AG :: Volume #4

#392: Captures three pass/tests

( ( ) In 7734, on November 18. )7734年,11月18日。 Drills the shield spear|gun to ride the tactical rules of camp to train adeptly, in the morning, late autumn in the season, Lin Muyu personally leads 20,000 gentian camps to turn out in full strength, directly soars the black ink loosen to close to go. 锥盾枪骑营的战法已经训练娴熟,清晨,深秋时节里,林沐雨亲自率领20000龙胆营倾巢而出,直奔墨松关而去。 The black ink loose pass/test, the empire star province and righteousness and between the country rapid white provinces the biggest mountain pass, who can capture the black ink loosen to close who can obtain the initiative of war, but now the black ink loosen closes under seizure of demon clan, in soldier more than 3000 armor demons. 墨松关,帝国地星行省与义和国迅白行省之间最大的关隘,谁能夺取墨松关谁就能获得战争的主动,而现在墨松关则是在魔族的占领下,驻兵3000多甲魔。 Before high noon, the army arrives in the black ink loose pass/test. 正午之前,大军抵达墨松关。 Thump......” “咚咚咚……” The battle drum contention, the first time, gentian Battalion Kaishi challenged the enemy to battle. 战鼓争鸣,第一次,龙胆营开始叫阵了。 The sunlight scatters the mist, the field of vision becomes is also very clear, the demon clan garrison commanders who the black ink loosen closes are raising the lance, crazy is roaring to the city , the area just outside the city gate front door opens rapidly, the dense armor demon regiment went out of the important pass, does not attack eagerly, but in lining up to prepare to meet head-on, in the city the war flag flutters, demon clan military officers are striking a sound very coarse battle drum personally. 阳光驱散雾气,视野也变得十分清晰起來,墨松关上的魔族守将提着长矛,疯狂的对着城下怒吼着,城关大门迅速开启,黑压压的甲魔军团走出了关口,并不急于进攻,而是在列队准备迎战,城上战旗飘扬起來,一名魔族将领亲自在擂动着一只声音十分难听的战鼓。 Mother.” Wei Chou grins: „The drumbeat of demon clan with to talk nonsense to be the same, is really coarse.” “娘的。”卫仇咧咧嘴:“魔族的鼓声跟放屁一样,真是难听。” Lin Muyu lightly smiled: Drills the shield spear|gun to ride the camp, prepares to meet head-on.” 林沐雨微微一笑:“锥盾枪骑营,准备迎战。” allow Jiantao and others grasped Cavalry of heavy awl shield to move to the formation front slowly, their warhorses are the good colts that thousand select Wan Xuan, otherwise cannot bear this frightened weight. 许剑韬等手持沉重锥盾的铁骑缓缓移动到队列前方,他们的战马都是千挑万选的良驹,否则根本承受不了这种恐惧的重量。 Suspends Pear Flower Spear slowly, Lin Muyu behind white cape flies upwards gently, joins the awl shield spear|gun to ride the sequence of camp rapidly. 缓缓一摆梨花枪,林沐雨身后的白色斗篷轻轻飞扬起來,迅速加入锥盾枪骑营的序列。 Wei Chou hurried say|way: Sir Commander, you...... You must go to battle, don't forget, you were the three services command, you cannot brave hardships and dangers personally.” 卫仇急忙道:“统领大人,你……你又要出战,别忘了,你是三军统帅,你不能亲自涉险。” Relax.” “放心吧。” Lin Muyu turns round to say with a smile confidently: Do not forget me is Saint Realm, the trifling armor demon how me, has me to enter the war, can make the buckle of gentian camp smaller, Wei Chou, drills the shield spear|gun to ride Battalion Zhu to attack, you direct other gentian Brother Battalion to coordinate, prepare to greet the rush of armor demon, this war must wipe out to close not at any cost in the black ink loosen the demon clan.” 林沐雨胸有成竹的回身笑道:“别忘了我是一个圣域,区区甲魔奈何不了我,有我参战,可以让龙胆营的折损更小一些,卫仇,锥盾枪骑营主进攻,你指挥其余的龙胆营兄弟策应,准备迎接甲魔的冲杀,这一战必须不惜代价把魔族全歼在墨松关下。” Yes, Commander feels relieved.” “是,统领放心吧。” Beats a drum, makes war.” “擂鼓,开战。” The battle drum sound is even more intense, Pear Flower Spear in Lin Muyu hand raises gently, said loudly: Drills the shield spear|gun to ride, maintains the sequence, kills the enemy with me together.” 