AG :: Volume #4

#390: Drills the shield

( ( Next day, the mist of misty white lingers in the jungle of Lingbei, looks at boundless from afar, in the mist green Mountain Range of Qin towers in the world palatially, in the mountain ridges Bai Qiangcheng stands rock-firm, fine park pass/test, in star provinces and rapid white provinces Mountain Range of Qin region one of the three big important passes, is leads to the military strategy of righteousness and country's heavy. 次日,白蒙蒙的雾气萦绕在岭北的丛林内,远远望去一片茫茫,雾气中青色的秦岭巍峨耸立在天地之间,山岭间一座白墙城塞巍然屹立,嘉苑关,地星行省、迅白行省之间秦岭地带的三大关口之一,也是通往义和国的兵略重地。 The hoofbeat reverberates gently, Lin Muyu raises Pear Flower Spear to progress in the front line of formation, Spiritual Pulse Technique to open slowly, the vision plunders suddenly to southeast direction, said: There.” 马蹄声轻轻回响,林沐雨提着梨花枪策马走在队列的最前方,灵脉术缓缓张开,目光猛然掠向东南方向,道:“那里。” Wei Chou fast draws out a White Diamond arrow, goes along with a Lin Muyu's hand signal arrow. 卫仇迅捷拔出一枚白钻箭,随着林沐雨的手势一箭而去。 „......” “嗷嗷……” A armor demon staggers along covered the throat to walk from the shrubbery, the White Diamond arrow shot thoroughly his throat, could not live, dropped down loudly, this was the sentry who an demon clan sent out, although the intelligence quotient of armor demon lowered astonishingly, but as if can also grasp to patrol, scout and other under the unceasing training the simple military tasks. 一名甲魔跌跌撞撞的从灌木丛里捂着喉咙走了出來,白钻箭射透了他的喉咙,已经是活不成了,轰然倒下,这是一名魔族派出的哨兵,虽说甲魔的智商低得惊人,但在不断的训练下似乎也能掌握巡哨、斥候等简单的军事任务。 „.” Wei Chou narrows the eye to ask. “还有吗。”卫仇眯着眼睛问道。 Lin Muyu shakes the head: Did not have, one will attack the fine park pass/test, does not need to talk with them, is distanced 200 meters time kills in the city wall with your strength of arm superiority directly the military appointment highest armor demon, will definitely chase down by the habit of armor demon regiment.” 林沐雨摇摇头:“沒了,一会攻打嘉苑关,不用跟他们搭话,相距200米的时候直接用你的臂力优势射杀掉城墙上军职最高的甲魔,以甲魔军团的习性肯定会追杀出來。” Yes, Commander.” “是,统领。” But in fact such as Lin Muyu thinks by no means that arrives time that the fine park closes, the front full is the dense fog, unexpectedly cannot see the armor demon in city wall, but can only hear the city borderland to transmit dingdong weapons and mail-armor and helmet impact noise, as if armor demon regiment is assembling the army, Wei Chou is bewildered, said: Cannot see, what to do.” 但事实上并非如林沐雨所想,來到嘉苑关下的时候,前方满是迷雾,居然看不到城墙上的甲魔,而只能听到城塞上传來叮叮当当的兵刃、甲胄撞击声,似乎甲魔军团正在调集军队,卫仇一脸茫然,道:“看不到,怎么办。” All right, I come.” “沒事,我來。” Lin Muyu progresses to lead the way slowly again several steps, lifts the palm under the vision of several thousand gentian camp soldiers slowly, the Saint Realm strength surges, Battle Qi howls, but condenses tornados, is in the heart law of wind imperial sword, suddenly under the airborne mist in Battle Qi leads to spin anxiously, humming sound pierces a spiral channel in the dense fog, the city inserted all within dozens meters to see clearly without doubt. 林沐雨策马缓缓再前行几步,在数千名龙胆营士兵的目光下缓缓抬起手掌,圣域力量涌动,斗气呼啸而出凝聚出一道道旋风,正是以风御剑的心法,一时间空中的雾气在斗气带动下急旋起來,“嗡嗡”的在迷雾中洞穿出一个螺旋通道來,城塞上数十米内的一切就已经洞察无疑了。 