AG :: Volume #5

#414: Rotation center Secret Art

The front door of total altar|jar is shutting tightly, above full is the nail thorn, is being guarded by eight guards, one of them walks to go forward rapidly, puts out a hand to block the front door, said: Sir, please defer to our customs, before entering the total altar|jar, relieves weapons!” 总坛的大门是紧闭着的,上面满是钉刺,由八名守卫镇守着,其中一人迅速走上前,伸手拦住大门,道:“大人,请依照我们的规矩,进入总坛之前解除兵刃!” Relieves weapons?” “解除兵刃?” Lin Muyu laughs in spite of trying not to: „Do your one group of hoodlum evildoers, who give your authority to relieve empire Commander weapons?” 林沐雨不禁失笑:“你们一群流氓匪类,谁给你们的权力解除帝国统领兵刃?” We......” the opposite party had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly. “我们……”对方居然无言以对。 Zhou Nian coughed, said: Was good, making rain Commander carry weapons to go, this was our hospitality.” 周念则咳了咳,说:“好了,让雨统领携带兵刃进去了,这是我们的待客之道。” Yes!” “是!” „”, Front door opens slowly, although is daytime, inside actually lit many trough fires and candlelights, the haze winds around, immediately makes forest Mu Yu have a feeling of Valiant House, is treading stone steps step by step enters in the total altar|jar, after the eye adapted to here brightness, discovered that this is a discussing official business hall, the middle disc basin, the both sides are the sticking out catwalks, in the stage was filled with the person, on the table has laid aside the wine and meat, Lin Muyu is dispersing Spiritual Pulse Technique, discovered that the aura of these people mostly cultivated in Earth Realm are, the Orchid Goose City really latent talent, here unexpectedly gathered such one. Group Earth Realm cultivates for expert! “吱呀”一声,大门缓缓开启,虽然是白天,里面却点燃了许多盆火与烛火,烟气缭绕,顿时让林沐雨有一种侠客行馆的感觉,踏着石阶一步步的进入总坛之中,等到眼睛适应了这里的亮度之后才发现,这是一个议事大厅,中间圆盘型盆地,两侧都是隆起的高台,高台上坐满了人,桌案上放置着酒肉,林沐雨散开灵脉术,发现这些人的气息大多都是在地境修为,兰雁城果然藏龙卧虎,在这里居然聚集了那么一。群地境修为的强者 Brings Wei Chou and other people to enter in the disc, can only raise head to look at the person on master seat, that is one wears the person of fierce appearance armor, approximately the under 30-year-old youth, the appearance but actually is also handsome, eyes just likes the falcon general is staring at Lin Muyu, stands up suddenly, carries the wine glass to say with a smile slightly: Who I said am, originally was the Orchid Goose City general arrives.” 带着卫仇等四人进入圆盘中,只能仰头看着主人席上的人了,那是一个身穿虎皮铠甲的人,大约不到30岁的青年,长相倒也算是英俊,一双眸子犹如鹰隼一般的盯着林沐雨,忽地站起身,端着酒杯微微笑道:“我道是谁,原来是兰雁城的将军到了。” „Are you Situ Sen?” Lin Muyu asked proudly, whole body swept across continuously breeze, the spin fiercely is fighting the glow to bring behind White-Robe Imperial Forest cape to be calm, did not get angry, but prestige. “你就是司徒森?”林沐雨傲然问道,周身席卷着一缕缕微风,旋烈斗芒带着身后的白袍御林斗篷无风自动,不怒而威。 „.” Situ Sen puts down the wine glass, said with a smile: „Are you?” “正是。”司徒森放下酒杯,笑道:“你是?” Forest Mu Yu.” “林沐雨。” „, Is overawed rain Commander of righteousness and country's, loses the respect!” Situ Sen cup one fist in the other hand salutes, this ritual looks like not artificial, actually really respectful: Does not know that what matter rain Commander does visit our day to have definitely?” “哦,原来是威震义和国的雨统领,失敬!”