AG :: Volume #5

#404: Wrestling of life and death

( ( The blood overflows along abdomen clothes armor, an instantaneous dyed red piece, Lin Muyu staggers along, at present even a little becomes dark, the injury that in two minutes receive again to letting his strength has damaged greatly, outside the rear palace, one crowd of righteousness and country elite bowmen pull open to aim at him the long bow all, one side Thousand-Man Commander drinks greatly: Puts the arrow.” 鲜血沿着腹部衣甲流溢而出,瞬间染红一片,林沐雨跌跌撞撞,眼前甚至有点发黑,两分钟内所受的伤势已经重到让他战力大损了,后殿外,一群义和国精锐弓手尽数将长弓拉开瞄准着他,一侧的千夫长一声大喝:“放箭。” Gold/Metal hu Martial Spirit is damaged, in a short time is unable to condense the bottle gourd wall, Lin Muyu direct overran, Battle Qi that clenches teeth not to draw back instead enters grows a new fighting armor, uses this to fight the armor to resist the righteousness and ** the advantage arrow of team. 金葫武魂受损,短时间内无法重新凝聚葫芦壁了,林沐雨一咬牙不退反进的直接冲了过去,斗气衍生出一道新的斗铠,就用这层斗铠來抵挡义和**队的利箭了。 Bang bang bang......” “嘭嘭嘭……” Arrow arrows come in the front ejection, but Lin Muyu raises the Dragon Spirit sword high, chops into pieces an archer directly, when fights the boots to fall on the flat land, the left arm raises gently, Seven Luminaries Mystic Power rotates rapidly. 一枚枚箭矢在胸前弹射开來,而林沐雨高高扬起龙灵剑,直接将一名弓箭手劈碎,当战靴落在平地上的时候,左臂轻轻一扬,七曜玄力急速转动。 First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil. 一曜苍生乱 The innumerable common people starlike image anxious spin, has ripped the smashing the bodies of dozens archers, simultaneously behind burns the wind to raid, Lu Zhan came, this Saint Heaven Realm expert is really hard to deal with. 无数苍生星象急旋而过,将数十名弓箭手的身体撕成了粉碎,同时身后灼风袭來,鲁盏又來了,这个圣天境强者果然难缠。 Spiritual Sense judges the opposite party position, Lin Muyu does not return dashes forward several steps, turns around suddenly. 灵觉判断对方的位置,林沐雨头也不回的向前飞奔出数步,骤然之间转身。 „.” “啊。” Lu Zhan is in the midair, in palm full is the vigorous roaring flame, the Martial Spirit hot snake occupies around the body, fierce incomparable, this palm will soon fall, in Lu Zhan eye pupil actually saw that Lin Muyu that pair floods in the pupil of blood to project together the cold glow. 鲁盏身在半空中,掌心里满是雄浑烈焰,武魂火蛇盘踞在身体周围,狰狞无比,这一掌即将落下的时候,鲁盏的眼眸里却看到林沐雨那双充斥着鲜血的眸子里射出一道寒芒。 Is the soul attack of Spiritual Pulse Technique. 灵脉术的灵魂攻击。 Buzz......” “嗡……” A sharp cry, Lu Zhan body is almost unable to move, but in Lin Muyu hand is holding up the profound wonderful stars ray, rises straight from the ground suddenly, direct palm bang above a Shangdong abdomen. 一声尖鸣,鲁盏的身躯几乎无法动弹,而林沐雨则手中擎着玄奇的星辰光芒,猛然拔地而起,直接一掌轰在鲁盏的腹部之上。 Stars Art, the Sacred Mountains of China day falls. 星辰诀,,五岳天降。 Bang.” “嘭。” In the bang sound, Lu Zhankou spits flying upside down of blood, but palm roaring flame, falling of blotting out the sky, swallows suddenly together Lin Muyu the entire body, the overwhelming palm of Saint Heaven Realm expert, how resists. 巨响声中,鲁盏口吐鲜血的倒飞出去,但掌心烈焰猛然一张,铺天盖地的落下,将林沐雨整个身躯一起吞噬掉,圣天境强者的浩然一掌,如何抵挡。 In the rear palace dozens name and country Battle Lord one after another raised weapons to clash, actually only saw a sea of fire, dumbfounded, Ding Xi clenched jaws saying: He...... He died, protected Monarch marquis.” 