AG :: Volume #5

#410: Promotes the general

Seven days later, the demon clan withdraws troops from black ink loose outside the passes, will attack the spear point to aim at south steel and iron back wall evening Yangcheng Ding Xi Dajun, but the Lin Muyu's injury needs to convalesce, therefore Qin Yin ordered, left behind an army to guard Mountain Range of Qin, the gentian camp and imperial guard withdraws troops Orchid Goose City, hence, the southern border of Qin empire stilled finally, the Mountain Range of Qin several important pass cities filled completely scold in the emperor ** in hand, contended with the righteousness and country and demon clan by this. 七天后,魔族从墨松关外撤军,将进攻矛头对准了钢铁护墙南方的夕阳城丁奚大军,而林沐雨的伤势需要静养,所以秦茵下令,留下一支军队镇守秦岭,龙胆营、禁军班师回兰雁城,至此,大秦帝国的南方边境终于平定,秦岭十几座关口城塞尽数落在帝**手中,以此抗衡义和国与魔族。 The empire underwent on December 21, 7734, the army returned to Orchid Goose City. 帝国历7734年12月21日,大军返回兰雁城 ...... …… Engaged in fierce battle eventually to finish, Qin Yin was a king, the first matter has naturally rewarded according to merit, next day then toward the meeting, the whole body of ministers converged. 鏖战终于结束,秦茵身为君王,第一件事自然就是论功行赏了,第二天便是朝会,群臣云集。 Although Lin Muyu the whole body is binding the gauze, but cautiously has put on clothes armor, having the injury to step onto the deliberation hall, he is clear, must support Qin Yin in this time, otherwise she by Tang Lan and Su Muyun was impeded in the deliberation hall as before. 林沐雨虽然全身裹着纱布,不过还是小心翼翼的穿上了衣甲,带着伤势走上朝堂,他心里非常清楚,必须在此时力挺秦茵,否则她在朝堂上依旧被唐澜、苏牧云所掣肘。 Feng Ji Xing and Lin Muyu stands, the concern asked: Injury how?” 风继行与林沐雨站在一起,关切问道:“伤势怎么样了?” Was much better, relax.” Lin Muyu cracks into a smile. “好多了,放心吧。”林沐雨咧嘴一笑。 That is good.” “那就好。” Feng Ji Xing heavyhearted saying: A'Yu you must a bit faster injury recover completely, the demon clan recently be ready to make trouble, we place scouting in winter frost city to spread the news, Qian Feng train armor demon all day the regiment tactical rules, again encounters the Qian Feng regiment time, perhaps they likely were not previous time so are stupid.” 风继行忧心忡忡的说道:“阿雨你要快点伤势痊愈,魔族最近又在蠢蠢欲动,我们安插在冬霜城的斥候传来消息,浅风整天训练甲魔的军团战法,再一次遭遇浅风军团的时候,恐怕他们就不像是上一次那么愚蠢了。” Un, I know.” In Lin Muyu the mind appears that demon clan marshal Qian Feng, such a brave and resourceful person truly is the empire big trouble, hates only to hate itself to be weak, otherwise sneaks the winter frost city directly, a sword result Qian Feng, empire is also perhaps safer. “嗯,我知道。”林沐雨脑海里浮现出那个魔族元帅浅风,这么一个智勇双全的人确实是帝国大患,恨只恨自己不够强,不然直接潜入冬霜城,一剑结果了浅风,恐怕帝国也就安全多了。 At this time, a courtier said loudly: Toward will start!” 这时,一名侍臣大声道:“朝会开始!” People simultaneously one knee kneels, greets the empress. In the sound of footsteps, Qin Yin steps onto the throne accompanied by several court ladies, after graceful sitting down, lifts the hand saying: Sir, please straighten up after bowing or performing the kowtow.” 众人齐齐单膝跪地,迎接女帝。脚步声中,秦茵在几名女官的陪同下走上王位,落落大方的坐下之后,抬手道:“诸位大人,请平身。” Lin Muyu, Feng Ji Xing stand up together, rise looks that actually saw Qin Yin is wearing a cream long gown today, obviously elegant, on a beautiful cheek is passing the mature graceful bearing, actually is also maintaining charming of several points of young girl, but, this moment Qin Yin did not have the least bit to be timid again. 