AG :: Volume #4

#398: Encircles not to attack

( ( Blood dyed red the southern square of star city, 2384 corpses had been transported certainly one after another go out of town to bury, but this righteousness and ** about 3000 warhorses that the team brings also completely have become the Lin Muyu's spoils of war. 鲜血染红了星绝城的南广场,2384具尸体被相继运出城去掩埋,而这支义和**队带來的近3000战马也全部成了林沐雨的战利品。 In the afternoon, warhorse bedding bag in carriage front, in the carriage the haulage the massive commodities in star certainly city, the gold, gem, grain, iron hardware almost all was moving out, although the star certainly city is rich and populous, but was unable to live again, once the demon clan triumphs at the war of Lingnan province, quick will stage a comeback, the star city will turn at the appointed time into a dead city certainly as before. 午后,战马被套在了一辆辆马车前方,马车里则拖运着星绝城里的大量物资,金子、宝石、粮食、铁器等几乎全部都搬走,星绝城虽然富庶,但已经无法再住下去了,一旦魔族在岭南行省的战事得胜,很快就会卷土重來,届时星绝城依旧还是会变成一座死城。 100,000 common people enormous and powerful going out of town, but that procurator wants to cling to tenaciously this city, but as before by forest Mu Yu persuading to quit, and wrote the correspondence to make him carry to give the arrange Gucheng city to advocate King Ju, after Lin Muyu returned to Orchid Goose City, recommended to Qin Yin, when the time comes gave him as before a procurator ding-dong. 100000平民浩浩荡荡的出城,而那太守原本想死守着这座城池,不过依旧还是被林沐雨给劝退了,并且写了书信让他携带交给布谷城城主王举,等到林沐雨回到兰雁城之后就向秦茵举荐,到时候依旧给他一个太守当当。 ...... …… Gazes after horse-drawn vehicles to leave star certainly city, Lin Muyu, Wei Chou, Qin Yan and other military officers as before are waiting and seeing in the city wall. 目送一辆辆马车离开星绝城,林沐雨、卫仇秦岩等将领则依旧在城墙上观望着。 Commander, the commodity walked, we have not walked.” Wei Chou said. 统领,物资都走了,我们还不走吗。”卫仇道。 „It is not anxious.” “不急。” Lin Muyu shakes the head. 林沐雨摇摇头。 How can not anxious......” Fengxi be very irritable in side, said: Sir Commander, we extinguished entire 3000 people of cavalry, steel and iron back wall direction will definitely obtain the news, if we do not walk now, Ding Xi Dajun left the steel and iron back wall, perhaps we want to walk cannot leave.” “怎么能不急……”风溪在旁很是急躁,道:“统领大人,我们灭了整整一支3000人的骑兵啊,钢铁护墙方向肯定会得到消息的,如果我们现在不走,丁奚大军出了钢铁护墙,恐怕我们想走也走不掉了。” Qin Yan said: Big brother, you in anything.” 秦岩道:“大哥,你在等什么吗。” Yes......” “是啊……” Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head, asked: Wei Chou, how long the grain in city also suffices the gentian camp to eat.” 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,问道:“卫仇,城内的粮食还够龙胆营吃多久。” Stock is abundant, at least suffices our more than 4000 people to eat for three years, but...... The fodder pile are actually not many, our armies are cavalry, the unusual dependent fodder, most can support in star city approximately certainly for one month.” “库存富足,至少够我们4000多人吃三年,不过……草料堆倒是不多了,我们这支军队都是骑兵,非常依赖草料,大约最多能在星绝城里支撑一个月吧。” Sufficed.” “够了。” Lin Muyu said: Well maintenance warhorse and arrow box, drill every day, temporarily regards the station of our gentian camp star certainly city.” 林沐雨道:“好好养护战马和箭箱,每天操练,暂时就把星绝城当成我们龙胆营的驻地吧。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… Lingnan, evening Yangcheng. 岭南,夕阳城。 „It is not good...... It is not good......” “不好了……不好了……” A transmitting orders high-ranking military officer has crashed in the main hall in a fluster. 一名传令将官神色慌张的冲进了大殿之中。 