AG :: Volume #5

#411: Secret meeting Yun

Night, the candlelight drags gently, in the temple Great Deacon office, Lin Muyu unloads clothes armor, after changing the medicine, the hand holds the dossier to read, the one side, Ge Yang and week medicine two Deacon are also helping to review the dossier, Lin Muyu is walking, as if accumulation many dossiers. 夜晚,烛火轻轻摇曳,圣殿大执事的办公室里,林沐雨卸下一身衣甲,换药之后,手捧着卷宗阅读起来,一旁,戈羊、周药两位执事也在帮忙批阅着卷宗,林沐雨一走,似乎又积累下了不少卷宗。 Do not move heedlessly.” “别乱动。” Broadcasts the Chu Yao sound, she is opening the snow white five fingers, in the five fingers a continuously mild Battle Qi gloss seeps in the Lin Muyu's wound, accelerates the recovery of wound, Chu Yao can become Spirit Medicine Department Great Deacon perhaps not only is also skilled in Medicine Refining Technique to be so simple, because her imperial mandate is also the world one certainly. 身后传来楚瑶的声音,她正张开雪白五指,五指之间一缕缕温润的斗气光泽沁入林沐雨的伤口之中,加速伤口的复苏,楚瑶能够成为灵药司大执事恐怕也不只是精通炼药术那么简单,更因为她的圣谕手也是天下一绝。 Is a little itchy, cannot bear......” forest Mu Yu answer. “有点痒,忍不住……”林沐雨解释道。 Chu Yao throws smiles: Cannot bear must endure, oh, your this brat, I really do not know that said your anything good, a person rushes to the marshal mansion of righteousness and in country's, your courage is bigger than the day, really does not fear death......” 楚瑶扑哧一笑:“忍不住也要忍啊,唉,你这臭小子,我真是不知道说你什么好,一个人闯到义和国的元帅府里,你的胆子比天还大,真是不怕死……” Lin Muyu touches the nose, said: Elder Sister Chu Yao you , if the man, will do mostly also like me, my instantaneous distance evening Yangcheng only then 50 li (0.5km) far, clear(ly) knows that big brother Qin Lei head was installed in a jar of evening Yangcheng, how I possibly can bear do not take risk.” 林沐雨摸了摸鼻子,说:“楚瑶姐你如果是男人,多半也会像我这样做,我当时距离夕阳城只有50里地远,明知道秦雷大哥的头颅被装在夕阳城的一只瓶子里,我怎么可能忍得住不去冒险。” In brief, will not want next time.” “总之,下次千万不要了。” Chu Yao blame pats his shoulder gently, said: Your life is not your, if you died, I final family member also lost.” 楚瑶责怪的轻轻一拍他的肩膀,说:“你的命又不是你一个人的,如果你死了,我就连最后的亲人也失去了。” I know that......” forest Mu Yu lowers the head to hesitate, said: Next time cannot!” “我知道……”林沐雨低头沉吟一声,说:“下次一定不会了!” Un, this makes sense.” Chu Yao beams from ear to ear. “嗯,这才像话。”楚瑶笑逐颜开。 ...... …… Thump......” “咚咚……” In the knock, a temple guard enters the gate, said respectfully: Great Deacon, the people from evening rain city Duke's Mansion said that asked you to go to Duke's Mansion, Yun had the matter to want with you to discuss.” 敲门声中,一名圣殿守卫走进门来,恭敬道:“大执事,有一位来自暮雨城公爵府的人说请您去公爵府一趟,云公有事想要和您商议。” Evening rain city Duke's Mansion?” Lin Muyu stares: What does Yun ask me to make?” “暮雨城公爵府?”林沐雨一愣:“云公找我做什么?” Subordinate does not know, but said that some important matters consulted.” “属下不知道,只是说有要事相商。” „......” “哦……” Ge Yang in bypath: A'Yu, Su Muyun and you always does not cope, if you must go, takes Qin Yan, Wei Chou and the others to pass together, otherwise was too dangerous.” 