AG :: Volume #5

#406: Becoming a fugitive -two

Close autumn rain voluminous falling in the jungle, in the jungle that this piece of originally is desolate and uninhabited a rows of righteousness and country Cavalry speeds along, but cavalry can only walk randomly on the flat land, is actually not able to visit the remote mountain in the mountain range. 细密的秋雨洋洋洒洒的落在丛林之中,这片原本荒无人烟的丛林里一列列义和国铁骑飞驰而过,不过骑兵只能在平地上游走,却无法踏足深山的山脉之中。 Dashanli, in a lonesome and quiet cavern, one first 3200 black bear corpse lies down in the one side, the flame of bonfire is jumping, on the Dragon Spirit sword puts on one string of bear Rou, the bear's paws frame to bake on the bonfire, but one side, Lin Muyu lays aside one pile of herbal medicines on the ground, opens palm unceasing tempered Medicine Essence. 大山里,一个幽静的洞穴之内,一头3200年的黑熊尸体躺在一旁,篝火的火光跳跃着,龙灵剑上穿着一串熊肉、熊掌架在篝火上烧烤着,而一旁,林沐雨将一堆草药放置在地上,张开手掌不断的淬炼药元 The land dragon grass sees in Dashanli , the ginseng looked for the most talent to find two, the recovery medicine medicinal preparation has used up, must refine on the spot newly, otherwise wound to heal speed of whole body greatly will sell at a discount. 地龙草在大山里十分多见,血参则是找了大半天才找到了两株,疗伤药剂已经用完了,必须现场提炼新的,否则全身的伤口愈合速度就会大打折扣。 Several, several bottles of recovery medicine medicinal preparations have not refined, Lin Muyu sprinkles it in the wound immediately, especially the chest by the injury that the White Diamond arrow shoots through, has injured to the lobe of the lung, if no recovery medicine medicinal preparation to help to heal, perhaps will kill, in this time recovery medicine medicinal preparation simply was the life-saving wonder drug, was easier-to-use than anything. 未几,几瓶疗伤药剂已经提炼了出来,林沐雨当即将其洒在创伤上,特别是胸口被白钻箭射穿的伤势,已经伤到肺叶了,如果没有疗伤药剂帮助愈合的话,恐怕会出人命,在这种时候疗伤药剂简直就是救命神药,比什么都好用。 Sprinkles the medicament after the wound, Lin Muyu breathed a sigh of relief, lies down on black bear corpse fur slowly, suddenly feels the back burning ache, that is Lu Zhan masterpiece, altogether has eaten the Lu Zhan three palms in evening Yangcheng, all in the back, this injury is next to puts on a chest arrow, places on the ordinary people, perhaps these wounds sufficiently awfully. 将药剂洒在伤口上之后,林沐雨舒了口气,缓缓躺在黑熊尸体的皮毛上,顿觉背后火辣辣的疼痛,那是鲁盏的杰作,在夕阳城一共吃了鲁盏三掌,全在背后,这伤势仅次于穿胸一箭,放在平常人身上,恐怕这几处伤都足以要命了。 In the noses is full bear Rou the fragrance, almost roasted ripe, therefore pulled out handle small Devil Sound Blade, cut bear Roulai to taste one together, was probably hungry, in the situation of this meat any seasoning the delicacy, has not made chewing motions extremely immediately greatly quickly, quick one big strung together bear Rou to solve completely, afterward gave the bonfire to add some firewood, bent down on the bearskin long has rested, he was too tired. 鼻间充溢着熊肉的香味,差不多烤熟了,于是掏出一柄小魔音刀,切下一块熊肉来尝了一口,大约是饿极了,这块肉没有任何佐料的情况下也极其美味,马上大快朵颐起来,很快的就把一大串熊肉全部解决掉,随后给篝火添了一些柴,伏在熊皮上悠悠的睡了过去,他实在太累了。 ...... …… Sleep wakes up, dawn. 一觉醒来的时候,天亮了。 Lin Muyu sits to set out, nearby bonfire has been put out, brandishes the arm, the physical strength restored 60%-70%, Battle Qi about 80%, but the whole body is the wound, the strength naturally greatly falls short, if now hits, the battle efficiency definitely is inferior to usual half, but cannot stop over absolutely here, the people in righteousness and country's search for the mountain everywhere, once were found troubles. 