Setting sun Hou Manning is embracing a beautiful maidservant to appreciate the dance, can"t help it, knits the brows: Any matter is flustered, gives me calmly, said.” 夕阳侯满宁正怀抱着一名美丽侍女欣赏歌舞,禁不住的皱眉道:“什么事慌慌张张的,给我镇定一点,说吧。” The transmitting orders officer complexion was pale, cup one fist in the other hand said: Your marquises, the front scout to spread the news, General bear Chao lead three thousand Cavalry to go out of town to attack the Lin Muyu's gentian camp, whole army has been annihilated.” 传令官脸色铁青,抱拳道:“君侯,前方斥候传來消息,熊超将军率领三千铁骑出城进攻林沐雨的龙胆营,全军覆灭。” Anything, you said again.” The maidservant who the setting sun marquis shoves open the bosom, stands up, the fat on face still shivers. “什么,你再说一遍,。”夕阳侯推开怀里的侍女,站起身來,脸上的肥肉兀自颤抖。 The transmitting orders officer was gingerly, said: Three thousand Cavalry of General bear Chao, whole army has been annihilated...... The news is conclusive, Lin Muyu leads probably the gentian camps about 5000 military strength as before to occupy in star certainly city, has not departed.” 传令官战战兢兢,道:“熊超将军的三千铁骑,全军覆灭了……消息确凿,林沐雨率领大约近5000兵力的龙胆营依旧盘踞在星绝城里,沒有离去。” Forest washes rain empire falcons and dogs.” “林沐雨这只帝国鹰犬。” The setting sun marquis pats the arm rest of chair suddenly, on the face completely is the color of hate, said: Bear surpasses this idiot to meet with this grade of suffer a crushing defeat, if this matter passes to mostly in the series ear, our rapid white province also has any face countenance, comes the person, transmitted orders Ding Xi, leading the army to go out of town, has encircled the star certainly city to me, Lin Muyu dares to let my troops whole army has been annihilated, I then tit for fat.” 夕阳侯猛然一拍座椅的扶手,脸上尽是怨恨之色,道:“熊超这个蠢货遭逢这等惨败,这事要是传到大都统耳朵里,我们迅白行省还有什么颜面,來人,传令丁奚,率领大军出城,给我围了星绝城,林沐雨敢让我的人马全军覆灭,我便以牙还牙。” Nearby, Zhao stands up cup one fist in the other hand saying: Your marquises, setting sun marquis not, only then Ding a Xi marshal, why Monarch marquis does not dispatch end to go to suppress kills the emperor **.” 一旁,吕昭站起身抱拳道:“君侯,夕阳侯并不只有丁奚一个元帅,为何君侯不派遣末将前往剿杀帝**呢。” full Ningmi the eye, was saying with a smile: Marshal Zhao is the pillar of the state of country, but that gentian camp only then trifling 5000 troops, to fear insufficient, therefore this matter gives Ding Xi to manage, your I wait for the Lin Muyu's head then am.” 满宁眯着眼睛,笑道:“吕昭元帅乃是国之栋梁,而那龙胆营只有区区5000人马,不足为惧,所以这件事就交给丁奚去办吧,你我坐等林沐雨的人头便是。” Yes, your marquises are wise.” “是,君侯英明。” ...... …… Three days later, Ding the Xi Lvling 50,000 armies left the steel and iron back wall, encircles star city certainly. 三天后,丁奚率领50000大军出了钢铁护墙,把星绝城团团围住。 Big brother, is you, said that the stay is so long, now is booing, wants to walk cannot leave.” Qin Yan is raising the lance, the complaint looks at Lin Muyu. “大哥,都是你,说走不走,逗留那么久,现在倒好,想走也走不掉了。”秦岩提着长矛,埋怨的看着林沐雨。 Lin Muyu looks as far as the eye can see, says with a smile: All right.” 林沐雨极目远望,笑道:“沒事的。” You also smile......” Qin Yan to say ill-humoredly: This time feared us unable to leave, these 50,000 troops were the Lingnan righteousness and Ding Xi country seven commanders-in-chief the rein, Ding Xi Shenan military tactics, this time will definitely not put us to walk.” “你还笑呢……”秦岩沒好气道:“这次恐怕我们真的走不掉了,这50000人马是岭南义和国七帅之一的丁奚所统御的,丁奚深谙兵法,这次肯定不会放我们走的。” Relax.” “放心吧。” Lin Muyu the vision is imposing, said: „If Ding Xi Daibing encircles the star certainly city, going that we certainly can leave.” 