AG :: Volume #5

#479: Stone Linbing

In the morning, was welcoming Chaoyang, the youth who releasing for flight vainly hoped for finally. 清晨,迎着朝阳,放飞梦想的少年终于出发了。 Actually is not early morning, the sun has not raised Lin Muyu, Tang Xiaoxi could not endure patiently white hidden to clutch from the bed, three fast horses speed away to go, in an instant left the small village. 其实算不上清晨,日头尚未升起的时候林沐雨、唐小汐就已经忍耐不住把白隐从床上揪起来出发了,三匹快马疾驰而去,转眼离开了小村。 ...... …… The mountainous region difficult line, the warhorse to arrive in mountainside time did not have the means to ride good, can only discontinue to lead a horse to proceed to clear the way, on the path full is the thorn, Lin Muyu brandishes the stars sword to rise to challenges, makes Bai Yin look loves dearly, stars sword such inferior magical instrument was used to clear the way unexpectedly, was a pity simply. 山地难行,战马抵达山腰的时候就已经没有办法骑行了,只能下马牵着马往前开道,道路上满是荆棘,林沐雨挥舞星辰剑披荆斩棘,直让白隐看得心疼不已,星辰剑这样的次神器居然被用来开道,简直是太可惜了。 Time that seven mountain tops turn is the dusk, when three people stand above the summit for the present scenery, but the mind shocks, in the big canyon the fog winds around, imitates such as the fairyland to be common, but in the wooded mountains in canyon also presented the crude build thatched sheds, is about the resident who the village head said. 七座山头翻完的时候已经是黄昏了,当三人站在山巅之上的时候不禁为眼前的景色而心神震撼,偌大的峡谷中云雾缭绕,彷如仙境一般,而峡谷中的山林之间也出现了一个个简陋搭建的草棚,大约就是村长所说的住民。 Is far from these residents. 离这些住民远一些。 Lin Muyu is thinking the words of village head, said: Weather late, we did not want to enter the canyon now, tomorrow the dawn will have gone in again, looks for the place camping of taking shelter from wind on the mountain top.” 林沐雨心里想着村长的话,说:“天色晚了,我们就不要现在进入峡谷了,明天天亮了再进去,就在山头上找个避风的地点宿营吧。” Tang Xiaoxi nods: Un.” 唐小汐点头:“嗯。” Therefore, under the dike that in keeping out the wind pitched camp, sets up two tents, after the tent built lit a fire, the boil tao low stool meat, today is the hidden luck is in vain good, can enjoy a time tao low stool meat together. 于是,就在一处挡风的岩壁下扎营,搭起了两座帐篷,帐篷搭建好了之后生火,熬煮梼杌肉,今天算是白隐运气好,也能一起享受一次梼杌肉了。 meat soup is fragrant and mellow, is satiated with food and wine the later three people to gather round the bonfire to sit in meditation the practice, Lin Muyu first refining fell the spiritual energy in endo-abdominal tao low stool meat, only thought that in the body the aura was prolonged, cultivates to promote, but Tang Xiaoxi was shutting a pair of beautiful eye, flame aura dense in body week, two Fire Fox images were partly visible. 肉汤醇香,吃饱喝足之后三人围着篝火打坐修炼,林沐雨第一时间炼化掉了腹内梼杌肉中的灵气,只觉得身体之中气息绵长,修为又提升了一些,而唐小汐则闭着一双美目,火焰气息氤氲在身周,二尾火狐的形象若隐若现。 Hum......” “呜呜……” White hidden refining tao low stool meat spiritual energy is quite strenuous, and complexion starts becomes red, already some soon hard-to-control appearance. 白隐炼化梼杌肉灵气比较吃力,并且脸色开始变得通红,已经有些快要难以控制的样子。 Sir Commander, my this is...... How was my this?” White hidden pain looks at Lin Muyu, then turned away to look at Tang Xiaoxi, sweet and pretty such as colored Princess Xi was such attraction, in Bai Yinyan confusedness starts to transform into **. 