AG :: Volume #5

#409: Cuts Dragon Jue

„Did demon clan come?” “魔族来了?” Feng Ji Xing knit the brows: Expected.” 风继行皱了皱眉:“意料之中。” Saying, him was turning around cup one fist in the other hand saying: Your Highness, please allow end to lead the imperial guard imperial enemy.” 说着,他转身抱拳道:“殿下,请允许末将率领禁军御敌。” Un, I then go afterward.” Qin Yin nods. “嗯,我随后便去。”秦茵点头。 Su herd Yun Jimang said: Your Highness does not may, the demon clan is fierce, weapons of armor demon throws the strength to be vigorous, outstanding empire military officers die under weapons of armor demon throws, longs for Your Highness to give priority to the country.” 苏牧云急忙道:“殿下万万不可,魔族凶猛,甲魔的兵刃投掷力道雄浑,许多优秀的帝国将领都死在甲魔的兵刃投掷之下,万望殿下以国为重。” Grandfather feels relieved.” “外公放心吧。” Qin Yin stands up, palm, God Binding Lock changes into the golden tour dragon starlike image to linger around the palm gently together, said with a smile: Under the instruction of Elder Qu, Xiao Yin can dragon Secret Art perfect integration of God Binding Lock with cutting, I want to take a look at these demon clans actually very much with own eyes fiercely.” 秦茵站起身来,手掌轻轻一张,一道缚神锁化为金色游龙星象萦绕在手掌周围,笑道:“在屈老的教诲下,小茵已经能够把缚神锁与斩龙诀完美融合,我倒是很想亲眼看看这些魔族到底有多厉害。” Su Yu nods, said: Father, relax, Xiao Yin innate discretion, moreover she as an empress, fills above the royal cart to the city to the army is also greatest encouragement.” 苏妤点头,道:“爹,放心吧,小茵自有分寸,而且她身为女帝,御驾到城塞之上对军队也是一种莫大的鼓励。” Su herd Yun Zhi can allow, say: Sends heavy armor Battalion Chidun to protect Your Highness.” 苏牧云只能许了,道:“派遣重甲营持盾守护殿下。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Above the area just outside the city gate, rows of arrow box and crossbow car(riage)s have prepared to finish, ability that if the theory defends a city, humanity certainly is by far in Mozu, this is the significance that Lin Muyu seizes next three to close continuously is also. 城关之上,一排排箭箱、弩车已经准备完毕,若是论守城的能力,人类一定是远胜于魔族的,这也是林沐雨连续夺下三关的意义所在。 Qin Yin deep purple embroiders the gold/metal long gown, the guards arrived above the city wall in Feng Ji Xing, Qu Chu and the others, looks from afar, in the mountain range of Lingnan full is the dense and numerous armor demons, that black shadow links up into a single stretch, looks like black ladybugs spreads the sea to be ordinary in the mountain ranges, the attack anything custom of demon clan may not say, but is always also maneating. 秦茵一袭深紫色绣金长袍,在风继行屈楚等人的护卫下来到了城墙之上,远远看去,岭南的山脉之中满是密密麻麻的甲魔,那黑色的影子连成一片,就像是一只只黑色瓢虫在山脉间蔓延成海一般,魔族的进攻从来都没有什么规矩可言,但也从来都非常凶悍无比。 Qin Yin is narrowing a pair of beautiful eye, said: armor demon regiment......” 秦茵眯着一双美目,道:“甲魔军团……” Xiang Yu in bypath: Long Qianlin 50,000 Dragon Qijun in Lingnan and armor demon regiment decisive battle several days later suffer a crushing defeat, wire rope series jacket demon marshal Thunder to rush wire rope able to move unhindered counter- broken, the crack troops buckle of Bailing city about half, the present righteousness and country are the vitality damage severely, 1-2 years are very not difficult to restore, therefore Thunder to rush wants to attack Lingnan surely at the same time, breaks the empire to defend the imperial strength from Mountain Range of Qin, defeats the empire and righteousness and country at one fell swoop.” 