AG :: Volume #5

#480: Ghost bee

Here is the imperial mausoleum that the mountain massif opens cutting, nine carve the great column of Purple Yin Flower totem to tower in the imperial mausoleum surrounding, the center of totem pole, throne static placing there, throne under is carving bosom mausoleum three large characters. 这里是山体内部开凿出来的陵寝,九根雕刻着紫茵花图腾的巨柱耸立在陵寝外围,图腾柱的中心,一尊王位静静的摆放在那里,王位下方雕刻着“怀王陵”三个大字。 ...... …… Lin Muyu walked to go forward, has shaken water mark, narrowed the eye saying: Cherishes the mausoleum? It seems like we have not found fault the place, was here......” 林沐雨走上前,抖了抖身上的水迹,眯着眼睛说道:“怀王陵?看来我们没有找错地方,就是这里了……” Tang Xiaoxi observes the situation for one week, the powder carves on the cheek that the jade carves full is vacant: But...... Can we enter the imperial mausoleum? Here looks like, does not have the mark to be possible the homing appearance.” 唐小汐环视一周,粉雕玉琢的脸蛋上满是茫然:“可是……我们要怎么进入陵寝呢?这里看起来,根本就是无迹可寻的样子。” Not necessarily.” “未必。” The Lin Muyu's vision fell on not far away wall, there was carving the ancient mural, above had humanity, had the domestic animal, was sparkling the ray god clan, wants to come is these that more than 4000 years ago Qin Clan believed, humanity, cultivated to live to rest up, the god clan, wielded three. 林沐雨的目光落在了不远处的墙壁上,那里雕刻着古老的壁画,上面有人类,有牲畜,还有一些闪耀着光芒的神族,想来在4000多年前的秦氏家族信奉的就是这些,人类,修生养息,神族,执掌三界。 Bai Yin walks to go forward, palm gently is stroking gently on the mural, suddenly vision one cold, the palm makes an effort, a stone brick that the mural composes was promoted unexpectedly! 白隐走上前,手掌轻轻的在壁画上摩挲着,忽然目光一寒,掌心一用力,壁画组成的一块石砖居然被推动了! Bang the sound is lingering on faintly, about one meter cave entrance appeared! “轰隆隆”的声音不绝于耳,一个大约一米长的洞口出现了! Fierce, before white hidden you, certainly has robbed the grave.” Lin Muyu assured say|way. “厉害,白隐你以前一定盗过墓。”林沐雨笃定道。 White hidden somewhat awkward: Commander, the subordinate excels is flies up to the eaves and walls, will rob a grave this deal I never to do, discovered a moment ago this rubble stone brick will have had been moved the sign, you looked, the dust that on other mural will drop want to be thicker than this mural, therefore guessed correctly that here will have the clue.” 白隐有些尴尬:“统领,属下擅长的不过是飞檐走壁而已,盗墓这种勾当我是从来不会做的,刚才只是发现这块石砖有被移动过的迹象而已,你看,别的壁画上所落下的灰尘要比这个壁画要厚一些,所以才猜到这里会有端倪。” Intelligent.” “聪明。” Lin Muyu stands in the cave entrance front, only thinks cold wind whiz whiz swaying on the face, cave entrance opened in later Spiritual Pulse Technique to transmit an intermittent intense fluctuation. 林沐雨站在洞口前方,却只觉得一股寒风嗖嗖的吹拂在脸上,并且,洞口打开之后灵脉术中就传来了一阵阵强烈的波动。 How?” Tang Xiaoxi asked. “怎么了?”唐小汐问道。 Under this tomb chamber, there is Spirit beast, the aura is very strong.” Lin Muyu light say|way. “这墓室下方,有一个灵兽,气息很强。”林沐雨淡淡道。 Spirit beast?” Tang Xiaoxi is stunned. 灵兽?”唐小汐愕然。 