AG :: Volume #5

#401: Lü Zhao provocation

( ( step by step is treading the stair of setting sun palace, and must endure completely rather that extremely fat and ugly face, as well as on him that sour flavor, although spraying spice, but can smell as before faintly. 一步步踏着夕阳殿的台阶,并且还要忍受满宁那张臃肿而丑陋的脸庞,以及他身上那股酸腐的味道,虽然喷洒上了香料,但依旧能够隐隐闻到。 The setting sun palace entrance opens greatly, one crowd wears the guards in Jinjia to be built on under the fine gold gold/metal Xiangzuan stone column, the look looks at Lin Muyu and full Ningxia with deep veneration, but Lu Zhan defends in the one side, as if for fear that Lin Muyu began to kill full Ning the appearance. 夕阳殿门庭大开,一群身穿金甲的守卫立于鎏金镶钻的石柱下,神色肃然的看着林沐雨和满宁,而鲁盏就守在一旁,似乎生怕林沐雨动手杀了满宁的样子。 Lin Muyu falls the aura to as far as possible lowly, under the colored glaze lamp bowl of setting sun palace entrance shines, the Dragon Spirit sword sword hilt that in the battle dress breaks out was illuminated splendidly, but all people know that this handle sword is a weapon for criminal, does not know that has killed the generals in many righteousness and country's has cast the prestige, in the military officer eye of righteousness and country's, the Dragon Spirit sword is not Saint, is Demon Armament. 林沐雨尽量把气息降到最低,在夕阳殿门口的琉璃灯盏照耀下,身后战袍内突起的龙灵剑剑柄被照得熠熠生辉,但所有人都知道这柄剑是凶器,不知道杀了多少义和国的将军而铸就了威名,在义和国的将领眼里,龙灵剑不是圣器,是魔兵 ...... …… The luxury of setting sun palace endured compared with initial Ze Tian Palace, a resplendence in gold and jade green, inside has crowded many civil and military officials, wore Battle Lord of Jinjia to walk, the both arms overlapping chest has led the way the righteousness and ** the ritual, the corners of the mouth raised, are having thick disdaining, said with a smile: Zhao see rain Commander, has not thought unexpectedly rain Commander this and other military officers in loyal empire also understand what has to done has pledged allegiance to the righteousness and country, is really may celebrate encouraging.” 夕阳殿的奢华堪比当初的泽天殿,一片金碧辉煌,内里已经拥挤了不少文武官员,一名身穿金甲的战将走了上去,双臂交叉胸前行了个义和**礼,嘴角扬起,带着浓浓的不屑,笑道:“吕昭参见雨统领,沒有想到雨统领这等尽忠帝国的将领居然也识时务的归顺了义和国,真是可喜可贺。” Lin Muyu goes all out is constraining killing intent, said with a smile slightly: Forest Mu Yu sees Marshal Zhao, before had heard the prestige of marshal, sees today, really imposing supernatural might.” 林沐雨拼命的压抑着杀意,微微笑道:“林沐雨参见吕昭元帅,以前只是听说过元帅的威名,今天一见,果然威风神武。” Zhao corners of the mouth have twitched, saluted to setting sun Hou Manning, said: Your marquises, the banquet can start.” 吕昭嘴角抽动了一下,又冲着夕阳侯满宁行了个礼,道:“君侯,宴会可以开始了。” Un.” “嗯。” full Ning nods, said: Takes a seat, on dance.” 满宁点点头,道:“都入席吧,上歌舞。” Yes.” “是。” Lin Muyu's attended a banquet is arranged in full Ning with Dean Xi, looks like also is very naturally honored, the front palace lady dances, the musician accompanies, these palace maids wear the silk skirt, the physique is slender, is very attractive, makes Zhao, Ding Xi and the others look somewhat was scared, Lin Muyu unintentional the vision projection to the surroundings, bottom of one's heart is vacant. 