AG :: Volume #5

#403: Slaughtering

Xulv illustrious graceful mansion area does not have the setting sun palace to be so big, but actually the unusual luxury, enters leads the mansion that moment to see a huge bronze metaphorical animal beast, quite somewhat looks familiar, Lin Muyu looked at several unavoidably, nearby Ding Xi watches, somewhat awkward said with a smile: Right, this bronze metaphorical animal is the collection in Ze Tian Palace, but after afterward Orchid Goose City broken city, by Marshal Zhao untold hardships shipped back evening Yangcheng.” 或许吕昭的帅府面积没有夕阳殿那么大,但却异样的奢华,进入帅府的那一刻就能看到一尊巨大的青铜獬豸兽,颇有些眼熟,林沐雨不免多看了几眼,一旁的丁奚看在眼里,有些尴尬的一笑道:“没错,这尊青铜獬豸原本是泽天殿里的珍藏,但后来兰雁城破城之后,就被吕昭元帅千辛万苦的运回了夕阳城。” Lin Muyu feels relaxed. 林沐雨释然。 At this time, a fatty welcomed going forward, said with a smile: See rain Your Highness and Marshal Ding Xi, the one who is small is the marshal mansion steward, two come along with me, the banquet must start immediately.” 这时,一个胖子迎了上前,笑道:“参见雨殿下、丁奚元帅,小的是元帅府的管家,两位随我来吧,宴会马上就要开始了。” Many thanks.” “多谢。” Passes through together the corridor, by the corridor completely is treasure rare treasure is decorating the wonder stone and scenery scenery, but on the parapet is hanging jade to embellish a piece by piece, by the corridor by the fine silks band is linked, this Shuai Fu luxury truly is not the ordinary people can realize. 走过一道长廊,长廊两侧尽是奇珍异宝装饰着的奇石、山水景色,而栏杆上则悬挂着一片片玉石点缀,长廊两侧均由绫罗绸带连接在一起,这帅府的奢华确实不是平常人所能体会的。 Meanwhile, Shuai Funei defends sternly, Lin Muyu relaxed detects behind the wonder stone rockery to guard several hundred armed soldiers by Spiritual Pulse Technique, but by the path is also fine armor Warrior stands in great numbers, Zhaofu enemy, but same fears death, the fear loses the present all, his cultivating to very be low, this feared death. 同时,帅府内守备森严,林沐雨轻松的以灵脉术侦测出奇石假山后方驻守着数百名甲士,而道路两旁也更是精甲武者林立,吕昭富可敌国,但一样怕死,害怕失去眼前的一切,偏偏他本身的修为很低,这就更加怕死了。 In range king Your Highness! Marshal Ding Xi!” “岭中王殿下到!丁奚元帅到!” When Lin Muyu, Ding Xi enter Shuai Fu shoulder to shoulder, both sides being engaged in strain the voice to exclaim immediately loudly. 当林沐雨、丁奚并肩走进帅府的时候,两侧的从事立刻扯开嗓门大声吼道。 A Zhao band encircles in fighting armor surrounding, on the face full is laughing of red light said: Rare Your Highness and Marshal Ding Xi accepts this invite, lets my this small graceful mansion you honor my humble home, comes, here invited, the dragon meat banquet must start immediately.” 吕昭一袭绸带围在战甲外围,脸上满是红光的哈哈大笑道:“难得殿下和丁奚元帅赏脸,正是让我这小小的帅府蓬荜生辉啊,来来来,这边请,龙肉宴席马上就要开始了。” Many thanks.” Lin Muyu cup one fist in the other hand said. “多谢。”林沐雨抱拳道。 Really, in the banquet hall hundred officers converged, the dead center, Umbrella Dragon had been strip naked scale to bake in the bonfire, the meat of outer layer was ripe, is giving off seeping person fragrance, but puts in the basins of all people in attendance is cooking good gold/metal scale Dragon Rou together, does not know many beast ages, but does not think for over 10,000 years, otherwise was the real dragon, by Zhao's ability had decided that did not hunt and kill really the dragon, will only be swallowed by really the dragon. 果然,宴会厅里已经百官云集了,正中心,一头伞龙已经被剥光了鳞片架在篝火烧烤着,外层的肉已经熟了,散发着一股股沁人香气,而在所有与会者的盆子里则都放着一块煮好的金鳞龙肉,也不知道多少兽龄的,但想必不超过10000年,否则就是真龙了,以吕昭的能力决计猎杀不了真龙,只会被真龙所吞噬。 ...... …… The Lin Muyu's seat as before among Ding Xi Heman, after sitting down without demur, inserted gold/metal Linlong the dragon meat to nip one, did not have the toxin, and was very delightful, first ate to the full said again! 林沐雨的坐席依旧在丁奚和满宁之间,坐下之后二话不说,插起金鳞龙的龙肉就咬了一口,没毒,并且很甜美,先吃饱再说! Zhao sits on the master seat, cup one fist in the other hand said one pile of idle talk, nothing but how being popular is publicizes the righteousness and country and how well-trained and equipped army, but Lin Muyu is laughing in one's heart, if the real well-trained and equipped army will also be hit by the demon clan retreats in defeat again and again? Long Qianlin lost, the righteousness and country basic can also be able to resist the demon clan on nobody, if not existence of steel and iron back wall, perhaps the demon clan already conquered by killing the Lingnan four big provinces! 吕昭坐在主人席上,抱拳笑着说了一堆废话,无非是宣扬义和国如何的得人心、如何的兵强马壮,而林沐雨则在暗笑,如果真的兵强马壮还会被魔族打得节节败退?就连龙千林都已经兵败了,义和国根本就没有谁还能抵挡得住魔族,如果不是钢铁护墙的存在,恐怕魔族早就血洗岭南四大行省了! When Zhao sits down, the banquet also started. 当吕昭坐下的时候,宴会也就开始了。 The physique exquisite maidservants walk the going forward attendant in the one side, adds the meat for the guest liquor but actually, soon in the gold/metal gui on later Lin Muyu table has chocked up the food of various rare birds and beasts, properly speaking, gold/metal Gui is the etiquette that emperor Wang Jia matches to have, the nobilities are the silver guis, the common families can only use the copper gui, nearby musician has sounded the musical instrument gently, pours really one type life of luxury feeling. 一个个身姿玲珑的侍女走上前陪侍在一旁,为客人倒酒、添肉,不多久之后林沐雨桌案上的金簋里就摆满了各种珍禽异兽的食物了,按理说,金簋是帝王家才配拥有的礼仪,王侯则是银簋,一般人家只能用铜簋了,一旁的乐师轻轻敲响了乐器,倒真有一种“钟鸣鼎食”的感觉。 Lin Muyu secretly sighs with emotion, the life of righteousness and country's has is really comfortable, one loots after Lingbei Orchid Goose City, returning to Lingnan to enjoy this peaceful life, does not know how long their peaceful life under fiercely attacking of demon clan can also enjoy! 林沐雨不禁暗暗感慨,义和国的生活过得真是舒适,在岭北兰雁城一顿洗劫之后,回到岭南享受这种清福,就是不知道在魔族的猛攻下他们的清福还能享受多久! Your Highness, this is cloud venison.” 殿下,这是云鹿肉。” The maidservants a meat have placed in the tray with silver chopsticks for forest Mu Yujia cautiously, she does not even dare rise to look at Lin Muyu, because in the mind of this maidservant, Lin Muyu simply is supreme existence, righteousness and country only King Nobility, this is the big great honor, although this king does not have the military authority not to have the political power. 侍女小心翼翼的用银筷子为林沐雨夹了一块肉放在盘子里,她甚至不敢抬头看林沐雨,因为在这个侍女的心目中,林沐雨简直就是至高无上的存在,义和国唯一一个王爵,这是多大的殊荣啊,虽然这个王没有兵权也没有政权。 Does not need to clamp dish for me, thank you.” Lin Muyu as before is maintaining the habit of the modern society forming, no matter to anybody, even if the servant must maintain the most basic respect. “不用为我夹菜,谢谢你。”林沐雨依旧保持着从现代社会养成的习惯,不管对任何人,哪怕是下人也一定要保持着最基本的恭谦。 Who once thinks that this maidservant is unexpectedly smart the face one red, said: Your Highness, the marshal said that if Your Highness likes me, tonight can bring back to the palace me.” 谁曾想这侍女居然俏脸一红,说:“殿下,元帅说,如果殿下喜欢我,今晚就可以把我带回王府。” Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head, frightens her face whiten immediately. 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,顿时吓得她脸色苍白。 