AG :: Volume #5

#485: Fu Xi Heavenly Book

In the short five minutes, Lin Muyu does not know that wielded many swords, but the loss of strength skill that actually only then 10% did not arrive, but Qin Bing is different, each defense will inevitably fight armor condensation whole-heartedly, to guard by the forest is washed the rain to break through astral vigor, after this repeatedly condensed fought the armor, his Battle Qi intensity must reduce, even fought the intensity of armor to reduce much. 短短五分钟内,林沐雨不知道挥出了多少剑,但力量的损耗却只有一成不到的功力罢了,但秦炳就不一样了,他每一次防御都必然将斗铠全力以赴的凝聚起来,以防被林沐雨攻破罡劲,就这样多次凝聚斗铠之后,他的斗气强度明显得降低了许多,甚至就连斗铠的强度都已经降低了不少。 Qin Bing, the present strength at least lost over 50%! 秦炳,如今的实力至少损耗了五成以上! Was the time. 是时候了。 ...... …… Lin Muyu bottom of one's heart is secret, nearby Tang Xiaoxi unceasingly assaults by fire god seal and controlling corpse person, town country whip in airborne „” blows out the flame impacts continuously, but the strength of controlling corpse person not under Tang Xiaoxi, steady does not drop the wind, must solve Qin Bing as soon as possible, otherwise Tang Xiaoxi for a long time could not capture is dangerous. 林沐雨心底暗暗欣喜,一旁的唐小汐不断以火神印与驭尸人搏击,镇国鞭在空中“啪啪啪”的连续爆出一个个火焰冲击,但驭尸人的实力并不在唐小汐之下,稳稳的不落下风,必须尽快解决掉秦炳,不然唐小汐久攻不下就危险了。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Above the left arm the star light lingers, Lin Muyu called out one, fist surrounding accumulated has filled the Sacred Mountains of China day falling strength, simultaneously the right hand raised backward, long sword and palm hid behind the spacious White-Robe Imperial Forest cape, the flame rose suddenly, roaring flame lingered around long sword, Dragon Flame spiral broken already in gathering strength, but Qin Bing considered is only dealing with the Sacred Mountains of China day to fall, will not actually note the spiral broken style soon to form. 左臂之上星光萦绕,林沐雨暴喝一声,拳头周围蕴满了五岳天降的力量,同时右手向后一扬,长剑与手掌都隐藏在宽大的白袍御林斗篷后方,火光暴涨起来,一道道烈焰萦绕在长剑周围,龙炎螺旋破已然在蓄力之中了,只不过秦炳只顾着应付五岳天降,却不会注意到螺旋破的招式已经快要形成了。 Come, son-of-a-bitch!” “来吧,浑蛋!” Qin Bingshuang held simultaneously to promote, unexpectedly was changing from defensive to offensive struck, in the palm full was God Binding Lock Divine Power and Saint Heaven Realm profound strength, and had the singing in praise of the Buddha faintly, seemed not a well-known style. 秦炳双掌齐齐推出,居然是反守为攻的一击,掌心里满是缚神锁神力与圣天境的玄力,并且隐隐有梵音,似乎是一种不知名的招式。 Does not manage, spells! 不管了,拼! Lin Muyu killing intent has decided that palm, the Sacred Mountains of China day fell to welcome Qin Bing the double palm to rumble suddenly! 林沐雨杀意已决,掌心猛然一张,五岳天降迎着秦炳的双掌轰了下去! Bang!” “嘭!” The crack sound is earthshaking, Qin Bing this god printed the master not to be truly simple, not only engraved the technique world to be outstanding, own practice also cancould be underestimated, was consumed 50% strength later backhands to strike can also be so tyrannical unexpectedly! 