AG :: Volume #4

#391: A letter

( ( Drills the shield.” “锥盾。” Lin Muyu stares slightly: What drills the shield is.” 林沐雨微微一愣:“锥盾是什么样的。” allow Jiantao cup one fist in the other hand said: Drills the shield is actually the conical surface shield, shield outside forging is the cone-shape, directly this can removing of enormous degree withstand punctures the attack suddenly, making the attack of armor demon make a futile effort, drills at least 200 cattys in weight of shield, in addition the warhorse and cavalry and mail-armor and helmet weight, over a thousand jin (0.5 kg) weight impulse will not be inferior in armor demon Divine Power, has the awl shield standard to keep off, sufficiently self-preservation, if has to puncture thoroughly armor demon again the lance, we then can socialize with armor demon on the flat land, even keeps in balance them.” 许剑韬抱拳道:“锥盾其实就是锥面盾,盾牌外侧铸造为锥形,这样可以极大程度的卸去正面承受的突刺攻击,让甲魔的进攻徒劳无功,锥盾的重量至少200斤重,加上战马和骑兵、甲胄的重量,上千斤的重量冲击力绝不会逊色于甲魔的神力,有锥盾格挡,足以自保,如果再有能够刺透甲魔的长矛,我们便能在平地上与甲魔周旋,甚至是制衡他们。” Lin Muyu great happiness: General allow, this...... Really feasible.” 林沐雨大喜:“许将军,这……真的可行。” Yes, Sir Commander.” “是的,统领大人。” allow Jiantao lightly smiled, said: Subordinate, when the temple in province divides in the clouds the palace works, once on the forging awl shield contended with the wild pig that in Seeking Dragon Forest slides, the iron lance impact of fang impact and armor demon of wild pig is very similar, if copes with armor demon, drills the shield also same to be effective, but the premise is the user of awl shield must the strength be greatly infinite, is unable unable to mention, therefore the subordinate believes that must be Earth Realm cultivates for the follower can complete this tactical rules.” 许剑韬微微一笑,说:“属下在云中行省的圣殿分殿内效力的时候,曾经就铸造锥盾來抗衡寻龙林里溜出來的山猪,山猪的獠牙冲击与甲魔的铁矛冲击十分相似,若是对付甲魔,锥盾也一样可以奏效,不过前提是锥盾的使用者必须力大无穷,无法根本无法提起,所以属下认为,必须是地境修为的修炼者才能完成这一战法。” Is very good.” “很好。” Lin Muyu secret joyful asking: Wei Chou, our gentian camp is Earth Realm some follower altogether many.” 林沐雨暗暗欣喜的问道:“卫仇,我们龙胆营达到地境的修炼者一共有多少。” Wei Chou said: Commander, the majority of component members in gentian camp temple from empire, therefore our individual strengths are known as the empire first...... The subordinates have counted sketchily, we altogether have Earth Realm cultivates for the soldier to be over 300 people.” 卫仇道:“统领,龙胆营的大部分组成人员都來自帝国各地的圣殿,所以我们单兵战力号称帝国第一……属下粗略统计过,我们一共拥有地境修为的战士超过300人。” Good.” “太好了。” Lin Muyu hesitates, said: Transmitted orders, these 300 people complete centralized in the same place, composes Battalion Tuan, is called awl shield spear|gun to ride camp, is promoted to allow Jiantao to ride camp's control for the awl shield spear|gun, is responsible for training the awl shield spear|gun to ride the tactical rules . Moreover, chooses 300 handle lances and long-barrelled guns to send here from our weapons, I for these lance tempered White Diamond cutting edges, making them be able to puncture thoroughly armor demon easily the outer covering.” 