林沐雨、风继行一起站起身,抬头看去,却看到秦茵今天身穿着一袭乳白色长袍,更显雍容华贵,一张绝美的脸蛋上透着成熟的风韵,却又还保持着几分少女的娇羞,但,这一刻的秦茵再也没有半点怯弱了。 A pair of wonderful eye looks at the whole body of ministers, the Qin Yin sound is very sweet, character character clear saying: „Since rain Commander leads south gentian camp drafts, repeatedly constructs the meritorious military service, recaptures the black ink loose pass/test and fine park to close and other city from the demon clan hand, enters the empire of Lingnan to lose, seizes the hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate and star certainly city continually and other cities in rapid white province, inspires my emperor greatly ** prestige, but rain Commander biggest meritorious service, but is the pretended surrender sneaks evening Yangcheng, has recaptured dying for one's country the head of former Imperial Guards Commander Qin Lei in thousand armed forces in evening Yangcheng, letting the brave warrior can bury to return to the hometown, before a snow empire, shame! I decided that confers rain Commander is on First Rank the general, is one of the empire 11 generals.” 一双妙目看着群臣,秦茵的声音十分清甜,字字清晰的说道:“自从雨统领率领龙胆营南征之后,屡建战功,从魔族手中夺回墨松关、嘉苑关等城塞,更杀入岭南的帝国失地,连夺火月城、星绝城等迅白行省内的城池,大振我帝**威,但雨统领最大的功勋不仅于此,而是诈降潜入夕阳城,在夕阳城的千军之中夺回了殉国的前御林军统领秦雷的头颅,让勇士得以葬回家乡,一雪帝国前耻!我决定,册封雨统领一品上将军,位列帝国11位上将之一。” Your Highness whole body of ministers one after another changes countenance, looks mutually, but as if no one could say a reason of opposition. 殿下群臣纷纷动容,一个个相互对望,但似乎谁也说不出一个反对的理由来。 Tang Family one crowd of military officer complexions are dignified, has not said a word, this empress is in a rage for the Lin Muyu's matter kills four Tang Family Battle Lord continually, and also includes, a Tang Zuo such Tang Lan close relative, they now dares to get angry actually does not dare to say. 唐家一群将领脸色凝重,都没有做声,这一次女帝为了林沐雨的事情一怒之下连杀四个唐家战将,并且其中还包括,唐祚这么一个唐澜近亲,他们如今是敢怒却不敢言。 In the people, the only Tang Lu some indignation, did not say: Your Highness, rain Commander no doubt merit huge, but...... In addition he eventually young, so young is one of the empire generals, perhaps the qualifications are insufficient!” 众人之中,唯独唐庐有些不忿,道:“殿下,雨统领固然功劳巨大,只不过……他终究尚且年轻,如此年轻就位列帝国上将之一,恐怕资历不够啊!” Qualifications?” “资历?” Qin Yin has smiled, familiar saying: In Lingyun Pavilion, Wen Tian 21 -year-old were the handsome, Luo Tonghai 24 -year-old is the general, Feng Yicheng 27 -year-old is the general, rain Commander now also 26 years old, qualifications why not? Comes the person, read from the Lingnan righteousness and country revolting very that side military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency.” 秦茵笑了,如数家珍的说道:“凌云阁中,项闻天21岁为帅,罗通海24岁为上将,封弈成27岁为上将,雨统领如今也已经26岁了,资历有何不可?来人,把从岭南义和国叛贼那边的羽书读一遍。” Yes, Your Highness.” “是,殿下。” Wears the court lady of black clothing to nod respectfully, puts out letter paper to launch, faces the whole body of ministers to read: Forest Mu Yu when Marshal Zhao the mansion captures the head of Qin Lei Commander has the tangled warfare, dies the person altogether more than 100 people under his sword, Lingnan righteousness and Zhao, general Zhao Jiu, general Li Sha country seven commanders-in-chief, rides armed forces Commander Wang Biao, peace azure ** vice- Commander Dong Yan and others, in addition, rain Commander have also killed Saint Realm single layer day expert Yan Li under Luo Lan place, heavy losses Saint Heaven Realm Lu Zhan.” 