战鼓声愈发的激烈起來,林沐雨手里的梨花枪轻轻一扬,大声道:“锥盾枪骑,保持序列,跟我一起杀敌。” People one after another has held up the awl shield, on the face full is killing intent, loudly exclaimed with one voice: Empire long live, the empress long live.” 众人纷纷举起了锥盾,脸上满是杀意,齐声大吼道:“帝国万岁,女帝万岁。” Drills the shield spear|gun to ride camp one after another to move, is getting quicker and quicker, quick has achieved speed in cavalry tactic, but the front is the dense about 3000 armor demons. 锥盾枪骑营纷纷移动起來,越來越快,很快就达到了骑兵战术中的速度,而前方则是黑压压的近3000名甲魔。 Roar roar......” “吼吼……” Faces is grasping the human army of strange shield, these armor demons angry, rapidly raised weapons to clash. 面对着手持着奇怪盾牌的人类军队,这些甲魔一个个愤怒不已,飞速扬起兵刃冲了过來。 Lin Muyu walks in the front line, the body week is dense the bottle gourd wall and God Binding Lock strength, in the hand Pear Flower Spear shakes gently, directly is the Dragon-Hold Spear Technique asking the way type, the long gun|spear just likes crazy Dragon Ban pricks a armor demon among the napes of the neck, the spin fights the glow to erupt fiercely, breaks his head and nape of the neck instantaneously together, the rear three armor demons almost raise the lance to puncture together, they recognized Lin Muyu this regiment to command. 林沐雨走在最前方,身周氤氲着葫芦壁与缚神锁的力量,手里梨花枪轻轻一抖,直接就是缚龙枪法的问路式,长枪犹如狂龙般的刺入一名甲魔的脖颈之间,旋烈斗芒爆发,瞬间将其头颅、脖颈一起震碎,后方三名甲魔几乎一起扬起长矛刺來,他们认出了林沐雨这个军团统帅。 Advance. 突进式。 Instigates the warhorse suddenly, the speed violent of strolling in the snow increases many, Pear Flower Spear chaotic dance, „, when ding-dong in the crowd that hits three armor demons continuously weapons, Lin Muyu does not return to the advance that enters armor demon, long gun|spear puff blooms bleeding to spend on the nape of the neck of armor demon, but the body side, allow Jiantao and other gentian camp soldiers also fight with all might with armor demon in the same place. 猛然策动战马,踏雪的速度暴增出许多,梨花枪乱舞,“当当当”的连续撞开三名甲魔的兵刃,林沐雨头也不回的突进进入甲魔的人群中,长枪“噗噗噗”的在一个个甲魔的脖颈上绽放出血花來,而身侧,许剑韬等龙胆营士兵也与甲魔拼杀在一起。 Ding......” “叮叮叮……” Similar to was expected that such, the lance of armor demon advances by the cone-shape shield is unloaded League parry to come stiffly, but in prick armor demon chest cavity that the gentian camp soldier that tempered White Diamond long gun|spear is relentless, suddenly the blood stream everywhere, two troops mutually hit and prey in together, but behind the body, the sound of arrow box is manifesting suddenly unceasingly, Wei Chou led other gentian camp soldiers to start the positional warfare. 如同预料中的那样,甲魔的长矛突进被锥形盾给硬生生的卸力格挡开來,而龙胆营士兵那淬炼白钻的长枪则毫不留情的刺入甲魔的胸腔之中,一时间血流满地,两支人马相互撞击、搏杀在一起,而身后方,箭箱的声音不断发作着,卫仇率领其余的龙胆营士兵开始了阵地战。 Buzz......” “嗡……” The armored hand raises, Lin Muyu transports the profound strength, a fist rumbles suddenly. 铁拳扬起,林沐雨运起玄力,骤然一拳轰出。 First Luminary, Mortal Turmoil. 一曜苍生乱 The profound strength has formed tyrannical impact, rumbles one crowd of armor demons flies to draw back, but the vitality of armor demon was too tenacious, many armor demons ate the first Luminary only to injure hardly unexpectedly do not die, roared is brandishing weapons to start the impact, however actually drilled shield spear|gun rode the grieved backlash of hit, subsequently was claimed the life by a lance, did not have the means that heavy cavalry too frightening in full speed impact, these armor demons are not really able to rumble to draw back the heavy cavalry words, that can only fall into the killed destiny. 