AG :: Volume #5

#413: The day decides the meeting

Dares to move the goods of Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce blatantly, perhaps also had a person.” Wei Chou narrows the eye to say. “胆敢公然动紫茵花商会的货的,恐怕也就只有一个人了。”卫仇眯着眼睛说道。 Who?” Lin Muyu asked. “谁?”林沐雨问。 Situ Sen!” “司徒森!” The Wei Chou eye is sharp, said: „The slum area of entire Orchid Goose City Dong Cheng and Western city almost definitely is met by day that this person founds ‚’ is controlling, trades to roam about the employment of mercenary from the population, even the imperial guard must give him several points of face countenance.” 卫仇眼睛雪亮,道:“整个兰雁城东城、西城的贫民区几乎都被这个人所创建的‘天决会’所掌控着,从人口贩卖到流浪佣兵的雇佣等,甚至就连禁军都必须给他几分颜面。” This matter?” “还有这种事?” Lin Muyu looked to Feng Ji Xing, said: Commander Feng, Orchid Goose City is your imperial guard domain, how can you possibly hold such existence of person?” 林沐雨看向了风继行,道:“风统领,兰雁城可是你们禁军的地盘,你们怎么可能容得下这么一个人的存在呢?” This, is not A'Yu you sees is so simple.” Feng Ji Xing touches the nose, said: Orchid Goose City restored the giant cities of 5 million population after three years of resting and building up strength and the migration, the city scale compared with wanted on big many that you imagine by far, the civilian area be continuous over a hundred li (0.5km), are not 20,000 imperial guards can have jurisdiction, this day meets actually definitely had over 100,000 people of audiences, spontaneously has formed a pattern of self- growth, although the day also will have done definitely the misdemeanor, but has solved imperceptibly actually slum area the grain, water source, clothing and other issues.” “这个,并非阿雨你看到的那么简单。”风继行摸了摸鼻子,说:“兰雁城经过三年的休养生息与人口迁徙已经重新恢复到了5000000人口的巨型城市,城池规模远远比你想象的要大上许多,平民区绵延上百里,根本就不是20000禁军所能管辖的,倒是这个天决会已经拥有超过100000人之众,自发形成了一种自我成长的模式,虽然天决会也做了坏事,但无形中却解决了贫民区的粮食、水源、衣物等问题。” Qin Yin blinked, says with a smile: A'Yu Elder Brother, we military strength and financial resource are quite at present limited, therefore to ignore Situ Sen and day will sit in Dong Cheng and Western city definitely in a big way, but you could rest assured that this is only Commander Feng one raising pigs tactic, once the conditions are ripe, the day decides the meeting for us to provide a huge amount of manpower and physical resources.” 秦茵眨了眨眼睛,笑道:“阿雨哥哥,我们目前兵力、财力都相当有限,所以放任司徒森和天决会在东城、西城坐大,不过你放心,这只是风统领的一种‘养猪’战术,一旦时机成熟,天决会可以为我们提供大量的人力、物力。” Originally is the empire is incapable of governing and ruling......” “原来是帝国无力管治啊……” Lin Muyu hesitates, said with a smile: Has not related, making me go to be able this Situ Sen, where has a look at him is sacred, unexpectedly links my cargo to dare to snatch!” 林沐雨沉吟一声,笑道:“没关系,让我去会会这个司徒森,看看他到底是何方神圣,居然连我的货物都敢抢!” A'Yu, you are careful.” Feng Ji Xing warned discretely: Day meets definitely, not only Situ Sen is so simple, his also younger sister, is called Situ Xue, is Captain of Orchid Goose City within the boundaries first mercenary group Lingbei mercenary group, this person you should hear.” 阿雨,你要小心。”风继行谨慎告诫道:“天决会并不只是司徒森那么简单,他还有一个妹妹,叫做司徒雪,是兰雁城境内第一佣兵团岭北佣兵团的团长,这个人你应该听说过。” Lin Muyu stares: Situ snow? Very is truly familiar-sounding......” 林沐雨一愣:“司徒雪?