Bai Yindao: Should be town tomb Saint beast, many aristocrat nobilities bury will admit a several thousand years of life Spirit beast to take the town tomb Saint beast on tomb chamber first, the Spirit beast absorption world spiritual energy can survive, these Spirit beast often can live for over ten thousand years, and...... Absorbed the underground dead air/Qi to be too many, these Spirit beast also become very ominous severe, we wanted more careful, no matter initially gave to cherish Spirit beast that King Qinbing buried formidable, now it increased 4000 beast age.” 白隐道:“应该是镇陵圣兽吧,许多贵族王侯下葬的时候都会在墓室第一层放进一只数千年寿命的灵兽作为镇陵圣兽,灵兽吸取天地灵气就能生存,这些灵兽往往能活上万年,而且……吸收了地下死气太多,这些灵兽也会变得十分凶厉,我们要小心一些,不管当初给怀王秦炳殉葬的灵兽有多强大,现在它已经又增加了4000年的兽龄了。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu draws out the stars sword slowly, the left hand raises gently, the golden dragon bloody battle shield already condensed, said: I get down to have a look first, you are waiting outside, has to need to help I will call your.” 林沐雨缓缓拔出星辰剑,左手轻轻一扬,金色的龙血战盾已然凝聚而成,道:“我先下去看看,你们两个在外面等着,有需要帮助的时候我会叫你们的。” Yes, Commander!” “是,统领!” Tang Xiaoxi opened Zhang Xiaozui, starts to speak but hesitates, wants with go in together, but feared that by forest Mu Yuma, under this entire day dares to reprove Tang Xiaoxi perhaps also only then he. 唐小汐张了张小嘴,欲言又止,想跟着一起进去,但又怕被林沐雨骂,这全天下敢训斥唐小汐的恐怕也就只有他了。 Whiz......” “嗖……” In the cold wind, Lin Muyu jumps to leap, steady falling on a bosom mausoleum tomb chamber stair, steps into slowly, inside very ice-cold, the stars sword flood the dazzling ray, is illuminating the distance, that tyrannical aura in a front about hundred meters place, Lin Muyu does not advance by rushes, step by step slowly walked, simultaneously the vision has swept, discovers in the ground piles of bones of the dead, moreover very fragmentary, many were digested to corrode the larger part appearance, should be is eaten by Spirit beast draws comes out, mostly is the grave robbers, is really pitiful. 寒风中,林沐雨纵身一跃,稳稳的落在怀王陵墓室一层的台阶上,缓缓踏入,里面十分冰冷,星辰剑泛着耀眼的光芒,照亮远近,那股强横的气息就在前方近百米处,林沐雨也不急进,缓缓的一步步走了过来,同时目光扫过,发现地面上一堆堆白骨,而且非常的零碎,许多都是被消化腐蚀了一大半的样子,应该是被灵兽吃掉又拉出来的,多半都是盗墓贼,真是可怜。 Hissing hissing......” “嘶嘶……” The distant place has broadcast the appalling sound, that aura is getting more and more near, when forest Mu Yuzhuan stone wall, a pungent aura has headed on together suddenly, he has almost held up the dragon bloody battle shield subconsciously, immediately the juice that will shoot rebounded all above stone wall, actually saw only that stone wall unexpectedly rustle start melting, my goodness, what venom was this?! Is bottle gourd colored Poison Serum also wants vicious 10,000 times simply! 远方传来了让人毛骨悚然的声音,那股气息越来越近,就在林沐雨转过一道石壁的时候,忽然一股辛辣气息扑面而来,他几乎下意识的举起了龙血战盾,顿时“噗”的一声将射来的汁液尽数反弹到了石壁之上,却只见那石壁居然“沙沙”的开始熔化,好家伙,这是什么毒汁?!简直是葫芦花的毒浆还要狠毒10000倍! Turns away to look, flake gold light, Lin Muyu had a scare directly, outside several rice, a python raises the head to look at itself, the stance of having exhibited confrontation, moreover this is a whole body full is the python of golden scale, in top of the head enough has 12 gold threads with 4 silver pigment figure lines, and this python has the record in ten thousand beast standards. 转脸看去,一片金光,林沐雨直接被吓了一跳,数米外,一头巨蟒昂起头颅看着自己,摆出了一副对峙的姿态,而且这是一条浑身满是金色鳞片的巨蟒,头顶上足足的有12条金线与4条银色纹线,并且这条蟒蛇在万兽典上是有记载的。 