林沐雨坐起身来,一旁的篝火已经熄灭,挥舞了一下手臂,体力恢复了六七成,斗气大约八成左右,但浑身都是伤,战力自然大打折扣,现在若是打起来,战斗力肯定不及平时的一半,但绝对不能在这里多逗留,义和国的人到处搜山,一旦被找到就麻烦了。 Lit a fire, has roasted many cooked meat, after eating greatly, has installed much to Cosmos Bag, afterward went out of the cave, not far away was a trickle Qing Creek, the water used packed in bags two bags, after drinking to be happy, started off at your convenience. 重新生火,烤了不少熟肉,大吃一顿之后还装了不少到乾坤袋里,随后走出了山洞,不远处就是一条涓涓清溪,用水袋装了两袋,喝个痛快之后就便上路了。 The heavy rain stopped, has distinguished direction according to direction of Sun, directly soars the north to go in the mountain. 大雨已停,根据太阳的方向分辨了一下方向,就在山中直奔北方而去。 Under Falling Star Steps, dashes about wildly one day later, rushed to good approximately nearly 200 li (0.5km), even distant can see Mountain Range of Qin, Lin Muyu feels relieved to descend the mountain finally, walked from the flat land. 坠星步下,狂奔一天之后,奔行了大约近200里地,甚至遥遥的已经能够看到秦岭,林沐雨终于放心下山,从平地上行走。 A village desolateness far and near, had been hit by the demon clan, does not have the vitality, might as well in mountain, in addition can also see that 1-2 hunting households are hunting. 远近的村庄一片荒芜,都已经被魔族所洗劫过了,毫无生机,还不如山里,尚且还能看到一两个猎户在狩猎。 „!” “啪!” Under foot suddenly one tight, originally was steps on a beast to clamp, but Lin Muyu had fight of armors to protect the body at this time, therefore and no damage wound, the spin fought the glow to shake fiercely gently, clamped the beast directly breaking. 脚下忽然一紧,原来是踩中了一只兽夹,不过此时林沐雨有斗铠护体,所以并无损伤,旋烈斗芒轻轻一震,直接把兽夹给震碎了。 But when he will soon continue to hurry along, has broadcast a sound: You so were how unreasonable, destroy my beast to clamp unexpectedly!” 但就在他即将继续赶路的时候,身后传来了一个声音:“你这个人怎么那么不讲道理,居然毁了我的兽夹!” Lin Muyu turns around to look that the discovery is one behind is actually being hanging the hunting households of several hares, about 30 -year-old high and low appearance, then said with a smile: What's wrong, wants me to compensate?” 林沐雨转身一看,却发现是一个身后悬挂着几只野兔的猎户,大约30岁上下的样子,便笑道:“怎么,要我赔吗?” Hunting household eyes saw three Gold Star symbols between Lin Muyu the napes of the neck, although is the common people but also understood that Gold Star are more this person of official rank to be higher, immediately the look of hunting household had the racing, pouts, said: This Sir, you...... Can you a person rush to here mountains and plains open land? And...... Moreover here is the region that the demon clan seizes.” 猎户一眼就看到了林沐雨脖颈间的三枚金星徽记,虽然是平民但也懂得金星越多这人的官阶越高,顿时猎户的神色发生了急转,努努嘴,道:“这位大人,您……您怎么会一个人跑到这里山野荒地里来?而且……而且这里是魔族占领的区域。” Lin Muyu cup one fist in the other hand said: I am the serviceman in empire, passed by from here by chance.” 林沐雨抱拳道:“我是帝国的军人,恰巧从这里路过。” „Are you......?” The hunting households open the eye, whole body trembles suddenly: „Are you Commander Lin Muyu of empire gentian camp?” “您是……?”