确实很耳熟……” You must go to the day definitely total altar|jar the words, needs to lead some troops, once like this conflicts also to protect oneself.” “你要去天决会总坛的话,需要多带一些人马,这样一旦冲突起来也能自保。” Knew, Brother Feng feels relieved!” “知道了,风大哥放心吧!” Lin Muyu turns around cup one fist in the other hand, salutes to ask to be excused to Qin Yin, leading Wei Chou, Jin Xiaotang and the others to leave Ze Tian Palace. 林沐雨转身抱拳,对秦茵行礼告退,带着卫仇金小棠等人离开泽天殿 Commander, how many gentian Brother Battalion can we lead to pass?” Wei Chou asked. 统领,我们要带多少龙胆营兄弟过去?”卫仇问道。 Does not use too, selected the soldier 1000 to be OK, let Fengxi and allow Jiantao leads.” “不用太多,点兵1000就可以了,让风溪和许剑韬带队。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… After a double-hour, the whole body equips excellent mail-armor and helmet gentian camp Cavalry to speed along from the barrack, directly soars the Dong Cheng area to go under forest Mu Yu, Wei Chou leadership, the day definitely total altar|jar in the slum area center of Dong Cheng area, will be Orchid Goose City poorest, the population most crowded place, but Lin Muyu usually passing Tian Street, actually will be only the aristocrats and rich and populous common people crowded. 一个时辰后,浑身都装备着精良甲胄的龙胆营铁骑从营盘中飞驰而出,在林沐雨、卫仇的带领下直奔东城区而去,天决会总坛就在东城区的贫民区中心,同时也是兰雁城最为贫穷、人口最密集的地方,而林沐雨平时所处的通天街,其实只是贵族与富庶的平民密集地。 After dashing for a half hour, by the surroundings tower vanishes gradually, what replaces it is close connected low houses, many are only the wooden structures, as if heavy rain can shatter generally, on the face of slum area is indifferently, distant looks that gentian camp wears the emperor ** the army of symbol speeds past, as if not relate with general. 飞奔半个多小时之后,周围两侧的楼台渐渐消失,取而代之的是一座座紧密相连的低矮房屋,许多都只是木质结构,仿佛一场大雨就能冲垮了一般,贫民区的人脸上都是漠然,遥遥的看着龙胆营这支佩戴帝**徽记的军队疾驰而过,仿佛与自己毫无关系一般。 Proceeds again soon is the grocer and slave market, although the lamentable Qin empire seemed like very prosperous, but was in the transitional stage of the slave society and feudal society as before, the will of the people was desolate, one group of slaves like were the cargo stand in one row, for trade route choice and picking of communication, as if black and white degree of stoutness was a chip is ordinary. 再往前不久就是菜市场与奴隶市场,可叹大秦帝国虽然看似非常繁盛,但依旧处于奴隶社会与封建社会的过渡阶段,人心冷淡,一群奴隶像是货物一样站在一排,供来往的商旅挑选、相中,就仿佛黑白胖瘦都是一种筹码一般。 Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head, progresses slowly the line, the one side, Jin Xiaotang had as if completely understood his thoughts, said with a smile: A'Yu Elder Brother, can't you tolerate to wait on the slave to trade?” 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,策马缓缓而行,一旁,金小棠似乎看透了他的心思,笑着说道:“阿雨哥哥,你还是看不过去侍奴交易吗?” Un.” The forest washes the raindrop to nod: Person should since birth the equality.” “嗯。”林沐雨点点头:“人生来本该平等。” Jin Xiaotang somewhat is astonished however, stick out one's tongue and said said with a smile: But in this world is actually not this, some people since birth are the kings, like Her Highness Yin, some people since birth is the slave, for example at present these people.” 金小棠有些讶然,吐吐舌头笑道:“但是在这个世界却不是这样,有的人生来就是帝王,就如茵殿下,有的人生来就为奴,譬如眼前这些人。” Lin Muyu said: „If there is released these slaves, grants the land that they leave uncultivated to make them open up the planter, captures part of grain function prices , can the value that they can have be bigger?” 