AG :: Volume #5

#412: Takes away me together!

Night, roosts in the phoenix palace to be very quiet, only has the wind to blow the sound of curtain to howl to make noise, in the winter came, is a winter. 夜晚,栖凤殿内十分静谧,唯有风吹门帘的声音呼啸作响,冬天来了,又是一个冬天。 A court lady lays aside the warming stove side Qin Yin, said with a smile: Your Highness, you looked for a long time!” 一名女官将暖炉放置在秦茵身边,笑道:“殿下,您都看了许久啦!” Qin Yin with a smile is holding a white robe, this is the armor cape that White-Robe Imperial Forest matches to wear, above the empire Purple Yin Flower symbol that is embroidered by Qin Yin personally , the lower hem of this white robe leaves is embroidering one small rain character, the gold thread line that uses is brand-new. 秦茵笑吟吟的捧着一袭白袍,这是白袍御林才配穿着的铠甲斗篷,上面是由秦茵亲手绣的帝国紫茵花徽记,并且,这件白袍的衣摆出绣着一个小小的“雨”字,用的金丝线都是崭新的。 The court ladies laugh in spite of trying not to: „Is this rain Commander gown?” 女官不禁失笑:“这是雨统领的袍子吗?” Yes......” the Qin Yin happy full nod with a smile, was in love like one fully the girl, but is holding white robe happy laughing foolishly, at this moment which her also has the impressive and dignified manner of least bit empress. “是啊……”秦茵幸福满满的笑着点头,像足了一个热恋中的女孩,只是抱着白袍幸福的傻笑,此刻的她哪儿还有半点女帝的威仪。 The court ladies kneel to sit, said: Your Highness, the servants help you receive, tomorrow rain Commander must put on.” 女官跪坐下来,说道:“殿下,奴婢帮您收好,明天雨统领还要穿着呢。” Un, good.” “嗯,好。” ...... …… Next day, White-Robe Imperial Forest conferring rank and title grand ceremony, this is the empire grand occasion that will deserve. 翌日,白袍御林的册封大典,这是当之无愧的帝国盛事。 In the altar outside Ze Tian Palace, not only the whole body of ministers stand in great numbers, the Orchid Goose City common people also from afar wait and see two White-Robe Imperial Forest that the queen is conferring newly, and in these two White-Robe Imperial Forest has legendary character Lin Muyu, Lan wild goose four one, chaotic and Luo Lan in Orchid Goose City fights with all might dead for one's country, one of the empire Commander afterward mystically coming back to life, the fact was passed on the proficient Yu Huxi situation, and folk washes the description of rain look to the forest is vivid, just likes the deity descends to earth general, has become by him in the dreams of Orchid Goose City numerous young girl the sweetheart, although Lin Muyu does not know them. 泽天殿外的祭坛上,不但群臣林立,就连兰雁城的百姓也远远观望着女王陛下新册封的两位白袍御林,并且这两位白袍御林中有一个传奇性的人物林沐雨,兰雁四杰之一,在兰雁城之乱中与洛岚拼杀殉国,随后神秘复生的帝国统领之一,事迹被传到家喻户习的地步,并且民间对林沐雨相貌的描绘是绘声绘色的,犹如天神下凡一般,也让他成了兰雁城众多少女的梦中情人,虽然林沐雨并不认识她们。 The strong winds of winter bone-chilling cold has blown the square, raises Lin Muyu, Su Yu behind cape. 冬日的狂风凛冽的吹过广场,掀起林沐雨、苏妤身后的斗篷。 Qin Yin wears the fur long gown, appears gorgeous, walks to go forward slowly, takes the celebrating a holiday stick from the court lady hand, said: This is the loyal and heroic knot stick, hopes that A'Yu and Aunt Yu will never betray the empire, will never betray the world subject.” 