猎户睁大眼睛,忽地浑身一颤:“您是帝国龙胆营的统领林沐雨?” „Do you know me?” “你认识我?” No, did not know that......” hunting household has a lingering fear visits him, said: But nearby village and hunting household almost searched , the army of these righteousness and country's one day ago has almost swept here, is seeking for one to be called Lin Muyu's empire Commander, has not thought that is you......” “不,不认识……”猎户心有余悸的看着他,说:“但是附近的村庄、猎户几乎都被搜遍了,那些义和国的军队一天前几乎扫荡了这里,就是在寻找一个叫做林沐雨的帝国统领,没有想到就是您啊……” Some of do their also how many people stay here?” Lin Muyu asked. “他们还有多少人留在这里?”林沐雨问。 Does not know that are not many, this morning time walked many people suddenly.” “不知道,不多了,今天上午的时候突然间就走了许多人。” This, many thanks.” “这样啊,多谢了。” Is impolite.” “不客气。” Lin Muyu looked at his one eyes, said: Demon clan soon will possibly come back, here is unsafe, you hide in the remote mountain, after the human army expels the demon clan, comes out again, at least can save a life.” 林沐雨多看了他一眼,说:“魔族可能即将回来了,这里也不安全,你还是躲到深山里去吧,等到人类军队把魔族赶走之后再出来,至少能保住一条性命。” Many thanks the Sir cared, small awareness.” A gratitude of hunting household face. “多谢大人关心,小的知道了。”猎户一脸的感激。 The forest washed the raindrop to nod, continued step by step moved toward the north. 林沐雨点点头,继续一步步的走向了北方。 ...... …… After more than double-hour, short rest in valley lands, sits on together the green great crag, takes out bear Rou to chew carefully from Cosmos Bag, but when forest Mu Yu eats just happily, suddenly the distant place has heard the hoofbeat, the Spiritual Pulse Technique also fluctuations, some people came, and mostly is the person in righteousness and country's. 一个多时辰之后,在一片谷地里短暂休息,坐在一块青色巨岩上,从乾坤袋里取出熊肉细嚼慢咽起来,但就在林沐雨吃得正开心的时候,忽然远方传来了马蹄声,灵脉术也有一次次的波动,有人来了,并且多半是义和国的人。 Lin Muyu stands up from failure to hide behind the great crag hurriedly, quick one group of people enter the valley land, is the person in righteousness and country's. 林沐雨急忙一翻身躲在巨岩后方,很快的一群人进入谷地,都是义和国的人。 About more than 200 people of appearances, are worn the person of Thousand-Man Commander military rank to lead by one, this Thousand-Man Commander is Earth Realm cultivates is, in the hand is raising a handle extravagant blade, complexion woods cold saying: According to that hunting household's description, Lin Muyu should here neighbor, the whole body be the wounds, definitely does not walk away, searches to me, so long as butchers Lin Muyu, you can obtain at least one ten thousand Gold Yin Coin monetary reward!” 大约200多人的样子,由一名佩戴千夫长军衔的人率领着,这千夫长地境修为,手里提着一柄阔刀,脸色森寒的说道:“按照那猎户的描述,林沐雨应该就在这里附近,满身都是伤,肯定走不远,给我搜,只要宰掉林沐雨,你们一个个都能得到至少一万金茵币的赏金!” One crowd of cavalry have shown the excited look, instigates the warhorse to scatter in all directions to seek in the surroundings. 一群骑兵都露出了兴奋的神色,策动战马在周围四散寻找开来。 Lin Muyu grips tightly the sword hilt, bottom of one's heart full is helpless, that hunting household betrayed himself for the gold coin eventually, this year head, what person but also there is able to be worth believing? 林沐雨紧握剑柄,心底满是无奈,那个猎户终究还是为了金币出卖了自己,这年头,还有什么人能值得相信呢? Battle Qi in within the body restored much, can wrestle! Moreover, oneself truly need a Malaya to ride instead of walking, otherwise must arrive at Mountain Range of Qin to return sometime. 体内的斗气恢复了不少,可以一搏了!而且,自己确实需要一匹马来代步,不然要走到秦岭还有一段时间。 Brushes!” “刷!” Fights the boots to tread on the leave of grass, directly soars that Thousand-Man Commander to go. 战靴踏在草叶上,直奔那千夫长而去。 