Good.” “好。” Wei Chou cheered, lifted the hand to pick up the bow nocking suddenly, whiz a White Diamond arrow arrow flew once again, armor demon Hundred-Man Commander of city borderland retroceded accordingly, was an arrow puts on the throat, Wei Chou this emperor ** the first marksman truly was not has unearned reputation, perhaps was also slightly better compared with veteran Xu Ying that wonderful archery, what a pity Xu Ying died in battle in the winter frost city, otherwise was an empire brave general. 卫仇一声喝彩,猛然抬手拈弓搭箭,“嗖”一枚白钻箭矢再度飞了出去,城塞上的一名甲魔百夫长应声后退到底,又是一箭穿喉,卫仇这帝**第一神箭手确实不是浪得虚名的,恐怕就算是比起老将徐鹰那种神乎其神的箭术也要略胜一筹,可惜徐鹰在冬霜城战死了,否则又是一名帝国猛将。 Lin Muyu sighs with emotion one secretly, the distant place also hears the opening the door sound that the city has filled, as well as the demon clan language of armor demons, was yelling, the footsteps were disorderly, these armor demons have chased down. 林沐雨暗暗感慨一声,远方也传來了城塞的开门声,以及甲魔们的魔族语,嗷嗷大叫着,脚步凌乱,这些甲魔已经追杀出來了。 Retreats slowly.” “缓缓撤退。” Lin Muyu entrains the reins, instigates to stroll in the snow retrocedes slowly, works to be hanging in the warhorse side treasure carves the bow, turns around to draw the full moon, whiz an arrow goes, this arrow contains the profound strength that the asterism is peeping, bang the penetration chest armor of armor demon, penetrated the rear armor demon the head, the strength is much stronger. 林沐雨一拽缰绳,策动踏雪缓缓后退,同时也抓起悬挂在战马侧面的宝雕弓,转身拉成满月,“嗖”一箭而去,这一箭蕴含着星芒初现的玄力,“嘭”的穿透了一名甲魔的胸甲,紧接着穿透后方一名甲魔的脑袋,力道强得惊人。 Wei Chou and Fengxi look at each other, read out the shock from the opposite party eye, Fengxi is saying of not mincing matter: Saint Realm cultivates for the strength truly is not we can compare.” 卫仇和风溪相视一眼,都从对方的眼中读出了震惊,风溪更是毫不掩饰的说道:“圣域修为的力量确实不是我们能够相比的。” Lin Muyu progresses to speed away, lightly smiled: Relax, you will happen one day can also achieve this boundary, walks, bringing the demon clan armor demon regiment to go to seven zhang (3.33 m) forest.” 林沐雨策马疾驰,微微一笑:“放心吧,你们终有一天也能达到这个境界,走吧,带魔族甲魔军团去七丈林。” Yes.” “是。” In the fall early morning sunlight sprinkles in the jungle, exposes to the sun the person is very sluggish, but the soldiers in gentian camp do not dare to idle, unceasing projects the arrow rain toward the rear armor demon group, at the same time progresses is maintaining the distance, the strength of armor demons is truly astonishing, is distanced more than 100 meters to throw strength vigorous lance, battle-axe and other weapons as before, puff the penetration gentian camp cavalry body, massacres dozens people in an instant. 秋日里清晨的阳光洒落在丛林里,晒得人十分懒散,但龙胆营的士兵们可不敢懈怠,一个个不断的向着后方的甲魔群中射出箭雨,一边策马保持着距离,甲魔们的战力确实惊人,相距100多米依旧能投掷出劲道浑厚的长矛、战斧兵刃,“噗噗噗”的穿透龙胆营骑兵的身躯,转眼之间就杀掉数十人。 Lin Muyu frowns, dying in battle of each soldier made him heavier, the war was not the game, armor demon by far in wanting compared with imagination fearfully. 林沐雨皱着眉头,每一名士兵的阵亡都让他心里更加沉重一些,战争不是游戏,甲魔远远比想象中的要可怕了许多。 When proceeds again, one group of gentian camp soldiers have been aiding, Thousand-Man Commander grazes to go forward, cup one fist in the other hand said in a low voice: Sir Commander, the trap and arrow box has arranged, the arrow box in the right, by the scarlet cloth mark, the trap in the left, by the plain white cloth mark, inviting Commander must be careful.” 