统领大人,我这是……我这是怎么了?”白隐痛苦的看着林沐雨,然后又转脸看了看唐小汐,娇美如花的汐郡主是那样的诱人,白隐眼中的迷茫开始转变为**。 Bai Yin, controls mind, do not have any improper ambition.” Lin Muyu the light say|way, meaning is self-evident, Xiaoxi is my person, is not you casual active. “白隐,控制住心神,不要有任何非分之想。”林沐雨淡淡道,意思不言而喻,小汐是我的人,不是你随便能动的。 The strength of Tang Xiaoxi not invariable body has been the Saint Realm single layer day, after changing the body, at least leapt the boundary of Saint King boundary, white hidden radically was not the match, let alone was discourteous, was not killed is he is lucky. 况且,唐小汐不不变身的实力都已经达到了圣域第一重天,变身之后至少飞跃到了圣王境的境界,白隐根本就不是对手,别说非礼了,不被打死都算是他幸运。 At this time, Tang Xiaoxi has also opened a two stars pupil, can"t help it, smiled: He purifying the mind incantation, Mu Mu you why like this will not make fun of him, hee hee, making me solve.” 这时,唐小汐也睁开了一双星眸,禁不住的一笑:“他又不会清心咒,沐沐你何必这样捉弄他,嘻嘻,让我来解决。” Saying, she gathers to point at to become seal, deep blue color ray condenses together in the snow white fingers, separates spatial one to drink lightly: Purifying the mind incantation!” 说着,她聚拢手指成印,一道湛蓝色光芒凝聚在雪白的手指间,隔空一声轻喝:“清心咒!” Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” deep blue color ray impact, the direct baptism had fallen the dryness and heat on white stealth, spiritual platform becomes the Pure Brightness gets up instantaneously, can"t help it, face one red, said: Subordinate...... The subordinates are ashamed!” 湛蓝色光芒冲击而过,直接洗礼掉了白隐身上的燥热,灵台瞬间变得清明起来,禁不住的脸庞一红,道:“属下……属下羞愧!” All right, the tao low stool slow nature is dry, I initially was also this, in your refining well lost weight the spiritual energy, will practice to have the greatest advantage to you.” Lin Muyu said. “没事,梼杌肉性燥,我当初也是这样,你好好的炼化掉肉里的灵气,会对你修炼有莫大的好处。”林沐雨道。 Yes, many thanks Commander!” Bai Yin respectful cup one fist in the other hand. “是,多谢统领!”白隐恭敬抱拳 Lin Muyu is secret gratified, although Bai Yin is a pirate, but is actually not the disciple of not having one's heart in right place, can look a moment ago from this point. 林沐雨心里则是暗暗欣慰,白隐虽然是一个江洋大盗,但却并非心术不正之徒,从刚才这一点就已经能够看出来了。 ...... …… When late at night, Tang Xiaoxi has climbed a tent, but white hidden entered another tent, therefore Lin Muyu is facing a difficult choice, enters the Tang Xiaoxi tent, is wanted to be too many by Bai Yin easily, enters Bai Yin the tent, oneself the meeting want to be too many, how a straight male dignity can be deceived, this has not discussed the leeway. 时值深夜,唐小汐爬进了其中一个帐篷,而白隐则进了另一个帐篷,于是林沐雨就面临着一个艰难的选择,进唐小汐的帐篷吧,容易被白隐想太多,进白隐的帐篷吧,自己又会想太多,一个直男的尊严怎容亵渎,这是没有商量余地的。 Tang Xiaoxi pulls open the corner/horn of tent, reveals the adorable head, asked: You have not come, is embarrassed?” 唐小汐拉开帐篷的一角,露出可爱的脑袋,笑问:“你还不进来,是不是不好意思?” Nearby tent has also pulled open, Bai Yin have a strong sense of righteousness saying: Commander, without the relations, you rests with Princess Xi in the same place, the subordinate guarantees to keep one's mouth shut . Moreover, you have to rest.” 