AG :: Volume #4

#397: Does not remain

star city is certainly rich and populous, the house are many, moreover had not been burnt down by the demon clan, therefore about 5000 people of gentian camp the temple in city, Spirit Medicine Department and iron hardware shop constructed have rested, buried the pot to prepare food, after having had a sumptuous food, respectively rests, but in the star city the Spirit Medicine Department doctor also caught up certainly came the care wounded soldier, night a quietness, only had the noise of the rain and wounded soldier shouted the painful sound. 星绝城富庶,房屋很多,而且都没有被魔族焚烧,所以龙胆营的近5000人就在城内的圣殿、灵药司、铁器铺等建筑内休息了,埋锅做饭,吃了丰盛的一顿饭之后都各自休息去了,而星绝城里灵药司的医官也赶了过来照料伤兵,夜晚一片静谧,唯有雨声与伤兵的呼痛声。 Lin Muyu lives in the temple, the star city divided the chancellor in palace to vacate own room to give this temple Great Deacon housing certainly, in the eyes of temple people, the Lin Muyu's status was really too honored, solely was not an emperor ** Commander, was military might invincible Great Deacon! 林沐雨住在圣殿里,星绝城分殿的主事腾出了自己的房间给这位圣殿大执事居住,在圣殿中人的眼里,林沐雨的身份实在是太尊贵了,不单单是一支帝**的统领,更是威武无敌的大执事 Embraced long sword, Lin Muyu was entering the sleep in the head slowly, does not know how long has rested, outside has broadcast a voice of woman suddenly: How long has Great Deacon rested?” 怀抱着长剑,林沐雨靠在床头缓缓的进入了睡眠,也不知道睡了多久,忽地外面传来了一个女人的声音:“大执事睡了多久了?” Outside gentian camp waits on to defend traditional moral principles: Two double-hour, miss, did you have the matter?” 外面的龙胆营侍卫道:“两个时辰了,姑娘,你有事吗?” All right, chancellor Sir orders me to serve Great Deacon to get out of bed washing, I...... On here.” “没事,主事大人命令我伺候大执事起床洗漱,那我……就等在这里吧。” Good.” “好的。” Lin Muyu long opening eye, after four hours of sleep, Battle Qi in within the body approached the full of peak . Moreover the spirit of whole person is also very full, cultivates to be higher, even can reduce including the time of rest, he has placed the one side long sword, said: Bodyguard, lights the lamps, making this miss come.” 林沐雨悠悠的睁开眼睛,经过四个小时的睡眠,体内的斗气已经接近巅峰的充盈,而且整个人的精神也十分饱满,修为越高,甚至连休息的时间都可以缩短了,他将长剑放在了一旁,说道:“侍卫,掌灯,让这姑娘进来吧。” Yes, Commander!” “是,统领!” The bodyguards held a lamp to push the door to walk, but wore the young girl of yellow jersey also together to walk, in the hand was carrying trough water, said: Great Deacon, the purple radish serves you to wash.” 侍卫捧着一盏灯推门走了进来,而一名身穿黄衫的少女也一起走了进来,手里端着一盆水,道:“大执事,紫萝伺候您洗漱。” Does not need.” Lin Muyu stands up, said: I came on the line.” “不必了。”林沐雨站起身来,道:“我自己来就行了。” He copies the water to wash the face, while asked: Purple radish, are you also the person in temple?” 他一边抄水洗脸,一边问道:“紫萝,你也是圣殿的人吗?” Yes.” “是啊。” The purple radish said respectfully: Opens reports Great Deacon, purple radish two years ago the parents double perish, therefore chancellor Sir in temple gave shelter to the purple radish, making me make some trivial miscellaneous matters in the temple.” 紫萝恭敬道:“启禀大执事,紫萝两年前父母双亡,所以圣殿的主事大人收留了紫萝,让我就在圣殿里做一些琐碎杂事。” Lin Muyu the knitting the brows head, said: As far as I know, the custom of empire temple has one is the temple does not receive the woman.” 林沐雨皱了皱眉头,说:“据我所知,帝国圣殿的规矩有一条是圣殿不收女人。” The purple radish said startled: „The temple that purple radish request to enter, requested desperately under chancellor Sir consented, but also asked Great Deacon do not blame chancellor Sir......” 