Who!?” “谁!?” Thousand-Man Commander is angry to turn around, but put in an appearance saw Lin Muyu swooped to come, the whole body spin fought the glow fiercely! 千夫长大怒转身,但一个照面就看到了林沐雨飞扑而来,满身的旋烈斗芒! !” “噗!” The sword light flashes past, the Thousand-Man Commander head flies, Lin Muyu a foot tramples his corpse, displacing holds the reins of warhorse, nearby dozens knight one after another draw out the sword, loudly shouted to clear the way: Massacres him!” 剑光一闪而过,千夫长的人头飞起,林沐雨一脚踹开他的尸体,取而代之的抓住战马的缰绳,一旁的几十名骑士纷纷拔出刀剑,大喝道:“杀掉他!” But thinks where the sarin neurotoxin compound washes rain to be so easy. 但想杀林沐雨哪儿有那么容易。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Around the fist full is Seven Luminaries Mystic Power, Lin Muyu lifts the hand is a fist rumbles! 拳头周围满是七曜玄力,林沐雨抬手就是一拳轰出! First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil! 一曜苍生乱 Bang!” “轰!” The profound strength just likes the shock-wave general easily accomplished rumbled pile of flesh and blood one group of people, Lin Muyu was secret, Battle Qi restored 70-80%, the Seven Luminaries Mystic Power lethality also came back! 玄力犹如冲击波一般摧枯拉朽的将一群人轰成了一堆血肉,林沐雨暗暗得意,斗气恢复了七八成,七曜玄力的杀伤力也回来了! Dials the horse to walk, directly soars the north. 拨马就走,直奔北方。 Cavalry of one crowd of righteousness and country's dashes about wildly. 身后,一群义和国的铁骑狂奔而来。 Massacres this bastard!” They were shouting abuse. “杀掉这个畜生!”他们破口大骂着。 But at this moment, suddenly buzz, a huge iron hardware has flown, has hewn both sides with horse a knight directly, working as, battle-axe cuts into nearby rock, this grade of Divine Power, is not humanity can have! 但就在这时,忽然“嗡”的一声,一个巨大铁器飞过,直接将一名骑士连人带马砍成了两端,“当”一声,战斧切入一旁的岩石之中,这等神力,根本就不是人类所能拥有的! My God!” “我的天!” One crowd of righteousness and on the face of country Cavalry full is panic-stricken. 一群义和国铁骑的脸上满是惊骇。 On nearby hillside, the roar is unceasing, shadows appear, is armor demon, the demon clan appeared in the righteousness and country West once again! 一旁的山坡上,吼声不绝,一个个黑影出现,是甲魔,魔族再度出现在义和国西方境内了! Roar!” “吼!” A armor demon held up lance to clash, directly soared Lin Muyu, other armor demons fired into almost lost resist the will the righteousness and country cavalry. 一个甲魔擎着长矛冲了过来,直奔林沐雨,其余的甲魔则冲向了几乎失去抵挡意志的义和国骑兵们。 On the Dragon Spirit sword the stars ray twinkle, the God Binding Lock strength, strikes the asterism to peep to rumble in addition directly! 龙灵剑上星辰光芒闪烁,加上缚神锁的力量,直接一击星芒初现轰出! Working as a standard parry lance at the same time, long sword also penetrated armor demon body, rumbled unexpectedly in broken bits his body! “当”一声格挡开长矛的同时,长剑也穿透了甲魔的身躯,竟把他的身躯轰成了细碎! But does not wait for Lin Muyu to progress to leave, three armor demons flushed from the surroundings, battle-axe sweeps away, „” to the four limbs cuts off the warhorse that Lin Muyu just succeeded in obtaining. 但不等林沐雨策马离开,三名甲魔就从周围冲了过来,战斧横扫,“咔嚓”一声将林沐雨刚刚到手的战马给四肢斩断了。 „!” “靠!” Lin Muyu falls get lost from the warhorse, the convenient sword chopped to fly a armor demon head, but armor demon in all directions noted itself, flushed crazily. 林沐雨从战马上跌滚下来,顺手一剑砍飞了一名甲魔的头颅,但四面八方的甲魔都注意到了自己,疯狂冲了过来。 