再往前时,一群龙胆营士兵已经在接应了,一名千夫长飞掠上前,抱拳低声道:“统领大人,陷阱和箭箱都已经安排好了,箭箱在右侧,以红布标记,陷阱在左侧,以白布标记,请统领务必小心。” Knew.” “知道了。” Lin Muyu raises the eyebrow, said: Follows, waits for armor demon to come the time me, the arrow box must the earliest possible time ten thousand arrows fire, only compels to take the path of trap them.” 林沐雨一扬眉,道:“跟我走,等甲魔过來的时候,箭箱必须第一时间万箭齐发,把他们逼得只能走陷阱的道路。” Yes, Commander.” “是,统领。” Lin Muyu issues an order, several thousand gentian camp Cavalry speed along, under bringing Lin Muyu's to lead from the plain white cloth gaps to shuttle back and forth, but behind, after crossing the trap, immediately creates a clamor loudly, but rear about 3000 armor demons have almost turned out in full strength, brandishes the lance, battle-axe , etc. to bellow. 林沐雨一声令下,数千龙胆营铁骑飞驰而过,带林沐雨的率领下从白布的间隙之间穿梭而过,而身后,过了陷阱之后马上大声鼓噪起來,而后方的大约3000名甲魔几乎已经倾巢而出了,一个个挥舞长矛、战斧等嗷嗷大吼着。 Arrow box, launch.” That Thousand-Man Commander loud order said that the next moment, about 50 arrow boxes launch on the flat land together, falls in torrents 5000 steel arrows instantaneously, the might is astonishing. “箭箱,发射。”那千夫长大声命令道,下一刻,近50架箭箱在平地上一起发射,瞬间倾泻出5000枚钢箭,威力惊人。 puff......” “噗噗噗……” The blood scatters, fire lethality frightening of ultra short distance, sinks the fierce steel arrow to pass armor demon the body, nails tight armor demons on the big tree in jungle, but does not have armor demon dumbfounded standing of arrow by luck there, they have not experienced the might of human arrow box, turns around to walk hurriedly, kills to rush to Lin Muyu's military deserter to go directly. 鲜血四溅,超近距离的射击杀伤力十分恐怖,沉猛的钢箭直透甲魔的身躯,将一个个甲魔钉死在丛林里的大树上,而侥幸沒有中箭的甲魔则一个个目瞪口呆的站在那里,他们可从來沒有见识过人类箭箱的威力,一个个急忙转身就走,直接杀奔林沐雨的“逃兵”而去。 Actually if armor demon starts to the attack of arrow box army, in 2 minutes can kill the light this crowd of gentian camps absolutely, what a pity armor demons also know that the frightened feeling, by arrow box round killing to the scared out of one's wits, this was already guessed by forest Mu Yu. 其实甲魔如果发动对箭箱部队的进攻,2分钟内绝对可以把这群龙胆营砍杀光,可惜甲魔们也知道恐惧的感觉,早就被箭箱这一轮的射杀给吓破胆了,这被林沐雨猜个正着。 But right has the arrow box to snap, the left has trap able to move unhindered in waiting for them, in an instant dashed about wildly armor demon to crash several hundred people in the gulf, about 78 meters depth, how whatever they vibrated the wing unable to fly. 但右侧有箭箱乱射,左侧却有纵横的陷阱在等着他们,转眼之间狂奔中的甲魔就已经坠落了数百人在深坑之中,近78米的深度,任凭他们如何震动翅膀也飞不上來。 Works as.” “当。” Lin Muyu draws out the sharp sword, said: Has caught a turtle in a jar, kills completely, does not remain.” 林沐雨拔出利剑,道:“瓮中捉鳖了,全部射杀掉,一个不留。” Yes, Commander.” “是,统领。” One crowd of gentian camp soldier one after another progress to arrive at around the trap, the chaotic arrow fires a salvo, the armor demon in pit can only be killed hands tied, an opportunity of revolt does not have, in an instant is several hundred armor demons is killed. 一群龙胆营士兵纷纷策马來到陷坑周围,乱箭齐放,坑内的甲魔只能束手被杀,一点反抗的机会都沒有,转眼之间又是数百名甲魔被杀。 The trap opposite, armor demons about 50 meters away, in the crowd, wears the armor demon fang of being bewitched clan Thousand-Man Commander military rank to shiver, rise distant looks at Lin Muyu, in that scarlet eye pupil full is the hatred, his numerous raises the lance, bellows: Net Bassow.” 