AG :: Volume #4

#399: Surrendering

( ( Long Qianlin defeated.” 龙千林战败了。” Lin Muyu puts down the letter paper in hand slowly, on the face full is shocking: Thunder is really fierce to the regiment, unexpectedly rides the armed forces to kill the loss the dragon more than half, the righteousness and country this time are the vitality damage severely.” 林沐雨缓缓放下手中的信笺,脸上满是震惊:“雷冲军团果然勇猛,居然把龙骑军杀得损失过半,义和国这次真算是元气大伤啊。” Wei Chou nods, eyes child in full is the wisdom, said: Commander, Dragon Qijun a defeat, the entire righteousness and spirit of country counter-attack demon clan has disintegrated, but Thunder to rush will also send armor demon regiment to seize north the steel and iron back wall city, three days they will definitely return to the rapid white province, perhaps when the time comes we want to walk cannot leave.” 卫仇点点头,一双眸子里满是睿智,道:“统领,龙骑军一败,整个义和国反击魔族的锐气就已经瓦解了,而雷冲也会重新派遣甲魔军团占领钢铁护墙以北的城池,不出三天他们必然会返回迅白行省,到时候我们恐怕就想走就走不掉了。” Do not fluster...... Do not fluster......” “别慌……别慌……” Lin Muyu according to swordsmanship: We worried that the demon clan kills, Ding Xi Yiding was also worried that relax, quick Ding Xi Nabian will have the news.” 林沐雨按剑道:“我们担心魔族重新杀过來,丁奚一定也担心,放心吧,很快丁奚那边就会有消息了。” Un.” “嗯。” ...... …… As expected, dusk, grasped the righteousness and country of cavalry white flag arrived under the star certainly city, said loudly: End will come to seek an interview Lin Muyu Commander on behalf of Marshal Ding Xi, but also looks to bestow to see.” 不出所料,黄昏时,一名手持白旗的义和国骑兵來到了星绝城城下,大声道:“末将代表丁奚元帅前來求见林沐雨统领,还望赐见。” In the city wall is lighting the flare, Lin Muyu lightly smiled: Makes him come up.” 城墙上正在点燃火把,林沐雨微微一笑:“让他上來。” Yes.” “是。” Shortly, this envoy hand according to sword hilt has stepped onto the city wall, looks at the both sides to defend the stern gentian camp, on the face displays no fear unexpectedly, arrives at Lin Muyu the front cup one fist in the other hand said respectfully: Righteousness and country assistant general Ding three, pays a visit rain Commander.” 不久后,这使节手按剑柄的走上了城墙,看着两侧守备森严的龙胆营,竟然脸上毫无惧色,來到林沐雨前方时抱拳恭敬道:“义和国偏将丁三更,拜见雨统领。” Does not need to stand on ceremony.” On the Lin Muyu's face full is the bright smiling face, looks like sees the family member to be ordinary, asks: General Ding follows orders to come, does not know that Marshal Ding Xi has anything to grant instruction.” “不必拘礼。”林沐雨的脸上满是灿烂的笑容,就像是见到亲人一般,问道:“丁将军奉命前來,不知道丁奚元帅有什么赐教。” Ding three said with a smile: Has not granted instruction, Marshal Ding Xi has made one cup of good green tea in Shuai Zhangnei, prays for rain Commander to go to First Rank, does not know that rain Commander will have not having courage quantity with end to go together.” 丁三更笑道:“沒有赐教,丁奚元帅在帅帐内泡了一杯上好的绿茶,请雨统领前往一品呢,就是不知道雨统领有沒有这个胆量跟末将一起前往。” Judges tea.” “品茶。” Wei Chou jokes in side: Perhaps judges tea is false, wants to injure my family Commander real.” 卫仇在旁讥笑道:“恐怕品茶是假,想加害我家统领才是真的吧。” General where words, my family marshal is frank, how to do that and other dirty matters.” “将军哪里话,我家元帅光明磊落,怎会干出那等龌龊事。” Nearby, Qin Yan is raising the lance, the vision woods cold say|way: „Does Ding three, you leaves has a glib tongue here, believe me to hold your 100 transparent holes, immediately scrams out of the star certainly city to me, otherwise I make you regret to come.” 