AG :: Volume #4

#396: White lotus flower

( ( The sun set, star city sky dark cloud is certainly billowing, lightning ray is partly visible, as if heavy rain will soon arrive, in the city wall, armor demons are transporting great crags to defend a city, throw the great crag, perhaps also only then the inborn Divine Power armor demon can achieve this primitive defense way. 日暮,星绝城上空乌云滚滚,雷光若隐若现,似乎一场大雨即将到來了,城墙上,一个个甲魔正在搬运着一块块巨岩來守城,投掷巨岩,恐怕也只有天生神力的甲魔才能做到这种原始的守城方式了。 In a famous artisan raises the battle-axe armor demon military officer who the cutting edge is bursting slowly is walking slowly and aimlessly the step on the city, in a pair of blood red pupil is passing cruelly, to one side is cut off a armor demon of fang to scold to say loudly: Just Palestinian Hu Tu Lei, Tus took the valley.” 一名手中提着锋刃破裂的战斧的甲魔将领缓缓的在城池上踱着步伐,一双血红色的眸子里透着残忍,对着一旁断掉一颗獠牙的甲魔大声呵斥道:“刚巴胡图雷里哈,图斯拿谷。” armor demon respectful lowering the head, said: In there.” 甲魔恭敬的低着头,说:“里那里哈。” The military officer brow wrinkles, the fierce fearsome face was uglier, a fist bang in the front of armor demon, shakes continually it draws back several rice, flies into a rage saying: Just bell Bice.” 将领眉头皱起,狰狞可怖的脸庞更加的难看了,一拳轰在甲魔的胸前,将其震得连退数米,勃然大怒道:“刚铎比奇。” ( I do not believe you to understand......) (我就不信你们都能听懂……) ...... …… When the heavy rain flip-flop falls, the curtain of night also arrived, but the distant place presented cavalry of rows of humanity, fluttering of flags, on that flag big Qin Word regarding demon clan very dazzling, after day of marching, the gentian camp finally arrived in the star certainly city, soon in several hundred armor demons with city will fight to the death. 当大雨噼噼啪啪落下的时候,夜幕也已经降临了,但远方却出现了一列列人类的骑兵,旌旗招展,那旗帜上大大的秦字对于魔族來说十分的刺眼,经过一天的行军,龙胆营终于已经抵达了星绝城,即将与城内的数百甲魔决一死战。 Lin Muyu raises the cape, is covering the wind and rain slightly, narrows the eye to look to star certainly city, cannot bear say with a smile: Worthily is one of the Lingnan richest most and populous cities, wall at least 30 meters in height, is not really clear, why Qin resolute cuped one hand in the other across the chest to give the demon clan star certainly city such city.” 林沐雨掀起斗篷,略微的遮挡着风雨,眯着眼睛看向星绝城,忍不住笑道:“不愧是岭南最富庶的城池之一,墙高至少30米,真是不明白,秦毅为什么拱手就把星绝城这样的城池让给魔族了。” Wei Chou said in side cup one fist in the other hand: Opens reports Commander, star certainly city originally residential population 250,000, now only then 100,000 people high and low, the demon clan as to raise these live people as their grain ration, but in the star city was guarding about ten thousand people of demon clan armor demons certainly, now went to the Eastern Lingnan province to reenforce, now only then less than 800 demon clans.” 卫仇在旁抱拳道:“启禀统领,星绝城原本居住人口250000,如今只有100000人上下了,魔族似乎想养着这些活人作为他们的‘口粮’,不过原本星绝城里驻守着近万人的魔族甲魔,如今都已经去东方岭南行省增援去了,现在只有不到800名魔族。” Good.” “好。” Lin Muyu vision one cold, said: Rests a double-hour, installs the arrow box, after a double-hour, immediately beats a drum to challenge the enemy to battle, the weather is too black, armor demon is inborn, certainly cannot bear our provocation, will go out of town to fight, comes out many to kill many, as scheduled.” 林沐雨目光一寒,道:“休息一个时辰,把箭箱装好,一个时辰之后立刻擂鼓叫阵,天色太黑,甲魔天生狂傲,一定受不了我们的挑衅,会出城來战的,出來多少杀多少,按照原计划。