AG :: Volume #4

#395: General bear

( ( Bang.” “轰。” When the gentian camp enters a city, the north gate of hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate already disintegrated, when several months of proostracum demon broken city enters the front door damaged, now again by the gentian camp soldier heavy shield hit, torn to pieces was also the accordance with expectation. 龙胆营进城时,火月城的北大门已然分崩离析,在几个月前甲魔破城而入的时候大门就已经破损了,现在再被龙胆营士兵重盾撞击,支离破碎也是意料中事了。 Four hooves of strolling in the snow step on the shatter front door to enter slowly, when Lin Muyu pulled the reins to look at a piece of grey mark in city, the demon clan entered a city definitely puts to go too far, hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate the granary, temple, blacksmith's shop and other facilities of changed into stretch of ruins. 踏雪的四蹄踩着破碎的大门缓缓而入,林沐雨牵着缰绳看着城内的一片灰痕,魔族进城时肯定放过火了,火月城的粮仓、圣殿、铁匠铺等设施都化为一片废墟了。 ...... …… A Wei Chou two stars eye looks at the surrounding all, deeps frown saying: Commander, this completely was ruins, is unable to defend imperial, we cannot waste the time here.” 卫仇一双星目看着周围的一切,眉头紧锁道:“统领,这完全是一座废墟了,根本无法守御,我们不应当在这里浪费时间。” I know.” “我知道。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, said: Demon clan momentarily possibly stages a comeback, must therefore shift here people rapidly, sends for the person fire Wolseong-ri gathering completely, went out of town from the north gate, dispatching 100 people to escort them to cross Mountain Range of Qin to go to the arrange Gucheng life.” 林沐雨点点头,说:“魔族随时都可能卷土重來,所以必须迅速转移这里的人们,派人去把火月城里的人全部聚集起來,从北门出城,派遣100人护送他们翻过秦岭去布谷城生活吧。” Yes.” “是。” Wei Chou knit the brows, asked: Sir, the city hosts in arrange Gucheng will admit these people, after all, before these people, is the subjects in righteousness and country's, is person who our empire abhors, I was worried...... The city hosts will massacre these people.” 卫仇皱了皱眉,又问:“大人,布谷城的城主会接纳这些人吗,毕竟,这些人之前是义和国的子民,是我们帝国所深恶痛绝的人,我担心……城主会杀掉这些人。” All right, I wrote to seal|confer Shuxin to be good.” “沒事,我写一封书信好了。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… Dusk, about 20,000 the artisans of being big and hungry were collected, just like that hunting household said that this crowd of person various bosom craftsmanship, some masons, some carpenters, but also some makes the bow master, these can directly by the emperor ** people husband who recruits, let alone the empire is building the steel and iron back wall, is very high to the demand of blacksmith and mason, in this time, these people are even more precious than the gold. 黄昏时,近20000名饥肠辘辘的工匠被搜罗出來,正如那个猎户说的一样,这群人各怀手艺,有的石匠,有的木匠,还有的是造弓师,这些都是可以直接被帝**征募的民夫,何况帝国正在修筑钢铁护墙,对铁匠、石匠的需求很高,在这种时刻,这些人甚至比金子还要珍贵。 Brushes......” “刷刷……” Lin Muyu whisked off one to be burnt the jet black blacksmith stage, the cloth pad above, received the words from Wei Chou afterward, writing a letter cautiously to arrange Gucheng city Lord: Sir King Ju, these people are the hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate refugees, everyone some craftsmanship, therefore I decided that shifts them to arrange Gucheng, becomes the Empire Subjects, but also looks at you quite to arrange, do not injure them, Lin Muyu 林沐雨拂去了一个被烧得漆黑的铁匠台,把布帛垫在上面,随后从卫仇手里接过笔墨,小心翼翼的写了一封信给布谷城城主:“王举大人,这些人都是火月城的难民,每个人都有一些手艺,所以我决定把他们转移到布谷城,成为帝国子民,还望你好生安排,不要伤害他们,,,林沐雨” After finishing, pulled out from Cosmos Bag will have printed, Qin Yan was holding blood red seal mud capping. 