项彧在旁道:“龙千林的50000龙骑军在岭南与甲魔军团决战数日之后惨败,铁索连环阵被甲魔元帅雷冲的铁索纵横阵反破,百岭城的精锐兵力折损近半,如今的义和国已经是元气大伤,没有个一两年是很难恢复过来的,所以雷冲必定是想进攻岭南的同时,从秦岭打破帝国的守御力量,一举击破帝国和义和国。” Thunder to big appetite, did not fear that is supporting.” Qin Yin said with a smile slightly. “雷冲好大的胃口,也不怕撑着。”秦茵微微笑道。 Xiang Yu has also smiled, said: Your Highness, the Mountain Range of Qin majority of sections are the natural defenses, the road section that can pass through has also built areas just outside the city gate, armor demon has not been good at climbing up, but Cangnan Province, in the star provinces is the vast deep forest, in the forest has over ten thousand years of Spirit beast to appear and disappear, the human army is not willing to pass through from there, armor demon regiment same is not willing to face ten thousand years of Spirit beast, so long as we defend the important pass, can guarantee absolutely safe.” 项彧也笑了,道:“殿下,秦岭大部分地段都是天险,能够通行的路段也已经修筑起了一座座城关,甲魔不擅长攀爬,而苍南行省、地星行省之间是一望无际的深林,林中有上万年的灵兽出没,人类军队不愿意从那里经过,甲魔军团一样不会愿意面对万年灵兽,只要我们守住关口,就能保证万无一失。” Qin Yin nods: Un, the Pingnan marquises said rational.” 秦茵点点头:“嗯,平南侯所言有理。” At this time, had armor demon close firing distance, crossbow car(riage)s commenced fire, although the precision was not high, so long as hit can shoot the armor-piercing demon the body, suddenly on the mountain range everywhere was the armor demon miserable howling sounds, as well as the bang sound of crossbow arrow hit on rock, imperial guard armed soldier one after another on city has also exchanged the bow and arrow, started short-range fire these to approach armor demon that. 这时,已经有甲魔接近射程了,一架架弩车开始射击,精确度虽然不高,但只要命中就能射穿甲魔的身躯,一时间山脉上到处都是甲魔的惨嚎声,以及弩箭撞击在岩石上的巨响声,城池上的禁军甲士也纷纷换上了弓箭,开始近距离射击那些靠近的甲魔。 „It is not quite right.” “不太对。” The Feng Ji Xing knitting the brows head, said: Your Highness looks quickly, what thing is that?” 风继行皱了皱眉头,说:“殿下快看,那是什么东西?” The people looked at the past together, actually before discovery pass/test on main road, one crowd of armor demons were pushing several huge combat tanks to approach the area just outside the city gate furiously. 众人一起看过去,却发现关前的大道上,一群甲魔正在奋力推着几架巨大战车靠近城关。 Fengxi is narrowing the eye, said with amazement: Attacking a city scaling ladder?” 风溪眯着眼睛,骇然道:“攻城云梯?” Xiang Yu stares: armor demon wonderful stupid incomparable, how to have this type of scaling ladder?” 项彧一愣:“甲魔奇蠢无比,怎么会有这种云梯的?” Feng Ji Xing said: It seems like, Qian Feng enslaved large quantities of human artisans to manufacture the attacking a city instrument to have the achievement...... Looks at that side quickly, as if they have the stone machines!” 风继行道:“看来,浅风奴役大批人类工匠制作攻城器械已经有了成果了……快看那边,似乎他们还有投石机具!” „It is not good!” Xiang Yu knits the brows: Lets the words of their attacking a city scaling ladder close city, large quantities of armor demons clash, no one can block.” “不好了!”项彧皱眉道:“让他们的攻城云梯接近城池的话,大批甲魔冲上来,谁也挡不住。” Relax, cannot approach.” “放心吧,靠近不了的。” Qin Yin lightly smiled, nearby Qu Chu also confident appearance. 秦茵微微一笑,一旁的屈楚也胸有成竹的样子。 „Does Xiao Yin, try to cut Dragon Jue the 2nd Heavenly Layer strength?” Qu Chu said with a smile. 小茵,试试斩龙诀的第二重天的力量吧?”屈楚笑着说道。 