爆鸣声惊天动地,秦炳这个神印师确实不简单,不但刻印手法天下卓绝,自身的修炼也不容小觑,被消耗了五成力之后的反手一击居然还能那么强横! Lin Muyu Within the body blood energy turns to well up, this Qin Bing was really too fierce, unexpectedly rumbled to draw back him directly, but while was also being compelled drew back, the right hand brandished to break delivering Dragon Flame spiral suddenly! 林沐雨体内血气翻涌起来,这个秦炳实在是太厉害了,居然直接将他轰退,但也在被逼退的同时,右手猛然一抡就将龙炎螺旋破给送了出去! Death!” “死!” Drinks greatly, in Lin Muyu the double palm full is the roaring flame, long-distance controls the stars sword to launch the swift and fierce attack. 一声大喝,林沐雨双掌之中满是烈焰,远程驾驭着星辰剑发动凌厉攻击。 Qin Bing also gawked, retroceded hurriedly several steps, grasped long sword to puncture on the front surface, the wrist|skill turned over, bringing sword blade to drag to rock, was getting quicker and quicker, has formed a God Binding Lock strength vortex, does the good intelligent bosom king, want to download the spiral broken formidable spin vigor using God Binding Lock unexpectedly? 秦炳也是一愣,急忙后退数步,抓过身边的长剑就迎面刺了出去,手腕翻转,带着剑刃摇曳晃动起来,越来越快,形成了一个缚神锁的力量漩涡,好聪明的怀王,居然是想利用缚神锁来卸掉螺旋破的强大旋劲? Lin Muyu naturally cannot make him go well, the left hand grasps backward, directly Devil Sound Blade losing! 林沐雨自然不会让他得手,左手向后一抓,直接就把魔音刀给丢了出去! „!” “咻!” After airborne flashes through together severe glow, Devil Sound Blade vanishes to disappear, but the cold air actually raided together from Qin splendid. 空中闪过一道厉芒之后,魔音刀消失不见了,但一道寒气却从秦炳的身后袭来。 Although is half -and-a-half people of corpses, but Qin Bing as before was maintaining the formidable vigilant ability, he can induce to back spirit strength and energy in the handle blade containing, was own fighting armor is unable to block, in a flash, Qin Bing the complexion drastic change, backhanded a sword to divide hurriedly to Devil Sound Blade! 虽然已经是半人半尸,但秦炳依旧保持着强大的警觉能力,他能感应到背后袭来的这柄刀中蕴含的灵力和能量,是自己的斗铠所无法挡得住了,一瞬间,秦炳脸色剧变,急忙反手一剑劈向了魔音刀 Works as!” “当!” Devil Sound Blade was shaken flew, spiral that but the positive stars sword starts was broken irresistible, rumbling broke through three Qin Bing continuously defended astral air/Qi, sword blade sharp pricked in Qin Bing the chest cavity directly, puff twisted the fragment his heart and lobe of the lung all, but...... His heart just likes the hay is common, already dry decayed, does not provide any life energy, how twisted to break to pieces? 魔音刀被震飞了,但正面星辰剑所发动的螺旋破却已经势不可挡了,“轰轰轰”的连续冲破三道秦炳的防御罡气,剑刃锋利的直接刺入了秦炳的胸腔内,“噗噗”的将他的心脏、肺叶尽数绞成了碎片,但是……他的心脏犹如干草一般,早就枯朽了,根本不提供任何的生命能源,绞碎了又如何? The bonus is so, Qin Bing drew back several steps as before continually face whiten, looks at Lin Muyu: You...... You......” 饶是如此,秦炳依旧连退数步,脸色苍白的看着林沐雨:“你……你……” The controlling corpse person in distant place looks worries, loudly shouted to clear the way: Qin Bing, you, if has defeated, your Heavenly Book then no longer was your, becomes others' all!” 远方的驭尸人看得着急,大喝道:“秦炳,你若是战败了,你的天书便不再是你的了,就会成为别人的所有!” What!?” “什么!?” Qin Bing the complexion became crazily is suddenly cruel, roared lowly is looking to Lin Muyu, loudly shouted to clear the way: Your this brat, you want to rob Heavenly Book of this king unexpectedly, suffers to death!” 