紫萝惊慌道:“紫萝自己要求进的圣殿,苦苦相求之下主事大人才应允,还请大执事不要责怪主事大人……” Do not fear that I will not blame him.” Lin Muyu has cleaned the face, said: All cities of Lingnan turn over to the righteousness and country rule, in fact the temple in Lingnan no longer has also been managed by me, even if the temple in Lingnan has any new custom, I have no right to question, I understand this point, relax.” “别怕,我不会责怪他。”林沐雨擦拭了一下脸庞,道:“岭南的所有城池都归义和国统治,事实上岭南的圣殿也已经不再由我督管了,纵然岭南的圣殿有什么新的规矩,我也无权过问,我明白这一点的,放心吧。” The purple radish said: Great Deacon...... You, you really good......” 紫萝道:“大执事……您,您真好……” Ha.” “哈。” After Lin Muyu washes, puts on clothes armor, lifts the hand to pick up the Dragon Spirit sword, said: Walked.” 林沐雨洗漱完毕之后,穿上衣甲,抬手拾起龙灵剑,笑着说:“走了。” „Does Great Deacon go?” The purple radish is stunned. 大执事去哪儿?”紫萝愕然。 Military compound.” “军营。” Lin Muyu had not said that only leaves a she back of outstanding ability. 林沐雨也没有多说,只留给她一个俊逸的背影。 The purple radish stands in same place, is nipping the red lip, silently looks that Lin Muyu's silhouette vanishes in the corridor end, the heart fawn proceeds along no particular course, regarding many young girls, this Lan wild goose four forest Mu Yu might be considered as in the dream the model of sweetheart, but he looks straight at has not looked at his one, purple radish bottom of one's heart also non- extravagant demands anything, could see him at the same time already the kindness of bestowed by heaven. 紫萝站在原地,咬着红唇,默默的看着林沐雨的身影消失在走廊尽头,心头小鹿乱撞,对于许多少女来说,这位“兰雁四杰”之一的林沐雨堪称是梦中情人的典范,但偏偏他连正眼都没有看自己的一眼,紫萝心底也并不奢求什么,或许能见他一面就已经天赐的恩典了。 Perhaps this back, will she remember for a lifetime? 或许这个背影,她会记得一辈子吧? ...... …… In the square of temple, the soldier in gentian camp is fitting out, all around smoke from kitchen chimneys curling, the soldiers of spirit hot division are preparing food, a rich meat soup fragrance dense in the surroundings, Wei Chou and Fengxi two people welcomed, respectful cup one fist in the other hand said: Commander!” 圣殿的广场上,龙胆营的士兵正在整备,四周炊烟袅袅,灵火司的士兵正在做饭,一股浓郁的肉汤香味氤氲在周围,卫仇、风溪两个人迎了上来,恭敬抱拳道:“统领!” Un.” “嗯。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, says with a smile: Today's food is certainly delicious.” 林沐雨点点头,笑道:“今天的饭一定好吃。” That is certain, last night procurator the mansion has sent many beef and lamb, but......” the Fengxi look obstructs, said: According to scouting incoming telegram, star certainly city south presented an army, as if righteousness and from steel and iron back wall ** the team, probably also has a traveling schedule of double-hour from the star city certainly.” “那是一定的,昨晚太守府送来了不少牛羊肉呢,不过……”风溪神色一窒,道:“根据斥候来报,星绝城的正南方出现了一支军队,似乎是来自钢铁护墙的义和**队,距离星绝城大约还有一个时辰的行程。” „? How many people?” “哦?多少人?” About 3000 people, are the heavy cavalry of righteousness and country's.” The Wei Chou corners of the mouth raise, say with a smile: Their goal star certainly city, the future is bad, this military strength, can we eat up?” “大约3000人,都是义和国的重骑兵。”卫仇嘴角一扬,笑道:“他们的目标正是星绝城,来者不善,这股兵力,我们吃得下吗?” Why can't eat up?” Lin Muyu smiles lightly, said: Transmitted orders, a bit faster eats meal, the preparation builds up meets head-on.” “为什么吃不下?”林沐雨淡淡一笑,道:“传令下去,快点吃饭,准备集结迎战。” Yes!” “是!” Soon , the food finishes, Lin Muyu leads Wei Chou and the others in the street along the city to progress to speed away to go out of town, if the match has 3000 people merely, that insufficient to ponder radically. 不久之后,饭毕,林沐雨率领卫仇等人沿着城内街道策马疾驰出城,如果对手仅仅只有3000人的话,那根本就不足为虑了。 The heavy rain has ceased, in the air is filling the aura of soil and autumn leaf, Lin Mu the rain belt dozens gentian camp senior generals were arriving on the soil bank outside city, looks from afar that Spiritual Pulse Technique can feel the pulsation that the earth transmits, opposite party cavalry was getting more and more near, and airborne also white birds, should be the detection migratory bird of righteousness and country's. 