AG :: Volume #5

#408: Queen Sir

The black ink loose pass/test, the backyard deep place of Jiangjunfu, a quiet yard is situated in this full is murders the aura the city to fill, was incompatible with the military compound, the blacksmith's shop of surroundings, but became Lin Muyu's best has also healed from a wound. +, 墨松关,将军府的后院深处,一座静谧的小院坐落在这个满是杀伐气息的城塞内,与周围的军营、铁匠铺等格格不入,但也成了林沐雨的最佳养伤地。+, On Lin Muyu broken mail-armor and helmet had taken off, after the wound applies medicine, has changed a brand-new underwear, the body top head the white bedding, static lying down on the bed, the breath is even, on the face also left several points of scarlet. 林沐雨身上残破的甲胄已经被脱掉,伤口上药之后换上了一身崭新的内衣,身上盖着洁白的被褥,静静的躺在床上,呼吸均匀,脸上也多出了几分血色。 Qin Yin static sitting in the bedside, is shaking Lin Muyu's gently, does not endure to let loose. 秦茵静静的坐在床边,轻轻握着林沐雨的手,不忍放开。 Nearby, Feng Ji Xing, Qu Chu, Qin Yan, Wei Chou and Su Yu and other military officers static is waiting. 一旁,风继行屈楚秦岩卫仇、苏妤等将领都静静的等候着。 Your Highness.” 殿下。” Feng Ji Xing cannot bear ask: „Do you want to subpoena Xiang Yu really?” 风继行忍不住问道:“您真的要传唤项彧?” Un.” Qin Yin nods, said: Military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency has sent out Cangnan Province, Xiang Yu at high speed after half of the day, can arrive in the black ink loose pass/test, this time, I must investigate!” “嗯。”秦茵点点头,道:“羽书已经发往苍南行省了,项彧快马加鞭半天后就能抵达墨松关,这一次,我一定要追究到底!” But......” the Feng Ji Xing straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten said: Xiang Yu now expensive is the Pingnan marquis, in emperor ** in the team the prestige is extremely high, even many empire military officers tacitly approved him are the armed forces gods of new generation, moreover Xiang Yu was the billows Duke person, once handled, perhaps will wage a war.” “可是……”风继行剑眉紧锁道:“项彧如今已经贵为平南侯,在帝**队里威望极高,甚至不少帝国将领默认他是新一代的军神了,况且项彧是澜公的人,一旦处置起来,恐怕会大动干戈。” Su Yu also cup one fist in the other hand said: Xiao Yin, wants prudent and good...... Even if we now the black ink loose pass/test, actually is also the billows Duke governing place, here is the star province, is not the Lingbei province, is not Orchid Goose City.” 苏妤也抱拳道:“小茵,要慎重而行啊……即便是我们现在所处的墨松关,其实也属于澜公的辖地,这里是地星行省,不是岭北行省,不是兰雁城。” I know.” Qin Yin sips the red lip, said: Commander Feng, Aunt Yu, you also saw, Xiang Yu wants except A'Yu, but I...... I rather lose the world not to be willing to lose A'Yu Elder Brother again, this time, I must in any event to the billows Duke with a Xiang Yu warning, warned that they do not challenge my lower limit, Ruler of empire is my Qin Yin, is not his Tang Lan!” “我知道。”秦茵抿了抿红唇,道:“风统领,妤姨,你们也看到了,项彧想除去阿雨,而我……我宁愿失掉天下也不愿意再失去阿雨哥哥,这一次,我无论如何都要给澜公和项彧一个警告,警告他们别挑战我的底限,帝国的主宰是我秦茵,不是他唐澜!” Saying, Qin Yin stands up suddenly, in the vision full is the bone-chilling cold point, said: If Tang Lan thinks my the little girl who as before, whatever organizes, he was completely mistaken. I can the step by step gripping lawful right, protect the person who I care about to be impassible.” 说着,秦茵猛然站起身来,目光中满是凛冽锋芒,道:“如果唐澜依旧认为我还是那个任由摆布的小女孩,那他就大错特错了。我会一步步的握住权柄,保护我在乎的人不受伤害。” In Su Yu the eyes left an appreciation, said: Aunt Yu supports you, dad will also support you!” 