AG :: Volume #5

#402: Scene of dazzling fireworks and lanterns

( ( Impossible...... Impossible...... A'Yu Elder Brother not surrender righteousness and country's.” “不可能……不可能……阿雨哥哥不会投降义和国的。” Falling that City Lord Mansion of arrange Gucheng, Qin Yin is absentminded on seat, on the beautiful cheek full shocks and doubts. 布谷城的城主府,秦茵失魂落魄的跌坐在座位上,绝美的脸蛋上满是震惊和疑惑。 This is the absolutely true matter.” “这是千真万确的事情。” Su Yu the look said dignifiedly: We arranged in the scouts in righteousness and country's send the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency to come back, many people saw with one's own eyes Lin Muyu and setting sun Hou Manning in the same place, moreover in evening Yangcheng had already spread, the Emperor adopted son took an oath the effect loyalty and country mostly series Qin resolute, and it is said Qin resolute must be A'Yu confers the title of prince upon, this point did not know real.” 苏妤神色凝重道:“我们安排在义和国的探子发了羽书回來,许多人亲眼看到林沐雨和夕阳侯满宁在一起,而且夕阳城里早就传开了,帝君义子宣誓效忠义和国大都统秦毅,并且据说秦毅还要为阿雨封王,这一点不知道是不是真的。” Under stair, saying of Tang Lan behind Tang Lu face indignation: Initially Your Highness wants to confer Lin Muyu is the Tian Shu king, finally has encountered the opposition of whole body of ministers, he bears certainly a grudge has not been conferring the title of prince upon, therefore has pledged allegiance to the Lingnan righteousness and country, snort|hum...... Has not thought that Lin Muyu can be this villain, is really time will tell.” 台阶下,唐澜身后的唐庐一脸愤慨的说道:“当初殿下想册封林沐雨为天枢王,结果遭到了群臣的反对,他一定是记恨着沒有被封王,所以才归顺了岭南义和国,哼……沒有想到林沐雨会是这种小人,果然是日久见人心啊。” Dissolute.” “放肆。” Qin Yin stands up suddenly, whole body golden brilliance, God Binding Lock is vivid, her two stars eye looks at Tang Lu completely angrily, said: Time will tell we can such quick getting down conclusion, I believe A'Yu, I forever believe him, who dares saying that again A'Yu surrenders the righteousness and country, immediately pushes out to cut.” 秦茵猛然站起身,满身的金色光华,缚神锁呼之欲出,她一双星目满是愤怒的看着唐庐,道:“正是日久见人心我们才能这么快的下定论,我相信阿雨,我永远都相信他,谁再敢多说一句阿雨归降义和国,立刻推出去斩了。” Yes.” The palm of Feng Ji Xing moved on the hilt of waist gently. “是。”风继行的手掌轻轻移动到了腰间的刀柄上。 Elder Qu, you think.” Qin Yin asked in a soft voice. 屈老,您认为呢。”秦茵轻声问道。 Qu Chu sits in the chief position of whole body of ministers, stands up cup one fist in the other hand saying: Opens reports Your Highness, we arrived at the arrange Gucheng also several days, for serveral days had the refugee from Lingnan to enter arrange Gucheng unceasingly, was rain Commander the city that overcame from Lingnan shifts, they have brought many grain and money wealth, even also many training excellent warhorses, rain Commander led the gentian camp to capture the city from maneating demon clan, turned toward the empire wholeheartedly, if such military officer will also commit treason, perhaps that Qin empire again did not have the loyal military officer.” 屈楚就坐在群臣的首席位置,站起身抱拳道:“启禀殿下,我们來到布谷城也有几天了,这些天不断有來自岭南的难民进入布谷城,都是雨统领从岭南打下的城池里转移过來的,他们带來了不少粮食、金银财富,甚至还有不少训练精良的战马,雨统领率领龙胆营从凶悍的魔族手里夺取城池,一心向着帝国,如果这样的将领也会叛国,那大秦帝国恐怕就再也沒有忠诚将领了。” Feng Ji Xing cup one fist in the other hand said: End will second the motion Si Axe the words, after A'Yu led troops the star province repeatedly performs outstanding service greatly, seizes three pass/tests, regained the hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate and star certainly city, which was not the big merit, why as for by Ding Xi the prisoner of war, I am thought these had certainly any reason, but he has not informed us with enough time.” 