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… The gentian camp people do not have the camp, can only swallow some food in the rain water slightly, afterward fits out weapons, warhorse, shield, 50 arrow box also neat builds, and other being bewitched clans went out of town fight. 龙胆营众人沒有营地,只能在雨水中稍微吞了些食物,随后整备兵刃、战马、盾牌等,50架箭箱也齐刷刷的搭建完毕,就等着魔族出城一战了。 Thump......” “咚咚咚……” The battle drum sound penetration curtain of rain biography to the city, one crowd of armor demon one after another in city was stunned immediately, subsequently is bellowing to yell to the city under that „”, the star city complete no damage heavy iron gate opens certainly slowly, wears the clumsy mail-armor and helmet armor demon to raise lance, battle-axe, hammer and other weapons to be ready in full battle array, after issuing an order of armor demon general, wells up to go out of town tidal. 战鼓声穿透雨幕传向了城池上,顿时城上的一群甲魔纷纷愕然,继而对着城下大吼大叫,“吱呀”一声,星绝城完好无损的沉重铁门缓缓开启,一个个身披着笨拙甲胄的甲魔提着长矛、战斧、锤子等兵刃严阵以待,在甲魔将军的一声令下之后,潮水般的涌出城去。 Came.” The Wei Chou vision is imposing: Quantity has as if surpassed our prying, enough about thousand armor demons.” “來了。”卫仇目光凛然:“数量似乎超过了我们的刺探,足足有近千名甲魔呢。” Has not related, is lower than 2000 armor demons we to probably win.” “沒关系,低于2000甲魔我们都能必胜。” Lin Muyu lifted the hand to hold up Pear Flower Spear slowly, around the spear|gun blade edge of Saint long gun|spear was lingering ice air/Qi, killing intent bone-chilling cold, and this forest washed a rain bigger confidence to originate from the different space howling. 林沐雨缓缓抬手擎出了梨花枪,圣器长枪的枪刃周围萦绕着一道道冰气,杀意凛冽,并且这次林沐雨更大的信心则是來源于异空间的吼叫声,。 „............” “嗷呜……嗷呜……” Has in 5000 Scarlet Crystal Dragons of life strength to request a combat assignment unexpectedly on own initiative, the thought moves, in the darkness of distant place had a space and time crack, the lavender electric light flees rapidly around the slit, but Scarlet Crystal Dragons swaggering crawled, is not right, is flying, the sharp claws wave gently, the dragon scale rouses, the body week is dense the marvelous fog, is holding its serious body. 拥有5000年寿命实力的赤晶龙居然在主动请战,意念一动,远方的黑暗中出现了一个时空裂缝,淡紫色的电光在缝隙周围飞速窜动着,而赤晶龙则大摇大摆的爬了出來,不对,是在飞行,利爪轻轻舞动,龙鳞振起,身周氤氲着奇妙的云雾,托着它沉重的身躯。 When side Scarlet Crystal Dragons arrives, raises the head to cater, Lin Muyu traces its forehead, said with a smile: „After meets the demon clan launches attack, you with the invincible wind and cloud wheel get lost, careful, do not injure the person to our gentian camp.” 赤晶龙來到身边的时候,昂起头颅來邀宠,林沐雨则摸了摸它的脑门,笑着说道:“一会魔族发动进攻之后,你就用无敌风云轮滚过去,小心点,别伤到我们龙胆营的人。” „.” “嗷呜。” Scarlet Crystal Dragons blinked, my clear appearance. 赤晶龙眨了眨眼睛,一副我明白的样子。 Finally, about 1000 demon races' array outside the city finished, roars chaotic flushed, outside the city the field operation is the domain that armor demons excel, they probably also depend on this point can give up the city defend the imperial superiority to go out of town to meet head-on, this is the difference of demon clan and humanity, in the physique the absolute superiority, but in the intelligence quotient is actually the absolute inferiority, naturally, Qian Feng such higher demon clan is an exception. 终于,近1000名魔族在城外列阵完毕,一声怒吼混乱的冲了过來,城外野战是甲魔们所擅长的领域,他们大约也正是倚仗这一点才能放弃城池的守御优势出城迎战,这就是魔族与人类的差别,体格上绝对的优势,但智商上却是绝对的劣势,当然,浅风那样的高等魔族除外。 Arrow box, launch.” Wei Chou is roaring loudly. “箭箱,发射。”卫仇大声吼着。 