苏妤的眼中多出了一丝赞赏,道:“妤姨支持你,阿爹也会支持你!” Feng Ji Xing cup one fist in the other hand, lightly smiled said: As long as there is Your Highness to need end to do, told by all means that Feng Ji Xing momentarily awaits dispatching of Your Highness with 20,000 imperial guards!” 风继行抱拳,微微一笑道:“但凡有殿下需要末将做的,只管吩咐,风继行与20000禁军随时听候殿下的调遣!” Wei Chou also cup one fist in the other hand said: 20,000 gentian Battalion Jingqi are also same momentarily awaits Your Highness to dispatch!” 卫仇抱拳道:“20000龙胆营精骑也一样随时听候殿下调遣!” That is good.” “那就好。” In a Qin Yin pair of beautiful eye emerges color of the renouncing, said: Passes on me to command, recalls cold Xingcheng the ten thousand Seven Seas City armies of black ink loose area inside the Great Wall, the garrison troops that under the black ink loosen closes change into the imperial guard completely, Wei Chou, you lead 10,000 gentian camps to go to arrange Gucheng, controls all defenses of arrange Gucheng, Qin Yan leads 10,000 gentian camps to assist Commander Feng to guard the black ink loose pass/test, the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency is circular, the summon billows Duke come the black ink loose pass/test.” 秦茵一双美目之中涌现出一丝决绝之色,道:“传我谕令,把墨松关内的一万七海城军队调回冷星城,墨松关上下的守军全部换成禁军,卫仇,你率领10000龙胆营去布谷城,控制住布谷城的一切防务,秦岩率领10000龙胆营协助风统领镇守墨松关,羽书通传,召唤澜公来墨松关。” Yes!” “是!” People simultaneously nods. 众人齐齐点头。 ...... …… Next day, the warm sunlight releases to fall from window on the bed, Lin Muyu finally long waking up, when he opens the eye saw a Qin Yin attractive cheek, is bringing the feeling of weariness. 次日,温暖的阳光从小窗泄落在床上,林沐雨终于悠悠的醒来,当他睁开眼睛的时候就看到了秦茵一张漂亮的脸蛋,带着倦意。 A'Yu ~ Qin Yin gentle voice summon. 阿雨~”秦茵柔声呼唤。 Lin Muyu smiles: Originally I...... I have not died......” 林沐雨不由一笑:“原来我……我没死……” How can.” Qin Yin eye one red, said: Xiao Yin will not make you have the matter again.” “怎么会。”秦茵眼睛一红,说:“小茵不会再让你有事的。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu looked down the abdomen, said: I remember...... My sea of qi was destroyed, why probably completely has repaired now.” 林沐雨低头看了看腹部,道:“我记得……我的气海被毁了,为什么现在好像已经完全修复好了。” Yes Elder Qu patches the wall of good sea of qi with the intact medicament for you.” 是屈老用完璧药剂为你修补好气海之壁的。” This......” “这……” Lin Muyu can"t help it, shameless one red: This matter......” 林沐雨禁不住老脸一红:“这种事情……” Qin Yin can"t help it, smiles, bends down to bend down in his bosom, said: Xiao Yin is good to be worried about you...... A'Yu Elder Brother you were too silly, for big brother Qin Lei head, is worth paying with the life really?” 秦茵禁不住的一笑,俯身下来伏在他的怀里,说:“小茵好担心你……阿雨哥哥你太傻了,为了秦雷大哥的头颅,真的值得付出生命吗?” I......” “我……” Lin Muyu starts to speak but hesitates, puts out a hand to caress the Qin Yin long hair lightly, said: Big brother Qin Lei head stays in righteousness and country, is to his insult, to the insult of our Qin Empire empire, I led the gentian camp to enter the righteousness and country rapid white province to seek for one opportunity that led big brother Qin Lei to go home, otherwise I will not start this do not have the war of significance.” 林沐雨欲言又止,伸手轻抚着秦茵的长发,道:“秦雷大哥的头颅留在义和国,是对他的侮辱,也是对我们大秦帝国的侮辱,我率领龙胆营杀入义和国迅白行省就是为了寻找一个带秦雷大哥回家的机会,否则我不会发动这场没有意义的战争。” Un, Xiao Yin knows that......” Qin Yin is listening respectfully to the heartbeat of beloved person, the corners of the mouth bring back suddenly wipe the smiling face, perhaps this life happiest time was the present. “嗯,小茵都知道……”秦茵聆听着心爱之人的心跳声,忽地嘴角勾起一抹笑容,或许这一生最幸福的时刻就是现在了。 