林沐雨的坐席被安排在满宁和丁奚之间,看起來自然也十分尊贵,前方宫娥起舞,乐师伴奏,那些宫女都穿着罗裙,身姿窈窕,十分好看,也让吕昭、丁奚等人看得有些傻了眼,林沐雨有意无意的将目光投射向周围,心底则是一片茫然。 After full Ningjing one glass of liquor, Ding Xi, Zhao and other military officer one after another propose a toast, naturally, Zhao and other righteousness and proposing a toast of country military officer is a taunt to the utmost, the excuse of proposing a toast completely taunts simply, if not for these year of Lin Muyu's dispositions have tempered, perhaps already could not bear draw a sword to butcher this despicable villain. 满宁敬了一杯酒之后,丁奚、吕昭等将领纷纷过來敬酒,当然,吕昭等义和国将领的敬酒简直就是一种极尽的嘲讽,敬酒的说辞满是挖苦,若不是这些年林沐雨的心性磨炼了许多,恐怕早就忍不住拔剑宰掉这个卑鄙小人了。 Soon after, at the session a person stands up, in the hand is carrying the jade cup, slowly is putting the good wine, arrives at the Lin Muyu's seat front slowly, the manner said respectfully: Is sinks raises respects rain Commander one cup.” 不多久后,席间一人站起身來,手里端着玉杯,慢慢的盛放着美酒,缓缓來到林沐雨的坐席前方,神态恭敬道:“属下沈扬敬雨统领一杯。” Lin Muyu rise looks, Shen Yang was initial Shen Yang, the manner as if no what change, but the military rank badge between napes of the neck is three stars, was the same to Lin Muyu, Commander rank. 林沐雨抬头看去,沈扬还是当初的沈扬,神态似乎沒有什么改变过,只不过脖颈间的军衔徽章已经是三颗星了,与林沐雨一样,统领级别。 Congratulates General Shen to take a higher position.” Lin Muyu smiles lightly. “恭喜沈将军高就。”林沐雨淡淡一笑。 Shen Yang complexion is very ugly, said: Rain Commander why taunted Shen Yang, if not for initially were encircled, I and others cannot......” 沈扬的脸色十分难看,道:“雨统领何必挖苦沈扬,若不是当初被围,我等也不会……” Was needless to say.” “不用多说了。” Lin Muyu vision one cold, said: Turns over to Shunyi and country is your choice, otherwise did not have anybody to force you.” 林沐雨目光一寒,说:“归顺义和国是你的选择,不然沒有任何人能逼迫得了你。” Yes.” Shen Yang is built on same place, state of mind disorder, the palm shivers, almost must give the crumb the jade cup in hand. “是。”沈扬立于原地,心绪紊乱,手掌颤抖,差点就要把手里的玉杯给捏碎了。 At this moment, is several military officers appears in Shen raises, two are the military officers of Ten Thousand-Man Commander rank, two are Thousand-Man Commander, looks like somewhat looks familiar, obviously is the surrendered generals in empire, facial features thin Ten Thousand-Man Commander sneers, lends a hand to say for Shen Yang: Shen Commander, you now are at present same as this person of military rank, why so condescends to flatter.” 就在这时,又是几个将领出现在沈扬的身后,其中两名是万夫长级别的将领,还有两个是千夫长,一个个看起來都有些眼熟,显然都是帝国的降将,其中一个脸型瘦削的万夫长冷笑一声,为沈扬帮衬说道:“沈统领,你现在跟眼前这人军阶一样,何必如此屈尊讨好。” Shen Yang vision ice is cold: Cao Ying, shut up.” 沈扬目光冰寒:“曹应,闭嘴。” That asked Cao Ying military officer to be unbearably angry, looks at Lin Muyu, sneered was also saying: Forest Mu Yu, you expensive are the Emperor adopted son, is the Eagle Nest Camp control, has drunk to the dregs the Emperor and princess Your Highness favor, finally to not maintain a livelihood to have pledged allegiance to the righteousness and country, the stance that you exhibit this keeping aloof now looks to whom, we also to maintain a livelihood, you are nobler than us.” 