AG :: Volume #5

#405: Becoming a fugitive -one

Shen Yang?” Lin Muyu has a big shock: How can be you?” “沈扬?”林沐雨大惊失色:“怎么会是你?” Shen Yang lightly smiled, on the shoulder appears a hammer image, said: Martial Spirit of subordinate is the wolf, can distinguish and press for payment the bloody smell, I already know that rain Commander hid in this underground.” 沈扬微微一笑,肩膀上浮现出一个狼头形象,道:“属下的武魂是狼,能够分辨与追索血腥的气味,我早就知道雨统领躲在这地下了。” „Are you what kind of?” Lin Muyu is narrowing the eye, said: Although I was seriously injured, but kills you to be as before easy as pie!” “你想怎么样?”林沐雨眯着眼睛,道:“虽然我受了重伤,但是杀你依旧易如反掌!” I know.” “我知道。” Shen Yang sighed, said: I know that my Shen Yang in the rain Commander eye is an out-and-out villain, to maintain a livelihood can betray loyally, but...... Was not everyone can boldly face the death, my Shen Yang does not want dead, can only choose the betrayal, let alone that many, my carriage in not far away, rain Commander has hidden in the band of carriage, I found the way to deliver you to leave evening Yangcheng, so long as left evening Yangcheng, crossed the steel and iron back wall again, the righteousness and country how you.” 沈扬叹息一声,道:“我知道在雨统领眼里我沈扬是个不折不扣的小人,为了活命就可以背叛忠诚,但是……并不是每个人都能勇敢面对死亡,我沈扬不想死,只能选择背叛,别说那么多了,我的马车就在不远处,雨统领躲在马车的夹层里,我想办法送你出夕阳城,只要出了夕阳城,再越过钢铁护墙,义和国就奈何不了你了。” Why do I trust you?” Lin Muyu vision asked. “我凭什么信任你?”林沐雨目光一扬问道。 „Do you have other choice?” “你还有别的选择吗?” Shen Yang eyes just like the goshawk that hunts are common, said: Shen Yangxiang takes undeserved credit with your number of people are not difficult, can kill you a moment ago secretly, rain Commander, please believe that subordinate, I am not really willing to see the empire to lose rain Commander such talented person.” 沈扬的眼睛犹如猎食的苍鹰一般,道:“沈扬想用你的人头去邀功并不难,刚才就能偷偷杀了你,雨统领,请相信属下这一回,我实在不愿意看到帝国失去雨统领这样的人才。” Lin Muyu smiles bitterly: Walks, such as you said that I have not chosen.” 林沐雨苦笑一声:“走吧,如你所说,我没有选择。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Daybreak, saw that the day must shine, but the entire evening Yangcheng still in a confusion, the army intrudes in the even common people as before, wantonly search, airborne innumerable patrolling hawk in keenly blowing, to find Lin Muyu, setting sun Hou Manning had to dig the three chi (0.33 m) and net highest heaven potentials of greatly, was only a pity that he did not have to dig three chi (0.33 m). 黎明时分,眼看天就要亮了,但整个夕阳城依旧还在一片混乱之中,军队闯入平民家中,大肆搜查,空中无数巡鹰在尖啸着,为了找到林沐雨,夕阳侯满宁大有掘地三尺、网罗九霄之势,只可惜他没有真的掘地三尺。 Line of a black carriage on the main road, directly soars the north gate in evening Yangcheng slowly, but in the north gate square has actually covered entirely the righteousness and ** the team, at least over a thousand people are guarding here. 一架黑色马车在大道上缓缓而行,直奔夕阳城的北城门,但北城门广场上却布满了义和**队,至少上千人镇守着这里。 General Shen Yang, the city has declared martial law!” The defense high-ranking military officer said respectfully. “沈扬将军,城池已经戒严了!”守城将官恭敬说道。 Shen Yang sits on the carriage gorgeously, said: Shen Yangfeng the name of Monarch marquis has led 3000 brave warriors to go out of town, in evening region between Yangcheng and in the steel and iron back walls truncation sarin neurotoxin compound Mu Yu,...... This is the imperial decree and signal arrow of Monarch marquis.” 