林沐雨目光凛然,道:“如果是丁奚带兵來围星绝城,那我们就一定能出的去。” Commander, how this saying said.” Wei Chou asked puzzled. 统领,这话怎么说。”卫仇不解问道。 Lin Muyu puts out a hand a finger of city the righteousness and country army several li (0.5km) away, said: You looked that Ding Xi divided equally four 50,000 troops, each direction troops, means each direction only then more than 12,000 people, majority was the infantries, but our gentian camp 5000 heavy cavalry, you considered, 10,000 infantries can block breaking through of 5000 heavy cavalry, if I were Ding Xi, I at least can lead 100,000 troops to come.” 林沐雨伸手一指城池几里外的义和国大军,说:“你看,丁奚把50000人马均分成了四支,每个方向一支人马,也就意味着每一个方向只有12000多人,其中大部分都是步兵,而我们龙胆营5000重骑兵,你试想,10000步兵能拦得住5000重骑兵的突围吗,如果我是丁奚,我至少会带100000人马來。” You said...... Ding Xi not kills the heart.” “你是说……丁奚并无杀心。” Un, is waiting for the news.” “嗯,等着消息吧。” Yes.” “是。” At this moment, suddenly a migratory bird drops from the clouds, Wei Chou received to take out the letter paper, the corners of the mouth raises, said: Commander, Cangnan Province sends in the combat report, Xiang Yu the night assault was successful last night, packs Wu Juyou the oil drum to inject in the Mountain Range of Qin important pass using the stone steering handle, the fire attack triumphs, in the Cangnan Province Mountain Range of Qin important pass in all directions seized from demon clan.” 就在这时,忽然一只信鸟从天而降,卫仇接过取出信纸,嘴角一扬,道:“统领,苍南行省发來战报,项彧昨夜夜袭成功,利用投石车把装满乌榉油的油桶射入秦岭关口内,火攻得胜,从魔族手里把苍南行省境内的四处秦岭关口都夺下來了。” Qin Yan said pleasantly surprised: Has this grade of matter, this...... So long as Xiang Yu Cavalry under two days a night can reenforce our star certainly city, sends the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency to Xiang Yu quickly, making him reenforce.” 秦岩惊喜道:“真有这等事,这样的话……项彧手下的铁骑只要两天一夜就能增援到我们星绝城了,快给项彧发去羽书,让他來增援。” Lin Muyu laughs in spite of trying not to: Ah'Yan you thought that the Xiang Yu good intention will dispatch troops to rescue us, does not need, to send the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency to return to Imperial Capital, informs our situation.” 林沐雨不禁失笑:“阿岩你觉得项彧会那么好心发兵救援我们吗,不必了,发羽书回帝都,告知我们这里的情况吧。” Un.” “嗯。” ...... …… Those who let all people not expect, Ding Xi Wei does not attack, the entire five days of time has not launched the attack, as to consume light the spirit and grain and fodder of gentian camp is ordinary, but those who make all people expect, the meaning that Xiang Yu truly a wee bit has not dispatched troops to rescue, that distant sitting looked that the gentian camp encircles by the righteousness and country in star certainly city. 让所有人都沒有料到的是,丁奚围而不攻,整整五天时间都沒有发动进攻,似乎是想耗光龙胆营的锐气与粮草一般,而让所有人都料到的是,项彧确实并沒有一丁点发兵救援的意思,就那么遥遥的坐看龙胆营被义和国围在星绝城里。 Orchid Goose City. 兰雁城 Qin Yin impressive and dignified manner myriad long gowns, the both legs gather place in the chair slantingly, in the hand launches the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency character by character was reading, the manner was dedicated, but actually also the peerless grace and talent, looked at the young men in whole body of ministers to swallow the saliva, actually does not dare to have anything improper ambition, even Tang Lu, Tang Tian and the others also look at the Qin Yin beautiful condition, the recollections in close succession, actually understand one simply did not have the opportunity. 