大雨已经停息,空气里弥漫着泥土与秋叶的气息,林沐雨带着数十名龙胆营高级将领来到了城外的土坡上,远远看去,灵脉术能够感受到大地传来的脉动,对方的骑兵越来越近了,并且空中还有一只只白色飞鸟,应该是义和国的侦查信鸟。 Wei Chou raises the long bow immediately, whiz an arrow kills it. 卫仇立刻擎起长弓,“嗖”一箭将其射杀掉。 What to do?” Qin Yan somewhat excited is grasping lance, said: Big brother, we are depend on city to defend imperial, is...... Leads the gentian camp to go out of town directly, with them at four-man?” “怎么办?”秦岩有些兴奋的握着长矛,道:“大哥,我们是依托城池守御,还是……直接率领龙胆营出城,跟他们在野外作战?” First waits, inquired that who arrival person was said again.” “先等等,打听到来人是谁再说。” Yes.” “是。” Again shortly , a light cavalry of gentian camp scouts to speed away to come, respectful cup one fist in the other hand said: Sir, the subordinate saw clearly, they are attacking the righteousness and country revolting thief Zhao banner, is the military officer of Zhao subordinates, named bear Chao.” 再不久后,一名龙胆营的轻骑斥候疾驰而来,恭敬抱拳道:“大人,属下看清了,他们打着义和国叛贼吕昭的旗号,是吕昭麾下的一名将领,名叫熊超。” Bear ultra?” Lin Muyu knits the brows: „Does anyone of you know this person?” “熊超?”林沐雨皱眉道:“你们谁认识这个人?” Fengxi said: I know that the bear surpasses this person, although not seeks, but is brave, it is said in the war of Orchid Goose City, bear Chao the subordinate participates to flying to ride the fight of battalion and Imperial Guards, and finally also participated in massacring city, it is said that the bear surpasses this person not to be cruelly unkind, a handle steel knife chops over a thousand heads in Orchid Goose City, is called the deicide in evening Yangcheng.” 风溪道:“我知道,熊超这个人虽然无谋,但骁勇善战,据说在兰雁城之战中,熊超的部下参与过对飞骑营、御林军的战斗,并且最后也参与了屠城,据称熊超此人残暴不仁,一柄钢刀就在兰雁城砍下过上千颗人头,被称为夕阳城的杀神。” Deicide......” “杀神……” The Lin Muyu's look full is tranquil, said lightly: Transmitting orders gentian camp went out of town, we waited at ease for an exhausted enemy to block them in the halfway, gave on me completely the White Diamond arrow, before I wanted both armies to be close, lets their casualties 30%!” 林沐雨的眼神满是平静,淡淡道:“传令龙胆营出城,我们在半路以逸待劳阻击他们,全部给我上白钻箭,我要两军接近之前就让他们死伤三成!” Yes, Commander!” “是,统领!” Wei Chou nods, starts for the migratory bird writing military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency, also asked: „Can we tear down the arrow box to carry to go out of town?” 卫仇点头,开始为信鸟书写羽书,同时又问道:“我们要拆掉箭箱携带出城吗?” No, do not let them see the arrow box.” “不,别让他们看到箭箱。” Yes!” “是!” ...... …… Soon, gentian camp more than 4700 elite cavalry one after another appear behind the hillside, enormous and powerful, Lin Muyu looked at the people, said: I lead 1700 people of frontages to meet head-on, Wei Chou leads 1000 people circuitously to the right-wing attack, when Fengxi leads 1000 people as circuitous as the left-wing attack, Qin Yan and allow Jiantao leads 1000 people to bypass that stretch of grove circuitously, the war starts attacks to their rear areas, forms the potential of converging attack, I want person of this crowd of righteousness and country's cannot leave!” 不久之后,龙胆营4700多名精锐骑兵纷纷出现在山坡后方,浩浩荡荡,林沐雨看了看众人,道:“我率领1700人正面迎战,卫仇率领1000人迂回到右翼进攻,风溪率领1000人迂回到左翼进攻,秦岩和许剑韬率领1000人绕过那片林子,大战发动时迂回到他们的后方进攻,形成夹击之势,我要这群义和国的人一个都走不掉!” Yes!” The audiences simultaneously cup one fist in the other hand, lead the subordinate to depart rapidly. “是!”众将齐齐抱拳,迅速带领部下离去。 