AG :: Volume #4

#393: mountain Yuyu comes

( ( Sincere......” “笃笃笃……” Rides rapidly enters the black ink loose pass/test from the south, directly soars Shuai Zhang to go, the golden gentian camp symbol on shoulder appears under the moonlight very only beautiful, on his face full is hurried, faint trace thin perspiration seeps out the forehead, lifted that moment of big tent taking the opportunity to scratch, one knee has knelt, said respectfully: Commander, the news confirmed.” 一骑飞速从南方进入墨松关,直奔帅帐而去,肩膀上的金色龙胆营徽记在月光下显得十分唯美,他脸上满是匆忙,一丝丝细汗渗出额头,掀开大帐的那一刻借机擦了一把,单膝跪地,恭敬道:“统领,消息已经确认了。” Many demon clans guard hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate.” Lin Muyu rise visits him. “多少魔族镇守火月城。”林沐雨抬头看着他。 Almost not too many people.” “几乎沒有太多人。” Scouts cup one fist in the other hand saying: „The common people majority of fire Wolseong-ri killed off, many have acted as armor demon grain, in the hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate are most, only then about 500 armor demons are guarding, subordinate the common people mouth that from escapes by luck inquires knew that at least over ten thousand armor demons attacked a city, but the beforehand these armor demons rushed toward the East soon went, that was direction of Bailing city, as if received the emergency call.” 斥候抱拳道:“火月城里的平民大部分已经被杀光了,许多都已经充当了甲魔的粮食,火月城内最多只有大约500名甲魔在镇守,属下从侥幸逃生的平民口中打听得知,原本至少有上万甲魔攻城,但不久之前这些甲魔都奔往东方去了,那是百岭城的方向,似乎是受到了紧急召唤。” Went to the Bailing city.” “去百岭城了。” Lin Muyu deeps frown saying: „The Bailing city has the war.” 林沐雨眉头紧锁道:“百岭城有战事吗。” Wei Chou said: Temporarily did not have, before not shortly afterward, our scouting feeds in the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency, Long Qianlin is strengthening 50,000 Dragon Qijun training, as if wants with an demon clan frontal battlefield war, to infer from the time, now should be has gotten, reason that but the only demon clan repulses the enemy.” 卫仇道:“暂时还沒有,不过不久之前我们的斥候传回羽书,龙千林正在加强50000龙骑军的训练,似乎是想和魔族正面战场一战,从时间上推断,现在应该是已经打上了,只是唯一的魔族退兵的理由。” So that's how it is.” “原來如此。” Lin Muyu said lightly: Long Qianlin has eaten the great ambition leopard balls, dares to fight a decisive battle in the frontal battlefield with the demon clan, the thunder to should also there, Thunder to rush personally supervise combat, Long Qianlin almost does not have what opportunity.” 林沐雨淡淡道:“龙千林是吃了雄心豹子胆了,敢跟魔族在正面战场上决战,雷冲应该也在那里吧,雷冲亲自督战,龙千林几乎沒有什么机会。” This, the subordinate does not know that we what to do.” “这个,属下就不知道了,我们怎么办。” „, Will dispatch troops to 5000 as scheduled tomorrow, regains the hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate.” “按照原计划,明天出兵5000,收复火月城。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… Late at night, Yingpan Li of gentian camp is silent, the people have gone to sleep, everyone knows that next day wants the postscript journey, this time is to enter the within the boundaries and demon clan of righteousness and country's preys, not only will face armor demon, will also possibly face the army of righteousness and country's, therefore cannot treat it lightly absolutely, however, late at night in actually would some people not being able to fall asleep. 深夜里,龙胆营的营盘里寂静无声,众人都已经入眠了,谁都知道第二天就要再启征程,这次是进入义和国的境内与魔族搏杀,不但会面对甲魔,还可能会面对义和国的军队,所以绝对不能掉以轻心,然而,深夜里却总会有人睡不着。 