秦茵一袭威仪万千的长袍,双腿并拢斜放在座椅里,手里展开羽书一个字一个字的读着,神态专注,但却也风华绝代,看得群臣之中的年轻男性一个个吞咽着口水,却又不敢有什么非分之想,甚至就连唐庐、唐天等人也看着秦茵的美态,浮想联翩,却又明白自己根本沒有机会。 Qu Chu stands nearby the empress, said lightly: A'Yu was sieged in the star certainly city, what to do everybody thinks to.” 屈楚站在女帝一旁,淡淡道:“阿雨被围困在了星绝城,大家认为应当怎么办。” Qin Yin also lifts the attractive cheek, looks at the whole body of ministers saying: Gentian camp was encircled the star certainly city, which general is willing to go to the star province, commands troops to go to battle for the gentian camp breaks through.” 秦茵也抬起漂亮的脸蛋,看着群臣道:“龙胆营被围星绝城,哪位将军愿意前往地星行省,领兵出征为龙胆营解围。” Tang Lan cup one fist in the other hand said: Your Highness, Lin Muyu has a low opinion of the enemy to advance recklessly is stricken is encircled, the old minister thought that this is the righteousness and country counter- clever clever trick, they will certainly arrange to intercept our reinforcements in star north side with large army certainly, according to seeing of old minister, might as well send the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency to make rain Commander break through forcefully, can come out many to calculate many, but the rain Commander body supports unrivalled gives up study, believes that certainly can live coming out.” 唐澜抱拳道:“殿下,林沐雨轻敌冒进才遭致被围,老臣觉得这是义和国反贼的诡计,他们一定会安排重兵在星绝城北方截杀我们的援军,依老臣之见,不如发去羽书让雨统领强行突围,能出來多少算多少,而雨统领身拥旷世绝学,相信一定能活着出來。” The Qin Yin delicate eyebrows are light: Other suggestion.” 秦茵秀眉轻蹙:“还有别的建议吗。” Has.” Su herd cloud cup one fist in the other hand, said: Pingnan marquis Xiang Yu has led 100,000 armies to capture the Cangnan Province Mountain Range of Qin important pass, goes to the star certainly city many two days of cavalry traveling schedules from Mountain Range of Qin, Pingnan Hou Zhishao is grasping three ten thousand cavalry, by the surprise attacks of three ten thousand cavalry, believes can certainly encirclement of Xie Xingjue city.” “有。”苏牧云一抱拳,说:“平南侯项彧已经率领100000大军攻下了苍南行省秦岭关口,从秦岭去星绝城最多两天骑兵行程,平南侯至少掌握着三万骑兵,以三万骑兵的突袭,相信一定能解星绝城之围。” Tang Lan can"t help it, smiled: Yun chatted, the situation not to mention Lingbei armies enter Lingnan to be unfamiliar with the people and place, sole Ding Xi is not easy to deal with, Ding Xi is not the generation of having unearned reputation, certainly has garrisoned, moreover General Xiang Yu there grain and fodder is deficient , the value late autumn the season, the soldier needs to replace the cotton-padded jacket protection against the cold, these require the time.” 唐澜禁不住笑了:“云公说笑了,况且不说岭北大军进入岭南人生地不熟,单单一个丁奚就沒有那么容易应付,丁奚并非浪得虚名之辈,一定有所设防,况且项彧将军那里粮草匮乏,又值深秋时节,士兵需要更换棉衣御寒,这些都需要时间啊。” Right.” “是吗。” Su herd Yun Mi the eye, was saying with a smile: But the billows Duke do not forget, in the empire territory close to the Mountain Range of Qin two provinces, Cangnan Province, in the star province is the billows Duke people, if you do not send for rescuing rain Commander, you want to look helplessly the first emperor adopted son blood dyes the battleground, looks that empress Your Highness loses the only elder brother.” 苏牧云眯着眼睛,笑道:“可是澜公别忘了,帝国版图内临近秦岭的两个行省,苍南行省、地星行省内都是澜公的人,如果你们不派人去营救雨统领,难道你想眼睁睁的看着先帝义子血染沙场,看着女帝殿下失去唯一的兄长吗。” Tang Lan hesitates, said: Is inferior to this, sends the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency obsolete immediately to cold Xingcheng guarding general Tang Xi, ordering him completely to have the emperor in star province **, leaves the black ink loose pass/test, rescues rain Commander.” 