Gold thread python, 12400 years of gold thread pythons! To come initially it regards the bosom mausoleum town tomb Saint beast the time it had in 8000 the life! 金线蟒,一条12400年的金线蟒!想来当初把它当成怀王陵镇陵圣兽的时候它就已经有8000年寿命了! Hissing......” “嘶……” The gold thread python personal appearance hovers, opens the big mouth to swallow to come suddenly, the movement of python is quick, is quick likely is the lightning is common. 金线蟒身形游动,猛然张开血盆大口吞噬而来,蟒蛇的动作非常快,快得像是闪电一般。 But Lin Muyu is far from the ground bones of the dead countless these weak chickens is ordinary, this time he is Saint King boundary expert, a dragon bloody battle shield pendulum, the King fights flame in addition to hold gently above fighting the shield, bang the head that drives out the python to swallow to come, the personal appearance has fled rapidly, the dual Martial Spirit instantaneous fusions, offered a sacrifice to the big treasured sword! 但林沐雨绝非地上白骨累累的那些弱鸡一般,此时的他已经是一位圣王强者,龙血战盾轻轻一摆,王者斗焰加持在战盾之上,“嘭”的一声轰开了蟒蛇吞噬而来的头颅,身形急速窜过,双重武魂瞬间融合,祭出了大宝剑! The Seven Luminaries immortal sword lingers above the stars sword, suffered a relapse again on the body of gold thread python! 七曜仙剑萦绕在星辰剑之上,重重落在了金线蟒的身上! Bang!” “嘭!” After is 12400 years of Spirit beast, the scale is hard, but actually arrives at the point of inferior magical instrument, let alone is the inferior magical instrument that big treasured sword in addition holds, the first sword broke out the scale directly, the blood has spattered in all directions, although cannot cut into the body of gold thread python, but has broken its body surface to defend. 毕竟是12400年的灵兽,鳞片非常坚硬,但却抵不过次神器的锋芒,何况是大宝剑加持的次神器,第一剑直接劈开了鳞片,鲜血迸溅,虽然未能切入金线蟒的身躯,但已经破开它的体表防御了。 Mu Mu, inside how?” Outside, has broadcast the Tang Xiaoxi sound. 沐沐,里面怎么了?”外面,传来了唐小汐的声音。 Lin Muyu strikes to go well, the rapid backlash, simultaneously loudly said: All right, when I have solved it, you come in again.” 林沐雨一击得手,迅速后退,同时大声道:“没事,等我解决了它,你们再进来。” Hissing......” “嘶……” The gold thread python becomes angry out of shame, suddenly opens mouth, the venom that everywhere dances in the air spatters in all directions! 金线蟒恼羞成怒,忽然张开嘴,漫天飞舞的毒液迸溅而来! Lin Muyu steels one's heart, vibrates the both arms suddenly, the King of whole body fights the flame to fly to well up, has formed a substantive domain air/Qi wall, bang bang bang rebounds all the venom, immediately the sound of faint trace conveys, the venom instead is corroding the scale of gold thread python! 林沐雨把心一横,猛然振动双臂,全身的王者斗焰飞涌而出,形成了一个实质性的领域气墙,“嘭嘭嘭”的将毒液尽数反弹回去,顿时丝丝的声音传来,毒液反而在侵蚀着金线蟒的鳞片! The opportunity came. 机会来了。 Second time uses Falling Star Steps Stellar Step, the personal appearance one vertical passes, the the next moment big treasured sword binds in the surroundings of stars sword, numerous second time falls on the seven cuns (2.5cm) place of gold thread python! 第二次使用坠星步星步,身形一纵而逝,下一刻大宝剑裹在星辰剑的周围,重重的第二次落在金线蟒的七寸处! Bang!” “嘭!” Spirit beast protecting body astral breathed one's last number disintegration, the stars sword has cut into the body of gold thread python about dozens centimeters to locate. 