戈羊在旁道:“阿雨,苏牧云和你一向不怎么对付,如果你要去的话,就带上秦岩卫仇等人一起过去,不然太危险了。” Un, knew.” Lin Muyu rise said: Makes Wei Chou and Qin Yan choose 100 people from the gentian camp, passes with me together.” “嗯,知道了。”林沐雨抬头道:“去让卫仇秦岩从龙胆营挑选100人,跟我一起过去。” Yes!” “是!” Set speed of gentian camp is quick, Yingpan Li from temple arrives to pass in Tian Street rapidly, but Lin Muyu has also put on Imperial Guards clothes armor, rode to stroll in the snow, leading the people to pass along with that Duke's Mansion aide together. 龙胆营的集合速度很快,飞速从圣殿后方的营盘里来到通天街上,而林沐雨也穿上了御林卫衣甲,骑上踏雪,率领众人随着那个公爵府的侍从一起过去了。 Duke's Mansion of Su herd cloud is not too far, this Duke's Mansion is two years ago rebuilds, is in one mansion of general, afterward Orchid Goose City the chaotic master died in battle, therefore also has become Su Muyun Duke's Mansion, but also is very but actually spacious and fine. 苏牧云的公爵府并不算太远,这座公爵府是两年前改建的,原本是一名上将军的府邸,后来兰雁城之乱主人战死,所以也就成了苏牧云的公爵府了,不过倒也十分宽敞且精致。 Yo, that many people!” “哟,那么多人啊!” The mansion front, Su Yudai several evening rain city generals is defending, can"t help it, said with a smile: A'Yu, you also too have rather alerted to our Su, leading the officers in that many gentian camps to come, must fight likely general, does not need to be anxious, the dad asked you to chat to drink tea.” 府邸前方,苏妤带着几名暮雨城将军正在守着,禁不住笑道:“阿雨,你对我们苏家未免也太戒备了,带着那么多龙胆营的将士过来,像是要打架一般,不必紧张,阿爹只是叫你过来聊聊天喝喝茶罢了。” Lin Muyu stands up from failure to discontinue, said: Really drinks tea is good, Aunt Yu walks, we go.” 林沐雨翻身下马,道:“真是喝茶才好,妤姨走吧,我们进去。” Good!” “好!” Entered the mansion deep place along the corridor, Wei Chou, Qin Yan and the others stays in the mansion yard to wait, but Lin Muyu directly moved toward Su Muyun the dwelling along with Su Yu, although said that Lin Muyu has been injured, but the strength at least restored over 70%, by Su Yu, Su Muyun the strength, perhaps is not the Lin Muyu's match. 沿着走廊一路进入府邸深处,卫仇秦岩等人都留在了府邸大院之中守候,而林沐雨则随着苏妤径直走向了苏牧云的住处,虽然说林沐雨已经受伤了,但实力至少恢复了七成以上,以苏妤、苏牧云的实力,恐怕决计不会是林沐雨的对手。 „......” “吱呀……” After door to shoving open, inside candlelight still drags, Su Yudai Lin Muyu was walking together, calls a sound track lightly: Father, A'Yu came.” 房门给推开之后,里面的烛火兀自摇曳起来,苏妤带着林沐雨一起走了进去,轻唤一声道:“父亲,阿雨来了。” Good.” “好。” The Su herd cloud has turned around, in hand is holding one volume of ancient books, under the candlelight illumination, his facial features appear very old, the beard and hair is all white, this old person seems to be full is the feeling of weariness, but the reality cannot allow him to have the rest of half minute. 苏牧云转过身来,手里捧着一卷古老书卷,烛光照射下,他的面容显得十分苍老,须发皆白,这位老人似乎满是倦意,但现实容不得他有半分的休息。 Does not know that what matter Yun does ask me to have?” Lin Muyu asked. “不知道云公找我有什么事?”林沐雨问道。 The Su herd cloud smiled, said: A'Yu, you know why I did not oppose matter that you daytime confer the general?” 