沈扬巍然坐在马车上,道:“沈扬奉了君侯之名率领3000勇士出城,在夕阳城、钢铁护墙之间的地带里截杀林沐雨,喏……这是君侯的手谕与令箭。” The garrison commanders carefully looked at one taking advantage of the ray of flare, the nod said: End will know, comes the person, the Kaesong gate!” 守将借着火把的光芒仔细看了一眼,点头道:“末将知道了,来人,开城门!” But at this moment, another person appeared, said: Slow! Your Hou said that regardless of anybody, wants to go out of town needs to question strictly, General Shen Yang, please forgive subordinate the crime of disrespecting, was really this forest Mu Yutai was guilty of the most heinous crime, killed Marshal Zhao not saying that but also has killed the many senior generals in righteousness and country's, simply heinous crime!” 但就在这时,又一人出现了,道:“慢!君侯说了,不论任何人,想出城都需要严格盘查,沈扬将军,请宽恕属下的不敬之罪,实在是这个林沐雨太罪大恶极了,杀死了吕昭元帅不说,还杀了义和国的多名大将,简直罪该万死!” I know.” “我知道。” Shen Yang stands up, said: Come, inspection!” 沈扬站起身,道:“来,检查吧!” Yes!” “是!” This garrison commander walks to go forward, lifts hand to draw out long sword, was searching to Shen Yang carriage, vision solemn falling in the car(riage) bottom deck, lifted the hand is a sword punctured! 这守将走上前,抬手拔出长剑,对着沈扬的马车搜索了一番,目光冷峻的落在车底的甲板上,抬手就是一剑刺了下去! Bang!” “嘭!” The sawdust scatters, Shen Yang bottom of one's heart trembles immediately, said: „Do you want to do? Let you search gives you face, being concerned about face.” 木屑四溅,沈扬顿时心底一颤,道:“你想干什么?让你搜查是给你面子,别给脸不要脸了。” The garrison commanders draw out sword blade, carefully looked on sword blade not to have the bloodstain, lightly smiled, cup one fist in the other hand to say respectfully: Asked the general to forgive, end is will follow also orders to handle affairs, was good, the general can pass through.” 守将拔出剑刃,仔细看了看剑刃上没有血迹,微微一笑,抱拳恭敬道:“请将军恕罪,末将也不过是奉命行事罢了,好了,将军可以通行了。” Snort!” “哼!” Shen Yang issues an order, the army goes out of town slowly. 沈扬一声令下,大军缓缓出城。 ...... …… Rain Commander, all right?” After going out of town, Shen Yang then worries to ask. “雨统领,没事吧?”出了城之后,沈扬这才担忧问道。 In the band, Lin Muyu looks at the armpit pierced plank, sound weak saying with a smile: All right, Lu Zhan have not massacred me, how this trifling garrison commander also has that life.” 夹层内,林沐雨看着腋下被洞穿的木板,声音微弱的笑道:“没事,鲁盏都没有杀掉我,这区区的一个守将又怎么有那种命。” Shen Yang relaxed, says with a smile: That was good, scares to death me. After meeting city alert range, I placed in you desolated jungle of wilderness, Shen Yang also can only send you to here.” 沈扬松了口气,笑道:“那就好,吓死我了。一会出了城池戒备范围之后,我就把你放在野地的荒芜丛林里,沈扬也只能送你到这里了。” Un, many thanks general!” “嗯,多谢将军!” The carriage jolts, after having gone out was very far, this slowly stops, Shen Yang opened the band, Lin Muyu has stood up from failure, looked in all directions that Shen Yang army is exuding the hoofbeat another side of the jungle. 马车一路颠簸,一直走出了很远之后,这才缓缓停下,沈扬打开了夹层,林沐雨翻身而出,四处一看,沈扬的军队正在丛林另一边发出马蹄声。 Walks quickly, do not let them discover.” “快走吧,别让他们发现了。” Many thanks you.” Lin Muyu cup one fist in the other hand said: I will always remember forever the kindness of General Shen Yang.” “多谢你。”林沐雨抱拳道:“我会永远铭记沈扬将军的恩德。” Shen Yang look green say|way: No, I am only base and low revolting, can make these to compensate me guilty of bottom of one's heart, rain Commander walks in the three years quickly.” 