一旁的帐篷也拉开了,白隐大义凛然的说道:“统领,没有关系,你就跟汐郡主睡在一起吧,属下保证守口如瓶,而且,你们也不是没睡过。” Lin Muyu white his eyes, said: I do not rest tonight, stands night watch for you, here is not quite safe, you a bit faster rest, Bai Yin, your four days awakes, replaces my, I rested a double-hour to suffice.” 林沐雨白了他一眼,道:“我今晚不睡,为你们守夜,这里不太安全,你们两个快点睡吧,白隐,你四更天醒,替换我一下,我睡一个时辰就够了。” Yes, the subordinate understood.” “是,属下明白了。” But the Tang Xiaoxi powder toot toot small mouth rises, appearance that is not glad, in so is together long with forest Mu Yu, although does not have completely to let loose acting with constraint of young girl, but she had already regarded the most intimate person forest Mu Yu, even does not want the family, Lin Muyu turned only, this dependence is self-evident. 唐小汐粉嘟嘟的小嘴上扬起来,一副不乐意的样子,跟林沐雨在一起那么久,虽然没有完全放开少女的矜持,但她早就把林沐雨当成了最亲近的人,甚至连家族都不要了,林沐雨变成了唯一,这种依赖是不言而喻的。 Lin Muyu looks at the Tang Xiaoxi tender beautiful condition, can"t help it, smiles, raises the stars sword to walk to go forward, touches the head of Tang Xiaoxi, said: I here accompany you, will not walk away.” 林沐雨看着唐小汐娇蛮的美态,禁不住一笑,提着星辰剑走上前,摸摸唐小汐的头,笑着说:“我就在这里陪你,不会走远。” Saying, back is sitting down to the Tang Xiaoxi tent. 说着,背对着唐小汐的帐篷坐下。 Tang Xiaoxi then satisfied nod, kept a small mouth the tent, like this lies down also to see that Lin Muyu sits outside appearance, approximately was also tired, quick on dizzy has rested. 唐小汐这才满意的点点头,将帐篷留了一个小口,这样躺下来也能看到林沐雨坐在外面的样子,大约也是累了,很快就昏昏沉沉的睡了过去。 ...... …… The night cold wind howls, Lin Muyu sits there gorgeously, the whole body star light lingers, a stars point in sky gathers on his body, looks like looks like a marvelous sight is ordinary. 夜晚的寒风呼啸而过,林沐雨巍然坐在那里,全身星光萦绕,天空中的繁星点点聚拢在他的身上,看起来就像是一种奇观一般。 Stars Art, too long any breakthrough, cannot practice well. 星辰诀,已经太久没有任何突破了,必须好好修炼。 Stars Art does not have the backlash consequence to the Seven Luminaries only merit, so long as Battle Qi can use abundantly unceasingly, this is also Lin Muyu the self-torture Stars Art biggest reason. 星辰诀相对于七曜唯一的优点就是没有反噬后果,只要斗气充裕就能不断使用,这也是林沐雨苦修星辰诀的最大原因。 In the nighttime sky, the star light is glittering around his armor gently. 夜空中,星光在他的铠甲周围轻轻闪烁着。 Lin Muyu closes the eye, making Spiritual Sense release, has seeped in the Stars Art practice boundary. 林沐雨闭上眼睛,让灵觉释放开来,沁入了星辰诀的修炼境界之中。 ...... …… Also has not known how long, in the wind has transmitted ill-smelling smell suddenly, and also follows appallingly hum sound, looks like the cry of mourning corpse is ordinary. 也不知道过了多久,忽然风中传来了一阵难闻的气味,并且还伴随着让人毛骨悚然的“呜呜”声,就像是丧尸的叫声一般。 Frightens?” “吓?” Lin Muyu opens eyes hurriedly, bonfire has been put out, but has a person's shadow to rock in the crushed stone and bush in due south direction, his palm, the star strength surged has illuminated about hundred meters directly, actually saw only that is a humanity, but was not normal humanity, but was skin starts to petrify, person who turned into the scale shape. 林沐雨急忙睁开眼,篝火已经熄灭了,但就在正南方向有一个人影在碎石、灌木间晃动着,他手掌一张,星力涌动直接照亮了近百米,却只见那是一个人类,但不是正常的人类,而是一个皮肤开始石化,变成鱼鳞形状的人。 