AG :: Volume #5

#416: Seven Luminaries immortal hu

Is the night, attained from Qin Yin has remitted the imperial edict, the Lin Muyu's working efficiency was not the general rapidness, at the same night led Fengxi and allow Jiantao and the others to arrive at the Orchid Goose City Dong Cheng slum area, read out the Saint imperial edict to the people, afterward has granted Situ Sen the Saint imperial edict, he can be lenient toward any to decide the meeting member concerned servant of this paper Saint imperial edict with the day. 是夜,从秦茵手里拿到了赦免诏书,林沐雨的办事效率不是一般的快,连夜带着风溪、许剑韬等人来到兰雁城东城贫民区,向众人宣读了圣诏,随后把圣诏赐予了司徒森,他凭着这一纸圣诏就能宽赦任何一名与天决会成员有关的奴仆了。 As for Gold Yin Coin, Jin Xiaotang spent the half-day time to collect three million Gold Yin Coin, but the terms of exchange were Lin Muyu for serveral days must refine some dreams to return to extremely the peak and forging a number of weapons for the chamber of commerce again, idled in any case is also idling. 至于金茵币,金小棠花了半天时间筹集到了三百万金茵币,不过交换条件则是林沐雨这些天必须为商会再炼制一些梦回极峰和铸造一批兵刃,反正闲着也是闲着。 ...... …… In an instant six days pass by, the Lin Muyu's injury also restored for about nine points, on generally the strength fully restored, had the victory in the former sign, Battle Qi was even more vigorous pure, along with strength strove God Binding Lock and Martial Spirit bottle gourd also day-by-day strengthen, this was he can feel. 转眼六天过去,林沐雨的伤势也已经恢复了九分左右,大抵上实力已经完全恢复了,更有胜于从前的迹象,斗气愈发浑厚精纯,随着实力的精进缚神锁武魂葫芦也一天天的变强,这是他能够感受到的。 In the morning, in the temple a silence, the morning of winter, the cold frost overspreads, the temperature drops, freezes the person to tremble, looked like this year's first snow must approach immediately. 清晨,圣殿内一片寂静,冬日的早上,寒霜铺满地,气温陡降,冻得人瑟瑟发抖,看起来今年的第一场雪马上就要来临了。 The main hall center, is dense the purple gloss stone to place there, the surroundings, Ge Yang and Zhou Yao, hundred li (0.5km) defeated/carrying, Zhengshan river four Deacon, in addition, Qu Chu also, him are glancing through a thick ancient book, on the face full is the color of doubt. 大殿中心,一枚氤氲着紫色光泽的石头摆放在那里,周围,戈羊、周药、百里负、郑山河四位执事都在,此外,就连屈楚也在,他正翻阅着一本厚厚的典籍,脸上满是狐疑之色。 „Did Elder Qu, find?” Lin Muyu asked with a smile. 屈老,找到了吗?”林沐雨笑着问道。 Temporarily did not have.” Qu Chu shakes the head. “暂时还没有。”屈楚摇摇头。 Lin Muyu smiled: Or, doesn't need to give my Martial Spirit name?” 林沐雨笑了笑:“要不就算了,也没有必要非要给我的武魂命名啊?” This is not good.” The Ge Yang expression brooks no intervention, said: A'Yu you now are Great Deacon, the empire practice soul, we repair temple «Wan Hundian», if links your Martial Spirit unable to confirm that names, perhaps this Wan Hundian did not calculate the first under heaven ancient book about Martial Spirit.” “这可不行。”戈羊的语气不容置喙,说道:“阿雨你如今是大执事,帝国修炼界的灵魂,我们重修圣殿《万魂典》,如果连你的武魂都无法确认加以命名的话,恐怕这万魂典就不算是关于武魂的天下第一典籍了。” Good......” forest Mu Yu selfish drinking tea. “那好吧……”林沐雨自顾自的喝茶。 Also some little time, Qu Chu some had been finally impatient, closes the ancient book saying: Perhaps...... In the ancient book of previous generation ancestors the Martial Spirit the view about A'Yu, had not been inferior that in my opinion we test the Martial Spirit strength, divides the Martial Spirit rank level, afterward named directly.” 