秦炳的脸色猛然变得疯狂暴戾起来,低吼着看向了林沐雨,大喝道:“你这个臭小子,你居然想抢夺本王的天书,受死吧!” Also does not know the strength that which stimulates, ten God Binding Lock of Qin Bing body week surged together crazily, together scarlet storm by his me in palm, „” surging, twisted the fragment flagstone one after another on surrounding floor, combined in the storm, this struck, if wielded, perhaps somewhat was hard to imagine! 也不知道哪儿激发出的力量,秦炳身周的十一道缚神锁疯狂涌动,一道血色风暴被他我在掌心里,“咻咻”的激荡不已,将周围地板上的石板纷纷绞成碎片,混杂在风暴之中,这一击若是挥出来的话,恐怕就有些难以想象了! Really bothersome......” “真烦……” Lin Muyu is burdensome, does not think that had retained, long sword raises, the star strength circulation, the innumerable stars ray gathering to his great body, spells puts together Seventh Luminary, Star Shift! 林沐雨不胜其烦,再也不想有所保留了,长剑一扬,星力流转,无数星辰光芒汇聚向他俊伟的身躯,拼就拼吧七曜星辰变 The Seven Luminaries immortal sword seems elated, because its strength had a large part to come from Seven Luminaries, it may be said that is the same source, Seventh Luminary, Star Shift that therefore is started by the Seven Luminaries immortal sword was the might is naturally extraordinarier! 七曜仙剑似乎在欢跃着,因为它的力量原本就有很大一部分源自七曜,可谓是同一本源,所以由七曜仙剑发动的七曜星辰变自然是更加威力非凡了! „?!” “啊?!” Qin Bing induced to fierce of Seventh Luminary, Star Shift similarly, laughed: Has not thought that father died that many years, after the rebirth, died here...... The young fellows, you are my posterity of Qin, has killed me, lets my relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, no longer receives the control of that despicable villain!” 秦炳同样感应到七曜星辰变的厉害,不禁哈哈大笑:“没有想到老子死了那么多年,重生之后还是死在了这里……好小子,你是我秦家的后人,杀了我吧,让我形神俱灭,不再受那卑鄙小人的掌控!” If you hope!” “如您所愿!” Lin Muyu sword punctures a suddenly, the Seventh Luminary, Star Shift strength just liked rivers and streams torrential rumbling, swept across, but has ripped the smashing the Qin splendid body directly, a residual wisp of Yuan god also together has destroyed completely, truly fell the relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish fate! 林沐雨猛然一剑刺出,七曜星辰变的力量犹如江河滔滔般的轰了出去,席卷而过直接将秦炳的身躯撕成了粉碎,就连残留的一缕元神也一起灭掉了,确实是落了个形神俱灭的下场! ...... …… After Seventh Luminary, Star Shift uses up, Lin Muyu the obvious feeling the strength in within the body must be drained, but...... Along with the practice the enhancement of boundary and spirit soul, the Seven Luminaries backlash strength was not fearful, within the body at least is also preserving 12 tenths Battle Qi, lifts Devil Sound Blade that the hand holds to circle in flight, looked that to direction that Tang Xiaoxi and controlling corpse person has preyed on. 七曜星辰变用完之后,林沐雨明显的感觉到体内的力量要被抽干了,但……随着修炼境界和灵魄的增强,七曜反噬力量也没有那么可怕了,体内至少还保存着12成的斗气,抬手抓住飞旋回来的魔音刀,看向了唐小汐、驭尸人搏杀的方向 When he looked in the past discovered that does not know when Tang Xiaoxi has thrown nine whips in the one side, by the flesh and blood preying controlling corpse person, was reappearing purely bone-chilling cold Fire Fox Martial Spirit, and Fire Fox Martial Spirit Ling Lie of even more in fight, transformed appears for the sharp claws around the double palm of Tang Xiaoxi! 