AG :: Volume #5

#478: Elder's warning

The setting sun delimits the long multi-colored sunlight in the horizon, on the long orchid seven ancient roads, three people three ride skices rapidly, Lin Muyu White-Robe Imperial Forest clothes armor, defeated/carrying ray shining stars sword, has not concealed anything, but also wears a military garb in Tang Xiaoxi, an upper body snow white down armor, the lower part of the body is wrapping cream animal skin short skirt, will be fine the exquisite figure to outline tall and pleasing to the eye, around the body is embroidering the fine cape of gold-rimmed, magnificent and expensive, but does not lose also the line, but that town country whip flood light flame gloss, on don't in waist.. 落日在天际划出长长的霞光,悠长的兰七古道上,三人三骑飞速疾行,林沐雨一袭白袍御林的衣甲,身后负着光芒灿灿的星辰剑,也没有掩饰什么,而在身旁的唐小汐也穿着一身戎装,上身一件雪白的绒毛盔甲,下身套着一件乳白色兽皮短裙,将精致玲珑的身段勾勒得美轮美奂,身周围着一袭绣着金边的精致斗篷,华贵而不失也行,而那条镇国鞭泛着淡淡的火焰光泽,就别在腰间。。 After two people, is Bai Yin who warhorse strength of legs is not as good as, as the Lin Muyu's personal bodyguard, this is Qin Yin requests hidden to with come forcefully white together, comes the white hidden own strength to be good, can help Shanglin Mu Yu, Tang Xiaoxi, two come Bai Yin is the super thieves of running amuck rivers and lakes, in some sense, robs a grave this matter he to be an expert. 两人身后,是战马脚力稍逊一筹的白隐,身为林沐雨的贴身侍卫,这是秦茵强行要求白隐一定要跟着一起来的,一来白隐自身的实力不错,可以帮上林沐雨、唐小汐,二来白隐是横行江湖的超级大盗,在某种意义上来说,盗墓这种事情他更加在行。 However, Lin Muyu and Tang Xiaoxi chat, beautiful Princess Xi frequently exudes one euphonious low voice, this makes Bai Yin feel unavoidably somewhat awkwardly, thought one like are big light bulb following after two people, but this is the order of empress Qin Yin, not having the also means only to be able with. 不过,林沐雨和唐小汐聊着天,绝美的汐郡主动辄发出一串银铃般的小声,这不免让白隐感觉有些尴尬,觉得自己像是一个大灯泡一样的跟在二人身后,但这是女帝秦茵的命令,没有办法也只能跟着。 ...... …… One day later, enters seven sea provinces. 一天后,进入七海行省。 Three days later, enters the building up cloud forests of seven sea province east borders, the season is the beginning of winter, refining up in the cloud forest the majority of trees is the red maple tree, but this time red maple tree already on the wane general, but Hongyan resembles the fire as before, when the oppression of the people of warhorse steps into refining up the cloud forest, the Tang Xiaoxi can"t help it, chuckle, said: In childhood Grandpa led me to come to here, was only not quite sensible at that time, thought that Grandpa worked was too discrete, now looks like, the discretion of Grandpa was is not not groundless.” 三天后,进入七海行省东部边境的炼云森林,时节已经是入冬了,炼云森林内大部分的树木都是红枫,而这时的红枫已经凋零一般,但依旧红艳似火,当战马的铁蹄踏入炼云森林的时候,唐小汐禁不住的轻笑了一声,道:“小时候爷爷曾经带我来过这里,只是那时不太懂事,觉得爷爷做事太谨慎了,现在看来,爷爷的谨慎并不是不无道理的。” Said?” Lin Muyu asked. “怎么说?”林沐雨问。 Tang Xiaoxi: Refining up Yun Senlin to approach the Seeking Dragon Forest north, therefore many Spirit beast entered from Seeking Dragon Forest refine the cloud forest, raising draft animal that frequently hunts and kills humanity, even also will sometimes attack the common people, therefore refine the common people majority of cloud forest region to move out, remaining also took hunting as the fresh hunting household.” 