林沐雨说:“如果把这些奴隶释放了,赐予他们荒废的土地让他们开垦种植,收缴一部分的粮食作用代价,他们所能产生的价值会不会更大呢?” Jin Xiaotang stares: Perhaps A'Yu Elder Brother said right, but young Tang has not thought these......” 金小棠又是一愣:“或许阿雨哥哥说得对,但小棠没有想过这些……” Wei Chou said in side in a low voice: Commander, wants us to use the fund of Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce, buys cheap in this servant market the vigorous and healthy man, grants them to be free, making them take up weapons, gives loyalty to for the country?” 卫仇在旁低声道:“统领,要不要我们利用紫茵花商会的资金,廉价购买这奴仆市场里健壮的男子,赐予他们自由,让他们拿起兵刃,为国效忠?” „It is not good.” “不行。” Lin Muyu shakes the head, said: This will only make slave trader intenser, will happen one day I will change all these from the source.” 林沐雨摇摇头,说:“这只会让奴隶贩子更加变本加厉,终有一天我会从本源上改变这一切。” Wei Chou was stunned, is silent. 卫仇愕然,沉默不语了。 Perhaps on such as Lin Muyu said that this present situation needs a change to change. 或许就如林沐雨说的一样,这种现状需要一场变动来改变吧。 What can change? 什么才能改变呢? Is an empress Qin Yin paper Saint imperial edict, the pardon world servant, grants their complete equalities, compensates and comforts these servant masters, this can on basic change all, but this need time, moreover requires many time. 莫过于女帝秦茵的一纸圣诏,大赦天下奴仆,赐予他们完全的平等,补偿、安抚那些奴仆主人,这样才能根本上改变一切,但这需要时间,而且需要许多时间。 ...... …… The hoofbeat is stormy, after several city gates, finally arrived in the core region of slum area, patrolling city knights pull the warhorse to walk by far, the fat of whole face, respectful is bowing to salute to say to Lin Muyu: Subordinate see Sir Commander, does not know that this general is?” 马蹄声密集,穿过数道城门之后,终于抵达了贫民区的核心地带,远远的,一名巡城骑士牵着战马走来,满脸的肥肉,恭敬的对着林沐雨一躬身行礼道:“属下参见统领大人,不知道这位将军是?” Wei Chou has referred to the front gentian camp symbol, said lightly: We are the people in gentian camp.” 卫仇指了指胸前的龙胆营徽记,淡淡道:“我们是龙胆营的人。” The knights naturally understand that who at present this Commander of outstanding ability was, saluted hurriedly: Subordinate see rain Commander!” 骑士自然明白眼前这俊逸的统领是谁了,急忙行礼:“属下参见雨统领!” Lin Muyu nods: What you called, what here was responsible for?” 林沐雨点头:“你叫什么,在这里负责什么?” The knights said: „The villain is Zhang Thunder, subordinated in empire Ministry of War, was responsible for the making an inspection tour duty on this street.” 骑士道:“小人叫张雷,隶属于帝国兵部,在这一条街上负责巡守任务。” „A such big street, only then you?” Lin Muyu is astonished however. “这么大的一条街,只有你一个人?”林沐雨讶然。 Yes, Ministry of War that many military strength cannot share, and...... The Dong Cheng area like street tens of thousands of strip, patrolling manages many troublesome, the military strength of therefore distributing is also very scarce.” “是的,兵部没有那么多的兵力可以分担,而且……东城区像这样的街道成千上万条,巡管起来诸多麻烦,所以所分派的兵力也十分稀少。” „To come here public security to be certainly not much?” Lin Muyu asked. “想来这里的治安一定不怎么样吧?”林沐雨笑问。 Zhang Thunder keeps silent stares, cup one fist in the other hand said: Qi Bingyu Commander, subordinate here, some extremely few people pick a quarrel stir up trouble, invite the Commander intelligent apprehension.” 