陷坑对面,大约50米外的甲魔们一个个目瞪口呆,人群中,一个佩戴着魔族千夫长军衔的甲魔獠牙颤抖,抬头遥遥的看着林沐雨,那猩红色的眼眸中满是恨意,他重重的将长矛一扬,大吼一声:“冈巴索。” Immediately, one crowd of armor demon one after another turn around to retrocede, they retreated. 顿时,一群甲魔纷纷转身后退,他们撤退了。 This time, armor demon does not fight to draw back unexpectedly. 这一次,甲魔居然不战而退。 Lin Muyu the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards tighten looks that this crowd of armor demons retreat by far, the look of that demon clan general let some of his bottom of one's heart round of cold a moment ago, these armor demons are not the simple idiots, their intelligence quotient as if also step by step in evolving, a moment ago in the look of this armor demon general, not only has the anger, more warned that warned one are waiting for the revenge of armor demon regiment. 林沐雨剑眉紧锁的看着这群甲魔远远退去,刚才那魔族将军的眼神让他心底有些发寒,这些甲魔不是简单的蠢货,他们的智商似乎也一步步的在进化着,刚才这个甲魔将军的眼神里不但有愤怒,更多的则是警告,警告自己等着甲魔军团的复仇。 Wei Chou hangs down slowly the long bow in hand, deeply inspired, unbelievable saying with a smile: Sir, we...... We won...... In we fought in the open country won armor demon regiment.” 卫仇将手里的长弓缓缓低垂下來,深吸了一口气,难以置信的笑道:“大人,我们……我们胜了……我们在野外战斗里胜了甲魔军团了。” Lin Muyu nods gently. 林沐雨轻轻点头。 Immediately, in the crowd bursts into the cheers that soars to the heavens, this was the first equal number of regiment resistance of human on the flat land in has probably won armor demon, although said with the aid of the arrow box and trap might, but was one wins as before, this fought also sufficiently proved armor demon regiment in the field operation was not invincible. 顿时,人群中爆发出冲天的欢呼声,这大约是人类在平地上第一次同等数量的军团对抗里赢了甲魔吧,虽然说借助了箭箱和陷坑的威力,不过依旧是一场大胜,这一战也足以证明甲魔军团在野战中并不是无敌的了。 The point considers as finished the victory, a war kills 1128 armor demon soldiers, but gentian camp also buckle about hundred people, in this overwhelming superiority the soldier who in fine weather and favorable geographical position under unexpectedly as before can kill about hundred gentian camp complete mail-armor and helmets, the powerful strength of armor demon can be inferred. 点算了一下战果,一战杀死1128名甲魔战士,但龙胆营也折损了近百人,在这种绝对优势的天时地利下居然依旧能杀死近百龙胆营全副甲胄的战士,甲魔的强悍战力可见一斑。 As before, knocks the Xiajia demons fang to take the spoils of war, one and received their mail-armor and helmets and weapons, these are the iron hardware, the iron hardware in the wartime years is the most precious object. 依旧,敲下甲魔们的獠牙作为战利品,将他们的甲胄、兵刃也一并收了,这些都是铁器,在战争年代里铁器就是至宝。 On the face of Wei Chou full is the feeling pleased look, looked that somewhat is actually astonished to the Lin Muyu's time however, asked: Commander, you are why depressed.” 卫仇的脸上满是喜滋滋的神色,看向林沐雨的时候却有些讶然,问道:“统领,你为何闷闷不乐的。” Lin Muyu said with a worried look: I worried that perhaps our following wars will have disadvantageously.” 林沐雨愁眉不展道:“我担心咱们接下來的战事恐怕会有所不利。” „, How Commander this saying said.” “哦,统领这话怎么说。” armor demon was getting more and more intelligent, before we close again, will challenge to fear them again not to chase down us to make us ambush, but we must always take the black ink loose pass/test and fine park to close these important passes, must with their war, Wei Chou, in the frontal battlefield, we have the odds of success to armor demon directly, they also will at least have 5000 military strength.” “甲魔越來越聪明了,我们再去关前挑战恐怕他们就不会再追杀我们那么远让我们埋伏了,而我们始终都要拿下墨松关、嘉苑关这些关口,必须跟他们正面一战,卫仇,在正面战场上,咱们对上甲魔有胜算吗,他们至少还有5000兵力。” This......” “这……” Wei Chou knits the brows, said: Commander said is, subordinate has not thought far......” 