AG :: Volume #4

#394: Hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate

In the morning, the sunlight just likes a continuously golden band generally sprinkles in the jungles, the warhorse is treading the motley tree's shadow slowly the line, under the autumn wind sways, the snow white cape flies upwards slowly, Lin Muyu is pulling the reins, presses gently on the waist saber, empire Commander clothes armor under dawn splendid, the three six glow star military ranks of neckband place are somewhat dazzling, he is narrowing the eye lazily, marches forward along with the large military forces slowly, asked suddenly: Our distance hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate far?” 清晨,阳光犹如一缕缕金色绸带一般洒落在丛林间,战马踏着斑驳的树影缓缓而行,秋风吹拂下,雪白色的斗篷缓缓飞扬,林沐雨一手牵着缰绳,一手轻轻按在腰间佩剑上,一身帝国统领衣甲在晨光下熠熠生辉,领口处的三枚六芒星军衔更是有些耀眼,他懒洋洋的眯着眼睛,随着大队人马缓缓行进,忽地问道:“我们相距火月城有多远?” 100 li (0.5km), the full speed Ben Hang words, a double-hour can.” Wei Chou said with deep veneration. “100里,全速奔行的话,一个时辰就能到。”卫仇肃然道。 Does not use anxiously, slowly walked was good, making the soldiers maintain the physical strength.” “不用急,慢慢走就行了,让士兵们保持体力。” Lin Muyu leisure breathing a sigh of relief, wisp of muddy Battle Qi has spat along with this tone together, this is calcines the Dragon-forged Bone Tome practice effect, practice repeatedly can make his Battle Qi purer, far from the common follower can compare, the vision looks to the jungle of distant place, Lin Muyu said lightly: Wei Chou, emits to scout and investigate the migratory bird, must grasp our surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) every action and every movement, here after is the righteousness and country revolting clever territory, was not our territories.” 林沐雨慢悠悠的舒了口气,一缕浑浊斗气随着这口气而一起吐了出来,这是煅龙骨残卷的修炼效果,一遍遍的修炼可以让他的斗气更加精纯,远非一般修炼者所能相比,目光望向远方的丛林,林沐雨淡淡道:“卫仇,放出斥候和侦查信鸟,务必掌握我们方圆百里的一举一动,这里毕竟是义和国叛贼的领地,不是我们自己的领土了。” Yes, Commander felt relieved that the subordinates have the arrangement.” “是,统领放心吧,属下都有安排。” That is good.” “那就好。” Lin Muyu the corners of the mouth have raised, said: „After arriving in the hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, leaves anxiously the attack, first assembles completely the arrow box, after the arrow box kills one sends the awl shield spear|gun to ride to go to battle again, falls to lowly to the loss of armor demon combat.” 林沐雨嘴角扬了扬,说:“抵达火月城之后别急着进攻,先把箭箱全部组装起来,用箭箱射杀一阵之后再派锥盾枪骑出战,把对甲魔作战的损失降到最低。” Yes, the subordinate transmitted orders immediately!” “是,属下马上去传令!” Un.” “嗯。” Nearby, Qin Yan licked the lip, within the body Battle Qi revolved, fighting intent was very soaring: Can prey with these dirty cockroach insects, Big brother, this time must let me in any event to the front, cannot make several own health/guard guard me again, I am Battle Lord, the words gentian camp that does not break through enemy lines wants me to be useful.” 一旁,秦岩则舔了舔嘴唇,体内斗气回旋,战意十分高昂:“又可以与那些肮脏的蟑虫搏杀了,大哥,这次无论如何要让我冲在前线,可不能再让十几个亲卫看守着我,我是战将,不冲锋陷阵的话龙胆营要我有什么用。” Ok.” “可以。” Lin Muyu shot a look at his one eyes, said with a smile: Ah'Yan you must be careful, after all the Qin bloodlines have been not much left, but you authentic family bloodlines, cannot have an accident.” 