一名身穿青衣的女官恭敬点头,拿出一张信笺展开,面对着群臣读道:“林沐雨在吕昭元帅府夺取秦雷统领的头颅时发生混战,死在他剑下的人一共有100多人,其中,岭南义和国七帅之一的吕昭、上将赵久、上将李刹、青骑军统领王彪、靖**副统领董岩等,此外,雨统领还杀死了洛岚座下的圣域第一重天强者阎立,重创圣天境的鲁盏。” Then, she turned around to bow to Qin Yin gently, draws back. 说完,她转身冲着秦茵轻轻一躬身,退下了。 Qin Yin stands up, on the pretty face is having the smiling face, said: Asked one, took a broad view at the Qin empire, which gallant military officer can achieve so the situation?” 秦茵站起身来,漂亮脸蛋上带着笑容,道:“试问一句,放眼大秦帝国,还有哪位忠勇将领能够做到如此地步?” The Su herd clouds takes a deep breath, cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, rain Commander may reflect to the empire loyal world, he in the Lingnan capable people cannot, endure the person not to endure, the meritorious service is outstanding, may be called unprecedented melts now, the empire for several hundred years never have the person to set up so the merit, the old minister thinks...... The meritorious service of rain Commander can match on the title of general . Moreover the gentian camp 20,000 brave warriors are brave, is the emperor ** the outstanding person in group, his commander naturally needs an appropriate title, the name of general, the name will follow reality.” 苏牧云深吸一口气,抱拳道:“殿下,雨统领对帝国忠心天地可鉴,他在岭南能人所不能,忍人所不忍,功勋卓著,堪称旷古烁今,帝国数百年来从来没有人立过如此功劳,老臣认为……雨统领之功勋配得起上将军之衔,况且龙胆营20000勇士骁勇善战,是帝**团中的佼佼者,其统帅自然需要一个合适的名衔,上将之名,实至名归。” Qin Yin accidental, has not thought that today Su Muyun such having a high opinion of Lin Muyu, then lightly smiled, will say unexpectedly: Many thanks the grandfather approves, that...... Promotes Lin Muyu Commander for general, objection?” 秦茵大为意外,没有想到今天苏牧云居然会这么倚重林沐雨,便微微一笑,道:“多谢外公赞同,那么……擢升林沐雨统领为上将,还有异议吗?” Tang Lan cup one fist in the other hand said: Old minister is unobjectionable.” 唐澜抱拳道:“老臣无异议。” Tang Family people one after another cup one fist in the other hand, quick, the people started to congratulate Lin Muyu, after all that young general, since the ancient times few, let alone Lin Muyu also concurred empire temple Great Deacon, simply was myriad loves of collection Qin Yin in one. 唐家众人纷纷抱拳,很快的,众人就开始恭贺起林沐雨了,毕竟那么年轻的上将,自古以来就屈指可数,何况林沐雨还身兼帝国圣殿大执事,简直是集秦茵的万千宠爱于一身了。 Immediately, Lin Muyu goes forward one step, the one knee kneeling tunnel: Thanked Your Highness Long En!” 当即,林沐雨上前一步,单膝跪地道:“谢殿下隆恩!” A Qin Yin with a smile nod: A'Yu Elder Brother a bit faster gets up!” 秦茵笑着一点头:“阿雨哥哥快点起来吧!” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, quick, two Emperor court ladies walk to go forward, a hand holds is getting up the general ribbon attached to an official seal, another , then the hand holds is getting up the sword of general, these are the symbol of military rank and military authority, after 11 accept, Lin Muyu thanked for kindness again. 林沐雨点点头,很快的,两名帝君女官走上前,一个手捧着上将军印绶,另一个则手捧着上将军之剑,这些都是军衔与兵权的象征,11收下之后,林沐雨再次谢恩。 ...... …… „The second matter, reorganization about Imperial Guards, as well as reconstruction of Imperial Guards and White-Robe Imperial Forest.” Qin Yin beautiful eye such as water general looks at the whole body of ministers, said: According to empire 7000 for many years customs, has protected the heavy responsibility of Emperor has held the post by Imperial Guards, but now is actually by an imperial guard burden, the imperial guard official duty duty is the arch protects Imperial Capital, but non- protection Emperor, therefore I believe that reconstructs Imperial Guards to be imminent.” “第二件事,关于御林军的重组,以及御林卫白袍御林的重建。”秦茵美目如水一般的看着群臣,道:“依照帝国7000多年来的规矩,守护帝君的重任一直都是由御林军来担任的,而现在却是由禁军一手负担,禁军本职任务是拱护帝都,而非保护帝君,所以我认为,重建御林军迫在眉睫。” The Your Highness whole body of ministers stare. 殿下群臣又是一愣。 The Su herd cloud knits the brows cup one fist in the other hand saying: Your Highness, this...... Protects the Ze Tian Palace security, your untrustworthy Aunt Yu who has been led by your Aunt Yu Su Cavalry that is responsible for?” 苏牧云皱眉抱拳道:“殿下,这……守护泽天殿的安全,一直都是由你妤姨所率领的苏家铁骑所负责的,难道你信不过妤姨吗?” Qin Yin sweet smiles: Where words grandfather spoke, Aunt Yu is the Xiao Yin family member, am I possibly also untrustworthy she? The custom that the empire row of kings leave behind is such, the Emperor must confer White-Robe Imperial Forest and Imperial Guards personally, establishes Imperial Guards to guard Ze Tian Palace, such that just like the grandfather and billows Duke have said that the ancestor custom cannot abandon, billows Duke, did you say?” 秦茵甜甜一笑:“外公说得哪里话,妤姨是小茵的亲人,我又怎么可能信不过她吗?只是帝国列位帝王留下的规矩就是这样的啊,帝君必须亲自册封白袍御林御林卫,建立御林军守卫泽天殿,正如外公和澜公一直说的那样,先祖规矩不可废,澜公,你说呢?” In the Tang Lan eye a to sweep past none remaining, cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, reconstructs Imperial Guards is not the minor matter, but also needs gradually comes, first started from White-Robe Imperial Forest, the old minister suggested that Your Highness confers White-Robe Imperial Forest first, then forms a hundred people of Imperial Guards team, finally reconstructs Imperial Guards, after all, the empire financial resource physical resource is limited, could not likely be four years ago such was luxuriously excessive.” 唐澜的眼中掠过一丝精光,抱拳道:“殿下,重建御林军可不是什么小事,还需要一步一步的来,先从白袍御林开始了,老臣建议,殿下先册封白袍御林,然后再组建一支百人御林卫的队伍,最后才重建御林军,毕竟,帝国财力物力有限,已经不能像是四年前那样的奢侈无度了。” Qin Yin hesitates, said with a smile: Billows geographical unit of government word is extremely, that...... First from conferring White-Robe Imperial Forest starts.” 秦茵沉吟一声,笑着说道:“澜公所言极是,那么……就先从册封白袍御林开始吧。” Su herd Yun Gongjing said: Your Highness, ancestor custom, White-Robe Imperial Forest always only then six, but now, Qu Chu, Qin Lei and Du Hai three have died for one's country, only remaining Feng Ji Xing, Qu Chu and Yao Yuan three, therefore, only needs to increase three quotas again then, does not know in the Your Highness mind whether to have the candidate?” 苏牧云恭敬道:“殿下,先祖规矩,白袍御林一向只有六位,而如今,屈楚秦雷杜海三位都已经殉国,只剩下风继行屈楚尧渊三位,所以,只需要再添加三个名额即可,不知道殿下心目中可否已经有了人选?” Yes.” The Qin Yin dimple smiled faintly: Grandfather, I plan to confer rain Commander am one of the White-Robe Imperial Forest.” “是。”秦茵梨涡浅笑道:“外公,我打算册封雨统领白袍御林之一。” „?” “啊?” The Su herd cloud stares slightly, actually already can expect, he smiles helplessly, said: Also is...... A'Yu is the Your Highness righteousness brother, repeatedly to deadly protect you, A'Yu becomes White-Robe Imperial Forest is the favored matter.” 苏牧云微微一愣,其实早就能够预料到了,他无奈一笑,道:“也是……阿雨殿下的义兄,又屡次以死保护你,阿雨成为白袍御林更是众望所归的事情。” Qin Yin said with a smile: Many thanks the grandfather permitted!” 