Helps me many thanks the good intent of Marshal Zhao, declined with thanks, but I do not need temporarily.” “帮我多谢吕昭元帅的美意,心领了,不过我暂时不需要。” That...... That many thanks Your Highness......” on the face of maidservant was bringing flustered, actually does not know that is why flustered, won't she be able to complete duty Zhao to massacre her? “那……那多谢殿下了……”侍女的脸上带着慌张,却不知道为什么而慌张,难道她完不成任务吕昭就会杀掉她? Lin Muyu does not want to be too many, is only the big stuttering meat, the liquor does not dare to drink, goes to that many days of righteousness and in country's sees the will of the people unpredictable, arrangement person who Zhao, rather not breaks completely in own side, when this Your Highness looks like a prisoner is simply ordinary, simply every word and deeds in others' informer, incomparable pain. 林沐雨没有多想太多,只是大口吃肉,酒则是没敢多喝,来到义和国的那么多天里更见人心难测,吕昭、满宁不断的安排人在自己身边,这个殿下当得简直就像是一个囚犯一般,简直一言一行都在别人的耳目之中,无比痛苦。 Righteousness and country by artificial Jin/benevolent and all living things equality, but is really this? If all living things equality, why this maidservant cannot choose her destiny at present, why cannot with the beloved man in the same place, feel alarmed and anxious here, a few words and let slip will cause her to be cut to pieces, said that this all living things equality is really laughable. 义和国“以人为仁、众生平等”,但真的是这样吗?如果众生平等,眼前这个侍女为什么不能选择自己的命运,为什么不能跟心爱的男人在一起,却在这里担惊受怕,一句话、一个失手都会导致她被千刀万剐,说起来这种众生平等实在可笑。 The liquor over three patrol, the people somewhat have gotten drunk, many high-ranking court officials have hugged the maidservant to seek pleasure. 酒过三巡,众人都有些喝醉了,不少重臣已经抱着侍女寻欢作乐起来。 Zhao stands up, is lifting cup, said with a smile: Zhao no talent, hopes that everybody tonight can enjoy here happily, comes, we drink up this glass of liquor, Zhao this lead everybody to visit the collection in marshal mansion, as well as I the spoils of war that brings from Lingbei.” 吕昭站起身,举着杯子,笑道:“吕昭不才,希望大家今晚在这里能尽享欢愉,来来来,我们喝完这一杯酒,吕昭这就带大家去参观元帅府里的珍藏,以及我从岭北带回来的战利品。” People one after another tosses down, afterward stands up, goes to the marshal mansion along with Zhao together the cella. 众人纷纷一饮而尽,随后站起身,随着吕昭一起前往元帅府的内殿。 By the spacious channel full is the armed soldier guard, Lin Muyu and Ding Xi walks side-by-side, but the side with Lu Zhan, Yan Li two Saint Realm, they too has garrisoned to forest Mu Yu, full Ningmi pair of awake song sleepy eyes, on the face full are being the feeling of being drunk, who can know that he is drunk really? 宽敞的通道两旁满是甲士守卫,林沐雨与丁奚并肩而行,但身旁就跟着鲁盏、阎立两个圣域,他们对林沐雨实在是太设防了,满宁眯着一双惺忪睡眼,脸上满是醉意,但谁又能知道他是不是真醉? ...... …… In the rear palace, full is various strange plays, weapons and jade rarely, here is the true treasure site, but Lin Muyu eyes saw this spacious main hall center, on the booth is laying aside a huge jar, but in the jar is soaking a head, that is the head of Qin Lei, the tiger circle opens the eyes, was demonstrating before Qin Lei dies the unwillingness and angry, he maintains the three years ago gods is accommodating as before. 后殿内,满是各种奇珍异玩、兵刃与玉石等,这里才是真正的宝贝所在地,但林沐雨一眼就看到了这个宽敞的大殿中心,展台上放置着一个巨大的瓶子,而瓶子里就浸泡着一颗人头,那是秦雷的头颅,虎目圆睁,显示着秦雷死前的不甘与愤怒,他依旧保持着三年前的神容。 „......” “啊……” Lin Muyu feels like a knife twisting in the heart general, cannot bear covered the chest, the pain has resulted in the tears quickly to fall, Ding Xi Jimang supported him in the one side, to guard was seen any clue. 