玄力形成了强横的冲击,将一群甲魔轰得飞退,但甲魔的生命力太强韧了,不少甲魔硬吃了第一曜居然只伤不死,嗷嗷怒吼着挥舞兵刃发动冲击,然而却又被锥盾枪骑撞击的惨然后退,继而被一矛夺去生命,沒办法,全速冲击中的重骑兵实在太恐怖,这些甲魔无法轰退重骑兵的话,那就只能沦入被砍杀的命运了。 Lin Muyu leads awl shield spear|gun to ride back and forth rushes ahead in armor demon group, handle Pear Flower Spear shakes the full water chestnut to be colored, is bringing the little scarlet bloody water, 12 type Dragon-Hold Spear Technique truly are breaks through enemy lines two electing, the Hongchuan type, advance, the broken style and other did not put forth, experienced Battle Lord is virtually impossible to guard against, let alone is at present this crowd only knows the brute force rush armor demon. 林沐雨率领锥盾枪骑们在甲魔群中來回冲杀,一柄梨花枪晃出满地梨花,带着一点点猩红的血水,12式缚龙枪法确实是冲锋陷阵中的不二之选,洪川式、突进式、破招式等11使出,有经验的战将都防不胜防,更何况是眼前这群只知道蛮力冲杀的甲魔。 The fight is very frigid, in an instant the black ink loosen closes full is the corpse of armor demon and human soldier, fortunately drills cultivates for personally is also good, therefore the buckle that the shield spear|gun rides relatively is also quite small, but behind a big piece of armor demon starts to Wei Chou and rush of Qin Yan subordinates, lost somewhat was serious, but gentian camp killing intent has decided today, no longer had any made concessions, such by the life traded the life with armor demon preys together. 战斗十分惨烈,转眼之间墨松关下就已经满是甲魔与人类士兵的尸体,所幸锥盾枪骑的个人修为都还算是不错,所以折损也相对比较小,但身后一大片甲魔发动对卫仇秦岩所部的冲杀,损失就有些惨重了,不过今天龙胆营杀意已决,已经不再有任何的退让了,就这么以命换命的与甲魔搏杀在一起。 Arrow box launches, big weakened armor demon population, but the crossbow artillery, crossbow arrow also started to the attack of city borderland armor demon garrison, miserable howling reverberations in airborne. 箭箱一次次的发动,大大的削弱了甲魔的人数,而弩炮、弩箭等也发动了对城塞上甲魔驻军的进攻,一声声惨嚎回荡在空中。 Engages in fierce battle to carry on the afternoon, Lin Muyu kills the whole body is armor demon blood, kills many armor demons to record is unclear, finally, morale unceasing weakening of armor demon, armor demon of being not much left was also sphered the chaotic arrow to kill by heavy cavalry of gentian camp, thundered with one, the city gate front door collapsed, Qin Yan broke the city gate personally, black ink loosen Guan Duo gets down. 鏖战一直进行到午后,林沐雨杀得浑身都是甲魔的鲜血,到底杀了多少个甲魔已经记不清了,终于,甲魔的士气不断的转弱,所剩无几的甲魔也被龙胆营的重骑兵围住乱箭射杀了,伴随着一声轰鸣,城门大门倒塌下來,秦岩亲自破开城门,墨松关夺下來了。 Enters a city, massacres all demon clans, does not remain.” Lin Muyu raised the bloodstained long gun|spear to enter the city. “进城,杀掉所有魔族,一个不留。”林沐雨提着血迹斑斑的长枪进入了城池。 Yes.” “是。” The Wei Chou arm wields, in large quantities of gentian Battalion Zhiru city. 卫仇手臂一挥,大批龙胆营直入城中。 But armor demon after is armor demon, the several hundred armor demons in city are roaring going all out, many armor demons were lack the arm, to break the leg injured, brandished weapons and awl shield spear|gun rides to fight with all might in the same place, finally 11 was executed, was very frigid. 但甲魔毕竟是甲魔,城内的数百名甲魔怒吼着拼命,不少甲魔都是缺胳膊、断腿受伤了的,挥舞兵刃与锥盾枪骑拼杀在一起,最终被11格杀,十分惨烈。 After half double-hour, the black ink loose area inside the Great Wall does not have living again armor demon. 