写完之后,从乾坤袋里掏出了将印,就着秦岩捧着的血红色印泥盖了上去。 Afterward, crashed in the granary to butcher several to defend the grain armor demon, distributed the grain to the common people. 随后,冲进粮仓宰掉了几个守粮食的甲魔,把粮食分发给平民。 To night time, 100 gentian camp cavalry escort 20,000 common people to go out of town slowly, but the fire Wolseong-ri valuable thing almost soon was also evacuated, these common people large cart cars draws the innumerable things to leave, grain, gold coin, iron hardware. 一直到深夜的时候,100名龙胆营骑兵缓缓护送着20000平民出城,而火月城里有价值的东西也几乎快要被搬空了,这些平民大车小车的拉着无数物件离开,粮食、金币、铁器等。 In the city wall, Lin Muyu gazes after this group of refugees to depart, the night cold wind blows on the face is the blade shears likely general, his hand gently is pressing the city wall, the marching map will open once more, taking advantage of the star light, is trying to find out cities on map, finally, his finger presses gently in a city marking point on map has not left. 城墙上,林沐雨目送这群难民离去,夜里的寒风吹在脸上像是刀割一般,他轻轻的手按着城墙,将行军地图再次打开了,借着星光,摸索着地图上的一座座城池,终于,他的手指轻轻按在地图上的一个城池标记点上就沒有离开。 Wei Chou stands in the one side, saying of understanding: Star city, a very rich and populous city, the population 200,000, should remaining many, Commander, you not want to hit the star certainly city certainly now.” 卫仇站在一旁,心领神会的说道:“星绝城,一座十分富庶的城池,原本人口200000,如今应该沒剩下多少了,统领,您是想打星绝城。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu vision limpid looked to him, said with a smile: Sends for nearby the star city inquiring certainly, having a look in the star city to have many armor demons to guard certainly, should be not many.” 林沐雨目光清澈的看向了他,笑道:“派人去星绝城附近打探一下,看看星绝城里有多少甲魔镇守着,应该是不多了吧。” Wei Chou nods: armor demon army almost turned out in full strength Bailing city direction and Long Qianlin fights a decisive battle, here naturally cannot have too many garrison troops, but Sir...... star city was away from Ding Xi Zhenshou evening Yangcheng to be too near certainly, were not certainly most to of star city over two double-hour rides the good distance from the steel and iron back wall, even if were the infantry can also the half of the day, if we attacked the star certainly city, could momentarily face the army of Lingnan righteousness and country's.” 卫仇点点头:“甲魔大军几乎倾巢出动去了百岭城方向龙千林决战去了,这里自然不会有太多的守军,但是大人……星绝城距离丁奚镇守的夕阳城太近了,从钢铁护墙到星绝城最多不超过两个时辰的骑行距离,即便是步兵也能半天就到,如果我们攻打星绝城,可能就要随时面对岭南义和国的军队了。” My intent has decided that is not no need to say.” “我意已决,不必多说。” Lin Muyu breathed a sigh of relief gently, said: Makes everybody tonight eat to have a good sleep, early tomorrow morning embarks the attack star certainly city, marches forward as before with light packs, takes three days of dry rations, supplies the army to withdraw the black ink loose pass/test completely.” 林沐雨轻轻舒了口气,道:“让大家今天晚上吃好睡好,明天一早出发进攻星绝城,依旧轻装行进,带上三天的干粮,补给部队全部撤回墨松关。” We do not supply.” Wei Chou is stunned. “我们不要补给了。”