AG :: Volume #4

#400: Old acquaintances

( ( Jolts, near after half of the day, the motorcade finally arrived in the province capital city in rapid white province, evening Yangcheng, looks from afar that this resplendent in gold and jade green city protects to be especially dignified in the arch of steel and iron back wall, on the city the flags of righteousness and country's link up into a single stretch, and can see the successive in steel and iron back wall to arrange the garrison troops faintly, as well as crossbow car(riage) and Stone Pao, stone machines and other instruments. 一路颠簸,近半天后,车队终于抵达了迅白行省的行省都城,,夕阳城,远远看去,这座金碧辉煌的城池在钢铁护墙的拱护下格外威严,城池上义和国的旌旗连成一片,并且隐隐能看到钢铁护墙上的连排守军,以及弩车、石炮、投石机具等器械。 The wheel was calling as before, was rocking on the carriage the body of travel, Lin Muyu backed on inside the blockhead compartment, closed the eye, whole body Battle Qi was dense, he does not know waited for what oneself was anything, but definitely was not the good deed, even he can feel that Saint Heaven Realm cultivates for at present Lu Zhan to harbor evil intentions to himself, was about because massacred with is under the Luo Lan place the step sea of disciple. 车轱辘依旧吱呀吱呀的叫着,也晃动着马车上旅者的身躯,林沐雨背靠在木头车厢内侧,闭上眼睛,全身斗气氤氲,他不知道等待自己的是什么,但肯定不是什么好事,甚至他能感受到眼前那个圣天境修为的鲁盏对自己不怀好意,大约是因为自己杀掉了同为洛岚座下弟子的步海吧。 Rain Commander, evening Yangcheng arrived immediately.” Ding Xi said with a smile slightly. “雨统领,夕阳城马上就到了。”丁奚微微笑道。 Un.” Lin Muyu is silent. “嗯。”林沐雨沉默不语。 Rain Commander is thinking anything.” Ding Xi Wendao. “雨统领在想什么。”丁奚问道。 I am thinking that......” forest Mu Yu hesitates, said: I before thinking, if me the decision surrenders, hands over the military authority, making the gentian camp disarm completely, Marshal Ding can Xi order to bury alive my these 5000 gentian Brother Battalion.” “我在想……”林沐雨沉吟一声,道:“我在想如果我之前决定归降,交出兵权,让龙胆营全部缴械,丁奚元帅会不会下令坑杀我这5000龙胆营兄弟。” Ha Ha Ha......” “哈哈哈……” Ding Xi cannot bear laugh, on face to sweep past heterochrosis, said: Where words that rain Commander spoke, my Ding Xi is not Long Qianlin, but rain Commander you are not Feng Ji Xing, not.” 丁奚忍不住发笑起來,脸上掠过一丝异色,道:“雨统领说的哪里话,我丁奚不是龙千林,而雨统领你也不是风继行,不是吗。” „, Yes.” Lin Muyu lightly smiled, has not spoken again. “呵,是啊。”林沐雨微微一笑,沒有再说话。 ...... …… Soon , the motorcade arrives under the steel and iron back wall, the heavy iron gate under back wall opens slowly, presented one row of troops to come to greet unexpectedly, and on the combat tank under canopy was standing a person, the body was extremely fat and senile, was the master in evening Yangcheng, setting sun Hou full Ningxia, in legend empire seven Shuai Manfang father, but was pitiful was full Fang strikes awe the regiment in the winter frost city bitter experience subsequently suffer a crushing defeat, later probably was the life loses in Mozu the hand. 不久之后,车队抵达钢铁护墙下,护墙下的沉重铁门缓缓开启,竟出现了一列人马前來迎接,并且华盖下的战车上站着一个人,身体臃肿、老态龙钟,正是夕阳城的主人,,夕阳侯满宁,传说中帝国七帅满方的父亲,只是可悲的是满方在冬霜城遭遇扬威军团继而惨败,之后大约是命丧于魔族之手了。 The motorcade stops slowly, full Ning goes down the emperor, cup one fist in the other hand said: Veteran full Ningxia, see rain Commander.” 