沈扬神色苍然道:“不,我只是一个卑微的叛将罢了,能做这些只是补偿我这三年来心底的愧疚,雨统领快走。” Was predestined friends says goodbye.” “有缘再见了。” Lin Muyu jumps to disappear in the jungle deep place. 林沐雨纵身消失在丛林深处。 ...... …… Late autumn, the jungle of setting sun north side started desolated, Lin Muyu close shatter clothes armor, in an extremely difficult situation leans on long sword to walk in the jungle, the jungle thorn tears shatter clothes armor unceasingly, the whole body is the blood, the physical strength almost exhausts, this time which his also had the half minute the gentian camp Commander abundant god to be initially handsome. 深秋,夕阳城北方的丛林已经开始荒芜,林沐雨一身接近破碎的衣甲,狼狈不堪的拄着长剑走在丛林内,丛林荆棘不断撕裂破碎的衣甲,浑身是血,体力几乎耗尽,此时的他哪儿还有半分当初龙胆营统领的丰神俊朗。 Is walking, in Spiritual Pulse Technique transmits fierce surging suddenly, some people came! 正行走间,忽地灵脉术中传来剧烈的波荡,有人来了! Whiz!” “嗖!” , An advantage arrow quick firing comes by far, the backhand sword of his instinct, will benefit the arrow to chop to fly directly, the distant place, one crowd of righteousness and country Cavalry already pursued, a people sound shouts: Found Lin Muyu, immediately lights the rocket, informs Monarch marquis! Other people with me together, chase down, chop the Lin Muyu's head, confers nobility upon Bai Jiang!” 远远的,一枚利箭急射而来,他本能的反手一剑,直接将利箭砍飞,远方,一群义和国铁骑已然追了过来,其中一人大声喊道:“找到林沐雨了,马上点燃狼烟,通知君侯!其余人跟我一起,追杀,砍下林沐雨的人头,封侯拜将!” Yes!” “是!” One crowd of righteousness and country cavalry went crazy general chasing down. 一群义和国骑兵发了疯一般的追杀而来。 Lin Muyu is incapable of turning round to prey, here about 500 heavy cavalry, oneself most killed 350 people to be cut to pieces, therefore started Falling Star Steps directly, the wind has fired into direction of steel and iron back wall generally. 林沐雨无力回身搏杀,这里足足有近500名重骑兵,自己最多杀350人就要被千刀万剐了,于是直接发动坠星步,风一般的冲向了钢铁护墙的方向 Above the main road, the thick smoke is billowing, dawn, the own soldier of setting sun marquis also pursued, even full Ning also rode a steed to pursue. 大道之上,浓烟滚滚,天亮了,夕阳侯的亲兵也追了出来,甚至就连满宁自己也骑乘着一头骏马追了出来。 ...... …… The distant place, steel and iron back wall is getting more and more near, but encircles the righteousness and that kills to come ** the team were also getting more and more! 远方,钢铁护墙越来越近,但围杀而来的义和**队也越来越多了! Works as!” “当!” The Dragon Spirit sword comes out of the sheath, Lin Muyu urges valley Battle Qi to enter the crowd, tornado to sweep past, leaves behind dozens corpses, directly soars the steel and iron back wall to go, but under the back wall presented the countless righteousness and country soldier, boundless many archer one after another has held up the long bow, even the crossbow car(riage) in city wall has been calibrating, the steel arrow of that crossbow car(riage) has the arm to be thick, prestige of the arrow not necessarily can block including the gods, let alone trifling Saint Realm. 龙灵剑出鞘,林沐雨催谷斗气杀入人群,旋风般掠过,身后留下数十具尸体,直奔钢铁护墙而去,但护墙下出现了不计其数的义和国士兵,茫茫多的弓箭手纷纷举起了长弓,甚至就连城墙上的弩车都在校准了,那弩车的钢箭足足有手臂粗,一箭之威连神都未必挡得住,何况自己一个区区圣域 „Can dragonet, armor?” Lin Muyu kills people, while asked that he was really worried that perhaps the Scarlet Crystal Dragons condition, otherwise, already armor flew away. “小龙,能铠化吗?”林沐雨一边杀人,一边问道,他实在是担心赤晶龙的状态,否则的话,恐怕早就铠化飞走了。 In the soul contract broadcasts the Scarlet Crystal Dragons sound: „......” 