一旁,秦岩提着长矛,目光森寒道:“丁三更,你别在这里巧舌如簧,信不信我捅你100个透明窟窿,立刻给我滚出星绝城去,否则我让你后悔进來过。” Ding three complexions are startled slightly, said: Rain Commander, has not thought that several years pass by, Emperor ** the person linked a having courage color person not to have.” 丁三更脸色微微一怔,道:“雨统领,沒有想到几年过去,帝**人连一个有胆色的人都沒有了。” Who said.” “谁说的。” Lin Muyu said with a smile lightly: Walks, was later, perhaps the tea of Marshal Ding Xi is cool.” 林沐雨淡淡笑道:“走吧,再晚一些,恐怕丁奚元帅的茶就凉了。” Good, rain Commander invited.” “好,雨统领这边请。” Big brother......” “大哥……” Qin Yan and the others must stop, Lin Muyu has actually stopped them with the color, said in a low voice: „After I leave, all obey the arrangement of Wei Chou, understood.” 秦岩等人还要阻拦,林沐雨却已经用颜色制止了他们,低声道:“我离开之后,一切听从卫仇的安排,明白了沒有。” Is......” “是……” Pulls Malaya to me.” “给我牵匹马來。” Has gotten down the city, stands up from failure to ride a black warhorse, three left the city along with Ding directly, directly soars the barrack of righteousness and country's goes, by far, one crowd of righteousness and country cavalry welcomed going forward, looks military officer who Lin Muyu this wears the empire symbol, on the face full is the alert, is raising the lance, is fixing the eyes on Lin Muyu. 下了城池,翻身骑乘着一匹黑色战马,随着丁三更径直出了城池,直奔义和国的营盘而去,远远的,一群义和国骑兵就已经迎了上前,一个个看着林沐雨这个佩戴帝国徽记的将领,脸上满是戒备,提着长矛,紧盯着林沐雨。 Then makes anything anxiously.” Lin Muyu has smiled, chatted the Saint Realm expert imposing manner to overflow, said lightly: I , to begin, you are not the matches.” “那么紧张做什么。”林沐雨不禁笑了,谈笑间圣域强者的气势流溢而出,淡淡道:“我如果想动手,你们也不是对手啊。” Ding three laughs: Puts down weapons.” 丁三更哈哈一笑:“都放下兵刃。” The people are then hanging down the weapon. 众人这才低垂着武器。 ...... …… Shuai Zhang in the deep place of barrack, after breakthrough blockades, saw the armed forces big tent, Ding a Xi golden color armor, was greeting by far. 帅帐在营盘的深处,突破一道道封锁之后,才看到了中军大帐,远远的,丁奚一身金色铠甲,已经在迎接了。 Rain Commander, long time no see.” Ding Xi said with a smile slightly. “雨统领,好久不见了。”丁奚微微笑道。 Has had not seen you for a long time, General Ding Xi.” “久违了,丁奚将军。” Lin Muyu to him good emperor ** ritual. 林沐雨向他行了个帝**礼。 Ding Xi stares, actually does not know that Lin Muyu this act is any meaning, but touches the nose, said: Rain Commander, I am righteousness and country general, has not used this etiquette.” 丁奚一愣,却不知道林沐雨此举是什么意思,只是摸摸鼻子,说:“雨统领,我是义和国将军,已经不用这种礼仪了。” „, I gave to forget.” Lin Muyu feels relaxed smiles, said: Marshal do not make tea.” “哦,我给忘了。”林沐雨释然一笑,说:“元帅不是要泡茶吗。” Aha, yes, walks, in requests personally.” “啊哈,是啊,走吧,里面请。” An aide has carried tea tray to walk, Ding Xi Gui sits, makes tea, while said: Rain Commander may know Ding Xi Weihe not to attack a city.” 一名侍从已经端着茶盘走了过來,丁奚跪坐下來,一边泡茶,一边道:“雨统领可知丁奚为何不攻城。” Demon clan potential.” “魔族势强。” Lin Muyu puts out four characters lightly. 林沐雨淡淡吐出四个字。 