当他看过去的时候才发现,不知道何时唐小汐已经将九节鞭扔在了一旁,单纯以血肉之躯搏杀驭尸人,身后浮现着凛冽的火狐武魂,并且火狐武魂在战斗中愈发的凌冽,幻化为利爪出现在唐小汐的双掌周围! Brushes!” “刷!” The palm of Tang Xiaoxi has swept time, the strength of Martial Spirit appears, the Fire Fox sharp claws have left behind a blood-stained mouth in the front of controlling corpse person immediately, as if not need Lin Muyu to help, Tang Xiaoxi has been able to solve the controlling corpse person. 唐小汐的手掌扫过的时候,武魂之力浮现而出,火狐利爪顿时在驭尸人的胸前留下了一道血口,似乎根本就不需要林沐雨去帮忙,唐小汐已经可以解决驭尸人了。 Bastard......” “混蛋……” Angry of controlling corpse person face, often reviews to have a look at an behind stele. 驭尸人一脸的恼怒,不时的回眸看看身后的一尊石碑。 Lin Muyu raises the sword to walk immediately, the whole body King fights the flame to be dense, static standing observes there, shuts off the path that the controlling corpse person fled, it seems like he does not come from the tomb pit entrance, but digs secretly, but such controlling corpse people of-and-a-half-and-a-half person of corpses, does not know what really he pursues is what, to Qin splendid skeleton revenge? 林沐雨立刻提剑走了过去,浑身王者斗焰氤氲,静静的站在那里观战,同时也切断了驭尸人逃离的道路,看来他并不是从墓穴入口进来的,而是偷偷挖进来的,不过这么一个半人半尸的驭尸人,真不知道他追求的是什么,是向秦炳的尸骸复仇吗? Thinks that Lin Muyu has thought Qin Bing took a concubine in the past, married a young pretty waiting on concubine, but this waits on the concubine also to have deeply is loving her male cousin, is the person who this excels at the controlling corpse at present, then in Qin Bing after waiting on the concubine died, this controlling corpse person suffered Qin Bing the corpse to vent the pain of innermost feelings, um, too dog blood of TM...... 这么一想,林沐雨不禁想到了秦炳当年纳妾,娶了一个年轻貌美的侍妾,而这侍妾还有深爱着她一个表兄,就是眼前这个擅长驭尸的人,然后在秦炳与侍妾死后,这驭尸人就来折磨秦炳的尸体来发泄内心的痛苦,嗯,太TM的狗血了…… But at this time most painful is the controlling corpse person, he dealt with one nine changes Tang Xiaoxi of body was painful, now also massacres Qin Bing forest Mu Yu who behind to assume personal command, looked like a toad stands before the foot is the same, not scary, but the disgusting person, suddenly the move of controlling corpse person also started disorderly. 但这时最痛苦的莫过于驭尸人,他应付一个九尾变身的唐小汐就已经非常痛苦了,如今还有一个杀掉秦炳的林沐雨在身后坐镇,就像是一只癞蛤蟆站在脚边一样,不吓人但恶心人,一时间驭尸人的招数也开始凌乱了。 Finished!” “结束吧!” Tang Xiaoxi horizontal the palm pushed out suddenly, the powerful profound strength rumbled directly thoroughly the chest of controlling corpse person, he drew back several steps continually, looks at the front the blood hole, whole face was unbelievable, retroceded continuously several steps, was holding an behind stele gently, face whiten saying: You...... You can completely take here valuables and money, but...... But do not move Heavenly Book, otherwise the consequence is proud.” 唐小汐猛然横起手掌推了出去,强悍的玄力直接轰透了驭尸人的胸口,他连退数步,看着胸前的血洞,满脸的难以置信了,连续后退数步,轻轻扶着身后的一枚石碑,脸色苍白的说道:“你们……你们可以尽取这里的财宝,但……但千万不要动天书,否则后果自负。” Heavenly Book?” 