Lin Muyu takes a deep breath, looks at behind enormous and powerful 1000 multiple cavalry, the mighty waves ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), faced directly to attack and occupy the Orchid Goose City old enemy at heart finally once more, at heart hundred taste mixed Chen, but he was armed forces commands, must repress the anger, maintained calm. 林沐雨则深吸一口气,看着身后浩浩荡荡的1000多重骑兵,心里波涛万丈,终于再次直面攻占兰雁城的宿敌了,心里百味杂陈,但他身为一军统帅,必须按捺住愤怒,保持冷静。 The armies assemble on the hillside, after dozens minutes, the front jungle open ground hoofbeat is strong, is hitting the righteousness and national flag number three thousand Cavalry comes against the wind, the army dead ahead, in a black face brave general hand is raising the steel knife, raises the long blade rapidly, looks at forest Mu Yu on front hillside, laughs saying: Brothers, instantly attack, rout them!” 大军齐集在山坡上,几十分钟后,前方的丛林开阔地上马蹄声浓烈,打着义和国旗号的三千铁骑迎风而来,大军正前方,一名黑脸猛将手里提着钢刀,将长刀飞速扬起,看着前方山坡上的林沐雨,哈哈大笑道:“兄弟们,即刻进攻,击溃他们!” Really is the brave warrior, does not plan to rally lineup, such started charges. 果然是悍将,就连阵型都不打算重整,就这么发动冲锋了。 Lin Muyu raises Pear Flower Spear slowly, said: Makes war!” 林沐雨缓缓扬起梨花枪,道:“开战!” Strolls in the snow long hissing, leading the master to rush to the hillside, has composed gentian camp cavalry also one after another of battlefield to clash, distant opened the bow and arrow, brushed snapped, the White Diamond arrow destroyed the hardest defenses, the blood splash spattered in all directions, was similar to Lin Muyu was expected that has not contacted to kill several hundred people. 踏雪一声长嘶,带着主人冲下了山坡,身后已经组成战阵的龙胆营骑兵纷纷跟着冲了下去,遥遥的一个个张开弓箭,“刷刷刷”的一阵乱射,白钻箭头无坚不摧,血花迸溅,就如同林沐雨预料中的一样,尚未接触就射杀掉数百人了。 Simultaneously in two wing jungles hears war cries, the troops who Wei Chou and Fengxi lead rapidly forms the potential of converging attack. 同时两翼丛林里传来杀声,卫仇、风溪所率领的人马迅速形成夹攻之势。 Bang bang bang......” “嘭嘭嘭……” Under the frontage impact, the gentian camp complete superiority, especially the front awl shield again rides, almost crush superiority hits the match is off their feet, Lin Muyu is raising the long gun|spear to the front line, under vibration rifle stocks, fall the soldier thorn of righteousness and country's. 正面冲击下,龙胆营完全的优势,特别是前排的锥盾重骑,几乎碾压性优势的将对手撞得人仰马翻,林沐雨则提着长枪冲在最前方,一次次的抖动枪杆,将一个个义和国的士兵刺落马下。 Massacres Lin Muyu!” “杀掉林沐雨!” Does not know that is who shouts one, dozens volunteers have encircled together. 不知道是谁大喊一声,数十名义勇兵一起围了过来。 Lin Muyu killing intent Sheng, the long gun|spear sweeps away for one week, calls out one suddenly, eight golden God Binding Lock emerged as the times require to form the substantive attack in all around ground, punctured together thoroughly with horse these volunteers! 林沐雨杀意正盛,长枪横扫一周,忽地暴喝一声,八道金色缚神锁在四周地面上破土而出形成了实质性攻击,将这些义勇兵连人带马一起刺透! The blood crossflow, completely is lopsided slaughtering, again after shortly afterward, Qin Yan and allow Jiantao leads 1000 people to cover to kill from the rear area, the cavalry of righteousness and country's proclaimed lost. 鲜血横流,完全是一场一面倒的杀戮,再过不久之后,秦岩、许剑韬率领1000人从后方掩杀过来,义和国的这支骑兵就已经宣告败了。 ...... …… Scoundrel!” “混账!” bear Chao brandishes sword numerous dividing to chop on an awl shield, actually how, the chill in the air raids, he turns around hurriedly is a blade, but greets him is actually being Lin Muyu heartless eyes, as well as opens the control energy impact asterism to peep! 熊超挥舞战刀重重的劈砍在一面锥盾上,却奈何不得,身后一股寒意袭来,他急忙转身就是一刀,但迎接着他的却是林沐雨一双无情的眼睛,以及张开手心的能量冲击星芒初现! Bang......” “砰……” bear Chao the sword was peeped by asterism directly is broken, but when Lin Muyu wrong body a palm falls on the bear ultra chest outrageously, immediately the armor disintegration, bear Chao a blood spurts crazily, the golden bottle gourd cane raises from the place bottom, twines bear Chao rapidly, Lin Muyu lifts the handle he to grasp in immediately, said horizontally loudly: Bear ultra has been captured, do you also want to revolt?” 