AG :: Volume #5

#407: The sea of qi was broken

„......” “呃……” A painful penetrating heart after being miserably howling, Lin Muyu draws back several steps continually, the abdomen transmits a severe pain, is the sea of qi, this arrow shot through the abdomen sea of qi outer layer to fight the armor unexpectedly! 一声痛彻心扉的惨嚎之后,林沐雨连退数步,腹部传来一阵剧痛,是气海,这一箭居然射穿了腹部气海的外层斗铠! Battle Qi continuous is overflowing outward, his complexion is instantaneous, lifts the hand to capture the arrow arrow, five fingers, Battle Qi changes into the thick ice, rustle stiffly the wound freezing, simultaneously the abdomen and even the front and both legs almost lost the consciousness, leans on the Dragon Spirit sword to retrocede again and again, raises a pair of straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards anger to exclaim: „Who are you?” 斗气源源不断的向外流溢着,他的脸色瞬间铁青,抬手拔掉箭矢,五指一张,斗气化为玄冰,“沙沙”的硬生生将伤口给冻结住了,同时腹部乃至胸前、双腿都几乎失去了知觉,拄着龙灵剑连连后退,扬起一双剑眉怒吼道:“你们是什么人?” In the crowd, that Thousand-Man Commander draws out the extravagant blade on horseback slowly, on the solemn face full is heartless, said: Cangna Regiment vanguard camp controls Tang Zuo, leading the vanguard camp to await respectfully here for a long time! Comes the person, Lin Muyu to commit treason to surrender to the enemy, has become the righteousness and country counter- clever lackey, kills to me, chops his head, the monetary reward 100,000!” 人群中,那千夫长缓缓拔出马背上的阔刀,冷峻的脸上满是无情,道:“苍南军团前锋营统制唐祚,率领前锋营在这里恭候许久了!来人,林沐雨叛国投敌,已经成了义和国反贼的爪牙,给我杀,砍下他的头颅者,赏金100000!” Soldier one after another of one crowd of Cangna Regiments draws out saber, lance and other weapons, instigated the warhorse to increase speed to slowly. 一群苍南军团的士兵纷纷拔出马刀、长矛等兵刃,缓缓策动战马提速冲了过来。 ...... …… Humming sound......” “嗡嗡……” What thing in the Lin Muyu's mind as if has to call general in Zheng, is that the consequence of Battle Qi fast outflow? Is gripping tightly the Dragon Spirit sword, his at heart full is the hatred, can also who close before the black ink loosen intercepts own can? Thinks that this Tang Zuo is Xiang Yu sends. 林沐雨的脑海里仿佛有什么东西在铮鸣一般,那是斗气快速流失的后果吗?紧握着龙灵剑,他的心里满是恨意,能在墨松关前截杀自己的还会有谁呢?想必,这个唐祚是项彧派来的吧。 No, cannot sit waiting for death here, Qin Yin and Feng Ji Xing and Wei Chou they certain were seeking for themselves, perhaps in nearby! 不,不能在这里坐以待毙,秦茵风继行卫仇他们一定已经在寻找自己了,说不定就在附近! Brushes!” “刷刷!” Golden God Binding Lock surges, lingers around long sword, Lin Muyu stands same place gorgeously, the Dragon Spirit sword non-stop flies under the control of according to fire imperial sword, puff adds up totals Cangna Cavalry continually, he fights the boots to stamp the ground, the innumerable say|way golden color bottle gourd cane emerges as the times require, will dash about wildly cavalry to twine. 金色缚神锁涌动,萦绕在长剑周围,林沐雨原地巍然而立,龙灵剑在以火御剑的驾驭下直飞出去,“噗噗噗”的连杀数名苍南铁骑,紧接着他战靴一跺地面,无数道金色葫芦藤破土而出,将狂奔中的骑兵缠绕住。 Devil Sound Blade! 