司徒森抱拳行礼,这一礼看起来毫不做作,倒是真的恭敬:“不知道雨统领造访我们天决会有什么事?” We have one batch the White Diamond accessory that purchases from Seven Seas City, has been robbed outside the Orchid Goose City Beicheng, does not know that is the expensive office is?” Lin Muyu asked with a smile. “我们有一批从七海城购买来的白钻饰品,在兰雁城北城外被劫了,不知道是不是贵会所为呢?”林沐雨笑着问道。 What has not thought that Situ Sen confessed fully unexpectedly that laughs saying: Yes, truly is I orders to grab, but thinks is goods that the Orchid Goose City aristocrat young ladies select and purchase, does not want to move the rain Commander cargo unexpectedly.” 未曾想到的是,司徒森居然供认不讳,哈哈大笑道:“是,确实是我下令劫掠的,不过原本以为是兰雁城的贵族小姐们选购的物品,不曾想居然动了雨统领的货物。” Lin Muyu said: These White Diamond are used for the tempered White Diamond arrow to cope with the demon clan and righteousness and country uses, but also looks at your excellency to present.” 林沐雨道:“这些白钻都是用来淬炼白钻箭头对付魔族和义和国用的,还望阁下能够如数奉还。” Situ Sen hesitates, but sits at his side young girl actually delicate eyebrows raises, said with a smile: Huge joke, you said that also, you think that who you are?” 司徒森沉吟不已,但坐在他身边的一名少女却秀眉一扬,笑道:“天大的笑话,你说还就还啊,你以为你是谁?” Lin Muyu rise looks, this young girl military garb, the waist is hanging two handle reaphooks, does not seem like weapons of China , Turkey, but is long is actually very attractive, is somewhat similar to Situ Sen, should be Situ snow, therefore lightly smiled: What's wrong, does Sir Captain of Lingbei mercenary group have what granting instruction?” 林沐雨抬头看去,这少女一身戎装,腰间悬挂两柄弯月刀,看起来不像是中土的兵刃,不过长得倒是十分好看,与司徒森有几分相似,应该就是司徒雪了,于是微微一笑:“怎么,岭北佣兵团的团长大人有何赐教?” Situ snow draws out a handle sickle gently, said with a smile: Since rain Commander knew that my Situ Xue, must know my Situ Xue attitude, if you could not win my under double blade, that not to mention anything also returned to the cargo, to seize your this large stock of goods, we also died several people.” 司徒雪轻轻拔出一柄弯刀,笑道:“既然雨统领认识我司徒雪,就应当知道我司徒雪的作风,如果你赢不了我手下双刀的话,那就别提什么还回货物了,为了夺你这批货,我们还死掉了十几个人哩。” Snort, you killed a person and took his possessions, pour to show off cleverness.” “哼,你们杀人越货,倒卖乖了。” Lin Muyu raises long sword gently, the Dragon Spirit sword does not come out of the sheath, confident, stance saying with a smile proudly: Situ miss, come, I, if the sheath wins you, even if I lose.” 林沐雨轻轻擎起长剑,龙灵剑并不出鞘,胸有成竹、姿态傲然的笑道:“司徒姑娘,来吧,我如果出鞘赢你,就算我输。” Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄!” Situ Xue jumps to leap jumped down, the double blade raises, having the Battle Qi ray to cut to fall. 司徒雪纵身一跃就跳了下来,双刀扬起,带着斗气光芒斩落下来。 Lin Muyu Martial Spirit surges, the golden bottle gourd wall broken body, illuminated the entire meeting hall, the Dragon Spirit sword even/including Qiaoge parry went, „, when resisted the Situ Xue double blade, but Situ Xue movement was very light and lively, could not hit changes incurs immediately, a blade opened the Dragon Spirit sword, another blade took advantage of opportunity to chop to the Lin Muyu's abdomen, very ruthless spicy. 林沐雨武魂激荡,金色葫芦壁破体而出,照亮了整个议事厅,龙灵剑连鞘格挡开去,“当”的一声招架住司徒雪的双刀,但司徒雪的动作十分轻灵,一击不中马上变招,一刀挑开龙灵剑,另一刀则顺势砍向了林沐雨的腹部,十分狠辣。 