天书?” Lin Muyu knits the brows: What is Heavenly Book?” 林沐雨皱眉道:“天书到底是什么?” The controlling corpse person sneers: „Do your mortals possibly know the Heavenly Book mystery? Lets that can shake world reappear Fragmented Cauldron with it, would rather made this stretch of earth more auspicious, and...... Reopens the day imperial door, believes that is also the matter that Fu Xi Divine Emperor is not willing to see, humanity is so greedy, obtains one then to obtain two, you do not match to have Heavenly Book......” 驭尸人冷笑一声:“你们这些凡人又怎么可能知道天书的奥秘呢?与其让那能够撼动天地的重现碎鼎界,倒不如让这片大地更加的祥和一些了,而且……重开天御之门,相信也是伏羲神帝不愿意看到的事情,人类如此贪婪,得到一便想得到二,你们根本不配拥有天书……” Heavenly Book where?” Lin Muyu asked lightly. 天书在哪儿?”林沐雨淡淡问道。 I did not say that......” controlling corpse person smiled. “我就不说……”驭尸人笑了。 Lin Muyu single-handed, the King fights the flame to spew out, ignited the controlling corpse person already to start the withered body directly, said lightly: In any case you are not the good thing, I do not want to make you say anything again, goes to hell relieved, Heavenly Book we will find.” 林沐雨单手一张,王者斗焰喷涌而出,直接引燃了驭尸人早就开始干枯的身体,淡淡道:“反正你也不是什么好东西,我也不想让你再说什么,安心下地狱去吧,天书我们自己会找到的。” You, your this young bastard......” controlling corpse person pain is whinning, thinks Lin Muyu will continue to closely examine, by oneself many several lines, has not actually thought this boy does not press the common sense to play a card unexpectedly, is simply hateful. “你,你这个小混蛋……”驭尸人痛苦哀嚎着,原本以为林沐雨会继续追问,让自己多几句台词,却没有想到这小子居然不按常理出牌,简直可恶。 Quick, the controlling corpse hominization was pile of ashes lies down in the tomb chamber. 很快的,驭尸人化为一堆灰烬躺在了墓室之中。 ...... …… Mu Mu, you just used up Seventh Luminary, Star Shift, all right?” Tang Xiaoxi asked. 沐沐,你刚刚用完七曜星辰变,没事吧?”唐小汐问。 All right, the physical strength also has.” “没事,体力还有一些。” Lin Muyu no doubt somewhat frail, said: Xiaoxi, we a bit faster look, has a look Heavenly Book that they said where, Qin Binghe the controlling corpse people treasured this Heavenly Book, I always felt...... This Heavenly Book is the thing that I must look.” 林沐雨固然有些孱弱,道:“小汐,我们快点找找吧,看看他们说的天书到底在哪儿,秦炳和驭尸人都那么珍视这本天书,我总感觉到……这天书就是我要找的东西。” Un.” “嗯。” They looked, anything looked everywhere, actually as before could not find any Heavenly Book, the saber that Qin Bing left behind was actually good, was a handle Saint Level Leve 2 treasured sword, was fine, received, turned head to bestow to Chu Yao, helping her practice. 两人找了一圈,什么都找遍了,却依旧找不到什么天书,倒是秦炳所留下的佩剑非常不错,是一柄圣品二阶的宝剑,非常精致,收了,回头可以赠送给楚瑶,帮助她修炼。 Where?” Lin Muyu pain. “到底在哪儿?”林沐雨痛苦不已。 At this time, Tang Xiaoxi gently has knocked the base of inner and outer coffin with hand back, immediately eye one bright, said with a smile: Here is the midheaven, the inner and outer coffin base has the band, Mu Mu, you turn.” 