Ding Xi laughs in spite of trying not to: Commander straight talk from a straightforward person, indeed is this reason, demon clan potential, the human potential is weak, if at this time the righteousness and country and empire prey again mutually, must go to enter by the demon clan, therefore Ding Xi Qingyu Commander comes today, discussed together the important matter.” 丁奚不禁失笑:“统领快言快语,诚然就是这个原因,魔族势强,人类势弱,如果此时义和国和帝国再互相搏杀的话,恐怕就要被魔族趁虚而入了,所以今天丁奚请雨统领來,共商大事。” If you want to make me surrender the righteousness and country, that exempted.” Lin Muyu smiles lightly. “如果你想让我归降义和国,那就免了吧。”林沐雨淡淡一笑。 Ding Xi also smiled: You have other choice, the gentian camp sooner or later will be annihilated, but your this Emperor adopted son besides giving loyalty to Qin resolute mostly series had no alternative.” 丁奚也笑了:“您还有别的选择吗,龙胆营迟早会被歼灭,而你这位帝君义子除了效忠秦毅大都统之外别无选择。” Right.” “是吗。” Lin Muyu vision one cold, killing intent moved, the whole body spin fights the glow to stir fiercely, an invisible domain falls, the oppression results in Ding Xi to sit suddenly falls to the ground. 林沐雨目光一寒,杀意已经动了,周身旋烈斗芒鼓荡起來,一股无形领域落下,压迫得丁奚猛然坐倒在地。 How I must have a look at oneself to have no alternative but actually.” In the palm is dense the ray that the asterism is peeping, so long as a palm, Ding Xi this righteousness and country marshals perish inevitably. “我倒要看看自己怎么个别无选择。”掌心里氤氲着星芒初现的光芒,只要一掌,丁奚这位义和国元帅必然殒命。 But at this moment, the curtain rear area has broadcast a sound: Wind and rain thunder and lightning and forests in Lan wild goose four wash the talent of rain really having god-given wisdom, the obsolete no talent, wants to consult.” 但就在这时,帷幕后方传來了一个声音:“风雨雷电、兰雁四杰中的林沐雨果然天纵之才,老朽不才,想请教一番。” Behind the curtain has the person. 帷幕后方有人,。 Lin Muyu color in great surprise, after oneself enter leads the tent, unexpectedly under the general idea not to induce, the next moment, his Saint Realm pressure then moves mountains crush in the past, but the opposite party has also transmitted a certainly strong bracing cold, same is the pressure, is Saint Realm expert. 林沐雨大惊之色,自己进入帅帐之后居然大意之下沒有感应到,下一刻,他的圣域威压便排山倒海般的碾压过去,而对方也传來了一股绝强气劲,一样是威压,又是个圣域强者 Bang.” “嘭。” The curtain crushes with a crash, on the Lin Muyu's forehead has seeped out the sweat, behind the shatter curtain, is a hoary-headed old man, but on the face full is the red light, Battle Qi help the spin in the body, changes into together the formidable inexplicable field of force rapidly, is Saint Heaven Realm, this unexpectedly is Saint Realm Third Layer day expert. 帷幕砰然粉碎,林沐雨的额头上已经渗出了汗水,破碎的帷幕后方,是一个白发苍苍的老者,但脸上满是红光,一道道斗气在身周急旋,迅速化为一道强大莫名的力场,是圣天境,这竟然是一个圣域第三重天的强者 Lin Muyu's Saint Realm pressure after the promotion of God Binding Lock, no doubt can contend with it, but also gradually feels to lack the ability to do what one would like, under the great disparity in strength, is not this person of rival. 林沐雨的圣域威压经过缚神锁的提升,固然能与其抗衡,但也渐渐感到力不从心,力量悬殊下,不是这人的敌手。 Receives the domain suddenly, in the air erupts one to resound incisively, the Lin Muyu's body was shaken again and again retrocedes, complexion very pale looks at the present old man, asked: Who you are.” 