灵魂契约里传来赤晶龙的声音:“嗷呜……” Although sound quite obviously weak, but is actually the affirmative reply, the flight of short time, Ok! 虽然声音颇显微弱,但却是肯定的回答,短暂时间的飞行,可以! Good, fuses armor!” “好,融合铠化!” Lin Muyu fist Spiritual Sense impact offering a far-fetched interpretation space crack, Scarlet Crystal Dragons Dragon recited in the sound a suddenly, blood reds lingered around Lin Muyu's, held a previous dragon scale layer upon layer for his body in addition, simultaneously the scarlet crystal scale of big piece unified unceasingly in behind, has formed a dragon wing of pair of huge, immediately the surrounding righteousness and country soldiers looked like general yes damn: Day, how?” 林沐雨猛然一拳灵觉冲击穿凿空间裂缝,赤晶龙的龙吟声中,一片血红色萦绕在林沐雨的周围,为他的身躯加持上一层层的龙鳞,同时大片的赤晶鳞片在背后不断结合起来,形成了一对巨大的龙翼,顿时周围的义和国士兵像是见了鬼一般:“天,怎么了?” The flank beyond several hundred meters, setting sun Hou Manning shouted to clear the way loudly: Massacres him, cannot make forest Mu Yu leave the steel and iron back wall!” 侧方数百米外,夕阳侯满宁大声喝道:“杀掉他,绝不能让林沐雨离开钢铁护墙!” Suddenly, the volunteer ten thousand arrows under city fire! 一时间,城下的义勇兵万箭齐发! Works as ding-dong......” “当当当……” Ordinary arrow Yane this is unable to injure armor the forest to wash the rain slightest, vibrates the wing, although is somewhat strenuous, but rises straight from the ground as before, directly soars above the city wall to go! 普通箭矢根本无法伤害铠化的林沐雨分毫,振动翅膀,虽然有些吃力,但依旧拔地而起,直奔城墙上方而去! full Ning is angry: One crowd of waste...... Ding Xi, on city wall along with me!” 满宁大怒:“一群废物……丁奚,随我上城墙!” Yes, your marquises!” “是,君侯!” When do not look at the full ninh binh fat is momentarily fat will die likely general, but actually skill incomparable nimble, 32 steps arrived above the steel and iron back wall at this time, happen to saw Lin Muyu to cross the back wall, non-stop flew to the north, looked like the set free a captured animal bird is ordinary. 别看满宁平时胖墩墩的像是随时都会肥死一般,但此时却身手无比敏捷,32步来到了钢铁护墙上方,正好看见林沐雨越过了护墙,直飞向北方,就像是被放生的鸟儿一般。 Ding Xi Mi the eye, was saying: It seems like...... We could not catch him.” 丁奚眯着眼睛,道:“看来……我们抓不到他了。” Who said?” “谁说的?” full Ning clenches teeth saying: Marshal Ding Xi is the Lingnan unusual marksman, passes arm Divine Power, comes the person, comes with my shooting Tienkung!” 满宁咬牙道:“丁奚元帅是岭南少有的神箭手,一身通臂神力,来人啊,拿我的射天弓过来!” Yes, your marquises!” “是,君侯!” A bodyguard has given Ding Xi a great bow. 一名侍卫将一张巨弓递给了丁奚。 Forest Mu Yu is Saint Realm expert, his fighting armor...... The arrow arrow is unable to pierce.” Ding Xi Tanxi: Your marquises, you do not feel embarrassed Ding, this...... Really cannot achieve!” “林沐雨是圣域强者,他的斗铠……箭矢是无法洞穿的。”丁奚叹息道:“君侯,您就别为难丁某了,这……实在是做不到啊!” Relax.” “放心。” full Ning puts out a hand to draw out an arrow arrow in the arrow pot of bodyguard, the arrow of that arrow arrow under the dawn flood the white cold brightness, was saying with a smile: „The White Diamond arrow, can shoot the deicide demon, not to mention a forest of severe wound washed the rain.” 