魔音刀 The invisible blade from the sky has flown, Lin Muyu has practiced to be able with the Swordsmanship heart method to control Devil Sound Blade Devil Sound Blade at this time, does not need to whip on the Devil Sound Blade flight trajectory with Devil Sound Fist completely, sees only that invisible flywheel blade in the airborne unceasing maneuver, in an instant kills more than ten people continually, startles Tang Zuo and the others to be dumbfounded. 无形刀刃在空中飞过,林沐雨此时已经把魔音刀修炼到可以用御剑术的心法来掌控魔音刀了,完全不需要用魔音拳去驱策魔音刀的飞行轨迹,只见那无形的飞轮刀刃在空中不断回旋,刹那间连杀十多人,骇得唐祚等人目瞪口呆。 Changes the bow and arrow!” Tang Zuo distant sitting in immediately, said one lightly. “换弓箭!”唐祚远远的坐在马上,淡淡说了一句。 One crowd of cavalry one after another exchanged the bow arrow, the the next moment advantage arrow has raided, but Lin Muyu the sea of qi was broken, the body stagnated is almost unable to move, can only be built on same place resists the arrow arrow with the bottle gourd wall, the golden bottle gourd wall is no doubt firm, but to Battle Qi consumption very huge, in an instant Battle Qi outflow speed was also crazier. 一群骑兵纷纷换上了弓矢,下一刻利箭袭来,而林沐雨气海被破,身体凝滞几乎无法移动,只能立于原地以葫芦壁来抵御箭矢,金色葫芦壁固然坚固,但对斗气的消耗也十分巨大,转眼之间斗气的流失速度就更加疯狂了。 „......” “啊……” Lin Muyu miserable snort|hum one, on the forehead full is the sweat, can only today the aggrieved death in this small manpower? 林沐雨惨哼一声,额头上满是汗水,难道今天就只能憋屈的死在这种小人手里了吗? To!” “冲!” The distant place, Tang Zuo and the others started the charge time, Lin Muyu almost soon could not open the eye, the strength in within the body soon drained up along with divulging of sea of qi, what was following was a fearful void, almost soon occupied his entire body. 远方,唐祚等人发动冲锋的时候,林沐雨几乎快要睁不开眼睛了,体内的力量快要随着气海的宣泄流失光了,随之而来的是一种可怕的空虚感,几乎快要占据他的整个身体。 Works as!” “当!” Tang Zuo carbine separation punctures suddenly on the bottle gourd wall, the golden bottle gourd wall is instantaneously stave, the Lin Muyu's body shook shaking, a sword before the faint has delivered furiously! 唐祚的骑枪分离突刺在葫芦壁上,金色葫芦壁瞬间破碎,林沐雨的身躯晃了晃,在昏厥之前奋力一剑送了出去! , Tang Zuo warhorse was killed, rolls with horse in the place, in an extremely difficult situation, but behind cavalry raised long sword to fire into Lin Muyu, struck an attitude to him kill, but also at this moment, just liked war-god general forest Mu Yu loudly drops down, finally, in the wound added the wound, he has achieved the limit of physical ability and will. “噗”的一声,唐祚的战马被杀死,连人带马滚翻在地,狼狈不堪,而身后的骑兵则一个个扬起长剑冲向了林沐雨,作势要将他砍杀掉,但也就在这时,恍若战神一般的林沐雨轰然倒下,终于,伤上加伤,他达到了体能与意志的极限了。 Mother!” “娘的!” Tang Zuo crawled from the mud, the anger shouted to clear the way: Has killed him!” 唐祚从泥泞之中爬了起来,怒喝道:“杀了他!” Yes!” “是!” A vice general discontinued, mentions saber to directly soar Lin Muyu to go. 一名副将下了马,提起马刀直奔林沐雨而去。 ...... …… But at this moment, a handle extravagant blade broken day comes suddenly! 但就在这时,忽然一柄阔刀破天而来! !” “噗!” The blade has flown, directly chopping to fly the head of vice general, the surrounding Purple Lightning electricity ray is dense, a brave general almost drops from the clouds, after holding the hilt, sweeps away, is five heads flies, the purple electricity roaring flame wolf ray on shoulder rises suddenly, he sharp knife in the front, the vision sweeps away the surroundings horizontally, on the face full is angry: One flock of bastards!” 