又过了好一会,终于屈楚也有些不耐烦了,合上典籍道:“恐怕……前世先人的典籍里从来就没有关于阿雨的这种武魂的说法,依我看不如我们自己测试武魂力量,划分武魂等级层次,随后直接命名好了。” Ge Yang said with a smile: Good, I am also this meaning.” 戈羊笑道:“好,我也是这个意思。” Qu Chu nods: A'Yu, you test on stone, summoned your Green Gourd, urged the valley the Martial Spirit strength to the highest boundary.” 屈楚点点头:“阿雨,你去测试石上,召唤出你的青葫,把武魂力量催谷到最高境界。” Yes, Elder Qu.” “是,屈老。” Lin Muyu stands up, arrives at the test stone radical according to word, this stone collects to come, to have the natural spirit strength from the remote mountain, has the inborn sensitivity to the Martial Spirit strength of humanity, Lin Muyu placed above the palm gently, the golden bottle gourd has shown the body, urged valley Battle Qi along with forest Mu Yu, but the ray was even more strong, in an instant exuded humming sound the sound, temple in according to well-illuminated. 林沐雨站起身,依言来到测试石旁,这块石头是从深山中采集而来,拥有天然灵力,对人类的武魂力量有着天生的敏感度,林沐雨将手掌轻轻放在上面,金色葫芦透出了身体,随着林沐雨催谷斗气而光芒愈发浓烈,转眼之间发出“嗡嗡”之声,将圣殿内照得一片通明。 The ray on that test stone also unceasingly appears to shine, turned into the green from the green ray, afterward turned into the black, changes into the scarlet red gradually, finally stayed in the purple. 那测试石上的光芒也不断浮现映照,从绿色光芒变成了青色,随后变成了黑色,渐次化为深红色,最后停留在了紫色上。 Purple......” Ge Yang was filled with joy, said: Elder Qu, Martial Spirit this strength has been the purple First Rank level, under the practice of A'Yu, this bottle gourd Martial Spirit entered the step is first-grade Martial Spirit!” “紫色了……”戈羊满心欢喜,道:“屈老,武魂本力就已经达到了紫色一品层次,在阿雨的修炼下,这葫芦武魂已经进阶为第一等武魂啦!” Un.” “嗯。” Qu Chu twists must say with a smile: „The A'Yu truly talent different reported that the capable person cannot! I can induce, this Green Gourd Martial Spirit has the Seven Luminaries Mystic Power strength essence, in the growth of A'Yu, the Martial Spirit essence was changed by Seven Luminaries Mystic Power, therefore the ability so will be vigorous overbearingly, in my opinion...... A'Yu this first-grade does Martial Spirit name as Seven Luminaries immortal hu, Ge Yang Deacon you thinks what kind of?” 屈楚捻须笑道:“阿雨确实天赋异禀,能人所不能啊!我能感应到,这青葫武魂拥有七曜玄力的力量实质,在阿雨的成长中,武魂的本质被七曜玄力所改变了,所以能力才会如此雄浑霸道,依我看……阿雨的这第一等武魂就命名为七曜仙葫,戈羊执事你认为怎么样?” Ge Yang chuckle: Good name, Elder Qu to be really experienced, this Seven Luminaries immortal hu also sufficiently advanced into first-grade Martial Spirit!” 戈羊轻笑:“好名字,屈老果然见多识广,这七曜仙葫也已经足以跻身于第一等武魂之列了!” Saying, Ge Yang takes the writing brush, dips the ink, submits a written statement to inscribe Seven Luminaries immortal hu in Wan Hundian the second page the name, simultaneously one side with for first-grade Martial Spirit also has: God Binding Lock and demon blood blade, the purple dragon, the whole wide world sword and Bauhinia championi, tread hot tiger these six types, in the empire had also discovered that seven Martial Spirit is first-grade! 说着,戈羊拿起毛笔,蘸上墨水,在万魂典的第二页上书写上七曜仙葫的名字,同时一旁同为第一等武魂的则还有:缚神锁、魔血刀、紫龙、八荒剑、龙须藤、踏火虎这六种,帝国境内也已经发现七种武魂位列第一等了! Qu Chu is narrowing the eye, said: A'Yu, summoned your God Binding Lock, urged the valley the strength to the strong boundary.” 