风继行抱拳道:“末将附议大司钺的话,阿雨带兵到了地星行省之后屡建奇功,夺三关,收复火月城、星绝城,哪一件不是大功劳,至于为什么会被丁奚所俘,我想这其中一定有什么原因,只不过他还沒有來得及告知我们罢了。” Qin Yin nods, the beautiful eye raised, looks to Su Muyun, said: Grandfather, how you think.” 秦茵点点头,美目一扬,看向了苏牧云,道:“外公,您觉得如何。” The Su herd clouds that cup one fist in the other hand cups one hand in the other across the chest saying: Old minister also believes the loyalty of rain Commander, but we have to guard, if rain Commander commits treason, then to the empire simply is a disaster, regiment guarding and force allocation of rain Commander to empire too has really understood, therefore, the old minister suggested that sends to move into three pass/tests with large army, momentarily sneak attack of resistance from righteousness and country's.” 苏牧云抱拳拱手道:“老臣也相信雨统领的忠诚,但是我们不得不防,如果雨统领真的叛国,那对帝国來说简直是一件灾难,雨统领对帝国的军团驻守、兵力分配实在是太了解了,所以,老臣建议派重兵入驻三关,随时抵御來自义和国的偷袭。” Un, the matter of imperial enemy gave the grandfather.” “嗯,御敌的事情就交给外公了。” Qin Yin hesitates, as if thinks that any improper matter, bites the silver tooth saying: „It is not good.” 秦茵沉吟一声,似乎又想到什么不妥的事情,咬着银牙说道:“还是不行。” How, Xiao Yin.” Su herd Yun Yaran. “又怎么了,小茵。”苏牧云讶然。 Qin Yin stands up, was tightens the front cape is the belt, said: I am in suspense he, I worried that will have non- feudal official's the person of heart to rise from all directions while the rumor, will look for the opportunity to assassinate A'Yu Elder Brother in Lingnan, Feng Ji Xing, immediately goes to a soldier, in the afternoon we will then rush to the black ink loose pass/test, I must close to wait for that in the black ink loosen personally A'Yu Elder Brother will return.” 秦茵站起身來,系紧了胸前的斗篷系带,道:“我放心不下他,我担心有不臣之心的人会趁着谣言四起,在岭南寻找机会刺杀阿雨哥哥,风继行,立刻去点兵,下午我们便赶赴墨松关,我要亲自在墨松关上等待阿雨哥哥归來。” The whole body of ministers are shocking, Tang Lan is cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness three think, righteousness and country main force had been defeated by the demon clan outside the Bailing city, Long Qianlin was nearly killed in the hand that the thunder clashes, at this time the demon clan in the mounting a large-scale attack various Big City of righteousness and country's, Lingnan close one-third territories is falling in the fascinated clan hand, Your Highness arrives at the news that the black ink loosen closes, once passes to the ear of demon clan, they gather the army to besiege the black ink loose pass/test, we may not know what to do.” 群臣震惊,唐澜更是抱拳道:“殿下三思啊,义和国主力已经在百岭城外被魔族击败了,龙千林险些丧命在雷冲的手里,此时魔族正在大举进攻义和国的各大城池,岭南接近1的领土落入魔族手中,殿下亲临墨松关的消息一旦传到魔族的耳朵里,他们聚集大军围攻墨松关,我们可如何是好。” Asked Your Highness three to think.” One crowd of minister one after another cup one fist in the other hand admonishments. “请殿下三思。”一群大臣纷纷抱拳规劝。 