刀刃飞过,直接将副将的头颅给砍飞了,紧接着周围紫色雷电光芒氤氲,一名猛将几乎从天而降,抓住刀柄之后横扫一圈,又是五颗人头飞起,肩膀上的紫电烈焰狼光芒暴涨,他将利刀横在胸前,目光横扫周围,脸上满是愤怒:“一群畜生!” Tang Zuo and the others were dumbfounded, Hundred-Man Commander has recognized at present this person, immediately kneels down in the place, the trembling sound track: See...... See Commander Feng Ji Xing!” 唐祚等人目瞪口呆,一名百夫长更是认出了眼前这人,马上下跪在地,颤声道:“参见……参见风继行统领!” Tang Zuo also slowly kneels on the ground, in the hand is leaning on the long blade, said: End Tang Zuo, see wind general.” 唐祚也缓缓跪在地上,手里拄着长刀,道:“末将唐祚,参见风将军。” Feng Ji Xing lowers the head to have a look at the faint in place forest Mu Yu, as well as the department in the Qin Lei head of his waist, loving dearly of can"t help it,, clenches jaws saying: You...... You are waiting!” 风继行低头看看昏厥在地的林沐雨,以及系在他腰间的秦雷头颅,禁不住的心疼不已,咬牙切齿道:“你们……你们等着!” Saying, his one knee kneels on the ground, has helped up Lin Muyu, asked anxiously: A'Yu...... A'Yu!” 说着,他单膝跪在地上,扶起了林沐雨,急切问道:“阿雨……阿雨!” But Lin Muyu frown tight wrinkle, the faint does not awake. 但林沐雨双眉紧皱,昏厥不醒。 Behind the body, the stormy hoofbeat transmits, the flag of imperial guard and gentian camp interweaves, at least over 5000 Cavalry together came, a cavalry front, progressing of Qin Yin long gown comes, when she noticed from afar Lin Muyu lies down in the ground and whole face is the blood, felt like a knife twisting in the heart, stands up from failure staggering to walk, a pair of beautiful eye looks at a Lin Muyu's scar, muttered: A'Yu Elder Brother......” 身后方,密集的马蹄声传来,禁军、龙胆营的旗帜交织,至少超过5000名铁骑一起过来了,骑兵阵前方,秦茵一袭长袍的策马而来,当她远远看到林沐雨躺在地上、满脸是血的时候,心如刀绞,翻身踉踉跄跄的走了过来,一双美目看着林沐雨的一身伤痕,喃喃道:“阿雨哥哥……” Feng Ji Xing rise said: Your Highness, Tang Zuo and the others intercept A'Yu in this...... So long as a Your Highness order, end leads the imperial guard to kill off this crowd to defy the revolting thief who the empress commanded immediately!” 风继行抬头道:“殿下,唐祚等人在此截杀阿雨……只要殿下一声命令,末将立刻率领禁军杀光这群违抗女帝谕令的叛贼!” Tang Zuo kowtows to say hurriedly: Wind general forgives, we...... We also take orders from the conduct!” 唐祚急忙磕头道:“风将军饶命,我们……我们也是听命行事啊!” Whose order listened to?” “听了谁的命令?” Qin Yin supports Lin Muyu, places in the palm his sea of qi gently, the whole body is soaring the God Binding Lock strength, but that God Binding Lock transforms unexpectedly baseless is golden You Dragon, lingers in the Lin Muyu's sea of qi wound place, as if in curing the injury is ordinary, but God Binding Lock in Lin Muyu sea of qi also had a response continuously unexpectedly, shines with Qin Yin God Binding Lock mutually, as if among source God Binding Lock also has some subtle maintenances. 秦茵拥住林沐雨,将手掌轻轻放在他的气海上,周身飞翔着缚神锁的力量,而那一条条缚神锁居然凭空幻化为一条条金色游龙,萦绕在林沐雨的气海伤口处,仿佛在治愈着伤势一般,而林沐雨气海中的缚神锁居然也有了一缕缕的回应,与秦茵缚神锁相互辉映,似乎本源的缚神锁之间也有着一些微妙的维系。 