唐小汐:“炼云森林靠近寻龙林的北方,所以已经有不少灵兽寻龙林进入了炼云森林,动辄猎杀人类的畜养牲口,甚至有时候还会攻击平民,所以炼云森林区域的百姓大多数都已经搬走了,剩下的也只是以狩猎为生的猎户罢了。” No wonder this walks person to be so few.” “难怪这一路走来人那么少。” Un, we must be careful, here will have anytime Spirit beast to appear.” “嗯,我们要小心点,这里随时都会有灵兽出现。” White hidden „, when draws out handle steel sword, entered the defense readiness condition, this is steel sword that Imperial Guards provides, is very sharp, spirit, when Qin Yin grants him this handle sword has almost not given to be wild with joy him. 白隐“当”的一声拔出一柄钢剑,进入了戒备状态,这是御林卫配备的钢剑,十分锋利,灵品,在秦茵赐予他这柄剑的时候差点没把他给乐坏了。 The horse's hoof steps on the tread a thick flame maple leaf, leads the way slowly, Lin Muyu does not have hidden to be so anxious white, after all he has Spiritual Pulse Technique, can induce beyond several kilometers to the Spirit beast aura, but Spirit beast like will not be Bai Yin will understand the turtle breath technique hideaway aura, will be difficult to run away the control of Spiritual Pulse Technique. 马蹄踩着地面上厚厚的一层火红色的枫叶,缓缓前行,林沐雨却没有白隐那么紧张,毕竟他拥有灵脉术,能够在数公里外就感应到灵兽的气息,而灵兽是绝不会像是白隐一样深谙龟息术隐藏气息的,难逃灵脉术的掌控。 Look, there has a village.” “看,那里有一座村庄。” Tang Xiaoxi excited puts out a hand a finger of distant place, there smoke from kitchen chimneys curling, the villagers are lighting a fire to prepare food, the village is situated in the ravine, the appearances about dozens families, this is the place of first habitation in several hundred li (0.5km) meets, Tang Xiaoxi excited naturally can understand that after all has walked in being desolate and uninhabited domain has a seal and sensation of asphyxia. 唐小汐兴奋的伸手一指远处,那里炊烟袅袅,村民们正在烧火做饭,村庄坐落在山间,大约几十户人家的样子,这已经是数百里内遇见的第一个人烟之地了,唐小汐的兴奋自然可以理解,毕竟一直走在荒无人烟的领域是有一种封闭、窒息感的。 White hidden rise has a look at the weather, near dusk, then said: Sir Commander, it is getting dark, in mountain is unsafe, was inferior that we rest in this village, on the flower several gold coins eat sate the appetite, sleeping well, inquires the bosom mausoleum in building up which direction in Yunshan lineage/vein while convenient.” 白隐抬头看看天色,已近黄昏了,便说:“统领大人,天快黑了,山里也不安全,不如我们就在这村子里休息吧,花上几个金币吃顿饱饭,再好好的睡一觉,顺便打探一下怀王陵到底在炼云山脉中的哪一个方向。” Un.” “嗯。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, Bai Yin said is reasonable, oneself this line of know that approximate direction of bosom mausoleum, actually does not know the concrete position, moreover no matter what the bosom mausoleum is more than 4000 years ago princes, in other words, when the words of Earth, before 4000, was the Shang Dynasty times, Shang Dynasty the mausoleum of some prince where, the wizard knows. 林沐雨点点头,白隐说得很有道理,自己这一行人只是知道怀王陵的大致方向,却不知道具体的方位,而且不管怎么说怀王陵都已经是4000多年前的王爷了,换言之,在地球的话,4000年前都是商朝时期,商朝时某个王爷的陵墓在什么地方,鬼才知道。 When three people pulls the warhorse to enter the village, several are being the hunting households who a muntjac skins had a scare, probably for a long time nobody has come to this village, dumbfounded does not know that said any good. 