林沐雨瞥了他一眼,笑道:“不过阿岩你要小心一点,毕竟秦氏血脉所剩无几了,你可是正宗的家族血脉,不能有个闪失。” Big brother felt relieved that I know!” “大哥放心吧,我都知道的!” Qin Yan is raising lance of ray circulation, the vision looks to hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate direction of distant place, said: Elder Brother has died for one's country by the body, the father also and emperor dies in Xiannv Lake first together, although Qin Yan as the young prince, will also be the empire accomplishment, received in exchange for Qin Her Highness Yin with the meritorious military service to my to seal|confer Shang, the big brother you thinks?” 秦岩提着光芒流转的长矛,目光看向远方的火月城方向,道:“哥哥以身殉国了,父亲也与先帝陛下一起死在仙女湖,秦岩虽然身为小王爷,但也会为帝国建功,用战功来换取秦茵殿下对我的封赏,大哥你觉得呢?” Un.” “嗯。” The forest washes the raindrop to nod, has not spoken again. 林沐雨点点头,没有再多说话。 ...... …… The armies slowly marched forward, pour also saw the common people in many righteousness and country's, but these common people saw after empire Purple Yin Flower war flag, looked like damn general, rapid escape in field, after one hour, Qin Yan progressed, has caught a thin person in the jungle of roadside, about 30 -year-old high and low appearance, in the hand was also raising a casual laborer, the body was binding the animal skin, seemed like the appearance of hunting household. 大军一路缓缓行进,倒也看到了不少义和国的平民,但这些平民看到帝国紫茵花战旗之后就像是见了鬼一般,飞速的逃逸在田野之中,直到一个多小时后,秦岩策马而出,在路边的丛林里抓了一个精瘦的人,大约30岁上下的模样,手里还提着一张短工,身上裹着兽皮,看起来是个猎户的样子。 Big brother, grasped.” The Qin Yan finger grabs the back of the head of this person like the claw, from has thrown it immediately, immediately surrounding Wei Chou, Fengxi and other gentian camp military officer one after another sphere it. “大哥,抓来了。”秦岩手指如爪般的抓着这个人的后脑勺,一把将其从马上扔了下去,顿时周围卫仇、风溪等龙胆营将领纷纷将其围住。 Sir forgives, the Sir escapes, small anything has not done, I have not submitted to in Yi and country...... Has not submitted to the country that in Qinyi this established, the Sir please believe the villain, I was one insufficient......” he frighten the face whiten for the hunting household, fell to the ground again and again kneels down to beg for mercy to the person who Lin Muyu this was wearing Commander clothes armor. “大人饶命,大人逃命啊,小的什么都没做,我从来没有臣服于义和国……啊呸,从来没有臣服于秦毅这个狗贼所建立的国家,大人请相信小人,我不过是一个不足为道的猎户啊……”他吓得脸色苍白,一落地就连连对着林沐雨这个身穿统领衣甲的人下跪求饶。 All right, you stand first.” “没事的,你先站起来。” Lin Muyu lifts the hand, the Saint Realm cyclone raises slowly, kneels this in person picking up of ground, afterward vision temperate saying with a smile: This hunting household big brother, do you have the going too far semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate?” 林沐雨一抬手,圣域气旋缓缓升起,将这个跪在地上的人生生的托起,随后目光温和的笑道:“这位猎户大哥,你有去过火月城吗?” I...... I have......” hunting household complexion to be as before ugly, but has actually been better than before. “我……我有……”猎户脸色依旧非常难看,但比之前却要好了许多。 Lin Muyu continues saying: I was gentian camp Commander of Qin empire empress Your Highness subordinates, my name was Lin Muyu, this time led the army to defeat the demon clan garrison troops from Lingbei, therefore planned to take advantage of opportunity to kill Lingnan, regained these by the city that the demon clan seized, I want to ask you, hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate present situation how? Do you know?” 