屈楚眯着眼睛,道:“阿雨,召唤出你的缚神锁,把力量也催谷到至强境界。” Yes, Elder Qu.” “是,屈老。” Lin Muyu drinks one according to the word lowly, immediately nine golden God Binding Lock appear in the body week together, the ray circulation, urges the valley along with the Lin Muyu's strength, but the golden color rises suddenly, also presented the light nine days of star light in the golden ray surrounding, stars strengths seep in God Binding Lock, quite some tyrant certainly world imposing manners! 林沐雨依言低喝一声,顿时九道金色缚神锁一起出现在身周,光芒流转,随着林沐雨的力量催谷而金色暴涨,同时在金色光芒外围还出现了淡淡的九天星光,一道道星辰力量沁入缚神锁之中,颇有些霸绝天下的气势! The ray on test stone soars unceasingly, turned into the purple directly, presented deep blue color star light above the purple, affords a marvelous view. 测试石上的光芒不断飞涨,直接变成了紫色,紧接着在紫色之上还出现了一道道湛蓝色星光,蔚为奇观。 „, Not?” Zhou Yao is dumbfounded. “哇,不是吧?”周药目瞪口呆。 Hundred li (0.5km) defeated/carrying also stared round the eye: „...... Great Deacon has God Binding Lock surmounted existence of first-grade Martial Spirit?” 百里负也瞪圆了眼睛:“难道说……大执事缚神锁已经超越了第一等武魂的存在了吗?” The palm of Ge Yang is trembling, is very excited: A'Yu God Binding Lock...... As if also occurred changed.” 戈羊的手掌颤巍巍的,十分激动:“阿雨缚神锁……似乎也发生了一些改变了。” Yes......” “是啊……” Saying with a smile that Qu Chu is crystal clear: Why does not know, the Stars Art strength of A'Yu practice can fuse unexpectedly in God Binding Lock together, making Stars Art that the God Binding Lock strength concentrates on overbearing, is really the chance makes it so, this God Binding Lock the strength of Martial Spirit truly above first-grade Martial Spirit, Ge Yang Deacon, you looked how this should classify?” 屈楚洞若观火的笑道:“不知为什么,阿雨修炼的星辰诀力量居然能和缚神锁融合在一起,使得缚神锁力量贯注的星辰诀更加霸道,真是机缘使然,这缚神锁武魂之力确实已经在第一等武魂之上了,戈羊执事,您看,这该如何分类?” The breath of Ge Yang is somewhat rapid, complexion becomes flushed, said: This...... This simply is a miracle, the historical several thousand years of empire temple have not had this situation, surpass first-grade Martial Spirit, do we want to formulate a classification of ultra first-grade Martial Spirit newly?” 戈羊的呼吸有些急促,脸色涨红,道:“这……这简直就是一个奇迹,帝国圣殿的历史上数千年也从来没有出现这个情况啊,超过一等的武魂,难道我们要新制定一个超一等武魂的分类吗?” Qu Chu smiled: And may all...... Ge Yang Deacon is not excited, I can also tell you boldly, cultivated has cut dragon Secret Art later Her Highness Yin, her God Binding Lock as if also cut Dragon Jue strengthened, the strength slightly was also higher than first-grade, if must formulate a new classification, that A'Yu and Xiao Yin Martial Spirit sufficiently was the classification of this ultra first-grade Martial Spirit.” 屈楚笑了:“并无不可……戈羊执事莫要激动,我还可以大胆的告诉你,修炼了斩龙诀之后的茵殿下,她的缚神锁似乎也被斩龙诀强化了许多,力量也略高于第一等,如果真要制定一个新的分类,那阿雨小茵武魂都足以位列这个超一等武魂的分类了。” Lin Muyu coughed in side, said: Ge Yang Deacon, that formulates, ultra first-grade...... Sounds to be more intrepid than first-grade Martial Spirit.” 林沐雨在旁咳了咳,说:“戈羊执事,那就制定吧,超一等……听起来就比第一等武魂要强悍一些。” Good, takes orders obsolete!” “好,老朽听命!” Ge Yang compiles immediately, in Wan Hundian the rough draft inscribes ultra first-grade the classification, rise said: Is only...... With is God Binding Lock, how should name?” 