Good ominous young miss!” “好凶的小姑娘!” Lin Muyu drinks one lowly, the left arm is lingering dragon air/Qi, real Dragon Biheng has working as a standard parry Situ Xue the blade, simultaneously the right hand wrist|skill turns, Dragon Spirit sword ingenious swings Situ Xue blade in the airborne anxious spin, the sword hilt takes advantage of opportunity falls loudly, long jab to the shoulder of Situ snow. 林沐雨低喝一声,左臂萦绕着一道道龙气,真龙臂横起“当”一声格挡开司徒雪的这一刀,同时右手手腕一翻,龙灵剑巧妙的在空中急旋荡开司徒雪的刀刃,剑柄顺势轰然落下,直击向司徒雪的肩膀。 Has a dream!” “做梦!” On a Situ Xue pretty face full is fighting intent, the under foot plunders has shunted the Dragon Spirit sword sword hilt to strike, double blade horizontal, Can left a snowflake tangential the Lin Muyu's waist. 司徒雪一张漂亮脸蛋上满是战意,脚下一掠就躲开了龙灵剑剑柄的一击,双刀横起,灿出朵朵雪花切向了林沐雨的后腰。 But Lin Muyu's speed is quicker, Falling Star Steps Stellar Step dodges to pass, avoids Situ Xue strikes at the same time fights the boots to be the same, accumulated filled the spin to fight the glow to explode to trample fiercely. 林沐雨的速度更快,坠星步星步一闪而逝,避开司徒雪一击的同时战靴一样,蕴满了旋烈斗芒就爆踹了出去。 „?” “啊?” Situ snow can feel the strength of this foot, the hurried double blade keeps off in the front standard horizontally, but the Lin Muyu's strength is strong she too many too have been really many, bang a bang, Situ Xue the double blade lets go to fly immediately, slightly somewhat distressed depreciation above stand. 司徒雪能够感受到这一脚的力量,急忙双刀横在胸前格挡,但林沐雨的力量实在是强过她太多太多,“嘭”一声巨响,司徒雪顿时双刀脱手而飞,略微有些狼狈的跌落在看台之上。 Protects Sir Captain!” “保护团长大人!” Senior general one after another of Qunling north mercenary group stood up, draws out weapons to throw. 一群岭北佣兵团的高级将领纷纷站起身,拔出兵刃扑了过来。 Lin Muyu does not give way to traffic, the Dragon Spirit sword does not come out of the sheath, stirs the spin to fight the glow to sweep away directly to go fiercely, is supplementing the God Binding Lock strength strikes to swing an arc energy impact, blows to fall to fly several military officers, the candlelight on stand also has been put out one piece! 林沐雨更不避让,龙灵剑也不出鞘,直接鼓荡着旋烈斗芒就横扫而去,附带着缚神锁力量的一击荡开一道弧线能量冲击,将十几名将领吹得跌飞出去,就连看台上的烛火也熄灭了一片! Is built on above the disc, golden God Binding Lock gloss is in the body week, Lin Muyu rise asked proudly: Also who can try?” 立于圆盘之上,一缕缕金色缚神锁光泽在身周氤氲,林沐雨抬头傲然问道:“还有谁要来试试?” People with amazement, dumbfounded, Situ Xue is the Heaven Realm single layer day cultivates is, this is the well-known matter, but Situ Xue washes rain sword blade not to leave the situation next three moves of sheath to repel in the forest, others surely did not have the odds of success. 众人骇然,一个个目瞪口呆,司徒雪是天境第一重天修为,这是众所周知的事情,但司徒雪在林沐雨剑刃不出鞘的情况下三招击退,别人肯定更加没有胜算了。 ...... …… „......” “啪啪啪……” The applauding sound transmits, is Situ Sen, he stands up proudly, said: Lan wild goose four really lives up to reputation, Situ Xue defeats also certainly is sincerely convinced, but...... Rain Commander, our day also will have definitely our customs, gives back to you to be able White Diamond, but you must win the handle sword in my Situ Sen hand, dares?” 击掌声传来,是司徒森,他傲然站起身,道:“兰雁四杰果然名不虚传,司徒雪败得也一定心服口服,不过……雨统领,我们天决会也有我们的规矩,把白钻还给你可以,但你必须赢了我司徒森手里的这柄剑,敢吗?” What has not to dare?” Lin Muyu draws out the Dragon Spirit sword slowly, said with a smile proudly: If I cannot make your Situ Sen subdue, how can also make the world subdue!” “有什么不敢?”