Who once thinks that Qin Yin opened the space bag of waist gently, spoke of a heavy imperial seal seal from inside, has placed on the table directly, vision ice-cold looks at the whole body of ministers, said: Imperial seal seal in my hands one day of Qin empire, I was Ruler of Heavenly Emperor country's, what's wrong, you thought the rebel to be inadequate, I went to intent to decide, if you loyal in empire, the military strength in preparation skilled person, for me and for an empire war.” 谁曾想,秦茵轻轻打开了腰间的空间袋,从里面提起一枚沉重的玺印,直接放在了桌案上,目光冰冷的看着群臣,道:“大秦帝国的玺印在我手里一天,我就是一天帝国的主宰,怎么,你们想叛逆不成,我去意已决,你们若是忠诚于帝国,就准备好手里的兵力,为我、为帝国一战。” Feng Ji Xing, Zhang Wei, Lou Yu, Xiahou Sang and the others one after another cup one fist in the other hand one knee kneel: Hoping is Your Highness fights.” 风继行章炜罗羽夏侯桑等人纷纷抱拳单膝跪地:“愿为殿下而战。” Other military commander also one after another kneel down, said with one voice: Hoping is Your Highness fights.” 其余的武将也纷纷跪下,齐声道:“愿为殿下而战。” At this moment, suddenly outside the mansion has broadcast the sound: Wei Chou and Sir Qin Yan came back.” 就在这时,忽然府外传來了声音:“卫仇秦岩大人回來了。” „.” “啊。” Qin Yin stares, said: A bit faster makes them come.” 秦茵一愣,道:“快点让他们进來。” Yes.” “是。” Not several, travel-worn Wei Chou, Qin Yan, Fengxi and allow Jiantao four, when sees on their battle dress is dyeing the blood, in the Qin Yin heart trembles, jumps to leap backs down, said: Wei Chou, A'Yu Elder Brother.” 未几,风尘仆仆的卫仇秦岩、风溪、许剑韬四将走了进來,当看到他们战袍上染着的鲜血时,秦茵心中一颤,纵身跃下台阶,道:“卫仇,阿雨哥哥呢。” Wei Chou face hatred, cup one fist in the other hand said: Commander by Ding Xi Luzou.” 卫仇一脸恨意,抱拳道:“统领被丁奚掳走了。” Tang Tian ridiculed: Really the matter of surrender is not the rumor.” 唐天讥讽道:“果然投诚之事不是空穴來风。” Wei Chou hurried rise said: But Commander will not turn over to rebelling of Shunyi and country's, asking Your Highness to feel relieved that the subordinate wanted in the expenditures the number of people a guarantor, Commander ordered the gentian camp intentionally in star certainly city stay several days, caused that Ding the Xi 50,000 army besieged cities, just before leaving the beforehand secret order end will lead the gentian camp to break through forcefully, I think that Commander had certainly any matter to in the righteousness and country completes, moreover......” 卫仇急忙抬头道:“但统领绝不会归顺义和国的逆贼,请殿下放心,属下愿意用项上人头作保,统领故意命令龙胆营在星绝城逗留数日,引得丁奚50000大军围城,临行之前密令末将率领龙胆营强行突围,我想统领一定有什么事情要在义和国完成,况且……” Moreover anything.” Qin Yin asked anxiously. “况且什么。”秦茵急切问道。 The Wei Chou straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten said: Moreover we have routed of righteousness and country's in star city certainly ride the armed forces, more than 2000 people of captives were ordered to cut to kill by Commander completely, if Commander wants to turn over to Shunyi and country's of , his under this order, Your Highness you will not say.” 卫仇剑眉紧锁道:“况且我们在星绝城击溃了义和国的一支骑军,2000多人的俘虏被统领下令全部斩杀了,如果统领真的想归顺义和国的话,他绝不会下这个命令,殿下您说呢。” On the face of Qin Yin is joyful, worried: But, he......” 秦茵的脸上又是欣喜,又是担忧:“可是,他……” Wei Chou cup one fist in the other hand said: End is willing to lead the gentian camp to go to battle with Lingnan once more, greets Sir Commander in Lingnan.” 卫仇抱拳道:“末将愿意再次率领龙胆营出战岭南,在岭南迎接统领大人。” Un.” “嗯。” Qin Yin nods: „It is not a person, this time I go with you together.” 