Yes, Teacher.” “是,老师。” Qin Yin recited lightly, immediately body surrounding Battle Qi revolved, the guard her bodyguards of will push to leave forcefully, golden God Binding Lock dance got up, change into dragon shape virtual images to circle above the Qin Yin top of the head, rocked to drag along with the palm of Qin Yin gently, finally, when the strength gathered the extreme, the Qin Yin palm wielded suddenly forward, this group cut Dragon Jue and God Binding Lock fusion strength flew! 秦茵一声轻吟,顿时身体周围的斗气回旋起来,强行将护卫她的侍卫们推离开去,紧接着一道道金色缚神锁狂舞起来,化为一条条龙形虚像盘旋在秦茵的头顶上方,随着秦茵的手掌晃动而轻轻摇曳,终于,当力量汇聚到极点的时候,秦茵猛然手掌向前一挥,这一团斩龙诀与缚神锁的融合力量就飞了出去! Bang!” “轰!” The distant place blasts out suddenly, a huge attacking a city scaling ladder changes into broken pieces directly, even this God Binding Lock strength also grows a small mushroom cloud shape. 远方猛然炸开,一架巨大的攻城云梯直接化为齑粉,甚至这一股缚神锁的力量还衍生出小小的一股蘑菇云形态。 Day......” Xiang Yu is dumbfounded, one group of military officers also looked to stay. “天啊……”项彧目瞪口呆,一群将领也都看呆了。 Everyone knows that God Binding Lock of Qin is fierce, but no one knows God Binding Lock after the practice fiercely to this situation . Moreover, this cuts Dragon Jue 2nd Heavenly Layer, cultivated behind also? 谁都知道秦家的缚神锁厉害,但是谁也不知道缚神锁经过修炼之后会厉害到这个地步,而且,这只是斩龙诀的第二重天,修炼到后面还了得? Feng Ji Xing puts out a hand almost to fall below Bartow to come up, said: It seems like, later was responsible for protecting the Your Highness bodyguard to reduce about half, Your Highness strength...... Perhaps the average people are unable near body.” 风继行伸手把几乎掉下来的下巴托上去,道:“看来,以后负责守护殿下的侍卫可以缩减一半左右了,殿下的实力……一般人恐怕根本就无法近身。” Qin Yin lightly smiled: I have not thought that cuts Dragon Jue might such, this wants many thanks the instruction of Elder Qu.” 秦茵微微一笑:“我也没有想到斩龙诀的威力会如此之强,这都要多谢屈老的教诲。” Qu Chu strokes white beard lightly, said: Cuts the dragon altogether sevenfold day, I cultivated completely successfully, but displayed to cut Dragon Jue by my Flame Cauldron, the might actually must be inferior the strength that Your Highness God Binding Lock displayed, said that this cut the dragon Secret Art I is also specially is, the bloodlines of Your Highness Your Highness created are chaste, was the purest Qin Imperial family bloodlines, in addition God Binding Lock, the practice cut the dragon Secret Art nature to be twice the result with half the effort. Destructive power that this coiling dragon strikes, somewhat is truly scary......” 屈楚轻捋白须,笑着说:“斩龙一共七重天,我全部都修炼成功了,但是以我的火鼎来施展斩龙诀,威力却要远逊于殿下缚神锁所发挥出的力量,说起来这斩龙诀我也是专门为殿下所创的,殿下的血脉纯洁,是最为纯正的大秦皇室血脉,加上缚神锁,修炼斩龙诀自然事半功倍了。这盘龙击的破坏力,确实有些吓人啊……” However, after displaying a coiling dragon strikes, the cheek of Qin Yin is somewhat pale, obviously this move of consumption also very huge to Battle Qi. 不过,施展完一次盘龙击之后,秦茵的脸蛋有些苍白,显然这一招对斗气的消耗也十分巨大 Be careful, weapons of armor demon throws!” Feng Ji Xing jumps suddenly, cuts the wind blade to fly high to wield, the lance that „, when throws a armor demon gave the standard parry. “小心,甲魔的兵刃投掷!”风继行猛然纵身而起,斩风刀凌空挥出,“当”一声将一名甲魔投掷的长矛给格挡开了。 But under the city armor demon one after another about 100 meters away imitates throws weapons, on the city the whinning sound is suddenly unceasing, many imperial guard armed soldiers were killed by these heavy weapons. 