戈羊马上重新编撰,在万魂典的草稿上重新写上“超一等”的分类,抬头道:“只是……同为缚神锁,该怎么命名呢?” Qu Chu hesitates, said: A'Yu Martial Spirit names as stars God Binding Lock, Xiao Yin Martial Spirit names as real dragon God Binding Lock, this is also just right for the divine intervention, Her Highness Yin is the ruler bloodlines and real dragon body, approximately also only then she can practice real dragon God Binding Lock.” 屈楚沉吟一声,道:“阿雨武魂就命名为星辰缚神锁,小茵武魂命名为真龙缚神锁,这也正合天意,茵殿下是帝皇血脉、真龙之躯,大约也只有她才能修炼出真龙缚神锁了。” On Lin Muyu feeling pleased return seat sits down, said: Finally can feel proud and elated, ultra first-grade stars God Binding Lock, first-grade Seven Luminaries immortal will hu, from now henceforth in the practice chapter of empire leave behind my one page?” 林沐雨喜滋滋的回到座位上重新坐下,道:“终于可以扬眉吐气了,超一等星辰缚神锁、第一等七曜仙葫,从今以后帝国的修炼界篇章上会留下我的一页了吧?” Qu Chu laughs in spite of trying not to: Far more than is the practice chapter, even if will be on the empire annal definitely will have your one page, perhaps the historians of later generation will also compile individual discipline for you! That is the unusual great honor, empire be continuous several thousand years, only then few dozens people have compiled this discipline the glory.” 屈楚不禁失笑:“何止是修炼界篇章,就算是帝国编年史上也必然会有你的一页,或许后世的史学家还会为你编撰个人本纪呢!那可是少有的殊荣,帝国绵延数千年,也就只有寥寥数十人拥有过编撰本纪的荣耀。” Lin Muyu said with a smile: Fame and fortune looked like in me on that day on floating clouds general......” 林沐雨笑着说道:“名利于我就像是那天上的浮云一般……” Has not said that outside temple guards said respectfully: Great Deacon, Tang Little Princess Xi interview!” 还没说完,外面一名圣殿守卫恭敬道:“大执事,唐小汐郡主求见!” „, Did Xiaoxi come back?” “啊,小汐回来了?” Yes, outside palace!” “是啊,就在殿外呢!” Makes her come in...... Not...... I meet her!” “让她进来吧……啊不……我去接她!” Lin Muyu places the Dragon Spirit sword on table not to attend, jumped to graze the front door of main shrine, but Qu Chu, Ge Yang and Zhou Yao and the others smiled, although said that Lin Muyu now is temple Great Deacon, was one of the empire several big regiments Commander, but after all was blood energy side just youngster. 林沐雨连放在桌案上的龙灵剑都不顾了,一个纵身飞掠出了主殿的大门,而屈楚戈羊、周药等人则都是会心一笑,虽然说林沐雨现在已经是圣殿大执事了,又是帝国几大军团的统领之一,但毕竟还是一个血气方刚的年轻人 Outside the main hall, the cold wind sways the white fur lined robe to wave gently, Tang Xiaoxi animated standing in passing Tian Street, the gale blows her again and again to blink, the long eyelash as if appears somewhat strenuous in the gale, washed the rain to wear White-Robe Imperial Forest clothes armor to walk until the forest, immediately Tang Xiaoxi eye one bright, looks that the date thought of a person makings new appearance that the night thought that immediately the heart as if must melt generally. 大殿外,寒风吹拂着白色的皮袍轻轻舞动,唐小汐俏生生的站在通天街上,大风吹得她连连眨着眼睛,长长的睫毛似乎在大风里显得有些吃力,直到林沐雨身穿一袭白袍御林的衣甲走了出来,顿时唐小汐眼睛一亮,看着日思夜想的人气质一新的样子,顿时心都仿佛要融化了一般。 Outside was cold, comes to say again.” “外面冷,进来再说。” Lin Muyu grabs her hand gently, takes into the temple her, immediately Tang Xiaoxi cheek one red, the heart resembles warmly positive general. 林沐雨轻轻抓住她的手,把她带进圣殿,顿时唐小汐脸蛋一红,心更似暖阳一般。 