AG :: Volume #5

#415: Stars later

Situ Sen looks fearlessly to one group of subordinates, said: Comes the person, all moves White Diamond of Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce, presents to give back to rain Commander.” 司徒森昂然看向一群部下,道:“来人,把紫茵花商会的白钻全部搬过来,如数奉还给雨统领。” Yes!” One crowd followed the crowd one after another cup one fist in the other hand to transport the cargo. “是!”一群从众纷纷抱拳去搬运货物了。 Situ Sen turns around saying: Rain Commander, whether to accept this invite in our day will drink one glass of liquor definitely?” 司徒森转身道:“雨统领,可否赏脸在我们天决会喝一杯酒?” Good.” Lin Muyu intends to become friends with, naturally nods. “好。”林沐雨有意结交,自然点头。 Happy, here invited!” “痛快,这边请!” Situ Sen forest Mu Yuyin to master Xi Pang, has arranged one table, the nice wine good meat to supply, Lin Muyu stays behind drinks, raises the eyebrow, said: Wei Chou, you went to say one with everybody, the alert relieve, one will send for removing goods.” 司徒森把林沐雨引到主人席旁,又摆下了一桌,好酒好肉供上,林沐雨留下喝酒,一扬眉,道:“卫仇,你去跟大家说一声,戒备解除,一会派人过来搬货。” Yes, Commander!” “是,统领!” Wei Chou turns around to go. 卫仇转身而去。 ...... …… Shortly after Lin Muyu sits down, Situ Xue came, looks like valiant, both hands raise glass, say with a smile: „The girl had disrespected a moment ago, but also looks at rain Commander should not be offended, this cup is Situ Xue apologizing proposes a toast.” 林沐雨坐下不久,司徒雪就过来了,看起来英姿飒爽,双手举杯,笑道:“刚才小女子有所不敬,还望雨统领不要见怪,这杯算是司徒雪的请罪敬酒。” How can, the miss not need to care.” Lin Muyu raises glass to toss down, turns around to look to Situ Sen, said: I looked at the skill of Sir Situ Sen so, takes a broad view at the empire not to have several people are your match, you actually will reduce why in this place...... Preys upon the common people, to abuse power?” “怎么会,姑娘不必放在心上。”林沐雨举杯一饮而尽,转身看向司徒森,道:“我看司徒森大人的身手如此了得,放眼帝国也不会有几个人是你的对手,为何你却会沦落在这种地方……鱼肉百姓、作威作福呢?” Really ashamed......” “实在惭愧……” A Situ Sen face is ashamed, said: I am the day to one of the regiment Ten Thousand-Man Commander, four years ago Orchid Goose City fight under the Saint Realm expert Yan Li severe wound by Luo Lan place, therefore hides in the slum area evades one difficultly, afterward was aware without Yan says goodbye the empress, then hides in this slum, kills the day to manage affairs definitely, supports oneself for the leader.” 司徒森一脸羞愧,道:“我原本是天冲军团的万夫长之一,四年前的兰雁城一战中被洛岚座下的圣域强者阎立重伤,所以躲在贫民区里避过一难,后来自觉无颜再见女帝,便隐藏在这贫民窟里,杀死天决会原掌事,自立为首领。” This......” forest washes the raindrop to nod: Originally is Yan Li!” “这样啊……”林沐雨点点头:“原来是阎立!” The facial expression that on Situ Sen face gushes out the incomparable respect, said: „Before end will hear soon, rain Commander has recaptured the head of Qin Lei Commander in the righteousness and country, and has killed Yan Li dozens name and country military officers, does not know whether real?” 司徒森的脸上涌出无比敬意的神情,道:“末将听闻不久之前雨统领在义和国夺回了秦雷统领的头颅,并且杀死了阎立在内的数十名义和国将领,不知道是否是真的?” Real.” “是真的。” Lin Muyu pats the front the armor, said: Injury did not have completely to heal, is defeats Lu Zhan, Yan Li to bestow.” 林沐雨拍拍胸前的铠甲,道:“伤势至今还没有完全愈合,都是败鲁盏、阎立所赐。” Saying, him was raising the eyebrow saying: „The rotation center Secret Art that Sir Situ Sen, you use, can change into oneself to use the strength of match, very profound strange, moreover is somewhat familiar-sounding, where I as if have heard......” 说着,他扬眉道:“司徒森大人,您所使用的转心诀,能够将对手的力量化为己用,十分玄奇,而且有些耳熟,我似乎在什么地方听说过……” Situ Sen whole body trembles, said: Rain Commander, I......” 