卫仇愕然。 Has not related, so long as in three days take over the star certainly city, some are the grain, if cannot capture, we return to the empire territory to come up, here was too dangerous.” “沒关系,只要三天内攻下星绝城,有的是粮食,如果攻不下,我们就回帝国领土上去,这里实在太危险了。” Yes.” “是。” That night, gentian camp about 5000 armies slaughter over a hundred domestic animals that in the city has discovered that has boiled out meat soup of pot pot, making soldiers satisfactory eating, the warhorse fodder feed the foot, at midnight , a Yingpan Li snoring sound, only sound, only then the distant place scouts the hoofbeat that the army hears, such night is too tranquil, tranquilly to letting the person is somewhat restless. 这一夜,龙胆营近5000大军宰杀了城内发现的上百头牲畜,熬煮了一锅锅的肉汤,让士兵们美美的吃上一顿,战马草料喂足,午夜时,营盘里一片鼾声,唯一的声音只有远方斥候部队传來的蹄声,这样的夜晚太宁静,宁静到让人有些不安。 Nearby armed forces tent, Lin Muyu not sleep, but lies down on nearby huge grinding pan, looks up to the star light, the body naturally is stretching, the stars strength in to absorb star light, simultaneously defers to Stars Art mnemonics operation within the body Battle Qi, but is unable to break through that imprisonment throughout, is unable to comprehend the Stars Art fourth heavy day of strength throughout. 中军帐一旁,林沐雨并未睡眠,而是躺在一旁的巨大磨盘上,仰望着星光,身体自然舒展,吸纳星光里的星辰力量,同时按照星辰诀的口诀一次次的运行体内斗气,但始终无法冲破那一层禁锢,也始终无法领悟星辰诀第四重天的力量。 The late autumn night, cold frost sprinkles, falls on the Lin Muyu's face, unexpectedly has not melted, but that matter stars strength that his face skin covers is emitting the beautiful gloss, refracts from the frost, is especially attractive. 深秋的夜里,一层寒霜洒落下來,就那么落在林沐雨的脸庞上,居然沒有融化,而他脸部皮肤镀上的那层星辰力量散发着美丽的光泽,从霜下折射出來,格外好看。 ...... …… In the morning, in a noisy hoofbeat, drinks to scold in the sound to wake up, Lin Muyu long opening eyes, what cursing at people are Fengxi, this fellow crabby, was reproving the soldiers of spirit hot division to burn the marching pie unexpectedly, has wasted the grain in vain. 清晨,在一阵嘈杂的马蹄声、喝骂声中醒來,林沐雨悠悠的睁开眼,骂人的是风溪,这家伙暴脾气,正在训斥灵火司的士兵居然把行军大饼烤焦了,白白浪费了粮食。 Big brother, ate meal.” “大哥,吃饭了。” Qin Yan has sent the dough and meat soup, in the soup bowl is putting a bulk meat bone, seems the appearance of beef, the fragrance overflows. 秦岩送來了面饼与肉汤,汤碗里放着一大块肉骨头,似乎是牛肉的样子,香气四溢。 Lin Muyu honest impolite receiving, cultivated for night truly to be awfully hungry, the big mouth ate the soup to eat the meat, but Qin Yan gently raised hand to help Lin Muyu pat the cold frost on shoulder in one side, the steam was saying with a smile: Big brother, you that night have not rested in the tent.” 林沐雨老实不客气的接了过來,修炼一夜确实是饿坏了,大口喝汤吃肉,而秦岩则在一旁轻轻扬手帮林沐雨拍掉肩膀上的寒霜,呵着热气笑道:“大哥,你这一夜都沒有在营帐里休息啊。” Un, the practice of Stars Art needs the to absorb starry sky source of forces.” “嗯,星辰诀的修炼需要吸纳星空力量源泉。” Really is unusual Martial arts, but is also very strong.” Qin Yan smiles. “真是一门奇特的武学,不过也很强。”秦岩嘿嘿一笑。 Lin Muyu also smiles , to continue to nip the pie, Qin Yan is more like to him a younger brother is intimate with, after Qin Lei dies, Qin Yan also truly regarded Elder Brother forest Mu Yu, otherwise not a big brother was calling. 林沐雨也是一笑,继续咬着大饼,秦岩对他而言更像是一个弟弟般的亲近,而在秦雷死后,秦岩也确实把林沐雨当成哥哥了,否则也不会一口一个大哥的叫着。 