Instantaneous, Lin Muyu did jump a character eye stone scale sickness? 瞬间,林沐雨心里跳起了一个字眼石鳞病? The day, in this world also really has such sickness, such person! 天,这世上还真有这样的病,这样的人啊! This stone scale patient almost upper part started to petrify, on the rock face is decorating two atheistic eyes, step by step walked, the body is dragging in the cold wind gently. 这个石鳞病者几乎上半身都已经开始石化了,岩石般的脸庞上缀着两颗无神的眼睛,一步步的走了过来,身体在寒风中轻轻摇曳着。 The stone scale patient, cannot contact his skin, will otherwise have Stone Linbing! 石鳞病者,不能接触他的皮肤,否则也会染上石鳞病! The sky has also soon shone, Lin Muyu hurried say|way: Xiaoxi and Bai Yin, get up, we had troublesome!” 天也快要亮了,林沐雨急忙道:“小汐、白隐,起来,我们有麻烦了!” In tent, two sleeping in clothes immediately walked, when sees the present stone scale patient, Tang Xiaoxi can"t help it, gawked, opens the small mouth, in the eye has not dared to believe completely. 帐篷内,两个和衣而睡的马上走了出来,当看到眼前的石鳞病者的时候,唐小汐禁不住的一愣,张大了小嘴,眼中满是不敢置信。 Stone scale sickness!” Bai Yin is experienced, said lightly: Do not contact him, cannot contact his saliva and blood, will otherwise have Stone Linbing, Commander, I constrain him, you a bit faster walk!” “石鳞病!”白隐见多识广,淡淡道:“不要接触他,更不能接触他的唾液、血液,否则也会染上石鳞病的,统领,我来拖住他,你们快点走吧!” No.” “不。” Lin Muyu has referred to the right, said: There also has.” 林沐雨指了指右侧,道:“那里还有更多。” Following direction that he points, Xuyang punctures the cloud layer to fall on the mountain range together, actually saw only the stone scale patient to walk swayingly, they fell into the unconsciousness the condition. 循着他手指的方向,果然,一道旭阳刺破云层落在山脉上,却只见一个个石鳞病者晃晃悠悠的走了过来,他们已经陷入无意识的状态。 Tent does not want, prepares to walk.” “帐篷不要了,准备走。” The Lin Muyu's sound is unquestionable, opens the palm suddenly, in the palm the golden light drops together, changes into the bottle gourd cane to twine the stone scale patient in front line directly. 林沐雨的声音不容置疑,忽地张开手掌,掌心里一道金光飞泻而出,直接化为葫芦藤缠绕住最前方的一名石鳞病者。 But white hidden draws out the sword, the preparation began. 而白隐则拔出剑来,准备动手了。 Do not kill people.” “别杀人。” Lin Muyu the hand of Tang Xiaoxi was jumping to leap the summit, said: Surrounded them to be OK, not necessarily must massacre them, the slow-moving of stone scale patient, we a bit faster walked are OK.” 林沐雨拉着唐小汐的手纵身一跃下了山巅,道:“困住他们就可以了,不一定非要杀掉他们,石鳞病者的行动缓慢,我们快点走就可以了。” Yes!” “是!” Bai Yin also sword turns over to the sheath, jumps to leap, starts certainly the trace step, pursues Lin Muyu to go. 白隐还剑归鞘,纵身一跃,发动绝踪步,追着林沐雨而去。 Lin Muyu grazes to walk, the palm flutters unceasingly, was stranded in same place by the bottle gourd Fujimasa stone scale patient, simultaneously the vision swept three warhorses that the distant place bred, was good as if no interest because of these stone scale patients to the warhorse, was is only interested to humanity, that did not use the tube warhorse. 林沐雨飞掠而走,掌心不断翻飞,以葫芦藤将一个个石鳞病者困在了原地,同时目光一扫远方放养的三头战马,好在这些石鳞病者似乎对战马没有兴趣,只是对人类有兴趣,那就不用去管战马了。 