林沐雨心如刀绞一般,忍不住的捂住了胸口,痛得眼泪都快掉了下来,丁奚急忙在一旁扶住他,以防被人看出什么端倪。 But at this time, Zhaozheng saliva scatters complacently, was narrating in the experience of Orchid Goose City 而此时,吕昭正口水四溅、得意洋洋的讲述着自己在兰雁城的经历 Snort, what hadn't Imperial Guards, been killed by us flees pell-mell?” “哼,什么御林军,还不是被我们杀得丢盔卸甲?” „If not that Qin Yin runs away quickly, perhaps her head will also lay aside here, did not have what empire to be chaotic!” “如果不是那个秦茵逃得快,恐怕她的头颅也会放置在这里,也就没有什么帝国之乱了!” Was right, initially was mostly the series does not permit, otherwise I decided however also to meet a blade to chop the Qin Jin head to place here, snort|hum, Qin Clan occupied this piece of continent to be too long, abused power, they early should have such one day!” “对了,当初也就是大都统不允许,否则我定然也会一刀砍下秦靳的人头放在这里,哼,秦氏家族盘踞这片大陆太久了,作威作福,他们早该有这么一天了!” Saying, Zhao walks with a smile, is provoking to say to Lin Muyu: Rain Your Highness, must approach, had a look at once the Imperial Guards Commander Qin Lei expression? Likely is a dead dog is simply ordinary, ha ha ha ha......” 说着,吕昭笑吟吟的走来,对着林沐雨挑衅道:“雨殿下,要不要走近一些,看看曾经御林军统领秦雷的表情?简直像是一条死狗一般啊,哈哈哈哈……” Lin Muyu step by step walks to go forward, Zhaozhen has gotten drunk, let success go to the head, has not noted Lin Muyu's killing intent completely. 林沐雨一步步的走上前,吕昭真的喝醉了,也真的得意忘形了,完全没有注意到林沐雨的杀意 Your Highness!” 殿下!” full Ning in the rear area shouts one: What do you want to make?” 满宁在后方大喊一声:“你要做什么?” Lin Muyu sprinkles however smiles: Observes the head of Qin Lei.” 林沐雨洒然一笑:“观察一下秦雷的头颅啊。” Saying, he looks down to the Qin Lei head in jar, does not give a thought to that heart pain, whole body Battle Qi inflates to stir in deep sorrow suddenly, the palm raises gently, the Dragon Spirit sword already seized the sheath, pricked in Zhao heart straightly, even when the people have not responded, Lin Muyu shouts to clear the way to Zhaonu who had not been dying: He is my brother, you dare to cut off his head, I do not kill you not to match the manner, my Lin Muyu was Commander of Qin Empire, was not any Your Highness of your this flock of bastards!” 说着,他低头看向瓶子里的秦雷人头,再不顾那万箭穿心般的心痛,浑身斗气猛然膨胀鼓荡起来,手掌轻轻一扬,龙灵剑已然夺鞘而出,“噗”的一声笔直的刺入了吕昭的心脏之中,甚至在众人都还没有反应过来的时候,林沐雨对着尚未死掉的吕昭怒喝道:“他是我兄弟,你竟敢砍下他的头,我不杀你就不配为人,我林沐雨是大秦的统领,不是你们这群畜生的什么殿下!” A sword blade spin, Battle Qi breaks Zhao's heart directly, and strength extremely in the vigor, broke pile of hashed meat Zhao's upper part directly all! 剑刃一旋,斗气直接将吕昭的心脏震碎,并且力量太过于雄浑,直接把吕昭的上半身尽数震碎成了一堆碎肉! Forest Mu Yu, your counter- you!” Lu Zhan calling out sound transmits: Has killed him!” “林沐雨,你反了你!”身后,鲁盏的暴喝声传来:“杀了他!” A vigorous Saint Realm strength arrives, is pressure that Saint Heaven Realm expert starts, suddenly Lin Muyu the whole body could not move, but at this moment, a continuously profound strength also bursts out from Lin Muyu's: Fifth Luminary, Extinguishing the Eight Desolations!” 一股雄浑的圣域力量降临,是圣天境强者发动的威压,一时间林沐雨浑身都已经动弹不得了,但就在这时,一缕缕玄力也从林沐雨的身上迸发出来:“五曜八荒灭!” The space crazy fierce distortion, Seven Luminaries Mystic Power ripped open the domain slit, Lin Muyu turned around layer on layer a fist to rumble, the innumerable say|way fifth Yao's strength gathered at 1 : 00, direct bang in Lu Zhan front! 