At this moment, outside transmits the knock as well as the Feng Ji Xing sound: Your Highness, the billows Duke arrived with Xiang Yu, in the conference hall, we passes, here was led 500 gentian Battalion Jingrui to protect by Qin Yan is being OK.” 就在这时,外面传来敲门声以及风继行的声音:“殿下,澜公和项彧都到了,在议事堂,我们过去吧,这里由秦岩率领500龙胆营精锐守护着就可以了。” Good.” “好。” Qin Yin lightly smiled, after standing up, actually bends down gently a kiss on the Lin Muyu's lip, said: Xiao Yin handles the matter that must handle, you slightly wait for my here, I come back immediately.” 秦茵微微一笑,站起身之后却又俯身在林沐雨的唇上轻轻一吻,说:“小茵去处理一下必须处理的事情,你在这里稍微等我一下,我马上就回来。” Un.” “嗯。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, said: You make Ah'Yan come, I have the words to ask him.” 林沐雨点点头,说:“你让阿岩进来,我有话要问他。” Good.” “好。” ...... …… Several, Qin Yin has not left under protection of one group of bodyguards, Qin Yan raised the lance to walk, the joy of whole face: Big brother, did you awake? Good......” 未几,秦茵在一群侍卫的保护下离开,秦岩则提着长矛走了进来,满脸的喜悦:“大哥,你醒了?太好了……” Ah'Yan, I have not thought that can also live is seeing you.” Lin Muyu very honest saying: In the righteousness and country, I several times thinks one died certainly, but I know that I must bring big brother Qin Lei head to go home, otherwise the gentian camp died in vain that many brothers.” 阿岩,我没有想到还能活着见到你。”林沐雨十分诚实的说道:“在义和国,我好几次都认为自己一定死定了,不过我知道,我必须带秦雷大哥的头颅回家,否则龙胆营就白死了那么多的兄弟了。” Qin Yan eye one red, said: Ah'Yan knows...... Laborious big brother!” 秦岩眼睛一红,道:“阿岩知道……辛苦大哥了!” What is Xiao Yin this must make?” 小茵这是要去做什么?” Tries Xiang Yu and Tang Zuo, was right, Tang Zuo is General Seven Seas City who that plots against the big brother, the billows Duke collateral branch blood relation.” “审判项彧和唐祚,对了,唐祚就是那个暗算大哥的七海城将军,澜公的旁系血亲。” This......” “这样啊……” The forest washes the raininess to support the body to do, said: You send for informing Commander Feng Ji Xing, said that the demon clan army re-entered the rapid white province, making him alert, the demon clan might the attack.” 林沐雨强撑着身躯做起来,说:“你派个人去通知风继行统领,就说魔族军队重新进入迅白行省了,让他戒备着点,魔族是有可能攻关的。” Good, my this arranges!” “好,我这就去安排!” Lin Muyu leans in the soft bedding, within the body Battle Qi revolves, worry originally clears off, the strength along with own physical ability is recovering, but restores unceasingly, what makes his pleasantly surprised is, after this great misfortune, barely escapes, as if cultivated to also suddenly upgrade a level, although has not stepped into Saint Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer, but the absolute ratio had striven to excel! 林沐雨倚靠在柔软的被褥上,体内斗气回旋,原本的担心一扫而光,力量正随着自己的体能恢复而不断恢复,更让他惊喜的是,这一场大劫、险死还生之后,似乎修为也急剧的提升了一个层次,虽然尚未踏入圣域二重天,但绝对比原先要强了许多! Feeling pleased sitting there , to continue to close the eye to continue the sleep, must restore earlier, Qin Yin needs him now in the side. 喜滋滋的坐在那里,继续闭上眼睛继续睡眠,必须早点恢复,秦茵现在非常需要他在身边。 ...... …… Jiangjunfu, in the meeting hall, people crowded, this meeting hall discussed official business for about 50 people together, now has actually crowded about 200 people of audiences. 将军府,议事厅内,众人拥挤一堂,这议事厅原本是供大约50人一起议事,如今却足足拥挤了近200人之众。 