秦茵点点头:“不过不是一个人,这次我跟你一起去。” Yes, Your Highness.” “是,殿下。” In the afternoon, the army goes out of town slowly, empire sets out total 80,000 armies to directly soar Mountain Range of Qin to go, the army front, a Qin Yin empress long gown instigates the warhorse to speed away to go, Feng Ji Xing, Qu Chu, Wei Chou and the others followed close on, but Tang Lan and Su Muyun and other veteran of the horse-drawn vehicles can only in behind slowly, quick was thrown off. 午后,大军缓缓出城,帝国出动共计80000大军直奔秦岭而去,大军前方,秦茵一袭女帝长袍策动战马疾驰而去,风继行屈楚卫仇等人紧跟在后,而唐澜、苏牧云等老将的马车只能在后面缓缓的跟着,很快就被甩掉了。 ...... …… After several days dates, the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency from Lingnan has sent in finally, and from a Qin resolute paper Saint imperial edict, conferred Lin Muyu for range in the king, meaning was profound, in the range the king means that Qin resolute guards the protection of Mountain Range of Qin to the Lin Muyu's localization, but on Mountain Range of Qin a desolateness, absolutely did not have the farming not to have the population, some were only quarry stone, in Lin Muyu this range the king was also equal to that not any manor, was only a spatial title. 数日后,來自岭南的羽书终于发來了,并且是來自秦毅的一纸圣诏,册封林沐雨为“岭中王”,意味深远,岭中王意味着秦毅对林沐雨的定位是镇守秦岭的守护,但秦岭上一片荒芜,根本就沒有耕地也沒有人口,有的只是一片乱石,林沐雨这个岭中王也等于是沒有任何的封地,只是一个空头衔罢了。 However setting sun Hou Manning is seldom continually has managed two days of banquets, congratulated that Lin Muyu obtains in the range the title title of king, but the setting sun marquis does not raise from beginning to end to the matter of Lin Muyu soldier, even in this range King even/including a bodyguard does not have, in the palace aide and female servant completely are the people in setting sun palace. 不过夕阳侯满宁还是煞有其事的一连办了两天的酒席,庆贺林沐雨获得岭中王的封号爵位,但从头到尾夕阳侯不提给林沐雨一兵一卒的事情,甚至这个岭中王连一个侍卫都沒有,王府里上上下下的侍从、女仆全部都是夕阳殿的人。 In the morning, in the range in king palace mansion, Lin Muyu the hand grasped long sword to play one set of swordsmanship, looked at not far away several maidservants to be dumbfounded, in the eye full was the color of admiration, at this moment, a waiter entered in a hurry, said respectfully: On king Your Highness, Marshal Zhao sends the written invitation, please participate in him tonight the dragon meat banquet that arranges in your family place.” 清晨,岭中王王府府邸内,林沐雨手握长剑耍了一套剑法,看得不远处几名侍女目瞪口呆,眼中满是钦慕之色,也就在这时,一名侍者匆匆而入,恭敬道:“王上殿下,吕昭元帅送來请帖,请您参加他今天晚上在府上摆下的龙肉宴席。” Dragon meat banquet.” Lin Muyu knitting the brows head. “龙肉宴席。”林沐雨皱了皱眉头。 Yes.” The waiters said respectfully: It is said Marshal Zhao some expert(s) under place is good at hunting and killing Spirit beast, hunted and killed Umbrella Dragon and a gold/metal scale dragon in the evening Yangcheng jungle, therefore Marshal Zhao decided chatted the banquet tonight in your family place, will receive cordially the audiences in righteousness and country's by the dragon meat, Your Highness you were the righteousness and country only King Nobility, therefore was first is invited.” “是的。”侍者恭敬道:“据说吕昭元帅座下的一些高手擅长猎杀灵兽,在夕阳城以南的丛林里猎杀到了一头伞龙和一头金鳞龙,所以吕昭元帅今天晚上决定在府上大摆筵席,以龙肉來款待义和国的众将,殿下您是义和国唯一的一位王爵,所以是第一个被邀请的。” You reply Marshal Zhao, I will feast in the evening on time.” “你去回复吕昭元帅,我晚上会准时赴宴。” Yes, the subordinate asked to be excused.” “是,属下告退了。” After looking the aide recedes, Lin Muyu „, when turns over to the sheath the Dragon Spirit sword, caresses the trace on sword hilt lightly, the bottom of one's heart hundred tastes mixed become, finally arrived at the Dragon Spirit sword big show point time, in a waiting such opportunity, had waited for the opportunity of serveral days killing two birds with one stone, only then entered in Zhao's mansion to find the Qin Lei head site, but he did not dare night covertly in the past, for fear that alerted the enemy on plan evaporate. 