林沐雨缓缓拔出龙灵剑,傲然笑道:“如果我不能让你司徒森折服,又怎么能让天下折服!” Big tone, I like!” “好大的口气,我喜欢!” Situ Sen draws out weapons slowly, unexpectedly also has the Saint beast soul standard, is handle Saint, the place of this poor also has handle Saint unexpectedly! 司徒森缓缓拔出兵刃,居然也有圣兽魂格,是一柄圣器,这贫民之地居然也有一柄圣器! And, above Situ Sen sword blade circles in flight three cream color to fight the spirit, this is one has the Heaven Realm Third Layer day scala media to cultivate for expert, Orchid Goose City was really too the latent talent! 并且,司徒森的剑刃之上飞旋着三道乳白色斗灵,这是一个拥有天境第三重天中阶修为的强者啊,兰雁城实在是太藏龙卧虎了! Looks at Lin Muyu, Situ Sen said lightly: If the rain Commander three moves of internal energies defeat my Situ Sen, even if were you wins!” 看着林沐雨,司徒森淡淡道:“如果雨统领三招内能败我司徒森,就算是你赢了!” Good!” “好!” The forest washes the raindrop to nod. 林沐雨点点头。 Starts!” “开始吧!” Situ Sen roared, Battle Qi promotes the peak degree, in fact the Lin Muyu's injury did not have recover completely, which the present is the Battle Qi intensity also not necessarily strong to goes compared with Situ Sen, this was really an evenly matched war, the only variable was the move, the Lin Muyu's move must by far above Situ Sen. 司徒森怒吼一声,斗气提升到了巅峰程度,事实上林沐雨的伤势还没有痊愈,现在是斗气强度也未必比司徒森强到哪儿去,这实在是一场势均力敌之战,唯一的变数就是招数,林沐雨的招数显然要远远在司徒森之上。 Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” Roaring flame surge, Lin Muyu gets rid is kills to incur, with fire imperial sword! 一道道烈焰涌动,林沐雨一出手就是杀招,以火御剑! Faces the super revolving, to surge the True Dragon Fire Dragon Spirit sword, Situ Sen naturally must whole-heartedly, calls out one, Battle Qi gathers above sword blade, purple rays just like the vortex general appearance around his body. 面对着高速旋转、涌动着真龙元火龙灵剑,司徒森自然更要全力以赴,暴喝一声,斗气聚在剑刃之上,一道道紫色光芒犹如漩涡一般的出现在他的身体周围。 Goes!” “去!” Lin Muyu a sword starts, Situ Sen retrocedes rapidly, looks like escapes general, but purple strength eddy currents help to spin in his body, making the Dragon Flame spiral broken strength be twisted unceasingly, the next moment, Situ Sen calls out, changes the course of events unexpectedly, has approached Lin Muyu the Dragon Spirit sword reverse bang, my goodness! 林沐雨一剑发动,司徒森急速后退,就像是逃跑一般,但一道道紫色力量漩涡更是在他的身周急旋着,让龙炎螺旋破的力量不断被扭曲,下一刻,司徒森一声暴喝,竟扭转乾坤,将龙灵剑反向轰向了林沐雨,好家伙! Rotation center Secret Art!” Under Situ Sen calling out sound, the Dragon Spirit sword counter-attacks Lin Muyu. “转心诀!”司徒森的暴喝声中,龙灵剑反攻下林沐雨。 How possible!?” “怎么可能!?” Lin Muyu stares, hurried right palm, the stars strength surges, drinks greatly pounds to fall the Dragon Spirit sword on the place forcefully, bang a stone chip scatters, the air wave attacks near person to retrocede again and again, simultaneously the stars strength crazy fierce gathering of right fist, jumps suddenly, Lin Muyu has had the stance of occupying a commanding position, the meeting hall crown is more like by the innumerable stars is pierced general, everywhere star eon is sparkling, the gathering is the Lin Muyu's palm strength, falls from the day bang, the Stars Art third type Sacred Mountains of China day falls! 