苏牧云笑了笑,说:“阿雨,你知道我为什么不反对你白天册封上将的事情吗?” Why?” Lin Muyu asked. “为什么?”林沐雨笑问。 Su herd Yun say|way: Because side Xiao Yin can use the person too to be truly few were too few, but the person who in the military officers of Su can assume sole responsibility for an important task almost does not have.” 苏牧云道:“因为小茵身边能用之人确实太少太少了,而我们苏家的将领之中能够独当一面的人也几乎没有。” Saying, him was lifting hand, said: Sits down, sits down the speech.” 说着,他一抬手,道:“坐下,坐下说话。” Many thanks Yun.” “多谢云公。” Lin Muyu loosens the Dragon Spirit sword, places on nearby table, received tea that Su Yudi comes, smiles the nod acknowledgment. 林沐雨解下龙灵剑,放在一旁的桌案上,接过苏妤递过来的茶盏,笑着点头致谢。 After the Su herd cloud sat down superficial tea, careful, said: Recruitment of Tang Lan in Cangnan Province, has collected about 100,000 recruits wantonly . Moreover, the household unit, star the province iron ore, jungle and other resources in assigned Cangnan Province to Tang Lan, even the several prefectures and counties control power in Lingbei province also majority of fell in the Tang Lan hand, continuously for a long time hence, this empire surnamed Tang is not perhaps surnamed Qin.” 苏牧云坐下浅尝了一口茶之后,仔细品了品,道:“唐澜苍南行省境内大肆募兵,已经募集了大约100000新兵了,而且,户部将苍南行省、地星行省内的铁矿、丛林等资源都分配给了唐澜,甚至就连岭北行省内的十几个郡县掌控权也大部分落在了唐澜手中,长此以往,这帝国恐怕就姓唐也不姓秦了。” Lin Muyu is silent. 林沐雨缄默不语。 Su herd Yun Jixu said: First the emperor dispatched Feng Ji Xing to assassinate my only son Su Qin, my Su was never recurring, A'Yu...... Now Xiao Yin is my Su Muyun only posterity, I must guarantee that her throne, guarantees the empire to be stable, therefore I need a person, the military officer who can assume sole responsibility for an important task holds the post of my evening rain city army's command.” 苏牧云继续说道:“先帝派遣风继行刺杀了我唯一的儿子苏秦,以至于我苏家绝后,阿雨啊……如今小茵是我苏牧云唯一的后人,我必须确保她的皇位,确保帝国安定,所以我需要一个人,一个能够独当一面的将领担任我暮雨城大军的统帅。” Lin Muyu has put down the teacup, said: Yun, you had any words please directly to say.” 林沐雨放下了茶杯,道:“云公,你有什么话就请直接说吧。” Good.” “好。” The Su herd clouds lightly smiled: Yu, calls Su Qiang to come.” 苏牧云微微一笑:“阿妤,去叫苏蔷进来。” Yes!” “是!” Su Yu opens the door, calls one lightly: Su Qiang, comes.” 苏妤打开门,轻唤一声:“苏蔷,进来。” Several, about 18 -year-old high and low young girl had not walked, wears a long gown of empire young girl, the facial features are beautiful, somewhat is an excellent likeness with Su Yu actually, her with a smile to Su Muyun good virtuous young woman ritual, asked: „Did Grandpa, what matter call my?” 未几,一个大约18岁上下的少女走了进来,身穿一袭帝国少女的长袍,面容姣好,与苏妤倒是有几分神似,她笑吟吟的对着苏牧云行了个淑女礼,问道:“爷爷,叫我什么事啊?” The Su herd clouds lightly smiled: Su Qiang, can you recognize this general?” 苏牧云微微一笑:“苏蔷,你可认得这位将军?” The Su flowering fern turns around to look to forest Mu Yu, shook the head, said: Did not know that looks at the attire is only a bodyguard, how will Grandpa drink tea with such person together?” 