但城下大约100米外的甲魔纷纷效仿投掷兵刃,一时间城池上哀嚎声不断,不少禁军甲士都被那些钝重的兵刃所射杀掉了。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Handle battle-axe in airborne anxious spin, directly soars Qin Yin. 一柄战斧在空中急旋,直奔秦茵而来。 Your Highness is careful!” Xiang Yu transports the strength of chaos hurriedly. 殿下小心啊!”项彧急忙运起混沌之力。 „The Pingnan marquises do not need to be worried.” “平南侯不用担心。” Qin Yin lightly smiled, within the body grows God Binding Lock Divine Power once more, three God Binding Lock wave rapidly, just likes the dragon shade is ordinary, changes into the crystal shield to keep off in the Qin Yin front suddenly at the same time, bang a sound energy spatters in all directions, Qin Yin slightly no damage, but this battle-axe rapid rebound dropped the city to go, Qin Yin ease pendulum palm, the crystal shield seeped within the body, changed into God Binding Lock Divine Power, said with a smile: Cuts the dragon Secret Art Third Layer day the Saint dragon shield to be really indestructible......” 秦茵微微一笑,体内再次衍生出缚神锁神力,三条缚神锁飞速舞动,犹如龙影一般,猛然化为一面晶盾挡在秦茵的前方,“嘭”一声能量迸溅开来,秦茵丝毫无损,而这面战斧则迅速反弹落下城池去了,秦茵悠然一摆手掌,晶盾沁入体内,重新化为缚神锁神力,笑着说道:“斩龙诀第三重天的圣龙盾果然坚不可摧啊……” Qu Chu said with a smile: That is the Your Highness strength is very pure, but Your Highness also needs to continue to practice industriously, refine the sevenfold day to cut Dragon Jue that day, Your Highness must also be able to step into Saint Realm, after stepping into Saint Realm, the appearance will forever be stationed, can make Your Highness forever look like now so beautifully.” 屈楚笑道:“那是殿下的力量十分精纯而已,不过殿下还需要继续勤加修炼,炼成七重天斩龙诀的那一天,殿下应当也可以踏入圣域了,踏入圣域之后,容颜永驻,也可以让殿下永远像现在这般的美丽。” The Qin Yin nature was excited, small cheek one red, bit the red lip saying: Un, my meeting!” 秦茵自然心动了,小脸蛋一红,咬着红唇道:“嗯,我会的!” Feng Ji Xing smiles in side, cleans is cutting the grey mark on wind blade, said: Was a pity that A'Yu has not seen this, otherwise certainly will also exclaim in surprise that in cultivating of Your Highness is.” 风继行在旁嘿嘿一笑,擦拭着斩风刀上的灰痕,道:“可惜阿雨没有看到这一幕,否则也一定会非常惊叹于殿下的修为的。” Fengxi said with a smile: Yes!” 风溪笑道:“是啊!” Qin Yin no longer spoke, heart fawn proceeds along no particular course, finally, some day can depend upon their strength to come to the protective forest to wash the rain, matter that this is not she continuously vainly hoped for? 秦茵不再说话了,心头小鹿乱撞,终于,有一天自己可以依靠自己的力量来保护林沐雨了,这不是她一直在梦想的事情吗? ...... …… The attacking a city tendency of armor demon is very violent, but the archer of gentian camp guarding area just outside the city gate is also very sharp, using the White Diamond arrow kills armor demon, in an instant under the area just outside the city gate is a piece of armor demon corpse, but under the time dragging, the combat tank and stone machines of armor demon also 11 approached. 甲魔的攻城势头十分猛烈,但龙胆营驻守城关的弓箭手也十分犀利,利用白钻箭一个个的将甲魔射杀掉,转眼城关下就已经是一片甲魔尸体了,不过时间拖延下,甲魔的战车、投石机具也11接近了。 When Qin Yin is just about to continue again uses a coiling dragon to strike, Qu Chu suddenly presses her shoulder, said: Xiao Yin, making me come!” 