Opens reports Your Highness, we......” on Tang Zuo forehead full are the sweat, said: We...... Has not received about the forest washes rain Commander anything, but obtains the accurate information, he surrendered the righteousness and country, therefore after we here will run into him, hunted and killed.” “启禀殿下,我们……”唐祚的额头上满是汗水,道:“我们……并没有收到关于林沐雨统领的任何事情,只是得到确切情报,他投诚义和国了,所以我们才会在这里遇到他之后加以猎杀。” Dissolute!” “放肆!” In a two stars pupil of Qin Yin gets angry completely: You intercept rain Commander, this can it be that does not know that can cover?” 秦茵的一双星眸中满是嗔怒:“你们截杀雨统领,这岂是一句不知道所能掩盖得了的?” Tang Zuo begs for mercy hurriedly: Your Highness, we do not know really...... I...... I am billows Duke collateral branch blood relation, asking Your Highness to look in the billows Duke face, Rao Little a life......” 唐祚急忙求饶:“殿下,我们真的不知道啊……我……我是澜公的旁系血亲,请殿下看在澜公的面子上,饶小的一命啊……” Let alone.” Qin Yin loathing looked at his one eyes, said: Commander Feng, escorts back under guard the black ink loose pass/test this group of people completely, we...... We bring A'Yu Elder Brother to return to the black ink loose pass/test therapy now, military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency circular Sir Qu Chu, making him a bit faster come, how has a look to cure the A'Yu Elder Brother injury.” “别说了。”秦茵厌恶的看了他一眼,道:“风统领,把这群人全部押回墨松关,我们……我们现在带阿雨哥哥回墨松关疗伤,羽书通传屈楚大人,让他快点过来,看看如何治愈阿雨哥哥的伤势。” Yes!” “是!” Feng Ji Xing wields the palm, immediately Wei Chou, Zhang Wei and the others led the gentian camp and imperial guard to encircle here several hundred Cangna Regiment cavalry immediately, has gotten down weapons, has bound both hands with the rope, the horse reins 11 connected, brought back to the black ink loosen to close completely. 风继行一挥手掌,顿时卫仇章炜等人马上率领龙胆营、禁军将这里的数百苍南军团骑兵围了起来,一个个下了兵刃,用绳索绑缚了双手,马缰绳11相连,全部带回墨松关去。 ...... …… Above a combat tank, Lin Muyu static lying down in inside, Qin Yin is supporting his nape of the neck, static sitting in one side, but Feng Ji Xing has untied that black cloth, in reveals the thick ice by the Qin Lei head that seals up, immediately they understood all. 一辆战车之上,林沐雨静静的躺在里面,秦茵拥着他的脖颈,静静的坐在一旁,而风继行则解开了那黑色布帛,露出里面被玄冰封住的秦雷头颅,顿时他们明白了一切。 The Qin Yin tears are circling in the eye socket, nose acid, going all out endures not to cry, mutters: To bring Qin Lei Commander goes home...... A'Yu Elder Brother almost died in righteousness and country......” 秦茵的泪水在眼眶里盘旋着,鼻子一酸,拼命的忍着不哭,喃喃道:“为了带秦雷统领回家……阿雨哥哥几乎死在了义和国……” The Feng Ji Xing eye is red: Un, Emperor **, did not have any person to have such boldness and courage again, A'Yu he was great......” 风继行眼睛通红:“嗯,帝**中,再没有任何一人有这样的魄力与勇气了,阿雨他是好样的……” On nearby warhorse, the Qin Yan tears flow copiously, choke with sobs. 一旁的战马上,秦岩的泪水夺眶而出,泣不成声。 In the mountain, rides to graze to come, the white robe flies upwards, is Qu Chu. 山中,一骑飞掠而来,白袍飞扬,是屈楚 A'Yu how!?” 阿雨怎么了!?” The Qu Chu spin body falls above the combat tank, looks at Lin Muyu the whole body the injury, suddenly the whole person has been shocked, said in a low voice: „...... Who is...... Unexpectedly like this will stop at nothing wants to kill A'Yu......” 