苏蔷转身看向林沐雨,摇了摇头,笑着说:“不认识,看衣着只是一个侍卫吧,爷爷怎么会跟这样的人一起喝茶?” The Su herd cloud is startled, on face reveals a disgruntledness, said: This general is Lan wild goose four forest Mu Yu.” 苏牧云一怔,脸上露出一丝不悦,道:“这位将军就是兰雁四杰之一的林沐雨。” „, Is he Lin Muyu?” The Su flowering fern visits him excitedly, somewhat intensely reorganized the women's clothing, said: Evening rain city Princess Su Qiangjian rain Commander!” “啊,他就是林沐雨?”苏蔷激动的看着他,有些紧张的整理了一下衣裙,道:“暮雨城郡主苏蔷见过雨统领!” Is impolite.” Lin Muyu lifts the hand, even does not have to see her. “不客气。”林沐雨一抬手,甚至没有正眼看她。 Su Qiang, you get down.” “苏蔷,你下去吧。” Yes, Grandpa!” “是,爷爷!” The Su flowering fern looked at Lin Muyu one eyes, departure that this is reluctant to part. 苏蔷又多看了林沐雨一眼,这才依依不舍的离去。 ...... …… A'Yu, do you look at her to be what kind of?” Su herd Yun asked with a smile. 阿雨,你看她怎么样?”苏牧云笑着问道。 Lin Muyu nods the head said: „Is Yun's meaning?” 林沐雨颔首道:“云公的意思是?” Ha Ha Ha......” Su Muyun laughs, said: Su Qiang is the only bloodlines that Su Qin leaves behind, what a pity is the daughter body, but lives very pretty, somewhat is also similar to her mother's married sister static Queen Su Yun, you did not think that her appearance some likely are Her Highness Yin? So long as you want, I then betroth Su Qiang to you for the wife, in addition, I will also hand over in the 200,000 army military authorities of evening rain city your hand, from now we were the whole families.” “哈哈哈……”苏牧云大笑一声,道:“苏蔷是苏秦留下的唯一血脉,可惜是女儿身,不过生得十分貌美,与她的姨母静德皇后苏芸也有几分相似,难道你不觉得她的容貌有些像是茵殿下吗?只要你愿意,我便将苏蔷许配给你为妻,此外,我还会将暮雨城的200000大军兵权交到你的手中,从此以后我们便是一家人了。” Lin Muyu the bottom of one's heart raging tide gets up suddenly, said: Yun, I have not thought his important matter lifelong, but wants to assist Xiao Yin, monopolizes.” 林沐雨心底狂澜骤起,道:“云公,我没有想过自己的终身大事,只是想辅佐小茵,一统天下而已。” Son remembers in the world no doubt right, but finds a wife to give birth is also the way things should be!” Su herd cloud teaching with skill and patience continues saying: Xiao Yin has a high opinion of you, my Su Muyun also same has a high opinion of you, but I cannot all gambling above loyal two characters, only then you married Su Qiang, I can give you half of the country.” “男儿志在天下固然没错,但娶妻生子也是人之常情啊!”苏牧云“循循善诱”的继续说道:“小茵倚重你,我苏牧云也一样倚重你,但我不能把一切赌在‘忠诚’二字之上,只有你娶了苏蔷,我才能把半壁江山交给你。” Lin Muyu lowers the head does not speak. 林沐雨低头不语。 In Su herd Yun Yan projects severe glow, said: Forest Mu does Yu, is it possible that you want to marry Qin Yin really? Do not forget, she is an empress, but what are you?” 苏牧云眼中射出厉芒,道:“林沐雨,莫非你真想娶秦茵吗?你别忘了,她是女帝,而你是什么?” Lin Muyu the whole body trembles, rise looks at Su Muyun, stands up suddenly, works on the Dragon Spirit sword on table, said: Yun, I deeply has been loving Xiao Yin, although I am only an official, but will happen one day my ability certainly will be enough all between Ruler world, by that time you looked again I match cannot be joined to Xiao Yin.” 