秦茵身穿裘皮长袍,显得华美之极,缓缓走上前,从女官手中取过节杖,笑着说:“这是忠烈节杖,希望阿雨和妤姨永远不背叛帝国,永远不背叛天下臣民。” Lin Muyu nods: My meeting.” 林沐雨点头:“我会的。” Su Yudao: I am also same.” 苏妤道:“我也一样。” Qin Yin has taken the white robe from the court lady tray, washes on the rain cape for the forest personally, her star pupil such as water looks at present the beloved person of this regaining, but Lin Muyu can also be called at this time is Yushu faces the wind, Qin Yin is almost moved to cry, sips the red lip, said: A'Yu, I order you, forever accompanies side me, can not depart.” 秦茵又从女官托盘里取过白袍,亲手为林沐雨披上,她星眸如水的看着眼前这个失而复得的心爱之人,而林沐雨此时也称得上是玉树临风,秦茵感动得差点哭出来,抿了抿红唇,说:“阿雨,我命令你,永远陪在我身边,不得离去。” Lin Muyu deep visits her, said seriously: Even if the space and time reverses, even if the star eon is chaotic, I do not leave certainly not abandoned, so long as you need me.” 林沐雨深深的看着她,严肃说道:“哪怕时空逆转,哪怕星宙混乱,我也一定不离不弃,只要你需要我。” Un!” “嗯!” Qin Yin numerous nods. 秦茵重重的点点头。 Su Yu throws in side smiles: Feeds, I am also White-Robe Imperial Forest, shouldn't also vindicate to me?” 苏妤在旁扑哧一笑:“喂喂,我也是白袍御林啊,不该对我也表白一下吗?” Qin Yin smiled ill-humoredly: I wished Aunt Yu to find to be worth entrusting the lifetime man earlier.” 秦茵没好气的笑了:“那我祝妤姨早点找到值得托付一生的男人咯。” Snort, is not reasonable.” Su Yumin purses the lips, asked low voice: Conferred the ceremony to end?” “哼,不靠谱。”苏妤抿抿嘴,小声问道:“册封仪式完了没有?” No.” “没有。” Qin Yin turned around to look at Ge Yang on distant place altar secretly, titter was saying: Ge Yang Grandpa looks like a god stick is ordinary, has not read out these long tedious memorial ceremony oration!” 秦茵转身偷偷看了一眼远处祭坛上的戈羊,偷笑着说:“戈羊爷爷就像是一个神棍一般,还没有宣读完那些冗长繁琐的祭文呢!” Lin Muyu asked: Since reconstructed Imperial Guards, that thinks that will promote Imperial Guards Commander, Xiao Yin may some people elect at heart?” 林沐雨则问道:“既然重建御林卫了,那想必会擢升一个御林军统领,小茵心里可有人选了?” Actually A'Yu Elder Brother should be able to guess correctly.” “其实阿雨哥哥应该能猜到的。” Is Ah'Yan?” “是阿岩吧?” Un.” “嗯。” Snort, I know, digs my person, not uttering a word has dug......” “哼,我就知道,又挖我的人,一声不吭的挖了……” Qin Yin throws smiles: Snort, A'Yu Elder Brother regarded any person Xiao Yin! I will kindly treat each Imperial Guards, was right, here does not have what candidate, therefore A'Yu Elder Brother chooses 100 loyally and to cultivate for me in the empire from the temple for the uncommon follower.” 秦茵扑哧一笑:“哼,阿雨哥哥小茵当成什么人了!我会善待每一个御林卫的啦,对了,我这里没有什么人选,所以阿雨哥哥从圣殿里为我挑选100名忠心于帝国且修为不凡的修炼者吧。” As the matter stands entire Imperial Guards was my person, you did not fear that I did raise the arm shout carry off entire Imperial Guards?” Lin Muyu speechless say|way. “这样一来整个御林军都是我的人了,你就不怕我振臂一呼带走整个御林军吗?”林沐雨无语道。 Qin Yin smiles very sweetly: You take away me together!” 秦茵笑得很甜:“那你把我一起带走吧!” Su Yufu volume: You such unscrupulous is in front of my to talk love, whether to have considered my feeling...... Your Highness, Su Yu is a loyal minister, you cannot irritate me at my conferring rank and title grand ceremony......” 