The machine reed sound resounds crowded, in dark night handle handle dim light raided to the armor demon in charge, punctured thoroughly their body one after another, has destroyed completely over a hundred armor demons instantaneously, but arrow box in the function of this region only then one round, armor demons have exerted however to clash, and distant threw spare weapons, suddenly airborne full was the lance, battle-axe. 机簧声密集响起,黑夜中一柄柄幽光袭向了冲锋中的甲魔,将他们的身躯纷纷刺透,瞬间灭掉了上百名甲魔,但箭箱在这种地带的作用只有一轮,甲魔们已经奋然冲了过來,并且遥遥的就投掷出了备用的兵刃,一时间空中满是长矛、战斧等。 Drills the shield spear|gun to ride, defends.” “锥盾枪骑,防御。” Lin Muyu exclaimed loudly, simultaneously unified the bottle gourd wall protection behind gentian camp soldier. 林沐雨大声吼道,同时凝聚出葫芦壁保护身后的龙胆营士兵。 One crowd of awl shield spear|guns ride one after another to drill the shield to raise, suddenly dingdong the sound continually a piece, heavy weapons even has spluttered on the awl shield spark, the strength is vigorous, many awl shield spear|gun rides is shaken retrocedes several steps with horse, but their cultivating for are not low, immediately progressing returns to composes the battlefield. 一群锥盾枪骑纷纷将锥盾扬起,一时间叮叮当当的声音连成了一片,沉重的兵刃甚至在锥盾上溅射出一道道的火星,力道雄浑,不少锥盾枪骑都被震得连人带马后退数步,但他们的修为不低,马上策马重新返回组成战阵。 To.” “冲。” Wei Chou raises warhorse nearby carbine, exclaimed loudly: Drills the shield spear|gun to ride the camp, the attack.” 卫仇擎起战马一旁的骑枪,大声吼道:“锥盾枪骑营,进攻。” About 300 awl shield spear|guns ride one after another to progress to dash about wildly to go, tidal attacks in the match together, but Lin Muyu this has Saint Realm to cultivate for the person of strength naturally to the front line, Pear Flower Spear gently delivers, the Hongchuan type changes into the crowded pear flower, selects the point to fall on armor demon body, punctured thoroughly the screen three armor demons instantaneously, simultaneously the left arm raised gently, the First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil crazy bang went. 近300名锥盾枪骑纷纷策马狂奔而去,潮水般的与对手冲击在一起,而林沐雨这个拥有圣域修为实力的人自然冲在最前方,梨花枪轻轻一送,洪川式化为密集的梨花,点点落在甲魔的身上,将三名甲魔瞬间刺透了筛子,同时左臂轻轻一扬,一曜苍生乱狂轰而去。 Bang.” “轰。” Also is several armor demons is rumbled to result in the severe wound to retrocede, but First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil backlash regarding the Lin Muyu's spirit soul intensity has not been considered as that anything, returned to breath several seconds to return to slightly normal, progressed to dash about wildly to kill, quick started second First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil, to be honest, charged in the battlefield, Seven Luminaries Mystic Power truly was super kills to incur, has been full of the ruination. 又是十几名甲魔被轰得重伤后退,而一曜苍生乱反噬对于林沐雨的灵魄强度來说已经不算是什么了,稍微回息几秒钟就已经恢复正常,策马狂奔杀过去,很快的发动第二次一曜苍生乱,说实话,在战阵中冲锋,七曜玄力确实是超级杀招,充满了毁灭性。 But washes nearby the rain in the forest, the Scarlet Crystal Dragons dashing about wildly violent walks, scarlet crystal scale one after another on back such as the fluttering of blade edge, the next moment its body rolls up to roll suddenly in the same place, which these armor demons have seen this grade of monster, having a big shock, was ground by Scarlet Crystal Dragons afterward, in an instant more than ten armor demons died under the sharp Dragon Lin attack of Scarlet Crystal Dragons. 而就在林沐雨一旁,赤晶龙狂奔暴走,脊背上的赤晶鳞片纷纷如刃的翻飞起來,下一刻它的身躯猛然蜷缩在一起滚动出去,那些甲魔哪儿见过这等怪物,嗷嗷的大惊失色,随后就被赤晶龙碾碎而过,转眼之间十多名甲魔死在了赤晶龙的尖利龙鳞攻击下。 The gentian camp rouses, one after another advance rush. 龙胆营振奋不已,纷纷突进冲杀。 