车队缓缓停下,满宁走下车驾,抱拳道:“老将满宁,参见雨统领。” Lin Muyu naturally knows full Ningxia, jumps to get out, cup one fist in the other hand said: Forest Mu Yu sees Monarch marquis.” 林沐雨自然知道满宁,一纵身下了车,抱拳道:“林沐雨参见君侯。” Fat of full Ning face, time with a smile still shivers: Rain Commander was too polite, full Ning heard after rain Commander is willing to turn over to Shunyi and country, likes extremely, rare Commander is righteous, is willing to sever completely with the Lingbei cruel empire, this is also the good fortune of world, the righteousness and country must have rain Commander such star potency, certainly can exorcism the clan, to extinguish the empire, series landscape.” 满宁一脸的肥肉,笑着的时候兀自颤抖:“雨统领太客气了,满宁听说雨统领愿意归顺义和国之后不胜欢喜,难得统领那么深明大义,愿意与岭北残暴的帝国一刀两断,这也是天下之幸,义和国得有雨统领这样的名将效力,一定能驱魔族、灭帝国,一统江山。” Lin Muyu takes a deep breath, look quite saying decidedly: I think that Monarch Hou Yiding has misunderstood, I am the Emperor adopted son, is Elder Brother of empress, therefore I, even if surrenders the righteousness and country, not will strive for the righteousness and country, will not lead the troops in righteousness and country's attacks the empire.” 林沐雨深吸一口气,神色颇为决然的说道:“我想君侯一定是误会了,我是帝君义子,又是女帝的哥哥,所以我即便是归降义和国,也绝不会为义和国出力,更不会率领义和国的人马进攻帝国。” Ha Ha......” rather not thinks completely disobedient laughing said: Isn't important, so long as rain Commander is willing to turn over to Shunyi and country, this is in itself a huge good deed, walks, the veteran has set up the banquet in the setting sun palace, the people are waiting to drink this glee feast for rain Commander.” “哈哈……”满宁不以为忤的大笑道:“不打紧不打紧,只要雨统领肯归顺义和国,这本身就是一件天大的好事,走吧,老将已经在夕阳殿上设立酒席,众人正在等着为雨统领喝这一场庆功宴呢。” Yes.” “是。” Lin Muyu unconscious good emperor ** ritual, but Ding Xi, full Ningxia, and the others watched actually especially dazzlingly, looks like a satire is simply ordinary. 林沐雨不自觉的行了个帝**礼,而丁奚、满宁、鲁盏等人看在眼里却又格外的刺眼,简直就像是一种讽刺一般。 The motorcade continues to march forward slowly, but all around guard were getting more and more, several thousand Cavalry arches of evening Yangcheng protect in the surroundings, escorts Lin Muyu and the others to cross the steel and iron back wall, but rather side also super expert, about 40 -year-old high and low appearance, under Spiritual Pulse Technique, Lin Muyu can induce to the spin of this person within the body completely fights the glow fiercely, this is Saint Realm single layer day expert, has acted as full Ning guard along, looked like Qin resolute truly to this setting sun marquis having a high opinion of. 车队继续缓缓行进,而四周的守卫却越來越多了,夕阳城的数千铁骑拱护在周围,护送林沐雨等人越过钢铁护墙,而满宁身边还有一名超级强者,大约40岁上下的模样,灵脉术下,林沐雨能感应到这个人体内的旋烈斗芒,这是一名圣域第一重天的强者,充当了满宁的随身护卫,看來秦毅确实对这个夕阳侯十分的倚重。 In fact is, although the rapid white province has only occupied the 25% land areas of Lingnan four big provinces, the grain that but vast stretch of flat land, fertile farmland ten thousand area units, delivers has occupied over the 60% of righteousness and country's, and population is abundant, the well-trained and equipped army, has the alliance of rapid white province to be able the righteousness and country rises speed such rapidness. 