这时,唐小汐轻轻的用手背敲了敲棺椁的底部,顿时眼睛一亮,笑道:“这里是中空的,棺椁底部有夹层,沐沐,你翻一下。” Un.” “嗯。” In the inner and outer coffin full was Qin Bing the corpse fragment, some skins and hair what of falling, looked like very disgusting, for Heavenly Book in that legend, Lin Muyu pushed someone take on a difficult job sought, after all the controlling corpse person also mentioned finally unexpectedly Fu Xi, day imperial gate, this made the forest wash the rain very surprisedly, did the person of this world also know Fu Xi? 棺椁里满是秦炳的尸体碎片,还有一些掉落的皮肤、头发什么的,看起来十分恶心,不过为了那传说中的天书,林沐雨还是勉为其难的去寻找,毕竟驭尸人最后居然还提到了伏羲、天御之门,这让林沐雨十分的惊奇,这个世界的人难道也知道伏羲? Before Fu Xi is Chinese more than 10,000 saints, Venerable for existence of Eastern ancestor, if Fu Xi also exists in Fragmented Cauldron this plane, that can only explain that he once well crossed, even is uses has fought the strength that the runner returns to make the time flow backwards, perhaps, Fu Xi after Earth sprinkles the fire seed, forward passes through for ten thousand years again to arrive at Fragmented Cauldron to sprinkle the fire seed not to be uncertain. 伏羲是中国10000多前的圣者,尊为东方祖先的存在,如果伏羲也存在于碎鼎界这个位面,那只能说明他曾经穿越过,甚至是使用过斗转轮回的力量使得时光倒流,或许,伏羲在地球洒下了火种之后,向前穿越万年再来到碎鼎界洒下火种也不一定。 Rustle......” “沙沙……” After lifting the inner and outer coffin bottom plank, the discovery had a huge small box used when playing yabao impressively under the Qin splendid corpse. 掀开棺椁底部的木板之后,赫然发现有一个巨大的宝盒就在秦炳的尸体下方。 Lin Muyu bottom of one's heart one happy, held the small box used when playing yabao hurriedly, face delighted saying: Should be this!” 林沐雨心底一喜,急忙将宝盒捧了出来,一脸欢喜的说道:“应该就是这个了!” That a bit faster has a look!” “那快点看看呀!” Un!” “嗯!” Turns on the small box used when playing yabao, inside impressively is a sincere golden precious book, the pure gold forging books, the heroic spirit! But in the title page of books is carving ancient Eastern writing Fu Xi Heavenly Book! 打开宝盒,里面赫然是一本厚重的金色宝典,纯金铸造的书籍,豪气!而书籍的封面上就镂刻着古老的东方文字伏羲天书 ...... …… „Does Divine Emperor Fu Xi, Xiaoxi know this person?” Lin Muyu asked. 神帝伏羲,小汐知道这个人吗?”林沐雨问。 Does not know that should be over ten thousand years ago mythical characters, had forgotten by the common people, must glance through the ancient book to know, Mu Mu, this Fu Xi is Heavenly Book the books that you must look for?” “不知道,应该是上万年前的神话人物了,很多都已经被世人所遗忘,必须翻阅典籍才能得知了,沐沐,这伏羲天书是你要找的书籍吗?” Does not know that opened to have a look to know.” “不知道,翻开看看就知道了。” On Heavenly Book pasted an ancient seal, Lin Muyu directly ripping, has opened the first page superficially, above was carving strategies, the imperial brand and imperial Thunder seal explaining in detail and profound engraved the technique description! 天书上贴着一张古老的封条,林沐雨直接给撕了,轻描淡写的翻开了第一页,果然,上面镂刻着一道道的阵法,正是御火印、御雷印的详解与玄阵刻印手法描述! Meanwhile, brushing, the golden light soars to the heavens to go from Heavenly Book suddenly together, shot thoroughly top the tomb chamber directly, outside direct impact highest heaven vault of heaven! 与此同时,“刷”的一声,忽然一道金光从天书上冲天而去,直接射透了墓室顶部,直冲九霄苍穹之外! ...... …… Day......” Tang Xiaoxi rise looks at the place above, said: Always felt that we held the trouble......” “天啊……”唐小汐抬头看着上方,道:“总感觉我们捅娄子了……” !! !!
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