Tang Zuo tied up the both arms with several vice generals, dejected standing in meeting hall center. 唐祚与几个副将都被捆住双臂,颓然的站在议事厅中心处。 Qin Yin sits under Qu Chu and Feng Ji Xing guard on the master seat, the vision looks at the people indifferently, said: Why this time proclaimed summons everybody to come, I think that was also well aware?” 秦茵则在屈楚风继行的护卫下坐在主人座位上,目光淡然的看着众人,道:“这次为何宣召大家来,我想诸位也心知肚明了吧?” Tang Lan is silent. 唐澜沉默不语。 Xiang Yu facial expression ice-cold, light looks at Qin Yin, said: Your Highness, end does not know.” 项彧则神情冰冷,淡淡的看着秦茵,道:“殿下,末将不知。” „Don't the Pingnan marquises know unexpectedly?” “平南侯居然不知道?” Qin Yin pats the table gently, gets angry: How many days ago I have handed down the Saint imperial edict, anybody can not injure Lin Muyu, even if he has done anything in the righteousness and country, finally? The Pingnan marquises tolerate the subordinate in the black ink loosen forest Mu Yu who closes to intercept the severe wound, what is more laughable is...... The gentian camp was encircled in star city that many days does not see you to reenforce certainly, when the forest washes the rain completes the order form, you unexpectedly appeared, he he...... Good Pingnan marquis Xiang Yu, you are really the empire loyal ministers!” 秦茵轻轻一拍桌案,怒道:“几天前我就已经传下圣诏,任何人不得伤害林沐雨,哪怕他在义和国干了任何事情,结果呢?平南侯纵容部下在墨松关下截杀重伤的林沐雨,更可笑的是……龙胆营被围在星绝城那么多天不见你们增援,在林沐雨落单的时候,你们居然就出现了,呵呵……好一个平南侯项彧,你果然是帝国忠臣啊!” The Xiang Yu look is startled, knows situation was serious, which Commander level great general he has not seen Qin Yin words that pungent reprimanding, oneself this time was to bring the big trouble! 项彧神色一怔,知道事态的严重了,他从来没有见过秦茵言辞那么辛辣的斥责过哪个统领级大将,自己这次是闯下大祸了! Thinks of here, Xiang Yu hurried cup one fist in the other hand kneels, said: Your Highness appeases anger...... End will not know this matter, does not know why Tang Zuo will intercept rain Commander unexpectedly secretly, this matter...... The subordinates do not know really!” 想到这里,项彧急忙抱拳跪地,道:“殿下息怒……末将并不知道这件事,也不知道为什么唐祚居然会私自截杀雨统领,这件事……属下真的不知道啊!” Right?” “是吗?” The Qin Yin delicate eyebrows raise, said: Tang Zuo, you told me, was whose ordering makes you intercept rain Commander?” 秦茵秀眉一扬,道:“唐祚,你告诉我,是谁下令让你截杀雨统领的?” I...... I......” Tang Zuo face dying embers, rise look to Xiang Yu and Tang Lan, actually sees only Xiang Yu face killing intent, but Tang Lan maintains composure shook the head gently. “我……我……”唐祚一脸死灰,抬头看向项彧唐澜,却只见项彧一脸杀意,而唐澜则不动声色的轻轻摇了摇头。 The Tang Zuo instantaneous heart like the dying embers, muttered: End will move secretly...... I......” 唐祚瞬间心如死灰,喃喃道:“末将私自行动……我……” Secretly motion?” “私自行动?” Smiling of Qin Yin can"t help it,: Your trifling does Thousand-Man Commander, actually have the authority of reassignment army? Really laughs, do you have the qualifications to move secretly?” 秦茵禁不住的笑了:“你区区一个千夫长,竟然拥有调动军队的权力?真是笑话,你有资格私自行动吗?” Tang Zuo soon frightened to cry, knelt on the ground hurriedly kowtows again and again, said: End will run away really secretly...... Also ordered the aide to go to general there to throw has dispatched troops to the signal arrow, all were the mistake of villain, Your Highness forgive!” 