那叫曹应的将领气不过,看着林沐雨,冷笑着又说:“林沐雨,你贵为帝君义子,又是鹰巢营统制,享尽了帝君与公主殿下的恩宠,最后还不是为了活命归顺了义和国,你现在摆出这副高高在上的姿态给谁看呢,我们也只是为了活命罢了,你难道就比我们高尚。” Lin Muyu self-ridicules has laughed, carries the wine glass, in the eye is passing killing intent, saying that the character character is loud and clear: I congratulated past to abandon throw clear(ly) darkly, today skyrocketed.” 林沐雨自嘲的哈哈大笑了起來,端起酒杯,眼中透着杀意,字字掷地有声的说道:“那我恭喜各位昔日弃暗投明,今日扶摇直上了。” A Shen Yang sigh, raised head to drink up the liquor. 沈扬一声叹息,仰头喝掉了酒。 After Lin Muyu drinks completely one glass of liquor, wine glass putting down slowly , to continue to sit well there, gazes after Shen Yang and the others to go far away, the look is somewhat low-spirited, at heart is hundred taste mixed Chen, yes, these people to maintain a livelihood to have pledged allegiance to the righteousness and country, they have the mistake, has thought long time, his fist actually more grasps is tighter, has the mistake, to maintain a livelihood, but to ignore city common people were slaughtered, the status of shame to serviceman, this person, does not match to be called the serviceman. 林沐雨饮尽一杯酒之后,将酒杯缓缓的放下,继续端坐在那里,目送着沈扬等人远去,神色有些黯然,心里则是百味杂陈,是啊,这些人都是为了活命而归顺了义和国,他们真的有错吗,思索了良久,他的拳头却越握越紧,有错,为了活命而放任一城百姓被屠杀,愧对军人的身份,这种人,,不配称为军人。 However, these words Lin Muyu have not said that he does not dare to say. 不过,这些话林沐雨沒有说出來,他也不敢说出來。 Ding Xi visits him in side silently, same has not spoken. 丁奚在旁默默的看着他,一样沒有说话。 Also after a while, a carriage extremely fat official walked, flattered said: Subordinate is evening Yangcheng respective putting down Ning Junjun defends Zhang Yu, see rain Commander.” 又过了不久,一名体态臃肿的官员走了过來,谄媚的笑着说:“属下是夕阳城所属的平宁郡郡守张煜,参见雨统领。” Un.” The forest washes the raindrop to nod. “嗯。”林沐雨点点头。 Zhang Yu continues saying: Even rather county outstanding people spirit, are rich in the jade and beautiful woman, if rain Commander if has free time might as well to go to put down Ning Jun a view, the friendship of subordinate surely completely landlord.” 张煜继续说道:“平宁郡地杰人灵,盛产玉石、美女,如果雨统领若是有空不妨前往平宁郡一观,属下必定一尽地主之谊。” Knew, many thanks, I will go.” “知道了,多谢,我会去的。” „The subordinate has asked to be excused, rain Commander must remember.” “那属下告退了,雨统领一定要记得。” Zhang Yu retreats slowly, quick and came a wheat flour xiaosheng, cup one fist in the other hand to salute saying: Rain Commander is well, the subordinate is the storekeeper of evening Yangcheng Understanding Chamber of commerce, here has one to offer a gift, but also looks at rain Commander to kindly accept.” 张煜缓缓退去,很快的又來了一个白面小生,抱拳施礼道:“雨统领安好,属下是夕阳城通达商会的掌柜,这里有一份献礼,还望雨统领笑纳。” He pushes a golden paper to come gently. 他轻轻推着一张金色纸张过來。 Lin Muyu looks, is a gold banknote, ten ten thousand Gold Yin Coin, the people in this evening Yangcheng may really be are rich flow the oil, gives a present is round of hundreds of thousands of existence. 林沐雨瞧了一眼,是一张金票,足足有十万金茵币之多,这夕阳城的人可真是富得流油,送礼都是一发数十万的存在。 Received the gold banknote, Lin Muyu said: Relax, place that if later has something to look, I will certainly look.” 