看着侍从远走之后,林沐雨“当”的一声将龙灵剑归鞘,轻抚剑柄上的纹路,心底百味杂成,终于到了龙灵剑大展锋芒的时候了,这些天一直在等待这么一个机会,等待一箭双雕的机会,只有进入吕昭的府邸内才能找到秦雷的头颅所在地,但他不敢夜晚偷摸过去,生怕打草惊蛇就计划落空了。 But seems dark Lin Muyu also to feel, Zhao in the supposing next snare, waits to swallow the bait, this dinner party how likely is the Hongmen banquet. 而似乎冥冥中林沐雨也能感受到,吕昭在设下一个圈套,就等着自己上钩,这个晚宴多么像是鸿门宴啊。 Loosens is shaking the hand of sword hilt, he makes a fist gently, the fist week spins fights the glow to past fiercely slowly, looks at a sky sigh, the snare is also what kind, since came to Lingnan, has not planned to live going back, but if not bring the head of Qin Lei to return to Orchid Goose City, he is unfair to himself and Qin Lei brotherly love between. 松开握着剑柄的手,他轻轻一握拳,拳头周围旋烈斗芒缓缓流转,看着天空一声叹息,圈套又怎么样,既然來了岭南,也就沒有打算活着回去,但如果不带着秦雷的头颅回兰雁城,他就对不起自己与秦雷之间的兄弟之情。 ...... …… The night falls, the carriage wheel sound transmits from the mansion, Ding Xi Lai, smiling saying: Under Zhaoshe the dragon meat banquet, thinks rain Your Highness can go.” 夜幕降临的时候,马车轱辘声从府邸外传來,丁奚來了,一脸笑意的说道:“吕昭设下龙肉宴席,想必雨殿下是一定会去的了。” Yes.” “是啊。” Lin Muyu meaningful smiles: Just became this king, cannot keep up appearances is not.” 林沐雨意味深长的一笑:“刚刚当上这个王,也不能太摆谱不是。” Yes, subordinate this is accompanies Your Highness to pass together.” “是啊是啊,属下这就是來陪同殿下一起过去的。” Good, the time will also draw near, we pass together, attending anyone.” “好,时间也快到了,我们一起过去吧,与会的都有谁。” Zhao is the righteousness and country seven leads third, the status is very high, will therefore accept this invite in the high-ranking court official of evening Yangcheng housing, it is said Monarch marquis will also go, therefore we sooner pass.” “吕昭位列义和国七帅第三位,地位很高,所以在夕阳城居住的重臣都会赏脸的,据说君侯也会去,所以我们早些过去吧。” Un, this.” “嗯,这就出发。” Good.” “好。” Therefore, a King Nobility carriage, a marshal carriage one after the other goes to Zhao Shuai Fu. 于是,一个王爵马车,一个元帅马车一前一后的前往吕昭的帅府。 Lin Muyu sits well in the carriage, cleans Dragon Spirit sword bright as snow sword edge, bottom of one's heart cannot actually be bearing is elated, has hoped is so long, finally can result in recompenses to hope. 林沐雨端坐在马车中,擦拭着龙灵剑雪亮的剑锋,心底却忍不住的欢跃起來,盼望了那么久,终于可以得偿所愿了吗。 But this line, the front is the purgatory certainly, no matter can recapture the head of Qin Lei is a narrow escape. 可这一行,前方是炼狱绝地,不管能不能夺回秦雷的头颅都是九死一生。 Lu Zhan, Yan Li are Saint Realm expert, in addition one crowd has the righteousness and country of military officer giving up study respectively, must seize the head of Qin Lei to escape easier said than done from this crowd of manpower. 鲁盏、阎立都是圣域强者,另外还有一群各自身怀绝学的义和国将领,要从这群人手里夺了秦雷的头颅逃生谈何容易。 Difficult, but how. 难,但那又如何。 Lin Muyu rise looks at outside the window curtains, on the tree in evening Yangcheng is hanging the dense and numerous flame lanterns, looks like red hot trees is ordinary. 林沐雨抬头看着窗帘外,夕阳城内的树上悬挂着密密麻麻的火红色灯笼,就像是一棵棵通红的火树一般。
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