林沐雨沉吟一声,说:“传令下去,把这300人全部集中在一起,组成一个营团,就叫做‘锥盾枪骑营’吧,升任许剑韬为锥盾枪骑营的统制,负责训练锥盾枪骑战法,另外,从我们的兵刃里挑选出300柄长矛、长枪送來我这里,我会为这些长矛淬炼白钻锋刃,让它们能够轻而易举的刺透甲魔的外壳。” Yes, Sir Commander.” “是,统领大人。” In addition, the city main relation with arrange Gucheng, in arrange Gucheng all iron hardware shops shuts down completely, for our gentian camp potency, centralizes all iron ore resources, quickest speed forging leaves the awl shield, drills the shield concrete shape also to ask allow Tongzhi to draw up immediately.” “此外,跟布谷城的城主联系,布谷城内所有铁器铺全部停工,为我们龙胆营效力,集中所有的铁矿资源,最快速度铸造出锥盾來,锥盾具体的形状还请许统制立刻绘制出來。” Yes.” allow Jiantao, cup one fist in the other hand said joyfully: Subordinate will not disappoint Commander.” “是。”许剑韬欣喜不已,抱拳道:“属下绝不会让统领失望。” Handles matters.” “都去办事吧。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… After confessing, in the armed forces tent the person goes, Lin Muyu closed the eyes short rest a meeting, coming to the star province also to have many days, the tactical situation relatively speaking was also good, the gentian camp has killed that many armor demons with not the too serious buckle, is one won the empire, was this also by far insufficient, must know that Lingnan also about 200,000 armor demon regiments under the control that the thunder flushed. 交代完毕之后,中军帐里人去一空,林沐雨闭上双眸短暂的休息了一会,來地星行省也有不少天了,战况相对而言还算是不错,龙胆营以不算太严重的折损杀死了那么多的甲魔,在帝国來说已经算是一场大胜了,可是这还远远不够,要知道岭南还有近200000的甲魔军团在雷冲的控制下。 Thinks of Thunder to rush, in the Lin Muyu's mind appears immediately his fierce face, when as well as under Thunder Chongkan empire first brave warrior Du Hai head one, Thunder to rush is a powerful enemy, must massacre, but this difficultly was too too difficult, takes the forest to wash rain current cultivating to bump into Thunder to rush, perhaps odds of success radically not over 30%. 一想到雷冲,林沐雨的脑海里立刻浮现出他狰狞的脸庞,以及雷冲砍下帝国第一勇士杜海的头颅时的一幕,雷冲是一个强敌,必须杀掉,但这太难太难了,以林沐雨目前的修为碰上雷冲,恐怕胜算根本就不会超过三成吧。 Again shortly afterward, Wei Chou had the person to deliver the weapon to come, the equipment of gentian camp was an emperor ** most excellent, but these weapons were not as before is good, in 300 handle long-barrelled guns and lances, only then 3 handle spirit, other was only excellent, even some can only be quite sharp, but cannot be too nitpicking, after all the resources were limited, Millennium Darksteel that type of thing was the luxury goods of aristocrat, can manifest the value very few in the war truly actually. 再过不久,卫仇带人送兵器过來了,龙胆营的装备是帝**中最精良的,但这些兵刃依旧算不上太好,300柄长枪、长矛里只有3柄灵品,其余的都只是精良,甚至有的只能算是比较锋利而已,不过也不能太挑剔了,毕竟资源有限,千年玄铁那种东西原本就是贵族的奢侈品,真正能够在战争中能够体现价值的却少之又少。 Some White Diamond accessories that in Cosmos Bag also some little White Diamond, in addition the city hosts offer can also tempered, suffice 300 handle weapons White Diamond cutting edge tempered reluctantly. 乾坤袋里还有少许白钻,加上城主进献的一些白钻饰品也能淬炼,勉强够300柄兵刃白钻锋刃淬炼 Sends for defending the tent, after forbidding anybody to disturb, Lin Muyu paid homage Alchemy Cauldron, started 11 for these weapons tempered cutting edges, was good because of these weapons is every, the process was also very simple, after tempered good White Diamond, plated to be good directly, the might naturally was well below the Dragon Spirit sword and Pear Flower Spear, but was used to puncture thoroughly armor demon hard armor actually to have more than enough to spare, after all, the Dragon Spirit sword and Pear Flower Spear were used to cope with the higher demon clan, but not pure to kill armor demon. 派人守住营帐,禁止任何人打扰之后,林沐雨马上祭出了炼器宝鼎,开始11为这些兵刃淬炼锋刃,好在这些兵刃都是凡品,过程也十分简单,淬炼白钻之后直接镀上去就行了,威力自然远远不及龙灵剑、梨花枪,但用來刺透甲魔的硬甲却已经是绰绰有余了,毕竟,龙灵剑、梨花枪是用來对付高等魔族的,而不是单纯为了杀甲魔。 