In the horse stable, lonely silhouette sits on the manger wooden shelf, holds the fodder to feed the warhorse, the ice-cold moonlight carves very clearly and brightly his face, is Wei Chou. 马棚里,一个孤单的身影坐在马槽旁边的木栏上,捧着草料喂着战马,冰冷的月光将他的脸庞雕刻得十分清朗,正是卫仇 Nearby, in the darkness went out of one person, the hand has pressed the saber, said with a smile: Sir Wei Chou has not rested.” 一旁,黑暗里走出了一人,手按佩剑,笑道:“卫仇大人还不睡啊。” Wei Chou rise looks, is Qin Yan, then smiled, said: „The young prince is not has not rested.” 卫仇抬头一看,是秦岩,便笑了笑,说道:“小王爷不是也还沒睡吗。” Cannot fall asleep.” Qin Yan grins, says with a smile: Therefore came out, wants to come Sir Wei Chou to rest every day delicious good, today unexpectedly late has not rested, has the concern.” “睡不着。”秦岩咧咧嘴,笑道:“所以就出來走走了,想來卫仇大人每天都睡好吃好,今天居然那么晚也沒睡,有心事。” Wei Chou obvious smiling of: You are also same...... Commander only leads 5000 gentian Brother Battalion to go to battle with the hot semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, the domain of island of resistance thorough righteousness and country's, this is not his individuality, the Qin Yan young prince should also know that radically Sir Commander wants to make anything.” 卫仇心照不宣的笑了笑:“你也一样吧……统领只带5000龙胆营兄弟出征火月城,孤军深入义和国的版图,这根本就不是他的个性,秦岩小王爷应该也知道统领大人想做什么吧。” I......” “我……” Qin Yan clenched teeth, said: I think at the first big brother was insane, dares to rush to the center of righteousness and country's depending on a gentian camp, behind that steel and iron back wall was evening Yangcheng, was guarding the righteousness and country surpasses 150,000 brave soldiers, moreover commanding troops was Ding Xi, our gentian camp trifling more than 10,000 people, went also to bring death, news that obtains until tonight......” 秦岩咬了咬牙,说:“我起初认为大哥是疯了,敢凭一支龙胆营就闯义和国的腹地,那钢铁护墙后方就是夕阳城,足足驻守着义和国超过150000的雄兵啊,而且领兵者是丁奚,我们龙胆营区区10000多人,去了也是送死,直到今天晚上得到的消息……” He He, yes, a news, made Commander lose the discretion.” “呵呵,是啊,一个消息,就让统领失去分寸了。” A Wei Chou layer on layer fist falls on wooden shelf, the complexion becomes twists, said: Zhao that bastard in evening Yangcheng, he chops the head of Qin Lei also in evening Yangcheng...... Sir Commander regards Qin Lei like the elder brother, his reducing heat semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate is no doubt impulsive, but as a man, I admire the Commander boldness, if this line of hot semi-circular protective walls outside the main city gate trade dead finally, my Wei Chou will not regret.” 卫仇重重一拳落在木栏上,脸色变得扭曲起來,道:“吕昭那个畜生就在夕阳城,他砍下秦雷的头颅也在夕阳城里……统领大人视秦雷如兄长,他去火月城固然冲动,但身为一个男人,我佩服统领的魄力,若此行火月城最终换來一死,我卫仇也不会后悔。” Qin Yan nods: For the head of Elder Brother, big brother dares to trade with the life, my Qin Yan has something hesitant, accompanies the big brother war dead for moral principle with the country city, this perhaps is I best home to return.” 秦岩点头:“为了哥哥的头颅,大哥敢拿命去换,我秦岩又有什么可以犹豫的,陪大哥一起战死义和国城下,这或许是我最好的归宿。” Wei Chou muttered: I was worried...... Sir Commander does not want to make us brave hardships and dangers together, but meets a person to go to evening Yangcheng finally, this is the situation that I most am worried about, although...... Sir his boldness because of one's skill, but......” 卫仇喃喃道:“我只是担心……统领大人并不想让我们一起去涉险,而是最终会一个人去夕阳城,这是我最最担心的情况,虽说……大人他艺高人胆大,但……” Wei Chou has shown a painful look, is nipping the mandibular joint, no longer spoke. 