苏妤扶额:“你们这样肆无忌惮的当着我的面谈情说爱,可否考虑过我的感受啊……殿下,苏妤是忠臣,您不能在我的册封大典上把我气死……” Qin Yin throws smiles, pulls Su Yu the wrist|skill saying: Good Aunt Yu, I am not intentional, is quite hungry, at noon I asked you to eat delicious in Ze Tian Palace.” 秦茵扑哧一笑,挽着苏妤的手腕道:“好妤姨,我不是故意的啦,好饿,中午我请你们在泽天殿吃好吃的。” Good good......” “好啊好啊……” Nearby forest Mu Yudao: Was right, recently Ze Tian Palace all delicacy delicacies as if were each region feudal lord present tribute, did not have any too fresh thing, earlier reconstructed Eagle Nest Camp, but can also hunt and kill some delicious game to come to you every day, you look at you, thin......” 一旁的林沐雨道:“对了,最近泽天殿的一切美味佳肴似乎都是各地诸侯进贡的,也没有什么太新鲜的东西,早点重建鹰巢营吧,还能每天给你猎杀一些好吃的猎物来,你看你,都瘦了……” Qin Yin pulls the sleeve of empress, looks at the sparkling stone like the White Jade chubby wrist|skill, said with a smile: This...... Did this call thinly?” 秦茵挽起女帝的袖子,看着莹如白玉般的胖乎乎的手腕,笑着说道:“这……这叫瘦么?” Lin Muyu curls the lip: In the summer earlier comes.” 林沐雨撇撇嘴:“夏天早点来吧。” Why?” Qin Yin is astonished however. “为什么?”秦茵讶然。 Lin Muyu thinks that trades an appropriate glossary, said: Xiao Yin, when my hometown will have the fine sights on the summer, the girls will wear very attractive clothes, but Orchid Goose City is different, summer Orchid Goose City, the women bind as before solid, like was the old society woman.” 林沐雨想了想,换个得体的词汇,说:“小茵,在我的家乡每逢夏天的时候都会非常有眼福,女孩子们都会穿着非常好看的衣服,但兰雁城不一样,夏天的兰雁城,女人们依旧裹得严严实实,像是旧社会妇女一样。” What was the old society woman......” Qin Yin is resigned-looking. “什么叫旧社会妇女啊……”秦茵一脸无奈。 „...... Forest Mu Yu hesitates in any case long time, said: Has the opportunity to lead you to return to my hometown in any case to have a look, to feel my there life breath!” “反正呢……”林沐雨沉吟良久,说:“反正有机会就带你回我的家乡去看看,感受一下我那里的生活气息!” But Su Yu spits the trough: „Doesn't empire want?” 苏妤无奈吐槽:“帝国不要了吗?” Cannot!” “不会啊!” Lin Muyu thinks that said: „After Xiao Yin built cut the dragon Secret Art, immediately can step into Saint Realm, I believe that in hundred years can step into God Realm by her ability inevitably, in the millenniums achieved Divine Emperor to cultivate are, when the time comes...... The empire already inherited dozens generations, also did not need us, at that time we reversed the time, I led you to go home, what kind of?” 林沐雨想了想,道:“小茵修成斩龙诀之后马上就能踏入圣域了,我相信以她的能力百年内必然能踏入神境,千年内达到神帝修为,到时候……帝国早就传承几十代人了,也不需要我们了,那时我们逆转时光,我带你回家,怎么样?” Qin Yin joyfully: Good good, said it and meant it! Also, but must take Xiaoxi, Elder Sister Chu Yao!” 秦茵欣喜不已:“好呀好呀,一言为定!还有,还要带上小汐,还有楚瑶姐!” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu smug making a fist, said: Snort, when I bring a Divine Emperor profound strength is returning to Shanghai, the father by me is given to scare to death...... By that time leads you to eat the nation, goes to Europe to visit again, hey!” 