In fact washes rain cultivating in the forest for the expert eye, armor demon is also that a matter, is not fearful, so long as over 200 armor demons do not besiege, Lin Muyu's cultivates to can the whole body draw back, after all he has two big Martial Spirit, there is Seven Luminaries Mystic Power and Stars Art this giving up study approaching body, although is the Saint Realm single layer day cultivates similarly is, but Lin Muyu this time strength obviously already distant above the same day Du Hai, must even win much compared with Lei Hong, this is obvious. 事实上在林沐雨这种修为的强者眼中,甲魔也就是那么回事,并不可怕,只要不超过200名甲魔围攻,林沐雨的修为就能全身而退,毕竟他身怀两大武魂,又有七曜玄力星辰诀这种绝学傍身,虽然同样是圣域第一重天修为,但林沐雨此时的实力显然已经远远的在当日的杜海之上了,甚至比雷洪都要胜出了不少,这是显而易见的。 ...... …… In an instant five days passed by, the City Lord Mansion that side has sent the batches of awl shields, strictly according to allow Jiantao atlas forging, the contour presents the centrum shape, is very sincere, Lin Muyu mentioned thought over to think very heavily, these Earth Realm cultivated for expert will not be naturally relaxed, therefore accepted allow Jiantao the suggestion, left 7 days to ride the camp to train to the awl shield spear|gun, this was strong soldier who met head-on armor demon, was in Lin Muyu at this moment hand to strong sharp weapon. 转眼五天过去了,城主府那边送來了一批批的锥盾,严格按照许剑韬的图谱铸造,外形呈现椎体形状,十分厚重,林沐雨提起其中一个掂量了一下都觉得十分沉重,那些地境修为的强者自然也不会太轻松,所以接受了许剑韬的建议,留出7天的时间给锥盾枪骑营训练,这是一支迎战甲魔的强兵,也是林沐雨此刻手里的至强利器。 Several days later afternoon, a messenger dashes enters the armed forces tent, in the hand respectful to hold paper correspondence, said: Sir Commander, empress Your Highness correspondence.” 几天后的午后,一名传令兵飞奔而入中军帐,手中恭敬的捧着一纸书信,道:“统领大人,女帝殿下的书信。” „, Brings.” Lin Muyu bottom of one's heart one happy. “哦,拿过來。”林沐雨心底一喜。 Yes.” “是。” Nearby, Wei Chou asked: Is the Saint imperial edict of empress.” 一旁,卫仇问道:“是女帝的圣诏吗。” The messengers shake the head, said: No, is Your Highness gives the Commander personal letter paper, a letter.” 传令兵摇摇头,说:“不,是殿下统领的私人信笺,一封家书而已。” „......” On the Wei Chou face a to sweep past ambiguous color, said with a smile: Pours is also, Commander came the star province more than ten days, approximately...... Your Highness thinks of the Sir.” “哦……”卫仇脸上掠过一丝暧昧之色,笑道:“倒也是,统领來地星行省十多天了,大约……殿下是想念大人了。” Do not talk nonsense.” Lin Muyu stares saying that he is clear, even if Qin Yin loves itself again, but were Commander of Qin empire, but Qin Yin was an empress, if did not care about the Qin Yin reputation and status, that was too selfish, no matter when or where, oneself must maintain the Qin Yin this empress Your Highness face countenance. “不要胡说。”林沐雨瞪眼道,他心里非常明白,就算是秦茵再爱自己,但自己是大秦帝国的统领,而秦茵是女帝,如果自己不顾及秦茵的名声与地位,那就太自私了,无论何时何地,自己都必须要维护秦茵这位女帝殿下的颜面。 Disassembles the envelope, takes out the letter paper, above is the familiar handwriting, the Qin Yin calligraphy study from Qin Jin, now has become a standard, the handwriting is delicate and powerful, each character as if hits in the Lin Muyu's bottom of one's heart deep place is ordinary. 拆开信封,取出信纸,上面是熟悉的笔迹,秦茵的书法学自秦靳,现在已经自成一格,字迹清秀而有力,每一个字都仿佛撞击在林沐雨的心底深处一般,。 