空间狂猛的扭曲,七曜玄力撕开了领域的缝隙,林沐雨转身重重一拳轰了出去,无数道第五曜的力量汇聚在一点,直接轰在了鲁盏的胸前! Bang!” “嘭!” Lu Zhan was rumbled continually draws back several steps, the corners of the mouth overflow blood, but not severe wound. 鲁盏被轰得连退数步,嘴角溢出鲜血,但并未重伤。 While this precious opportunity, a palm racket has broken to pieces the jar gently, with preparing the good black cloth binds the head of Qin Lei, in the palm the spin fights the glow to cool fiercely rapidly, changes into Frost to freeze the head of Qin Lei, the wrist|skill turns thinking of the black cloth of head is in the waist. 趁着这宝贵的机会,轻轻一掌拍碎了瓶子,用准备好的黑布裹住秦雷的头颅,掌心里旋烈斗芒迅速冷却,化为冰霜秦雷的头颅冻结起来,手腕一翻就把装着头颅的黑布系在腰间。 Has killed him!” “杀了他!” Surroundings, a troop person was roaring angrily. 周围,一大群人愤怒的吼叫着。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The golden bottle gourd wall calls rapidly, the Martial Spirit skill starts, piece of Battle Qi to absorb in Hulukou, Lin Muyu's fought the boots to tread the ground outward to clash fiercely, but above the top of the head the air wave spun together anxiously, was the attack of another Saint Realm expert, Yan Lilai! 金色葫芦壁迅速唤出,武魂技能发动,将一片斗气吸纳在葫芦口之中,林沐雨的战靴猛踏地面就向外冲了出去,但头顶上方一道气浪急旋起来,是另一名圣域强者的攻击,阎立来了! Bang!” “嘭!” Full is the hot palm of roaring flame falls on the bottle gourd wall, pats directly broken, Yan Li flame principle strength is very pure. 满是烈焰的火掌落在葫芦壁上,直接拍碎,阎立的火焰法则力量十分精纯。 But what he has not thought is Lin Muyu does not avoid, instead lifts a hand gently spin, seven colored silk belts are together dense, binds Yan Li palm stars chains directly! 但他没有想到的是林沐雨根本就不躲避,反而抬手轻轻一旋,一道七彩绸带氤氲起来,直接绑缚住阎立的手掌星辰锁链! Gets down!” “下来!” Calls out in Lin Muyu to pull rapidly, which Yan Li can block the Stars Art point, the whole person falls rapidly, but on long sword of Lin Muyu right hand full is the mountain starlike image, eight golden God Binding Lock linger, the Stars Art Third Layer day rumbled along with long sword together exited the Sacred Mountains of China day to fall! 暴喝声中林沐雨飞速拉扯,阎立哪儿挡得住星辰诀的锋芒,整个人迅速落下,而林沐雨右手的长剑上满是山岳星象,八道金色缚神锁萦绕,星辰诀第三重天随着长剑一起轰了出去五岳天降! Bang!” “嘭!” The blood sprays, Yan Li head was rumbled directly broken! 鲜血喷洒,阎立的头颅直接被轰碎! Saint Realm expert, one round was killed! 圣域强者,一回合被杀! Meanwhile, Lin Muyu's back suddenly one cool, immediately did not shout darkly wonderfully, ended! 与此同时,林沐雨的后背猛然一凉,顿时暗叫不妙,完了! Bang!” “嘭!” The blood spurts crazily, is a Lu Zhan palm, this palm was really too vigorous, has driven out Lin Muyu's fight of armors directly, probably behind bone was also rumbled to break to pieces several, a severe pain transmitted. 鲜血狂喷,是鲁盏的一掌,这一掌实在是太雄浑了,直接轰开了林沐雨的斗铠,大约身后的骨头也被轰碎了几根,一阵剧痛传来。 Puff......” “噗噗……” Three handle long sword took advantage of opportunity to prick the abdomen together, the severe pain was incomparable, that was the attack that three name and country Ten Thousand-Man Commander launched together. 三柄长剑一起顺势刺入了腹部,剧痛无比,那是三名义和国万夫长一起发动的攻击。 Lin Muyu's only the remaining scarlet, long sword wields at present, the spin fights the glow + asterism to peep fiercely puts forth together, immediately three heads fly, he takes advantage of opportunity with this strength draws back anxiously to the graceful mansion, but there, one crowd grasps the armed soldier of bow arrow to wait for him. 林沐雨的眼前只剩下血色,长剑一挥而过,旋烈斗芒+星芒初现一起使出,顿时三颗人头飞起,他借着这股力量顺势急退向帅府外,但那里,一群手持弓矢的甲士正在等待着他。 !! !!
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