后殿内数十名义和国战将纷纷提着兵刃冲了过來,却只看到一片火海,一个个目瞪口呆,丁奚咬牙切齿道:“他……他死了吗,保护好君侯。” On.” A name and country generals draw out the saber suddenly, shouted to clear the way lowly: My righteousness and country several hundred brave warriors will also fear trifling Lin Muyu, has killed him.” “上。”一名义和国上将猛然拔出佩剑,低喝道:“我义和国数百勇士难道还会惧怕一个区区林沐雨,杀了他。” The flame that but a Lu Zhan palm creates has not ceased as before, in the yard has encircled in an instant over a thousand armed soldiers, grasps long handle lance, spear|gun and other weapons of straight is pointing at forest Mu Yu in roaring flame, but they do not know that Lin Muyu died. 但鲁盏的一掌所造成的火焰依旧并未停息,大院里转眼就围了上千名甲士,一个个手持长柄的矛、枪等兵刃笔直的指着烈焰之中的林沐雨,只是他们并不知道林沐雨是不是死了。 At this moment, suddenly roar. 就在这时,忽然“吼”的一声。 Bang.” “轰。” The sound wave transmits from the roaring flame, blasts out suddenly, the impulse certainly, in an instant attacked pile of flesh and blood the soldier within ten meters, in the hot rain, before a whole body scarlet-red sacred big dragon has opened claw, floating clouds waved in the surroundings piece by piece, the dragon carried on the back as if is also carrying on the back a person, must shoot up to the sky shortly. 音波从烈焰中传來,猛然炸开,冲击力强绝,转眼就把十米内的士兵冲击成了一堆血肉,火雨中,一头浑身赤红的神圣巨龙张开了前爪,一片片浮云在周围舞动,龙背上似乎还驮着一个人,眼看就要冲天而起了。 Is the dragon.” Ding Xi Mengran is startled. “是龙。”丁奚猛然一怔。 full Ning under guard of one group of bodyguards, the complexion is very ugly, loudly shouted to clear the way: Forest Mu Yu has assassinated Marshal Zhao, cannot make him live is leaving evening Yangcheng, takes him to me.” 满宁在一群侍卫的护卫下,脸色十分难看,大喝道:“林沐雨刺杀了吕昭元帅,不能让他活着离开夕阳城,给我拿下他。” Your marquises felt relieved.” “君侯放心。” The person of speech is Lu Zhan, this Saint Heaven Realm cultivates for expert only injured does not die, has cleaned the bloody water of corners of the mouth, jumped suddenly, the body flew high to open the robe sleeve, the domain pressure certainly fell, eyes was fixing the eyes on, only then in 5000 Scarlet Crystal Dragons of strength, will say with a smile ferociously: Evil dragon, you thinks that you can save him.” 说话的人是鲁盏,这位圣天境修为的强者只伤不死,擦拭了一下嘴角的血水,猛然纵身而起,身体凌空张开袍袖,强绝的领域威压落下,双眸紧盯着只有5000年实力的赤晶龙,狞笑道:“孽龙,你以为你能救他吗。” Scarlet Crystal Dragons angrily, the opens mouth is one burns fierce Dragon Xi. 赤晶龙愤怒不已,张口便是一口灼烈龙息。 Bang.” “嘭。” Lu Zhan tacks in the sole raise gently, unexpectedly racket stiffly flew Dragon Xi, the both arms close up in the same place, shoots down loudly above the head of Scarlet Crystal Dragons, only listened to „” one, the skull as if to be cracked, the golden dragon blood stream overflowed, but Scarlet Crystal Dragons had not died, unwilling swayed the head, under the severe wound is losing the flying ability, fell suddenly. 鲁盏的铁掌轻轻一扬,竟硬生生的拍飞了龙息,双臂合拢在一起,轰然一击落在赤晶龙的头颅之上,只听“咔嚓”一声,头骨似乎龟裂了,金色的龙血流溢出來,但赤晶龙并未死去,不甘的摇晃着脑袋,重伤之下失去飞行能力,猛然跌了下去。 Chaotic arrow kills.” “乱箭射杀。” Also does not know that is who gives a loud shout, arrow arrow one after another in all directions kills to come, dingdong spatters in all directions the ejection to expunge around Scarlet Crystal Dragons. 也不知道是谁大喝一声,四面八方的箭矢纷纷袭杀而來,叮叮当当的在赤晶龙周围迸溅弹射开去。 „......” “呜……” Lin Muyu miserable howling, wakes up from the faint, discovered that Scarlet Crystal Dragons is stirring dragon prestige in the arrow arrow that resisting is coming in all directions, but he does not have the means that the whole body transmitted the severe pain everywhere, the body as if must be torn generally, but Lu Zhan relied on the Saint Heaven Realm domain air/Qi field to circle as before short in the midair, wants from airborne to break through is impossible. 