A'Yu Elder Brother goes long time, has not had any correspondence, Xiao Yin worried and thought of very that does not know A'Yu Elder Brother there, the demon clan occupies Mountain Range of Qin fortunately, the righteousness and Country Rebel army is slaughtered, the A'Yu Elder Brother imperial gentian camp goes on an expedition in the border, Xiao Yin daily to miss, wishes one could to fly side A'Yu Elder Brother, about Chang Ban, is only the daily memorial to the throne tens of thousands, does several things at the same time weak, the grandfather and billows fair are Orchid Goose City domestic field just now, merchant compete, burdensome, although A'Yu Elder Brother there sanguinary rule, but Xiao Yin wants to keep side you, missing is constantly not occupying Xiao Yin bottom of one's heart, hopes that Monarch turns over.” 阿雨哥哥一去多日,未有任何书信,小茵十分担忧、想念,不知道阿雨哥哥那里还好吗,魔族盘踞秦岭,义和国叛军正在被屠杀,阿雨哥哥御龙胆营征战于边境,小茵日日思念,恨不得能飞到阿雨哥哥身边,常伴左右,只是每天的奏章成千上万,分身乏术,外公和澜公正在为兰雁城境内的田顷、商户而争夺,不胜其烦,阿雨哥哥那里虽然腥风血雨,但小茵更想留在你身边,思念无时无刻不占据着小茵心底,盼君归。” Correspondence looks at Lin Muyu to be full is the warm feeling, he as if can hear Qin Yin to be common in the ear in a soft voice song, has beautiful woman's thinking of fondly in distant place, as if class much blood and sweat also values before. 一封书信看得林沐雨心里满是暖意,他仿佛能听到秦茵在耳边轻声细语一般,有佳人在远方的眷念,似乎在阵前流再多的血汗也值了。 Nearby, Qin Yan touches the nose to smile: Big brother, Your Highness said anything, has given us any duty.” 一旁,秦岩摸摸鼻子笑了:“大哥,殿下说什么,是不是给了我们什么任务。” No.” “沒有。” Lin Muyu turns up the correspondence, said: Chatted the daily family activity.” 林沐雨折起书信,说:“只是谈谈家常。” Fengxi said with a smile: Your Highness only remembers that with Commander related the sentiment of lovesickness, actually forgot to hand down any duty.” 风溪笑道:“难道殿下只记得跟统领诉说相思之情,却忘了传下任何任务了。” Do not gossip.” Lin Muyu lightly smiled, asked: How drilled the shield spear|gun to ride the tactical rules of camp to train.” “你们就别八卦了。”林沐雨微微一笑,问道:“锥盾枪骑营的战法训练得怎么样了。” allow Jiantao cup one fist in the other hand: Progress is amazingly quick, asking the Sir to feel relieved that we momentarily can meet head-on the demon clan, has these 300 awl shield spear|guns to ride, even if will be in the frontal battlefield we such will not suffer a loss again likely in the past.” 许剑韬抱拳:“进步神速,请大人放心,我们随时都可以迎战魔族了,有这300名锥盾枪骑,即便是正面战场上我们也绝不会再像是以往那样吃亏了。” Good.” “好。” Lin Muyu stands up, said: Transmitted orders, prepares crossbow car(riage) and crossbow artillery and other attacking a city instruments, making the awl shield spear|gun ride the camp to train well, three days later, we attack the black ink loose pass/test.” 林沐雨站起身來,道:“传令下去,准备弩车、弩炮等攻城器械,让锥盾枪骑营好好训练,三天后,我们攻打墨松关。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… Lingnan, a palatial steel and iron back wall able to move unhindered thing, the Lingnan the earth protection of righteousness and country's in the rear area, the white clouds has fluttered, the steel and iron back wall even more appears quiet incomparable, in the rapid white province, a rear area of steel and iron back wall, the arch is protecting a prosperous city, was once of evening Yangcheng empire seven big famous cities, setting sun Hou Manning manor. 岭南,一座巍峨的钢铁护墙纵横东西,将岭南义和国的大地保护在后方,白云飘过,钢铁护墙愈发显得静谧无比,迅白行省境内,一段钢铁护墙的后方,拱护着一座繁盛城池,正是曾经帝国七大名城之一的夕阳城,夕阳侯满宁的封地。 Evening Yangcheng is populous, the military strength is powerful, the territory very length and breadth of manages is also rich and populous. 夕阳城人口众多,兵力强盛,所下辖的领土也十分广袤富庶。 In the city, troops leave slowly, several thousand Cavalry protect is harnessing the carriage to go to the steel and iron back wall slowly, but the inside of steel and iron back wall, smoke from kitchen chimneys curling, the barrack of righteousness and country's links up into a single stretch, is preparing food. 