Some such young prince younger brothers, strength tyrannicalally and very loyal, pours also well. 有这么一个小王爷弟弟,实力强横且十分忠诚,倒也不错。 After finishing eating a large bowl meat, Lin Muyu clapping held, said: Tidied up, the preparation continues to march.” 吃完一大碗肉之后,林沐雨拍拍手掌,道:“收拾一下,准备继续行军了。” Yes.” “是。” Qin Yan has washed the soup bowl, gives the soldier of spirit hot division, afterward strolling in the snow for pulling, said with a smile: Big brother, we approximately when today's dusk can rush to the star certainly city, must attack a city immediately.” 秦岩把汤碗洗了一下,交给灵火司的士兵,随后把踏雪给牵了过來,笑着说道:“大哥,我们大约在今天黄昏的时候才能赶到星绝城,要立刻攻城吗。” Un.” “嗯。” Lin Muyu nods the head said: Catches up before the army of demon clan had not responded takes the star certainly city, then took the good thing of star city to ship back Lingbei certainly, left the demon clan with it, might as well leave the empire.” 林沐雨颔首道:“赶在魔族的军队沒有反应过來之前就拿下星绝城,然后拿了星绝城的好东西运回岭北,与其留给魔族,不如留给帝国。” Ha, I also think.” “哈,我也是这么想的。” „.” “出发。” Yes.” “是。” The armies are enormous and powerful and good, Emperor Purple Yin Flower ** the flag flutters in the breeze, but the soldiers in gentian camp raised the spirit, the sword armor bright military bearing are full of the dignity fully, the dawn tow very much the shadow of people are long, on earth of one dead air/Qi, this army sped away to go, as if gave this piece had been slaughtered the earth to bring a slim chance of survival. 大军浩浩荡荡而行,紫茵花帝**旗迎风招展,而龙胆营的士卒们则一个个养足了精神,剑甲鲜明的军姿充满威严,晨光将众人的影子拖曳得很长,一片死气的大地上,这支军队疾驰而去,也仿佛给这片被屠戮过的大地带來了一线生机。 ...... …… Evening Yangcheng, behind the steel and iron back wall, the barrack of righteousness and country's a piece, the men shouting and horses neighing, was very continually lively, among the barracks of spreading across, one row of Cavalry entered the armed forces big tent rapidly, what walks in the front line is on a shoulder wears the senior generals of two star Ten Thousand-Man Commander military ranks, the heavy features and a face dragon must, in eyes is passing one hostility that makes the person be afraid. 夕阳城,钢铁护墙后方,义和国的营盘连成了一片,人喊马嘶,十分热闹,纵横交错的营盘之间,一列铁骑飞速进入了中军大帐,走在最前方的是一名肩膀上佩戴着两颗星万夫长军衔的高级将领,浓眉大眼、一脸虬须,双眸之中透着一股让人不寒而栗的戾气 Is hand-held the sword hilt of waist saber, he took a step to enter the big tent under the protection of bodyguard, the front hand held one bowl to march meat soup Ding Xi. 手扶着腰间佩剑的剑柄,他在侍卫的保护下迈步进入了大帐,前方正是手捧着一碗行军肉汤的丁奚。 End bear Chao, see Ding Shuai.” His bright sound track. “末将熊超,参见丁帅。”他朗声道。 Ding Xi gained ground, lightly smiled, stands up saying: How before General bear comes , the armed forces camps, you did not accompany in evening Yangcheng side Marshal Zhao.” 丁奚抬起头來,微微一笑,站起身來说道:“熊将军怎么來前军营地了,你不是在夕阳城里陪在吕昭元帅身边吗。” bear Chao the thick eyebrows raise, said: In evening Yangcheng completely is a piece of Yingying Yanyan, my bear Chao is a careless person, cannot bear these, therefore Marshal Zhao orders me to lead three thousand Cavalry to leave the steel and iron back wall, probes the situation of demon clan.” 