林沐雨惨嚎一声,从昏厥中醒來,才发现赤晶龙正鼓荡龙威在抵挡着四面八方而來的箭矢,但他毫无办法,全身到处都传來剧痛,身体仿佛要被撕裂了一般,而鲁盏则凭借着圣天境的领域气场依旧短暂盘旋在半空中,想从空中突围已经是不可能了。 Kills.” “杀。” Righteousness and country of soldiers one crowd of whole body mail-armor and helmets have killed, lance chaotic thorn. 一群浑身甲胄的义和国士兵杀了过來,长矛乱刺。 Lin Muyu hurried spin body carries on the back to fall from the dragon, evades these lances punctures suddenly, sword blade sweeps, truncates sharp completely several spears, the palm waves gently, First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil starts once more. 林沐雨急忙一旋身从龙背上落下,躲过这些长矛的突刺,剑刃一扫而过,将十几枚矛尖全部削断,掌心轻轻舞动,一曜苍生乱再次发动。 Bang.” “轰。” Several soldiers retrocede one after another, spits blood under the strong Saint Realm pressure unceasingly, but nobody died unexpectedly, severe wound forest Mu Yu was unable to display the First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil 10% strengths. 十几名士兵相继后退,在强劲的圣域威压下不断吐血,但竟沒有一个人死亡,重伤的林沐雨已经无法发挥一曜苍生乱的一成力量了。 Eats my Duan Hai blade.” “吃我段海一刀。” Above the top of the head transmits Battle Qi to be vigorous, Lin Muyu rise looks, is one about 50 -year-old high and low righteousness and country military officer, above the long blade full is Frost Battle Qi, oneself have killed Zhao, now is seriously injured, the military officer everybody in righteousness and country's struggles to massacre itself to take undeserved credit. 头顶上方传來斗气雄浑,林沐雨抬头看去,是一名大约50岁上下的义和国将领,长刀之上满是冰霜斗气,自己杀了吕昭,如今又身受重伤,义和国的将领人人都争着杀掉自己來邀功啊。 „.” “咻。” Lin Muyu gently beckons with the hand, a waist invisible sharp knife blade flew, flew high to shut off Duan Hai the nape of the neck, was small Devil Sound Blade. 林沐雨只是轻轻一摆手,腰间一枚无形利刃飞了出去,凌空切断了段海的脖颈,是一枚小魔音刀 Death.” “死。” Behind the body transmits the chill in the air, this struck unable to shunt, Lin Muyu can only condense Battle Qi that only saved to form fight of armors to come to square to keep off, the intuition back severe pain and ice were cold, fight the armor to be cut to break, and that long blade has after death been leaving behind an astonishing wound, who in the darkness could not even see the raider is, first convenient several soldiers together punctured the lance. 身后方传來寒意,这一击躲不开了,林沐雨只能凝聚仅存的斗气形成斗铠來格挡,直觉背后一阵剧痛与冰寒,斗铠被斩破了,并且那长刀在身后留下了一道惊人的伤口,黑暗中甚至看不到袭击者是谁,前方便又有十几名士兵一起刺出了长矛。 The forest washes the raininess line to stir Battle Qi, comes First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil again. 林沐雨强行鼓荡斗气,再來一次一曜苍生乱 Bang.” “轰。” The common people starlike image sweeps away to go, draws back one crowd of righteousness and country soldier bang, this time is not even able to kill them. 苍生星象横扫而去,将一群义和国士兵轰退,这次甚至都无法杀伤他们了。 Lin Muyu can"t help it, dying embers, simultaneously the vision fell at heart to the right, after there passed through several walls, continuously was the avenue in evening Yangcheng, so long as arrived on the avenue, the soldiers in righteousness and country's were not necessarily able to catch itself. 林沐雨禁不住心里一片死灰,同时目光落向了右侧,那里连续穿越几道墙之后就是夕阳城的大街了吧,只要來到大街上,义和国的士兵就未必能抓到自己。 However, the arrow arrow in all directions already flew. 