林沐雨继续道:“我是大秦帝国女帝殿下麾下的龙胆营统领,我叫林沐雨,这次率领大军从岭北击败了魔族守军,所以打算顺势杀到岭南,收复那些被魔族占领的城池,我想问问你,火月城现在的情况怎么样了?你知道吗?” I...... I......” “我……我……” The hunting household whole body trembles, said: I am only a hunting household, I...... Hunted for some badgers child and hare, was delivers to the hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate to sell has traded Copper Yin Coin, these demon clans......” 猎户浑身战栗,道:“我只是一个猎户,我……猎到了一些獾子和野兔,都是送到火月城去卖了换铜茵币的,那些魔族……” „Does demon clan have from human hunting household purchases food?” Lin Muyu is astonished however asks. “魔族有向人类猎户购买食物?”林沐雨讶然问道。 The hunting households shake the head: No, these are called armor demon the demon clan will never purchase, they only know to rob, my game was sold to keep these master craftsmen in city.” 猎户摇头:“不,那些被称为‘甲魔’的魔族从来不会购买,他们只知道抢夺,我的猎物都是卖给留在城里的那些匠师的。” Master craftsman?” Lin Muyu is stunned: What situation?” “匠师?”林沐雨愕然:“什么情况?” The hunting households said: Villain does not know that I only know probably is the powerful officials in demon clan ordered, every time after plundering a righteousness and country city, cannot open killing for warning greatly, must, make the bow master, carpenter, doctor and others to grasp completely these masons and blacksmiths, closes in the same place, then delivers to the territory of demon clan, but several days ago guarded several thousand demon clan soldiers in fire Wolseong-ri to walk most probably, did not have to give to carry off these artisans with enough time, therefore these artisans lived in the city, although they were closed in the city, cannot go out of town.” 猎户道:“小人也不知道,我只知道好像是魔族里的权贵下了命令,每掠夺一座义和国城池之后都不能大开杀戒,必须把那些石匠、铁匠、造弓师、木匠、医师等全部抓起来,关在一起,然后送到魔族的领地去,只不过几天前驻守在火月城里的几千个魔族士兵走了大半,也没有来得及把这些工匠给带走,所以这些工匠就在城里生活了下来,虽然他们被关在城里,不能出城。” Altogether how many artisans?” Lin Muyu asked. “一共多少工匠?”林沐雨问。 Approximately...... 20,000 people of appearances, hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate had the cities of 150,000 population, oh...... Such was slaughtered only the remaining 20,000 people by the demon clan, these damn bastards, have not let off including the woman and children.” “大约……20000人的样子,火月城原先可是拥有150000人口的城市,唉……就这么被魔族屠杀得只剩下20000人了,那些该死的畜生,连女人和孩子都没有放过。” „, I knew.” “原来如此,我知道了。” Lin Muyu puts out a hand into the bosom to pull out five Gold Yin Coin, lost to him directly, said: Hunting household big brother, we must attack the flame semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, the sword do not have the eye, you did not want the tempering semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, in took these money to walk into the mountain to hide a while, when the war had ended then tempering semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate.” 林沐雨伸手入怀掏出五枚金茵币,直接丢给了他,说:“猎户大哥,我们要去攻打火月城,刀剑无眼,你不要回火月城了,拿着这些钱进山里躲一阵子吧,等战事结束了再回火月城。” Good......” “好……” The hunting household palm shivers, rise looked at forest Mu Yu, said: This Sir, you...... You will kill demon clan, for our killed family member revenge?” 猎户手掌颤抖,抬头看了一眼林沐雨,道:“这位大人,您……您真的会杀魔族,为我们被杀死的亲人复仇吗?” Meeting.” Lin Muyu gains ground to come to see to distant place, said lightly: We were the servicemen in Qin empire, protected the empire territory is our responsibility, you walked quickly.” “会。”