司徒森浑身一颤,道:“雨统领,我……” What has to be hard to open the mouth?” “有什么难以启口的吗?” No, is only......” “不,只是……” Appearance that Situ Sen starting to speak but hesitating, Situ Xue could not tolerate, said directly: Rain Commander, I and Elder Brother are the empire star Situ Qiong descendants, how Elder Brother elegantly not to be successful to the regiment in the day, on Du Hai the general has not promoted the meaning of Elder Brother for several years, therefore Elder Brother will sprout to draw back intent, in the war of Orchid Goose City, is far from Elder Brother covets life and fears death, invites the Commander intelligent apprehension......” 司徒森一副欲言又止的样子,司徒雪看不过去了,直接说道:“雨统领,我和哥哥原本是帝国名将司徒穹的后裔,奈何哥哥在天冲军团一直郁郁不得志,杜海上将军数年来都没有提拔哥哥的意思,所以哥哥才会萌生退意,兰雁城之战中,绝非哥哥贪生怕死,请统领明察……” Lin Muyu said in a soft voice: Has not related, escape that in the war of Orchid Goose City everyone at a loss is having no place, who the energy can attend to, but empress Qin Yin ascends the throne now, Situ Sen your such skilled person like this occupies in the Orchid Goose City slum, did not think that the hero doesn't have the opportunity?” 林沐雨轻声道:“没关系,兰雁城之战里每个人都在茫然失所的逃命,谁又能顾得上谁呢,不过如今女帝秦茵登基,司徒森你这样的好手就这样屈居在兰雁城贫民窟内,难道不觉得英雄无用武之地吗?” I know that is only......” Situ Sen somewhat worried saying: Only fears is in the deliberation hall full is the crafty generation, my such person does not have the opportunity!” “我知道,只是……”司徒森有些苦恼的说道:“只怕是朝堂上满是奸佞之辈,我这样的人没有用武之地啊!” Cannot.” “不会。” Lin Muyu said confidently: So long as you want, I can recommend you to empress Your Highness, by your ability, your rallying point, believes in addition can form a brand-new army. You should also know that demon clan drops from the clouds, when has seized the range winter province, the exceedingly high province and Cangnan Province eastern region, the empire chooses a person.” 林沐雨胸有成竹道:“只要你愿意,我可以向女帝殿下推荐你,以你的能力,加上你的号召力,相信能够组建一支全新的军队来。你应该也知道,魔族从天而降,已经占领了岭冬行省、通天行省与苍南行省的东部区域,帝国正是用人之时。” Situ Sen eyes one bright, said: End will not need the rain Commander recommendation!” 司徒森眼睛一亮,道:“末将不需要雨统领举荐!” Why?” Lin Muyu is stunned. “为什么?”林沐雨愕然。 Situ Sen drinks next big strong liquor suddenly, in the eye the vision brilliant, said: Although I in empire deliberation hall but do not know that there is dirty, the billows Duke, Yun has the half of the country separately, the empress lives in the crevice, if I form an emperor really ** team, must mostly by the billows Duke or Yun about, my Situ Sen life is frank, is not willing to work as the villain of that compromising for the general interest, therefore...... Prays for rain Commander to accept end, end is willing to summon that the day decides the brothers of meeting to join the gentian camp, following Commander to go on an expedition the world!” 司徒森猛然喝下一大口烈酒,眼中目光灼灼,道:“虽然我不在帝国朝堂但也知道那里有多么肮脏,澜公、云公分别占据半壁江山,女帝活在夹缝之中,如果我真的组建一支帝**队,多半是要被澜公或者云公所左右,我司徒森一生光明磊落,不愿意当那种委曲求全的小人,所以……请雨统领收下末将吧,末将愿意号召天决会的兄弟们加入龙胆营,追随统领征战天下!” You...... Are you willing to follow me really?” Lin Muyu astonished say|way. “你……你真的愿意追随我?”林沐雨惊愕道。 Situ Sen nods: Yes! However......” 司徒森点点头:“是!不过……” He smiled: „The day decides the brothers of meeting is not the lamp of province oil, wants to make us join the emperor ** must look that rain Commander did have the sincerity, after all, in this world did not have the free fried cake, did not have the free exercise **.” 他又笑了:“不过天决会的兄弟们都不是省油的灯,想让我们加入帝**还要看雨统领有没有诚意了,毕竟,这世上没有免费的煎饼,也没有免费操的**。” Situ Xue pouts to say in side: Elder Brother, you spoke really uncouthly!” 司徒雪在旁努努嘴道:“哥哥,你说话真粗鲁!” Lin Muyu actually laughs in spite of trying not, said: Treatment that gentian camp can obtain, you and your brothers can also obtain, and finally wants the opportunity to be mature, you will become of gentian camp.” 