灵兽的护体罡气尽数崩碎,星辰剑已经切入金线蟒的皮肉大约数十公分处了。 Hissing hissing......” “嘶嘶……” The python is calling out, the tail sweeps away suddenly, just likes the pointed knife is ordinary. 巨蟒嚎叫着,尾巴猛然横扫而过,犹如尖刀一般。 The forest washes a body spin that the fine rain does not let, the dragon bloody battle shield front surface goes, a bang, under the energy collision, tail cuns (2.5cm) flaking of gold thread python, the strength is disparate, completely is not the Lin Muyu's match. 林沐雨丝毫不让的身体一旋,龙血战盾迎面而去,一声巨响,能量碰撞下,金线蟒的尾巴寸寸剥落,实力悬殊,完全不是林沐雨的对手。 The third attack opportunity came, stars sword in Lin Muyu the hand + the big treasured sword layer on layer falls! 第三次攻击机会来了,林沐雨手中的星辰剑+大宝剑重重落下! „!” “咔嚓!” A resounding, the cry of gold thread python has interrupted, because the entire head Lin Muyu a sword has cut off, the Seven Luminaries immortal sword Martial Spirit even strength passes the ground, gave a slabstone brick breaks all. 一声脆响,金线蟒的叫声中断了,因为整个头颅都已经林沐雨一剑斩断了,七曜仙剑武魂甚至力透地面,将一片石砖都给尽数震碎了。 ...... …… Was good, you come.” The crisis relieves, Lin Muyu summoned two people to enter. “好了,你们进来吧。”危机解除,林沐雨呼唤二人进入。 When Tang Xiaoxi and Bai Yin march into tomb chamber first, was shocked directly. 唐小汐、白隐步入墓室第一层的时候,直接就惊呆了。 „Were 12400 years of gold thread pythons, 2-3 solved by you?” Tang Xiaoxi asked astonished. “一条12400年的金线蟒,被你三两下解决了?”唐小汐惊愕问道。 Un, three sword solutions.” Lin Muyu immensely pleased with oneself: „Is my big treasured sword fierce?” “嗯,三剑解决。”林沐雨洋洋自得:“我的大宝剑厉害吧?” Fierce, does not give the opportunity that I display.” The Tang Xiaoxi small mouth rises, resentful not quick appearance. “厉害,一点都不给我表现的机会。”唐小汐小嘴上扬,悻悻不快的样子。 White hidden cup one fist in the other hand: Commander, subordinate with deciding you!” 白隐则一抱拳:“统领,属下跟定你了!” Lin Muyu: „......” 林沐雨:“……” The incision head, after taking spirit stone of gold thread python, its Beast Spirit is dissipating slowly, was a pity really that Lin Muyu, Tang Xiaoxi, Bai Yin have not reached this boundary peak, tempered Beast Spirit do not have what advantage. 切开头颅,取了金线蟒的灵石之后,它的野兽之灵正在缓缓消散,着实可惜,林沐雨、唐小汐、白隐都没有达到本层境界的巅峰,淬炼野兽之灵也没有什么好处。 Looks at place the bones of the dead, Tang Xiaoxi stick out one's tongue and said, said: It seems like seven years ago visited that several mercenary of village head family|home has become the fine food of gold thread python, but after we today, cherished the mausoleum definitely becomes the heaven of grave robber, in some sense, we may really be unfair to Xiao Yin.” 看着一地的白骨,唐小汐吐吐舌头,道:“看来七年前造访村长家的那几个佣兵都已经成了金线蟒的美餐了,只不过我们今天来过之后,怀王陵肯定就成为盗墓贼的天堂了,从某种意义上来说,我们可真是对不起小茵呢。” Relax.” Lin Muyu claps on her fragrant shoulder, said: We cherish the reverent arriving bosom mausoleum, sought for advice to ancestor Qin Bing engraves the technique, believes that he will not be angry.” “放心吧。”林沐雨拍拍她的香肩,说:“我们心怀虔诚的来到怀王陵,向先祖秦炳求教刻印术,相信他老人家也不会生气的。” This may not necessarily.” Tang Xiaoxi throws smiles, a little smiles Lin Muyu back to be scared, Qin can Bing be angry, this must ask him. “这可未必。”唐小汐扑哧一笑,笑得林沐雨有点脊背发毛,秦炳到底会不会生气呢,这个得问问他自己了。 