城中,一支人马缓缓离开,数千名铁骑保护着一驾马车缓缓前往钢铁护墙,而钢铁护墙的内侧,炊烟袅袅,义和国的营盘连成一片,正在做饭。 Setting sun Sir Hou.” “夕阳侯大人到。” Shouts, in the barrack speeds away to come troops, what crowd front line is one wears the black mail-armor and helmet the senior general , the neckband place is wearing four Gold Star, is the righteousness and Ding Xi country seven commanders-in-chief. 一声大喊中,营盘内疾驰而來一支人马,人群最前方的是一位身穿黑色甲胄的高级将领,领口处佩戴着四枚金星,正是义和国七帅之一的丁奚。 Ding Xi Shentai is respectful, arrives at the carriage front, cup one fist in the other hand said: Ding Xi Baijian marquis.” 丁奚神态恭敬,來到马车前方,抱拳道:“丁奚拜见君侯。” The curtain screen lifts slowly, inside is an old face, setting sun uncle full Ningxia, after dispatching troops into battle accomplished Orchid Goose City to be chaotic, has attained to seal as the setting sun marquis, on the old face filled the red light extremely fat, the one side was also hugging an as pretty as a flower waiting on concubine, his lightly smiled said: Marshal Ding Xi does not need to be how polite, the situation in steel and iron back wall how.” 帘子缓缓掀开,里面是一张苍老的脸庞,夕阳伯满宁,起兵造就了兰雁城之乱后,已经获封为夕阳侯了,苍老的脸上臃肿而充满红光,一旁还搂着一名如花似玉的侍妾,他微微一笑道:“丁奚元帅不必如何客气,钢铁护墙的情况怎么样了。” All well, your marquises this time come.” “一切安好,君侯这次來是为了。” I want to mount the steel and iron back wall to have a look.” “我想登上钢铁护墙去看看。” Yes, end arranges this.” “是,末将这就去安排。” Many thanks marshal.” “多谢元帅了。” Is impolite.” “不客气。” ...... …… Under several aides support by the arm, full Ning the extremely fat body followed the stone steps to step the steel and iron back wall slowly, stood looks at the distant place in the palatial back wall, actually saw azure smoke flew. 几名侍从搀扶下,满宁臃肿的身躯缓缓顺着石阶踏上了钢铁护墙,站在巍峨的护墙上看着远方,却看到了一道道青烟飞起。 That is the rocket.” full Ning asked. “那是狼烟吗。”满宁问道。 Ding Xi shakes the head slowly, said: Your marquises, that is not the rocket, that is the demon clan burns down the smoke and fire of Hongtucheng.” 丁奚缓缓摇头,道:“君侯,那不是狼烟,那是魔族焚烧红土城的烟火。” Hongtucheng......” “红土城……” full Ning palm trembling bending down on waiting on concubine snow white arm, narrowed the eye to make an effort to look, said: Hongtucheng fell to the enemy.” 满宁的手掌颤巍巍的伏在侍妾雪白手臂上,眯着眼睛使劲看了看,说:“红土城已经沦陷了吗。” Yes, your marquises, after the demon clan defeats the Long Qianlin army breaks through Mountain Range of Qin, according to mostly the order of series, north back wall land complete sink into downcast in the hand of demon clan.” “是的,君侯,魔族击败龙千林大军攻破秦岭之后,依照大都统的命令,护墙北方的土地全部沦陷落在魔族的手中了。” Is this.” Fat on full Ning the face is entangled together slowly, shows an ugly smiling face: Has not related, Hongtucheng is barren, female also ugliness that like that the outcastes of Hongtucheng give birth, fell to the enemy then fell to the enemy, Marshal Ding Xi, please must defend the back wall, protected good evening Yangcheng, this was mostly the series gives you to the high order.” “是这样啊。”满宁脸上的肥肉缓缓纠结在一起,露出一个难看的笑容來:“沒关系,红土城贫瘠,红土城的贱民生出的女子也那般的丑陋,沦陷便沦陷了,丁奚元帅,请你务必守住护墙,保护好夕阳城,这是大都统给你的至高命令。” Yes, the subordinate knows.” “是,属下知道。” Ding the Xi cup one fist in the other hand respectful say|way, on the face of low head actually full is but indignation. 丁奚抱拳恭敬道,低下头颅的脸庞上却满是无奈与忿怒。
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