Suddenly, on the mountain range golden bottle gourd canes raise, is stranded in same place the stone scale patient, in an instant on the mountain range dozens golden bottle gourd canes remained same place, each will consume certain Martial Spirit strength, the Seven Luminaries immortal hu profound strength soon soon the trench will do, the front presented a Tanshui, to! 一时间,山脉上一道道金色葫芦藤升起,将一个个石鳞病者困在原地,转眼之间山脉上就已经数十个金色葫芦藤留在原地了,每一个都消耗一定的武魂力量,七曜仙葫的玄力即将快要被壕干的时候,前方出现了一池潭水,到了! Bai Yin one startled, said: I...... I will not swim!” 白隐一惊,道:“我……我不会游泳!” Lin Muyu stares saying: „Won't person who meets the turtle breath technique swim?” 林沐雨瞪眼道:“会龟息术的人不会游泳?” Subordinate...... Cannot really!” Bai Yin is ashamed. “属下……真不会!”白隐羞愧难当。 Tang Xiaoxi has smiled, said: You grab my town country whip another off horse, jumped down the water to feel suffocated with the turtle breath technique has been OK, I and Mu Mu you were swimming in the past and that's the end.” 唐小汐不禁笑了,说:“你抓着我的镇国鞭另一边头,跳下水用龟息术憋气就可以了,我和沐沐拉着你游过去就是了。” Yes!” “是!” Lin Muyu said: Calls to fight the armor, otherwise the water temperature was too cold, the body can unable to bear.” 林沐雨道:“唤出斗铠,不然水温太冷了,身体会受不了。” Un.” “嗯。” Three people of simultaneously calls to fight the armor, Battle Qi in broken bits is lingering around the body, then bang bang bang three jump down the water, fights under covering of armor, Tanshui is unable to approach the skin, therefore Lin Muyu, Tang Xiaoxi are open eyes, actually white hidden this is good at the turtle breath technique not knowing by heart the river character non-swimmer to frighten the eye not to dare to open. 三人齐齐的唤出斗铠,细碎的斗气在身体周围萦绕着,接着“嘭嘭嘭”三声跳下水,斗铠的笼罩下,潭水无法接近皮肤,所以林沐雨、唐小汐是睁开眼的,倒是白隐这个擅长龟息术却不谙水性的旱鸭子吓得眼都不敢睁开。 Behind, the ashore has heard the whinning sound of stone scale patient, Lin Muyu takes back Seven Luminaries immortal hu the profound strength, holds up the stars sword, illuminates the field of vision of Tanshui deep place. 后方,岸上传来了一个个石鳞病者的哀嚎声,林沐雨收回七曜仙葫的玄力,举起星辰剑,照亮潭水深处的视野。 Tanshui is not considered as that very deep, after more than 20 meters, was bottom, really the stone road, around the road was also carving patterns, obviously was the performance of human civilization, here designed truly wonderful workmanship. 潭水并不算是很深,20多米之后就是底部了,果然有一个石头甬道,甬道周围还雕刻着一道道花纹,显然是人类文明的表现,这里设计得确实巧夺天工。 Lin Muyu holds the hand of Tang Xiaoxi to hover forward, but rear the long nine whips entrains Bai Yin, Bai Yin is not daring to open the eye, finally the face directly hit on above stone wall of road, bang, listened to think to hurt. 林沐雨牵着唐小汐的手向前游动,而长长的九节鞭尾部拽着白隐,白隐不敢睁开眼睛,结果脸就直接撞在了甬道的上方石壁上,“嘭”的一声,听着都觉得疼。 This idiot......” forest Mu Yuhao vexed and ashamed, this subordinate was really too stupid, this goods also felt all right saying that robbed the Saint! “这个白痴……”林沐雨好一顿恼羞,这个属下实在是太笨了,就这种货色还好意思自称盗圣呢! Tang Xiaoxi throws smiles, flings the town country whip, supple strength Bai Yin pulling. 唐小汐扑哧一笑,一甩镇国鞭,柔力将白隐给牵了过来。 ...... …… Continues to hover forward, quick left the deep pool bottom, actually periphery the discovery was the different kind dwelling place of Buddhist immortals. 继续向前游动,很快的出了潭底,却发现周围又是别样洞天了。 !! !!
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