林沐雨踌躇满志的一握拳,说:“哼,当我带着一身神帝玄力回到上海的时候,老爸还不被我给吓死啊……到那时带你们吃遍全国,再去欧洲环游,嘿嘿!” Su Yu is resigned-looking: Xiao Yin, he was thinking aloud anything......” 苏妤一脸无奈:“小茵,他在自言自语什么啊……” Qin Yin shakes the head: I do not know......” 秦茵摇头:“我也不知道呢……” ...... …… Finally, the long conferring rank and title grand ceremony had ended, Lin Muyu and Su Yu, Qin Yin go down to put away stage properties, accept the whole body of ministers to congratulate, officially determines Imperial Guards this establishment establishment of again. 终于,冗长的册封大典结束了,林沐雨和苏妤、秦茵走下封台,接受群臣祝贺,同时也正式确定御林卫这个编制的重新建立。 At noon eats meal in Ze Tian Palace, in the afternoon then returned to the temple, Lin Muyu must be Qin Yin has the final say and settle the matter the Imperial Guards matter as soon as possible. 中午在泽天殿吃饭,下午便返回了圣殿,林沐雨必须尽快为秦茵拍定御林卫的事情。 Since Lin Muyu returns, has used the temple manpower centering system, cultivating in each region temple was invited the headquarters potency for the outstanding people, therefore is only the teacher and trainer enough over a thousand people, from chooses to contain above Earth Realm cultivates for 100 people are not very difficult, even also chose several had Heaven Realm to cultivate for expert. 自从林沐雨归来之后,采用了圣殿人力集中制,各地圣殿里的修为佼佼者都被请来了总部效力,所以光是教官、训练师就足足有上千人,从其中挑选出包含地境以上修为的100人并不是很难,甚至还从中挑选出了几名拥有天境修为的强者 At dusk, 100 temple expert arrived at Ze Tian Palace, accepts the empress to confer rank and title! 傍晚时分,100名圣殿强者来到了泽天殿,接受女帝册封! But Qin Yan has exchanged Commander clothes armor at this time, feeling pleased standing there, the hand presses the saber, the military might, young becomes one of the empire Commander, approximately he is also the modern first person. 秦岩此时已经换上了一身统领衣甲,喜滋滋的站在那里,手按佩剑,十分威武,年纪轻轻就成为帝国统领之一,大约他也是近代第一人。 Big brother!” Qin Yan looks at Lin Muyu smilingly. “大哥!”秦岩笑盈盈的看着林沐雨。 Lin Muyu walks to go forward, expression very serious help Qin Yan has captured the Ten Thousand-Man Commander military rank of neckband, afterward wears for him on has three Gold Star Commander military ranks, said: Ah'Yan, from now henceforth you are Imperial Guards Commander, one of Commander the empire most has a high opinion, this position has is much important you to be very clear, usually must carefully handle affairs, cannot be negligent, not by any means do not disappoint Your Highness to your trust, first Imperial Guards Commander is your Elder Brother, do not disappoint big brother Qin Lei!” 林沐雨则走上前,表情很严肃的帮秦岩拔掉了领口的万夫长军衔,随后为他佩戴上拥有三枚金星统领军衔,道:“阿岩,从今以后你就是御林军统领,帝国最为倚重的统领之一,这个位置有多重要你应该很清楚,平时一定要谨慎行事,不能大意,切莫不要辜负了殿下对你的信任,还有,前御林军统领是你的哥哥,也不要让秦雷大哥失望!” Qin Yan with deep veneration, to forest Mu Yuhang a military salute, said rapidly: Big brother felt relieved that Ah'Yan will not let you and Elder Brother is disappointed, will not disappoint empress Your Highness!” 秦岩肃然,迅速冲着林沐雨行了个军礼,道:“大哥放心,阿岩绝不会让你和哥哥失望,更不会让女帝殿下失望!” Great, has the spirit very much.” Lin Muyu beams into a smile. “好样的,很有精神。”林沐雨欣然一笑。 