熊超的战刀直接被星芒初现被震碎了,林沐雨错身而过之际悍然一掌落在熊超的胸脯上,顿时铠甲崩碎,熊超一口鲜血狂喷而出,金色葫芦藤从地底升起,迅速缠绕住熊超,林沐雨抬手把他抓起来横在马上,大声道:“熊超已经被擒,你们还要反抗吗?” The bear ultra complexion is pale, spits blood to continue, said loudly: We defeated...... We have defeated, gives up resisting!” 熊超脸色铁青,吐血不止,大声道:“我们败了……我们败了,放弃抵抗吧!” One crowd of righteousness and country soldiers are dumbfounded, weapons in hand fall slowly in the place, became the captive. 一群义和国士兵目瞪口呆,一个个手里的兵刃缓缓掉落在地,成为了俘虏。 This fights very rapidly, the short 20 minutes had ended. 这一战十分迅速,短短20分钟就已经结束了。 Wei Chou is grasping the carbine, the vision said indifferently: Disarms completely, after having tied up, escorts back under guard the star certainly city!” 卫仇握着骑枪,目光淡然道:“全部缴械,绑了之后押回星绝城!” ...... …… star certainly city, large quantities of righteousness and country captives enter the city, completely by gentian Battalion Wei in the south square, but Lin Muyu stands in the south city wall, vision tranquil looks at this group of captives, bear Chao, in the mouth the blood as before is also flowing, rise looks at Lin Muyu, shouted to clear the way loudly: Forest Mu Yu, the empire never kills the captive, since we have disarmed, you cannot kill us, so long as you and Marshal Zhao negotiated, he will trade our lives with massive Gold Yin Coin, you will be a Jin/benevolent, you cannot kill us!” 星绝城,大批义和国俘虏进入城池,全部被龙胆营围在城南广场上,而林沐雨就站在南城墙上,目光平静的看着这群俘虏,熊超也在其中,口中鲜血依旧在流淌,抬头看着林沐雨,大声喝道:“林沐雨,帝国从来不杀俘虏,我们既然已经缴械了,你就不能杀我们,只要你和吕昭元帅交涉,他会用大量的金茵币换我们这条命的,你是一位仁将,你不能杀我们!” Lin Muyu has turned around, has not looked at bear Chao again. 林沐雨转过身,没有再看熊超。 Nearby, Wei Chou said respectfully: Commander, we...... We are not really suitable to kill the prisoner of war in righteousness and country's here, after all that many star city common people are looking certainly that perhaps in this group of prisoners of war has the person in star certainly city.” 一旁,卫仇恭敬道:“统领,我们……我们真的不适合在这里杀义和国的战俘,毕竟那么多的星绝城百姓都在看着,这群战俘里或许就有星绝城的人。” Fengxi also said: Commander, they have disarmed in any case, truly does not need to kill them.” 风溪也说:“统领,反正他们缴械了,确实没有必要杀他们。” Lin Muyu lowered the head, is silent. 林沐雨低下头,沉默不语。 Commander, you......” Wei Chou saw that his is not tranquil, somewhat worried. 统领,您……”卫仇看出他的不平静,不禁有些担忧。 When Lin Muyu gains ground once more, the eye socket is red, mutters: Wei Chou do you know? This group of people participate to flying to ride the fight of camp, perhaps they kill one of big brother Chu people.” 当林沐雨再次抬起头的时候,眼圈通红,喃喃道:“卫仇你知道吗?这群人参加过对飞骑营的战斗,他们或许就是杀死楚大哥的人之一。” Sir, they......” “大人,他们……” „Do you know?” In Lin Muyu's eye socket ample tears, saying of being absentminded: Big brother Chu Huaisheng the to be known as Orchid Goose City most perfect man, is...... But before he dies, how many were the body pricked you to know weapons? He...... His within the body that many moisten weapons of full blood, supported the ballooning to get up his body, did you know?” “你知道吗?”林沐雨的眼眶里盈满泪水,失魂落魄的说道:“楚怀渑大哥被誉为兰雁城最完美的男人,可是……可是他死前身体被刺入多少把兵刃你知道吗?他……他体内那么多沾满鲜血的兵刃,把他的身体都撑得鼓胀起来了,你知道吗?” Saying, Lin Muyu raises head to look at the sky, the tears flows copiously, palm gently falls to below. 说着,林沐雨仰头看着天空,泪水夺眶而出,手掌轻轻的向下一落。 Kills, does not remain!” “杀,一个不留!” !! !!
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