But armor demon after is armor demon, moreover here armor demon quantity by far many hot semi-circular protective walls outside the main city gate, under curtain of night, a handle handle heavy weapons chaotic dance, quick had the soldier in gentian camp to perish, many people were broken the head directly, the battlefield was chaotic, possibly had the attack in all directions, even if were expert is also not necessarily able to make coming into sight to observe eight. 但甲魔毕竟是甲魔,而且这里的甲魔数量远远多过于火月城,夜幕下,一柄柄沉重的兵刃乱舞,很快的就有龙胆营的士兵殒命了,许多人直接被砸碎了脑袋,战场混乱,四面八方都可能有攻击,即便是一位强者也未必能做到眼观八面。 Drills the shield spear|gun to ride the camp to advance the hit unceasingly, divides the crowd of armor demon, Qin Yan leads the gentian camp ordinary heavy cavalry advance to wallop, many people hold up the bow arrow, kills armor demon with the White Diamond arrow arrow unceasingly, one group of people gather round a armor demon are the archery are the weapons chaotic thorns, somewhat was simply crazed. 锥盾枪骑营不断突进撞击,将甲魔的人群分割开來,秦岩则率领龙胆营普通的重骑兵突进猛冲,不少人擎出弓矢,不断以白钻箭矢射杀甲魔,一群人围着一只甲魔又是射箭又是兵刃乱刺,简直有些丧心病狂了。 The fight has continued a about double-hour, the revolt of armor demon is getting more and more weak, finally in the battlefield can only see the gentian camp soldier who back and forth gallops. 战斗持续了近一个时辰,甲魔的反抗越來越微弱,最终战场上只能看到來回驰骋的龙胆营士兵了。 After Wei Chou since has held the post of gentian camp vice- Commander, is diligent at training, craves in studying the tactical rules book on military strategy, therefore the heavy cavalry migration tactic of training gentian camp, unceasing cutting and impact separate the match, this is effective to armor demon, even some armor demons have a strength spatially, but faces moves the impact heavy cavalry to be at a loss unceasingly radically, hits but have been scarred. 卫仇自从担任了龙胆营副统领之后,勤于练兵,也非常热衷于学习战法兵书,所以训练龙胆营的重骑兵移动战术,不断的切割、冲击來分离对手,这对甲魔非常有效,甚至有的甲魔空有一身的力气,但面对不断移动冲击的重骑兵根本束手无策,一个都打不过而自己就已经伤痕累累了。 Again shortly afterward, the fight ended, city gate was opened by Qin Yan. 再过不久,战斗结束,城门已经被秦岩打开了。 „.” “咣。” That moment of heavy iron gate opening, in the city also has the flare to drag unexpectedly, is the common people in star city, armor demon turns out in full strength certainly, result these common people opened the door unexpectedly on own initiative. 沉重的铁门开启的那一刻,城内居然还有火把在摇曳,是星绝城里的百姓,甲魔倾巢而出,结果这些百姓居然主动來开门了。 Tidies up the battlefield.” “收拾战场。” Lin Muyu raises fully is being Pear Flower Spear of blood, instigates to stroll in the snow enters in the city slowly, the path both sides full is the common people in star certainly city, on many faces is bringing fear, on some faces full is joyful, after Lin Mu the rain belt Wei Chou and the others were entering a city, immediately wore the old man of black long gown to lead one group of common people to encircle, said respectfully: Obsolete see general.” 林沐雨提着满是鲜血的梨花枪,策动踏雪缓缓进入城池之中,道路两旁满是星绝城的百姓,不少人脸上带着畏惧,也有的脸上满是欣喜,林沐雨带着卫仇等人进城之后,马上就有一名身穿黑色长袍的老者带着一群平民围了过來,恭敬道:“老朽参见将军。” You are.” Lin Muyu does not know this person. “您是。”林沐雨并不认识这个人。 Old man cup one fist in the other hand said respectfully: Obsolete is procurator Huang Lin of star certainly city.” 老者抱拳恭敬道:“老朽是星绝城的太守黄麟。” Sir does not need to salute.” Lin Muyu lifts the hand, the Saint Realm pressure raises, the body that the old person will salute picks up slowly, says with a smile: „After we arrive at Lingnan, many people fear us, why...... Procurator Sir actually does not fear the servicemen in our these empire.” “大人不必行礼。”