One crowd of towns ** the military officer as well as guards temple happy expression of several guard one faces, Lin Muyu and Tang Xiaoxi relations are very close, this is Orchid Goose City everyone knows that and people also know that Lin Muyu this first emperor adopted son's relations with now the Emperor Qin Yin is not general good, therefore the Orchid Goose City men almost do not have one not to envy Lin Muyu, alone has the Imperial Capital two big extraordinary beautiful women, this is the matter that the average person wants unable to think. 身后,一群镇**的将领以及镇守圣殿的几个守卫都一脸的笑意,林沐雨和唐小汐的关系十分亲密,这是兰雁城每个人都知道的,并且众人也知道,林沐雨这个先帝义子与当今帝君秦茵的关系也不是一般的好,所以兰雁城的男人们几乎没有一个不羡慕林沐雨,独自拥有帝都两大超绝美女,这是一般人想都不敢想的事情。 Xiao Yin do you come Orchid Goose City certainly to have the matter?” Lin Muyu asked. 小茵你来兰雁城一定有事吧?”林沐雨笑问。 Without the matter cannot look for you......” some Tang Xiaoxi hidden bitterness looked at his one eyes. “没有事就不能来找你了么……”唐小汐有些幽怨的看了他一眼。 Ok...... Ok!” “可以……可以!” Lin Muyu said with a smile again and again: In endless forest does the matter of monster clan process what kind of?” 林沐雨连连笑道:“无尽森林里妖族的事情处理得怎么样啦?” Fortunately.” Tang Xiaoxi is pulling his arm gently, suddenly eye one red, said: Heard that you went to the righteousness and country......” “还好啦。”唐小汐轻轻挽着他的手臂,忽地眼睛一红,说:“听说你去了义和国……” Has been all right, was all right......” forest to wash the rain to pat her hand back gently, said: I came back to bury in Zhenguo the tablet to get down big brother Qin Lei head belt, if did not do this, was hard to feel at ease, Xiaoxi you can certainly understand my.” “没事了,没事了……”林沐雨轻轻一拍她的手背,说:“我把秦雷大哥的头颅带回来葬于镇国碑下了,如果不这样做的话,难以心安啊,小汐你一定能理解我的。” But......” Tang Xiaoxi starts to speak but hesitates. “可是……”唐小汐欲言又止。 Said monster clan that side matter.” Lin Muyu said with a smile: Various forging types of attacking a city instruments that demon clan marshal Qian Feng deliberately plans, planned that westbound attacks the empire territory, I was worried, once the demon clan invaded the success , the strength of our humanity army was hard to contend radically, by that time perhaps must draw support from in Yaozu the military strength.” “还是说说妖族那边的事情吧。”林沐雨笑道:“魔族元帅浅风处心积虑的铸造各种攻城器械,打算西进攻打帝国领土,我担心一旦魔族真的入侵成功了,我们人类军队的力量根本就难以抗衡,到那时恐怕还要借助于妖族的兵力。” Monster clan does not feel better very much.” “妖族也不是很好过啦。” The Tang Xiaoxi sips sips red lip, said: In endless forest cold hot variable, in the spring of this year the summer little has rained scorching sun overhead, causes the great drought, in the jungle the crop of wild plant is very bad, the food of monster clan also became very few, just to the autumn, day after day the heavy snow, the entire town monster Guanxi side turned into snow expanse, before I came in several day has starved to death over a thousand monster clans, therefore my this time came Orchid Goose City, borrowed the grain to Xiao Yin......” 唐小汐抿抿红唇,说:“无尽森林里冷热无常,今年春夏一直烈日当空很少下雨,导致大旱,丛林里野生植物的收成十分差,妖族的食物也就变得少之又少了,刚刚到了秋季,连天大雪,整个镇妖关西方都变成了一片雪海,在我来之前的几天里就饿死了上千个妖族,所以我这次来兰雁城,是向小茵借粮的……” „?” “啊?” Lin Muyu stares slightly, touches the nose saying: „Do I accompany you to see Xiao Yin together?” 林沐雨微微一愣,摸摸鼻子道:“我陪你一起去见小茵吧?” Un, good!” “嗯,好!” !! !!
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