林沐雨抬起头来看向远方,淡淡道:“我们是大秦帝国的军人,保护帝国疆土是我们的职责,你快走吧。” Is......” “是……” The hunting households turn around to go, does not dare to return, as if for fear that Qin Yan again goes to seize him. 猎户转身而去,头都没敢回,似乎生怕秦岩再去把他捉回来。 Big brother, the situation confirmed that us?” Qin Yan said. “大哥,情况已经确认了,我们出发吧?”秦岩道。 Un.” “嗯,出发。” ...... …… High noon , a city wall flood red small town appears in the ravine, village and small town far and near had been ransacked by the demon clan, is very difficult to see the live person, even could not see including the corpse that armor demon takes humanity as the food, although is cruel, but also likely is the inborn superiority seems to be ordinary, at least in the wartime years this is the superiority. 正午时,一座城墙泛红的小城出现在山间,远近的村庄、小镇已经都被魔族洗劫一空了,很难看到活人,甚至连尸体都看不到,甲魔以人类为食,虽然残忍,但似乎也像是天生的优势一般,至少在战争年代里这是优势。 Looks from afar that in the city wall has many armor demons in taking a walk, they as if also had discovered the trail in gentian camp, has exuded the roaring sound to the city, that city gate also greatly opens, many armor demon soldier starts to build up under the city, seemed has planned to meet head-on, this crowd of armor demon population less than 500 people, moreover did not have any higher demon clan to send the number commander here, was equal to that one group of fools were defending a city, this was actually convenient. 远远看去,城墙上有不少甲魔在走动着,他们似乎也已经发现了龙胆营的踪迹,一个个冲着城下发出了怒吼声,那城门也大开起来,不少甲魔士兵开始在城下集结,似乎是已经打算迎战了,这群甲魔人数不足500人,而且没有任何一个高等魔族在这里发号司令,等于是一群笨蛋在守城,这倒是省事了。 Distance city about three li (0.5km) place time, five thousand Cavalry of gentian camp stop rapidly, starts to assemble the arrow box under an order of Wei Chou, afterward one group of people push the arrow box to proceed to move, altogether has brought 50 arrow boxes, the heavy arrow box crush crosses the lawn under city, pitch-dark arrow box exit / to speak straight to the armor demon of distant place. 相距城池大约三里地的时候,龙胆营的五千铁骑迅速停下,在卫仇的一声命令下开始组装箭箱,随后一群人推着箭箱往前移动,一共带来了50架箭箱,沉重的箭箱碾压过城下的草地,黑洞洞的箭箱出口笔直对着远方的甲魔。 Approaches unceasingly, waits for them to charge.” Lin Muyu the hand presses the sword hilt, said with a smile lightly. “不断逼近,等着他们冲锋。”林沐雨手按剑柄,淡淡笑道。 The people pass slowly forward, when is distanced less than 500 meters, finally this crowd of armor demons could not repress. 众人缓缓向前推移,当相距不足500米的时候,终于这群甲魔按捺不住了。 Roar!” “吼!” The roaring sound as if shocks the air to be ordinary, deafening, the next moment, armor demons have raised weapons, was goes crazy to clash likely generally, did not have what lineup, some were only slaughtering and impulsion of instinct, but this was also their battle efficiency formidable basis. 怒吼声仿佛震撼着空气一般,震耳欲聋,下一刻,甲魔们扬起了兵刃,像是发疯一般的冲了过来,没有什么阵型,有的只是本能的杀戮与冲动,不过这也是他们战斗力强大的根本。 Preparation, launch!” When armor demon is distanced less than hundred meters, Wei Chou is roaring loudly. “准备,发射!”在甲魔相距不足百米的时候,卫仇大声吼着。 The machine reed sound is unceasing, jet black steel arrows cross, puff the thorn thoroughly the body of armor demon, the blood has scattered, in an instant the front armor demon died in battle most. 机簧响声不绝,一枚枚漆黑的钢箭横穿而出,“噗噗噗”的刺透了甲魔的身躯,鲜血四溅,转眼之间前排的甲魔就已经阵亡大半。 Charge speed is too quick, Lin Muyu has drawn out the Dragon Spirit sword without hesitation, said loudly: Drills the shield spear|gun to ride, on!” 