卫仇露出了一丝痛苦的神色,咬着牙关,不再说话了。 Relax.” “放心吧。” The Qin Yan racket the shoulder of Wei Chou, said: We are the gentian Battalion old person, the life and death in the same place, I believe the big brother, believes you, earlier rests.” 秦岩拍拍卫仇的肩膀,说:“我们都是龙胆营的老人,生死都会在一起,我相信大哥,也相信你,早点睡吧。” Un.” “嗯。” The sky, the moon/month bright star is thin, but actually nobody knows that on this stretch of earth is experiencing many accidents. 天空,月朗星稀,但却沒有人知道这片大地上正在经历着多少变故。 ...... …… The Lingnan province, the steel and iron back wall in the shining next brightness of moonlight, above the earth is actually a confusion, the battle drum sound thunders to soar to the heavens, in the ground, the countless righteousness and country Cavalry is linking heavy chains mutually, coordinating the combat tank able to move unhindered to go through on the earth, in the position of demon clan, the innumerable appearance fierce armor demon brandishes weapons to dash about wildly to come, actually under the winding of wire rope one after another falls down, was ridden sharp weapons of armed forces to pierce from the back by the dragon enters. 岭南行省,钢铁护墙在月光的照耀下一片皎洁,大地之上却已经是一片混乱,战鼓声轰鸣冲天,地面上,不计其数的义和国铁骑相互链接着一条条沉重的锁链,配合着战车冲阵正在大地上纵横穿行着,魔族的阵地上,无数面目狰狞的甲魔挥舞兵刃狂奔而來,却在铁索的缠绕下相继摔倒在地,紧接着被龙骑军的锋利兵刃从后背洞穿进入。 The outer covering of armor demon is no doubt hard, the ordinary sword is unable to enter, but divided to chop the number of times to be many, can break the shell to enter as before. 甲魔的外壳固然坚硬,普通刀剑无法直入,但劈砍次数多了,依旧能够破壳而入。 Roar roar......” “吼吼……” In the battle drum sound of demon clan, was a wave of armor demon raises heavy weapons to kill to Dragon Qijun the camp, in armor demon group, threw over the great general of golden armor to brandish fights the hammer, roared to smash the smashing a combat tank, fought on the hammer to surge black Battle Qi to come, the demon Battle Qi spin twisted pile of hashed meat the body of combat tank and soldier together, horrible to look, this Battle Lord brave may not , the body Zhou Xuesha demon breath was dense, fought the hammer to wave, holds chains, towed dozens dragons to ride the armed forces. The Cavalry anxious spin comes, heavy cavalry collides mutually, flesh and blood crossflow. 魔族的战鼓声中,又是一波甲魔提着钝重的兵刃杀向了龙骑军的阵营,甲魔群中,一个披着金色铠甲的大将挥舞战锤,一声怒吼将一辆战车砸成了粉碎,战锤上激荡开一道道黑色斗气來,魔斗气旋将战车和士兵的身躯一起绞成了一堆碎肉,惨不忍睹,这战将勇不可当,身周血煞魔息氤氲,战锤舞动,抓住一道道锁链,拖曳着数十名龙骑军的。铁骑急旋开來,重骑兵相互碰撞,血肉横流。 Maugue.” “莫格。” Battle Lord is roaring loudly, the innumerable armor demons vibrated the wing to fly to the front dense heavy cavalry crowd. 战将大声怒吼着,无数甲魔震动着翅膀飞向了前方黑压压的重骑兵人群。 Suddenly the dust soars to the heavens, a dark day secret war lets the person intuition soul-stirringly. 一时间尘土冲天,昏天暗地的一场大战让人直觉得惊心动魄。 In the steel and iron back wall, one crowd of righteousness and country military officers stand gorgeously, watch the tangled warfare under city, deeps frown, nobody knows this fight the victory and defeat, nobody can forecast the final result. 钢铁护墙上,一群义和国将领巍然而立,看着城下的混战,一个个眉头紧锁,沒有人知道这场战斗的胜负,也沒有人能够预测最终的结果。 Qin resolute wore a long gown, above was embroidering the golden big dragon, he looks at engaging in fierce battle under city, the knitting the brows head of can"t help it,, asked: Dragon is graceful, we...... Really, only then this chose.” 