猛然一收领域,空气中爆发一声尖锐鸣响,林沐雨的身躯更是被震得连连后退,脸色十分惨白的看着眼前的这个老者,问道:“你是谁。” The old men same received the pressure, said with a smile: Old man Lu Zhan, the Luo Lan immortal Venerable to sit down two disciples, has seen rain Commander in this, presents setting sun Hou Manning marquis's order, prays for rain Commander to return to an evening Yangcheng with me especially together.” 老者一样收了威压,笑道:“老夫鲁盏,洛岚仙尊坐下二弟子,在此见过雨统领了,奉夕阳侯满宁君侯的命令,特來请雨统领与我一起回一趟夕阳城。” I, if not.” Lin Muyu clenches jaws. “我要是不呢。”林沐雨咬牙切齿。 Nearby, Ding Xi Langbei standing up, supports the Lin Muyu's shoulder, said: Rain Commander, you have had no alternative , if not think that your 5000 gentian camps are buried along with the dead together, surrenders.” 一旁,丁奚狼狈的站起身,扶住林沐雨的肩膀,道:“雨统领,你真的别无选择了,若是不想你那5000龙胆营一起陪葬,就归降吧。” Has a dream.” “做梦。” Lin Muyu is nipping steel tooth, gets angry: Lu Zhan, you have killed me now, otherwise I will take off the Luo Lan dog head one day.” 林沐雨咬着钢牙,怒道:“鲁盏,现在你就杀了我吧,否则我总有一天会摘下洛岚的狗头。” Dissolute.” Lu Zhan is angry, the imposing manner promotes once again suddenly. “放肆。”鲁盏大怒,气势再度猛然提升。 Ding Xi Ji: Forest Mu Yu, considers my Ding Xi Kenqiu you, endures to guarantee your one for a while, why you also so crude, my Ding Xi Jing you is a brave and resourceful star, you so will be how stupid.” 丁奚急了:“林沐雨,就当是我丁奚恳求你,忍一时能保你一名,为何你还如此的鲁莽,我丁奚敬你是一个智勇双全的名将,你怎么会那么愚蠢,。” Lin Muyu's long sword has drawn out half, after hearing Ding Xi's words, has pushed slowly, the whole person full is dejected, said: Even if I fell the righteousness and country, I lifelong not strive for the righteousness and country.” 林沐雨的长剑已经拔出一半了,听到丁奚的话之后,缓缓推了回去,整个人满是颓然,道:“纵然我降了义和国,我终身不会为义和国出力。” Ding Xi Diantou: So long as you surrender, did not ask you to work.” 丁奚点头:“只要你归降,不求你效力。” Good, but you must put the gentian camp.” “好,但你们必须放了龙胆营。” This...... Perhaps I do not have this authority.” “这个……我恐怕沒有这个权力。” You.” “你。” At this moment, suddenly a messenger flushed, said anxiously: Ding Shuai, the important matter is not good, the person in gentian camp opens the north gate, broke through forcefully.” 就在这时,忽然一名传令兵冲了进來,急切道:“丁帅,大事不好了,龙胆营的人打开北门,强行突围了。” Anything.” “什么,。” Ding Xi Dajing, but the corners of the mouth actually gently bring back, pats the table saying: This must, immediately order the heavy shield camp and long unit of armed soldiers to chase down them, cannot bleed off.” 丁奚大惊,不过嘴角却轻轻勾起,一拍桌案道:“这还得了,马上命令重盾营、长枪营去追杀他们,一个都不能放走。” Yes.” “是。” Ding Xi Muguang visits him solemnly: Rain Commander, it seems like...... The gentian camp is the plan abandons you, your this gentian camp Commander...... The military authority was also split up.” 丁奚目光冷峻的看着他:“雨统领,看來……龙胆营已经是打算抛弃你了,你这个龙胆营统领……兵权难道也被分化了。” Lin Muyu is silent, sits in nearby seat dejected, lifted the hand to look at Ding a Xi, said: Do not drink tea, we drink.” 林沐雨沉默不语,颓然坐在一旁的座位里,抬手看了一眼丁奚,道:“别喝茶了,我们喝酒吧。” Ding Xi Xiao: Good, today our Drink until we drop.” 丁奚笑了:“好,今天我们一醉方休。” ...... …… Under the star light, drills the shield spear|gun to ride the opening, more than 4000 gentian camp heavy cavalry to rushed horizontally has formed a huge battlefield, both sides cavalry held up the shield high, protects the personal appearance, the arrow arrow of righteousness and country's dingdong shooting on the shield and mail-armor and helmet, was very difficult to cause any substantive damage to these gentian camp heavy cavalry. 