把金票收了,林沐雨道:“放心吧,以后如果有什么可以关照的地方,我一定会多关照。” „, That too thanked rain Commander.” This merchant bows to salute again and again, really does not lose the merchant true colors. “啊,那就太感谢雨统领了。”这商人连连躬身施礼,果然不失商人本色。 One after another, the first successive dozens ministers and merchants come to become friends with, Lin Muyu totally does not resist, regarding the gift according to single Quanshou, looks around Ding Xi to be dumbfounded completely, after having resulted in a crevice, Ding Xi cannot bear ask: Rain Commander, you also really all comes are welcome......” 接二连三的,一连数十位大臣、商人前來结交,林沐雨一概不拒,对于礼物全部照单全收,看得一旁的丁奚目瞪口呆,得了个空隙之后,丁奚忍不住问道:“雨统领,您还真是來者不拒啊……” Lin Muyu lightly smiled: Since has pledged allegiance, dignity and moral courage do not want, that is also concerned about face to make anything, can many take many with many advantage, I think that Monarch Hou He mostly series also hopes to see such me.” 林沐雨微微一笑:“既然归顺了,连尊严和气节都不要了,那还要脸做什么,能多拿多少好处就多拿多少,我想君侯和大都统也希望看见这样的我。” Ha Ha......” “哈哈……” Ding Xi obvious smiles: Right, in this world who can not be corrupt, some people corrupt Mu unwarranted reputations, some people corrupt Mu benefits, some people corrupt Mu authorities, this is also good, if rain Commander anything instead to begin to have suspicions, you turn over to Shunyi and country for anything, not only to maintain a livelihood that simply, after all kills certainly in star city by your ability is not any issue.” 丁奚心照不宣的一笑:“沒错,这世上谁会不贪,有些人贪慕虚名,有些人贪慕利益,有些人贪慕权力,这样也是好的,雨统领若是什么都不要反而会让人起疑,你归顺义和国到底是为了什么,不仅仅是为了活命那么简单,毕竟以你的能力在星绝城杀出去绝不是什么问題。” What Ding Xi Marshal corrupt Mu is anything.” “那丁奚元帅贪慕的是什么。” I, approximately am...... Moment tranquil.” Ding Xi laughs: Such as you said that my Ding Xi this whole life also such greatly a wee bit prospect.” “我,大约是……一刻恬静吧。”丁奚哈哈一笑:“如您所言,我丁奚这辈子也就这么大一丁点的出息了啊。” Lin Muyu laughs in spite of trying not to: Some are the person ability common, holds a job without doing any work, but Marshal Ding Xi is the mind military strategy is actually not actually willing to strive, even if a wee bit, making the person admire.” 林沐雨不禁失笑:“有的是人能力碌碌、尸位素餐,而丁奚元帅却是胸怀韬略却不愿意多去争取哪怕一丁点,让人佩服。” Oh, where words that spoke, was too polite......, We come one cup again.” “唉,说的哪里话,太客气了……來來來,我们再來一杯。” Good, I respect you.” “好,我敬你。” Then, until night time, many people have drunk reeling drunk are stewed to the gills, setting sun Hou Manning also has reddened all over the face, hugs two maidservants happily to support the belly to sit there, Lu Zhan lifts the hand, said: Your marquises have gotten drunk, delivers him to return to the imperial palace to rest.” 就这样,直到深夜的时候,许多人都已经喝得醺醺大醉,就连夕阳侯满宁也已经满脸通红,搂着两名侍女一脸幸福的挺着肚子坐在那里,鲁盏一抬手,道:“君侯喝醉了,送他回寝宫休息吧。” Yes, Daishi.” The maidservants replied timidly. “是,大士。”侍女唯唯诺诺的应答。 Ding Xi looks to forest Mu Yu, said: Rain Commander, our 78 has also been drunk, returns home.” 