当三人牵着战马进入村落的时候,几个正在为一只麂子剥皮的猎户都吓了一跳,大约是许久没有人来过这个村庄了,一个个目瞪口呆的不知道说什么好。 Tang Xiaoxi walks to go forward, smiles the surface such as colored Tingting to bow with hands clasped, said with a smile gently: Uncle hello, we travel from Imperial Capital Orchid Goose City, way place wants to find a place to rest a evening, does not know whether for us to introduce an inhabitant, was right, please feel relieved that we will pay money.” 唐小汐走上前,笑面如花的婷婷一揖,温婉笑道:“大叔您好,我们是来自帝都兰雁城的旅者,途径此地想找个地方休息一晚,不知道能否为我们介绍一个住户,啊对了,请放心,我们会付钱的。” And a hunting household goes forward saying: This young lady looks is the misses of rich people, our village many years had not come your such person, are inferior to this, I lead you to go to the village head home to stay, only then the village head family|home had the unnecessary room.” 其中一个猎户上前道:“这位小姐一看就是大户人家的姑娘,我们村子已经好多年没有来过您这样的人,不如这样,我带你们去村长家里住宿,也只有村长家有多余的房间了。” Good, many thanks you.” “好,多谢你。” Is impolite, please come along with me.” “不客气,请随我来吧。” Lin Muyu the quick line several steps follow, asked with a smile: Uncle, your here is simply same as the paradise, pure takes hunting for as to live?” 林沐雨快行几步跟上,笑着问道:“大叔,你们这里简直跟世外桃源一样,单纯的以捕猎为生吗?” Yes.” “是啊。” The hunting households nod saying: Place of land this mountains and plains is barren, is the stone does not have the means to cultivate everywhere, therefore can only hunt, is good the game are actually many in this stretch of grove, often hunts and kills some muntjacs, badger, wild pig and hare anything, in the exhausted dermis round trip 300 inside and outside city sells out, can the subsidy home.” 猎户点头道:“这山野之地土地贫瘠,到处都是石头也没有办法耕种,所以只能狩猎了,好在这片林子里的猎物倒是不少,时常猎杀一些麂子、獾子、山猪、野兔什么的,剥下皮来去300里外的城里卖掉,也能补贴家用。” „.” Lin Muyu had not asked again. “哦。”林沐雨没有再多问。 Soon, went to the village head home, a village head crane has sent the old man of young face actually, was in high spirits, about 70 -year-old appearances, knew after Lin Muyu and the others purposes in coming, immediately has arranged two rooms to them, afterward made the son and daughter-in-law light a fire to prepare food, entertains the passer-by, but Tang Xiaoxi refreshedly has also pulled out two Gold Yin Coin to him. 不久之后,来到了村长家,村长倒是一个鹤发童颜的老者,精神矍铄,大约70来岁的样子,得知林沐雨等人的来意之后马上安排了两个房间给他们,随后让儿子、儿媳生火做饭,招待过路人,而唐小汐也爽快的掏出了两枚金茵币给他。 Actually Gold Yin Coin enough village head one year of life has needed, two not to mention, the village head has been glad almost to grin with ear to ear. 其实一枚金茵币就已经足够村长一家一年的生活所需,两枚就更加别提了,村长乐得差点合不拢嘴了。 ...... …… The supper is also sumptuous, two stir fry the wild herbs, a in addition rabbit meat, moreover is a pie of tray, such meals should be the mountains and plains the standard of others meeting year country, therefore Lin Muyu, white hidden intention grateful has eaten many cakes, but leaves Tang Xiaoxi the rabbit meat, who knows that Tang Xiaoxi specially is also sensible, clamps the rabbit meat to the senior village head, made that the old person likes. 