At this time, Bai Yin has shoved open a floor tile, sought to go to the bosom mausoleum next entrance. 这时,白隐已经推开了一块地砖,寻找到了前往怀王陵下一层的入口了。 ...... …… Burns fierce wind vigor to raid, the white hidden can"t help it, backlash several steps, look at the pitch-dark entrance, the look somewhat hesitates: This is any ghost thing, good intense flame vigor.” 一股灼烈的风劲袭来,白隐禁不住的后退数步,看着黑洞洞的入口,神色有些犹豫:“这是什么鬼东西,好强烈的炎劲。” Bai Yin is only Heaven Realm cultivates eventually is, cannot make him take risk. 白隐终究只是天境修为而已,不能让他冒这个险。 Lin Muyu walks to go forward saying: I advanced go, you come with me and that's the end.” 林沐雨走上前道:“还是我先进去吧,你们跟着我来就是了。” Yes, Commander.” “是,统领。” Hesitates, Lin Muyu collected the Julong bloody battle shield, the left hand raises to fight the shield, the right hand was raising stars sword step by step walked, the wind that , the front surface blew was very scalding hot, moreover in Spiritual Pulse Technique was surging the dense and numerous aura, making him somewhat vacant, these aura were too not strong, but was crowded, what thing was? 一声沉吟,林沐雨重新汇聚龙血战盾,左手提着战盾,右手提着星辰剑一步步的走了下去,果然,迎面吹来的风十分灼热,而且灵脉术里涌动着密密麻麻的气息,让他有些茫然,这些气息不算太强,但非常密集,到底是什么东西? In the ground decayed, can see a piece by piece burned black skeleton, it seems like in the past some people went round the gold thread python to enter tomb chamber second, but...... Finally is the same, died completely certainly! 地面上一片腐朽,能看到一片片焦黑的骸骨,看来当年还是有人绕开金线蟒进入墓室第二层的,不过……结果还是一样,全部死绝了! Before raising the long sword step by step trend, Tang Xiaoxi closely follows in the rear area, but white hidden is raising steel sword, on the face full is the alert looks at all around. 提着长剑一步步的走向前,唐小汐紧紧跟在后方,而白隐则提着钢剑,脸上满是戒备的看着四周。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Near the ear broadcasts slight sound suddenly, like is a honeybee whipping wing. 耳边忽然传来轻微的声音,像是一只蜜蜂的在拍打翅膀一样。 What thing?” “什么东西?” The stars sword rotates slowly, immediately saw a naked eye obvious blood red gadfly is not dancing in the air in nearly not the far place, this gadfly looks like very fearsome, the whole body is lingering unexpectedly also flame aura, the Lin Muyu's eyesight is outstanding, looks clearly, the head of gadfly has a gold/metal pigment figure line unexpectedly! 星辰剑缓缓转动,顿时看到一只肉眼可见的血红色马蜂正在不近不远的地方飞舞着,这马蜂看起来十分可怖,周身居然还萦绕着一道道火焰气息,林沐雨的目力卓绝,看得真切,马蜂的头颅居然有一条金色纹线! Day, in 1000 life gadfly? Queen bee? 天,1000年寿命的马蜂?蜂王吗? ...... …… Be careful, is the ghost bee, has the violent poisonousness!” Bai Yin reminded hurriedly. “小心,是鬼蜂,有剧毒!”白隐急忙提醒。 Ghost bee?” “鬼蜂?” Lin Muyu gets rid quickly, the stars sword plunders, immediately this ghost bee changed into two, his laughs: Any ghost bee, merely mediocre, fights five dregs simply.” 林沐雨出手极快,星辰剑一掠而过,顿时这鬼蜂就已经化为两段了,他一声嗤笑:“什么鬼蜂,不过尔尔,简直就是战五渣。” In a Tang Xiaoxi pair of beautiful eye actually completely worried that puts out a hand a finger of front, said: Mu Mu, leaves anxiously boasting first, looks there quickly, many...... Many ghost bees......” 唐小汐的一双美目中却满是担忧,伸手一指前方,道:“沐沐,先别急着吹牛,快看那里,好多……好多鬼蜂啊……” !! !!
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