林沐雨一抬手,圣域威压升起,将老人行礼的身躯缓缓托起,笑道:“我们來到岭南之后,许多人都惧怕我们,为什么……太守大人却并不惧怕我们这些帝国的军人。” Huang Lin's old face shows a happy expression, said: Obsolete as the side benevolent official in star certainly city, only wish the common people in star city to enjoy a good and prosperous life certainly, the demon clan one, we suffers to slaughter, the righteousness and country and setting sun uncles gave up the star certainly city, their soldier has not sent, thinks so that our star city was slaughtered certainly......” 黄麟苍老的脸庞露出一丝笑意,说:“老朽身为星绝城的一方父母官,只愿星绝城的百姓安居乐业,魔族一來,我们惨遭屠戮,义和国和夕阳伯都放弃了星绝城,他们连一个士兵都沒有派出來,就这么看着我们星绝城被屠杀……” Saying, old person eye socket one red, said: Sir, I also know the demon clan army how fiercely, such long time, then only then the army of Sir arrives at this place of falling to the enemy, fights a decisive battle with armor demon army.” 说着,老人眼圈一红,说:“大人,我也知道魔族军队是多么的厉害,这么长的时间,便只有大人的军队來到这沦陷之地,与甲魔军队决战。” Lin Muyu has the shame, cannot bear smiles, said: armor demon is the human common archenemy, no matter the empire or the righteousness and country, should guard our humanity with the life the homeland, the Sir you said that is.” 林沐雨心里有愧,忍不住的一笑,说:“甲魔是人类共同的大敌,不管是帝国还是义和国,都应该用生命捍卫我们人类的家园,大人您说是不是。” The old person feels grateful: Sir said is extremely, so long as the Sir is willing to defend in star certainly city, is willing to mobilize the 100,000 people in star certainly city obsolete, pledged to fight to the death to follow the Sir, donated money for your army, was unambiguous.” 老人感激道:“大人所言极是,只要大人愿意守在星绝城,老朽愿意动员星绝城的100000民众,誓死追随大人,为您的这支军队出钱出力,绝不含糊。” Good.” “好。” Lin Muyu stands up from failure to discontinue , helping up old person's both arms, said: armor demon momentarily possibly again comes, my behind empire brave warriors need to enter a city to rest, the rain is so big, but also asked the Sir to arrange the dwelling and food for us, the fodder of warhorse also needs to prepare, procurator Sir felt relieved that I defended certainly the star certainly city, with your common onset and retreat.” 林沐雨翻身下马,扶起老人的双臂,说:“甲魔随时都可能再來,我身后的帝国勇士们需要进城休息,雨那么大,还请大人为我们安排住处和食物,还有,战马的草料也需要准备,太守大人放心吧,我一定守住星绝城,与你们共同进退。” Obeys orders obsolete, many thanks the Sir, my this manages.” “老朽听令,多谢大人,我这就去办。” ...... …… Lin Muyu lightly smiled, transfers with Wei Chou, Qin Yan, Fengxi and the others was entering in the city, the heavy rain gets bigger and bigger, almost soon made the sound that the person spoke unable to hear. 林沐雨微微一笑,转身带着卫仇秦岩、风溪等人进入城内,大雨越下越大,几乎快要让人说话的声音都听不见了。 Wei Chou is following close on Lin Muyu, said: Commander, we must guard the star certainly city,...... We come to here for with the demon clan decisive battle, why you must deceive this old person......” 卫仇紧跟着林沐雨,道:“统领,我们真的要镇守星绝城,还有……我们來这里是不是为了和魔族决战吧,您为什么要骗这个老人……” Lin Muyu lifts the face, whatever the rain water pouring on the face, several, had not lowered the head, said: This world had been full of the deceit, you do not plaster yourself with the white lotus flower general holiness, who will work oneself to death for you.” 林沐雨抬起脸庞,任凭雨水浇在脸上,未几,低下头來,笑着说:“这个世界原本就充满了欺骗,你不把自己粉饰跟白莲花一般的圣洁,谁会为你卖命啊。” Wei Chou gawked, has smiled, cup one fist in the other hand said: Commander is wise, the subordinate understood.” 卫仇一愣,笑了,抱拳道:“统领英明,属下明白了。”
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