事实上是,迅白行省虽然只占了岭南四大行省的25%土地面积,但一马平川,良田万顷,所产出的粮食占了义和国的60%以上,并且人口富足,兵强马壮,正是有迅白行省的加盟才能义和国崛起速度如此之快。 Sits in the carriage, Lin Muyu is silent, what making him quite gratified is full Ning has not ordered to give to eliminate own weapons, the powerful enemy who who he worries making is faces more and more, Ding Xi did not say that Lu Zhan is Saint Realm Third Layer day expert, in addition with full Ning in together that Saint Realm single layer day, Lin Muyu, although is haughty, but also understands at heart is not the match. 坐在马车里,林沐雨沉默不语,让他比较欣慰的是满宁并未下令缴除自己的兵刃,让他担忧的则是面临的强敌越來越多了,丁奚不说,鲁盏是一个圣域第三重天的强者,再加上跟满宁在一起的那个圣域第一重天,林沐雨虽然狂傲,但心里也明白决计不是对手。 Was unconscious implored the tone, he continued static sitting in the carriage, simultaneously looks at heavy traffic and prosperous in evening Yangcheng. 不自觉得吁了口气,他继续静静的坐在马车内,同时看着夕阳城内的车水马龙、一片繁盛。 Before Orchid Goose City was massacred city, compared with here livelier prosperous, although now is also same, but massacres city is a shadow of being able hardly be removed occupies throughout likely in the heart of common people, can see this difference from the face of subjects. 兰雁城被屠城之前比这里更加繁华昌盛,虽然现在也一样,但屠城始终像是一个挥之不去的阴影盘踞在百姓的心头,从子民的脸上就能看出这种区别。 Ding Xi say|way: „After dinner party, rain Commander deigns to accept a post in my mansion, when Lingbei province mostly series after commanding, you can move in the palace.” 丁奚道:“晚宴之后,雨统领就屈就住在我的府邸上吧,等到岭北行省大都统的谕令下來之后,您就可以搬进王府了。” Many thanks General Ding Xi.” “多谢丁奚将军。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, said: I not for the righteousness and country potency, why the setting sun marquis also favor me.” 林沐雨点点头,却又道:“我不为义和国效力,夕阳侯为什么还那么厚待我。” This......” “这个嘛……” Ding Xi Momo nose, has a look about, Lu Zhan has gotten down the carriage to ride a horse, then the sound lowered, said: Although three years ago the righteousness and country seize the empire majority of lands by the potential of swallowing up continuously, but oneself is also the vitality damages severely, dispatched troops until afterward Seven Seas City and evening rain city, has routed the main force of righteousness and country's at one fell swoop, until now, the military force of empire already not under the righteousness and country, has the imposing manner of rising greatly, therefore at this time...... The righteousness and country need an empire important personage to take an oath the surrender, otherwise...... You think that you have accomplished the death of Mr. full Fang in winter frost city, your marquises will let off you.” 丁奚摸摸鼻子,看看左右,鲁盏已经下了马车骑马去了,便声音放低了一些,说道:“虽然三年前义和国以鲸吞之势连续夺下帝国大部分土地,但是自身也是元气大伤,直至后來七海城、暮雨城出兵,一举击溃了义和国的主力,迄今为止,帝国的军力已经不在义和国之下,大有重新崛起的气势,所以这种时候……义和国需要一个帝国重要人物宣誓投诚,否则的话……你想,你在冬霜城造就了满方少帅的死,君侯会放过你吗。” This......” a forest Mu Yu forced smile: Sentiment I am only about a will of the people board game piece.” “这样啊……”林沐雨一声苦笑:“感情我只是一颗左右人心的棋子。” Right, mostly the series and setting sun marquis needs you, because you are the righteousness brother of empire empress, you surrendered the righteousness and country can say that Mingyi and country had great popular support, I remember that setting sun Hou Cengjing has spoken a few words, so long as your Lin Muyu surrender righteousness and country, exceeded 100,000 mighty armies.” “对,大都统和夕阳侯需要你,只是因为你是帝国女帝的义兄,你投诚义和国就能说明义和国深得人心,我记得夕阳侯曾经说过一句话,只要你林沐雨投诚义和国,胜过100000雄师。” I knew.” “我知道了。” Lin Muyu leans in the plank of compartment, whole person dejected. 