熊超浓眉一扬,道:“夕阳城里尽是一片莺莺燕燕,我熊超是个粗人,受不了这些,所以吕昭元帅命令我率领三千铁骑出钢铁护墙,去试探一下魔族的情况。” Leaves the steel and iron back wall.” “出钢铁护墙。” Ding Xi Zhoumei: Marshal Zhao should also understand north the steel and iron back wall dangerous situation, so long as the demon clan sets out a 1000 people of regiment, perhaps three thousand Cavalry of General bear did not have the life.” 丁奚皱眉道:“吕昭元帅应该也明白钢铁护墙北方的险境吧,只要魔族出动一个1000人的军团,恐怕熊将军的三千铁骑就无一生还了。” bear Chaoxiao: Ding Shuai has considered thoroughly, even if the armor demon of demon clan is fierce, but eventually stupid thing, so long as we use the rocket to kill them, how armor demon possibly how us, moreover we just obtained the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency, the dragon of Marshal Long Qianlin rode the armed forces to use thunder of wire rope series outside the city with armor demon regiment main force decisive battle that flushed, mostly the series personally supervised combat, therefore in the rapid white province will not have too many demon clans, if at this time we have not attacked, perhaps on waste golden opportunity.” 熊超笑了:“丁帅多虑了,魔族的甲魔纵然厉害,但终究还是蠢物,只要我们动用火箭來射杀他们,甲魔又怎么可能奈何得了我们,而且我们刚刚得到羽书,龙千林元帅的龙骑军已经利用铁索连环阵在城外与雷冲的甲魔军团主力决战,大都统亲自督战,所以迅白行省境内不会有太多魔族,此时我们若是还不出击,恐怕就浪费大好机会了。” Ding Xi Mi eye: General bear must go to battle.” 丁奚眯着眼睛:“熊将军真的非要出战。” Yes, my intent has decided.” “是,我意已决。” bear Chao has pulled out a signal arrow, said: This is Marshal Zhao issues end the signal arrow, but also looks at Ding Shuai to allow to pass.” 熊超掏出了一枚令箭,道:“这是吕昭元帅发给末将的令箭,还望丁帅能够放行。” It seems like...... The general renders meritorious service cherished.” Ding Xi lightly smiled, said: „After left the steel and iron back wall, did not have anything to shelter you,...... North the back wall not only has the demon clan, the army of empire, the Lin Muyu's gentian camp it is said entered Lingnan, you must be careful, once meets the gentian camp, do not meet head-on, immediately withdraws the steel and iron back wall.” “看來……将军立功心切啊。”丁奚微微一笑,说:“不过出了钢铁护墙之后就沒有什么能够庇护你们了,还有……护墙北方不但有魔族,还有帝国的军队,林沐雨的龙胆营据说已经进入了岭南,你要务必小心,一旦遇到龙胆营,不要迎战,立刻撤回钢铁护墙。” Emperor **.” “帝**。” bear Chao the hand presses the sword hilt, on face full is the color of disdaining: Ding Shuaitai for a long time does not go to war, lost the spirit that armed forces have commanded, trifling Lin Muyu and gentian Battalion what to fear, Ding Shuai fully have forgotten in the war of Orchid Goose City, that anything nuisance gentian camp and Imperial Guards the armies by our evening Yangcheng were killed distressedly run away, if Lin Muyu intelligent naturally can hide me, if were met by me, Ding Shuai will wait end to propose the Lin Muyu's head to come back to receive an award.” 熊超手按剑柄,脸上满是不屑之色:“丁帅太久不打仗了,已经失了一军统帅的锐气了吧,区区林沐雨和龙胆营何足为惧,难道丁帅忘了兰雁城之战中,那什么劳什子龙胆营、御林军都被我们夕阳城的大军杀得狼狈而逃吗,那林沐雨若是聪明自然会躲着我,若是被我遇上,丁帅就等着末将提着林沐雨的人头回來领赏吧。” In Ding Xi Yan a to sweep past chill in the air, said: General bear, has a low opinion of the enemy not by any means.” 丁奚眼中掠过一丝寒意,道:“熊将军,切莫轻敌啊。” Relax, Ding Shuaizhi must feel relieved can.” “放心吧,丁帅只需放心便可。” Un, comes the person, opens closes, the person who puts General bear exits.” “嗯,來人,打开关门,放熊将军的人出去。”
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