不过,四面八方的箭矢已然飞來。 puff......” “噗噗噗……” On the shoulder and leg the number arrow, has fought the armor to be incapable of condensing continuously, above top of the head Lu Zhan awfully, this Saint Heaven Realm cultivates for expert at least is also maintaining 30% strengths, so long as he launches the attack, Lin Muyu almost does not have the opportunity to escape. 肩膀、腿上连续中了数箭,斗铠已经无力凝聚了,更要命的头顶上方的鲁盏,这位圣天境修为的强者至少还保存着三成实力,只要他发动攻击,林沐雨几乎是毫无机会逃生的。 At this moment, Scarlet Crystal Dragons has actually raised head, calls out in grief, the scale shatter place was pricked by a Ten Thousand-Man Commander lance, the blood wells up crazily. 就在这时,赤晶龙却昂起了头颅,一声悲鸣,鳞片破碎处被一名万夫长的长矛刺入了,鲜血狂涌。 Roar.” “吼。” Wild with rage Scarlet Crystal Dragons opened out the lance by the sharp claws, the opens mouth bites on the forehead of Ten Thousand-Man Commander, in miserable howling sound stiffly bit forcefully the head of this Ten Thousand-Man Commander, a mouth blood has turned round, after a bear hugged, grasped the Lin Muyu's body, blocked arrow arrows with the body for him, the next moment Scarlet Crystal Dragons curls up the body, the dragon scale on back raised up piece by piece, starts to rotate. 狂怒中的赤晶龙以利爪拨开长矛,张口就咬在了万夫长的脑门上,惨嚎声中硬生生的把这个万夫长的脑袋给强行咬碎掉,一嘴鲜血的回过身來,一个熊抱之后抱住了林沐雨的身躯,用身体为他挡住一道道箭矢,下一刻赤晶龙蜷起了身躯,脊背上的龙鳞片片竖起,开始转动起來。 „......” “啊啊啊……” In the pitiful yell sound, dozens name and country soldiers were ground the muddy flesh directly, Scarlet Crystal Dragons roared hit to put on the wall directly, leading Lin Muyu to roll. 惨叫声中,几十名义和国士兵直接被碾碎成了肉泥,赤晶龙一声吼叫直接撞穿了墙壁,带着林沐雨滚动了出去。 „To walk.” “想走,。” Lu Zhan diving posture comes, to fly high a palm to fall, immediately Scarlet Crystal Dragons is one calls out in grief, the blood spurts crazily, under the severe wound the volume brings the Lin Muyu's body to escaping as before. 鲁盏飞身而來,凌空一掌落下,顿时赤晶龙又是一声悲鸣,鲜血狂喷,重伤下依旧卷带着林沐雨的身体向外逃去。 Pursues.” “追。” A setting sun Hou Manning face is angry: Must see the person, dead exactly to see the corpse, Lin Muyu this traitor has assassinated Marshal Zhao, he must die.” 夕阳侯满宁一脸愤怒:“活要见人、死要见尸,林沐雨这个奸贼刺杀了吕昭元帅,他必须死。” Large quantities of righteousness and country soldiers have chased down. 大批义和国士兵追杀了出去。 Setting sun Hou is as before wild with rage saying: Transmitted orders, the blockade city, anybody can not pass and out, Lin Muyu was seriously injured could not certainly exit, searches the entire city, must find him, I want...... Saw that his head punctures to be sharp to see me in lance.” 夕阳侯依旧狂怒不已的说道:“传令下去,封锁城都,任何人不得进出,林沐雨受了重伤一定出不去了,搜索全城,必须找到他,我要……看到他的头颅刺在矛尖上來见我。” Ding Xi Eran. 丁奚愕然。 full Ningnu: Marshal Ding Xi, Lin Muyu is you leads into evening Yangcheng, if cannot catch him, you can hardly absolve, oneself look at the office.” 满宁怒道:“丁奚元帅,林沐雨是你带入夕阳城的,如果抓不到他,你难辞其咎,自己看着办吧。” Ding Xi Jimang cup one fist in the other hand: Your marquises appease anger, end brings people to search for this.” 丁奚急忙抱拳:“君侯息怒,末将这就带人去搜寻。” Airborne Lu Zhan frowns saying: He...... His aura vanished......” 空中的鲁盏则皱着眉头道:“他……他的气息消失了……” ...... …… Star light dim sprinkling in evening Yangcheng, in those days in the tranquil city now actually a confusion, the army that in the main street and small alley back and forth speeds along everywhere, only to search one person. 