林沐雨倚靠在车厢的木板上,整个人一片颓然。 Ding Xi smiled: Rain Commander does not need to be extremely sad, you did not state clearly that attacked the empire for the righteousness and country, Qin resolute mostly series will not run counter to the commitment, actually the righteousness and country will possibly hit the demon clan with you.” 丁奚笑了笑:“不过雨统领不必太过伤心,你已经言明不会为义和国攻打帝国了,秦毅大都统就绝不会违背承诺,倒是义和国可能会用你去打魔族。” Hits the demon clan.” “打魔族。” Yes, the rain Commander succession of victories of gentian camp area Mountain Range of Qin, kills the demon clan armor demon regiment again and again to be repulsed, this news already spread over the world, you have not known.” “是啊,雨统领的龙胆营在秦岭一带连战连胜,杀得魔族甲魔军团连连败退,这个消息早就传遍天下了,难道你还不知道。” „......” Forest Mu Yu does not shake the head slowly, said: Recently I have been tired out by going to war, which has free time to understand these.” “不……”林沐雨缓缓摇摇头,说:“这些日子我一直在疲于打仗,哪儿有空了解这些。” Saying, he looked at Ding Xi one eyes, said with a smile: General Ding Xi, you will not be weary of the war.” 说着,他看了丁奚一眼,笑道:“丁奚将军,你难道不会厌倦战争吗。” This......” Ding Xi Muguang hung down, smiles: Who can be willing to cross on cutting edge to lick the day of blood, Ding Xi Bucai, candidate was pulled out by the setting sun, becomes one of the seven commanders-in-chief, should feel grateful the potency, therefore I have not been able to rest, actually my Ding Xi hopes actually a world as soon as possible series, or is the righteousness and country, either is the empire, after a series, my this marshal instantly retires, seeks a mountain ridge Nomura, plants a bamboo grove, raises a fish, marries Fang a wife, gives birth to 35 children, idle cloud wild crane, Xiao Yao Zi Zai.” “这个……”丁奚目光低垂,笑了:“谁会愿意一直过刀口上舔血的日子呢,丁奚不才,被夕阳侯选拔出來,成为七帅之一,原本就应该感激效力,所以我还不能休息,其实我丁奚倒是希望天下尽早一统,或者是义和国,或者是帝国,一统之后,我这个元帅即刻解甲归田,寻一处山岭野村,种下一片竹林,养一池鱼儿,娶上一房媳妇,生下35个儿女,闲云野鹤,逍遥自在。” Lin Muyu could not bear smile: Has not thought that General Ding Xi will lack such prospects.” 林沐雨忍不住笑了:“沒有想到丁奚将军会这么沒出息。” Ding Xi is not angry, touches the nose saying: Life hundred years, where so many good haggling over, Ding Xi is not rain Commander so is likely dedicated, I actually am a quite selfish person, likely will not be rain Commander like this for a few words, a sentiment will act boldly regardless of one's safety.” 丁奚也不生气,摸摸鼻子说道:“人生百年,哪儿有那么多的好计较,丁奚不像是雨统领这般执着,我其实是个相当自私的人,绝不会像是雨统领这样为了一句话,一段情就奋不顾身。” Lin Muyu is astonished however, Ding Xi Sihu intent has referred. 林沐雨讶然,丁奚似乎意有所指。 But Ding Xi is also light smiles, but the pupil as if can completely understand all general, that turmoil of this look initially outside Orchid Goose City with the look that in intentionally gave a Qin Yin way out is exactly the same. 而丁奚也只是淡淡一笑,但眸子似乎能看透一切一般,这眼神与当初兰雁城外那场动乱里故意放秦茵一条生路的眼神一模一样。 Thanks General Ding Xi.” The forest washes the noise of the rain such as saying of mosquito rui. “谢谢丁奚将军。”