张雷噤若寒蝉的一愣,抱拳道:“启禀雨统领,属下在这里,极少有人寻衅滋事,请统领明察。” Was good, let alone that many, leading me to go to the day definitely total altar|jar, I must see Situ Sen.” “好了,别说那么多了,带我去天决会总坛,我要见司徒森。” „?” “啊?” On Zhang Thunder face a piece with amazement. 张雷脸上一片骇然。 What's wrong, doesn't dare to go?” Wei Chou sneers to say. “怎么,不敢去吗?”卫仇冷笑道。 Zhang Thunder clenched teeth, said: That...... The subordinates lead Sir Commander to the day definitely total altar|jar entrance, then does not go.” 张雷咬了咬牙,道:“那……属下只是带统领大人到天决会总坛门口,便不进去了。” Good, walks.” “好,走吧。” Yes!” “是!” Zhang Thunder stands up from failure to start, leading Lin Muyu and the others to directly soar the outskirt to go. 张雷翻身上马,带着林沐雨等人直奔街尾而去。 Outskirt, does not see any poor, the communication but actually turned has worn one group of people of brocade clothes, during constructions that declining, a black tower rose straight from the ground, likes a crane among chickens general standing and waiting for a long time in the slum area, the day decided the total altar|jar of meeting. Wei Chou, Fengxi and the others secretly acclaimed, the day really will not be definitely ordinary, the imposing manner of this building endured compared with the nobilities mansion! 街尾处,再不见任何的贫民,来往的倒变成了身穿锦衣的一群人,一座座破落的建筑之间,一座黑色楼台拔地而起,鹤立鸡群一般的伫立在贫民区里,正是天决会的总坛。卫仇、风溪等人不禁暗暗赞叹,天决会果然不一般,这座建筑的气势就已经堪比王侯府邸了! When Zhang Thunder arrives at the mansion front, the person who several wear the green mail-armor and helmet laughs: Hi, opens thunder series, how you came, what's wrong, previous time asked the harsh food that you had not is very harsh?” 当张雷来到府邸前方的时候,几名身穿青色甲胄的人哈哈大笑起来:“嗨,张雷都统,你怎么又来了,怎么,上次请你吃的酸辣饭还不够酸辣吗?” Opens thunder complexion pale progressing to draw back several steps continually. 张雷脸色铁青的策马连退数步。 In that yard several days decided meeting disciple audiences Mashangchong, entrained the reins, stiffly opening the thunder tore off the warhorse, laughed: „Does our day decide the other people's business of meeting you also to dare to manage? Really lives is impatient, comes, knocks several knocks to Sir, I put you to go back to continue to get the manual labor of your common difference.” 那大院里几个天决会徒众马上冲了出来,拽住缰绳,硬生生的把张雷扯下战马,其中一个哈哈大笑:“我们天决会的闲事你也敢管?真是活得不耐烦了,来来来,给大爷磕几个响头,我就放你回去继续领你公差的活计。” Zhang Thunder the complexion is very ugly, praying for rescue looks to forest Mu Yu and the others. 张雷的脸色十分难看,求救的看向林沐雨等人。 But at this time, several days decided the disciple audiences of meeting to turn around to see 1000 terse gentian camp empire soldiers stood after behind, look deathly pale immediately. 而这时,几个天决会的徒众转身就看到了1000名精悍龙胆营帝国士兵站在身后,顿时一个个脸色惨白。 Lin Muyu stands up from failure to discontinue, smiles lightly: Emperor ** gentian afforestation Mu Yu seeks an interview Situ Sen, but also be please circular for me.” 林沐雨翻身下马,淡淡一笑:“帝**龙胆营林沐雨求见司徒森,还请为我通传。” You...... You......” “你……你们……” Leader face dying embers, said: Emperor ** never comes to our rotten Shuijie, is gentian camp this thinks?” 那头头一脸死灰,道:“帝**从来不来我们烂水街的,龙胆营这是想?” Wei Chou complexion one cold, sword blade leaves sheath half, shouted to clear the way lowly: Has not gone circular, do you want dead?” 卫仇脸色一寒,剑刃出鞘一半,低喝道:“还不去通传,你想死吗?” Yes...... Yes, you wait a minute......” “是……是,你们稍候……” Several hooligans have let loose Zhang Thunder, has crashed in the mansion flustered. 