even more. 无坚不摧的星辰剑格挡下,这怪物的手臂居然没有被斩断,只是上面迸溅出一些绿色的血液,但同时身周的金色罡气越发的浓郁。 Bai Yinti the sword strikes from one side, but has not divided the monster the corpse, he poured also intelligently, certainly the trace step dodges to pass to hide to be very far, complexion woods cold say|way: My biological mother, is the diamond corpse, this person cultivated the diamond who excessively profound border Buddha spread to protect the body marvelous ability!” 白隐提剑从侧面就是一击,但并未劈进怪物的尸体,他倒也聪明,绝踪步一闪而逝躲出了很远,脸色森寒道:“我的亲娘,是金刚尸,这人生前修炼过玄际佛流传下来的金刚护体神功!” That many names that which comes......” “哪儿来的那么多名目……” Lin Muyu the left arm raises slightly backward, Seven Luminaries Mystic Power surges, sneers saying: I manage his anything diamond to protect the body non- diamond to protect the body, must rumble to rot in any case!” 林沐雨左臂微微向后一扬,七曜玄力涌动,冷笑道:“我管他什么金刚护体不金刚护体,反正都是要轰烂掉的!” Fifth Luminary, Extinguishing the Eight Desolations! 五曜八荒灭 Bang!” “嘭!” The enormous and powerful profound strength direct bang in the chest of diamond corpse, golden astral has been mad immediately damaged an corner/horn, this corpse miserable howling draws back several steps continually, like lightning plunders to once more, both arms simultaneously spreads out, grasped the Lin Muyu's left arm directly, opened the big mouth to nip! 浩荡的玄力直接轰在了金刚尸的胸口,顿时金色罡气破损了一角,这僵尸惨嚎一声连退数步,闪电般的再次掠至,双臂齐齐摊开,直接抱住了林沐雨的左臂,张开血盆大口就咬了下去! Lin Muyu laughs: „To eat me? Collapses your tooth!” 林沐雨不禁大笑:“想吃我?崩掉你的牙!” The dragon bloody battle shield of Seven Luminaries immortal hu with Dragon Bi astral air/Qi simultaneously really gathers, making the rigidity of this arm the time one certainly! 七曜仙葫的龙血战盾与真龙臂的罡气齐齐的聚集在一起,让这条手臂的刚度成为时间一绝! „......” “啪嚓……” diamond corpse has nipped, as expected, two buckteeth collapsed to fly. 金刚尸一口咬了下去,不出所料,两颗獠牙崩飞了起来。 Lin Muyu feels behind the swift and fierce flame aura to gather, moved sideways to hide Tang Xiaoxi, but the Tang Xiaoxi double palm brandished, she incarnation is nine, nine flame tails after behind slowly dragged, struck the star to offer a sacrifice to seal to fall above the body of diamond corpse suddenly. 林沐雨感受到身后凌厉的火焰气息正在聚集,一闪身就躲到了唐小汐的身后,而唐小汐双掌抡起,她已经化身为九尾,九条焰尾在身后缓缓摇曳,猛然一击星祭印落在金刚尸的身躯之上。 Bang!” “嘭!” This time, the diamond corpse body surrounding diamond protected the body skill already to be rumbled to break to pieces, the person's shadow flashed through together, Bai Yin steel sword has delimited straightly, immediately the head of diamond corpse flew, such straight pouring on the ground. 这次,金刚尸身体周围的金刚护体功力已然尽数被轰碎了,一道人影闪过,白隐的钢剑笔直划过,顿时金刚尸的人头飞起,就这么直挺挺的倒在了地上。 ...... …… Commander, the diamond corpse had been killed, this merit whether in below record of merits.” Bai Yin asked respectfully. 统领,金刚尸已经被杀,这个功劳能否记在在下的功劳簿上。”白隐恭敬问道。 Snatches the head, is not concerned about face......” the forest Mu Yu light say|way. “抢人头,不要脸……”林沐雨淡淡道。 Tang Xiaoxi: „......” 唐小汐:“……” !! !!
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