Works as!” “当!” Dragon Spirit sword resisting stiffly weapons of three armor demons, on the Lin Muyu's arm transmitted the severe pain, the wound has split open, long sword could not resist three armor demons the strengths, the body was rapidly unbalanced, at this moment, his left hand pressed the ground suddenly, both legs series sweeping, bang bang bang trampled again and again three armor demons retrocedes. 龙灵剑硬生生的招架住三名甲魔的兵刃,林沐雨的手臂上传来剧痛,伤口迸裂了,长剑已经招架不住三个甲魔的力量,身体急速失衡,就在这时,他左手猛然一按地面,双腿连环扫荡而出,“嘭嘭嘭”的将三个甲魔踹得连连后退。 Also at this moment, the cerebellum place transmits a vibration, by a handle lance stabbing, is good because of having fight of armors protects the body, but a severe pain, drinks one as before hurriedly lowly: Bottle gourd cane!” 也就在这时,后脑处传来一阵震动,被一柄长矛给刺中了,好在有斗铠护体,但依旧一阵剧痛,急忙低喝一声:“葫芦藤!” All around golden bottle gourd canes raise, armor demons binding. 四周一道道金色葫芦藤升起,将一个个甲魔给绑缚住。 Lin Muyu wants not to have no more to do with walk, the distant place at least also over a thousand armor demons, sooner or later on the strength completely perish with the words that they prey on, he will not be silly. 林沐雨想也不想就拔腿就走,远方至少还有上千个甲魔,跟他们搏杀的话迟早就力尽而亡的,他可不会那么傻。 Falling Star Steps starts, is almost full speed flees the battlefield, one crowd of armor demons are pursuing Lin Muyu, pursued is pursuing could not be overtaking, they also discovered that this humanity ran is not the general rapidness. 坠星步发动,几乎是全速逃离战场,身后一群甲魔追着林沐雨,追着追着就追不上了,他们也发现这个人类跑得不是一般的快。 ...... …… armor demon arrived at the righteousness and country territory, this was hitting hard makes the forest wash the rain to without doubt leave here as soon as possible, more early returned to Mountain Range of Qin to be safer, therefore dashed, has almost fired into Mountain Range of Qin with quickest speed. 甲魔重新降临义和国领土了,这无疑是一记重击让林沐雨必须尽快离开这里,越早回到秦岭就越安全,于是一路飞奔,几乎用最快速度冲向了秦岭 To the next morning time, finally south arrived in the black ink loosen to close about ten li (0.5km), quick must arrive, did not see the signs of demon clan, was safe! 一直到翌日清晨的时候,终于抵达了墨松关南方大约十里地,很快就要到了,身后也不见魔族的踪迹,安全了! At this moment, in the jungle of distant place to sweep past troops, the empire Purple Yin Flower war flag drags with the wind, is very attractive. 就在这时,远方的丛林里掠过一支人马,帝国紫茵花战旗随风摇曳,十分好看。 Is the emperor **! 是帝**! Exhausted forest Mu Yu likes wholeheartedly, directly flushed, in the hand is leaning on the Dragon Spirit sword, said loudly: Which regiment are you?” 精疲力竭的林沐雨一心欢喜,直接冲了过来,手里拄着龙灵剑,大声道:“你们是哪个军团的?” Hundred-Man Commander progresses to go forward, on face full is astonished: Subordinate is Hundred-Man Commander of Cangna respective regiment, Sir...... Aren't you in the legend Lan wild goose four forest Mu Yu?” 一名百夫长策马上前,脸上满是惊愕:“属下是苍南所属军团的百夫长,大人……您不会就是传说中兰雁四杰之一的林沐雨吧?” Yes, is I.” “是,是我。” Lin Muyu the voice has not fallen, suddenly a distant place unexpected blow raids, , punctured thoroughly Lin Muyu to relax the fighting armor under alert, the arrow entered the abdomen about three centimeters, the blood spattered in all directions. 林沐雨话音未落,忽然远方一枚冷箭袭来,“噗”的一声,刺透了林沐雨放松戒备下的斗铠,箭头直入腹部大约三公分左右,鲜血迸溅而出。 ...... …… In the crowd, wears the person vision of Thousand-Man Commander military rank to be solemn: Forest Mu Yu committed treason, executes to father at the scene!” 人群中,一名佩戴千夫长军衔的人目光冷峻:“林沐雨已经叛国,给老子当场格杀!” !! !!
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