秦茵笑道:“多谢外公许可!” Tang Lan said: Old minister also thinks that rain Commander is promoted to White-Robe Imperial Forest is the perfectly justified matter, but two quotas, have not known that Your Highness may some people elect, White-Robe Imperial Forest, is loyal with the symbol of strength, is symbolizing side the Emperor the strongest military force with the most loyal faith, but also looks at Your Highness to want three to think to decide.” 唐澜则说:“老臣也认为雨统领升任白袍御林是天经地义之事,不过还有两个名额,不知道殿下可有人选,白袍御林,是忠诚与实力的象征,象征着帝君身边最强的武力与最忠诚的信念,还望殿下一定要三思而定。” Un, I knew.” Qin Yin nods: Does not know that the billows Duke can have the person of recommendation?” “嗯,我知道了。”秦茵点点头:“不知道澜公可有推荐之人?” Tang Lan smiled: Xiang Yu, Emperor ** the god Wen Tian descendant, understands the chaos nine to strike Martial arts, can break through enemy lines for Your Highness, disregards the life and death.” 唐澜笑了:“项彧,帝**神项闻天的后裔,深谙混沌九击武学,更能为了殿下而冲锋陷阵,将生死置之度外。” Immediately, Su Muyun an behind Su military officer could not bear smile: Xiang Yu? He issues an order to kill by poison five Gucheng 180 W common people, how does this grade of hormicidal mania demon match is White-Robe Imperial Forest?” 顿时,苏牧云身后的一名苏姓将领忍不住笑了:“项彧?他一声令下毒杀五谷城180W百姓,这等杀人狂魔怎配成为白袍御林?” The Xiang Yu complexion is pale, said lightly: End will know that sparse virtue is shallow, but also asked the billows Duke to recommend in addition capable!” 项彧脸色铁青,淡淡道:“末将自知才疏德浅,还请澜公另荐贤能!” A Tang Lan sigh, has a look at behind one group of Tang Lu, Tang Tian, Tang Wei and the others, can"t help it, is a sigh, in the Tang Family posterity, only Tang Xiaoxi is ablest, however actually does not stand this side him, another fierce military officer is Tang Zhen, but Tang Zhen was extremely rigid, therefore cannot use for oneself, takes a broad view to look completely is the common generation. 唐澜一声叹息,看看身后的一群唐庐、唐天、唐薇等人,禁不住的又是一声叹息,唐家后人之中,唯独唐小汐最有能力,然而却并不站在他这一边,另一个勇猛将领则是唐镇,但唐镇太过于刚直了,所以也不能为己所用,放眼看去尽是碌碌之辈。 At this time, Su Muyun cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, the old minister recommended Su Yu, she was your Aunt Yu, loyally needless saying that moreover hit back to grasp the 200,000 army military authorities of evening rain city.” 这时,苏牧云抱拳道:“殿下,老臣举荐苏妤,她是你的妤姨,忠诚自不必说,况且还手握着暮雨城的200000大军兵权。” A Qin Yin pair of beautiful eye looked to Su Yu, asked: Aunt Yu, can you want?” 秦茵一双美目看向了苏妤,笑问:“妤姨,你可愿意?” Su Yu occurred simultaneously to say pleasantly surprised: I...... Can I?” 苏妤惊喜交加道:“我……我可以吗?” Nature.” “自然可以啦。” Many thanks Your Highness!” Su Yu goes forward one step, one knee kneels, excited saying: Many thanks the Your Highness kindness, Su Yu always gave loyalty to the Qin empire settledly, otherwise must die under the sword!” “多谢殿下!”苏妤上前一步,单膝跪地,激动的说道:“多谢殿下恩典,苏妤定当永世效忠大秦帝国,否则必死于刀剑之下!” Aunt Yu please get up, does not need to be so polite.” “妤姨请起,不必如此客气。” Qin Yin completely is at heart joyful, said: Then has decided in light of this, Lin Muyu, Su Yu take place in order White-Robe Imperial Forest, tomorrow will be held to confer the grand ceremony on Ze Tian Palace, afterward I will reconstruct Imperial Guards!” 秦茵心里满是喜悦,道:“那么就此决定了,林沐雨、苏妤入列白袍御林,明日就在泽天殿上举行册封大典,随后我将重建御林卫!” !! !!
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