Feng Ji Xing in bypath: This let I unexpectedly absent-minded thought in the past the Lan wild goose four outstanding appearances...... Oh, what a pity has been short of Old Chu, flies to ride camp whole army has been annihilated, this establishment has not existed.” 风继行则在旁道:“这一幕让我竟然恍惚的想到当年兰雁四杰的样子……唉,可惜就少了一个老楚,飞骑营全军覆灭,这个编制已经不复存在了。” No, cannot.” “不,不会的。” Qin Yin step by step walks, said: Wants the opportunity to be mature, I will reconstruct to fly to ride the camp, but this premise is Commander Feng and A'Yu Elder Brother must support me.” 秦茵一步步走来,道:“只要时机成熟,我会重建飞骑营,不过这个前提是风统领阿雨哥哥一定要支持我。” This is certain.” Lin Muyu and Feng Ji Xing nod together. “这是一定的。”林沐雨和风继行一起点头。 Qin Yin looks to forest Mu Yu, said with a smile: A'Yu Elder Brother, since Imperial Guards has reorganized, suitable is not early suitable late, I planned that for half a month in started to reconstruct Imperial Guards, the establishment establishment in 10,000 people, the Imperial Guards soldiers candidate imperial guard has sampled from the gentian camp and, you and should Commander Feng not have what objection?” 秦茵看向林沐雨,笑道:“阿雨哥哥,既然御林卫已经重组了,宜早不宜迟,我打算半个月内就开始重建御林军,编制确立在10000人,御林军的士卒人选就从龙胆营、禁军里抽选了,你和风统领应该都没有什么异议吧?” No.” Lin Muyu said with a smile refreshedly: Relax, gentian camp some are the manpower resources.” “没有。”林沐雨爽快笑道:“放心吧,龙胆营有的是兵源。” Feng Ji Xing cup one fist in the other hand: Imperial guard is two years ago recruit trainings, just took shape, since A'Yu cow blowing, that alone extracts 10,000 people from the gentian camp!” 风继行抱拳:“禁军都是两年前的新兵训练起来的,刚刚成型,既然阿雨已经把牛给吹起来了,那就单独从龙胆营里抽取10000人吧!” Lin Muyu regretted that resulted in the intestines to be blue, has not thought that Feng Ji Xing will draw below face, said hurriedly: That is not good, the Your Highness effective and influential word, said that pulls out two armies to pull out two, cannot be only cheap I.” 林沐雨后悔得肠子都青了,万万没有想到风继行会那么拉的下脸,急忙说:“那不行,殿下一言九鼎,说抽两支军队就必须抽两支,不能光便宜我一个人。” Feng Ji Xing laughs: That is also good, but......” 风继行哈哈大笑:“那也行,不过……” He hesitates, said: Your Highness, the conditions were ripe, can we consider to expand the imperial guard the matter? 20,000 imperial guards insufficiently looked radically, any feudal lord army can destroy completely us, I mean, the imperial guard at least must have 50,000 people of establishments, otherwise is hard to hold the post to surround and protect the heavy responsibility of Imperial Capital, four years ago Orchid Goose City have proven all randomly.” 他沉吟一声,说:“殿下,时机已经成熟了,我们是否可以考虑扩建禁军的事情了?20000禁军根本不够看的,任何一支诸侯军队都能灭掉我们,我的意思是,禁军至少应当拥有50000人的编制,否则难以担任拱卫帝都的重任,四年前的兰雁城之乱就已经证明一切了。” Good is good......” Qin Yin to be somewhat awkward, said: But regiment extension must pass through Ministry of War, Ministry of War Shangshu Xue Ling is the billows Duke person, I worried that this resolution cannot be passed.” “好是好……”秦茵有些为难,道:“但军团扩建必须经过兵部,兵部尚书薛翎是澜公的人,我担心这个决议根本就通过不了。” Standing that what to do that should......” Feng Ji Xing clench jaws there. “那该怎么办……”风继行咬牙切齿的站在那里。 