林沐雨声如蚊蚋的说道。 Is impolite.” “不客气。” Ding Xi cup one fist in the other hand smiles, said: Hears rain Commander not to be killed, the righteousness and country many military officers are filled with righteous indignation, even alarmed the Luo Lan immortal Venerable, was only my Ding Xi person to rejoice that rain Commander has not died.” 丁奚抱拳一笑,说:“听闻雨统领沒有被杀死,义和国许多将领都义愤填膺,甚至惊动了洛岚仙尊,唯独我丁奚一个人庆幸雨统领沒死。” Why.” “为什么。” Because under the throughly turmoil, the demon clan has dropped from the clouds from the exceedingly high province on this day, irresistible, if rain Commander such hero star died, that was really is a pity.” “因为这天下已经彻底动乱了,魔族从通天行省从天而降,势不可挡,若是雨统领这样的英雄名将死了,那真是太可惜了。” Ha, the marshal erroneous approved......” “哈,元帅谬赞了……” Lin Muyu cups one hand in the other across the chest, then no longer spoke, the body is rocking along with the carriage together gently, the vision fell in the scenery outside glass, the subjects in evening Yangcheng crowded around by the path look here, many people as if have not seen setting sun Hou Manning to be ordinary, direct, the manner was respectful, but actually nobody recognized forest Mu Yu on carriage, after all the status of marquis wanted distant high army Commander in common people opinion Monarch, Commander in their opinion was really too remote. 林沐雨一拱手,便不再说话了,身体随着马车一起轻轻晃动着,目光则落在了车窗外的景色里,夕阳城的子民一个个都簇拥在道路两侧看着这里,许多人似乎从來都沒有见过夕阳侯满宁一般,指指点点,神态恭敬,但却沒有一个人认出马车上的林沐雨,毕竟在百姓看來君侯的地位要远远的高过于一个军队统领,统领在他们看來实在是太遥远了。 ...... …… To the night falls, finally the motorcade entered a grand palace, the setting sun palace, full Ning consumes the personal palace that the large amount of money nearly ten years build, might be considered as is extravagant, Lin Muyu goes down that moment of carriage, discovered that the outside palace stair of setting sun palace is the fine gold gold/metal, inside this luxury could be imagined. 一直到夜幕降临的时候,终于车队进入了一座雄伟宫殿,,夕阳殿,满宁耗费巨资近十年才打造出來的私人宫殿,堪称是穷奢极欲,林沐雨走下马车的那一刻,发现就连夕阳殿的外殿台阶都是鎏金的,这内里的奢华就更加可想而知了。 Setting sun Hou Manning walks to go forward, lifts the hand to hold the Lin Muyu's wrist|skill, said with a smile: Rain Commander please go in along with the veteran, the glee feast has suspended, guards all senior generals in evening Yangcheng and officials to participate, even also some rain Commander old acquaintances.” 夕阳侯满宁走上前,抬手牵住林沐雨的手腕,笑道:“雨统领请随老将进去吧,庆功宴已经摆好了,驻守在夕阳城的所有高级将领、官员都有参加,甚至其中还有一些雨统领的老熟人呢。” Old acquaintance.” Lin Muyu stares: Who is.” “老熟人。”林沐雨一愣:“是谁。” Qin Jia tian to the enlistment of regiment, Shen Yang, you may recognize.” “秦家天冲军团的参军,沈扬,你可认得。” Understanding......” “认识……” He in Orchid Goose City chaotic already surrender righteousness and country . Moreover, more than 30 empire senior generals also together have surrendered the righteousness and country, the names of many people now also on your town country tablet, are really lamentable laughable.” “他在兰雁城之乱中已经投诚义和国了,另外,还有30多名帝国高级将领也一起投诚了义和国,许多人的名字如今还在你们的镇国碑上了,真是可叹可笑。” On full Ning the face not minced matter the loathing to Qin empire. 满宁的脸上毫不掩饰对大秦帝国的厌恶。
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