卫仇一皱眉,道:“统领说得是,属下沒有想得那么远……” Walks, how went back to have a look at Ah'Yan that side war.” “走吧,回去看看阿岩那边的战事怎么样了。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… Returns to arrange Gucheng, 5000 gentian camps that soon, Qin Yan leads also came back, but only came back more than 4500 people, the buckle about 500 people, have killed more than 1300 armor demons using the trap, is a hard victory. 回到布谷城,不久之后,秦岩所率领的5000龙胆营也回來了,不过只回來了4500多人,折损了近500人,利用陷阱杀死1300多名甲魔,算是一场惨胜。 In the afternoon, the core of gentian camp barrack, in the armed forces tent, both sides one crowd of military officer simultaneously separations, the post-war conference, is waiting for the Lin Muyu's instruction. 午后,龙胆营营盘的核心,中军帐内,一群将领齐齐分立两侧,战后会议,等待着林沐雨的指令。 Lin Muyu is cleaning the Dragon Spirit sword cautiously, greases to sword blade, cleans again repeatedly. 林沐雨正小心翼翼的擦拭着龙灵剑,给剑刃上油,再反复擦拭。 Commander, the person arrived in full.” The Wei Chou reminder said. 统领,人到齐了。”卫仇提醒道。 „.” “哦。” Lin Muyu puts aside long sword at the long table, stands up saying: In the morning a war, everybody also saw the strength of demon clan, had anything to say that said freely.” 林沐雨把长剑搁置在长案上,站起身说道:“上午一战,大家也看到魔族的战力了,都有什么想说的,尽管说吧。” Fengxi said: Sir, we in the open country truly are not armor demon matches, even if they have 5000 people, we as before are not the matches, this did not say things just to frighten people.” 风溪道:“大人,我们在野外确实不是甲魔的对手,纵然他们只有5000人,我们依旧不是对手,这不是危言耸听。” Yes.” The forest washes the raindrop to nod: Everybody has any means.” “是啊。”林沐雨点点头:“大家有什么办法。” In the crowd, Thousand-Man Commander cup one fist in the other hand said: Commander, end thinks that we must find out means that can enable us to be able on the flat land with a armor demon war.” 人群中,一名千夫长抱拳道:“统领,末将认为我们应当想出一个办法,能让我们在平地上可以与甲魔一战。” „.” “哦。” Lin Muyu rise looks, this person is a temple people, Earth Realm Third Layer day expert, named allow Jiantao, fight brave, therefore was washed the rain to promote by the forest is Thousand-Man Commander. 林沐雨抬头一看,这人是圣殿中人,一个地境第三重天的强者,名叫许剑韬,战斗骁勇,所以被林沐雨擢升为千夫长 General allow has anything to suggest.” Lin Muyu asked. “许将军有什么建议吗。”林沐雨问道。 allow Jiantao said respectfully: Commander, end also and armor demon has encountered on the flat land repeatedly, according to end the observation, armor charm greatly will be infinite, sword not to enter, the single body strength probably cultivates with Earth Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer of humanity for is equal . Moreover, weapons of armor demon mostly use is the heavy lance, adopts to puncture the way to puncture suddenly thoroughly the body of match, but the shield of our gentian camp mostly is the round shield and carapace surface shield and steel shield, the lance of extremely easy jacket demon punctures directly thoroughly, therefore, the subordinate suggested...... We can the forging awl shield.” 许剑韬恭敬道:“统领,末将也和甲魔在平地上多次交锋过,根据末将的观察,甲魔力大无穷、刀剑不入,单体战力大约与人类的地境二重天修为者相等,而且,甲魔大多使用的兵刃是沉重的长矛,采取突刺方式将对手的身躯刺透,而我们龙胆营的盾牌大多是圆盾、龟甲面盾、钢盾,极容易被甲魔的长矛正面刺透,所以,属下建议……我们可以铸造锥盾。”
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