林沐雨却不禁失笑,道:“龙胆营能得到的待遇,你和你的兄弟也能得到,并且最终只要时机成熟,你们都会成为龙胆营的一员。” Situ Sen nods: These are not the issues, if kills the demon clan, is utterly loyal for the country, we do not certainly have two words, is only...... My brothers mostly are poverty-stricken family backgrounds, the sisters and brothers of many people are the servant status, Situ Senzhi strive for being same, the Sir can obtain from empress Your Highness there remits the Saint imperial edict together, remits their family members, we pledge certainly to fight to the death to follow the Sir!” 司徒森点点头:“这些都不是问题,如果是去杀魔族,为国尽忠,我们一定没有二话,只是……我的兄弟们大多都是穷苦出身,许多人的姐妹、兄弟都是奴仆身份,司徒森只求一样,大人能够从女帝殿下那里求得一道赦免圣诏,赦免他们的家人,我们一定誓死追随大人!” Remits?” “赦免?” Lin Muyu the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten, hesitate do not speak. 林沐雨剑眉紧锁,沉吟不语。 What's wrong, doesn't Commander dare?” Situ Senmi the eye was asking. “怎么,统领不敢了?”司徒森眯着眼睛笑问。 Has anything not to dare.” “有什么不敢的。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod: I will tell Your Highness truthfully, but you must comply with my agreement, starting today, your person cannot do all kinds of evil things again, bullies the common people and plundering everywhere, otherwise makes the gentian camp catch, kills one, do not blame my black face not to recognize people.” 林沐雨点点头:“我会如实告诉殿下,但你也必须要遵从我的约定,从今天开始,你的人不能再为非作歹,到处欺压百姓、打家劫舍,否则让龙胆营抓到,有一个杀一个,别怪我黑脸不认人。” Situ Sen cup one fist in the other hand: Sir felt relieved that please trust my Situ Sen, I will not disappoint you!” 司徒森一抱拳:“大人放心,请信任我司徒森,我绝不会让你失望!” ...... …… Lin Muyu rise looked to Situ Xue, immediately Situ Xuebei this handsome empire Commander looked at the heart fawn to proceed along no particular course, cheek one red, said: Sir, did you link my Lingbei mercenary group also to receive together?” 林沐雨又抬头看向了司徒雪,顿时司徒雪被这位英俊的帝国统领看得心头小鹿乱撞,脸蛋一红,就说道:“大人,您难道连我的岭北佣兵团也想一起收了?” Right.” “没错。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod: Empire when life and death, your Lingbei mercenary group strength is Orchid Goose City within the boundaries first, can occupy in the mountain top superior is profiting from another's strife? Situ snow miss, I can tell the facts told you, if the Cangnan Province steel and iron back wall let slip, the conquering by killing empire each inch land of demon clan certain vast stretch of flat land, which mountain top no matter Lingbei mercenary group hid on does not avoid this tribulation.” 林沐雨点点头:“帝国正值生死存亡之际,你的岭北佣兵团战力位列兰雁城境内第一位,难道还要盘踞在山头上等着坐收渔利吗?司徒雪姑娘,我可以实话实说的告诉你,如果苍南行省的钢铁护墙失手了,魔族一定一马平川的血洗帝国每一寸土地,不管岭北佣兵团躲在哪一座山头上都躲不过这一劫。” Hee hee, Commander do not frighten me.” “嘻嘻,统领可别吓我。” Situ Xueqing has caressed the chest, pretends extremely the appearance of fear, with a smile continues to ask: Rain Commander, is the demon clan such as in the legend so really fierce?” 司徒雪轻抚了一下胸口,装作极其害怕的样子,笑吟吟的继续问道:“雨统领,魔族真的如传说中那么厉害吗?” Yes, Du Hai such Saint Realm expert was massacred, your conceivable demon clan strong to what situation.” Lin Muyu said. “是啊,杜海这样的圣域强者都被杀掉了,你可以想象魔族强到了什么样的地步。”林沐雨说道。 That rain can Commander fight with Thunder to rush?” “那雨统领可与雷冲交过手?” Has.” “有。” Odds of success how?” “胜算如何?” Does not have the odds of success.” Lin Muyu takes truthfully. “毫无胜算。”林沐雨如实以告。 Can't?” Situ snow spits the tongue, said: Rain does Commander like this astonishingly cultivate for is not a match?” “不会吧?”司徒雪吐了吐舌头,道:“就连雨统领这样的惊人修为都不是对手?” Un.” Lin Muyu look at her with a smile: Returns to the proper topic, I now am one of the empire on general officer level Commander, has enough authority to make a decision these matters, is Situ snow miss, you willing to lead Lingbei mercenary group to join our gentian camp completely?” “嗯。”林沐雨笑着看她:“言归正传吧,我如今是帝国的上将级统领之一,有足够的权力决断这些事情,司徒雪姑娘,你愿意率领岭北佣兵团全部加入我们龙胆营吗?” This......” “这个嘛……” Situ snow somewhat awkward saying: This is not I decides, moreover words that wants to join completely, is really some difficulties, first...... Must have enough family settlement fee.” 