屈楚旋身落在战车之上,看着林沐雨浑身的伤势,一时间整个人都震惊了,低声道:“到底……到底是什么人……竟会这样无所不用其极的想杀阿雨……” Feng Ji Xing rise said: Must be the Saint Realm expert of Lingnan righteousness and country's, otherwise...... The A'Yu perhaps whole body is not the wound, Elder Qu, you have a look at the A'Yu sea of qi quickly, by Tang Zuo this villain with bow and arrow shooting through.” 风继行抬头道:“应当是岭南义和国的圣域强者,否则……阿雨恐怕也不会浑身都是伤口,屈老,您快看看阿雨的气海,被唐祚这个小人用弓箭给射穿了。” Un.” “嗯。” Qu Chu takes a deep breath, covers the palm above the Lin Muyu's sea of qi, Saint Heaven Realm Battle Qi enter in the wound densely, he knit the brows, said: Fortunately, A'Yu was the principle has sealed up the sea of qi wound with the ice, has preserved the source of Martial Spirit strength, Xiao Yin, have you also with cutting Dragon Juewei he treated?” 屈楚深吸一口气,将手掌覆盖在林沐雨的气海之上,一道道圣天境斗气氤氲进伤口之中,他皱了皱眉,说:“还好,阿雨用冰系法则封住了气海的伤口,保住了武魂力量的源泉,小茵,你也用斩龙诀为他治疗过了吧?” Qin Yin nods: Un.” 秦茵点头:“嗯。” Luckily.” Qu Chu deep looked at her one eyes, said: Was you preserves cultivating of A'Yu is, otherwise all late.” “幸好。”屈楚深深的看了她一眼,说:“是你保住了阿雨的修为,否则就一切都晚了。” But, how can retrieve A'Yu Elder Brother? He now...... Now the faint does not awake......” on a Qin Yin beautiful cheek to worry completely. “可是,要怎么样才能救回阿雨哥哥?他现在……现在昏厥不醒……”秦茵一张绝美的脸蛋上满是担忧。 All right.” “没事。” Qu Chu lightly smiled: Also was the good fortune, A'Yu initially the tempered intact medicament awakened for small Princess Xi the Fire Fox seal, this intact medicament I also had by chance, can repair the sea of qi damage of A'Yu with the intact medicament.” 屈楚微微一笑:“也是造化,阿雨当初淬炼完璧药剂为小汐郡主觉醒火狐印,这完璧药剂我恰巧还有一些,用完璧药剂就能修复阿雨的气海损伤。” Un, that a bit faster.” “嗯,那快点。” Good!” “好!” Qu Chu pulls out one pile of bottles of cans of Cosmos Bag, had found the intact medicament, drinks to Lin Muyu. 屈楚乾坤袋掏出一堆瓶瓶罐罐,从中找到了完璧药剂,给林沐雨喝下。 The combat tank jolts gently, but Lin Muyu has not waked up as before, Qin Yin worried: Why A'Yu does Elder Brother lose consciousness?” 战车轻轻颠簸,但林沐雨依旧并未醒来,秦茵更加着急了:“为什么阿雨哥哥还是人事不省?” Your Highness should not be anxious......” 殿下别急啊……” Qu Chu somewhat is also helpless, said: „The injury of his whole body was really too heavy, the front had also been shot through by the arrow arrow...... The average people such as his such injury already died 78 times, A'Yu can support the present really not to be easy, after returning to the black ink loosen to close, makes him convalesce well, this injury, should enough he raise a entire winter.” 屈楚也有些无奈,道:“他浑身的伤势实在是太重了,胸前还被箭矢射穿过……普通人如他这样的伤势早就死了78次了,阿雨能撑到现在也着实不容易,回到墨松关之后让他好好的静养一番,这个伤势,应该足够他养上一整个冬季了。” Feng Ji Xing also said with a smile: Your Highness should not be anxious, A'Yu wants to wake up mostly tomorrow, his physical ability has exhausted completely, one will go back to give him to feed forcefully inspects and verifies the gruel to help him recover the energy.” 风继行也笑道:“殿下别急,阿雨多半要明天才能醒来,他的体能已经完全耗尽了,一会回去给他强行喂一点清粥帮他恢复体力。” How to feed the gruel forcefully?” Qin Yin rise looks to Feng Ji Xing. “怎么强行喂粥?”秦茵抬头看向风继行 Feng Ji Xing touches the nose: This...... Must look at Your Highness.” 风继行摸摸鼻子:“这个……要看殿下自己了。” !! !!
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