唐祚快要吓哭了,急忙跪在地上连连磕头,道:“末将真的是偷偷跑出来的……还命令侍从在上将军那里投了出兵令箭,一切都是小人的过错,殿下饶命啊!” At this time, Tang Lan one knee knelt, finally spoke: Your Highness, is the old minister teaches with an improper method, the military officer who lets my Tang Men violates this and other monstrous crimes, but hopes that Your Highness can keep his life, extends the bloodlines of that department, in addition, captures the government position and military rank him, the old ministers do not have any objection.” 这时,唐澜单膝跪地,终于说话了:“殿下,都是老臣管教无方,才让我唐门的将领犯下这等滔天罪行,只是希望殿下能够留他一条性命,延绵那一系的血脉,此外,将他夺取官职与军衔,老臣都没有任何的异议。” Qin Yin smiled: Billows Duke, you know that what crime defies Monarch to assign is?” 秦茵笑了:“澜公,您知道违抗君命是什么罪吗?” The Tang Lan whole body trembles: Death...... Capital crime......” 唐澜浑身一颤:“死……死罪……” Tang Zuo defies Monarch to assign, secretly attack empire town Commander, what crime is this?” “唐祚违抗君命,私自袭击帝国一镇统领,这是什么罪?” Capital crime......” Tang Lan face whiten. “死罪……”唐澜脸色苍白。 Since is the capital crime, why asked favor?” Qin Yin leisure sitting on the throne, turns upwards a longleg gently, stance saying proudly: Comes the person, draws with three vice generals Tang Zuo, instantly beheads, bringing their heads to see me.” “既然是死罪,何必求情?”秦茵慢悠悠的坐在王座上,将一条长腿轻轻翘起,姿态傲然的说道:“来人,把唐祚与三名副将拉下去,即刻斩首,带着他们的头颅来见我。” Your Highness...... This......” Tang Lan behind Tang Tian has a big shock, said: Tang Zuo is I and Tang Hut the collateral branch male cousin, but also asked Your Highness to be tolerant, gave him an opportunity, let Tang Zuo dying in battle battleground, died also feels better in demon clan in dying here!” 殿下……这……”唐澜身后的唐天大惊失色,道:“唐祚是我和唐庐的旁系堂兄,还请殿下宽容,给他一个机会,让唐祚战死沙场,死在魔族手里也好过于死在这里啊!” Qin Yin coldly smiles: Who asked favor again, determined guilt together!” 秦茵冷冷一笑:“谁再求情,一起定罪!” Your Highness, you!” Tang Lu is somewhat angry, as if also wants to say anything again. 殿下,你!”唐庐有些愤怒,似乎还想再说什么。 Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Tang Lan turns around to get angry: „Do you want to be executed with Tang Zuo together? The words that does not think, shut up to me!” 唐澜转身怒道:“你们想跟着唐祚一起被处死吗?不想的话,给我闭嘴!” Tang Tian, Tang Lu keep silent, no longer spoke. 唐天、唐庐噤若寒蝉,不再说话了。 But from beginning to end, Qu Chu is built on nearby Qin Yin throughout gorgeously, the imposing manner is imposing, so long as if who disobeys Monarch intent, then immediately executes. 而自始至终,屈楚始终巍然立于秦茵一旁,气势凛然,似乎只要谁违逆君意,便会立刻予以格杀。 At this moment, Qin Yin likely was a genuine queen is finally ordinary. 这一刻,秦茵终于像是一位真正的女王一般了。 ...... …… Several, several heads had not been held by the imperial guard armed soldier, after Feng Ji Xing verifies, nods to Qin Yin, said: Your Highness, all died.” 未几,几颗人头被禁军甲士捧了上来,风继行验明之后,冲着秦茵点点头,道:“殿下,全都死了。” Un.” Qin Yin nods gently, said: Billows Duke manage ineffectively, punishes by reduction in pay for one year, Pingnan marquis Xiang Yu does not teach to the subordinate strictly, punishes by reduction in pay for three years, the officer falls First Rank.” “嗯。”秦茵轻轻点头,又道:“澜公督管不力,罚俸一年,平南侯项彧对属下管教不严,罚俸三年,官降一品。” Tang Lan and Xiang Yu cup one fist in the other hand said together: Thanked Your Highness to be lenient toward!” 唐澜项彧一起抱拳道:“谢殿下宽赦!” At this moment, suddenly a messenger enters Jiangjunfu rapidly, rapid say|way: Your Highness, the demon clan came!” 就在这时,忽然一名传令兵飞速进入将军府,急促道:“殿下,魔族来了!” !! !!
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