满宁伸手在侍卫的箭壶里拔出一枚箭矢,那箭矢的箭头在晨光下泛着白色寒光,笑道:“白钻箭,能够射杀神魔,更别提一个重伤的林沐雨了。” This......” Ding Xi clenches jaws: Which does this White Diamond arrow is come?” “这……”丁奚咬牙切齿:“这白钻箭是哪儿来的?” Pulls out from the corpses of our volunteer.” In full Ningyan is passing chill in the air, said: Righteousness and country suffered loss under the White Diamond arrow, today also makes forest Mu Yuchang taste the taste of White Diamond arrow! Marshal Ding Xi passes arm Divine Power, the arrow law unparalleled, if this arrow cannot hit a target, that can only explain that your real collaboration with the enemy committed treason, I will give the judge advocates office to handle you.” “从我们义勇兵的尸体上拔出来的。”满宁眼中透着寒意,道:“义和国在白钻箭下吃尽了苦头,今天也让林沐雨尝一尝白钻箭的滋味!丁奚元帅通臂神力,箭法无双,若是这一箭射不中,那就只能说明你真的通敌叛国了,我自会把你交给军法处处置。” Ding a Xi bottom of one's heart chill in the air, received the arrow arrow, has pulled open the great bow slowly, aims at Lin Muyu's direction, under Xuyang, Lin Muyu is one bird that flutters to soar diligently is likely ordinary. 丁奚心底一片寒意,接过箭矢,缓缓拉开了巨弓,瞄准林沐雨的方向,旭阳下,林沐雨像是一只正在努力振翅高飞的鸟儿一般。 Whiz!” “嗖!” The arrow arrow off-line goes, the next moment, the distant place Lin Muyu's body trembles slightly, crashes in the jungle directly. 箭矢离线而去,下一刻,远方林沐雨的身躯微微一颤,直接坠落在丛林之中。 full Ning laughs: „The Kaesong gate, evening Yangcheng Cavalry attacked, hunts and kills the Lin Muyu's time to!” 满宁不禁大笑:“开城门,夕阳城铁骑出击,猎杀林沐雨的时候到了!” Great bow in Ding Xi hand hangs down, standing of being absentminded there. 丁奚手中的巨弓低垂,失魂落魄的站在那里。 ...... …… Bang!” “嘭!” Body numerous crash in the place, Lin Muyu crash in the severe pain in a Fengshulin, in consciousness transmits calling out in grief of Scarlet Crystal Dragons, this arrow shot through the scales directly, shot through the Lin Muyu's chest cavity, is good because of being not the side of hit heart, looks arrow that on the front armor breaks out, is the White Diamond arrow, at this time is dyeing own blood. 身躯重重的坠落在地,林沐雨在剧痛中坠落在一片枫树林里,意海中传来赤晶龙的悲鸣,这一箭直接射穿了鳞甲,也射穿了林沐雨的胸腔,好在并不是命中心脏的一边,看着胸前铠甲上突起的箭头,是白钻箭,此时正染着自己的鲜血。 !” “噗!” Breaks off the arrow arrow, stiffly threw arrow pulling in the one side, gasping for breath of Lin Muyu big mouth, the whole person soon collapses generally, has pulled out one bottle of Gold Sore Medicine to spread to stop bleeding hurriedly, rested without enough time, leaned on long sword to dash about wildly to go to the north side, the north, that was the territory in empire, was the hope that went on living. 折断箭矢,将箭头硬生生的拔出扔在一旁,林沐雨大口的喘着气,整个人快要崩溃了一般,急忙掏出一瓶金疮药敷上止血,也来不及休息,拄着长剑就直向北边狂奔而去,北方,那是帝国的领地,也是自己活下去的希望。 Does not have in the situation of warhorse, must rush to line of several hundred li (0.5km), this is not how easy. Has transmitted the righteousness and country Cavalry hoofbeat, in Lin Muyu the transfer jungle without hesitation, cavalry in jungle chasing down efficiency big reduction, this is the only hope. 只是没有战马的情况下,要奔行数百里,这何其不容易。身后传来了义和国铁骑的蹄声,林沐雨毫不犹豫的转入密林之中,骑兵在密林内的追杀效率会大大的降低,这是自己唯一的希望。 Dragon scale armor dissipates slowly, Scarlet Crystal Dragons enters in the sleep once more. 身上的龙鳞铠化缓缓消散,赤晶龙再次进入睡眠之中。 Lin Muyu sighs with regret secretly, if this time does not have the help of Scarlet Crystal Dragons, perhaps absolutely did not have the opportunity to run away the birth day. 林沐雨暗暗慨叹,这次若是没有赤晶龙的帮助,恐怕自己绝对没有机会逃出生天来。 ...... …… Walk of staggering along in jungle, sky suddenly voluminous had autumn rain, Lin Muyu has whinned in bottom of one's heart: Doesn't help me the heaven?” 跌跌撞撞的行走在丛林内,天空忽地洋洋洒洒的下起了一场秋雨,林沐雨不禁在心底哀嚎一声:“就连老天都不帮我吗?” !! !!
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