秦茵正要继续再用一次盘龙击时,屈楚忽然一按她的肩膀,道:“小茵,让我来!” Un, Elder Qu is careful.” “嗯,屈老小心。” Relax!” “放心!” Qu Chu laughed, jumps to leave city, the whole body flame writings, the body surroundings was reappearing the overwhelming Flame Cauldron image, was built on the midair the consecutively five palms to rumble, the hot palm of huge has illuminated the sky, rumbling the explosive sound was unceasing, attacking a city scaling ladders and stone machines changed into broken pieces all, the fire burn recklessly, one and swallowed the surrounding armor demon! 屈楚哈哈大笑,纵身离开了城池,浑身火光大作,身体周围浮现着浩然火鼎的形象,立于半空中连续五掌轰了出去,巨大的火掌照亮了天空,“轰轰轰”的爆炸声不绝,一架架攻城云梯、投石机具尽数化为齑粉,大火肆意烧起,将周围的甲魔一并吞噬! Is this Saint Realm Third Layer day expert strength? 这就是圣域第三重强者的力量吗? Feng Ji Xing, Xiang Yu, Qin Yan and the others looked dumbfoundedly, Saint Heaven Realm already strong to so the frightening situation, then God Realm? The people think rapidly that fearful Luo Lan, yes, the difference of god and person too greatly was too big, a God Realm single layer day cultivates for can Lower God be overwhelming in the world of human beings? 风继行项彧秦岩等人看得目瞪口呆,圣天境就已经强到这般恐怖的地步,那么神境呢?众人迅速想到那个可怕的洛岚,是啊,神与人的差别实在太大太大了,一个神境第一重天修为的下位神就能在人界翻江倒海了吧? When Qu Chu stands up from failure with the aid of the space force grazes on the city, is a sea of fire, several hundred armor demons are miserably howling in the flame, but they deliberately planned the attacking a city instrument that shipped in also completely to be destroyed, although armor demon regiment was stupid and stupid, but will not court death, after clear(ly) knew has defeated, not the storm, the quite sparse drumbeat resounded, they retreated! 屈楚借助空间力量翻身飞掠上城池的时候,身后已经是一片火海了,数百甲魔在火焰中惨嚎着,而他们处心积虑运来的攻城器械也全部被毁灭了,甲魔军团虽然又笨又蠢,但不会找死,明知道败了之后也不强攻,比较疏的鼓声响起,他们撤退了! Demon clan defeated!” “魔族败了!” Tang Lan eyes of muddy look at the distant place, said with a smile: Congratulates Your Highness, this defeat, the demon clan will not attack the black ink loosen to close mostly again.” 唐澜一双浑浊的眼睛看着远方,笑道:“恭喜殿下,这一败,魔族多半是不会再来攻打墨松关了。” Xiang Yu cup one fist in the other hand, said: Your Highness, the subordinate must return to Cangna as soon as possible, the tactic that the demon clan uses is the sea tactic, breaks through on military strength dispersing the flat land all human cities, the subordinate must defend the fort.” 项彧则一抱拳,道:“殿下,属下必须尽快返回苍南,魔族用的战术便是海洋战术,将兵力散开攻破平地上一切人类城池,属下必须去守住要塞。” Un, laborious Pingnan marquises.” Qin Yin nods. “嗯,辛苦平南侯了。”秦茵点头。 Xiang Yu transfers with one group of subordinates is progressing to go. 项彧转身带着一群部下策马而去。 Feng Ji Xing looks that the distant place is repulsed armor demon regiment that goes, starts to speak but hesitates. 风继行则看着远方败退而去的甲魔军团,欲言又止。 Commander Feng, did you have the words to say?” Qu Chu smiles to ask. 风统领,你有话要说?”屈楚笑问道。 Feng Ji Xing hey has smiled, touches nose saying: Elder Qu, whether to teach me to cut Dragon Jue?” 风继行嘿嘿笑了,摸摸鼻子说:“屈老,可否传授我斩龙诀?” Ok, a ten thousand Gold Yin Coin school expense, what kind, doesn't study study?” “可以啊,一万金茵币的学费,怎么样,学不学?” Deal!” “成交!” Feng Ji Xing grasps the armored hand, look that win. 风继行一握铁拳,一副志在必得的神色。 PS cuts Dragon Jue, altogether the sevenfold day seven moves, are counter Dragon Xuan, coiling dragon broken strike, Saint Dragon Dun, gold/metal Dragon Flame and dragon Dragon Fu, blue dragon in turn, thousand Dragon Xiang. PS斩龙诀,一共七重天七招,依次为逆龙旋、盘龙击、圣龙盾、金龙炎、虬龙缚、苍龙破、千龙翔。 !! !!
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