Lin Muyu said: I have a proposition actually.” 林沐雨道:“我倒是有个提议。” „, What proposed?” Feng Ji Xing and Qin Yin asked together. “哦,什么提议?”风继行秦茵一起问道。 Lin Muyu said: Since the billows Duke, Yun contains the imperial guard to recruit the recruit, then recruited on the secret, recruiting the good military strength imitated into the imperial guard completely outside to arrange the regiment, did not include the emperor ** military system, if the billows Duke, Yun investigated that Brother Feng said these military strength belonged outside arrange, are called temporary soldier not to include the imperial guard ranks officially, usually also did odd jobs, like this they could not investigate that anything, does not have the establishment of military police battalion in any case now, did not need to instigate that socialized with them and that's the end.” 林沐雨道:“既然澜公、云公遏制禁军招募新兵,那就秘密招募好了,招募好的兵力全部充入禁军的外编军团,不列入帝**军制,如果澜公、云公追究起来,风大哥就说这些兵力属于外编,称为‘临时兵’并不正式列入禁军行列,平时也只是打杂而已,这样他们也追究不到什么了,反正现在也没有宪兵营的编制了,不用怂,跟他们周旋就是了。” Feng Ji Xing eye one bright, pats the Lin Muyu's shoulder suddenly, said: „The means that young fellow, such is not concerned about face you can also think unexpectedly!” 风继行眼睛一亮,猛然一拍林沐雨的肩膀,道:“好小子,这么不要脸的办法你居然也能想到!” Lin Muyu the whole body trembles, turns around speechless visits him: Luckily I am also Saint Realm, otherwise this palm should be patted while still alive by you.” 林沐雨浑身一颤,转身无语的看着他:“幸好我也是圣域,不然这一掌就该被你活活拍死了。” Feng Ji Xing laughs: A'Yu, will ask you to drink tomorrow, called the misses in three colored buildings to you!” 风继行哈哈大笑:“阿雨,明天请你喝酒,给你叫三个花楼的姑娘!” Good!” “好嘞!” Qin Yin: „......” 秦茵:“……” ...... …… At this moment, suddenly the courtier outside palace said loudly: Wei Chou vice- Commander interview!” 就在这时,忽然殿外的侍臣大声道:“卫仇统领求见!” Makes him come in!” “让他进来吧!” Yes!” “是!” Not merely is Wei Chou, he also led a beautiful young girl to come in together, was Jin Xiaotang. 不单是卫仇,他还带着一个美丽少女一起进来了,正是金小棠 After Jin Xiaotang sees Qin Yin, immediately kneels down respectfully: Daughter Jin Xiaotang, see empress Your Highness!” 金小棠看到秦茵之后,马上恭敬下跪:“民女金小棠,参见女帝殿下!” Straightens up after bowing or performing the kowtow.” The Qin Yin gentle voice smiles: Young Tang is the A'Yu Elder Brother person , is my person, does not need to stand on ceremony.” “平身吧。”秦茵柔声一笑:“小棠是阿雨哥哥的人,也便是我的人,不用拘礼。” Young Tang, what matter?” Lin Muyu asked. “小棠,什么事?”林沐雨问道。 Jin Xiaotang somewhat suffering from injustice saying: A'Yu Elder Brother, we from a number of White Diamond accessories of seven sea province purchases, 50 inside and outside the places north Orchid Goose City were stolen!” 金小棠有些委屈的说道:“阿雨哥哥,我们从七海行省购买的一批白钻饰品,在兰雁城以北50里外的地方被人劫走了!” „!” “靠!” Lin Muyu raises the eyebrow: What person plants, dares to move the goods of our Purple Yin Flower chamber of commerce?” 林沐雨一扬眉:“什么人那么有种,敢动我们紫茵花商会的货?” !! !!
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