晚餐还算是丰盛,两盘炒野菜,外加一盘兔子肉,另外则是一盘子的大饼,这样的伙食应该是山野人家逢年国家的标准,所以林沐雨、白隐心怀感激的吃了不少饼,而把兔子肉留给唐小汐,谁知道唐小汐也特别懂事,不停的将兔子肉夹给老村长,弄得老人家欢喜不已。 After the food, should do the proper business. 饭后,该干正事了。 Person of one cup of tea, village head is narrowing an eye, said with a smile: Several Young Hero arrive at our being desolate and uninhabited small village, certainly does not come to us, to enter to refine the Yunshan lineage/vein to hunt and kill higher Spirit beast, looked that your aura are reserved, should cultivate for the extremely deep follower is right.” 一人一杯茶,村长眯着一双眼睛,笑道:“几位少侠来到我们这个荒无人烟的小村子,一定也不是冲着我们来的,难道是为了进炼云山脉猎杀高等灵兽的,看你们一个个的气息内敛,应该都是修为极深的修炼者才对。” Tang Xiaoxi smiles: Was looked by you, but we do not come to Spirit beast, Village head, we want to inquire a matter.” 唐小汐莞尔一笑:“被您看出来了,不过我们不是冲着灵兽来的,村长,我们想打听一个事情。” „, The young lady you please ask!” “哦,小姐您请问!” You may know...... Where cherishes the mausoleum?” Tang Xiaoxi asked. “您可知道……怀王陵在什么地方?”唐小汐问道。 Cherishes the mausoleum?” The village head stares, said: Does not know that is...... On which king? Before building up the Yunshan lineage/vein, but the prosperous place, the imperial mausoleum of many nobilities aristocrat buries here.” “怀王陵?”村长一愣,道:“不知道那是……哪一位王上?炼云山脉以前可是繁盛之地,不少王侯贵族的陵寝都葬在这里呢。” „More than 4000 years ago cherishing King Qinbing, is...... Does an empire recent god print the master, the village head has the impression?” Lin Muyu asked. “4000多年前的怀王秦炳,也就是……帝国最近的一位神印师,村长有印象吗?”林沐雨问。 God prints the master......” “神印师啊……” The village head is stroking the beard, hesitates long time, suddenly rise said: Thought obsolete, really had such concentrated on engraving the prince, called Qin Binglai...... Seven years ago, um......” 村长捋着胡须,沉吟半晌,忽然抬头道:“老朽想起来了,确实有这么一位专注于刻印的王爷,叫秦炳来着……七年前,嗯……” He hesitates suddenly does not speak. 他忽地沉吟不语了。 Tang Xiaoxi was somewhat anxious, asked: Village head Grandpa, seven years ago how?” 唐小汐有些急了,问道:“村长爷爷,七年前怎么啦?” Her Grandpa called, immediately made the village head ecstatic, after all a beautiful beauty young miss thought so is the aristocrat, the young ladies of rich people, such young lady did not call herself old ordinary man to be good, now calls itself Grandpa, cancould dispute, has anything to say anything. 她这声爷爷一叫,顿时就让村长心花怒放了,毕竟这么一个绝美姿色的小姑娘一看就是贵族,大户人家的小姐,这样的小姐不叫自己“老匹夫”就不错了,现在却叫自己爷爷,没的说,有什么说什么了。 Seven years ago also three said that is mercenary of adventurer passes through from our village, they with you same also to bosom mausoleum, told them obsolete direction, what a pity they afterward again had not appeared, perhaps was seeking treasure splendor riches and honor, perhaps was also did not know the trace.” “七年前也有三个自称是冒险者的佣兵从我们村庄里经过,他们跟你们一样也是冲着怀王陵去的,老朽告诉了他们方向,可惜他们后来再也没有出现过,或许是寻着宝贝荣华富贵了,又或许是已经不知所踪了。” Lin Muyu said: „Does village head know the concrete position of bosom mausoleum?” 