林沐雨浑身一颤,抬头看着苏牧云,忽地站起身来,抓起桌案上的龙灵剑,道:“云公,我一直深爱着小茵,虽然我只是人臣,但终有一天我的能力一定会足以主宰天地间的一切,到那时你再看我配不配得上小茵。” Saying, his was not returning walked, trod that moment of threshold to stop suddenly, said: My this life, she does not marry. Xiao Yin wants to become a queen of world support, I will help her complete this dream, Yun, hopes us is not an enemy, you are the Xiao Yin grandfather, is my family member, I do not want to resort to arms with you, all has been said that good from treasuring!” 说着,他头也不回的走了出去,踏出门槛的那一刻忽地停下,道:“我这一生,非她不娶。小茵想成为一位天下拥护的女王,我会帮她完成这个梦想,云公,但愿我们不是敌人,您是小茵的外公,也是我的亲人,我不想跟你兵戎相见,言尽于此,好自珍重!” The Saint Realm air/Qi field circles in flight, that opened calmly automatically, Lin Muyu floating took a step, greeting distant place Wei Chou, Qin Yan and the others: Brothers, we went back!” 圣域气场飞旋,那门无风自动的打开了,林沐雨飘然迈步走了出去,招呼远方卫仇秦岩等人:“兄弟们,我们回去了!” ...... …… In the room, only has Su Muyun, Su Yu silent standing there. 房间内,唯有苏牧云、苏妤沉默不已的站在那里。 Father, you also thinks that A'Yu is you can control?” Su Yu somewhat self-ridicules said with a smile: „The talent of A'Yu having god-given wisdom, only loyal in own faith, how such person possibly is the mortal can whip on?” “父亲,您还认为阿雨是您能驾驭的吗?”苏妤有些自嘲的笑着说道:“阿雨天纵之才,只忠诚于自己的信念,这样的人又怎么可能是凡人能够驱策的呢?” A Su herd cloud layer on layer fist falls on the table, shakes the cups to shiver to fall to the ground, in his eye only has the anger: This conceited brat, does he also want to change from guest to host, making me assist him?” 苏牧云重重一拳落在桌案上,震得杯盏颤抖落地,他的眼中唯有怒意:“这个狂妄自大的臭小子,难道他还想反客为主,让我辅佐他吗?” Su Yu a sigh: „Can't the father look? A'Yu he is still bearing a grudge to us.” 苏妤一声叹息:“难道父亲看不出来吗?阿雨他还在对我们怀恨在心呢。” What to harbor resentment?” “怀恨什么?” Harbors resentment we after Orchid Goose City was encircled not to dispatch troops to reenforce, Chu Huaisheng, Qin Lei, Lei Hong and the others died in battle, these are his person of close, this account, he will certainly calculate on our evening rain city and Seven Seas City. However, the father does not need to worry, at least A'Yu will not stand that side Tang Lan, after all he will kill Tang Bin, Tang Lan will then not have accommodated him.” “怀恨我们在兰雁城被围之后迟迟不发兵增援,以至于楚怀渑秦雷雷洪等人战死,那些都是他的至亲之人啊,这笔账,他一定会算在我们暮雨城与七海城身上的。不过,父亲也不用着急,至少阿雨不会站在唐澜那边,毕竟他杀死了唐斌,唐澜便不会容他。” Su herd cloud sitting down slowly, loosens the saber from the waist, holds looks at carefully for a long time, sword blade in the control leaves sheath half suddenly, said: Was I was old?” 苏牧云缓缓的坐下,从腰间解下佩剑,捧在手心里端详许久,忽地剑刃出鞘一半,道:“是我已经老了吗?” Su Yu stares, said: Father, can you tell me, how do you actually think?” 苏妤一愣,道:“父亲,您能不能告诉我,您到底是怎么想的?” „After Lin Muyu and Su Qiangdan has the male offspring, deposes Qin Yin, making the Lin Muyu's male offspring ascend the throne.” “等到林沐雨和苏蔷诞出子嗣之后,废黜秦茵,让林沐雨的子嗣登基。” „......?” “啊……?” Su Yu stands there wooden, is silent suddenly. 苏妤木然站在那里,突然间沉默不语。 !! !!
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