半个时辰之后,墨松关内再也沒有活着的甲魔了。 Fengxi and allow Jiantao and the others seize by Xiaguankou rapidly, empire Purple Yin Flower war flag high inserting in the city wall, the gentian camp soldier also 11 entered city to start to rest, outside the city in large numbers knocked off the armor demon corpse of fang to be piled up, is digging a pit to bury together. 风溪、许剑韬等人迅速夺下关口两侧,将帝国紫茵花战旗高高的插在了城墙上,龙胆营士兵也11进入城塞开始休息,城外则是大批被敲掉獠牙的甲魔尸体被堆积起來,一起挖坑埋掉。 Whistling......” “呼呼……” Wei Chou puffs, the hand walks according to the sword hilt, on the face is brimming with the happy expression: Commander, the black ink loose pass/test was our.” 卫仇喘着粗气,手按剑柄走來,脸上洋溢着喜色:“统领,墨松关是我们的了。” Lin Muyu also relaxed, the fact proof armor demon is not ever-victorious, so long as human army enough elite, in addition arrow box and crossbow car(riage) and other instruments, are strength of the war. 林沐雨也松了一口气,事实证明甲魔并不是无往不胜,只要人类军队足够精锐,加上箭箱、弩车等器械,还是有一战之力的。 Our buckle many people.” He asked slowly. “我们折损了多少人。”他缓缓问道。 Wei Chou said: Drilled the shield spear|gun to ride the camp dead in battle 87 people, injured 114 people, the army died in battle more than 740 people, the wound about 2000 people, we need to rest, then fought.” 卫仇道:“锥盾枪骑营战死87人,伤114人,全军战死740多人,伤近2000人,我们是不是需要休息一下,然后再战。” Sends for arrange Gucheng, the army that assembles Tang Xi guards the black ink loose pass/test, we will attack other two important passes tomorrow, in Mountain Range of Qin the seizure power the place star province seizes completely from demon clan.” “派人去布谷城,调集唐袭的军队过來镇守墨松关,我们明天攻打其余两座关口,把地星行省内秦岭的占领权从魔族手里全部夺回來。” Yes, subordinate this arranges.” “是,属下这就去安排。” ...... …… Consecutively three days of engaging in fierce battle, under fighting a bloody battle of gentian camp, in the star province three fall into gentian camp all, but Tang Xi reassigns 30,000 troops from cold Xingcheng, each important pass in the soldier 10,000, defends the southern gateway of empire. 连续三天的鏖战,在龙胆营的浴血奋战下,地星行省内三大关尽数落入龙胆营手里,而唐袭则从冷星城抽调30000人马,每个关口驻兵10000,守住帝国的南方门户。 After the rest of several days, gentian Battalion Zaidu restored the strength, goes on an expedition again and again, buckle about 2000 people, but has not had a fracture, on the contrary is the demon clan after three falling into enemy hands, about 10,000 armor demons almost cleared off, gentian camp the buckteeth of Yingpan Li enough two armor demons, this is the certificate. 经过数日的休息之后,龙胆营再度恢复了战力,连连征战,折损了近2000人,但并未伤筋动骨,反倒是魔族经过三大关的失守之后,近10000甲魔几乎被一扫而光,龙胆营的营盘里足足有两枚甲魔的獠牙,这就是凭证。 After sleep wakes up, is refreshing, Battle Qi of Lin Muyu Within the body restored in peak condition, after the steps go out the black ink loosen had closed armed forces tent, Wei Chou outside waited, cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile: Commander awakes, the subordinate has ordered the people of spirit hot division to prepare meat soup and dough, immediately can have the breakfast.” 一觉醒來之后,神清气爽,林沐雨体内的斗气已经恢复到巅峰状态,踏步走出了墨松关的中军帐之后,卫仇已经在外面等候了,抱拳笑道:“统领醒啦,属下已经命令灵火司的人准备肉汤和面饼了,马上就能吃上早饭。” Un, delivers to my breakfast the area just outside the city gate, I must come up to have a look.” “嗯,把我的早饭送到城关上,我要上去看看。” Yes.” “是。” When the early winter, the weather was very cold, stands closes in the black ink loosen, one looks toward the south, everywhere is fiery red, that is the maple leaf drops color everywhere, a Qin empire ten thousand li (0.5km) landscape was how grand, now is actually visited by the demon clan, was really a pity. 