冲锋速度太快,林沐雨毫不犹豫的拔出了龙灵剑,大声道:“锥盾枪骑,上!” One crowd grasps gentian camp heavy cavalry one after another of awl shield to attack, links up into a single stretch, might naturally also outstanding, bang bang bang the impact noise is unceasing, after drilling the shield downloads the assassination of armor demon, tempered White Diamond weapons immediately punctures the armor-piercing demon the heart, this crowd of awl shield spear|guns ride cultivate for profound expert, at this time has composed a battlefield, the natural strength is astonishing. 一群手持锥盾的龙胆营重骑兵纷纷出击,连成一片,威力自然也不同凡响,“嘭嘭嘭”的撞击声不绝,锥盾卸掉甲魔的刺杀之后,淬炼白钻兵刃立刻刺穿甲魔的心脏,这一群锥盾枪骑都是修为高深的强者,此时组成了一个战阵,自然战力惊人。 Lin Muyu to the crowd front line, the palm raises gently, Third Luminary, the Disaster of All Living Beings howls, the front surface rumbles torn to pieces several armor demons, long sword raises, „” flashes through, a head of armor demon shoots up to the sky, the Neijia demon dies too quickly, mucus in mouth still from the sky is even spattering in all directions, is fierce and funny. 林沐雨冲在人群最前方,手掌轻轻一扬,三曜众生厄呼啸而出,迎面将十几个甲魔轰得支离破碎,长剑扬起,“咔嚓”一声闪过,一颗甲魔的人头冲天而起,那甲魔死得太快,口中的粘液甚至还在空中迸溅着,狰狞而滑稽。 Drills the shield spear|gun to ride to sweep away, Lin Muyu also rapidly put forth four grading three luminaries profound strength, the body has transmitted an uncomfortableness, after all Seven Luminaries Mystic Power backlash was very fearful, then no longer used, to trade Pear Flower Spear to rush horizontally selects to massacre final several armor demons, when turned round to look again, 500 armor demons have been not much left, but the loss of this gentian camp was minimal, but there are several people of minor wounds. 锥盾枪骑横扫而过,林沐雨也迅速使出了四次第三曜的玄力,身体传来一阵不适感,毕竟七曜玄力反噬十分可怕,便不再去用,换了梨花枪横冲直闯挑杀掉最后几个甲魔,回身再看时,500名甲魔已经所剩无几了,而这一次龙胆营的损失却微乎其微,只是有几人轻伤罢了。 ...... …… Roar......” “吼……” In the city wall, a armor demon howls, in the hand battle-axe chops to the Lin Muyu's nape of the neck. 城墙上,一名甲魔呼啸而下,手中战斧直劈向林沐雨的脖颈。 Sir was careful!” “大人小心!” Wei Chou is quick of eye and hand, lifts a hand arrow to fly high to shoot through this armor demon the nape of the neck, executed at the scene. 卫仇眼疾手快,抬手一箭凌空射穿这名甲魔的脖颈,当场格杀了。 Lin Muyu lifts the palm, True Dragon Fire surges, fired the ashes this armor demon directly, the golden bottle gourd wall raised, swings armor demon the corpse ashes. 林沐雨则抬起手掌,真龙元火涌动,直接将这个甲魔烧成了灰烬,金色葫芦壁升起,荡开甲魔的尸体灰烬。 ...... …… Enters a city!” “进城!” Wei Chou is raising the long bow, looked at the surrounding all, on the face left several points of self-satisfaction. 卫仇提着长弓,看了看周围的一切,脸上多出了几分得意。 Although is only the trifling 500 armor demons, but takes a broad view at the world, can execute the army that 500 armor demons have almost not actually lost, perhaps also only then gentian camp. 虽然只是区区的500名甲魔,但放眼天下,能够格杀500名甲魔却几乎没有损失的军队,恐怕也就只有龙胆营了。 Renews speed to restore to the normal level, the leaf is powerful, asked the brothers to be together powerful with me, subscribed to read the legal copy as far as possible, had the spending money can also refine the god domain to clash the monthly ticket! 更新速度恢复到正常水平,叶子给力,也请兄弟们跟我一起给力,尽量多订阅看正版吧,有零花钱的也可以给炼神领域冲一下月票! !! !!
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