唐澜沉吟一声,道:“不如这样,老朽立刻发去羽书给冷星城的镇守将军唐袭,命令他尽起地星行省内的帝**,出墨松关,营救雨统领。” Tang Xi.” “唐袭。” Su Yu knitting the brows head, said: „The Tang Xijiu sparse battlefield, perhaps not necessarily is Ding Xi's match.” 苏妤皱了皱眉头,说:“唐袭久疏战阵,恐怕未必是丁奚的对手吧。” That also who can go to battle.” Tang Lan asked one. “那还有谁能出战。”唐澜反问一句。 Su Yu is silent, star such several in empire, can be few with Ding Xi Pidi person, Lin Muyu had been encircled, Xiang Yu holds troops, Feng Ji Xing surrounded and protected Imperial Capital, Yao Yuan must be responsible for defending the imperial rice river along the route, really nobody. 苏妤缄默不语,帝国内的名将就那么几个,能与丁奚匹敌的人屈指可数,林沐雨已经被围了,项彧按兵不动,风继行拱卫帝都,尧渊则要负责守御稻江沿线,实在沒人了。 ...... …… When the people are silent, Qin Yin stands up slowly, the hand presses the sword hilt, said lightly: Such being the case, Xiao Yin can only go to a star certainly city personally, Feng Ji Xing obeys orders, immediately assembles in the imperial guard all cavalry, goes to the star certainly city with me together.” 就在众人沉默不语的时候,秦茵缓缓站起身,手按剑柄,淡淡道:“既然如此,小茵只能亲自去一趟星绝城了,风继行听令,立刻调集禁军内所有骑兵,与我一起去星绝城。” Feng Ji Xing cup one fist in the other hand: Yes, Your Highness.” 风继行抱拳:“是,殿下。” The Su herd cloud is stunned: This...... Your Highness does not may, how you are the body of large sum of money can brave hardships and dangers, let alone some Lingnan innumerable righteousness and country counter- thief, the demon clan, Your Highness was unable to leave Imperial Capital absolutely.” 苏牧云愕然:“这……殿下万万不可啊,您是万金之躯怎能涉险,别说岭南有无数义和国反贼,还有魔族,殿下绝对不能出帝都。” Qin Yin lightly smiled: Outside made a joint invitation to feel relieved that Xiao Yin had the discretion, I know that anything should make anything should not do.” 秦茵微微一笑:“外公请放心,小茵有分寸,我知道什么该做什么不该做。” Nearby, Qu Chu said lightly: Yun Gongqing puts to feel relieved, the Your Highness practice has striven, has stepped into the Heaven Realm Third Layer day . Moreover the old minister together will also go to Lingnan with Your Highness, has the Feng Ji Xing boost again, even if Luo Lan arrives can also guarantee that Your Highness is complete.” 一旁,屈楚淡淡道:“云公请放宽心,殿下修炼精进了许多,已经踏入天境第三重天,况且老臣也会跟着殿下一起去岭南,再有风继行助力,就算是洛岚亲临也能确保殿下周全。” A Su herd cloud helpless sigh: Good...... Su Yu, you reassign three ten thousand Cavalry from the iron blade edge armed forces, goes to battle along with Your Highness together, awaits to dispatch.” 苏牧云无奈的一声叹息:“那好吧……苏妤,你从铁刃军里抽调三万铁骑,随殿下一起出征,听候调遣。” Yes, father.” Su Yu a face happy expression. “是,父亲。”苏妤一脸喜色。 ...... …… At the same time, the Bailing city spreads the news, engages in fierce battle after the regiment with the demon clan thunder is of half a month, the Long Qianlin dragon rode armed forces suffer a crushing defeat, the buckle about half military strength, 70,000 armies who Qin Huan led the jacket demon regiment in the rush has also killed about half, the righteousness and country armies returned the south of steel and iron back wall, closed up does not fight. 同一时刻,百岭城传來消息,与魔族雷冲军团鏖战长达半个月之久后,龙千林的龙骑军惨败,折损了近半兵力,秦焕率领的70000大军也在冲杀中被甲魔军团砍杀近半,义和国大军退回钢铁护墙的南方,闭关不战。 North the steel and iron back wall, degenerates into the occupied area of demon clan once again. 钢铁护墙以北,再度沦为魔族的占领地。
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