时值初冬,天气已经十分的寒冷了,站在墨松关上,往南方一看,到处都是一片火红,那是枫叶落下满地的颜色,大秦帝国万里河山何其壮丽,如今却被魔族所踏足,实在是太可惜了。 Nearby, bodyguard respectful is carrying the tray: Commander, breakfast.” 一旁,侍卫恭敬的端着盘子:“统领,早饭。” Many thanks.” “多谢。” Lin Muyu carries the meat soup bowl, after having drunk one, places on the ice-cold crenelation, works has nipped one that the pie makes an effort, after eating the hot soup, the whole body nice and warm feelings, lightly smiled, said: „The meals of gentian camp is delicious.” 林沐雨端起肉汤的碗,喝了一口之后放在冰冷的雉堞上,抓起大饼來用力的咬了一口,喝下热汤后,浑身都有一股暖热的感觉,不禁微微一笑,说:“龙胆营的伙食就是好吃。” Some Wei Chou bursting out laughing: Commander, Emperor ** meals is the same, pig meat soup adds the dough . Moreover the spirit hot division that the billows Duke give the gentian camp arrangement is not the cook is best, meat soup insipid......” 卫仇有些哑然:“统领,帝**的伙食都是一样的,猪肉汤加面饼,而且澜公给龙胆营安排的灵火司也不是厨艺最好的,肉汤索然无味……” Right, I have not felt......” “是吗,我沒有感觉到……” Nearby, allow Jiantao said with a smile: Sir Wei Chou has not to know that Commander this was captures three to close the later mood to be good, therefore ate anything to think the fragrance.” 一旁,许剑韬笑道:“卫仇大人有所不知,统领这是夺取三关之后心情好了,所以吃什么都觉得香。” Ha Ha, yes.” “哈哈,是啊。” Lin Muyu nods smiles, said: General allow, this time you trains the awl shield spear|gun to ride the tactical rules to establish the distinguished merit, I will take down this merit for you, after waiting to return to Imperial Capital, Your Highness naturally layer on layer will enjoy.” 林沐雨点头一笑,说:“许将军,这次你训练锥盾枪骑战法立下奇功,我会为你记下这一功的,等回到帝都之后,殿下自然会重重有赏。” allow Jiantao cup one fist in the other hand said: Subordinate is only willing to follow Commander to fight up and down the country, regains the landscape for the empire, then in vain is not son, no other strove.” 许剑韬抱拳道:“属下只愿能追随统领南征北讨,为帝国收复河山,便不枉身为男儿这一世,别无所求。” No.” “不。” Lin Muyu said sincerely: Even if so, Gold Yin Coin and wife need.” 林沐雨恳切道:“即便如此,金茵币和媳妇还是需要的。” allow Jiantao smiles: That...... Subordinates many thanks Commander.” 许剑韬会心一笑:“那……属下多谢统领了。” Lin Muyu has eaten hot soup, the big mouth is chewing the dough, but the vision has actually been staring at the south, longs for profoundly. 林沐雨又喝了一口热汤,大口咀嚼着面饼,但目光却一直凝望着南方,深邃而渴望。 ...... …… Wei Chou smiles, said: General allow, prepared to transmit orders, the three services fitted out, once more will go to battle.” 卫仇不禁一笑,说:“许将军,准备传令吧,三军整备,不日再次出征。” „.” allow Jiantao was shocked: We just attacked and captured three pass/tests, must continue to go to battle.” “啊。”许剑韬愣住了:“我们刚刚攻克三关,又要继续出征啦。” Wei Chou said: Commander has looked at the south, you have not understood that Commander thoughts, Commander this is the several cities of plan the righteousness and country's also seizes from demon clan.” 卫仇道:“统领一直看着南方,难道你还不明白统领的心思吗,统领这是打算从魔族手里把义和国的几座城池也夺回來啊。” Right.” “沒错。” Lin Muyu the vision is indifferent, said: Ordered to fit out, tomorrow, attacks the flame semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, delimited to return to the territory of Qin empire this name very beautiful city.” 林沐雨目光淡然,道:“下令整备,明天出发,攻打火月城,把这座名字很美的城池重新划回到大秦帝国的版图上。” Yes, Commander.” “是,统领。”
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