林沐雨一愣,急忙右掌一张,星辰力量涌动,一声大喝强行将龙灵剑砸落在地,“嘭”一声石屑四溅,气浪冲击得较近的人连连后退,同时右拳的星辰力量狂猛汇聚,骤然跃起,林沐雨采取了居高临下的姿态,议事厅顶部更像是被无数星辰洞穿一般,漫天的星宙闪耀着,汇聚为林沐雨的掌力,从天轰落下来,正是星辰诀第三式五岳天降! And this time was the real Sacred Mountains of China day fell, a strength of Lin Muyu palm not less than mountain capping, since Situ Sen had change of the seasons ability, that had a look at him to have the magical powers of rotation mountain! 并且这一次是真的五岳天降了,林沐雨一掌的力量不啻于山岳压顶,既然司徒森有“斗转星移”的能力,那就看看他有没有转动山岳的神通! Facing the Lin Muyu's overwhelming palm strength, a Situ Sen face with amazement, long sword in the front, stirs the rotation center Secret Art horizontally forcefully the profound strength, the face whiten, when the Sacred Mountains of China day falls is getting more and more near, Situ Sen complexion also even more pale, but he continues to stir the rotation center Secret Art the profound strength, tries to unload the vigorous strength of Sacred Mountains of China day falling. 面对林沐雨的浩然掌力,司徒森一脸骇然,长剑横在胸前,强行鼓荡转心诀的玄力,脸色苍白,当五岳天降越来越近的时候,司徒森的脸色也越发的苍白,但他继续鼓荡转心诀的玄力,试图卸开五岳天降的雄浑之力。 However in the next second, Situ Sen gave up, this vigorous star eon strength just likes the rivers and streams that rushes is unable to shirk generally, is unable to change into oneself to use, resulted in the under foot stone brick to split open by the imposing manner oppression of Sacred Mountains of China day falling unceasingly, even the tigers mouth has boiled up the blood, until this time, Situ Sen clenched teeth to shout to clear the way finally lowly: I lost!” 然而在下一秒,司徒森就已经放弃了,这股雄浑的星宙力量犹如澎湃的江河一般根本就无法推卸,更加无法化为己用,被五岳天降的气势压迫得脚下石砖不断迸裂,甚至就连虎口都迸出了鲜血,直到这时,司徒森终于咬牙低喝道:“我输了!” Brushes......” “刷……” Lin Muyu condenses a star eon strength suddenly loosen in palm, takes advantage of opportunity has slid from Situ Sen's top of the head, floating after falling to the ground, his palm flings gently, that makes Situ Sen feel that such as places oneself the purgatory general frightening strength that gently dissipation is indigo blue star dust, affords a marvelous view. 林沐雨凝聚在掌心里的星宙力量猛然一松,顺势从司徒森的头顶滑过,飘然落地之后,他掌心轻轻一甩,那股让司徒森感觉如置身炼狱一般的恐怖力量就那么轻轻消散为一道道靛蓝色星尘,蔚为奇观。 ...... …… Shouted...... Sigh...... Shouted......” “呼……呼……呼……” Situ Sen unceasing puffing, complexion said pale: May I ask rain Commander, this...... What strength this is, unexpectedly so dignified vigorous?” 司徒森不断的喘着粗气,脸色铁青道:“敢问雨统领,这……这是什么力量,竟如此的凝重浑厚?” Merit law that I practice called Stars Art, in star eon strength from sky.” Lin Muyu superficial answered, then smiled: Sir Situ Sen truly, has been able to make me put forth the Stars Art person not to be many.” “我修炼的功法叫星辰诀,源自天空中的星宙力量。”林沐雨轻描淡写的解释道,转而一笑:“司徒森大人确实了得,能让我使出星辰诀的人并不多啊。” A Situ Sen face is ashamed, cup one fist in the other hand said: Many thanks the graciousness of rain Commander killing, Situ Sen did not decline with thanks!” 司徒森一脸羞愧,抱拳道:“多谢雨统领不杀之恩,司徒森心领了!” His also actually heart bright person, tells the truth. 他也倒是一个心胸敞亮之人,有一说一。 Now, can return White Diamond of our Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce?” Lin Muyu asked. “现在,可以归还我们紫茵花商会的白钻了?”林沐雨笑问。 That is natural!” “那是自然!” !! !!
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