几个泼皮放开了张雷,慌张冲进了府邸之中。 Opens thunder face ashamed saying: Rain Commander, the subordinate gives...... To emperor ** the person lost face.” 张雷则一脸羞愧的说道:“雨统领,属下给……给帝**人丢脸了。” All right.” The forest washes the god of rain condition to be temperate, said: Was Ministry of War distributes manpower here to be too few, the day also too will be definitely rampant, was not your mistake, you suffered hardships actually here.” “没事的。”林沐雨神态温和,道:“是兵部分派在这里的人手太少了,天决会又太猖獗,不是你的过错,倒是你在这里受苦了。” Subordinate...... Zhang Thunder does not shiver painstakingly was saying. “属下不苦……”张雷颤抖着说道。 Goes, here matter gave me.” “去吧,这里的事情交给我了。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Time about one tea, the gentian camp outside mansion waited not to be impatient extremely, many person at daggers drawn, make momentarily to clash to open the killing for warning appearance greatly, decides the guard of meeting to startle the face whiten one crowd of days, the atmosphere does not dare to leave one, this crowd of days decide the person of meeting only to be able with the common people to abuse power eventually, once run into gentian camp regular troops, immediately must by the scared out of one's wits. 大约一盏茶的功夫,府邸外的龙胆营已经等得极为不耐烦了,不少人剑拔弩张,做出随时都会冲进去大开杀戒的样子,把一群天决会的门外守卫骇得脸色苍白,大气不敢出一声,这群天决会的人终究只能跟平民作威作福,一旦遇到龙胆营这种正规军队,马上就要被吓破胆了。 At this moment, wore flame mail-armor and helmet, to wear long sword Warrior to walk, was smiling to Lin Muyu cup one fist in the other hand respectfully: Originally rain Commander your honorable self visit, I am the day decide meeting one of the five chief stewards, named Zhou Nian, managed affairs Sir Situ Sen to arrange the banquet, had to pray for rain Commander to go in us together a to chat.” 就在这时,一名身穿火红色甲胄、佩戴长剑武者走了出来,对着林沐雨抱拳恭敬一笑:“原来雨统领大驾光临,我是天决会的五大管事之一,名叫周念,掌事司徒森大人已经备好了酒宴,有请雨统领跟我们一起进去一叙。” Many thanks.” Lin Muyu cup one fist in the other hand smiles, the hand steps into the gate according to the sword hilt of waist saber, Wei Chou, Fengxi and the others one after another discontinues, bringing the gentian camp to clash toward. “多谢。”林沐雨抱拳一笑,手按腰间佩剑的剑柄踏入门内,卫仇、风溪等人纷纷下马,带着龙胆营就往里冲。 Zhou Nian turns around hurriedly, on the face is somewhat awkward, said: Rain Commander excuses me, the place of day total altar|jar too will be definitely small, cannot accommodate too many people, therefore...... You can only go in five people.” 周念急忙转身,脸上有些尴尬,道:“雨统领见谅,天决会总坛的地方太小,容不下太多人,所以……你们只能进去五个人。” Right?” “是吗?” Lin Muyu lightly smiled, said: Wei Chou, leading three people to go in me, Fengxi and allow Jiantao, you lead everybody to defend outside.” 林沐雨微微一笑,道:“卫仇,带三个人跟我进去,风溪、许剑韬,你们两个带着大家守在外面。” Yes!” Fengxi and allow Jiantao said with one voice. “是!”风溪、许剑韬齐声道。 Wei Chou said: If I and in a Commander double-hour has not come out, you go back the barrack, calls 20,000 gentian camp armies, levels off decides the meeting on this day.” 卫仇则笑着说:“如果我和统领一个时辰内没有出来,你们就回去营盘,召集20000龙胆营大军,夷平这天决会。” Yes!” “是!” Protects good young Tang.” Lin Muyu urged one, did not return to step the day to be able definitely the total altar|jar stone steps. “保护好小棠。”林沐雨叮嘱了一句,头也不回踏上天决会总坛的石阶。 !! !!
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