丁奚看向林沐雨,道:“雨统领,我们也78分醉了,回府吧。” Good.” “好。” Lin Muyu the vision was indifferent, stands up left the imperial city gate with Ding Xi Yiqi, but Zhao actually pursued, he has drunk reeling drunk is stewed to the gills, Ha Ha said with a smile: Rain Commander leaves anxiously walking first.” 林沐雨目光淡然,站起身与丁奚一起出了宫门,而吕昭却追了上來,他已经喝得醺醺大醉,哈哈笑道:“雨统领先别急着走。” How, Marshal Zhao had the matter.” Lin Muyu asked. “怎么了,吕昭元帅有事吗。”林沐雨问。 Zhao laughs: All right, but the worry will drink in the liquor rain Commander of setting sun palace today insufficiently enjoys oneself to the full, if another day has free time, my Zhao plays the host, prays for rain Commander to come to my graceful your family place to drink one cup, made rain Commander visit the special product of Qin empire while convenient, flesh durian.” 吕昭哈哈大笑:“沒事,只是担心今日在夕阳殿的这顿酒雨统领会喝得不够尽兴,若是他日有空,我吕昭做东,请雨统领來我的帅府上喝一杯,顺便也让雨统领参观一下大秦帝国的特产,,人肉榴莲。” Flesh durian.” Lin Muyu astonished: Is anything.” “人肉榴莲。”林沐雨惊愕了一下:“是什么。” Ha Ha, rain Commander holds is installing clearly silly, you have forgotten once Imperial Guards Commander of Qin empire.” Zhao does intentionally affectionate walks to go forward, climbs the Lin Muyu's shoulder saying: Heard that you also very much have the friendship with him.” “哈哈,雨统领揣着明白装糊涂,难道你忘了曾经大秦帝国的御林军统领了吗。”吕昭故作亲昵的走上前,攀着林沐雨的肩膀道:“听说你跟他还很有交情呢。” You.” “你。” Lin Muyu clenches jaws, powerful stars Battle Qi is rapidly dense from the palm, at this moment, he could not constrain to kill Zhao heart, but also at this moment, a tyrannical domain aura falls, Lu Zhan walked slowly, said with a smile lightly: Rain Commander, you were chatting anything, was so happy.” 林沐雨咬牙切齿,一股强悍的星辰斗气从掌心里急速氤氲起來,这一刻,他已经压抑不住杀吕昭的心了,但也就在这时,一股强横领域气息落下,鲁盏缓缓的走了过來,淡淡笑道:“雨统领,你们在聊什么呢,这么开心。” Nothing.” “沒什么。” Ding Xi Shentai is indifferent, the powerful palm opens to hold the Lin Muyu's arm, said: Rain Commander, you have gotten drunk, we return home, banquet of Marshal Zhao...... We will have the opportunity to participate.” 丁奚神态淡然,有力的手掌张开抓住林沐雨的胳膊,道:“雨统领,您喝醉了,咱们回府吧,吕昭元帅的宴会……咱们会有机会参加的。” Saying, Ding Xi makes an effort, entrains Lin Muyu to leave. 说着,丁奚一用力,拽着林沐雨离开。 ...... …… Under the moonlight, Lin Muyu lowers the head, on face cold frosts, face actually distortions some of outstanding ability, pain incomparable is grasping the fist. 月光下,林沐雨低着头,脸上一片寒霜,俊逸的一张脸却有些扭曲,痛苦无比的握着拳头。 Ding Xi Sihu can understand that his mood, after on carriage, said lightly: Has a lot of time for that do not want to fight over the temporary happiness with Zhao this villain, I think...... Rain Commander turns over to the original intention of Shunyi and country's to not kill Zhao.” 丁奚似乎能明白他的心情,上了马车之后,淡淡道:“來日方长,不要跟吕昭这种小人争一时的痛快,我想……雨统领归顺义和国的本意也不是为了杀吕昭吧。” Lin Muyu rise looked at his one eyes, eyes full is the scarlet, anything had not said. 林沐雨抬头看了他一眼,一双眸子满是血色,什么都沒有说。 Ding Xi curls the lip: Here is my person, relax, nobody will pass on our speeches.” 丁奚撇撇嘴:“这里都是我的人,放心吧,沒有人会把我们的说话传出去。” I must kill Zhao.” “我必杀吕昭。” Putting out a few words of Lin Muyu character character. 林沐雨一字一字的吐出一句话。 ...... ……
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