司徒雪有些为难的说道:“这个并不是我一个人说了算,而且想要全部加入的话,实在是有些难度,首先……必须要有足够的安家费。” „Did family settlement fee, say?” “安家费,怎么说?” Our mercenary is different from your servicemen, we can only occupy on the mountain top, does not have including a family|home, many brothers not to mention marry wife anything, therefore at least needs everyone 200 Gold Yin Coin family settlement fees, making them place the house around Orchid Goose City for the family member, otherwise they are impossible to give up the mercenary commission become the emperors ** person.” “我们佣兵跟你们军人不一样,我们只能盘踞在山头上,连一个家都没有,许多兄弟更别提娶老婆什么的了,所以至少需要每人200枚金茵币的安家费,让他们在兰雁城四周为家人安置房屋,否则他们不可能放弃佣兵的佣金而成为帝**人的。” This...... Lingbei mercenary group altogether how many people?” “这样啊……岭北佣兵团一共多少人?” „More than 15,000 people.” “15000多人。” Good.” “好吧。” Lin Muyu deep looked at Situ snow, said: We said it and meant it, I put out three million Gold Yin Coin gold banknotes, you must lead Lingbei mercenary group to join the gentian camp together.” 林沐雨深深的看了一眼司徒雪,道:“我们一言为定,我拿出三百万金茵币的金票,你就必须率领岭北佣兵团一起加入龙胆营。” Good.” Situ Xue puts out a hand to grasp with Lin Muyu, said: Said it and meant it!” “好。”司徒雪伸手与林沐雨一握,道:“一言为定!” Saying, she cheek was also red. 说着,她又脸蛋通红了。 Lin Muyu could not bear look to Situ Sen, asked: How does your this younger sister mix Lingbei mercenary to roll Captain?” 林沐雨忍不住看向了司徒森,问道:“你这妹妹是怎么混上岭北佣兵团长的?” „Isn't this simple?” Situ Sen hey said with a smile: „Since she does from ordinary mercenary, the challenge of first-level level, has defeated old Captain with the double blade finally, after old Captain abdicates, was one's turn her.” “这不简单?”司徒森嘿嘿笑道:“她从普通佣兵干起,一级级的挑战上去,最终用双刀击败了老团长,老团长退位之后就轮到她了。” So that's how it is......” “原来如此……” ...... …… To approached the dusk time, Lin Muyu and Situ Sen brother and sister finally came to an arrangement about all agreements, although said that Situ Sen manner is quite straightforward, but has also given big pile of conditions, but Situ Xue is quite simple, the richness is willing to join the gentian camp, but stated clearly beforehand must to her and a Elder Brother everyone Ten Thousand-Man Commander position, this actually simple, Lin Muyu this armed forces Commander can confer rank and title depending on the ribbon attached to an official seal. 一直到了接近黄昏的时候,林沐雨和司徒森兄妹终于谈妥了所有的协议,虽然说司徒森为人比较耿直,但也给出了一大堆的条件,而司徒雪则比较简单,有钱就愿意加入龙胆营,只不过事先言明必须要给她和哥哥每人一个万夫长的职位而已,这个倒是简单,林沐雨这一军统领自己就能凭印绶册封了。 Under the setting sun, Lin Muyu, Wei Chou, Fengxi and the others leave the slum area slowly. 夕阳下,林沐雨、卫仇、风溪等人缓缓离开贫民区。 Commander, do you trust Situ Sen really?” Asking that Wei Chou somewhat worries about. 统领,您真的信任司徒森吗?”卫仇有些担忧的问道。 Trust.” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, smiles suddenly: Although this person is not the lamp of province oil, but such cultivating for with rallying point, once can be adopted by us is a big boost, no matter what, our gentian camp needs person like this now.” “信任。”林沐雨点点头,忽地一笑:“虽然这人并不是什么省油的灯,但这样的修为和号召力,一旦能为我所用就会是一大助力,不管怎么样,我们龙胆营现在太需要这样的人了。” Captain Situ Xue of that Lingbei mercenary group, does the Sir also decide to recruit this crowd of mercenary?” “还有那个岭北佣兵团的团长司徒雪,大人也决定招募这群佣兵?” Un.” “嗯。” What do we make now?” “我们现在去做什么?” Sees empress Your Highness, sought the Saint imperial edict, in the true sense subdued Situ Sen, Situ snow brother and sister, ordered to expand the camp in gentian camp, established a camp in the wilderness outside north again, in the city is not really able to guard that many people.” “见女帝殿下,求圣诏,真正意义上的收服司徒森、司徒雪兄妹,下令扩建龙胆营的营地吧,在城北外的荒野之中再建立一座营地,城里实在无法驻守那么多人了。” Yes, the subordinate understood.” “是,属下明白了。” !! !!
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