星光黯淡的洒落在夕阳城中,往日里宁静的城池如今却一片混乱,大街小巷里到处都是來回飞驰的军队,只为搜索一人。 Under the stone surfacing of city street, in the darkness transmits one gently shouted the painful sound. 城池街道的石铺路面下,黑暗中传來一阵轻轻的呼痛声。 Urban sewer, moreover is very crude sewer, thick sour smell, only then the cockroach and mouse and snake here will appear, in the darkness, the Lin Muyu's body rolls up in the sewer, puffing, the body week Martial Spirit bottle gourd opens shoots, absorbs the surrounding world spiritual energy to come for the master to restore the Battle Qi strength. 城市下水道,而且是非常简陋的下水道,一股浓浓的酸腐气味,只有蟑螂与老鼠、蛇才会在这里出现,黑暗中,林沐雨的身躯蜷缩在下水道中,不停的喘着粗气,身周武魂葫芦张开一道道嫩芽,吸收着周围的天地灵气來为主人恢复斗气力量。 .” “噗。” Lin Muyu captures an arrow arrow on arm gently, clenches teeth to endure suffering, arrow Yahana when the ground , to continue Ba Ling, the side has put in an instant several arrows, when he touches the waist is cloth, has shown a grieved smiling face unexpectedly, the sound such as saying of mosquito rui: Big brother Qin Lei, A'Yu leads you to go home immediately.” 林沐雨轻轻拔掉胳膊上的一枚箭矢,咬牙忍着痛,将箭矢放在地上之后,继续去拔另一根,转眼之间身边就放了十几枚箭头了,不过,当他触摸到腰间系着的布帛时,竟露出了一丝惨然笑容,声如蚊蚋的说道:“秦雷大哥,阿雨马上带你回家。” Scarlet Crystal Dragons returned to the different space, needs a time rest to continue to help in the fighting. 赤晶龙已经回归异空间,需要一点时间休息才能继续助战。 Lin Muyu rise is looking at the dark surface, the situation on Spiritual Pulse Technique induction tread, Cavalry of large quantities of evening Yangcheng is searching in the entire city, does not need to think that this city must declare martial law immediately, must exit as soon as possible, otherwise can only die in the city, let alone own blood drip to the sewer, Lu Zhan sooner or later will look. 林沐雨抬头望着黑暗的地表,灵脉术感应着地面上的情况,大批夕阳城的铁骑正在全城搜索,不用想,这座城池马上就要戒严了,必须尽早出去,不然只能死在城内,何况自己的鲜血一路滴沥到下水道里,鲁盏迟早会找來的。 The medicine in Cosmos Bag has been not much left, recovery medicine was insufficient, only suffices to stop bleeding merely. 乾坤袋里的药物已经所剩无几,疗伤药都已经不够用了,仅仅只够止血。 After more than double-hour, when late at night, the voice in surface gradually was also smaller before dawn, Lin Muyu induced the sea of qi, Battle Qi restored about 50%, then quietly turned over to the sheath long sword, proceeded along the sewer the past, not far away has transmitted the gloomy ray, was the exit / to speak of sewer. 一个多时辰之后,正值凌晨深夜,地表上的声音也渐渐小了许多,林沐雨感应了一下气海,斗气已经恢复到了大约五成左右,便悄悄的将长剑归鞘,沿着下水道一路往前走了过去,不远处传來了暗淡的光芒,是下水道的出口。 When Lin Muyu pokes head, far and near unmanned. 当林沐雨探出头去的时候,远近无人。 Whiz.” “嗖。” Jumped gently, left underground, but the injury was too serious, stumbled suddenly, after staggered , by nearby stone wall, the whole body was the severe pain. 轻轻一纵身,离开了地下,但伤势实在太重,猛然跌撞了一下,一个趔趄之后靠在一旁的石头墙壁上,浑身都是剧痛。 At this moment, behind has broadcast suddenly a light sound: Rain Commander.” 就在这时,忽地身后传來了一个淡淡的声音:“雨统领。” Who is.” “是谁。” Lin Muyu lifts the hand to hold sword hilt. 林沐雨抬手抓住剑柄。 Does not use anxiously, is I.” “不用紧张,是我。” Under the star light, that person has lifted the cape on top of the head, among the napes of the neck three righteousness and country Gold Star sparkle, on a face is passing the vicissitudes, is already the Shen Yang of surrender righteousness and country's. 星光下,那人掀开了头顶上的斗篷,脖颈间三枚义和国金星闪耀,一张脸上透着沧桑,正是已经投诚义和国的沈扬。
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