秦毅身穿一袭长袍,上面绣着金色巨龙,他看着城下的鏖战,禁不住的皱了皱眉头,问道:“龙帅,我们……真的只有这个选择了吗。” Long Qianlin cup one fist in the other hand said: Wire rope series diverts mutually, can display the pinnacle the strength of humanity, perhaps also only then this tactical rules can contend with the demon clan armor demon regiment, mostly the series, please believe end, if not rout this powerful armor demon regiment, perhaps we forever can only defend the steel and iron back wall.” 龙千林抱拳道:“铁索连环阵相互牵制,能够把人类的力量发挥到极致,恐怕也只有这种战法才能与魔族甲魔军团抗衡了,大都统,请相信末将,如果不把这支强悍的甲魔军团击溃,恐怕我们永远都只能守着钢铁护墙了。” In Qin resolute the vision some twinkles, said: Actually, we do not need to with demon clan one point of victory and defeat.” 秦毅目光中有些闪烁,道:“其实,我们沒有必要非要跟魔族一分胜负。” Mostly series.” “大都统。” Long Qianlin naturally knows that Qin resolute bottom of one's heart thinks, said lightly: Demon clan two big regiments, the thunder attack the righteousness to the regiment with the country, the Qian Feng regiment attack the empire, any lost at the same time, humanity ended on throughly, this fights to us important, but also looks at mostly the series and subordinate same can be determined to exterminate the demon clan, this is our lands, cannot make the cockroach insect of this crowd of stinking to high heaven occupy again.” 龙千林自然知道秦毅心底所想,淡淡道:“魔族两大军团,雷冲军团攻打义和国,浅风军团攻打帝国,无论是哪一边输了,人类就彻底完了,这一战对我们來说至关重要,还望大都统与属下一样能够决心剿灭魔族,这是我们的土地,绝不能再让这群臭气冲天的蟑虫占据着了。” Qin resolute a sigh, said: Un, such as you hope, with every effort a war.” 秦毅一声叹息,道:“嗯,如你所愿,尽力一战吧。” Nearby, young Qin Huan wore golden marshal clothes armor, cup one fist in the other hand said: Father, might as well make me lead the guard to ride to help in the fighting, in my opinion, Dragon Qijun facing about 100,000 armor demons, the assurance that cannot win.” 一旁,年轻的秦焕身穿一袭金色元帅衣甲,抱拳道:“父王,不如让我率领近卫骑助战吧,依我看,龙骑军面对近100000甲魔,根本就沒有必胜的把握。” Nonsense.” “胡闹。” Qin resolute knit the brows: Beginning you battlefield, leads the study tactical rules tactic with the dragon much, now has not been one's turn on you battlefield.” 秦毅皱眉道:“你初涉战场,还是多多跟龙帅学习战法战术吧,现在还轮不到你上战场。” But father.” “可是父王。” Shut up.” “闭嘴。” Qin resolute put out a hand under a finger of city, said: „The demon clan military officers who that wears the golden mail-armor and helmet are Thunder to rush, bright, you thought that you are Thunder to rush the match, the father is not blocking you, you go to a war freely.” 秦毅伸手一指城下,道:“那身穿金色甲胄的魔族将领就是雷冲,焕儿,你觉得你是雷冲的对手,那父王不拦着你,你尽管去一战。” Under the city, Thunder to rush the war hammer pounds pile of hashed meat several heavy cavalry together, the blood ghost demon breath surges, raises the Battle Qi air wave, attacks answer ten heavy cavalry to fly upwards with horse, the roaring sound of armor demon shoots up to the sky. 城下,雷冲的战锤将数名重骑兵一起砸成一堆碎肉,血煞魔息涌动,掀起斗气气浪,冲击得数十名重骑兵连人带马飞扬出去,甲魔的怒吼声冲天而起。 Qin Huan can"t help it, bottom of one's heart one cold, dept frown saying: Child knew mistakenly, the father taught is......” 秦焕禁不住心底一寒,眉头紧锁道:“孩儿知错了,父王管教得是……” Nearby, great general Li Qianxun cup one fist in the other hand said: „The series, Mr. the original intention of country striving is mostly good, mostly the series has such tiger is a good deed, is only Mr. is too young, needs informed and experienced some, but also looks at mostly the series do not blame Mr.” 