星光下,锥盾枪骑开路,4000多名龙胆营重骑兵横冲直闯形成了一个巨大战阵,两侧的骑兵将盾牌高高举起,护住身形,义和国的箭矢“叮叮当当”的射在盾牌、甲胄上,却很难对这些龙胆营重骑兵造成什么实质性的伤害。 Finally, the besieged city front of righteousness and country's is too long, was such flushed the battleline to collapse by the gentian camp an corner/horn, even gentian Yinggen had not died in battle many people to break through originally. 结果,义和国的围城战线太长,被龙胆营这么一冲阵线就已经崩溃出一角了,甚至龙胆营根本就沒有阵亡多少人就已经突围而出。 The hoofbeat is very stormy, Qin Yan is raising the lance, the complexion woods are cold: Sir Wei Chou, we such abandon the big brother not to attend , the gentian camp has broken through, big brother what to do, he under righteousness and numerous surrounding of country army, this...... This is really big brother’s secret order.” 马蹄声十分密集,秦岩提着长矛,脸色森寒:“卫仇大人,我们就这么抛弃大哥不顾了吗,龙胆营突围了,大哥怎么办,他可是在义和国大军的重重包围下啊,这……这真的是大哥的密令吗。” Wei Chou lifts the hand to hold up a token, said: „The gentian camp Commander token here, Sir Qin Yan, please do not question my loyalty to the Commander.” 卫仇抬手举起一枚令牌,道:“龙胆营统领令牌在此,秦岩大人,请不要质疑我对统领的忠诚。” Good, is only the big brother he......” “好吧,只是大哥他……” Qin Yan reviewed to look at one, actually only saw the righteousness and country dense pursuing troops, although these pursuing troops could not overtake the gentian camp, sufficiently kept him from turning round to save Lin Muyu. 秦岩回眸望了一眼,却只看到义和国黑压压的追兵,这些追兵虽然追不上龙胆营,却也足以让他无法回身去救林沐雨了。 ...... …… Next day, the righteousness and country seize the star certainly city again, the army winds to withdraw to the steel and iron back wall, the mighty force is surrounding and protecting a giant carriage, in the carriage, Ding Xi and Lu Zhan sit together, Lin Muyu sits in their opposite, vision ice-cold looks at all outside window curtains, actually only saw the mist and dust that cavalry arouses is billowing. 次日,义和国重夺星绝城,大军蜿蜒后撤向钢铁护墙,千军万马拱卫着一辆巨型马车,马车内,丁奚与鲁盏坐在一起,林沐雨则坐在他们的对面,目光冰冷的看着窗帘外的一切,却只看到骑兵激起的烟尘滚滚。 Ding Xi Dandan smiles: Rain Commander does not need to be anxious, setting sun Sir Hou had decided promotes you for evening Yangcheng protected the general, the position with General in the rank, the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency also already sent out the Bailing city, only waited for mostly the series returning book to confirm that sealed you as the matters concerned of king.” 丁奚淡淡一笑:“雨统领不必忧虑,夕阳侯大人已经决定擢升你为夕阳城的中护将军了,位同于上将级别,羽书也已然发往百岭城,只等大都统的回书确认封你为王的事宜了。” Is the king.” “为王。” Lin Muyu is somewhat vacant. 林沐雨有些茫然。 Yes.” Ding Xi Diantou said with a smile: You are the Emperor adopted son, therefore...... Setting sun Hou advised mostly the series, requested that conferred your King Nobility, this was you earns, you thing that has not obtained in the empire, the righteousness and country can give you.” “是。”丁奚点头笑道:“您是帝君义子,所以……夕阳侯进言大都统,请求册封你王爵,这是你应得的,你在帝国沒有得到的东西,义和国可以给你。” Yes......” “是啊……” Lin Muyu is silent. 林沐雨沉默不语。
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