林沐雨道:“村长知道怀王陵的具体方位?” Un.” The village head makes an effort to nod, said: Was open about the facts Young Hero saying that the obsolete ancestor once was one of artisans the bosom mausoleum built, what a pity afterward could not have come back, these matters I was also listen to a Grandpa generation of population mouth to hand down, the people said that the bosom mausoleum was weird, therefore advised politely Young Hero obsolete, the life was valuable, can not go.” “嗯。”村长用力点点头,道:“不瞒少侠说,老朽的祖上曾经就是怀王陵修筑的工匠之一,可惜后来没有回得来,这些事我也是听爷爷一辈的人口口相传下来的,人们都说怀王陵邪门得很,所以老朽奉劝各位少侠,生命可贵,能不去还是不要去了。” Lin Muyu stares, has not spoken. 林沐雨一愣,没有说话。 Tang Xiaoxi like the snow, in the mouth is having the expression of acting like a spoiled brat intelligently, said: Village head Grandpa, you felt relieved that our group of people are not mercenary can place on a par, our own strengths want to be stronger, will not have the matter, come, Bai Yin showing one's skill makes village head Grandpa have a look at our strengths.” 唐小汐聪明如雪,口中带着撒娇的语气,说道:“村长爷爷,你放心吧,我们这群人不是什么佣兵能够相提并论的,我们的自身力量要强许多,不会有事的,来,白隐露一手让村长爷爷看看我们的实力。” Yes!” “是!” Bai Yin retrocedes several steps, drinks the Houyang god Secret Art to start lowly, roaring flame Battle Qi, Martial Spirit roars, military might. 白隐后退数步,一声低喝之后阳神诀发动,一身烈焰斗气,武魂怒吼,威武至极。 The Heavenly King level expert imposing manner is very threatening, Lin Muyu, Tang Xiaoxi are Saint Realm are actually indifferent, actually frightens the village head continually draws back several steps, the whole face said with amazement: This Young Hero skill really not simple...... Quite fierce, scared to death obsolete......” 天王强者的气势十分逼人,林沐雨、唐小汐圣域倒是无所谓,却把村长吓得连退数步,满脸的骇然道:“这少侠的功力果然不简单……好厉害,吓死老朽了……” The Tang Xiaoxi butterfly dance lotus steps transfer to the one side of village head lightly, is holding his arm, said with a smile: Village head Grandpa do not fear that we do not have any evil intention, which direction you only need to tell us to cherish the mausoleum.” 唐小汐蝶舞般的莲步轻移到村长的一侧,扶着他的手臂,笑道:“村长爷爷别怕,我们没有任何恶意,您只需要告诉我们怀王陵在哪个方向就可以啦。” Nod that the village head has a lingering fear, puts out a hand a finger of East, said: You early tomorrow morning, were welcoming the direction vanguard of sunrise, after crossing seven mountains, can see a piece of canyon, the canyon deep place was a piece of puddle, jumped in the puddle, in the most base of puddle had under quality compensation the channel, swam the channel to arrive in the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals of bosom mausoleum, but was certainly careful, with the person contact that around the canyon lives, otherwise you will certainly regret lifetime.” 村长心有余悸的点点头,伸手一指东方,道:“你们明天一早,迎着日出的方向前行,翻过七座山之后就能看到一片峡谷,峡谷深处则是一片水潭,跳进水潭,在水潭的最底部有一条水下通道,游过通道就能抵达怀王陵的洞天了,但一定要小心,不要与峡谷周围住着的人接触,不然你们一定会后悔一生的。” Canyon surrounding person?” Tang Xiaoxi is stunned: Why?” “峡谷周围的人?”唐小汐愕然:“为什么?” In any case, listened to the Grandpa words is, certainly right.” The village head abstained from that not the deep appearance, does not speak. “反正,听爷爷的话便是了,一定没错的。”村长忌讳莫深的样子,再也不说话了。 Lin Muyu, Tang Xiaoxi look at one another, it seems like that this time goes to the bosom mausoleum not to be simple! 林沐雨、唐小汐相看一眼,看来这次去怀王陵并没有那么简单啊! !! !!
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