一旁,大将黎千寻抱拳道:“大都统,少帅为国出力的初衷是好的,大都统有这样的虎子是一件好事,只是少帅还太年轻,需要一些历练罢了,还望大都统不要责怪少帅。” Qin resolute nods: I know that transmitted orders, lets that the soldiers and horses of Bailing city are ready to go to battle with, momentarily coordinates Dragon Qijun...... This dragon rides the armed forces is our life, cannot like this destroy outside the city.” 秦毅点点头:“我知道,传令下去,让百岭城的兵马做好出战的准备,随时策应龙骑军……这支龙骑军是我们的命脉,绝不能就这样毁在城外。” Long Qianlin said respectfully: Yes, mostly series.” 龙千林恭敬道:“是,大都统。” At this time, a bird dropped from the clouds, drops down on the shoulder of Long Qianlin, he extracted the mailbox to look at one, the look on face not sad was unhappy, as if the news is not ordinary. 这时,一只鸟儿从天而降,直落在龙千林的肩膀上,他抽出信筒看了一眼,脸上的神色不悲不喜,就仿佛消息都沒有一般了。 How.” Qin resolute asked. “怎么了。”秦毅问道。 Long Qianlin cup one fist in the other hand said: Opens reports mostly the series, just obtained the military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency, the news from star province, Lin Muyu leads 20,000 empire gentian camps to meet head-on the demon clan, counts the war to win, cuts to kill about ten thousand demon clan armor demons, has closed three pass/tests to recapture from demon clan the west side Mountain Range of Qin black ink loosen all.” 龙千林抱拳道:“启禀大都统,刚刚得到羽书,來自地星行省的消息,林沐雨率领20000帝国龙胆营迎战魔族,数战皆胜,斩杀近万魔族甲魔,已经将西边秦岭的墨松关在内的三关尽数从魔族手里夺回了。” Is Lin Muyu.” “又是林沐雨。” In Qin Yiyan was passing chill in the air, said: Three close originally in the hand of righteousness and country's, now actually once more falls into empire, this hateful forest washes the rain......” 秦毅眼中透着寒意,道:“三关原本是在我们义和国的手中,如今却再次落入帝国手里,这可恨的林沐雨……” Nearby, Li Qianxun said: „The steel and iron back wall in rapid white province is guards by Marshal Ding Xi, mostly the series felt relieved that Marshal Ding Xi has fought many battles, Lin Muyu will not be fishing any advantage from his hand.” 一旁,黎千寻道:“迅白行省的钢铁护墙是由丁奚元帅镇守的,大都统放心吧,丁奚元帅身经百战,林沐雨不会从他手里捞着什么好处的。” I know.” Qin resolute hesitated, said: To Ding Xi Fa military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency, once Lin Muyu has any sound, ordering Ding Xi to lead the army to leave the steel and iron back wall immediately, suppresses kills them, I want the Lin Muyu's head.” “我知道。”秦毅沉吟一声,说:“给丁奚发羽书吧,一旦林沐雨有什么动静,命令丁奚立刻率领大军出钢铁护墙,剿杀他们,我要林沐雨的人头。” Long Qianlin stares, said: Mostly the series, Lin Muyu is the star who a non- world has, if can be used to resist the demon clan for us together, that is better.” 龙千林不禁一愣,道:“大都统,林沐雨是一个不世出的名将,如果能为我们所用來一起对抗魔族,那岂不是更好。” Ha Ha Ha......” “哈哈哈……” Qin resolute could not bear smile, has patted the shoulder of Long Qianlin: If I have killed your adoptive father, you will also give loyalty to for me.” 秦毅忍不住笑了,拍了拍龙千林的肩膀:“如果我杀了你的义父,你还会为我效忠吗。” This......” “这……” The Long Qianlin straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten: Also please mostly the series consider, the subordinate thinks that Lin Muyu is available talent.” 龙千林剑眉紧锁:“还请大都统斟酌,属下只是认为林沐雨是可用之才罢了。” Knew.” “知道了。” Qin resolute some impatient looks the battlefield that under the city the war cries soared to the heavens, said: Sends military message with an attached feather as sign of urgency to Marshal Ding Xi, captures alive Lin Muyu, extinguished the gentian camp.” 秦毅有些不耐烦的看着城下杀声冲天的战场,道:“给丁奚元帅发去羽书,生擒林沐雨,灭了龙胆营。” Yes, mostly series.” “是,大都统。”
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